The Most CONTROVERSIAL FNAF Fan Game (It's Really Gross)

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content warning for super gross and vile stuff you've been warned you know normally I start these videos with a whole intro segment giving a quick background on the game and its development but I literally can't be asked to do that this time dormitibus is a disgusting vile game made by an alleged pedophile that crashed on me over 10 times across the course of my entire playthrough had crucial assets where gameplay failed to load in more times than I can count had animatronic mechanics just straight up break on multiple occasions and was genuinely one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had with a FNAF game in my entire life that grabbed your attention let's get into this mess there's a whole lot to go through both from the game and from the lead developer so no more wasting time this is the most controversial FNAF fan game of all time and why it's terrible but first this video is sponsored by Era listen I'm pretty bad at getting in my daily water intake I either always forget or end up drinking something else and never get thirsty enough to actually bother drinking water which sucks obviously drinking enough water every day is super important but plain old water is kind of boring or at least it was but with air up it doesn't have to be air up is a new way to experience drinking water using both flavor pods and their unique water bottle design you can drink scent flavored water that's right what you're actually drinking is just regular old water but with the air up technology it tastes just like flavored water science shows that a lot of what we think is Flavor actually comes from scent so using that science air up was able to create a product and it really works all you gotta do is pick one of the air up flavor pods on their website Peach is my favorite place the pot on the straw of the Arab water bottle and you're good to go moving the Pod down will have the water taste like normal but you can activate the flavor by moving the pot up and that's all there is to it this is genuinely a fantastic product I highly recommend checking it out using a link in the description and thank you to them for sponsoring the channel dormitibus is a FNAF fan game that takes place in some bizarre alternate timeline where only the first four FNAF games happened at first I thought it was only the first three games but I figured out the truth pretty quick when I saw the purple guy pay Michael Afton to put his own son in fredbear's mouth for some reason so yeah only the first four games are accounted for here and absolutely nothing else because of that the purple guy isn't actually called William Afton in this game and is instead called Garvey Garvey is a [ __ ] terrible character that gets way too much attention in dor mitibus despite easily being the most poorly written thing in the entire game and that's saying something when the phone guy was also pretty bad I was eager to hang up the phone each night uh oh yeah why are you talking about story you never talk about story in these videos correct weird Blue version of me that I showed up in multiple videos and I'm only now acknowledging for the first time I don't usually care to discuss story in my videos because it's not what I'm looking for from a FNAF fan game y'all know me I am gameplay over story any day however the story in door minibus is so bizarre so awful that I have to talk about it for at least a little bit yeah why what is happening are you probably listening to the phone call but like sure of how you died definitely what I'm dead indoor metabus you play as a spirit stuck in a Purgatory hell version of what I think is the FNAF 3 office I think you're trying to find keys or something to escape the Purgatory and the phone guy is in the same boat as you also like I said earlier he's extremely annoying and I do not think the voice works that well for a phone guy sorry whoever did the voice acting you probably tried your best speaking of the phone guy did you know there's a rare Easter egg in this game wherever you hang up on the phone guy an insane rare screen pops up and then the entire game goes silent until you die this is heat top five for sure what oh uh um I'm sorry I'm I'm really sorry I'm really sorry what you [ __ ] cut out all my audio it's over I can't play this now oh my god oh sorry I don't want to listen to you [ __ ] monotone talk in my ear for well I have the option then like what there's a lot of very weird Easter eggs like that in this game and I kind of respect it but it also kind of feels super overboard I don't know like there is a lot of them here that's pretty much it for the base game story but you can find these secret tapes in each night that are all recordings of Garvey talking about his various evil acts while the voice actor does the most embarrassing Joker impression known to man these tapes give the purple guy some very different motivations and we'll just leave it at that for now I'll talk more about Garvey the story and these tapes later in the video when they become relevant again and trust me they will become relevant again I actually stream my live reaction to playing dormitibus over my new second channel that you should totally go and check out and subscribe to so if some of the Clips in this video look like they're from a stream that's because they are anyway let's talk about the visuals visually I think dormitibus might be one of the ugliest games I have ever played in my entire life it's kind of like if you took the cool almost Timeless look of the Scott FNAF games and covered everything in three layers of FNAF 3 goop and Rome Roblox textures I get the game takes place in a purgatory and doesn't have to be super realistic or whatever but covering every single model in the same gross texture just looks really bad this game is in no way scary let me get that out of the way now but visually I think this game is extremely disturbing Everything feels off playing door minibus makes you want to take a long hot shower afterwards the issues with the visuals don't stop at the awful texturing either there is so much more the main thing to talk about is the animatronic designs which I genuinely think almost all look garbage nearly every animatronic is built like mango for some reason the puppet squid monster thing just looks like an onion from Mario Odyssey and the only designs I somewhat like are heavily based on existing designs Garvey is just springtrap if he was very long and am I real AKA Cake bear is also just a spring trap type design don't even get me started on this thing Soul cage when I first saw its render on the ceiling I thought it was kind of neat actually but the second you see its full body the entire design line falls apart like why does it have those legs it looks ridiculous this design is so bad the POA is almost cool but the fact it's standing on two teeny tiny endoskeleton legs just makes the whole design look goofy rather than cool unironically though I think my favorite design here is the onion I didn't even know this thing was supposed to be a puppet design until the game literally told me it was probably because the mask is super big and bulky for some reason and it lacks any of the facial painting the puppet is known for like the cheeks and The Tear streaks because this thing is barely a puppet design I will be calling it The Onion from now on and no one can stop me speaking of these awful designs the jump scares that accompany them are also terrible because I have to make thumbnails for YouTube videos I'm always looking at different jump scare frames from a bunch of different FNAF games I think I have a pretty good understanding at this point of what makes a good FNAF jump scare or at least I hope I do I guess we'll see when new management comes out huh wink wink nudge nudge anyway most of these jump scares lack any good frames they're either all too zoomed in so you can barely tell what's going on too boring because of the use of small cupcake characters instead of the actual animatronics or are just overall gross and bad the only one I kinda like is the golden call jump scare golden call is this version of golden Freddy with a phone attached to him it's a pretty neat concept I don't love the design or anything but it's a neat idea I like their jump scare because it actually uses the bizarre movement system of the game in an interesting way we'll get into this more when I talk about the gameplay but in dormitibus you can move between two sides of the office you're in however for some reason when you move sides the animation has your character duck and run under a long desk to reach the other side maybe they thought it looked cool or something but it just ends up looking really dumb the one Saving Grace of this thing is golden calls jump scare where they actually jump scare you mid run under the table which caught me off guard quite a bit it's actually a pretty cool use of the movement animation but enough praising this game we gotta talk about the countless times the jump scares just didn't load in once again we'll talk about this more in a bit but door minibus for whatever reason is the complete buggy mess that constantly fails to load in assets this includes entire jump scares as well fun fact I died to a black screen jump scare more than Havoc Freddy and Havoc puppet combined don't you just love this game anyway yeah everything from the designs the environment and just the overall tone of dormitibus gives off an insanely unhinged and disturbing Vibe once again it's not scary but the game definitely makes me feel a little uneasy when it comes to the amount of content dormitibus has there's a lot here but it's presented in a very odd way most FNAF fan games give you five nights to go through then usually a sixth and seventh night for some extra challenge dormitibus throws that all out the window and features 12 total nights which might sound a little insane and it kind of is but I actually think the way the game is laid out works surprisingly well so the first nine Knights are all using the same pool of characters dormitibus has quite a few of them as we went over earlier but the way it balances the difficulty is by giving each of the nine a different combination of the characters the onion could appear one night then not appear again for two more nights it keeps each night somewhat fresh while not overwhelming the player with all the mechanics stacked on top of each other it's almost like a series of customite style challenges back to back it's not a terrible way of presenting the gameplay this structuring is like one of the very few positives I have to say about this game and even then nine nights of this gameplay Loop does kind of overstay its welcome to be honest Knights 10 and 12 are both special nights with different gameplay that I'll get into later and night 11 is the nightmare mode where every character is on at once full transparency I did not have the strength to beat 911 hell I barely beat Knight 10 so I won't be able to go in depth in the last two nights I guess it's time to go over the gameplay then there's quite a bit to cover here so strap in not only that but this is probably going to be the last somewhat normal segment of this video before we get into the really deranged stuff dormitibus has a pretty unique gameplay loop it's definitely different from any FNAF fan game I've played before it incorporates the movement from FNAF 4 and the Hammer watching gameplay of the first three games to mixed results a lot of the mechanics are kind of just the same thing different coats of paint which can make the game feel a little repetitive at points overall though gameplay Wise Door minibus could have been much worse than it actually ended up being let's go over all the door characters first this is a group of animatronics that all require you to run to the opposite side of the room and do something to get rid of them foxy has this Pirate Cove just like infant F1 and you can install them using that camera but to be honest it's rarely worth stalling them since when he enters the office a noise plays anyway all you have to do to get rid of Foxy is run under the table to the other side of the room and stare them down until he leaves if you move away before he's fully gone then he jump scares you something dire about the jump scares in this game besides the look of them of course is that they have what is essentially a scratch FNAF fan game jump scare incoming warning in the form of a noise thing in a black screen I uh yeah I'm dead [ __ ] yeah just too much [ __ ] spawning at once oh my God hey at least your game I'm fortunate yeah the jump scare is at 0.25 this removes literally all the scare factor from the jump scare because you know know what's going to happen pretty much every time anyway Foxy's mechanic is fine like I said this group of characters is all very samey the boa comes from the other side of the room and requires you to stare them down on the opposite side of the room compared to Foxy to make them leave they don't have the same punishment for accidentally moving too early like Foxy to my knowledge so they really just serve as an easier version of that mechanic once again they're fine and really just a busy work threat to worry about the real issue I have with this [ __ ] is that for some reason he is insanely broken multiple times during my playthrough his assets just straight up failed to load in and I had to rely on the screen slightly flickering to tell me when they were out of the office this was one of the most annoying glitches in the entire game and it got me killed way more times than I'd like to admit just for that I'm saying this mechanic sucks Freddie is just the same as boa but on the opposite side and instead of physically showing up some insane noise plays when he leaves that sounds like he's being teleported to another dimension he's fine and didn't have any assets to not load in and [ __ ] me over so Freddy gets the pass finally we have Chica Chica will spawn in with a laugh sound and works the exact same way as boa except when she leaves her cupcake becomes active and you have to get back to the computer as fast as possible at least that's what the mechanic is supposed to do but it gives you so much leeway in the campaign mode Knights that I was always able to deal with foxy on the other side while the cupcake was still active in nightmare mode the AI is too hard to consistently do this I think but in the main campaign the cupcake is barely an extra threat the next group of characters is essentially the same as the last four but instead of having to run under the table to deal with them you can deal with them at the computer side the onion will randomly start playing music at points during the night and you have to turn around and look at him to make him go away this mechanic was almost never a threat and was a joke to deal with but it's not bad Soul cage will enter from the left and bite you upon looking at it once that animation plays Soul cage will be gone from the door and move to the ceiling so you have to look up at it to make it go away this mechanic could have been somewhat challenging to keep track of if the tell wasn't so easy but the entire room flashes black when they get into the office for some reason so even if you don't catch them in the doorway you will know when you have to look up at them also similar to boa I had multiple issues with this character and their assets just not loading in at all and unlike the boa if Soul Cage's assets didn't spawn it's pretty much a guaranteed game over I don't know if there's just something with boa and soul cage in particular that makes them the buggiest characters but I had crashes related to both of them as well speaking of crashes dormitibus is insanely unstable and crashed more than any other game I've played in my entire life it's not really a super consistent way the game crashes either so you can never try to avoid it this is why I didn't bother doing nightmare mode by the way the thought of the game crashing on a good nightmare mode run is terrifying the last of the set is molten evil molten evil randomly spawned beside the computer and stare you down all you have to do is look up at the ceiling once the screen starts going crazy with the blue [ __ ] and he'll go away the screen going all crazy stays until you either get jump scared or deal with it and the longer it's on screen the harder it is to deal with I think I got caught in maybe one situation where I had to bring the effect with me running to the other side of the room but for the most part this mechanic is piss easy and takes two seconds to deal with so at this point you're probably wondering what the point of the cameras is since every single character I've mentioned so far can be dealt with without even turning on the camera that's where these last two characters come in Golden call Will randomly send your computer a pop-up that gives you the option to type something into it when this happens you have to go to Foxy's camera and there will be a sign waiting for you there to make the pop-up go away you have to type in the longest word on the sign into the pop-up and press enter for some reason this mechanic is also case sensitive which is just a very weird layer of difficulty that I don't think needed to be there having to panic type something is already stressful enough trust me golden call gives me a great excuse to talk about how odd the camera system is in door mitibus unlike most FNAF games the camera system isn't just chilling in the corner of the camera monitor for easy access at all times it's instead a transparent overlay tab that you can toggle on or off it's an a neat concept and I get why it was done given the small size of the screen but it feels a little too clunky to work it's not terrible though well that is until you get the golden call pop up because the info you need to type in the pop-up is on the cameras you have to awkwardly move the camera Tab and the pop-up tab to access the cam and then type in the word it's super clunky and fighting against the UI really shouldn't be a gameplay mechanic speed speaking of the gameplay mechanics you're probably wondering how this game even explains how you're supposed to deal with these threats a lot of the mechanics are hyper specific and without an explanation would make no sense dormitibus decides to take the easy way out and just give you a tutorial screen on the main menu that unlocks more tutorials the further you are in the game having the player literally just read out your mechanics to understand the game has always felt very lazy to me and in really bad cases it's post shift 2-tier so honestly I think it's just best to avoid it altogether unless you do something cute with it like night Stars I don't see the value in doing it other than as an excuse to explain super specific mechanics in the laziest way possible the phone guy kind of also helps but he's pretty much useless compared to the tutorials the final animatronic is essentially the main mechanic the entire game revolves around and is also pretty much the only reason to actually use the cameras am I real or as he's also called cake bear will wander around the building to different cameras every time he changes rooms he will say out loud what camera is on currently it's your job to keep track of him and what Camry is on throughout the entire night normally cake bear looks like a somewhat normal FNAF animatronic but randomly throughout the night he will turn into a twisted More spring-trap-esque Design if you aren't looking at the camera he's on when he's in this form you only have a little bit of time to find him before he'll send out his cake to jump scare you surprisingly I really like this mechanic it's pretty easy to forget what room he's in during the stress and panic of a night so it acts as a good challenge trying to actively remember his position during the whole thing especially when he changes cameras when you're busy dealing with threats on the other side of the room cake bear absolutely ties to the gameplay Loop into something a lot better than it could have been otherwise most of the other mechanics are either repetitive or shallow but there's so many of them to think about but it kinda wraps back around into being decent I expected the gameplay to be a lot worse than it actually is and I'll just leave it at that Knight 10 is the boss Knight and removes every other character and replaces them with one single character the chair's gameplay traits with multiple the animatronics from the normal nights it's time to talk about Garvey night remember when I said having to fight against the UI is a bad gameplay mechanic have fun with the now extremely glitchy and annoying camera system on that note the vent system on the cameras that's kind of just been there finally has a use Garvey will randomly go into one of two vents throughout the night you have to click on the venti's going in to slow him down then run to the other side of the room and look at him to make them go away the catch is you have to make sure you get there before he does if he's already there when you make it over then he just kills you the timing on this is brutal and you really have to get good at using the vents to deal with them I don't hate this mechanic but it does feel a little bit too strict at least when you first start I also don't like that the game just tells you garvey's in the vents by putting text on the screen I feel like there could have been a much better way to convey him being in the vents such as the room flashing red or something Garvey can also appear in both doorways and the ceiling and he'll laugh to notify you he's there depending on what side of your headphones the laugh comes from is the area you have to look at and finally Garvey will appear on cameras at points during the night and you have to find him and stare them down to prevent the room from going dark it's a pretty brutal boss fight especially with how glitchy it was for me I think I lost to more glitches and crashes on Garvey nights than I did to actual gameplay mechanics it's not a terrible night though besides that I like that it uses the mechanics you already know and expands upon them for the boss the worst part of the night is unironically the awful Garvey voice acting that randomly starts playing in the middle of the night I think they were trying to do like an entered Knight thing where baby starts talking to you but while there it's just a really minor distraction and a cute bit of lore for the fake ending here it's a super annoying distraction that gave me a massive headache besides the design being kind of cool Garvey really sucks speaking of I guess that leads into the final part of this video the controversy once again if you're sensitive to this kind of topic and want to drop off from the video here thanks for watching and I'll see you all next time but for everyone that wants to see the true evil of this game and its creator stick around and Buckle in indoor minibus there are a series of tapes you can collect and listen to that feature Garvey talking to I guess himself we talked about this a bit earlier in the video remember the terrible Joker impression well one of these tapes specifically the tape about Garvey killing the girl who would be stuffed into chica goes in a pretty dark Direction really quick Garvey heavily implies in this recording that he R worded the underage girl in question stating that she was a hot 15 year old obviously for a million different reasons this is an insane and disgusting thing to include in a FNAF fan game of all things FNAF depiction of children being killed has always been through very tame memes whether it's from newspaper clippings on the wall or through the lens of an 8-bit minigame FNAF does a good job tackling these subjects in the most respectful way it possibly could dormitibus throws that completely out the window and just has the purple guy go in insane rants you can listen to so not only are these tapes incredibly embarrassing to listen through they also feature some very insensitive subject matter I don't think the purple guy being a pedophile was really something people were clamoring for so obviously this is super gross and weird but at least it's just a piece of fiction right surely this isn't the creator of the game so elephants during their own sick twisted fantasies into their own project right it's the creator of the game self-inserting their own sick twisted fantasies into their own project blackout is the main Crater of dormitibus and is the person who output of the game to gamejolt they did a bunch of stuff for the game but they also helped work on writing the story blackout had some drama on controversy at some point after the release of dormitibus most of it wasn't anything too crazy kind of just the typical stuff you'd expect from a loser like this but the main points to look at here have to do with their fetishes which include multiple instances of r word fantasies and necrophilia which if you don't know is the attraction to dead bodies yeah I don't know if this initial drama just didn't make the rounds well enough or the community at large was just unaware of this but this alone really should have gotten them banished from the FNAF scene somehow though he ended up sticking around which sadly led to the main thing that got him shunned from the FNAF Community I won't be bringing up names of anyone else involved in this situation who helped expose it I'm sure it was stressful enough then and I don't want to bring it up again a member of the FNAF Community would release an exposed video on Blackout that not only brought up the previous allegations but also exposed him for having inappropriate sexual conversations with a 12 year old this included tons of gross messages of course but also a picture of Blackout's bare ass that he sent to the miner it was safe to say that nobody wanted anything to do with blackout after this and he fled the community and hasn't been seen since before he left for good he left a note on his game jolt profile that reads Jesus Christ just leave me be I don't want to live in your heads rent free I've moved on and you should as well bye and that is the sick and twisted story of blackout and dormitibus it's very clear now why the material that was included in the game was included in the game and the whole thing is 10 times more gross than it already was thanks to it thankfully though this story has a somewhat happy ending there is a I think semi-official dormitibus remake in the works that will hopefully fix up the game and remove all of the gross fetish [ __ ] blackout put into it man I need a really long and hot shower after this one God damn anyway that's really all I gotta say here I hope you enjoyed the video or at least learned something from it I've been a yeah and I'll see you all next time foreign
Channel: uhyeah
Views: 3,468,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xK4hdv8dtfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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