The Most Dominant Trackmania Campaign Player

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in this campaign is one of the most dominant performances of all time in trackmania 2020 by shadowcrancer 698 000 points to the second place which has 264 000. how impressive is that let me give you context the most dominant performance ever in terms of points was half-assed who got 426 000 in the first campaign and if you go to any given map chances are you see him either top two or top three I thought what we do today is just look at all the campaign records and appreciate Shadow cancers insane performance I'll start with map 20. I hunted this for an ungodly amount of hours 16 hours total on this map shadowcrancer got this time in three hours he completely obliterated my record and it's third in the world out of like several hundred thousand players but next to talks and and shadowcouncer it's just absurd and we are we cannot get close both me and Tux were like handshakes we give up this guy is insane so you just got a better reactor Zoop and then he kept the speed and I want to show this turn look oh there's something going on here which is that at 600 speed the car automatically starts sliding in a turn so you have to slow down to under 600 and then accelerate over it look at how well shadowcancer manages that while while getting the turn perfect all the way out left perfect Apex and the outside line and then you're just faster for the finish it needs a speed slide out of the loop and another speeds up there speed slide speed slide finish and that's not the only map I know Eddie hunts every 01 map out there at Elite if you go to Companions them Shadow comes with a second here and he got this time and again like like three hours second world [Music] but apart from Eddie he's beating everyone else so on this map you have to speed slide downhill speed slide again long speed slide there slightly ahead of at least in speed but wider approach earlier speed slide release so three thousands off nap number two oh Shadow transfer top one this is a world record he lost like blood finally beat him and then he took it back like a few hours after just like I'll let him take it back yeah I'm mine this one is mine you you are close but I I I'll have this one thank you very much better turn to the start and he also gets a nice exit approach there into the wall ride so you can go lower here and that's what makes him remain ahead second place first place map number three second place only samifying beat shadowcranter and it's because samifying has been practicing this trick that is recently found that Sammy calls them the quantum slide I believe and Shadow transfer is also very good at it where essentially it looks like they are no sliding but they are speed sliding while having full grip that's the best way I can explain it if you look at this pay attention to the lines and look at how they're overlapping but they're barely apart right there do you see that that's Small Change here again they're like like microscopically far apart you know so the car is in a state of full grip but it's also gaining the speed from a speed slide it's the fastest dirt speed slide you can do ice wiggle map yeah he's third on that because guess what this guy beat Midori author medal of course you can relearn on Ice wiggle he's a master of all the elements he's the avatar he was even ahead before the last wiggle he could have had this world record third place so second first second third third in the first five Maps here he got beaten by rpax and Noah the speed Bender let's see if they use the the thing here at any point not really it's it's full sliding on this map and then you need that reactor zoops oh inside line versus outside line if you're wondering how many people play these Maps let's take map five right the one we just saw as an example the best estimate for player count is 1 million on the low end but it gets very inaccurate Beyond this point okay shadowcrancer ahead of corny by just five thousands your world record oh insane uphill to reduce air time and then they do this checkpoint hit to uh get earlier onto the plastic sometimes crashing is faster okay that is a trick I haven't seen I didn't know this existed what oh it's so close Shotokan still wins map seven Hobbit beat him by three thousands here [Music] they do a ram cut on the start and then to me to me this is very very cool they ramp cut to reduce air time and get this line where they can balance on two side Wheels over the grass Edge I've fallen over things like that I think it's so cool this is a gambat slide trick by the way this is something you're going to see a lot more Pros having to learn because it's it's so fast and Hobbit is behind me you got a better last her more speed slight reduction of air time and barely ahead map eight oh oh he's he's first shadowcranter with a world record wait what is that they hit the plastic disc why oh he found a speed slide there oh through the pillars wait this is so exciting I haven't seen these Maps like the records on them since the containers you over basically the slide trick the quantum slide holy this is so technical wait I got it okay does that first thing even save time yeah but like that's not a lot shadowcranter and Hobbit 100th apart here too but shadowcrancer with another world record on map nine this is five out of 10 World Records so far a real inside line there also making it in time for the exit with a speed slide in the downhill okay we knew it was a full speed campaign but the amount of speed slides that shadow Panthers using is insane to watch I think that was even a trick in the end there map 10 by 500s okay this is a very big margin [Music] this map has kind of everything it even has a drift which is rare in this campaign he clipped but he didn't lose time again this full grip speed slide really good speed I swiggle into the plastic wall that makes so much sense that does make sense I think at the highest level of track Mania if there's any down time in your run you could be doing something you know that's what it seems like at this point grass falls speed by 300s against Noah with skid marks [Music] speed slide there gear 5 there not really ideal but the map isn't built in a way where you can get the ideal speed slot angle until here that's so clean great setup here Noah catching up a little bit still looks effortless though one million people have played this campaign this is the worst position we've seen yet this is the worst position he's only fourth here this is an amateur time from Shadow krantzer washed up washed up on the leaderboard I mean he's a hundredth behind world record [Music] wow only 100 behind God that's close nap 13 a map I actually hunted by the way I hunted this map how many hours do I have okay I have one hour on this map it looks like I'm ahead but shadowcans has more speed on E it's probably never gonna lose that so let's get Habit in here really good downhill a lot of speed there getting the air brake right oh they go wider they go wider than what I did but that is quite beautiful to look at Manchester it's actually going to be like the next two days probably why can we not beat him right bro it's so crazy [Music] oh what a slide wait no no let's first let shout out to cook here oh okay wow so he does the trick right he has a gear change mid-turn from fourth to fifth so he stops the quantum slide mids hurt and flicks instantly back into it he's not just holding one angle but he goes like and he keeps the full grip the others did not do that because I think this is one of the like that that is so hard there's a map with no slotting so let's just watch his steering it's probably super smooth he's wet tires here and trying to avoid the car from sliding really smooth prevents the slide on the downhill and the uphill this is so hard even on a map that has like sand and Bug slots and stuff he's still cooking second place but corny did beat him he had a better start you got this hover boost into side Landing another boost here bounce for another boost according to bug slide oh he's the only one that does it I think that's wicked from corny though okay honestly that's really sick from Courtney because that's the only trick I knew about here and look it seems like not a lot of people are using it so shadowcaster got a better boost here I would say but then the setup just chaff's kiss well I learned something new today ShadowCraft is a world record already speed sliding on that booster because it's a grass booster that one is full grip so you don't and through the snaking paths he gets a better line than his opponent slightly slower here but now you have the water bounce ending and yeah it's just better does anyone have the world record count I've lost count of his world records okay now we're in sliding territory this is so hard when you see one skid mark the car is about to slide so he's right on the danger zone hahaha okay okay he's driving so fast he gets a roof hit I've never seen that 86 percent just hold that 80 okay drop it down a bit faster now oh my you need the roofing for Champion now damn Shadow crans are on map 19 1500 side of everyone else okay fun to competions [Music] this is bullying this is bullying because he is from the future using strategies okay now the others are actually doing it he's just doing it so well his master that dirt thing so well so soon and people can't keep up but here we also have the hover boost trick that's why he jumps in a weird way like that to get the hover boost and then even adding two small speed slides there where is shadowcranter where is he luckily I have a tool that lets me track down his personal best so let me do that real quick no way is this real he's nine only nine okay kind of sick thank you thank you I'm used to playing style he kept up a dopamine the first turn dopamine is gonna actually be slightly slower dopamine got a good turn there also does the left top but you can't really see it and then wide here looks like he missed the turn but no he gets the most action speed he can and now he's just so fast jumps pretty far drift to get all the way out there into a speed slide perfect setup pretty much for this turn all the speed you can get so fast another speed slide all the way out to the checkpoint wide right so you can push full left another tiny laptop there for the tilt and then another pretty good ant maybe a little bit slower than the first one but this is a very hard record to beat and Shadow crowns are only being like two tenths behind each lap is really strong ice map okay not in the top five here either he is 10th Place smart [Music] okay my PB is going to be there for like one second genre has this world record though and he's a 10 he's a three times out of Shadow Panther but this is still a top 10 world time from Shadow looks like he is equal but way less speed and has to go wider to get the platform and the last jump but I know General have this basically perfect you have to release at a certain time to land at the very top of this um downhill so shotgun's released too late here and doesn't get the booster at the same time that's why he's behind that's his two worst and a fourth place and now he's about a second only beaten by a skip a skip oh they drift there interesting they tap break to get a flat flight so much speed ah credit is gonna land earlier though and again a better setup here now the NASCAR part skip releasing in time to get the right speed oh that is very satisfying like just they're driving at such high speed right but look at how they both kind of snap into the same angle because anything else doesn't make the turn like different setup here and then just instantly into the same line to get to here shortcut map with reactor flights with a lot of things all over the place yeah he's still third corny and Rick so hunted this an ungodly amount where you fly across a bunch of obstacles and then you have to get that boost right there but he beat everyone else except for these two and you got the no sear wall it's all forced camera three by the way because you have camera three in the start and you flies you never lose it you never hit the trigger to uh get rid of camera three so yeah that's that's pretty wild and the last map 25. [Music] also a world record another one only buy a hundredth but still six first place uh so he has 13 first places six second places three third places one fourth one ninth and one tenth what kind of average is that oh okay bro oh it's so it's so refined wow darkest animal had a really good wiggle and I could jump on the wall [Music] but then shadowcrancer did I think that was four speed slides while doing a regular turn so it's supposed to be there quickly adjust speed slide speed slide [Music] and then the wall bang perfectly as well to slow down for this turn uh going wider so he doesn't Force the car to see us much faster and that brings them to 700 000 points it's tough to compete against it's so obnoxious to try to beat [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: WirtualTV
Views: 259,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wirtual, Trackmania, Shortcut, World Record, Highlight, Best, Pro, Player, Tricks, Tips, Tutorial, How To, Coaching, Cup of the day, world record, wirtual world record, world record reaction
Id: GgtW9Bjuy4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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