The MOST Annoying & Powerful Paladin Character Build EVER D&D 5E

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hi welcome to how to D&D my name is Fred wheeler and today I want to talk about Dungeons & Dragons Fivey because I always talk about Dungeons & Dragons but I have to thank Simon evitt for providing me with this character build because we're doing a paladin relentless or the relentless paladin character build for Dungeons & Dragons Fivey it is adventure as legal legal so you can use it in the Dungeons & Dragons of interest league if you really wanted to I was very tempted to call us the annoying relentless paladin build or character build but I didn't do that because it might scare a few people off so we are here to talk about how to do this I've been provided with a step-by-step sort of plan from my friend and this is the first step you want to take human variant race pretty obvious most people already know that the human variant is pretty powerful but we're doing that because we want to be able to put increase in our abilities and to strength and charisma we're going to pick up that and we're gonna sort of track on and utilize the fact we can get feats faster by getting it feet at level one so that's part of the reason for doing it in terms of your point buying really what we're looking for and this is what I was offered and that is we're going to put 15 into our strengths 15 into charisma because we want to increase both of those with our human variant bonuses via since we can do that and then the rest of it which will mean that our strength will be 16 and our charisma will be 16 really important both need to be very high your dicksterity 10 Constitution 14 and of course we're going to dump our intelligence and wisdom give them both an 8 now you can adjust anything like that that's not going to be an issue but you really want to probably stay with the high charisma and the high strength although there are other ways of doing it okay what about the next step well we're obviously going to take the the Paladin class and in fact you're going to take all of your levels and paladin what we're trying to do is work our way up from level 1 through to level 7 it's when we had level 7 that things start to get a bit crazy with this build hence why we're aiming for that particular point so we're gonna what I'll be taking well it's pretty obvious we're taking the vengeance oath because it's really good and there's lots of different reasons for doing it what is the feat we're going to take at level one well we're gonna take pole master at level one it's a no brainer it's been done before it's very familiar I'm sure you're all beat thinking this is not new at all may well not be for you okay but at level four we're also going to be taking our Sentinel feet yet again a combination of polar master and Sentinel feet not new but the difference is that when we hit level seven with our paladin we get access to relentless avenger and relentless avenger essentially allows us to do some stupidly helpful things in combat which essentially means we can use it as a way of blocking the monster provided all of our conditions are met and we've got a lot of things in play to allow us to make that possible and we're we're not going to ever get hit it is appalling what you can do when you put your mind to it now a first of obvious weapon what are you gonna take in terms of a weapon a glaive or a hellbrunn Halbert Albert is a halberd I believe it's a hell bit so the idea is that when a enemy and we're really really only talking about one enemy and I know you're looking at the picture and you're thinking well Fred when has there ever been a single orc attack the party and you'll notice the formation of the party in the position of where the Paladin is this is actually very very important because this is the sort of thing gonna have to do so okay fair enough one single orc probably not going to be the case maybe we'll go with an ogre instead okay we'll go over okay so when the enemy moves within 5 foot the reach of our reach weapon with our glaive or hell breath we are going to be able to potentially stop their movement completely we will also get to make an attack of opportunity and if it hits it's going to stop their movement and then we'll also be able to in the same we're gonna get to move half our speed 15 feet backward essentially meaning that we can attack and do a whole bunch of damage and then move away and the creature can never actually get in contact with the party particularly if all it does is use Malay or close-quarter attacks a terrible terrible technique but useful and certain circumstances so let me break it down and step by step so you understand what's going on here so first off our creature has to move up so charge up your ogre moves up now the thing is that doesn't have to get up up within five foot it can actually be ten foot away so there could be a space of just one square between us so the enemy moves into the ten foot reach this allows us to get our opportunity attack with our pole our master feet if we have four target if we hit the target the enemy's speed is now zero and this is from our Sentinel feet remember to divine smite if you hit the thing make sure you're using divine smite this will just mean you can just smash it over faster although since the strategy is so potentially so effective and as long as you are hitting most of the time you might not even need to worry about using up your spell slots for with the divine smart and just rinse and repeat the same technique over and over again which is appalling I know okay now because of our relentless avenger provided we hit the target with our opportunity attack we get to move half our speed backward that's right we can move half our speed backward that's 15 feet we move back which is why we want our party to be further back than 15 feet so that they don't wind up with the monster rushing into them on the next round this is essentially what's going on here right so we've reduced the speed and when we do so the ogre doesn't get to make an opportunity text so even if it has a 10-foot reach or even if it's got a 5-foot reach it's not going to make any difference because we don't get attacked by it and we get to move out of reach essentially it means the enemy never able to hit the Paladin ever again what an appalling technique to use now there are some problems with this particular method and one of the most obvious problems as it's likely to annoy your dungeon master who is gonna shift their techniques and tactics and use different monsters in the game if you start using this particular character build you're probably going to annoy your players because they will have to hang back at least 20 feet to make sure they are out of you're out of the way so you can perform this rather bizarre tactic some of them might not have an issue and of course instead of moving forward you're always going to be moving back including your party members so if you if you've got party members who'd like to be up close and they have to hang back so you can do this that's going to really wear on them the other problem with this particular technique and tactic is that even if the relentless Avenger tactic it's very very strong very very effective even if it doesn't work with the use of your pole master feet and with the seem small and the fact that you're a paladin and all the other things that you have available to you it's still an incredibly powerful belt which is why the use of those two feats in that particular class feature is so effective now how do you counter this particular character built I've always found it frustrating myself there are actually a couple of different things you can do this particular paladin does not work well if there is a group of monsters so if you have more than one orc going to be a problem because it's not going to work they can just surround you and even though you can stop the movement of one creature and you can get back out of there they may decide to run past you or around you to get to the members who are further further behind particularly with orcs who are able to move incredibly fast so just a problem there in terms of dealing with a group also if you're dealing with somebody who is clever like a dungeon master who decided to use ranged attacks grabs that held giant and just throws rocks at you or shoots arrows or has a flying creature that can do ranged attacks with spikes or a breath weapon then it sort of shuts down your ability to use the paladin in this way in fact usually paladin's don't work well against ranged attacks or flying creatures anyway so that's really one of the biggest Achilles heels the other problem is if the dungeon master decides to pull out a monster which has a greater reach than the Paladin yes that's right if the creature has a reach that is greater than the paladin then they can just sort of set out out of out of the position of the reach of your glaive or Halbrook and just whack away at you in even even if there is just a single enemy so there are some problems with this particular build but still in terms of a paladin build it is incredibly effective and when you start using things like your smite spells you can really start developing some rather peculiar effects in the game given the right conditions and the right conditions usually for a paladin is to make sure that you have a single enemy they can shut down a single enemy very well with groups not so easy to do okay that has been my character build for today I have to thank Simon Abbott's and if you want to see more videos like this then anyone to see Simon actually tell you about it I would suggest you say Simon we want you to explain to us what crazy character builds do you have in mind and how they work and how they can be counted because I know Simon won't just explain to you how to do it and why it works that way I know he will also tell you what all the weaknesses are and how it can be shut down and I know that's something he will often tell me so I'm sure he would be willing to share that and if you want to see him on camera you're gonna have to make a whole lot of noise to make sure he knows that he has to actually do that sort of thing and you never know I know Simon likes to talk so I have hundreds of videos for players in Dungeon Master's which you are welcome to go and check out if you feel like it I have affiliate links down in the description to the Book Depository at Amazon if you want to support the channel I also have patreon page where you get access to all of the live streams that go unlisted and hold and buy the content that nobody else gets to see and prior see on the videos that I make I also have omit merchandise shelf just underneath the video if you're interested make sure to share like and subscribe hit the bell button if you want to be notified when I go live and when I publish new videos and of course I do a lot of them and hey till next time keep rolling of those twenties
Channel: How to RPG
Views: 205,952
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Keywords: dnd, d&d, dnd 5e, d&d 5e, dungeons and dragons, dungeons & dragons, dungeons & dragons 5e, dungeons and dragons 5e, d&d miniatures, dungeons and dragons miniatures, how to play dnd, how to play d&d 5e, how to play dnd 5e, dnd player tips, dnd player guides, d&d player tips, dungeon master, dm tips, dm guides, 5th edition, dnd 5e character build, d&d 5e character build, dnd 5e paladin, d&d 5e paladin, relentless paladin, d&d adventurers league, players handbook, paladin
Id: pF7-2QwXHKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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