The MOST Controversial Topics about Mormon Polygamy | SU Podcast

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to season two of the saints unscripted podcast this season will be all about the most controversial topics in joseph smith's polygamy and we have my friend brian hales here hey brian hey it's great to be here jake brian can you let us know what to look forward to in these episodes in season two you know jake it's a unique product that we've been working on because in the 30 years i've been researching plural marriage and joseph smith and and and some of the more modern manifestations and writing books on those topics i've never put together an actual presentation that tries to hit on all of the controversies um in in significant depth i've put them all in a package that lasts you know just a few minutes but these these episodes that we're going to have present are going to create more knowledge because they go into greater depth than i've ever done in a in a presentation or in a podcast and we're going to talk about fanny alger uh she keeps coming back as as somebody who we need to understand as much as we can understand and also understand what we can't uh we want to talk always about plural husbands plurality of husbands called polyandry you know what's going on there that's got to be the weirdest thing joseph smith ever was associated with and yet i would argue he never did practice a plurality of husbands so you know look at the evidence and and you can understand why i'm confident in that view we're going to talk about the sexuality there it's very popular with some online voices to say joseph didn't consummate any of his plural marriages and we'll talk about why that really uh is is not adequate the evidence is strong that he did and that that was the expectation in some of the marriages not all of them and then the question of are there any children and what does the data show we're going to talk about the ages of the wives that's controversial he had a couple that were he was sealed to 14 year olds and a 15 year old what's the story there were these consummated what is the evidence and then of course maybe the biggest story in all of this is the substory of emma smith and how how did she find out and what was her feeling and how was she a victim of joseph was she a victim of plural marriage well you know listen in and and get a view on that and then i've added an extra episode that talks about polygamy i think for us today how can we react to it how can i have a testimony and still believe joseph smith practice polygamy how does it fit in and it can and it isn't necessarily an easy thing but it was a religious practice for joseph when we talk about the evidence for that and something that gratefully we don't have to worry about today and i don't think we ever will so those are kind of the topics again getting in there's a slide powerpoint slides that help carry the discussion along and something that i hope will help bring clarity to something that can be very confusing thanks brian what a great rundown polygamy is a really tough topic and i'm so grateful that you've done all these episodes with me and that you've been so transparent about the facts the stories the written accounts what we know and what we don't know and as brian said we will cover the most controversial topics in joseph smith's polygamy and we'll have a bonus episode about you know with questions about polygamy so stay tuned for the next several weeks as we cover these topics one by one and next week our first controversial topic will be about joseph smith's first plural relationship with fanny alger and we'll see you next week [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Saints Unscripted
Views: 1,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Saints Unscripted, 3 Mormons, LDS, latter-day saints, mormon, mormons, saintsunscripted, mormonism, understanding mormonism, mormon church, mormon lds, lds church, Jesus Christ, Jesus, Christ, christian, religious, religion, christianity, Bible, faith, is god real, belief, reason, logic, doubt, polygamy, joseph smith, fanny alger, polygandry
Id: 9nv_u9X6CuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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