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good morning everybody how you doing today my name's Andrew I'm Grandpa I'm Mimi I'm Joel I'm Tracy I'm Aunt Becky I'm Daniel and we're some of the veggie boys and I'd like to thank you for stopping by if you're new here please consider subscribing because we can grow a lot of stuff on the farm but one thing we can't grow is this channel without your help welcome back everyone it's so nice to see you right now we're in the farm market but so far this day has been pretty crazy I had to get up super early and take my mother-in-law to the airport which I'm now back and the boys also got up really early because we had a special order for sweet corn this morning now the special order that they had picked this morning was two full bins and there is someone on their way now to pick it up so we don't even need to deliver it which is really nice so already today we've had an action-packed morning and it's just gonna keep getting better we do have a lot of picking on our hands I mean but what do you expect this is a vegetable farm that's what we do we kind of pick so for the time being Daniel and I are just working on getting the farm market all set up and build up Dad and Joel are going to be working on the animals we're trying to get all these chores ironed out pretty quickly that way we can move on to picking and get everything accomplished that we need to foreign we're just about finished up here in the farm market all we have to do is finish filling everything up we've got it all pulled out of the cooler and about the time we're finishing up this the boys should be done with the animals so we'll be able to move on to some other jobs Farm Market is now all taken care of so we're gonna head down around back and make sure the boys don't need any help everybody was here this morning but we're a little short-handed now Matthew had to run to the auction he had to pick up a few things that we don't raise mostly fruit he's picking up peaches plums nectarines and things like that especially this time of year fruit just flies out of the farm market so we need to make sure that we have plenty [Applause] come on I just grabbed the last of the eggs we were able to get a basket and a half so a good haul this morning [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I don't know what happened with Dad or Joel I did hear the side by side running around so the girls might have called and asked them to do something but we've got the chickens already taken care of and Daniel and I just got all the cattle fed animals are now all finished for the morning we're going to be moving on to harvesting some vegetables before we go I just wanted to show you some of the sweet corn that they got picked or at the point in the year we're planting all that early sweet corn has really paid off there hasn't been too many people that have harvested as much as we have up to this point that new planting method that we use it's it's helped us out a ton it brought a lot more people into the farm market this time of year when you start to get the fresh vegetables and the fresh fruits then people just flock to the farm market and one of the biggest items that people look for is sweet corn fresh local sweet corn and since we've had it for a while we got a lot of customers because of it [Music] we've now made it out into the fields and we're gonna get started picking right away and the first thing on our list is the pickling cucumber so we're gonna pick down these entire rows some of you may be curious if we are getting tired of harvesting pickling cucumbers uh I'm not not yet at least surprisingly enough we are not expecting to find too many cucumbers here one of the biggest reasons is because last time we picked them we picked them really really hard so we harvested a lot of the smaller cucumbers we want to find some baskets but we're just not expecting a large Harvest today [Music] oh [Music] that is an angry bee here somewhere better be careful now something that's been pretty noteworthy with the vegetables is that over the past couple days we've had cooler than normal evening temperatures which has not allowed our vegetables to grow the way they've been we're still finding cucumbers it's just they're not growing as fast as they used to so what does that mean for us well it just means that we're getting less of a harvest than normal it's not not necessarily a bad thing because we've filled a lot of the orders that we have but it's just something that's noteworthy because we're getting less we also have been harvesting these cucumbers quite often and we've been picking them hard we've been taking a lot of the smaller ones which helps put on new growth but it doesn't allow the cucumbers to get a little bit larger so what we've noticed is because of the cooler temperatures we're not finding too many today now it is the beginning of August so there's no reason to panic these plants have plenty of moisture and as it warms up again the plants will pick up in their production but it just goes to show that you cannot be in control of everything especially when it comes to the weather you can do your best at growing the crops fertilizing and watering but some days the weather's not the way you need it to be what's up so much left here as I'm harvesting these cucumbers right next to them is the cantaloupes and the cantaloupes look so amazing it's so hard not to stop and just stare at the cantaloupes look at this look at this wow those are some big cantaloupes and it's not like there's only a few here as we look down through the row all the cantaloupes are starting to get really nice size and some of them are as big as this one this whole section of field all the plants are so prolific it's like a blanket of green pickling cucumbers here you've got cantaloupe in the middle and then you got the regular straight eight cucumbers it's just a beautiful blanket of green [Applause] we've made quite a bit of progress throughout the field and up to this point we've got one two three four five six six baskets of pickling cucumbers now those aren't bad numbers by any means it's just a lot less than we normally get and at the other end of the field Daniel also got some sweet banana packed these pickling cucumbers have more than paid for themselves and they've helped out quite a bit it's just amazing how the production has cut off just because of the weather oh my goodness the water ran all day yesterday or the day before yep no Mom we just watered that we watered the flat parsley we didn't water the curly parsley oh and just for FYI tell her what we found this morning in the sweet corn field a bear yep so be careful when you're out here picking mama I don't know we didn't see the bear bear but it was there the corn is rolled down and the ears are all hussed and eaten on more serious subjects a large square baler don't forget my tube we've done it we've got all the pickling cucumbers harvested for today we ended up with one two three four five six seven eight nine ten baskets I don't know Joel how do you feel about the pickling cucumber slowing down that's nice you know we've been working pretty hard at getting all the other crops in so a little break here and there is good break no way let's get going okay Callie Callie taught me how to say come on the next thing we're going to be moving on to harvesting is peppers I know specifically we need hot cherry and jalapeno peppers but I don't know what else we need besides that you're dead let's get done here by 11 and we'll go home and then we'll go down and get that tire on that tractor at least off the rim are they jalapeno there yeah we planted the top section you know while we're harvesting these hot cherry it's a great time to talk about a problem that we faced earlier on in the year if you recall we were not able to get in our standard hot cherry pepper varieties that we normally plant so we had to kind of take a shot in the dark and pick a new variety to use this year which is what we're harvesting now during that stressful time trying to figure out what variety that we were going to seed and later plant into the fields we spoke with one of our seed salesmen uh he works for Stokes and he pointed Us in the direction of this variety and to be quite honest with you I don't know off the top of my head what variety of hot cherry peppers this is I just know that they're beautiful now the variety that we were raising before this the peppers were a little on the smaller side but as I'll show you now from just this plant these peppers have much more size to them and this is what a lot of the people who stuff these hot cherry peppers really look for look at some of these look at these two they're giant but all that worrying we had at the beginning of the year about these hot cherry peppers a pepper that we Harvest so often and that we sell so much of and ultimately ended up in US finding a really really nice variety that I think we are gonna love and I think the customers are going to love more than us that just goes to show you sometimes you worry and worry and worry about something and in the end it's not too big of a deal you're able to find good Peppers wherever you look and I think this is going to be more of a blessing all those headaches that we had and all that stress in the end it's just gonna work out we have now got the hot cherry peppers all harvested we're going to be moving on to Long Hots thank you hey Dad what are you picking over there are you finding any nice bell peppers they're just starting a few that's the way it seems to be with all of our pepper varieties everything is just starting now you've already seen us harvest the jalapenos a few times how are they looking today Joel nice be beautiful look at those those are nice wow I want nachos I'm gonna make nachos when I get back Andy I love some nachos my favorite jalapenos are the ones that Grammy makes in the jar the candied ones I don't know if they're candied or canned we should make cowboy candy they're so good oh it's so good they grow up high you don't bend over as much you don't have to be on the ground picking these it's always a bonus especially mine would large square bales work for you Brian now I'll show you something pretty interesting you look at these jalapenos you see this one is actually covered in dirt and the funny thing is the only reason that is is because of the pounding rains that we've received it actually splashes the dirt up onto the peppers I always found that neat from some of the rains that we get how I can just cover everything in mud foreign we've now got everything harvested that we needed to pick this morning uh there wasn't too much that sweet corn early on that was like the biggest thing but now that we got these Peppers harvested and we picked through the pickling cucumbers we're ready to head back to the farm the thing that we have to watch out for is as we move into these later months if we can keep everything picked regularly and if we don't Harvest off these plants in these early stages it won't produce more later on because we're taking off the vegetables now it's going to tell the plant okay I need to keep producing so that's something we're gonna have to really keep a close watch on especially with these hot peppers we only have one large planting of hot peppers so if we can extend that Harvest it's going to pay us in the long run but there is other big jobs that need to be accomplished today a big one that needs to be done right away is the tractor on our 110 the large what was it the back right back right there back right tire has a giant hole in it so we're trying to get that fixed fixing those large tires can be a challenge but hopefully we'll be able to get it done so the crews are kind of splitting up and by Crews I mean Joel Daniel and my dad are going to take care of that tractor I'm going to get these pickling cucumbers washed and these Peppers moved into the cooler it would probably be nice to have a little extra help for this jump but that's gonna be a bigger job moving that tire around and moving those rims around is not easy [Music] some of you may be curious as to why we washed the pickling cucumbers in the tub rather than run them through the washer that we have downstairs the biggest reason for that is these pickling cucumbers are a lot thinner and smaller and they'd fall through the little cracks between the brushes that we have and because they fall through the cracks they end up getting bruised and it's just a lot safer for the vegetable to wash it this way we don't have bruised vegetables and we don't have any of that break from the brushes now would it be easier to run them through the washer oh yeah oh yeah it would be so much easier but we don't lose any of the Cucumbers because of this and we do a pretty good job at washing them this way [Music] my helper has now shown up well I don't know if she's much of a helper right now or she's just playing I guess she's helping isn't she yeah there you go a cup of water look at that hey what are you doing that one's already washed I got the Cucumbers all washed now all I need to do is move them into the cooler but I'm kind of fascinated by what Cali's doing here I she's dumping some water on the moon she's dumping it on the ground she just loves water are you having fun water I'm gonna start moving this stuff inside Cali is going to be out here helping Aunt Rhonda I guess we filled up most of our pickling cucumber orders now we just have some late ones that are coming in the pickling cucumbers are very popular in this local area a lot of people make their own pickles and it shows with how many orders we filled but that's what it's all about and that's why you raise so many plantings and so many pickling cucumbers foreign [Music] everybody we are now in for lunch and you can't really see but we are having Stromboli in calzone for lunch Grammy was making it fresh from scratch and it's in the oven right now so we're all excited so were you able to get your tire fixed well we have it all back together we have to take the air compressor now and put air in it but we got it done oh we just got finished with lunch and we got some big stuff we're working on right away this afternoon one is getting that tractor that had the hole in the tire back home just to make sure everything is working okay another thing is cleaning up the cow pasture the cattle have been eating a lot of grass but it is starting to get grown up in certain areas so we want to come through and mow it off and encourage new growth and then I'm gonna be here at the farm market just helping out the girls the farm Market's been really busy so I'm just going to be around here if anything exciting happens I'll turn the camera on well everyone the afternoon was not too eventful for me we just got the farm market all closed up but thankfully Joel and Daniel had plenty of an exciting afternoon they got our silage wagon all ready to go silage Harvester wasn't working because a wire that got knocked loose we're not going to say how we're not gonna say what happened but a wire got knocked loose and it's fixed so now the silo Travis is working again so in short you don't want to be racing silage wagons out through the field not that that was the issue but Daniel won now you may have noticed from some of the recent videos that we've been working on our silage equipment in the background and that's because silage Harvest just sneaks up on you you never know when you're going to start silage Harvest until that day comes one of the reasons why we really need to start thinking about silage Harvest is because we just finished off our last silage bag so we have no more silage for the cattle however that does also mean that the cattle are going to be getting fresh chopped for now so the sweet corn that we hand pick whatever we leave behind whether it's stock or ears that we will miss that will ultimately be chopped up and fed to the cattle fresh so it is a little bit of a different feed value because it's not fermented like the silage however the cattle love it because it's very sweet and it's very nutritious and that's really the reason why we've been working so hard at our silage equipment we just want to be ready to go when the time comes if we can just be as prepared as possible makes it a lot easier on you so now we're up in the house right now it's just Lord and I and Cali we were making some dinner we have some guests with us tonight so I'm trying to help Lauren get dinner all finished we're having raviolis and then yellow beans and green beans Grammy though broke out an acorn squash for herself she's feeling a little extra tonight but yeah we're just about ready dinner is all made we just need to all get at the dinner table well everyone we are now all on at the dinner table so you guys know what that means this is where we're gonna end the video today I'd like to thank everyone for watching and I hope to see you next time bye bye foreign
Channel: The Veggie Boys
Views: 111,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegetable farming, the veggie boys, theveggieboys, vegetable farmers, family farm, real farming, how to farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, homesteading, homestead, farmers, day in the life, my day, day on the farm, a farmers life, farm life, farming life, american farmers, life on the farm, veggies, vegetables, big vegetables, growing tips, farm hack, garden hack, amazing, tomatoes, tomato hacks, vegetable tips, farming tips, garden, garden hacks
Id: GNI7427n5Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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