The MOST Common Mistake About Curry

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when you think of curry you would probably think  of India but what if I tell you Indians don't   use the word curry at all although English word  curry was introduced by the British it actually   came from the Portuguese word caree which was  transliterated by the Tamil language Kari I know   it sounds confusing but what actually happened  was when the Portuguese first encountered a stew   like spice blend gravy dish in southeast India the  locals called it Kari the Portugese transliterated   it as caree later adapted to curry by the British  the Indian curry we had today is largely different   from the curry before the Portuguese and  British arrived so what is curry and what has   shaped modern day [Music] the British lumped all  Indian spiced dishes with a thick sauce or gravy   under the umbrella term Curry but actually Indian  cuisine is more complex than that each state and   region of India has this unique type of curry  with a different base spices ingredients and   cooking styles due to differences in typography  climate religion and cultural influences curry   can be creamy or brothy and can include various  spices and proteins each type of curry has its   on distinctive regional character so what is  curry if we want to break this gravy dish down   it starts with a base that can be made of onion  tomatoes milk coconut milk cashew and vegetable   puree then comes the magic spices like black  pepper ginger turmeric cardamom cinnamon clove   nutmeg giving it irresistible spice kick for  a punch of tanginess and depth mango tamarind   jackfruit are often added as souring agents  each curry is tailored to specific protein   and is served alongside rice and bread people in  the Indian subcontinent have been cooking curry   for 4,000 years initially using ingredients like  garlic ginger black pepper and turmeric all native   to the region however the spice trade between  indian merchants and Austronesians and Arabs   traders introduced new spices like clove galangal  cumin chili and coriander via the silk road and   marine time routes alongside dairy products and  nuts brought by the Mughal Empire significantly   shaping modern day curry the curry you're familiar  with in your neighborhood restaurant is likely   from the north famous dishes like butter chicken  palak paneer made with spinach and cheese cubes as   well as chicken korma a creamy nutty gravy dish  are from Northern India Northern curries tend   to be creamy due to the abundant use of dairy  like milk butter and yogurt often serve with   nann reflecting a Turko Afghan and strong Mughal  influence the Delhi Sultanate with Turkish and   Afghan descent has ruled large parts of the Indian  subcontinent for more than 300 years introducing   nann kebabs koftas paneer and curd which became  indispensable to Indian cuisine however it was   during the Mughal Empire's rule that we saw some  major developments in curry and North Indian   cuisine the Mughal Empire predominantly in the  northern northwestern and central India rule over   the subcontinent for another 300 years they were  muslim of Central Asian region claiming descent   from the Mongols with Persian as their court  language alongside their conquest they introduce   a variety of dairy products nuts spices and meat  as well as eating habits emphasizing heavy meats   and dairy consumption Mughals are Muslim so  they don't eat pork Hindus practice Hinduism   so they refrain from consuming beef resulting  in widespread consumption of chicken and goat   meat in the north the Mughal Empire's impact was  considerably less pronounced in the South so the   curry in the Southern India cuisine has its own  regional characteristic it's more stew like and   soupy usually served with rice or idli a savory  rice cake and the protein isn't limited to chicken   and goat due to the climate and soil the southern  region is rich in coconut that is often used as a   curry base tamarind that gives a sweet and sour  flavor to the dish Curry leaves to add aroma   and cardamom and mustard seeds for the spice kick  sambars is a tamarind flavored vegetable stew with   lentil base meen molee is a coconut based fish  curry that is signature of the state of Kerala the   curry in Western India contains a lot of legumes  such as lentils and chickpeas this is because the   weather is dry and hot so fresh foods and veggies  are relatively scarce speaking of this region Goa   is an important place that we have to talk about  once a major port and colonized by Portugal Goa   has a distinctive culinary blend with Portuguese  influences unlike the northern and central regions   pork and beef curry are more commonly found  here and vinegar is heavily used as a result   of Portuguese influences Vindaloo stand out as  the most prominent and traditional curry dish in   Goa it's a hot and fiery curry typically featuring  pork marinated vinegar and garlic the name derives   from Carne de Vinho De Alho meaning meat and  wine and garlic a Portuguese marinade consisting   primarily of garlic wine vinegar and chilies if  your head East you will encounter the curries   there flavored with mustard seeds poppy seeds and  mustard oil the humid climate and river systems   result in a diet rich in seafood and rice with  curry here being slightly spicier than those from   other regions one curry you cannot miss in this  region is Maacher Jhol a Bengali fish curry that   has mustard oil at its base and can be made from  a variety of fish as you can see each region of   India has a diverse array of curry dishes so the  word Curry really can't define this magical colorful   gravy dishes you might also notice that I rarely  mentioned tomatoes potatoes and chili pepper which   are extensively used in Indian cuisine nowadays  this is because those are new world ingredients   products of the Columbia Exchange brought by  the Europeans from the land of America which   witness the birth of a new world and new order  as well as the beginning of European colonization   in Asia Africa and Latin America in the next  episode of this curry series we will explore   how tomatoes potatoes and chili peppers arrive  in the Indian subcontinent and how they along   with Portuguese and British colonization shaped  Indian curry and cuisine I hope to see you there
Channel: Savoring Through Time with S&J
Views: 6,116
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Keywords: the most common mistake about curry, curry explained, what curry is, what has shaped modern-day curry, what shaped curry, history of curry, curry in different regions, what is curry, the most common mistake that people make about curry, mistake about curry, common mistake about curry, about curry, curry, the most common mistake curry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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