The Most Frustrating Steven Universe Secrets

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this key mom must have wanted you to give this to me now what is it open oh hey [Music] lion of the drives to watching steven universe has always been the mysteries and lore of the show as well as participating in the race against time to uncover its secrets but with the conclusion of future it seems like we've gotten all of the answers out of the canon show that we're going to get however that doesn't mean that everything has been solved there's actually a lot that we still don't know which is why today i'm going over the top 10 unsolved steven universe mysteries be sure to leave your mystery lists in the comments below i'm sure that we all have our own questions that we wish were answered number one how did lion die perhaps one of the longest running questions has been pertaining to lyon's death after the episode's off colors and larsa's head it became obvious why our favorite heart-nosed lion had a pink pelt and that was because similarly to lars he had been killed and then revived by magical healing tears though unlike lars lyon was revived by rose rather than stephen this is what gave him access to that secret third dimension resting inside of his mane that lars also has resting inside of his hair the question isn't if lion died but how what was the cause of lion's death was he part of rose's original lion squad that we saw back in the episode buddy's book or was he an entirely different place because organic life that is re-animated by diamond magic seems to be immortal and cannot age it's implied that lion died as an adult the cause of death however is what is still unknown oh lion so you were gosh there's so much i want to ask you number two what happened to earth russia one of the creepiest aspects of steven universe has always been the kindergarten and the way that the gems are made they suck the life out of the material that they're injected into permanently scarring and making the planet that they're made on barren they leave humanoid-shaped holes left in the earth completely decimating swaths of land once they emerge by forcefully popping out of the ground based on this information it may be safe to assume that the absence of russia and steven universe is due to this reason though if that were the case the size of the emerging gem that caused an entire land mass to disappear must have been massive if russia were just a kindergarten there would likely still be at least some land mass still present but the fact that it's absent entirely it really makes you think about what could have possibly happened to make it disappear this is where i was made dude one day just right out of this hole so what about the other holes number three why was the corrupted bird monster and giant woman collecting gems a lot of the events in season one are baffling and this one is no exception back in the season one episode giant woman opal defeats a giant bird-like gem monster fusion to save steven inside the stomach of the monster it's revealed that it's been collecting gems and gem shards by ingesting and bubbling them it was never revealed why or how the gem monster was doing this or for what purpose it needed the captured gems for it's possible that it may have been preying on smaller corrupted gems that it seems like this is something we won't ever get an answer to steven jr how can you eat at a time like this number four what was the purpose of the lunar sea spire yet another unresolved mystery from season one has to be the purpose and existence of the lunar sea spire from the episode cheeseburger backpack while also being steven's first mission this was also our first introduction to gem culture and how complex it is the lunar sea spire was a freestanding tower structure in the middle of the ocean at the top there was a shrine to the moon goddess steven's job in the episode was to place the moon goddess statue into the shrine reversing the damage to the structure and keeping it above water he failed to complete this objective causing the spire to sink under the ocean waves and fall into complete disrepair but the question here is why bismuth in a later episode revealed that the spires were built for upper class gems to think in but that doesn't explain the existence of the shrine or a goddess statue you would think that the only quote unquote gods that the gems worshiped would be the diamonds since they were their rulers but if there is some sort of religion in gems society this would add further complexity to their culture that we have yet to see we have to place this moon goddess statue on the top of the lunar cease fire before midnight without it the whole place will fall apart number five why was homeworld low on resources in episodes detailing the transition from era 1 to era 2 it's heavily implied that homeworld is low on resources this is hinted at in the way that era 2 gems like peridot are made lacking basic gem capabilities such as shape-shifting the diamonds seem feverish and their attempts to create new weapons such as the cluster as well as colonize and utilize the resources of other planets but if they were the top and dominant alien species as it's been hinted at before in the past why would they need all of these weapons even before the gem war that rose caused with her rebellion they were still creating warships and colonizing other planets for resources and the question is why what's causing them to use up so much of their resources and what's causing them to feel like they need to create and possess geo weapons if they aren't the only sapient alien species in the universe then everything would make a lot more sense could it be possible that they were at war with another species that we weren't introduced to speaking of gem kind here's another unsolved mystery number six what was the purpose of gemkind when describing the gems rebecca calls them solar-powered robots if this is indeed true then we can infer that the gem species had to have been made by someone or something if they are an artificial species an organic species would have needed to have made them or been involved in their creation this could also explain their hatred towards organic life and their feeling towards planets like earth that have a lot of organic life on them if they were indeed created then what was their purpose were they created to be a helpful assistant or to manage the everyday life to life of their creators white seems to be obsessed with perfection and that can be in part to how she was programmed if she was created to manage the lives of her creators there would have been no room for error that leads us to our next and biggest question involving the gem species number 7 who or what created the diamonds as previously mentioned the gems have been confirmed to be some sort of ai with this knowledge comes with a bunch of implications because it means that they would have needed to have been created by a different species only an extremely advanced society would have been capable of creating an ai to the level that it could learn to self-replicate and create its own society and culture there's been speculations that the creators were the steeple considering their prominent and consistent presence within the show but if their creators were out there what happened to them that seems like one of the biggest questions that we'll never get an answer to this can't be happening i can't have a flaw i'm supposed to be flawless if i'm not perfect then who am i i'm supposed to know better i'm supposed to be better i'm supposed to make everything better number eight what is the crystal heart back in the episode together breakfast we got a good view of the inner workings of the temple including the center of the temple called the crystal heart the crystal heart resembles a huge red crystal structure pearl stated that it is connected to the most dangerous parts of the temple the central vein connected to the bottom of the heart leads directly down into the burning room from rose's room it even makes a rhythmic beating sound similar to that of what an actual heart would make it seems to imply that the temple is somehow a living being or at the very least powered by this structure but considering that we now know that gemstones have been used to power things in the past this leaves some mildly disturbing implications for what this structure is actually from or for whoa you really shouldn't be in here this is the crystal heart oh it's connected to the most dangerous areas of the temple number nine what was in rose's chest now i know that you guys were probably expecting this to be at number one but let me explain while the contents of rosa's chest have been the cause for many discussions and fan theories it's also probably the most predictable mystery on this list how many of you didn't expect it to be on here regardless the content of rose's chest has been speculated since its debut in line 3 straight to video and even more frustrating in the movie it's shown that the chest has been opened which means that the contents of the chest have been discovered and taken but we never saw it happen for such a big part of the show it's kind of surprising that it wasn't a subject of an episode but perhaps the contents of the chest were for steven's eyes only only rebecca and the crewniverse knows what lie inside of it now number 10 what does the pyramid temple's mural mean one of the show's earliest unsolved mysteries was introduced to us in the season 1 episode sirius stephen in this episode steven and the gems need to disable a gem mechanism powering a rotated pyramid temple maze steven is able to do so by dislodging the gem being used as a power source leaving the temple incapable of defending itself in one of the main rooms a mural is present this mural shows rose quartz using what appears to be a light prism to fight against another gem there's also a bunch of other rather confusing imagery and the murals a lot of which is never explained one of them seems to be a hint at paradox arc and helping defeat the cluster but the other portions of the mural remain unexplained even with the gem that was powering the temple it seems as though it was also involved in aiding the mural imagery it just goes to show you that the show still has a lot of unresolved and undiscovered lore particularly with gemwar subjects it kind of makes me sad that a lot of this is likely to remain hidden to the confines of production and writing rooms of cartoon network as there was no current plans to continue expanding upon the universe of steven universe but just because the show itself is over doesn't mean that the discussion around it needs to end so if in the future you'd like to see more videos like this from me why not subscribe and hit that bell icon to get notifications of when i upload special thank you to my top tier patrons ambrose rothwood brandon nunes the lovely ghosty lee taylor and zachary ansley because of people like them i can continue to make content like this and i hope to see you all in the next video have an amazing day guys
Channel: Toon Ruins
Views: 197,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven universe, roses chest steven universe, steven universe theory, steven universe sneeple, steven universe sneople, steven universe aliens, steven universe secrets, steven universe analysis, unanswered questions steven universe, steven universe future, crystal gems, steven universe ending, pink diamond, rose quartz, cartoon network, toon ruins
Id: OJTV0PrQfc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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