The Most EXPENSIVE Fails

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the most expensive fails ever i'm expecting these to be actually expensive i mean you've got an emoji with some dollar signs on it these better not just be painful once all right we start off in the gym i didn't expect this i was caught unaware as i was turning my volume up bro i didn't think anything was happening here it hit some bins this is living up to its name already with five seconds in and it's already living up to its name this is dangerous how surely this isn't allowed yeah look at it look there's that moment of like oh is it still there what ah that is a defeated arm lowering you and you're like jolly this is dangerous as well there's a couple houses under there that could that could hit someone i felt like these people were all incriminating themselves though they didn't show their face to be fair right well i mean yeah this one this one i didn't even feel bad before what is that is that suitcase yeah now you deserve this one that was less than a yard away again [Music] these are literally watching people dying i've seen this one before this this pool shot i've seen before i think this is on like watching people die inside or something i mean this one doesn't seem that bad i don't i don't think anything was broken here maybe maybe like a blind or saying but a bike seems fine oh my god i have z i feel i do not feel bad for them at all this one don't really know what they planned here there's one kid that takes too far in it why are you going through your legs ethos isn't normal and then oh you want to show off cool you broke the light nice now your whole class is in trouble it actually makes me feel worse the clearing up part not even what breaks like losing the phone i don't think of it as like oh you know lost the phone there i think it is how long that's gonna take to sort all your data and transfer everything over the length of the time you got to clean this up that mess everything will be your sticky and stuff oh oh we got a drone yeah been yeah so yeah i've broken a drone before uh this drone looks a lot more heavy-duty than my one but same thing you know at least we got that on video a wire is oh my god they've grabbed a whole while they've grabbed like a whole telephone wire oh i want to know the aftermath did they oh yeah nice we're ignoring the fact that someone has just dived through a window we're focusing on the fact that they've just broken it why they've just dived out a window we just we move on so quick [Music] oh does this count as an expensive mistake what was the mistake there i think i saw this one i think this was there too the car is going to stop yeah seeing this move get out of the way so not only has she just crashed her own car crashed into the bins dangerously put herself in harm's way she's she's crashed into a school bus it couldn't have been worse you've crashed into a school bus of kids maybe it was on purpose you know right i'm just saying i'm pit yeah you dropped both i am pissed imagine right you're you've ordered and tony or whatever he's called has to cancel your order and then this footage comes out you've not got your food to watch love island with because tony wanted to try and show off and jump across a small gap you know why right because uber eats delivery for the win just saying this isn't smart i actually hate people though there was no way that's working even if he makes it i don't get it i don't get any of these fails even if you make it and get both the balls in what is the plan of getting out of this this is an expensive camera oh and i think he's testing it out that's sick though well i think he's buying that now i get cameraman move a lot but if you're filming me and you start doing this hip motion right like what is your aim here he was just testing it as well that's the worst part all right tyler first time driving a forklift it's always tight everybody kept this container you can't trust your kid called tyler if you call them tyler you know you're you're getting him into what is he what's he driving into one lesson he's ready to go i bet you a million pounds he ain't ready to go i mean this isn't a video called expensive mistakes maybe he is the expensive mistake well to your right to your right no to your right brakes that has to be fake has to be fake there's no way that you're telling me that he's giving him a lesson and trusting him in this if he can't even turn right to your right to your right no to your right brakes 100 fake no no no no no no no pipe three two one done yeah i didn't explain that holy [ __ ] i didn't expect that to be there oh it was just gonna break look at that straight in the face oh does this count as an expensive fail though i don't know how how much that costs you not just put some sellotape on it or something i don't know oh no i he is so lucky that i avoided the house oh here we go surely balance is gonna come into play in a second oh the slingshot you know what i've actually i actually have a fear of these things when you get like a more professional bike you lock your feet in and then when you get an even more professional bike you clamp your feet on i have a genuine fear of that the clamping one you won't catch me doing that ever ever ever ever this don't know what you possibly i assume that he's gonna break the tv this is an expensive fail so i assume the tv has to go put your money right now comments right now what's he gonna break window fan tv who knows come on yeah i told you not to ride that bike on oh no no help hold the ladder someone hold the ladder move sadly move great i mean i told you i want to know when everyone learned to do that when did everyone learn to wheelie why i can barely ride a bike and everyone else can wheelie go on you can still win it don't touch don't it it that's kind of smart you know i mean i assume not because something's going to go wrong every day out there it is there it is i was this it dodged it no it's going keep on going keep on going going keep it going go on keep on going go go keep it going go on keep on going go go keep it going go keep going go go i went to retreat you got this oh no you fell oh no wait what no no no no you can't end the clip there what happened surely you turn the camera and you see it's either gone or it's safe it must be safe i guess that's why they stopped it what is that is that pooh jeez little nollie no stall pekkas i've seen this yeah the front falls off this was in a video recently too that was the instant regret one i think this could be an instant regret but you get showing off why would you do this even if you know your car can do it why would you go through that oh drop it on the floor which one were you okay say bye to everyone i don't really know what this guy expected if i'm honest it's happening i don't get how you can skateboard on this no oh man i'd be pissed i have literally no oh okay there we go i was just about to have no idea how this one's gonna go are they peeling off the oh oh i i would actually argue that the pulling off of the covering might be better than actually having the pc itself don't argue with me come on look at this look how beautiful this is not this should be an extremely satisfying video hang on hang on a second can we clear up that that does not count that should not be on here this did not cost you anything this could not count as an expensive fail this you pull it off you can put that straight back on guaranteed this is the slowest bike race i've ever seen in my life i mean i would be going slower than this but i wouldn't do it ah that's why he was going slow i guess i could have been worse it could have gone in the water that's what i seemed all right i've went in the water then yeah it's done for you minnie blow torch the red bull uh that has intrigued me i don't know i don't actually know what's happening is it just gonna go through it can we skip forward right this has been going on for so long i mean it's made the top bulge out but this isn't very interesting i'm glad i didn't put this in a whole nother video please just do something shazam no abracadabra red bull oh yeah no fair enough fair enough something actually okay i don't know why they had to show you know an hour worth of footage just for that but we've seen it now so we don't need the rest right that is it for today thank you guys for watching leave a like if you enjoyed and i will see you guys tomorrow for another video peace
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 752,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen
Id: AExA6P2qKWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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