The Mo'edim: Hanukkah - 119 Ministries

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hello and welcome to another teaching by 119 ministries our ministry teaches that the whole Bible is true and applicable for our lives today if you would like to know more about what we believe in teach please visit us at test everything net we hope that you enjoy studying and testing the following teaching Chanukah does not technically meet the criteria as a MOA Dean or an appointed time of Yahweh all Yahweh's Modine are detailed in Leviticus 23 similar to the biblical day of Purim Hanukkah is an invention of man because of this and for other reasons as well some have chosen to discard the observance of this day on the other hand some find nothing wrong with observing Hanukkah each year we will discuss those differences in understanding later in the teaching the name Hanukkah derived from this hebrew verb meaning to dedicate in short hanukkah's the celebration of when the Jews overcame oppression and won back the temple this concluded with the rededication of the temple before we cover that event it is important for us to cover the precluding history the history of Hanukkah Judea was part of the Kingdom of Egypt until 200 BCE when connecticut's the third the great of Syria defeated King Ptolemy v epiphanies of Egypt at the Battle of Panem Judea then became part of the Empire of Syria king Antiochus the third wanted to make peace with his new Jewish subjects guaranteeing their right to live according to their ancestral customs and to continue to practice her faith in Temple of Jerusalem however in 175 BCE Antigua's the 4th epiphanies the son of Antiochus the third invaded Judea presumably at the request of the sons of Tobias the Tobias who led the hellenizing Jewish faction in Jerusalem were expelled to Syria around 170 BCE when the high priest odious and his pro Egyptian faction wrestled control from them the exiled tobias lobbied Antiochus the 4th epiphanies to recapture Jerusalem as the ancient Jewish historian Flavius Josephus tells us the Jewish war the king being there too disposed beforehand complied with them and came upon the Jews with a great army and took their city by force and slew a great multitude of those that favoured Ptolemy and sent out his soldiers to plunder them without mercy he also spoiled the temple and put a stop to the constant practice of offering daily sacrifice of expiation for three years and six months there exist substantial evidence that the historical events of this period foreshadow a still future Antichrist and the mention of a putting a stop to the sacrifices and an exact period of three and a half years are just a couple of those correlations if that subject interests you we encourage you to study that parallels of the events surrounding Chanukah as compared with end times these correlations would seem to provide some evidence of the value of the Memorial Chanukah as we know that the events seem to cycle and foreshadow often down to the very same day meaning these events appear likely to occur one final time it is quite interesting to study Antiochus as a type of the Antichrist from his well-documented actions we can learn the mind and character of the future Antichrist still to come some of the following historical accounts might not be suitable for younger viewers so please use discretion in 167 BCE Antiochus ordered the altar to Zeus erected in the temple our Messiah stated that an event like this was to occur again Matthew chapter 24 so when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel standing in the Holy Place let the reader understand then that those who are in Judea flee to the mountains so what followed when the Second Temple in Jerusalem was looted and the service is stopped practicing the Torah was immediately outlawed Antiochus put to death anyone who worship Yahweh or studied the Torah as a foreshadowing type of Antichrist it should be noted that he specifically brutally punished circumcision sabbath-keeping and eating kosher such things were his focus his goal was to end sabbath-keeping eating clean and keeping yachts feast days and circumcision perhaps that Antichrist mentality sounds familiar his methods to accomplish this were equally disturbing he hung freshly circumcised boys around their own mother's necks their mothers unable to remove them hear their little bodies rotted as a warning to others in some cases soldiers pushed mothers of circumcised boys off city walls to their deaths below Atika store tchard to death any Jew who had not sacrificed to Greek gods or about his Zeus in a temple courtyard he sprinkled the blood of a sacrificed pig in the Holy of Holies on the sacred Torah scrolls he killed anyone who would not eat pork antica smarter dat least 100,000 righteous Jews a Jew named le a Tsar a ninety-year-old scribed was the first documented to die soldiers forced his mouth open and shoved pork inside he spit it out and said that he would not disgrace his old age with meat forbidden in the Bible he died willingly to set a good example as they beat him to death he cried out in my soul I am glad to suffer these things because I fear Him antique has killed a mother and her seven sons who all refused to eat pork soldiers scalped the first son cut out his tongue and cut off his hands and feet while he is still breathing they fried him in a hot oil in a pan they tortured all the brothers by dismembering and boiling them and finally killed the mother although she saw her seven sons perish in one day her faith in God remained strong while these stories are certainly graphic and disturbing we felt it important to illustrate the level of faith we might require as such end times events promised to occur again in a similar capacity this is the value of Hanukkah to remember the type of the Antichrist and to remember our deliverance from it these are the ways of the Antichrist first John chapter 2 who is the liar but he who denies that Yeshua is HaMashiach this is the Antichrist he who denies the father and the son understandably fatigued his actions provoked a large-scale revolt by the Torah observant Jews mana Thais a Jewish priest and his five sons led a rebellion against atiek as starting with Mattathias killing and his unbridled zeal first a Jew who wants to comply with Anna teeka's order to sacrifice to Zeus and then to the Greek official who is to enforce the government's commands by 166 BCE Mattathias had died and Judah took his place as a leader by a 165 BCE the Jewish revolt against the monarchy was successful the temple was liberated and rededicated the festival of Hanukkah was in to celebrate this event Judah ordered the temple to be cleansed a new altar to be built in place of the polluted one and new holy vessels to be made according to the Talmud unadulterated and undefiled pure olive oil with the seal of the high priest was needed for the menorah in the temple which was required to burn throughout the night every night the story goes that one flask was found with only enough oil to burn for one day yet it burned for eight days the time needed to prepare a fresh supply of kosher oil for the menorah an eight day festival was declared to commemorate this miracle it should be noted that there exists no extremely credible documentation of the miracle it is difficult to state with scholarly confidence that this did or did not actually happen the miracle of this oil is widely regarded as a legend and his authenticity has been questioned since the Middle Ages the debate is largely fruitless as it is difficult to prove either way it could be mentioned that if the miracle did indeed occur that it would have shown up in detail in one of the books of Maccabees the version of the story in first Maccabees states that an eight-day celebration of songs and sacrifices was proclaimed upon the rededication of the altar and makes no specific mention of the miracle of the oil the Jewish historian titus flavius josephus narrates in his book in jewish antiquities how the victorious judas maccabees ordered lavish yearly eight-day festivities after rededicating the temple in jerusalem that had been profaned by Antiochus the fourth epiphanies Josephus does not say the festival was called Hanukkah but rather the festival of lights the Jewish War now Judas celebrated the festival of the restoration of the sacrifices of the temple for eight days and omitted no sort of pleasure thereon but he feasted them upon very rich and splendid sacrifices and he honored God and delighted them by hymns and psalms may they were so very glad at the revival of their customs when after a long time of intermission they had unexpectedly had regained the freedom of their worship that they made it a law for their posterity that they should keep a festival on account of the restoration of their temple worship for eight days and from that time to this we celebrate this festival and call it lights I suppose their reason was because this liberty beyond our hopes appeared to us and that thence was the name given to that festival Judas also rebuilt the walls around the city and reared towers of great height against the incursions of the enemies and set guards therein he also fortified the city basura that it might serve as a citadel against any de-stresses that might come from our enemies in the Brit hadashah or the New Testament it was stated that Yeshua is at the jerusalem temple during the feast of dedication and it was winter in John chapter 10 verse 22 through 23 at minimum we do not see any instruction from Yeshua criticizing this day as a historical memorial and most of Fort Hanukah more support for traditional observance because it is cited as such in the scriptures other sources for the events leading up to and including Hanukkah are usually considered to be written much later and not as often cited the scroll of Antiochus concludes with the following words after this the sons of Israel went up to the temple and rebuilt its gates and purified the temple from the dead bodies and from the defilement and they sought after pure olive oil to light the lamps therewith but could not find any except one bowl that was sealed with this signet ring of the high priest from the days of samuel the prophet and they knew it was pure there was in it enough oil to light the lamps therewith for one day but the God of heaven whose name dwells there put there and his blessing and they were able to light from it eight days therefore the sons of Hashem own I made this covenant and took upon themselves a solemn vow they and the sons of Israel all of them to publish amongst the sons of Israel to the end that they might observe these eight days of joy and honor as the days of the feast written in the book of the law even to the light in them as to make known to those who come after them that their God brought for them salvation from heaven and them it is not permitted to mourn neither to decree a fast on those days and anyone who has a vow to perform let him perform it because Hanukkah is not one of the Modine and because the miracle the eight days of oil cannot be proven some suggest the idea of Hanukkah should be discarded we do not agree with such a hard stance against Hanukkah however we do believe that those who are uncomfortable with memorializing this day should not feel compelled to observe it likewise those that are uncomfortable with the day should not divide the body of Messiah because of their discomfort there is nothing against the Torah for memorializing certain events as a reminder of what occurred that is important to understand because we base what is permitted or not permitted from the instructions from our Creator as already mentioned perm was also established by man to memorialize the events of what is detailed in the book of Esther this would be no different than a nation memorializing its Independence Day such is not wrong it is simply a means to remember and an important event some might then ask how is this different than Christmas or Easter Christmas and Easter took Sun God days and practices and repackaged them rededicating such false God ways back to our creator and such is the difference and this is what causes Christmas and Easter the days as well as the traditions to violate the Torah we are not to worship Yahweh in the same way that other nations worshiped their gods Deuteronomy chapter 12 take care that you be not as snared to follow them after they have been destroyed before you and that you do not inquire about their gods saying how did these nations serve their gods that I also may do the same you shall not worship Yahweh your God and that way see our teaching sunburn for more information since Purim and Hanukkah do not originate from the ways or days that the nations worship their gods then the concept of Hanukkah and Purim do not violate his Torah a difference between Purim and Hanukkah that is worthy of consideration is that Purim is found in the Bible Esther 9 where as Hanukkah memorializes an event that occurred after the Tanakh was written but before the Brit hadashah was written there was some debated again the only place in scripture that likely refers to Hanukkah is in the book of John John chapter 10 at that time the feast of dedication took place at Jerusalem it was winter the word feast in this verse is actually not in the great text and it was inserted by the translators feast of dedication is the result of this Greek word the verb form of this word means to dedicate or consecrate something as we covered in the beginning of this teaching Chanukah is a historical remembrance of the rededication of the temple and all the events that led up to it traditions of Chanukah during Hanukkah on each of the eight nights a candle is lit in a special menorah called AAHA Nakia there's a special ninth candle called the shamash or a serving candle which is used to light the other candles the shamash is often the center of the other candles that has a higher position is often referred to as emulating Yeshua on the first night one candle is lit on the second night - or lit until all are lit on the eighth and final night of the festival traditionally they are lit from left to right a special blessing thanking Yahweh is said before or after lighting the candles and a special Jewish hem is often son the menorah is put in the front window houses so people passing can see the lights and remember this story of Hanukkah lots of games are played during the time of Hanukkah the most popular is the dreidel is a four-sided top with a Hebrew letter on each side the four letters correspond to this Hebrew phrase which corresponds to the phrase in English a great miracle happen here or there depending on your particular location the player places a coin nut or chocolate coin in a putt and a top is spun if the letter noon comes up nothing happens if it's gimel the player wins the pot if it's hey you in half the pot and if it's xin for their or pay for here you have to put another item into the pot and the next person has to spin food fried in oil is traditionally eaten during Hanukkah favorites are latkes which are potato pancakes and also deep-fried doughnuts that are then filled with jam or jelly and sprinkled with sugar in some circles Hanukkah has also seemed to become a time for giving and receiving presents and are often given on each night many are uncomfortable with this tradition it was intentionally developed as competition against Christmas thus most who hold to the testimony of our Messiah Yeshua also understandably make every attempt to avoid assimilating Christmas like traditions into their Chanukah memorial or celebration for whatever it is worth when IT ministries also gravitates to such an approach why aha nokia some expressed concerns on the usage of a Chanukah during Hanukkah it is viewed as an attempt to replace or pollute the biblical seven candle menorah reserved for yas temple what might need to be considered is that it is simply a candlestick that by no means replaces the menorah though the idea of it was certainly inspired by the biblical menorah those that have concerns with using the Hinoki ax should certainly avoid using it however there does not seem to be any Torah instruction forbidding it to warrant any expression of concern one valid concern we would like to point out though is that some of the traditional prayers states that yah commanded us to light the lights of Hanukkah this of course is not true and would be considered adding to the Torah breaking Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 2 we would encourage others to consider not saying such prayers which violate the Torah if you're watching this teaching near the time of Hanukkah we wish you a blessed Memorial of the day during this time consider remembering the ways of the Antichrist and the celebration of God delivering us away from those ways back to the Torah taught by our Messiah and all the joy and freedom that follows we hope that this teaching has blessed you and remember continue to test everything Shalom in Genesis we learned that the Sun Moon and stars are the perfectly ordained time pieces of our Creator each of course are designed to teach us how to biblically calculate the days months and years yet there is so much confusion Orthodox Jews have a version of the biblical calendar carryi Jews have a version of the biblical calendar even still many more have their own versions of the biblical calendar how are we to make sense of all this there are a few topics that inject more confusion into the body of the Messiah than trying to understand the calendar how can we all be one when we are all divided how are we to calculate his appointed times what does the Word of God really teach his Word teaches that two to three witnesses establish a memory we bring you the witnesses and ask you to test everything watch in amazement as the Torah the prophets and our Messiah I'll teach in one Accord the one true biblical calendar time our creators calendar series for more information visit us at tests everything not net it is because of you our generous supporters who make it possible to offer these high-quality teachings completely free of charge if you feel led to support 119 ministries so that we can continue this effort please visit test everything dotnet and click on the support 119 tab learn how you can partner with us to take the whole Word of God to the nation's
Channel: 119Ministries
Views: 50,806
Rating: 4.8734941 out of 5
Keywords: Chanukkah, Judah, Hannukah, John 10, Maccabees, yeshua, festival of lights, jewish, jewish holidays, jewish feast day, menorah, chanukkiah, 119 Ministries, hanukkah, channukah, 8 days of oil, the miracle of oil, jewish christmas, latkes
Id: CzDheLZLyrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2016
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