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pay much more than you wanted to pay for quality is rather in the shoes that I have the videos I found actually and recently that Buy and stay attached to more likes as it is in this feel comfortable are I liked the ones we created very something like that that I liked so comfortable and I decided to stay with him with they and this one I told Ruben to today before of the auction I have many things right now I told him and I said ruben and you know that Now I will try not to buy much because I have many things now and look what I did 30 or 30 but you pay because I liked it too much for 3 thousand dollars skates the truth this and the good thing is that here they grab the letter from the bank that they let me pay with my bank box and for that can buy it let's see how it go this big one has the unit here from 2016 that has been four years the changes or buy it is to extend the first thing 30 by 30 a person to me who has a house so big that can have things that fit 30 by 30 a four-room house fits like a 10 by 30 and these are 30 by 30 are 11 if they have a store or I don't know what but look here these metals looked at each other interesting those over there and he tells me here to down and looked at some horns of deer if you see them there that looked very interesting back here also that box although it looks interesting and it's up there back minus 30 feet for already 33 30 feet over there and 30 feet over there is interesting is the most that has spent in units 5 thousand 900 dollars It's very good and I didn't like this one liked a lot let's see how we go The jewelry as today they are like he gives me gas as a detergent if this looked interesting let's see what wright says 16s difference consumer services from soccer championships says this time james mus from the loop in the hardware directed by word exel is a teacher that's the teacher Tarragona seaworld softball look at this what is that service world 6 hybrid of gina state of words de when they were in the military it's weird note how many are many different places over football schilling I don't know how weird, that's what made me throw open in this but I don't think it tells me what to think right now it's weird so interesting is from know that I hope it's not a school here says staff in europe and he knows that this was going to work for me now for assumes beasts and nothing or was going to work now or anger and hopefully not be a school I was on hook if outside a school those balloons are miracles is not robbery look another balloon is big okay moment for a little worried if it is a school and it won't be good until the hitch hopefully that is not this bike an era also at first old lady a little old lady will look bad I hope it is not a school and stadiums of jackets and jackets and best of anarchy i don't know anything i prefer it to be a store more than a school let's see I think this will let us know what that maybe what is all that or not everything but many of the hours ah from the school d I don't know if it's good or bad but I think it will be one of the schools of hopefully not 10th many moorings are good not all are new that price 179 Dollars you know what I think I will do this look later marcho fidentiis this means that it's a trophy and shirt store and jackets like that will be good that's what it's going to be because look at all the medals can also be but is what happens in that we look at how they have also but but it was almost positive that it's going to do that or almost positive as if all schools yes yes yes for schools of all that as a trophy shop throw a voracity since 100 99 but that also costs a lot of money imagine if we put them on the internet at 100 dollars each imagine if they cost 100 to 100 79 imagine 100 each are alone there many Jesus himself I think they are from different sizes too that sexism but it should also be fine I think I don't know what to think I don't know if it's a thing good to find those things or if it's a interesting bad things that are said also jackets and you see what will they see massera the boots was also ok you'll see projects are also water they are good those were many uniforms is where are you going back at 27 dollars more jackets jackets there are many jackets way 100 99 voices let's start yet it's interesting what else can a trophy shop i don't know may have gold rings but I think he is not nervous I know it's prime course the new good five years the software this meal is 72 hours long for 4 people and is closed and that to me plus the beautiful ones are three 1 2 3 also also to the store what it's ok with shoes and bags and boots we'll see I like other from coaching I hope sports coach that's markin i in chinese look for this halloween is it so I do not see brand 2 799 and are 6 see a second is made And that's not good another second was from 12 99 1999 and that was not look it's so good for snow that it would be a second maybe he had a second one leg right now let's see look at those 799 the high heels and I think the woman is a second one a clothing store or save maybe not it's good to move things like the bags 83 or not but not before also completed the box I don't know if cooking stuff did things of cooking coaching at least to look how do you clean things more or less than age and to watch baby movies is that is the chip to repair a tt in great thrust for a mouse or a drink father rum zacapa another truth Y look here well It's a light with sunshine and in all the things that are coming out here they are sold in auctions that is fine such about 1 dollar 2 dollars 30 are added of the 45 dollars are added is already all right ah It has a little taste ah do not Enough but no new and I don't know a pomp this is a base the water is fine too i and there are of these positions are sold in addition they are sold and that too many caps and now it's signed toshiba who sign them nyse here today toshiba classless by beach u2 osasuna to someone who plays this game so he signed in 2005 file that's a good deed good they had also separated I like all of these things and more well many bags good but a fat efe my level is a beautiful babies Y place money today enclosure here always sold to auction here but this is so you leave the food but the water was heated because I don't know hot so that no ice comes out of the water many hooks in love yes to vegetables for garden to hang a bicycle a few drops we are going ah let's study here it will be a shop ok this is good military harp this food let's heal many lights now is the writing why this time and if with christmas things this train one two Three pure gold stones the money is already back and 9a one thing this is going to be everything for this video is the part one will see it is not depended as the good and like a bad thing not until I know against the parties back if it comes out good there are going to be many parts and I don't know see such good news in many places in I like to teach this channel business be good be bad if tie good if I lose good if I win good me like to teach reality thank you very much for watching the video this is the first part I don't know how many parts they are going out this girl I like it is a hammock and let's see how we spend alright a lot of money let's see if we are going well certainly the bad one that sometimes is with money back or profit thank you very much for watching thanks ruben for help me you want to say something and I don't know what to think right now I'm not nervous for tourist in the local says Google thank you very much for watching see you at the part of bless you goodbye
Channel: Comprando Depositos Abandonados
Views: 2,112,443
Rating: 4.6887155 out of 5
Keywords: storage wars espanol, almacenes abandonados, subasta de contenedores, subastadecontenedores, buscando tesoro, que compre, comprando bodegas abandonadas, depositos abandonados, storage auction, storage auction videos, subasta, videos de storage, real storage subasta, bought a storage unit, compre un storage, compre un estorage, subasta de bodegas, bodegas abandonadas, quien da mas?, quien da mas, Almacen Abandonado, almacenes, subasta de almacenes
Id: ZRdLvom66MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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