The Mindful Way - The Buddhist Forest Tradition.

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these monks in Northeast Thailand are on Binda baht a daily dawn walk to receive their food offered by the villages not all monks in Thailand keeps strictly to the discipline prescribed by the Buddha but these monks strive to maintain the original forest tradition of a pure and simple life they're not allowed to possess money nor grow their own food this ensures their total dependence on the lay community so they can't cut themselves off in a spiritual cocoon for the laity Binda bart is a way of paying respect to the discipline of the monks and also a way of making merit which many believe brings good fortune in this life and in future rebirth about 50 monks and novices live at what bar pong ranging from 13 years old to 70 some may stay for many years but the majority will only spend a year or two for its the Thai custom for men to be ordained for a short period of their lives after returning from Binh debark the monks eat their only meal of the day which consists mainly of rice and vegetables the day began at 3:00 a.m. with chanting meditation general chores and duties it's now about 8:30 until this time tomorrow they'll consume only liquids after the meal they bow to the Buddha the Dharma and the Sangha the abbot the venerable ajahn Chah has been in robes for 50 years you dibala unified on your name even here in the forest unit body you can learn to be in harmony with the way things are in nature you own a bar bin Oh Kathy you can live happily and peacefully to buy some hope into my dad one good can layer here a monkey is able to contemplate the nature of things well in that as he looks around him he understands that all forms of life degenerate and eventually die we got good nothing that exists is permanent levelled up and when he understands this and he begins to become calm and serene it gotta by good ajahn Chah teaches that even the most mundane activity can be a form of meditation if carried out mindfully much of the day is spent making and maintaining their few basic possessions meditation can eventually become as constant practice idiot Hong Kong what no bubble none monks are trained to maintain with little boy to eat only what they need been to sleep only when necessary to be satisfied with what they have in corn this is the foundation for Buddhist meditation on TDY Tony diet hang by your tone there toyotas monks don't practice meditation for selfish reasons we practice in order to know ourselves so that then we'll be able to understand and teach others how to live peacefully and wisely I didn't want them also this monk has been ordained for 15 years he's respected not only for his skill in meditation but also for his practical skills his consistent mindfulness meditation doesn't just involve being at peace with the world confronting the self can be like walking into a raging storm it's quite usual at first to despair even to want to kill oneself bankin we had a package yet commenting on some people think that a monk's life is a lazy and an easy one if that's what they think they should just try and see how long they can stand it I empower me one way would be amongst work is hard he works to free his heart so that he begins to feel loving kindness which embraces everything he sees that all life has the characteristic of the breath that rises and it falls everything that is born expires what gnarly so he's suffering diminishes that he knows that nothing belongs to him by me and I being called on layer this novice is 14 he comes from a local village and has been in the monastery for several months and what they mean Alai yuck what's the hardest thing about being a novice in my aval I hope binnacle AHA yeah being a novice isn't difficult but being in the world is very hard am i why is that am i why yeah mi-young been talked up Bentall because there's a lot of problems involved in looking after Buffalo's lab with an IEP I was tired of the world so I wanted to come and live here to practice the Dharma me I used to have a wife quad six children buffaloes all these I had to give up I felt that coming to the here was more useful to myself and to others as I experienced the teaching of the Buddha yeah so I can pass it on to others for that barb I can a discipline is a crucial part of the experience the 227 rules which a monk has to observe are not ends in themselves but stepping stones towards mental resolve shaving the head is a symbol of the renunciation of the world the day's activities are regulated by a bell twice a month it calls them to confession they recite to each other the categories of offense the most serious which includes sexual intercourse are punished by expulsion lesser offenses in curve varies penances she become part go up and QED a monk learns to challenge his moods our aim is to become aware of everything that passes through our minds knowing the greed hatred delusion dual-arm we watch these feelings but we don't cling to them and follow them we just watch them come I that one badminton and he here to allow might have down another gorilla Kokopelli tampoco Keaton gotta follow the Sun hundreds of mutton Angelika 34 tournament generals and up on the opponent Deponia proportioning predominant after the confession comes the petty Milkha the ritual recitation of the 227 rules open a larger people in a more thorgy doesn't blame any coldness occasional prompting is sometimes necessary a d'italia or caper get downloaded Paolo Nutini people now a tonsil ante he Eroica hippie similarly p'pqp Batali Paula Nikita hold it chantara no publicity Oh all right but what is all this do for the laity the monastery exerts a tremendous pool on the lay community and they provide all the money for the building's not a Yahoo this man used to be a village spirit priest but now in response to a giant charge teaching he's turned his back on spirit believe I want you and he's now revered because he walks without fear through forests others believe our spirit haunted in Thailand Buddhist practice is often blended with pre Buddhist belief many villages make offerings to guardian spirits whose pars they're fearful of but coming to the monastery they leave all this behind ajahn Chah tries to discourage all forms of superstition which includes people asking him to divine winning lottery numbers we the kabbala have some a ball if this man used to own a string of bars and nightclubs he's been so impressed by a gin chart but he's abandoned all these in search of a more moral livelihood now he comes regularly to the monastery for advice teaching or to see if any work needs doing four times a month on Buddhist Sabbath days the local community congregated the monastery some traveled from afar to here argent chars discourse the day begins with chanting Naing Buddha's adenine and to help people contemplate the true nature of the body we have human skeletons in the Assembly Hall because when one doesn't understand their life is very confusing I know it all oh I grew up at your young man Hagedorn ogg Nia if our body really belong to us then it would obey our commands but if we say don't get old or I forbid you to get sick does it obey I die no and my takes no notice we only rent this house we don't own it if we think the house belongs to us when we have to leave it to die we suffer in reality there is no such thing as a cell I'm not only a properly apartment method behind that time I did borrow so more somewhat buddha made a distinction between ultimate truth and conventional truth the idea of a self is merely a convention what I foreigner tie you the interviewer these are all conventions that would like one some part in somewhat Nenana in ultimate reality there isn't anybody there is only earth fire water air elements which have combined temporarily we call the body a person mine but ultimately there is no me there is only a nutbar not self in an herb garden some of the lay community will sit up all night meditating on these themes with the monks for a brief period they are inspired and uplifted and become one with a spiritual struggle of the monks can then to understand another in OP cell you have to meditate if you only intellectualize about it your head will explode once you understand are not there then the burden of life is gone your normal daily life with your family your work all will be much easier you'll be at peace with the world I know Dani in doing me on man in doing some boneheaded Naima when we see beyond self we no longer cling to happiness and when we stop clinging we can begin to be happy Matt summarizer by man Bank open upon modality Tompa when a man who won't read upon tangwenbin Evancho by me die - if I need I shouldn't be concerned with Nirvana or attaining Nirvana if you are then that in itself will prevent you from gaining Ivana so what should a monk's main concern be turn on park Windermere Mumbai in Riga huh turn on paja call me Moo Myung right new equal moonlight and controi one the aim is to let go so you have to let go but without striving to let go turn and don't play one there were my microchip rotten egg on boy one tiny plantain I mean I employ one toy wrongly part cannot unite another one Wow that's right you what should let go without without desire what Tommy you will come I tell you find new partners if they're still desire and the pursuit to do that then that's not Nirvana letting go towards Nirvana may seem impossible for the layer t tied to the world but in the shape of the monks they can see their own unfulfilled aspirations take the form of flesh and blood only the few had the discipline to walk with them on the direct path but the effect on the layer T is this when they see them they feel it can be done what bar me so the laity gives the monks food for the body young man and the monks give the laity food for the mind and heart bend them so that they can understand the cause of unhappiness hey you know why things are as they are I need wha min table Kimani Bernardo could be mindful and let things take their natural path but then your mind will become still like a clear forest pool all kinds of rare animals will come to drink at the pool you will see many wonderful and strange things come and go but you do be still problems will arise but you will see through them immediately good betting team what vinalia this is the happiness of the Buddha
Channel: The Noble Path
Views: 161,986
Rating: 4.8989086 out of 5
Keywords: Ajahn Chah, หลวงพ่อชา, หลวงปู่ชา, Buddhist, Buddhism (Religion), Wat Pah Nanachat, Wat Nong Pah Pong, วัดหนองป่าพง, วัดป่านานาชาติ, Dhamma, Dharma, meditation, วัดป่า, retreat, ปฏิบัติธรรม, ธรรมะ, Buddhist monk, International Forest Monastery, Forest Tradition, Ubon Rachathani, nirvana, enlightment, Theravada, Chah Subhaddo, thai, forest, tradition, ordain, monk, simple life, Thai Forest Tradition, Mindfulness, वन मंदिर, лес храм, වනාන්තර පන්සල, බෞද්ධ, बौद्ध, буддист, Budista, templo del bosque, vipassana
Id: 8GOQp0fTIo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2013
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