The Mortuary Assistant (FULL GAME)

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all right guys so we are about to get real real spooky last year we played a demo of this game and it was easily amongst the scariest video games that we've not only played here on the channel but amongst the scariest games that i've ever played at period and i'm spitting all over the place i'm sorry ladies and gentlemen welcome to the official beginning of the mortuary assistant as always my name is hollow and welcome back let's do this a huge thank you to the developers of this game darkstone digital for the early access what you're about to experience is based on real paranormal events research of the occult has shown that heightened moments of emotion such as fear can encourage the manifestation of hauntings i'm so glad it's almost over congratulations sweetie thank you you'll never understand why you chose such a macabre field there's nothing disturbing about it it's just that it's i'm proud of you i really am you've come so far so you haven't told me what's next will you get a job where you are or they actually have everyone they need but my old teacher mr delver transferred me to his office to finalize my internship there oh well that's good i remember you mentioning him where's he located are you moving away from me no no i'm not moving he's actually located around here river fields oh rebecca i don't like that grandma even i've heard things about that place just be worried about it make up stories death is a scary thing to a lot of people and we try to explain things we don't understand and we want comfort when we lose someone we love i mean no one's embalming any ghost bodies or whatever it's funny right or right i'm sorry but i wanted to give you this anyway so here i i don't know if i want that just take it please should be yours anyway correct me if i'm wrong but all right enough spooky stuff i'm so proud of you when is all this happening when do you start i've actually been there for a few weeks now my review is tomorrow [Music] correct me if i'm wrong but when we when we played this demo the person we kept seeing in the mortuary right like it looked exactly like our grandma all righty guys this is the game that's extremely high on jump scares from what i recall within the demo and that is my ultimate fear and weakness here we go i'm really surprised i didn't think this what i thought was an indie game at first which still is in a sense right um it is a lot more sophisticated than i was expecting it to be i mean the demo itself was pretty sophisticated but this full game is so far it's taken it just a step further the little cut scenes and the demo did have cutscenes but i don't think it had third person cut scenes i don't remember at least it's been a while but anyways we're back back in the place of hell god i hate this place so first things first rebecca our last uh one last thing i forgot to give to you please grab a pencil from my desk and sign thanks zoe p.s good luck well thanks zoe okay let me go ahead and grab a pencil handy dandy pencil so you use it to sign the paperwork left on the door excellent that makes perfect sense so quick inventory access quick inventory and choose the item you wish to use most but not all places where items can be used will cost use item icon to appear we've got the pencil and we're gonna use that to sign correct yes so let me just do a little quick run down here make sure there's nothing we're missing can i crouch yes i appreciate that we can see the entire body i love when games do this i'm not a fan it's not a big deal but i'm not a fan when when games don't show our legs and our torso and stuff like that i mean it's 20 22 for the love of god what is this mr dell versus business cards river fields mortuary established 1970 very freaky sir anything here in the entrance uh nope sure i'll flush the toilet for you why not oh there's the fuse box you know we're gonna be coming over here yeah i'm not gonna drop that jess in case oh well here we go ladies and gentlemen yeah this game is terrifying rebecca great perfect timing i just finished with mr dalton here please wheel him back to cold storage and bring us mrs page what an [ __ ] i had no idea he was there and he was never there in the demo okay so moving the deceased ah use the uh anybody standing behind it and pressing gurney to interact then walk backwards with uh all right self-explanatory hey there pam are you holding up not looking too hot you see and this is the camera that you're here you're you're just looking at the dead the entire time while you're moving it so anything could happen so the cold storage to bring a body in or out of the cold storage open the bay with the body's name pull out the rack then move the carts over to it oh god this is this oh god this is terrifying oh boy yeah what do you say the name was i already forgot ah here we go so this is oswald dalton okay i will drag this i think it was like this no hold on how do i move the uh oh my god all right i'm going to place them right there i will bring this out i think i'm doing this the right way there we go perfect all right sir uh in you go all right it's a little funky here i've got to get used to the way uh this thing works all right there's that now i'm gonna go ahead and grab the next body okay open this up who is this um dorothy page well hello there dorothy are you holding up sweetheart we're gonna do some experiments on you today if you don't mind all right now i have to wait what do we got here can i just have to grab this hey what's going on there we go perfect all right we've placed her i guess i gotta move this back inside or hold on there we go all right sweet so i'm gonna push this back in perfect oh man it looks like she's got some sort of uh wound to the chest maybe due to some previous tests hear the mortuary or maybe not all right i'm just finishing up something here so why don't you grab the clipboard and start recording identifying marks i'll get out of your way when you're done and let you hop in here sweet alright so the clipboard is used to form offer forms and keeping track of mortuary tasks large items all right so view the clipboard it's gonna be space so dorothy page 87 years old okay we're gonna examine at the legs first so inspecting a body however the the cursor over unique markings such as moles scratches and bruises and interact with them to record them to the clipboard okay anything in the nails no i think we're good go ahead and search the other side actually i'm gonna do the legs should i do the right side first or the like let's go ahead and finish off the legs we've got one here nothing else the tib fib is good all right these old windows never stay latched sir you're really gonna give me that excuse i had to smack you silly for that one okay um wait am i able to rotate the leg as well well probably not it probably i'll probably break it in half if i rotate that leg okay so maybe this is just referring to the uh to the hand okay all right we'll turn it back to normal nothing here okay i'm gonna go around do the other side rotate the hand and voila dorothy as long as you don't wake up we're gonna be best pals okay just just don't wake up on me all right let's flip it around see nothing in the back all right dorothy you are looking excellent sweetheart you look phenomenal absolutely phenomenal everything is going so well i think i already checked this hand all right anything here let's rotate maybe something here nothing on her back we're gonna go back to her head now and this is where it gets sexy yes great climb on in here and put everything into the record system don't forget to take the print out to the front desk so zoe can add it to the packet for the family after that we'll get started oh god okay so hi sir how you doing um i'm gonna put this over here so the river fields network how to so ensure cadaver information clicked for you what was that i didn't say anything you all right yeah i'm fine sorry [ __ ] the enter cadaver information click the record system icon to open the program match the sections on your clipboard to the corresponding sections on the computer once all findings have been entered into the system click submit to printouts okay the records the file then file the records upfront okay that's where zoe takes over all right [Music] okay so system records name is gonna be dorothy can i type this in oh i could just let's just click and drag in a sense so age is gonna be well that's much better um hold on let's go to the head first we've got a mole on the head um a contusion on the intuition i can contusion right a contusion on the left shoulder uh we've got a rash on the right arm we've got uh keratolysis on the left arm is that how you pronounce that well we're gonna be learning some uh terms today or throughout this play through if you will maybe we won't know how to pronounce them but we'll still learn them right um okay we got something else on the right leg here where's the right leg and the blemishes on the left leg and that ought to be it i think that uh about does it success we've done it you're kind of creeping me out there boss stop stop it just yeah we're getting we're gonna stop that thanks all right so the m uh embalming reports a packet of mortuary paperwork related to the handling of the deceased file up front so they are available if requested all right i will be right back sir i don't think you need to give me these uh really large yellow footsteps as i am not that dumb but i appreciate it this place just gets creepier and creepier okay so the embalming reports time to embalm all right time to embalm oh i can pick up a calculator fantastic okay what do we have here we still have the clipboard and then wire jaw shuts oh my god i think now is when we start oh my goodness all right i've set everything out so you can just go ahead and get started i'll be monitoring everything's on your list there if you need it i think now is when we start the experiment this is where shit's going to get a little crazy and we've got this whipple of this whippo we've got i can't even speak right now we've got this window in front of this whipple what we've got this window in front of me which if we recall in the demo played a a significant role in the jump scare so we've got to be careful um so here we've got the moisturizing pad a wipe used to moisturize the skin of the deceased okay so inventory is tab this is the inventory large items are held in your hands if both hands are full you will need to drop a large item before picking up another smaller items are kept in your pockets which is here and right now i've got uh seems like i've got two big items so viewing the items after selecting an item in the description uh a description it's it's description will appear below it if an item can be dropped a drop button will appear under the item description okay so these are probably for the pockets the setting needles barbs with a length of wire used with a with a needle injector to wire the jaw shut okay so the first thing we got to do is wire the jaw shut with the needle injector and settings needle okay what is this the needle injector a tool used uh for hammering setting needle barbs into the skull okay so here we have the setting needle and the needle injector that's exactly what we need right yeah quite literally so we've got the scapula small sharp blade used for surgery we've got some eye caps used for holding the eyelid shut this i don't know who does this for a living but i mean if you do this for a living you are you've got balls of steel i'm sorry i'm just i don't know how you can do that i am so sorry the pvc2 being a flexible durable tube but used for various medical applications can't hold anything else perfect i can't hold anything else you got it sister okay iv reservoir bag an iv bag used for infusing embalming fluids into organs and cavities i can't hold anything else all right so i'll use this uh artery forceps used for grasping and compressing an artery put that in my pocket and uh the troch the choker trokar used for injecting cavity fluid directly into organs all right so those two things are large items which are held in my hand so first things first setting the face press the button to operate the needle injector this gave us disturbing dude and drive barbs into the skull then twist the wire to shut the jaw with the manipulator well what the [ __ ] no way do they really do this like that oh she dead dead for real if she wasn't she was faking it she'd woken up this is so disturbing there we go bro that's so sad oh [ __ ] oh my goodness gracious insert eye caps to keep eyes shut this is this is terrible so placing the eye caps use the manipulator to open the eyelid completely interact with the eye to place the cap and close the eyes okay there you go the eye caps well that's all right that's so [ __ ] disturbing dude all right so what's next to mix the embalming fluid in pump so we need the uh the glutaral the high gl glutaraldehyde gluorod glutar glutarole dihyde whatever the methanol the the hammock tint and the a formal d all right fantastic [ __ ] me so this is the uh the glute and arterial fluid based uh uh base used for firming and preserving tissue can't hold anything else okay so i'm gonna have to drop a couple of items here it seems like um can i how do i drop this can i drop okay i put that on the ground oh [ __ ] hmm sometimes we get chemicals that haven't been stored properly and it can make them pop like that just keep doing your thing i'll get it you [ __ ] serious man [ __ ] all right all right i'll put that it's okay an arterial fluid uh this is the glutara aldehyde an arterial fluid base used for firming preserving tissue seems like the one we literally just had in hand sounds the same at least all right this is the the hume hummington a chemical that aids in retaining moisture i'm sorry if i'm mispronouncing these words i'm really sorry just just bear with me okay i'm a gamer not not an intelligent person here so the methanol a chemical used to hold the formaldehyde i am butchering these names in solution by preventing the polymerize the polymerization all right that that actually scared the crap out of me i'm not even gonna lie so make an incision in the cardoid artery and juggler veins with the scalpel perfect okay i'll keep this in hand as well just just to just in case i think i might have to clean the skin anyway so we're gonna go here um i can't use that here no okay all right i was just being uh just curious so make the incision now we've got to use uh using items so some items need to be used directly on the body to use an item open quick inventory and select the item needed artery forceps perfect okay okay see the clipboard it says uh use the forceps to clamp tubing to both veins oh my god and and connect the embalming pump oh [ __ ] okay we need the tubing which is gonna be this i can't hold anything else seems like i'm gonna have to drop this again grab the tubing okay go around oh god jesus christ bro like this is just the beginning what is when it starts getting crazy it's gonna get crazy all right so we've got that take a look at the clipboard again and engage the pump and let the body drain all righty sir phenomenal look at her goal [Applause] i don't know where to look i don't know if i should be wary of the window behind me at my boss or at the dead body too many things at once [Applause] sir it's not good enough turn off the pump remove the tubes and close the incision all right i love how precise this game is you know i will remove the pumps close the incision and uh voila let there be magic fill an empty iv reservoir bag with cavity fluid all right one step at a time okay this is the iv bag okay we've got that now we've got to go ahead and fill it up with cavity fluid which is gonna be here and then i think uh that's what we pump into the body no sweet okay now you insert the tro the troker trokar into the abdominal filling body cavities insert okay until it stops to be uh to begin the flow of embalming fluid once the cavity is full pull the trunk or back rotate it then reinsert until the reservoir bag is empty [ __ ] me dude oh this is so crazy i mean i've done this before because you can see like in the stomach where the needle is [ __ ] we kind of did this in the demo but just doing it all over again is super super insane like there we go oh god that was incredible in a very horrific way alright so our clipboard is our best friend in this game it tells us everything we have to do so we've got to mix the cleaners in the bathroom closet to create the tank cleaner then pour into the embalming pump oh [ __ ] i'm by myself here in the bathroom all by myself all right so this is the cleaner base a solution of corrosion inhibitors add uh the descaler to create the mixture needed to clean the bombing machines okay makes the cleaner in bathroom clothes uh closet creates the tank cleaner then poured into the embalming pump so i think we already have it we've got a tank cleaner okay oh what the [ __ ] stop playing with me it's like we can't just go five minutes without anything happening in this game huh just can't can we just go five minutes with it being just normal thanks mix cleaners in the bathroom okay um then pour it into the embalming pump the embalming pump was it this one there you go sweet i'm gonna stay right here where i can see everything i don't know where do i go man right here perfect all right he's just watching me dude what's wrong with this guy so apply the moisturizer to the facial features where is that i may ask could it be this moist pads let me see so moisturizing move the wipe across the facial features holding it down interact until the oceans uh tell you what what what why don't you go ahead and head out i'll take over from here uh are you sure i just got here don't worry you're doing great i'll get the last of your paperwork sorted today and call you in for your first shift um okay sir well it was nice to meet you i've already probably met you before but thank you for the hospitality i will it's fine i'll give you a call when we get someone in i will be on my way now thank you if i were her i'd be like damn i'm fired i haven't even started and i'm fired but uh i think we did a phenomenal job our first day at work that was my first body it was just really weird so some stuff fell over that's not a big deal no i know it wasn't even my fault but he sent me home right after that i'm just really worried he was supposed to finalize my stuff today and he said he would right yeah so that's a good thing yeah it just didn't feel like he meant it like well you just said it to get me out of the building wait a sec i have another call hello hey rebecca that's raymond oh hi mr delver look if i did anything wrong today just no no uh i wanted to apologize you've done a fantastic job i'm just not feeling too well that's uh actually why i'm calling i know it's late but we just got three new cadavers and no one else can make it in right now i was hoping you could come in and take care of them well but yeah are you sure i mean of course you were doing excellent a huge favor i took care of the rest of your onboarding we're all set and your new badge is in your personal belongings that's great uh thank you i'm on my way right now i hope you feel better thanks again i'll see you tomorrow bye holy [ __ ] that was him he signed me on he needs me to come in tonight see i told you it was fine congratulations thanks i have to go like right now i'll talk to you later so this was the part of the demo that we played which was horrifying where are my keys and at one point it didn't make a whole lot of sense because we're like what's going on here but now we know we saw what happened prior to and my keys are right here excellent east of the apartment car and the front door of river fields temporary items not take up space in your normal inventory use a temporary item by directing a directly interacting with objects that requires it okay the nicest people are dead jesus christ that's actually true but very terrifying see i'd probably take one of these knives just in case but i don't think i need to just because i'm sure where we work there's plenty of knives but here we go guys we are now headed to the mortuary for our first shift god i hate this and of course our first shift is always going to be during the night time why would it be during the nice beautiful sunny day outside but we can have a very terrifying rainy midnight shift those are always nice all right so head to the back and get started oh [ __ ] me dude doors already closing by themselves this woman is already gasping to death and the phone is [ __ ] ringing in my ear mr delver i need help someone's outside the mortuary just try to stay calm i know you're scared oh what the [ __ ] i'll unlock the door in a moment what this is very sudden but listen to me we have to start right away i'm sorry i didn't know until it made itself known this morning that it was here let alone bound to you i had no way of knowing the possession had started what look this isn't funny stop you need to take this seriously you need to act quickly this is insane i'll just leave i'll just [ __ ] leave you can't leave rebecca i i can't allow that for you or for others it's far too dangerous what am i supposed to do then most bodies i work with at night are fine so we stay calm okay we embalm file the paperwork everything treat it like a normal day staying focused will help i left some things for you on the desk i'll call again when you get to the embalming room no wait dammit what the [ __ ] this is insane okay this is so stupid i am hazing for the new girl or something i want to be fired damn it just play along and do your job old key hockey and a tape recorder thanks raymond now what's up with the tape recorder that's just kind of fishy i guess just to record everything but this dude knew this [ __ ] was possessed and he's here literally he's here sending me to do the dirty work the son of a [ __ ] all right let me just make sure there's nothing else here yeah so that i don't know if the if that person was in the demo like that person outside so although this might be our first shift like it was in the demo i'm pretty sure there's gonna be some updates and changes within this version of the version of the game considering it is the full game making sure there's nothing in the closet here i can't i can't use that here what are you talking about woman are you crazy yes you can you see i told you okay where's the clip i don't have my clipboard i want the pencil nothing's here what's going on i'm [ __ ] quitting tomorrow i mean who does something like this that's not it oh god [ __ ] oh my god bro i hate this i'm telling you this game is going to get crazy right now you thought the first 30 minutes was was nothing you're you're about to see all right listen carefully i'm look i'm sorry but this entire thing is extremely unprofessional if this is how you treat new hires i don't think i can work for you this isn't funny rebecca you don't have to believe me but i hope you do before it's too late the only way to save yourself is to banish the demon before you're too far gone to do that you will need to learn the demon's name bind it to its chosen body and burn it in the retort look i know this is a lot to take in i wish i could do more for you i had years to learn what i know you have hours i've recorded a number of cassettes to instruct you in the hope that having a physical object with a known message will help you stay grounded i won't be calling again you can't trust the phones anything can be manipulated listen to the tapes learn the demon's name burn the correct body the most important thing in the room is in that cabinet open it up good luck rebecca i'm sorry this had to happen what an [ __ ] this is insane whatever just be the professional one grab a body and get started all right this is the tape so the mini cassette tape a small cassette labeled one night shift system the night shift database a computer program combining all my findings into one reference point the database contains all the information on the process of expulsion the tools used and most importantly all the markings of the known demonic names if you ever forget what to do replay these tapes or look it up in the database the collection of demonic names is the most crucial piece to the puzzle you will need this information my id card is in my personal belongings drawer on the back is the passcode to access it use it okay where's his personal belongings drawer the book of typhon typhon walked among his disciples and he spoke he who does not truly let the lord into his heart shall be judged by his sin and destined to serve those who truly believe for all are assigned to the halls of hell seven abandon god as he has abandoned you bring lucifer into your hearts and revel in his glorious sin for allah are damned there is no hope of god all are marked for the houses of hell as all are hopelessly lost you have been left behind eight and as he passed honor on looked upon typhon with disgust and said i will not turn my eye from god satan has no dominion over the lord's creation nine i found looked unto him on to honor on and said pray as you wish fall to your knees at this moment and call to god perhaps today he will step down from the heavens and all doubt shall vanish number 10 pray to nothing and behold the truth i will take from your god's creation the ashes of man for it burns eternal and sinful fire eleven typhon held the chariot remains of derod and walked among his disciples spreading his ashes upon their flesh setting the deeds or i'm sorry setting the reeds in his hands ablaze he said unto honor on see now that all are marked in the glory of satan 12 honoraron beheld a flash of light upon the skin of each disciple in typhon past and from it he saw mark burn deep into their flesh one of three for the houses of hell for we all are destined to serve his higher purpose thirteen and typhon extended the ashes of durod to the hands of the onaron and said fourteen bear the forgotten flesh upon your own ignited sin and accept the true god sheesh okay mini cassette table smock set label 3 process of possession at every moment the demon is funneling its energy through you weakening you until you are unable to resist identifying a demonic entity is a delicate balance the further you are from possession the more time you have the closer you are the more the demon will make itself known allowing you the information to guess its name and the body it's bound to the only way i've found to tell how far along a possession is on your own is to scribble on a piece of paper don't think about it just scribble look carefully if you notice anything strange it's starting to take hold there's a notepad and a pencil on the desk in the front room checking i'm calling the police our first day by ourselves at the morgue absolutely fantastic okay so what do we have here we've got three bodies back to back we're gonna start all the way at the left with hiram molina okay pull this guy backwards actually i gotta go damn i gotta go get the you know the stretcher thingymajig the uh the gurney can't put a body without the proper chromio building no no no no that's you block me in here you're scaring the [ __ ] out of me i'm gonna sue the [ __ ] out of this man but once once i'm out of here yep that's what i'ma do all right can i pull the body now excellent all right so we've got the body with us everything is totally fine it's time we get to work all right let's check you out let's check it out but here we've got the uh clipboard [ __ ] all right let's start at the feet just like we were taught right all right we got a little mole there it's kind of cute oh [ __ ] hello no bro bro we're like nope nope new job i'm getting out of here bro we're like five minutes into this come on oh hold on i think i saw something there do this there it is back to work okay cool so we're gonna check the legs first then we're gonna go over the hands arms and whatnot nothing here any blemishes any little moles or okay right arm seems to be a-okay we're gonna go to the hold on i think it's right over here to the left arm i'm gonna rotate nothing here perfect all right this guy looks pretty good so far i'm gonna rotate him on his back there we go that's it i think once she gives you that key like there we go i think that's that's basically all we need to to look for and then we can go into the computer now and uh input his information so we've got the record system we're gonna go with iran molina that's the name the age is 33 years old uh we've got left shoulder okay the mole in the rash we've got the right leg and then we've got the left leg and i think i think that's it all right so that's entry one i'm gonna back out of here now remember we still to put all the code find the code to put here into the night shift i need to file the copy up front yep all right so before we do that or before we get into that we're going to go ahead and pick this up went on our way into the front desk here nothing should happen we should be a-okay person that was out there is no longer there that's phenomenal okay i can't use that here the embalming report all right so now we're gonna get into the nitty-gritty so this is the paper and pencil that can be used to check how far it wants to slip into possession oh [ __ ] that is creepy yo that's freaking creepy dude i will never get used to this this is ridiculous all right so there's that now we got to get the eye caps and we'll start from here what is this ah the eye caps it seems like everything's kind of organized which makes our life much easier so that's good open up the eyes just like we were talking close up the eyes perfect all right so now we got to mix the embalming fluid into the pump so the embalming fluid okay this is one of them okay correct i'm gonna put that there okay not the bleaching agents uh this was another one right yep we'll put that one there can i please work in peace [ __ ] i don't like this i don't like this don't like this the methanol where's the methanol did we already put this methanol methanol bro this is so [ __ ] what is this the methanol of course it is all right sweet so now we've got to make sure the incision in the cardio artery with the okay we use a scalpel where's the scalpel aha okay we've got the scab i think it was on the neck uh what wait do i have to go in there no bro what are you doing hello uh okay should i probably use um okay we're good we're good we're not far gone we are a-okay i've got to close this maybe the reagents in the old cabinet oh i need it wasn't this the old cabinet ah we have the old oh my god was this part in the demo the mini cassette tape too it must be bound to its chosen body and burned the three objects in this cabinet are your tools first the clay tablet in the center is called a mark placing the smaller pieces in the correct configuration will spell the demon's name second the bottles on the top shelf are a special reagent that will react to the mark add a bottle to the embalming mixture during the process when the mark is placed on the correct body with the reagent inside it will force the demon to become bound to it pay attention to signs that you have chosen correctly they can be obvious or extremely subtle once you are certain the demon is bound to its vessel burn it finally the pieces of paper on the right are called leading strips it must inscribe the sigils of its name in our world to begin the evocation you will need to uncover these sigils to use them a letting strip up while wandering the mortuary if it begins to smolder and burn you're close when the paper combusts the sigil has been revealed somewhere in that area they can be anywhere so look on walls under objects inside furniture anywhere the demon will inscribe in sigils over time to try and hide them so check regularly once you uncover the sigils use the night shift database to decide which demon you're dealing with and use that knowledge to create the mark the steps are simple add the reagent to the embalming mixture uncover the sigils build the mark and place it on the body then when you're certain burn it in the return that's cute that's [ __ ] cute oh god hi hi let's relax come down it's my first day here [ __ ] all right this is the letting strip oh wow how romantic okay so this is the mark these are the symbols i've got to put here okay but we don't have any symbols so i can take them yeah there's no point in doing that and this is the oh am i too far gone i'm good all right we're good all right so let me see the reagent this is exactly what he was taught yep the baleful reagents all right i think this is exactly what i needed raymond i really need a key to the hatch outside cleaner is low and you mentioned having someone uh some down there before i know you don't trust everyone to go down there but having a copy of the key would make things a lot easier for everyone sorry i don't even think zoey exists bro this is this freaking [ __ ] is full access card 468028 all right four six eight zero two eight four six eight zero two eight ah that actually worked this database is a collection of all my findings related to the banishment of con conventions demons uh the history of the the uh of the demonic and the tools i have found throughout my research years of travel and piecing together whatever relics remain have been compiled here okay this area on the top right leads to the following subsections all right so here we've got history of the demonic identifying demonic tendencies sigils of the demonic names all right we got three sigils each of the demons belong to one of these three houses of service in the halls of satan the houses of sin a demon's true name is composed of four sigils of bondage this is basically what the guy talked about oh these little little symbols so once we get four little symbols on that on that tablet over here then that what that's exactly what's going to give us the name of that demon in particular and there is like we see here there's three different houses this one this emulation and devious and a desolation path to banishment embalm each body with a special reagent from the cabinet you use the leading strips okay this is also what this guy said on the tape he said that we can look here or listen to the tapes again so i'm not some of these things we've already heard learning the name of the demonic entity is more about waiting identifying which body is experiencing demonic tendency requires paying close attention uh close attention well any of the bodies i'm kind of nervous here can be manipulated it is far easier for the entity to control its own vessel sudden movements large or small can be a sign of tennessee if a body appears to be more active than others or strange markings start to appear it may be signs of demonic tendency however the demon is trying its best to remain elusive and may manifest these manipulations on other bodies which is why it is important to take note of which is experience uh which body is experiencing these events the more events linked to a specific body the more likely it is to be the chosen vessel okay so we can have the markings on the body sudden movements large or small repeat movements is one body more active than the other and this is a [ __ ] body with a demonic party with a demonic inhabitants may display sudden movements these bodies hold on there's a video all right this working no this thing is huge so uh i guess that's what she's saying this is david raymond this feels insane but i think you were right this has happened a few times now but let me see if i can get in here there it is [ __ ] [ __ ] no shot oh my god okay um did we put the fluid in oh [ __ ] oh god here we put the okay um oh my god this is terrifying dude oh god oh god okay where's the forceps oh it's not this oh it's not that [ __ ] i think it was these forceps artery forceps here we go okay i'm gonna go ahead and place these here now we gotta find the tube to the neck tubing yep gotta be here the pvc tubing yo this is terrifying [ __ ] me okay yep that that is totally normal oh god all right i'm gonna pull out the little piece of strip here in case any of [Applause] i'm trying to play this game and like my phone's going off and it's like vibrating and people are sending me messages and it's like pulling me off so i'm like constantly looking this way and it's really messing with my head right now [Applause] [Music] shut up shut okay let me check my uh sanity here oh okay totally not normal uh turn off the pump remove the tubes then close the incision i will close the incision perfect fill an empty iv reservoir bag cavity fluid in the trunk ah okay this is when we do the stomach thing right this is the bag yes okay the cavity fluid was here i remember correctly okay i can't use that here oh of course you can what are you talking about and this was the tool we used for the belly this this place is a little bit uncomfortable excuse me this part is a bit uncomfortable for me kind of disgusting if you ask me but uh we're men we're not boys here a grown man the grown man must do what he's mo [ __ ] oh man let's do what he's got to do this is just holidays all in a day's work here guys okay everything is fine we're gonna be a-okay not a problem in the world we're just sucking the liquid out of a human body phenomenal okay um mix the cleaners in the bathroom closet oh god okay i remember this part let me walk around with this paper just make sure that oh god oh okay okay that's the that's the first symbol we've got the first symbol this is awesome not really but we're getting somewhere that part is awesome so the first symbol was this one aha now once we get a little bit more symbols we'll start looking into the computer and then we'll start you know kind of uh let me go get another piece of strip of paper we'll start looking into the computers and uh hopefully distinguish uh the demon's name and burn his ass alive or dead because he's not really alive he's dead he's trying to be alive but he's not he won't be cause i'm gonna finish him and i'm talking too much i'm sorry okay it was this right like okay put it here excellent oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what is this god i'm [ __ ] blind can i zoom in god how many bro that pump scares the crap out of me i'm sorry mix cleaner okay apply the moisturizing in the facial uh okay are we okay the next thing we have to do is just clean the body's face and it'll be on its way to back into the cold storage and and will be perfectly fine all right good good good good good good here we go clean that little pretty face looking marvelous um mister i forgot his [ __ ] name i'm sorry uh return the body to the storage here we go let me just do one quick little lap here make sure there's no uh forces back here into the cold storage the last thing i need right now okay i think we're good wow this is pretty intense look the way his feet wiggle it's pretty pretty incredible yeah thanks thanks for all that info okay this guy was the first one we pulled out right awesome good now i'm gonna get this i'm gonna pull out the next body but first things first you're going inside bucko in you go bud all right let me go ahead and what's your name shaina nunez all right i'm sorry if i mispronounced that name i can't really see much now i have like this really big light in my face so like the screen sometimes is a bit more difficult to see than if i were to have it off but if i turn off my light um check this out i'll show you it's hard to see me you see what i mean like it's hard to see me so that's why i have it on maybe i had to tone it down just a little bit here i don't know if that's working maybe whatever i don't know i'll figure it out later okay so we've got the next body so her name is uh shina nunez or nunes 26 years old god okay all right so here we go nothing here on the right leg about on the arm the hand yep there it is i'm gonna go to the other side now actually i'm already here might as well do this got a blemish or whatever that is on the chest one on the back excellent you are behaving absolutely fantastic i'm so proud of you you are an incredible patient you were just almost perfect yep i don't like this hold on i don't know what's going on here but i don't like the way that the uh the camera was getting all sorts of yellow and stuff might mean something so i'm just going to walk around with this little handy dandy paper just in case okay i'm going to input the information into the computer system not a problem i'm going to get out of here no need to watch that video again i'll tell you that much all right so mrs or miss nunes 26 years old right shoulder looking busted left arm is destroyed the right arm looks disgusting and the left leg might have seen better days and what is that am i going crazy or did that body just started talking or something deliver the documents excellence walk around with the handy dandy paper again maybe maybe i should just probably go home i think i had the choice to go home and i haven't because i'm an idiot but i probably should let me check this paper am i going insane yet no we're still good i'm not really gonna know when i'm going insane by drawing on that paper in my inventory but whatever all right so let's go ahead we're gonna do this all over again we got this we got that it's time to open up the uh or close the mouth i'm sorry close the mouth there there we go perfect and now we need it i think next was the neck right oh no the eye caps all right might as well get this now that we're here as well and uh [Music] all right hold on but up the eyelids this will never ever not get weird i mean this is really weird mix the fluid okay so we've got fluid uh here perfect okay every time i look at that [ __ ] window i freak out because i know that window was a nightmare and oh my god what the [ __ ] is this oh we're getting some flashbacks here [Music] everyone get my oh wow oh did this did we have like a pass with drugs or something [Music] oh so we're going to dig deeper into the past of this character too oh rebecca she had a dark past you did this to me it's all your fault oh god what the [ __ ] is that you son of a sh no bro no we're not doing this oh god oh that's convenient that's like a three right is that this is it that one let me see no it's not that one it's this one actually yikes okay cool all right so we're gonna do all right you're gonna stay put all right you're not gonna do anything stupid now right yeah you're gonna be a good girl you're gonna stay put that's not it no oh what are you talking about oh methanol okay i gotta get this one i can't i can't hold anything else i gotta drop this one i already put that one that's why i can't get it i already i already have one of those i do all right good uh and then the other one is this one all right we're gonna get the reagent here again with the reagent here hold on i gotta go get a little strip of paper again um make an incision in the quarter okay i think we already have this bam bam now we just gotta go get the tubing oh man we're getting really good at this crap i'm gonna be a professional mortuary assistant by the time i'm done here tell you that much there we go start off the pump drain the body just like it's meant to be drained let me check my sanity oh [ __ ] [Applause] in the meantime i could probably look at the uh computer and check out the possibilities of what's going on here with this name over the demonic entity in this mortgage and who is it that way or what what body is it attaches so we can [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] turn off the pump remove the tubes perfect oh [ __ ] me bro that is so scary this is so scary i need to relax i need to relax oh i'm telling you that window is gonna be the death of me [ __ ] that window a thousand times over and over again this thing again here we go with the belly all right can i can i uh maybe move around real quick here with this piece of paper and maybe we can figure out where where our where this thing is we only need one more sigil one more symbol actually you know what i'll use it on my way back right now let's open up the stomach and and get this get this party started drain the body boys look at the marking in the stomach that is so disgusting it's like the needle goes all the way to like her clavicle oh not really not her clavicle her little sternum her stern i think that's called the sternum you know like right before the chest that's insane that little detail is pretty pretty incredible it's the little details that matter guys the little details all right you are a-okay sweetheart you're gonna be just fine your family's not even gonna recognize you in a good way actually no that's i'm gonna shut up i'm nervous mix cleaners into bath okay so we gotta get the cleaners now all right are we okay here okay what do we got here uh now we gotta apply the moisturizing thing to her skin should we go back here oh my god bro the pacing of this game is incredibly well done because it really does freak you out dude like i don't know about you guys but i feel so claustrophobic this whole entire time like this can't be healthy this cannot be healthy for the human mind okay here we go no don't [ __ ] with me right oh god don't do this don't do this don't do this don't do this [Music] i'm gonna put the body back inside my boy was that you oh you're going back inside oh god let's put this there brian whitney all right mr brian let's see what you got i think uh brian is one of the names of the creators of this game i'm not mistaken i don't know why you would do that to yourself but you are insane mr brian you see what you're made of sir i don't know why i'm walking around with this paper in my hand like this and all sorts of crazy but uh what can i say here we go may the inspection begin okay left side of the body right side of the body i'm sorry something on the hand let's go ahead and rotate you over bud what do we got here here we go remember the scratches they talked about this might be the body this might be the [ __ ] body guys and luckily for us it's it's the last one for the day now you see okay i think she's done she said there you go that that's got to be the cue for being done right entry number three brian h 36 right shoulder right arm and that's it no right shoulder right arm is that right you only had two things okay good here we go go ahead and place that report over there i should probably just get in my car i think the door to my car is open which is kind of weird [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] my arm the [ __ ] was that hey hey hey let's relax bro no no no no no where's my mental sanity and all of this [ __ ] why are shut the jaw i'm about to shut that jaw white shut what am i saying i'm sorry brian i gotta do it to you bro there we go tripping me out bro all right now the next thing was the neck i'm not mistaken correct and the tubing i'm going to be three steps ahead of you guys we got to do this quick real quick oh no it was a freaking eyeballs oh there goes that i'm actually kind of glad that this is by order if not we'd be going crazy like the fact that there is some sort of order to the way you got to do this is it's fantastic now we got to mix the fluid oh [ __ ] me gotta be somewhere here oh my god bro i'm tripping out hello hello third one fourth one and we're gonna get the uh reagents all right everything's going fine all right now we gotta go to the neck open this up forceps i thought i had the tubes that's what i had to drop the tube the large item that's why okay so while that happens oh my god she was behind the cabinet what the [ __ ] bro please tell me you saw that please tell me you saw that [Applause] this has got to be the body this has got to be the body all right so now we have to turn off and remove the tubes [Applause] i have what are you talking about dude hello what is happening don't do this [Music] no sir what is this i don't know i feel like we've done everything pretty decent i don't know have i been overtaken by the demon or what's going on here oh you killed him you threw away his love with your selfish sin in his final moments he regretted you [Laughter] just let me get rebecca yeah it won't be over [Laughter] this game is [ __ ] i'm sorry this oh god this game is so [ __ ] shut up shut up no it's not you are dying [ __ ] you're dying okay we've got the three the two threes and the g now it's time to find it here we go come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on we've got this the sigils come on come on come on come on come on all right so we've got the two threes the two threes no it's not here god god god good two threes no two threes this one it could be masset it could be masset it could be massive let me see what's the fourth symbol oh [ __ ] you saw oh i'm going crazy it's this one so the three on the top and the three at the bottom all three at the top all three at the top no no full three and then this one goes here pull three half three the g and the spiral that's not really what they're called [ __ ] me what is going on well three four three g and the spiral on the left yep i'm taking it i'm taking it oh you're no no relax [ __ ] that's that's that's [ __ ] cute i'm so scared bro are you [ __ ] kidding me no i'm going this way huh oh god oh god [ __ ] slight hope you [ __ ] burn oh my god let me out let me out right the [ __ ] this instant let me out i'm missing something no you're not missing [ __ ] i'm missing something no what are you talking about all right so [ __ ] do you want man you're wrong you know oh god oh god all right here we go open that [ __ ] up wait what here we go [ __ ] oh my god i think we did it no no stop playing with me that's the one that's that's the one all right that's the one that was definitely the one this game is so [ __ ] i'm sorry this game is so [ __ ] in the head there you are good is it over it's never over but you survived what do you mean can i leave i want to go home you can leave but once an entity finds you all the houses of hell will do anything to get back to you i'm sorry but it doesn't end here from now on there is always a chance this will happen again no matter where you are i don't want this i just want to leave what do i do i'm sorry but there's no going back i've spent years learning everything i can to keep these entities at bay it's the only thing we can do so what you're waging some selfless holy war it's not a war it's survival and i'd hardly call it selfless we're caught at the front line of something larger but i don't do this for some greater good we either face it or fall to it i wish i could claim to be someone better suffering hell to save us all but i simply want to live another day just like everyone else when i first experienced this i had to make a choice i could run and spend the rest of my days in fear or i could learn to face it and keep some semblance of a normal life normal right it's not a life i would want for anyone but choosing between a life of fear or control you're the first person i've met to face this hell and survive so i'm offering you a different kind of job work the night shift learn what i know give yourself a chance at a life beyond fear i don't know what you experienced but i know it uses the worst parts of you against yourself the more you experience the more you'll confront the darkest parts of your life but through it you'll become unbreakable i'm offering the tools to take control the choice is yours i hope you come back are you kidding me dude this guy insane [Music] so i think that's the game um now there is different shifts i don't know what happens when you when you finish other shifts if like the story kind of differs from this one like he said you keep going into darker parts of your past which is kind of interesting um so maybe i'll do another shift just to see how that goes um and if it's worth it in my opinion then i will upload it if not we'll end it here but wow thank you guys so much for watching i i hope you enjoyed this this was pretty interesting this was very interesting it took him two years to make this game it seems like wow i thought i was gonna be a little bit longer i heard it was about five hours long um but maybe that's where the other shifts come into play um but if it's just like the same thing over and over again then i don't i don't see why replay it unless the story does change but again a huge thanks to the devs and the creators of this game for an early access code to be able to bring it to you guys earlier on the channel and uh i hope you truly enjoyed this one this was this is definitely a very highly anticipated horror game for me and i'm glad we finally got to play the full game so again if it's worth it i'll upload again but uh i'll just kind of see where the next shift heads
Channel: Hollow
Views: 542,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortuary Assistant, mortuary assistant game, mortuary assitant gameplay, mortuary assistant walkthrough, mortuary assistant full game, mortuary assistant reaction, mortuary assistant ending, mortuary assistant part 1, the mortuary assistant, the mortuary assistant game, the mortuary assistant gameplay, the mortuart assistant full game, the mortuary assistant reaction, the mortuary assistant ending, mortuary assistant jumpscares, mortuary, assistant, horror games, horror gmae
Id: qzNNj7nAGn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 18sec (4998 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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