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Hello dear friends I am glad to welcome you to my channel today in this video I am preparing, by popular demand, a classic French buttercream the cream is prepared from literally three main ingredients this butter is usually chicken egg yolks and sugar Well, water for syrup is no longer counted here let's cream is obtained from all butter creams unusually tasty very airy light literally melting it can be used both for filling and decorating cakes, pastries and cupcakes now I divide five eggs into yolks and whites I will use only five yolks for this cream You can use two small eggs If you don’t want to make it with yolks, but most often this cream is prepared with yolks, now the yolks I make sure to cover with cling film on top so that they don’t disappear. While the syrup is being prepared, this is very important. We won’t need whites in this recipe. 90 g weighing all these now I have yolks 500 g of sugar I pour 120 ml of water with just room temperature water and now I go to cook this syrup, be sure to cover it with a lid and the French also do so that the syrup does not close the call then when all this liquid completely starts to boil I put a thermometer in there The thermometer, of course, should not touch the bottom of the pan, in this case I have a ladle Naturally with a thick bottom on full heat I’m now on my electric stove I’ll be on my stove If you are afraid that your syrup may be closed, you should add this syrup after 2 minutes of boiling 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid or one teaspoon of lemon juice and then you will have a wonderful syrup, the cream will have a very slight sourness in this case, but in the classic version of this cream, this syrup is not prepared with the addition of citric acid as soon as it reached me 120C ​° C I have it now, I introduce it in a thin stream from the edge into a continuous mixer speed at the highest yolks. Of course, it’s best to do this in a planetary mixer, but I’m showing you how it can be done Easily and with a hand mixer, now all this mass in total after introduction I will beat the syrup for about 5 minutes until white and fluffy. That is, it will increase greatly in volume, it will begin then, by the end of whipping, it will seem a little even to us. French confectioners call this mass fudge, that is, it is a little bit like it will seem that it a little viscous is normal, but it shouldn’t be just like that, candied, I’m collecting all the splashes from the walls of the dish now, I won’t mix them in later. Maybe I have sugar syrup left somewhere, I don’t interfere with the taste of this cream. And as you saw, citric acid I absolutely did not add 500 g of softened butter to the syrup, I will now add about one or two tablespoons to the already beaten yolks, I will constantly mix it into the mass, the mass of the yolk is now 40 ° C And it’s not scary now, in the process of the three millionth it is now strongly liquefying all the butter, the French often even just add cold butter into these not completely cooled yolks, they treat this cream as one of their favorite basic ancient creams, that is, an elementary simple cream but very multifunctional. Now when all the butter has been added, I whip this cream another 3 minutes and I’ll show you how it will look now at the end of this beating, it’s already thickening, but you don’t need to stop here, that is, 3 minutes Now stir up Nothing terrible is happening here, it will seem to us that it’s terrible, it’s kind of liquid, it’s not scary now it’s all over it will thicken This is how it should be here as soon as I have it in the brew for 3 minutes at least 3 minutes It is already starting to take shape but this is not enough for us and I will put it in the refrigerator now At this stage I measured approximately 28° C now I have cream, that’s a lot so for about 15-20 minutes, I just put it in the refrigerator. Nothing terrible is happening to it; it hasn’t separated; it’s problematic; it took me about 20 minutes in the refrigerator; the cream is now 23° C. I’ll beat now for about another minute and a half and add whatever flavor you want, you can add vanilla paste. You can also add melted chocolate there and just cocoa to make this cream chocolate, you can also add lemon juice or lemon flavoring. also naturally bitter almond flavoring Roma everything you like coffee goes very well with about a good dessert spoon I added vanilla paste there it’s all at your discretion Why didn’t we immediately add vanilla sugar to the syrup because the syrup can behave differently another when adding vanilla sugar, since vanilla sugar is an unusual sugar and the French also add flavoring at the end, beat for about another minute and a half and the cream is ready, that is, after the refrigerator I beat for another 3 minutes and now to summarize, after adding the syrup, I beat the yolks with syrup for about 5 minutes before the refrigerator after introducing the oil, 3 minutes and after the refrigerator for about another 3 minutes if you cool it even further, for example to 19°, it will turn even whiter and will be even more stable when deposited Even at 23° It already holds its shape perfectly perfectly whipped very beautiful and embossed cream If you want to plant flowers from this cream, you should cool the cream mass for whipping to 19° then you have perfect embossed beautiful decorations you have a nozzle here I have a confectionery 1m to plant As you can see it is excellent it holds its shape perfectly it is very light in taste, glossy, beautiful I put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, see how it behaves after the refrigerator, that is, it freezes perfectly, but it tastes airy now. I’ll even show you a comparison, so I pick it up, that is, it keeps its shape perfectly, the French often use it Oddly enough, they even use frezier in strawberry cake Instead of Muslin Cream Take this into your arsenal too because this cream does not separate at all, unlike all starch-based and flour-based custards, it absolutely does not separate from sour fruits This is important Also you can use it in meringue for all cakes. This is how it is cut with a knife and now I will show you in comparison how it looks compared to butter cream with condensed milk. I just had butter cream for condensed milk left here in this container after covering one cake and look at the color It’s different here, of course, it’s not straight from the buttercream attachment onto condensed milk, but it’s more matte after the refrigerator, it even becomes so light. I would say buttercream on condensed milk has a coating on it, and it’s not so airy, and look, I’ll cut it now, too, with a knife, it tastes it feels like such a rather heavy butter cream, the same cream on French yolks. Look when it is cut, it is very airy, even in the structure inside, you can see this monolithic one that is on condensed milk. And this one is kind of so loose and therefore I highly recommend preparing it from all butter creams, this French one cream also Prague cream, in my opinion, the lightest and I hope that the video was useful and informative, subscribe to my channel, like, write comments, I wish everyone great success and see you in new videos
Channel: Торты и Кулинария Cakes & Cooking
Views: 100,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #французскийкрем, #масляныйкрем, #тортыикулинария, #стабильныйкрем
Id: TBzbw7ZK0kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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