The Most Fundamental Problem of Gravity is Solved

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[Music] welcome to real physics the most fundamental  problem of gravity is solved. I know this sounds   like an overstatement but in one respect  what I'm reporting today will give you a   deeper understanding than the current theories of  Newton and even Einstein we have and nonetheless   you might not even have heard of the problem.  so it's not of very practical use and will not   help you weightlifting but it touches the very  fundamentals of our understanding of reality   that is the origin of inertia and gravity. and  yes it's published in a 70-year-old paper so   if you are really familiar with Newton's bucket  and its application applications and with Foucault pendulum you may skip to the times stamp given in  the description. But otherwise I would urge you   to lean back and let me explain what the problem  is and let it sink in because we tend to suppress   mentally problems until we have solved them. And  this is a deep one. Now all starts with Newton's   postulate of absolute space and time and he said  okay let's start physics with here is time here   is space and space is unaccelerated, it exists  in an absolute manner and he tries to prove this   with his famous bucket experiment. He rotates a  bucket filled with water until friction transfers   to the water and makes it a curved surface and  he says okay this way we know what rotation is   and if you have a rotating frame you see the the  water surface level climbing up the walls and   on the other hand if you have a flat surface you  know that you are in a unaccelerated rest frame   without any forces. Sounds very simple but (there was also Bishop Berkeley) now in 1883 Ernst Mach   comes along with a very profound objection and  he says hold on wait a second I'm not convinced   I don't believe absolute space that's a concept  that you cannot prove as a matter of principle . And there might be another explanation okay so  Mach says Newton's experiment with the rotating   water vessel simply tells you that the relative  motion of the water with respect to the sides of   the vessels creates no noticeable centrifugal  forces but that such forces are produced by the   relative rotation with respect to the earth and  the other celestial objects no no one can say how   the experiment would turn out if the walls of the  vessel increased in thickness and mass eventually   reaching a thickness of several miles and he  thought of course even more what's his intention   here is that the distant masses out there in in  the universe determine what is rest what is our   absolute frame and that's very deep. You can  look at this in a couple of ways if you observe   that the the surface of the water is curved  okay but what would if if you rotate the vessel   but what would happen if the vessel is at rest and  you let the universe rotate outside and of course   Newton's answer would be nothing would happen I  mean that surface would remain flat the distance   masses don't have an influence on that because we  know what absolute space is okay and Mach says no I   don't believe that I would rather believe that the  distant masses in the in the universe would create   a similar force that makes the water surface  curve well I have discussed this recently   in a real physics talk with Andre Assis and there  is also a very nice visualization of the Newton   bucket with dialect the YouTube channel but let's pinpoint the epistemological problem here:  Whether you believe Mach or Newton never mind but  there is a problem Newton's bucket you can see   it as a dynamical experiment that determines what  is absolute space and another dynamical experiment   is Foucault's pendulum that tells you that the Earth  is rotating so you have these kind of dynamical   experiments that determine the rest frames and  of course you also can look out to the universe   and see what is not really rotating what is  at rest you look at galaxies and the distant   quers and nowadays we have this very precise  measurements so here is the point you can see   what is at rest and you can also feel with the  dynamic experiments what is at rest and these two   frames nobody wonders very much about that these  two frames coincide there is the same that means   we're not observing that the universe is rotating  okay but here's the problem there is no no reason   for that in Newton's Theory Newton would say  okay that's just coincidence but as a physicist   you don't want to believe in coincidences you  want an explanation and it's very irritating   that there is no explanation in Newton's theory  for this coincidence of absolute frames and even   more disconcertingly, even in Einstein's general  relativity there is no explanation even if Einstein took some ideas from Mach. But in in that  sense general relativity lacks explanatory power   for this strange coincidence of inal frames now I  have mentioned the problem several times and there   is also I mentioned also this nice paper by lint  Bell and cuts but let's say it's nothing compared   to this real gem in the history of physics this  1953 paper of the British-Egyptian cosmologist   Denise Sciama and he actually solves the problem  it's incredible but I myself didn't realize this   for a long time now how I came to know Sciama's  paper I was pondering a long time ago about   Mach's principle and how to possibly calculate  the gravitational constant and arrived with   a very simple reasoning at the formula for the  gravitational Constant and immediately thought well   somebody else must have thought about this and so  I looked up Sciama's paper and indeed there was the   same formula and it's very very simple but very  intriguing it basically says um the potential   the gravitational potential of the entire universe  you take the sum over all masses divided by the   respective distance with a gravitational constant  equals c^2 so I read Sciama's paper but somehow I did   not appreciate very much the way how he arrived at  this result and I did not really appreciate enough   the details and overlooked completely that he had  solved the other important problem so let's have   a look at Sciama's original paper we have it here so  what Sciama does basically he defines a potential   that is mass divided by distance and note here  is there is still no gravitational constant here   uh you can phrase this as an integral it's the  same thing as the sum over masses divided by the   relative distance you can also phrase it as the  density divided by the distance and integrate   over the volume so this would be just kilogram  over meters what he calls potential and then he   develops an analogy with the electric and magnetic  field and says okay let's assume that there is   a vector potential and there is then you can  derive certain forces from this Vector potential   but at the time somehow it did not convince  me it seemed to me like he was trying to set   up some strange analogy with electrodynamics  and tried to unify maybe electrodynamics and   I was convinced no it's not possible and that  I still think it's not possible unless I'm   really mistaken but uh what's interesting here  I mean it it's useful if you're familiar with   the formalism in Electrodynamics just look at or  just remind you that the electric field can be computed from   the gradient of a potential and then you add the  time derivative of the vector potential and the   magnetic field can be derived by the curl of that  Vector potential so but as I as I said I failed   to recognize the significance of all this and even  if I had mentioned the problem let's say I didn't   understand properly the paper unless recently  a guy from Bristol approached me saying that he   was doing a PhD on Sciama's thesis and and I said okay  interesting send your papers and I had a look   at the papers and still I didn't realize unless  my friend and collaborator Yan Preuss who is   a co-author of that paper on Mach's principle he  said to me you got to look at this this is really   interesting and now if eventually we had a look  at Fay's paper which is very didactical and I   will show you some uh this is still unpublished  I hope he will publish it soon but it's it's very   didactical now as I said he recounts what's  in Sciama's paper and then he has this section   a rotating homogeneous universe and now just  again repeating this would still be just   the Mass over distance with the unit kilogram over  meters this integral over the density and now what   he does is this is the zeroth component of  this Vector potential and he adds a term which   accounts for the relativistic invariance that what  makes the the four potential Lorentz invariant so in   a way it's a technicality but you recognize here  Omega square, Omega is the rotational velocity   Omega square R square would be the usual V square the  speed and v^2 over c^2 is a well-known expression   in special relativity and then he writes down  the potential of a rotating Universe I should   have mentioned that the other three components  are just the same potential times the velocity   divided by the uh speed of light and that's the  same definition used by Fay in his section of   rotating universe and now he applies this to the  problem of a rotating frame for example the first   component would be the Velocity in two direction  the second component would be minus the Velocity   in One Direction and the zero in the third  Direction and then you have this potential and   now you try to derive these analogous quantities  to the electric and magnetic field and you have   the gradient of the zeroth component and you  have the time derivative of the rest of the   three components this is the vector here and  now the time derivative of this three   components which is basically the time derivative  of the Velocity that means is the acceleration so   you have one side of the equation the acceleration  and then the other side something very interesting   happens you have due to this uh gradient you have  not omega square but you have just an R Vector here   if you take the gradient and that means you have  omega r/ c^2 that is your centrifugal force! Here it is, once you are in a rotating Universe  a little bit off-center you automatically get   from this potential the yeah what's called the  inertial force caused by the rotational motion   the centrifugal force that's a fantastic result  and well Sciama phrases it you can imagine   now that you are on the earth at rest and Foucault's pendulum is pulled around by the rotating Universe   now we have introduced this Machian version and put  it into a real formula into a real theory that   indeed realizes Mach's suggestion that the distant  masses in the universe would be responsible for   inertia and if we could perform that thought  experiment let the universe rotate around us   indeed it would curve the water surface in the  bucket and would also influence Foucault's pendulum as   we know and now another technicality is that you  get the Coriolis Force if you apply this curl   to the vector potential you get the Coriolis force  here but I haven't mentioned the big one! The big   one is the next section here and Fay considers  not a homogeneous rotating universe but a Universe   At rest but with a mass at the center and that  means a inhomogeneity and where's the section   yeah here we are so uh this usual potential you  would add that little potential say from the Sun   or from the earth and now you do the very same  calculation okay it's the very same formulas you   apply the gradient to the 0th component this  one 1/ c um time derivative of the spatial three   components gives you time derivative of the  Velocity which is again acceleration so here   we have nothing else but the acceleration in this  term and now but you if you have the homogeneous   universe and you have just one mass at the center  and you take the gradient since it's homogeneous   everywhere all this vanishes and you have just  this local component which is m / R^2 you see   the inverse Square law popping out here but on  the other side of the equation you have still   the contribution of the entire universe here  the potential as defined by Sciama but it's just a   potential with the units kilograms over meters okay so  what but what you can do obviously here pull it   to the other side of the equation and then you  have your expression for the local acceleration   which is basically the inverse Square law m /  R^2 but what's missing here is a gravitational   constant and here it is okay this term c^2 over  the sum over the masses over the respective   distances that's a gravitational constant okay  and we know that the coincidence is there as as   as far as orders of magnitude are considered it's  the correct order of magnitude 6. 67 * 10- 11   m^3/s^2 kg; this is the gravitational  constant and he derives it from this very simple   ansatz of this Vector potential so if you go here  you can Define this is nothing else than the thing   I showed before the gravitational constant so you  have really a unifying pict picture here in which   from the same formalism the origin of inertia  and the origin of gravity arises I I I'm just   baffled by this I'm just this this still just  blows my mind and let's let's read what how Fay comments on this and we recognize Big G as  the Newton gravitational constant but the difference   is now that G is not a universal constant  as some godness some arbitary number invented by   the Creator you don't want that as a physicist ... Rather it is inversely proportional to the   gravitational potential of the entire universe  the smallness of G and it's very tiny and thus   the weakness of the gravitational force is simply  an outcome of the vastness of our observable   universe in relation to any nearby Mass (isn't  that beautiful!) moreover the appearent constancy   of G is merely a consequence of the relative  constancy of the cosmological environment the   most groundbreaking result of Sciama's model is  however that gravity necessarily exists as a   direct result of March's principle that is of  the necessity to define a law of inertia in a   wholly relational manner that's referring to the  bucket problem and the two interpretations of we   might see that uh curved surface yeah in a wholly relational manner in the absence of any absolute   physical structures since the mass of the universe  is not homogeneously distributed the inertial   field which defines motion and the absence of  other forces cannot be homogeneous either the   expression of this necessary in homogeneity  is the inertial field of the inertial field   is simply what gravity is so I mean yeah as I  said I think you have I have to you have to let   that sink in in a little bit but it's really  a bold and beautiful result and it's a result   that properly realizes Mach's principle Mach   had suspected that inertia had its origin in all   masses in the universe and as a consequence he  also suggested that gravity has its origin in all   masses in the universe and that if you remember  implicates a little bit the equivalence principle   that later was used by Einstein to derive general  relativity in which you say gravity and inertia   is essentially the same thing and here we have  a formalism a model from which it really comes   out and of course another consequence of that  Mach's principle is that you can now compute   the gravitational constant it's it's as I have  mentioned many times it's very unsatisfactory from   an epistemological point of view that you need to  postulate a god-given constant that rules all the   universe no you want to understand you want to  compute that number and this is what can be done   in Sciama's model that realizes Mach's principle now  it's really I'm you see I'm I'm really excited   I'm I'm really enthusiastic about it but to be  fair to be honest there are still some problems   how to connect this with other known facts and  um Sciama also was aware of this and he had a thesis   in which he introduces also a metric I think  that's the correct way to replace one day the   vector potential and he also mentions that's very  interesting a refractive index of space and that   points to another very smart idea in um gravity  an idea I have made a lot of videos about that of   a paper of Robert Dicke now what did Robert Dicke do he basically applies the same formula also as in Sciama's paper even if he was not aware of it  but what dick does is developing a the theory of   variable speed of light that explains the effects  of general relativity such as light deflection red shift and Shapiro time delay interestingly  this also relates to an old idea of Einstein   Einstein in 1911 thought about variable speed  of light and actually variable speed of light   was Einstein's first idea when he considered the  equivalence principle but let's remember general   relativity is fantastic and describes the results  in a very elegant manner but it lacks explanatory   power in two very important aspects it does  not compute the gravitational constant and it   does not explain this strange coincidence  of our dynamical and visual measurements   of what means being at rest I should mention  here also Erwin Schrödinger who also suggested in   1925 that the potential of the entire universe  might be the square of the speed of light which   is Sciama's basic formula so you see all this  is very nicely interlinked I've made a playlist   about this variable speed of flight theories with  all different aspects history Mach's principle also   there is also a nice relation to Dirac's large numbers  and to modern problems of Hubble redshift and   Dark Energy the only thing which is missing  is that really spectacular Insight of Denis Sciama in 1953 that explanation or that unification of  gravity and inertia and yeah I like very much   this caricature you see here uh a rotating bucket  and Newton is in the center and here is Einstein   struggling with rotating frames and accelerated  motion and general covariance and so on and out   there far distant in the universe is ma and you're  tempted to place here also Denis Sciama because I   think he really made an essential contribution  even if it might not be completely worked out .  but I think the idea is really great and well it's  it's it's very ironic that I mean Mach formulated   the idea or his objections to Newton's gravity in  1883 and it took 70 years until 1953 for Sciama to   solve the problem now we have another 70 years 20  of which I was unaware that the solution existed   so progress sometimes seems very slow in physics  and I guess it's a general problem of our way of   thinking we focus too much on details on parts of  what is important and we are focusing too much on   the present we're lacking the holistic view so  to speak. so I My Philosophy is a little bit like   Wittgenstein's if you want to understand something  if you want to solve a problem go to the place   where there is oversight go to a place where you  see the big picture even if the details of that   picture might not be clear. Yet but we certainly  have a problem in modern physics we develop fancy   theories but if you look for instant I mean how  clueless Richard Feynman was about the problem   of inertia he was curious and interested but he  was clueless in the end and and the result was   already published so I think we have a problem  with our current scientific culture and this   is addressed in my my book Make Physics Great  Again let's take a view on the real important   problems I'm tempted to say let me know in the  comments what you think about but honestly if   you want to delve into this problem you have  to read something you have to work and well a   starting point is as I said the the papers I  mentioned and my VSL playlist here is a paper   in the Annalen der Physik about the early version of these  thoughts and there is also a book Einstein's Lost Key   that deals entirely with variable speed of light  and this Machian ideas and the relation to Schrödinger and Sciama and Dicke who substantially improved  Einstein's thoughts and also Dirac's large numbers I   think it's very interesting that we can today have  a look at all this because these people had no   internet had no search engines they were unaware  of their best ideas no Einstein didn't know Dirac, Dirac   didn't know Einstein's best idea that's very kind  of tragic and I tried to give a summary of all   these theories centered around variable speed of  light and machian ideas. if you enjoy the video don't   forget to like it and if you're interested  in fundamental physics subscribe to this channel.
Channel: Unzicker's Real Physics
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Id: BpQ0T7rDWm0
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Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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