The Moon - Facts Everyone Should Know

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one bonus or treat we can all experience is to go outside at night and look up at our moon I personally think it is just super cool to look at it could be a full moon or just a sliver of a moon or an October moon I just think it's beautiful welcome to MooMoo Math and Science in the Earth's moon to begin with our Moon's diameter is approximately 2159 miles or 3470 kilometers or roughly the distance across China it's more than a quarter the size of our Earth it has an average distance from the earth of 380 000 kilometers because the moon rotates and revolves at the same rate of approximately 27 days we always see the same side of the moon when you look at the surface of the Moon you will notice lots of craters these craters come in all kinds of shapes and sizes you will see double craters crater chains and even raise on the near Side of the Moon you also have darker and smoother regions called Maria which is Latin for seas because they were once believed to be filled with water but are basically vast pools of lava because the moon does not have an atmosphere or a very very thin atmosphere temperatures on the moon vary greatly with differences ranging from 140 degrees Celsius to minus 171 depending on the amount of sunlight received small quantities of sodium potassium argon and radon have been detected in this very very thin atmosphere in 2008 chandrian won a spacecraft confirmed the existence of surface water ice using onboard technology and a spectrometer which absorbed lines common to water thus providing evidence of large quantities of water ice on the lunar surface the moon goes through eight phases as seen from the Earth as it revolves they it begins with new moon then waxing crescent first quarter waxing gibbous full moon waning gibbous third quarter and waning crescent it takes approximately 29 days to go from New Moon to New Moon amazingly 12 people have walked on the moon here's a list of these 12. I hope you enjoy the moon and learning about it and remember kindness multiplies kindness be kind to someone today
Channel: MooMooMath and Science
Views: 16,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: distance moon Earth, moon, moon facts, phases of Moon, the moon, science, moon landing, lunar, astronaut, moomoomath and science
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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