The Missing Link – Dr. Charles Stanley

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if you're genuinely saved you will never be happy or satisfied living in sin you will not you cannot you know why because you have a whole different nature you have the Spirit of God within you convicting you of sin many people tell you that they're saved they're not saved they believed about him but they not truly believed in him surrendering their life to Him next on InTouch the missing link do you find yourself confessing the same sin to God over and over again what do you think that's happening you say well because I'm committing the same sin over and over again well why would you have to why would you have to commit the same sin over and over again you think it's because you haven't dealt with it to begin with you say well the Bible says if I confess my sin he's going to forgive me we need to read the whole verse what is he really saying he says if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and they cleanse us from all unrighteousness I think a lot of people who become a Christian but they don't have any Victor in their life they become a Christian with failures in their life sins in their life ask God to forgive them they trust Jesus Christ as their personal Savior they they really didn't truly believe that that's the thing to do and they've done that then when it comes to dealing with sin it appears that the same old sins are either still there or when they confess them it seems that nothing happens and they read that verse and I think well why don't I have it a victory I want to answer that question in this message so I want you to listen carefully wherever you are you may be lost that is you've never trusted Jesus as you say you desperately need this if you are a Christian you could equally as desperately need it because you're not having victory in your life you don't having a real peace because you're still sinning in your life you're doing things that you know you should not do in fact you don't even want to do them in fact you you look at the Romans chapter 7 you say well I sound like the Apostle Paul who said I do the things that I don't want to do and I don't do the things that I want to do so what's the real key what's the missing link and real victory in your daily life and oftentimes continuous defeat so I want you to turn to the last chapter of the Book of Luke and this last chapter the 24th chapter Jesus is giving a message to his apostles before he leaves them and I want you to notice what he says beginning in this particular verse verse 44 of the twenty-fourth chapter now he said to them they watch this now had in seriousness is now these are my words which I spoke to you while I was still with you that all things which are written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures and he said to them thus it is written that the Christ the Messiah Jesus would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in his name to all the nations beginning from Jerusalem you witnesses of these things and behold I'm sending for the promise of my father upon you but you to stay in the city until you clothed with power from on high and he was referring to the coming of the Holy Spirit what I want you to notice here he says this is your message this is your message that repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in his name to all the nations beginning from Jerusalem to the uttermost parts of the earth now when I look at that passage and I think about what Jesus is commanding them he uses the word repentance here and so first of all let's find out what repentance means and confession means which we'll come to later but I want you to notice how many times the message of repentance is found in the scripture when Jesus was coming up on the scene John the Baptist shows up and he said in the 3rd chapter of Matthew I want you to like two passengers in Matthew the 3rd chapter of Matthew is the first one and you remember John the Baptist coming up on the scene at the same time he said then those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea saying repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand so John the Baptist message in those days were repentance if you turn over to the fourth chapter and let's go to the seventeenth verse from that time Jesus began to preach and say repent but the kingdom of heaven is at hand so that's what he told them and that's what he was preaching he told them that at the end of his earthly reign he begins his ministry following John the Baptist insane when Peter for example began to preach at the end of Pentecost what did he say he said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins it's the same message of repentance repentance and repentance when the Apostle Paul for example was preaching in 2nd Corinthians the 7th chapter and notice if you will what he says in the seventh chapter he says I now rejoice not that you were made sorrowful but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance that is it's not enough that you just regret what you've done he says but that's sorrow that regret should bring you to the point of repentance for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us for the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces repentance that is it's one thing to be sorry that you got caught I'll be sorry that you said something and did something you knew is not right but he says it should be a sorrow a regret that leads you to repentance he says and leads you to salvation but the sorrow of the world produces death that is when we regret our sins before Almighty God that should lead us to repentance not just simply feeling sorry for so that was his message and then of course up in the book of the revelation you recall when he was speaking to the church at Ephesus what did he say he said to them therefore brim from where you have fallen and repent and do the deeds you did it first or else I'm coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place unless you repent so I simply wanted you to see all the way through John the Baptist introduces the message with repentance Jesus preaches the message of repentance that's what Peter did that's what Paul did that's what John did all through the scriptures and if you look through the Bible for example you'll discover that 24 times in the New Testament the word repent is found in the Gospel of John it's not even found so what does that mean and we'll come to that but repentance is a very very vital part of the message now let's ask the question what does that really mean in other words it's it's one thing to say well I'll depend on my sins and what does that mean so I want to give you a couple of definitions one of them sort of elaborating on the other one and the first one says simply this to repent means I have a heartfelt sorrowful this in my heart for sin followed by renouncing of sin and the sincere commitment to forsake it and walk in obedience to Christ now watch this repentance isn't just feeling sorry about it but it's feeling sorrowful in my heart toward God about it and followed by a renouncing of it it doesn't fit who I am it doesn't fit in my life and a sincere commitment to forsake it to walk away from it in obedience to Christ so the very word repentance talks about what it means a change in direction if I'm heading in this direction the wrong direction in my life and our genuine repent what I'm going to do is I'm going to head in the other direction which is the right direction now I want to give you another just elaboration on that definition for a moment repentance is the recognition that sin is wrong it isn't just a mistake sin is wrong it is against God followed by a definite decision to turn away from sin and walk in obedience to Christ that is there's something definite that happens when a person genuinely repents it's a reckoning of while they are sorrowful their sinning against Almighty God not just themselves and maybe others and it's a sorrow that doesn't stop at feeling bad for being caught or feeling guilty it's a sorrow that leads to genuine repentance which means I don't need that in my life I don't want that in my life because God doesn't want it in my life and I choose to walk in a different direction and to walk away from that and the walk in obedience to Christ which simply means repentance is all about a change of life and so often we don't think about that we think about well if I just you know confess my sins until God I'm sorry and so forth and that'll be the end of it but if you turn for example to the 55th chapter of Isaiah and the Old Testament listen to how he says it in this sixth verse seek the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return to the Lord that is forsake his old way forsake a life of disobedience all of us before we were saved were living in disobedience to God there was sin in our life which we tolerated we accepted we practiced in some fashion and so sin is against God sin does not fit in the life of a believer you say well are you telling me that if I'm gonna live a Christian life that I'm not to live with in his sin in my life I'm coming to that but I want you to see this that sin doesn't fit who you are he says you know I've been predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his son Jesus repentance is listen repentance is about when you're convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin in your life you're lost condition repentance is about a change that needs to take place that change will take place upon your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ your trust in him for the forgiveness of your sin and that repentance speaks of a change of life a change of direction you trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior you're not going to if you really mean that you're not going to live like you used to live I didn't say that you would never sin again I'm saying that your life will not be the same why because the very word itself speaks in terms of a change now sin is against God and it sent us against God it's also against us if we tolerate sin in their life we are working against ourselves listen I can be saved in disobey God I can live in obedience and trust the Lord still have problems and heartaches and burdens at times but living in willful known sin there needs to be repentance in the life of a person who is living in willful known sin against God and think about this this is the devil's lie Satan will tell you here's what you have if he'll do this and here's what you have if you do this and if you believe that what he doesn't say to you is this here are the consequences of disobedience here is the consequence of this sin and so you can ever win living in disobedience to God if we live continually with sin in our life and never dealing with it and just excusing it and saying I'm sorry God then we are losers every day listen you cannot improve on the will of God he has though he has a will for each of us that's for our benefit I didn't say that you'd never suffer or that you never sinned but it's for our benefit in every way and so repentance is the word John the Baptist use Jesus used Paul news/peter use all the way through scripture is the last book of the revelation repentance is a change it's a change that takes place in a person's life with listen on the basis of their willingness to repent on the basis of their willingness to deal with anything in their life that looks like feels like smells like anything that is an act of disobedience when we live a godly life we don't tolerate sin I didn't say you'd never sin I didn't say you'd be perfect but I didn't say I said you and tolerance you wouldn't just ignore it and say well god I'm sorry for it so well let's think about the place of repentance when he comes to salvation because we believers are to repent about sin but what about salvation what part does that have somebody says well you just believe in Jesus and that's it well let's think about this for a moment there's it watch this there's a difference in believing about him and believing in him I can believe about Jesus I can believe everything the Bible says about Jesus and say yeah that's that's probably true but believing in him means that I accept him for who he is and as a result of that knowing him as the Christ the Messiah the Savior and the Lord I yield my life to Him many people believe about it and they'll tell you oh yes I believe in Jesus what they're saying is I believe about him they don't question that the Bible is true oh they don't question the fact that God loves us and they can have all kind of general ideas but to believe in Jesus involves repentance and I give you a couple of verses for example that the word salvation could be mean the same thing back to Luke the fifth chapter and the 32nd verse listen I've not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance well in here he's speaking of salvation I mean I'm calling I'm calling sinners to repentance because Jesus was simply saying you you you want to be saved there's got to be repentance of sin you have to deal with sin listen carefully you can John every Church you want to join you can be baptized sprinkle immersed poured on bleh you name it you can be a member of every kind of denomination possible you can go to church you give your money you do a lot of good things if you have never repented of your sins if you've never trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior if you have never believed in him as Savior and Lord surrendering your life to him none of that is going to do you any good because salvation involves listen not only confession of my sinfulness repentance toward God and laying them aside and so when we think of repentance we think in terms of well for example in 2nd Peter a very important passage 2nd Peter that 3rd chapter and the ninth verse listen to what he says the Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance so here the word repentance implies and speaks of salvation that is a change in heart repentance isn't just being sorry repentance means be sorrowful under the conviction of the Holy Spirit to the point that I make a change I turn to repent means that I turn I've been walking this way all of my life and when I repent of the way up and walking I'm going to turn and go in the opposite direction and so repentance is a very key word it was the message of John the Baptist a message of Jesus Paul Peter you name it in the book of John which is a book about faith and trusting Jesus repentance is never mentioned not one time you say well maybe it's not important well it's not that it's not important this simple effect that john saw and interpreted and it is true that believing in the lord jesus christ if we truly believe in him that you believe who he is and the result of believing in him as the savior in the lord the master and the only way to salvation what happens i place my trust in him now place my trust in him for my salvation if i place my trust in Jesus Christ as my savior what I'm saying is the life that I've been living is not right I'm ready for a change in my life I'm willing to place my life in his hands deliver godly life to trust him to God me and to lead me and so John's whole concept in the gospel for example he says for God so loved the world that He gave for he gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life he didn't say believes about him he said leaves inhale and to believe in him is to accept what he says about himself as true and as a result of believing that he is the savior the Messiah I only hope no one comes to the Father but by me he said believing that placing your trust in him as Savior Lord and Master that is salvation but that also involves repentance confession and repentance so you can have one without the other somebody says well now I do believe that Jesus Christ is my Savior but not Lord let me think let's think about this for a moment do you realize how ridiculous that is Jesus Christ who is the Messiah man's only hope of salvation who said apart from me there is no salvation there is no hope all through the scripture there is that message in one form of the other now when somebody says well love I'm willing to accept him as my savior but not Lord here's what you say if you're saying I'm willing to accept Jesus Christ as my savior you're thinking primarily you know my sins are going to be forgiven I'm going to heaven and so forth but not as Lord what you saying that Jesus is I want to be saved I want to be forgiven I want your blessings but after you after you save me stay out of my life now words don't try to be Lord of my life telling me how to live and there are people who believe that who else is he except Jesus Christ the Messiah the Savior and the Lord he is the Lord and so many people have the idea that well I can just accept him as my savior and that's it probably because it has not been explained clearly to them and so they don't think about his lordship his lordship means listen he has the position and the privilege the right the authority the power to rule in my life if I don't want him as the ruler of my life and I say well I accept Jesus my Savior but not as Lord you have missed it and that very confession is a confession of your selfishness that you just want what he has to give but you don't want him telling you how to live your life we received the Lord Jesus Christ not just Jesus not just Messiah he is the Lord Jesus Christ he has the position the power the authority of the right and the will of the Father that Jesus Christ rule in our life and people have all kind of ideas they go to church and think that's enough they give they think that's enough and they say well I believe in Jesus what this thing is I believe about him but God meant for to be simple listen to this when the Apostle Paul was in prison and God let him loose by earthquake what did he say to the jailer the Philippian jailer when delivering jailor fell at his feet and said sirs what must I do to be saved and what was Paul's answer believe on the Lord Jesus Christ believe in him as your Savior believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you'll be safe and your household well there's some folks who'd interpret that to say well if the Father and the house is saved that covers everybody don't you wish it did I wish it did but that's not what he's saying he's saying listen not only can you be saved but everybody and your family can be saved was he saved yes he was and taking those disciples and Silas and Paul and washing their feet fixing my big dinner and the whole family got saved baptizing him but what happened it wasn't just the fact that he believed about Jesus he believed in Jesus for what reason but what the fact that Paul and Silas was saying or singing but God sent an earthquake opened all the jails so sales that meant death for the jailer but they weren't even leaving they were saying you know what that's okay we're not going anywhere God used different things that to get the jailers attitude and his attention sometimes God sends real tragedy into people's lives to get their attention to get them to wake up and to think about their life he will open doors he'll do all kind of things you'll send people to you to talk to you about the gospel that may be you hadn't even thought about godly use lots of things to get our attention but the ultimate decision is mine and yours and bears am I willing to receive to accept Jesus Christ that some of the Living God the Messiah my only hope of heaven and salvation am I willing to accept him as my personal Savior and Lord of my life that is the question and the truth is this you don't have it two choices no one comes to the Father jesus said but by me you say well how can they be so narrow man not narrow minded the reason Jesus said it is because he's the only one who was absolutely perfect who was sinless who is the son of God who was sent for the primary purpose of dying on the cross shedding his blood as payment for man's sin nobody else could take that position and therefore taking that position Jesus could say no one comes to the Father but by me you say well he's been gone a couple of thousand years now what if steal by him it's a matter of us declaring who he is that he's the savior the Lord the master of our life and so repentance is my willingness to let God turn me around and send me in a whole different direction you say well now what a minute if salvation means I'm forgiven and repentance means have a change of life suppose I sin again am I lost no well then how do I deal with that no it's what's God's attitude here is God's attitude about that that's so absolutely crystal clear if you turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 3 for a moment and remember that current was one of the most it was considered the most wicked city in those Roman times in fact you couldn't be more sinful and wicked and vile and ungodly than being a Corinthians listen to what he said that watch this now to the Christians living in current verse 1 of chapter 3 and I brethren could not speak to you as the spiritual men matul people in the faith as men of flesh you know having a problem with sin in their lives as two infants in Christ I gave you milk to drink he says I've taught you the simple things of the Word of God not solid food but you were not yet able to receive it that he knew what they could understand and couldn't understand he says I taught you the simple things because you weren't ready to see the others indeed even now you're not yet able watch this for you are still there believers still fleshly for since there is jealousy and strife among you are you not fleshly and are you not walking like mere men and he began he keeps on talking about that so what is he saying a person can be saved by the grace of God repent of your sins trust him as Lord of your life but because it's a brand-new life you have the Holy Spirit living within you to enable you to live a godly life well who knows that I think about when I was saved and I know I was saved and never doubted on that Sunday morning I got on my knees at the altar and ask the Lord to save me I didn't know much I'd listened to the past through week after week i cell in his second row every Sunday right at the end and I couldn't ever tell you a thing he said and it was in a revival meeting when a lady came and preached her name is mrs. Wilson she preached that morning I have no idea what she said but when they gave the invitation I was the first one down on my knees and my Sunday school buddies there were five of them they knelt down they came up to the altar knelt down beside me and pray that I'd be saved then those days in the Pentecostal church sometimes had to have a little help to get saved they thought and so around me pray praying for me to be saved and I was very grateful I got up the pastor said Charles come up and tell the people what Jesus has done for you now I didn't know anything much except that I was a sinner I did know that part he came up on me to tell them what Jesus had done for me and I told them everything I knew he had done for me in one sentence and I said I don't know everything is done for me that was a classic statement I don't know everything he's done for me but I know he's saved me this money was I saved yes I was saved how much truth did I know what did I know about anything and yet did I sin after I was saved sure what I know about the Holy Spirit nothing and those days don't think I know about the whole this really few if you they would say if you got him you would speak in tongues or something like that it didn't bother me but I knew that morning I would say that I have never doubted it what did I know about living the Christian life not too much did I sinned after I was saved yes I did did I get convicted about sin yes I did I was convicted did you repent every single time I'm not even sure I understood what were pendants was about as a young lad twelve years of age I didn't understand much I was exactly what the Apostle Paul was talking about he says you're still babes in Christ and so what Paul is saying is this even though we've been saved by the grace of God if we are immature in our faith and some people are amateur in that faith because they choose to be if you've trusted him as you said you have the responsibility of learning the Word of God you so I don't have anybody to teach me if you keep listening the intouch you begin to learn it's not the only place but it's one place you have a responsibility to learn what it means to live a Christian life to live a godly life to repent of sin because repentance is is naturally a part of all of that and so when we come to that passage that simply means this I can be saved but I still have a difficult time of overcoming things for example let's take the person who is an alcoholic and he genuinely gets saved does that mean there's no more desire their people and testimonies I've heard people got saved lost all desire for any other people get saved and they struggle for different reasons and their people for example have a bad habit of their language they use profanity to get saved and and you know three or four days a week or two weeks go by and they think praise God he's delivered me and then all of a sudden they get in the situation they come up with something that oh god please forgive me Lord Jesus name that's looking like I'll sound like a Christian be listen because we're not perfect now watch this we're not perfect but we are responsible I'm responsible but what I do what I say and every aspect of my life I'm responsible as a believer will live a perfect life no one the Apostle Paul said in that seventh chapter of Romans and everybody's read that one that what in the world did that mean he says the things I don't want to do I find myself doing the things that I want to do find myself not able to do it he was going through a stage in his life but listen if you're genuinely saved you will never be happy or satisfied living in sin you will not you cannot you know why because you have a whole different nature you have the Spirit of God within you convicting you of sin many people tell you that they're saved they're not saved they believed about him but they've not truly believed in him surrendering their life to Him if somebody says well if you're saved you won't sin not even the Apostle Paul said that so the issue is this and it's not a fine line it is simply a matter of understanding I place my trust in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior surrender my life to him and I repent of my sins and it's best done on my heart I give myself to him it's best I understand at that particular point in life and I'll start living a Christian life then what happens if I'm genuinely truly saved and I sin against God the Spirit of God is going to convict me I'm going to ask him to forgive me and I'm going to repent of it you say well how many times you have to do that well I don't have any idea how many times I've had to say God forgive me for that I'd should I turn the repent of that sin because remember when you not save we're like babes and we grow in our Christian life we don't tolerate it we don't excuse it we deal with sin when it becomes a part of their life so there are there are those who say well now wait a minute doesn't the Bible say for by grace are you saved through faith that not of yourselves is a gift of God not of for less than dimension both and the answer's yes you not listen you're not saved by your works you say but the grace of God the goodness and the love of God brought about at the cross the shedding of his blood as a result of that then I certainly want my life to be and just like you wants your life to be one of good works you're not doing good works to get saved listen it's faith in the Lord Jesus Christ repentance of your sins believing what he said that somebody says okay but now let's talk about this matter of confession for a moment because that's what we usually hear about do you know how many times confession is used in the New Testament twice only twice and when you think about that only that it's only there two times and then repentance is there twenty-four times they don't tell us something but let's have a definition I want to give you of confession for a moment because this is what people say well I've confessed my sin watch this carefully to confess is to agree well that's what it means I confess this I agree with is to agree with say the same thing as God would say if I confess that I've sinned I'm agreeing with him that what I did was wrong to agree with God's view of our sin that it is wrong should be removed from our life repent of it agreement is not enough it must go it's so fun somebody says well I can it if I sin against God I just confess it usually what that means is I just tell him about it and as far as I'm concerned that's the end of it no no confession is the first part confession is agreement with God and repentance is second part it's not a matter of works it's a matter of the attitude of the heart and so when you see confession in that form it means we agree with God about what he's saying about our sins and that is they don't belong there and so just think about this for a moment a sanctified life is a life that is set apart by God for God for His purposes when you get saved you trust him as your Savior he listened he not only redeems you he pays the price he justifies you he declares your righteous he reconciles you bringing you back to himself he sanctifies you which means he sets you apart for himself for his purposes that's why living in sin once you've been saved does not fit who you are because the Holy Spirit came into our life to sanctifies the cetas apart as the children of God to do what to live a godly life listen to what he said he predestined that means he determined beforehand he predestined you and me to be conformed shaped spiritually be conformed to the likeness of his son that's Jesus not physically but spiritually his goal he predestined that is he predetermined before it all began he predetermined that once you and I saved what would happen he would begin to form in our lives that a character conduct a conversation like that of his son that's his will and purpose for us we can't ever excuse sin if we sin in our life we ought to confess it and repent of it deal with it right then god this doesn't fit Who I am and so I'm asking you to forgive me and cleanse me and any listen any confession that has no repentance is incomplete now let's look at first John 1:9 if you don't know whether it is turn the revelations you third second first John backwards look at this first John 1:9 let's say let's start with verse let's let's start with verse seven but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin he's running to Christians if listen if we're walking in the light as he is in the light this is what he says he says here's what happens we have fellowship with him with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ his son is continually cleansing us from sin that's if we're walking in the light I'm not walking in the light that's not true look if we say that we have no sin we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess agree with God about our sin now let me ask you a question what do you think God's thinks about your sin you know it's wrong he doesn't belong in your life it doesn't fit who you are it doesn't fit your relationship to him it shouldn't be that all therefore we need to repent of it amen okay amen now listen if we confess our sins what is confessed we agree with God that it's wrong he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness that is he makes things different so his confession important yes it is this is what Paul said he said do you change clothes take it off this when he said in Colossians at 3rd chapter 8 verse he said he said put it away but put it put away those things they do not fit who you are as a child of God but I'm away take it all and so he uses the term and agree like you take off your clothes take it off it doesn't fit who you are if you've ever trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and you're in a minute then you confessed your sins to him maybe you didn't know what repentance was all about is what it's all about it's about your confession and agreeing with God about it and then what deliberately willfully doing what walking away from that in your life because you don't want that in your God can read your heart he knows whether you want it or not he knows when will fail but he knows our heart he knows that we don't want to and there are times when people get themselves in situations they don't want to be disobedient but they find themselves doing and do what then or you weep over it and the more sorrowful you are notice what he said sorrowful unto repentance god I don't want that in my life remember what you have you have the Holy Spirit living within you who will enable you to overcome anything and everything that is not of God it's a choice we make is it easy choice no is it a choice that you failed sometimes yes he didn't say be perfect he said the obedient and there are times in our life when we have to ask him God forgive me for saying that are thinking that I genuinely Pat I don't want that no words I don't have to I tell him this and you would tell him this we don't have to convince God of whether we're sincere or not he already knows and he answers accordingly Amen if you've never trusted Jesus as your Savior think about this woman yeah you living in a world that's a fouled up mixed-up horrible mess and so it's just you against the world what you need is to ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sin fulness genuine repent of it Lord God I don't want it in my life in the longer I genuinely want you to remove this from my life somebody says well you mean to tell me that I can't be saved unless our repent of my sin well let me ask you what what's believing all about we explain that it's all about you putting your trust in him on the basis of you know about your sinfulness and that only he can forgive you and that he will when you ask him sincerely and repent of it that is you choose to walk away from it I'd be perfect doesn't mean you'll never do it again but your whole heart you want him to have your life he makes everything different if you'll trust him and father we pray the Holy Spirit will take the truth of your word and let it be like fresh water cool spraying to those who's struggling and wondering if you'll ever forgive them or cleanse them enough to be clean and pure in their life I pray that they'll be willing to acknowledge sinfulness ask you to forgive them and genuinely repent of that sin and trust you to enable them to walk a godly life because that is your will purpose for every single ones and we ask this in Jesus name and for his sake amen repenting of sin starts by confessing it and then sincerely forsaking it in obedience to Christ at InTouch to RG learn more about following Jesus and living in the strength of the Holy Spirit there you can see today's message the missing link and find a library of free and inspiring messages from dr. Stanley sermon notes and resources to help reinforce your resolve to choose obedience to God's plan for your life download the intouch app to take the teaching of dr. Stanley on-the-go or follow us on YouTube Facebook and Twitter money relationships faith employment theology if you've got tough questions dr. Charles Stanley has biblical answers in his handbook for Christian living this comprehensive reference is your go-to guy for both areas and puzzling matters of dr. agon practical scriptural and easy-to-use Charles F Stanley's handbook for Christian living is the book you'll turn to again and again order the handbook for Christian living at in touch to our G there's something about waiting we don't like we naturally become impatient because we're living in a world where not only do we want it now we can have it now but that's not the way it is with God the u-value God's choice enough to wait leading people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local church in touch with dr. Charles Stanley is a presentation of in touch ministries this program is made possible by the grace of God and your faithful prayers and gifts
Channel: In Touch Ministries
Views: 463,934
Rating: 4.8058515 out of 5
Keywords: Charles F. Stanley Dr. Charles Stanley Dr. Stanley In Touch InTouch God Jesus Holy Spirit Christian, Charles Stanley, victory over sin, The Bible (Religious Text), Jesus Christ (Deity), Holy Spirit (Deity), Repentance (Quotation Subject), Confession (Religious Practice)
Id: B2dAon_XHPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 21 2015
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.