The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste | Senior Pastor Kenneth Carpenter

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[Music] anybody happy to be in god's house tonight have you come to praise them do you feel the joy of the lord in this place while we go ahead and stand oh hallelujah i thank you for your joy tonight jesus [Music] this beauty in my brokenness and i've got true love instead of pain and there's freedom though you've captured me and i've got joy instead of mourning [Music] and i've got true love instead of me there's freedom though [Music] deep in my soul down deep [Music] [Music] deep in my songs [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] down [Music] [Music] is [Music] i've never been more secure [Music] i've never been more secure [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] know [Music] see you give me [Music] joy [Music] [Music] [Applause] deep tonight if you're thankful for the joy of the lord knowing the joy of the lord is our strength and the joy of the lord is my [Music] oh if you're thankful strength that joy church hallelujah won't you give them some praise thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] and we are responding to your love oceans are rising rising and falling [Music] and we are responding to your life my god [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the oceans are rising and falling [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] wherever you are [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Music] oh [Music] how [Music] oh [Music] you are [Music] he's still moving he's still proving just how brave he is [Music] just how great he is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] that he's still moving and he's still proving it over and over again oh [Music] thank you [Music] come on just lift up hands to heaven if you feel i'm moving in your body if you feel a movement in your life still moving connie's still proving he's a miracle worker come on his presence is in this room today let's just take a moment and bask in the presence let's linger in the holy ghost right now we don't need to get in a hurry tonight lord moving this house moving this place [Music] oh we bless your name jesus we praise your name jesus come on clap your hands unto the lord and just give him honor giving praise for being a god who's still doing what he does best he's still faithful oh we're blessing your name because you're the faithful god you're the faithful one you're the faithful one great is thy faithfulness hallelujah thank you jesus amen and amen ushers make your way forward at this time we are gonna bring our offering our tithe and our offering into the storehouse i hope that you were able to be here for our pre-service prayer we we began at 5 30 and if you were watching online or you were here in the house what a beautiful presence of the lord that was here and we brought our needs before the lord we we believe that god is a healing god and i'm so thankful that he is continually uh he is continually getting people a healing that they need they're getting out of the hospital i'm so thankful for that more and more i'm looking out and seeing saints of god who have been hospitalized but now they're back in the house of god back in the church house and we're so thankful for that amen just continue to remember brother nathan hassler uh he lost his mother uh what a beautiful family they had a great beautiful service on friday for her and we're just believing that god's gonna continue just to be a comfort in that family the peace that surpasses all understanding amen tonight we have this opportunity to bring amen an offering to the lord today bring our tithe into the house today this is god's house and we want to make sure that whatever the house needs whatever god's house needs that there might be meat in the house and we're just believing that god is a god who is going to take care of every need and he's going to do it through us he's gonna do it through his people amen he's blessed us and because he's allowed us to be blessed we can give back to the house of god if you're not already standing stand to your feet we're gonna march today and we're gonna bring our offering let's pray father i thank you lord god for the choir that's about to sing god i'm so thankful all god the worship team has already led us into such beautiful worship and now lord we bring another form of praise and that's an offering lord we break our finances we bring our first fruits god to you lord this is yours tithing does not belong to us we are mere stewards lord god that are gonna bring what is yours back to your house tonight lord god i pray lord as we bring 10 lord of our increase to your house lord god that you have blessed it lord god you will allow it lord god to go out and reach souls god bless the apostolic connection god i i thank you lord god that we have a television broadcast that goes out into hundreds of thousands of homes in four or five states that surround our state lord i'm so thankful lord god that people are hearing your word god they're hearing doctrine they're hearing the gospel god i thank you for the webcast god i thank you you've given us the means to purchase cameras lord god to purchase a switcher god lord i'm thankful lord god that we have men and women who have been trained oh god to run cameras or to run equipment to run sound and because of that this whole uh gospel is being preached all through this whole world god bless these great people lord that are bringing these finances into this house in jesus name we pray and everybody shout amen amen come on let's give us the lord if you'll exit out the right side of your pew and bring your offering and come back in the left side the choir is coming and we're going to worship god in [Music] the song is changing nothing stays the same [Music] heaven is waiting for the mention of the name [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the way [Music] mountains [Music] of is miracles are folding at the mention of this name [Music] is [Music] [Music] to speak the way [Music] [Music] [Music] us [Music] oh [Music] i am forgiven [Music] i am forgiven [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] amen amen and amen and amen thank you ladies amen what a name you may be seated thankful for the name of jesus well this choir that you see behind me is going to be recording a live recording next sunday night and we get to be the audience are we excited about that are you looking forward to seeing what god is going to do through the ministry of the sanctuary choir the album is going to be called see my city and we have a polaroid snapshot here uh promo and we have these in the lobby on the the desks out in the lobby you can pick these up these are invitation cards for next sunday night it gives the address it gives the website just kind of is a nice promo please go out and invite somebody from work somebody from college university invite somebody make sure you don't come alone next sunday night i i think we can just fill this place with worshipers and i promise you you are going to enjoy so much we're recording i believe nine songs uh and then of course after that pastor is going to come and bring the word but we are recording nine songs they'll be on itunes and apple music uh it's gonna be an awesome we're bringing a producer in from florida this week that's gonna be doing a lot of the recording throughout the week and all the overdubs it's going to be just a great time of worship next sunday night please please let's run out of these cards let's get every card uh get them out post them you can tack them up to if you have a bulletin board and work in the in the office or or the break room tack them up let's get as many people here as we can it's so much more than just good singing it's so much more than just music this is going to be an outreach for our church you want to be a part of that and you want to bring somebody with you come on if you if you agree to do that let me just see your hand let me just just wave your hand if you agree just to ask all we can do is ask if they don't want to come we that's okay but i promise you i believe they'll enjoy it if they come well it's time for the choir to lead us in worship aren't we thankful for the sanctuary choir are we thankful for a group of people who every sunday come out early on sunday morning they come out early on sunday night they work so hard amen this song right here was a song written by apostolic collective it just simply talks about if you have an ear you ought to hear because the spirit is wanting to speak to each one of us today come on lift up your hands and just love him in this place [Music] [Music] you spoke it on [Music] and then [Music] so let him [Music] the spirit wants to speak [Music] [Music] the oh wants to see [Music] down to [Music] through my [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] the spirit [Music] i just wanna hear you [Music] just i just wanna hear you [Music] just let us [Music] [Music] me is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] the book of psalms says that he inhabits the praises of his people and inhabits means he lives in the praises of his people so it's no wonder in the bible when paul and silas were they found themselves in prison they were in bonds and che and fetters they had no escape except what did they do they sang the praises of god so tonight i would like to challenge you no matter what kind of impossible situation you feel like you might be in tonight just sing the praises of god and release that sound over your situation and he he will show up he will show up sometimes he speaks to us and we need to hear that but sometimes he wants us to speak back to him so tonight i beg you release the sound [Music] david faced a giant that marked the living god by faith [Music] people shouted that the wallet had to fall down [Music] oh [Music] but when they started singing those [Music] fall down is [Music] release the sounds jesus was buried [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll release your night jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] the jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] over your situations [Music] [Music] today [Applause] [Music] [Music] take control of my life jesus [Music] oh come on before i preach tonight before i preach tonight release the name of jesus oh before you grab your bible call out on his name jesus oh jesus oh i release that name i release that name of salvation i release that name for deliverance i release that name for healing i release that name to make a way where there seem to be no way i release that name of jesus tonight i release that name amen amen amen thank you choir such a beautiful singing tonight if you have your bibles and return with me to the gospel of luke chapter number 15 and verse number 11. luke chapter number 15 and verse number 11. please avail yourself of these advertisements for next sunday nights choir recording and concert and pass them out there's a lot of people let me tell you there's a lot of people that will come to a singing all right there's a lot of people that will come to us singing it's two things that'll cause a visitor to come singing and food and god knows we've used both of them to get people in the door here because they have one touch of god's spirit just one touch of god's spirit i want to say i want to i want to say if you bring the monitors down please pretty please um we've got so busy having church brother naomi and brother brian triplett left a few weeks ago to go to africa and do a little missionary work they told me today that i believe that they have either baptized 70 or 70 have received the gift of the holy ghost and we're so thankful for that that's a that's directly that is directly out of this church brother naomi and brother brian triplett uh brother brian and sister diane came to me and they're feeling like that god is possibly leading them into wanting to go help our missionaries and i thank the lord i thank the lord for that i got a text this past week from brother tisdale our district superintendent in west virginia and he had a young man uh preached for him last week you may know him brother dakota bought and he just sent me a long text i yeah i know there's some folks over here um they uh he sent me a long text and he just could not say enough of how much brother dakota bought had impacted had impacted their church isn't that wonderful that god is just doing god is just doing such such a great work i feel compelled to tell you tonight that jesus is coming and the whole reason that we gather is to prepare ourselves for the coming of the lord the coming of the lord luke 15 and 11. and he said a certain man had two sons the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that falleth to me and he divided unto them his living and not many days after the younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country and there wasted his substance with riotous living and when he had spent all there arose a mighty famine in that land and he began to be in want he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into his fields to feed swine and he would fame having filled his belly with the hus that the swine did eat and no man gave to him and when he came to himself he said how many hired servants of my fathers have bread enough and despair and i perish with hunger for a few moments tonight i'd like to challenge you with the word of the lord on this simple topic the mind is a terrible thing to waste the mind is a terrible thing to waste if you'd like god to speak to you tonight like the choir song says would you lay your bible down and would you just ask god tonight speak to me lord god speak to me through pastor's sermon lord speak to my heart tonight lord god speak to my heart lord through the sermon through the message lord god shake me and wake me god enlighten mine eyes don't let me sleep the sleep of death oh god touch me tonight lord and god help me to realize god what i need in my life jesus wonderful name we pray amen you may be seated thank you for standing for the reading of god's word the mind is a terrible thing to waste i am not the originator of that statement if you're old enough tonight you will know that many years ago there was an advertisement about education and the advertisement trying to get kids to stay in school would simply just say the mind is a terrible thing to waste and indeed it is we understand tonight this parable that jesus spoke he's actually speaking to the self-righteous pharisees the men that thought that they were saved based on how clean their pots were and how clean their hands were and how much they obeyed the sabbath day they were quite amazed and quite offended that jesus did not spend much time with them no jesus could always be found speaking to a sinner man or to a sinner woman he could always be found investing in them on a certain day they were ridiculing him about him keeping company with sinners and he gave them a parable i don't know if they ever got the point of the parable or not but the parable was all about their self-righteousness you see the parable of the prodigal son is really not about the boy that left home it's about the self-righteous elder brother that could not rejoice that his brother had come home so in the midst of this parable something interesting that jesus says the young man left his father's house humanity left the garden of eden satan convinced them there had to be more humanity left the father's house and went far from god and there humanity wasted their substance with riotous living but it didn't take long for humanity to be in what here a young man leaves the comforts of his father's house he leaves all the provisions of his father he strikes out on his own only to see that sin is a short lived season he ran out of money and when he ran out of money no man gave to him he finds himself employed on a in a on a swine farm and would have happily ate what the swine were eating but one day things took a turn verse number 17 simply tells us the pivotal point in the whole story the entire story changed on this one verse and when he came to himself when he came to himself which tells us tonight that all of his actions of leaving the father's house of wasting his substance with addicted living all of the decisions that he was making that he was not in his right mind when he made those decisions he wasn't thinking right he wasn't processing thoughts right he had thoughts that there was something more outside of the walls of his father's house he had thoughts that there truly had to be something that he's being deprived of and held back but all he would soon find out on that one pivotal verse and when he came to himself he began to think the right thoughts you see a turnaround begins in the thoughts of the mind in the thoughts of the mind he made the statement how many servants in my father's house have bread i imagine he was looking at a at just what the the swine were about to eat and it just triggered a thought in his mind how many servants in my father's house have bread and enough to spare he was thinking in my father's house that place that i got tired of being in that place that i thought i was being held back in that place now i'm thinking the right thoughts how many servants in my father's house have bred and enough to spare and i perish with hunger he begins his journey back home with the right thinking your change will come as soon as you begin to allow the right proper thoughts to run through your mind your mind is a terrible thing to waste let's not waste our minds on the things of this world god gave us our minds in order to process the thoughts that we can make it to heaven that we can develop a relationship with jesus christ god didn't give us our minds to become thoughts of garbage cans thoughts of the world and entertainment god gave us our minds so that we can think heavenly thoughts so that we can think holy thoughts so that soon our actions will fall in behind our thoughts can you give the lord a hand tonight isn't it amazing in verse 17 when it says and he came to himself and he said how many he thought it how many had bread enough to spare and then that thought triggered another thing and he said i'll tell you what i'll do i will arise you see the right kind of thoughts always take you up and the wrong kind of thoughts always take you down he said i will arise and i will go go is a direction the right kind of thoughts lead you in the right direction and the wrong thoughts lead you in the wrong direction i will arise and i will go to my father and i will say to my father you see the right kind of thoughts lead to the right kind of praise the wrong thoughts lead to the wrong sort of praise i don't praise him because i've got material things i praise him because he is my lord and my soon-coming king that's why i praise him tonight material things are here today and gone tomorrow but jesus christ the anchor that can hold is a friend that sticks closer than any brother and he's always there with us i will go to my father i will say to my father father i have sinned you see the right kind of thoughts cause you to take responsibility for your actions father i have sinned and i am no worthy no more worthy to be called your son and on and on the story goes and we end up with the feast of the fatty calf and the playing of the band and the dancing of the family and we end up with a great celebration of the prodigal coming home but let me tell you before you think that the victory was in the music and before you think the victory was in the feast before you think the victory was in the father's love of the prodigal coming home you've got to think again it would have never happened had that boy not came to himself and had the right thought going through his mind the mind is a terrible thing to waste as a matter of fact demonic possession and demonic activity begins with someone yielding their thoughts to that damnable spirit world they begin to yield their thoughts that's where satan comes in he they begin to yield their thoughts and the more you yield your mind to satan the more he'll just unload and unload and unload until you're making the wrong decisions and the wrong actions and doing the wrong activity i don't know where it started the bible doesn't say but somewhere there was a man in the bible that began to entertain the wrong faults the wrong thoughts led to the wrong actions the wrong actions led to the wrong habits and finally one day satan said the man's mind is wide open let's fill him with many of our demonic spirits and many demonic spirits filled the man the man soon began to display destructive behavior because that's always the path of the enemy he began self mutilation he began to tear his clothes off and to walk openly naked in shame he began to be tormented to such a place that he was moved out to the cemeteries and there he slept there he ate there he howled at night like a coyote there he continually banged his head against the rocks cut his arms there he was in torment naked cut bleeding hurting but one day jesus came by his way and before the day would be over mark chapter 5 and verse 15 records the simple visit by jesus christ mark chapter 5 and verse 15 simply says and they came and they come to jesus and see him that was possessed with the devil and had the legion sitting and clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid can i tell you that what jesus cast out the spirits of that man he cast out the spirits that controlled his thought processes he cast out the spirits that had this man tearing his clothes off banging his head against the stone cutting himself he cast out the spirits out of the thought process and when the spirits got cast out of that man's mind all of a sudden the man stops running wildly and he begins to walk all of a sudden he stops his wild behavior and he begins to sit down all of a sudden he yielded himself to someone that brought him a shirt someone brought him a robe he yielded there had been many groups that had brought clothes out to him but he would just simply tear them off his body but not now he yields himself to wearing a robe he yields himself to being clothed and the bible simply says that when they came and they found him after jesus got a hold of him that he was sitting and clothed and in his right mind and at the feet of jesus christ your mind is a terrible thing to give to the adversary tonight your mind is a terrible thing that's right to give to the adversary you see friend i believe you understand this that the problem with marijuana the problem with marijuana is that marijuana leads you to harder drugs it leads you marijuana is the stepping stone to get leads you to heroin cocaine lsd and the list goes on and on beer beer that you can drive a couple miles from this church and buy beer what's wrong with beer beer is the stepping stone to liquor it is the stepping stone to becoming an alcoholic all alcoholics have one thing in common they all started being a beer drinker you say brother carpenter where are you going tonight i'm going here one of the reasons that i i preach and believe that the music that the children of god need to hear is music that glorifies god what's wrong with rock music rock music is the stepping stone to immorality rock music is the stepping stone to becoming desensitized to the music that you ought to listen to shame on any of us tonight that can open up our emotions more to nashville than we can the holy music that is played in our apostolic churches god help us tonight god help us tonight that we can open up our emotions more than what comes out of california than we can the music that is played weekly from the platforms of our apostolic churches sing me a song about jesus tell me about his goodness tell me about his name tell me about all that he has done and all that he will you have to understand this man has changed his behavior because god put him in his right mind god put him in his right mind you say tonight brother carpenter why would it matter to you what i listen to it matters to me because my assignment on earth is to get you ready and keep you ready for jesus christ soon return i'm not alone did you hear that that's my assignment that's why i'm never going to get off your back and you better pray that wherever you go to church you've got a preacher that'll get on your back you better pray wherever you go you need to pray wherever you go you got a preacher that's after you when you start getting a little bit cold he'll he'll start he'll he'll he will just start preaching to you and telling you gotta you gotta warm your worship up you got to get back involved you got to start thinking the right thoughts you're thinking prosperity is going to make you happy prosperity is not going to make you happy you're thinking material things are going to make you happy it's not going to make you happy come on you got it you got to you got you gotta get you gotta start thinking right jesus is the way. you gotta start thinking right so why does it matter to you preacher what i do it matters because you are my assignment for life you are my calling is to keep you ready to meet the lord and i am not alone look at second corinthians chapter 11 verse number two second corinthians chapter 11 verse number two listen to the apostle paul as he talks to the church at corinth he says in second corinthians 11 and verse number two i am jealous over you with godly jealousy for i have espoused you to one husband that i may present you as a chaste virgin to christ he says i'm jealous over you i'm jealous now i know you're probably not going to raise your hand but if you've ever loved somebody you know what jealousy feels like let me tell you something and if you let jealousy have its way you'll know what jealousy looks like a woman loves a man and another hoochie mama comes around trying to get his attention i'm graduating i used to call him chiquita banana mamas all right you take a woman loves a man and some hoochie mama comes around you'll watch what jealousy looks like you'll watch it you watch a man that loves a woman and you let some old don juan start coming around you you'll see what they look like you'll see what it looks like and if by chance the hoochie mama or the don juan gets their attention you'll see that you'll see that behavior go to another level because they love them and paul said about the church he said i'm jealous over you there's things trying to get your attention i'm jealous over you church there's a world trying to get your attention there's a world trying to throw off on me there's a world trying to tell you that they're better looking there's a world trying to tell you that they're smarter than me there's a world entertainment trying to do all of this trying to tell you why would you waste your time on something like that why why look look at here look at look what i look like look you can be with me i'm wanting you you don't want to waste your time on him i got news for you i'm jealous over you i don't like the world having your attention i don't like the world creeping in i don't like it when we know more about sports stats than we know about the word of god i don't like it i don't like it when you can set four hours on a concrete slab wear a jersey fit in with the fans but you won't come to a padded pew and submit to some bible holiness i'm jealous over you young people i'm not your enemy i know it seems like sometimes man he's always at me i'm jealous over you i don't like it when you want to dress like the world i don't like it when you want to sit in the middle of the glory of god and not give him praise and not give him worship i am jealous over you [Applause] i'm jealous over you i'm jealous over you paul said i am jealous over you with godly jealousy for i have espoused you to one husband that i may present you as a chaste virgin to christ when he comes back i want you to be a chaste clean virgin but verse 3 but i fear and brother paul i'm right with you but i fear lest by any means the devil will use any means he can lest by any means as the serpent beguiled eve through his septility sow your what somebody say it sow your what see sometimes we want to treat the symptoms and not the cure the symptoms is what you wear the cure is in your heart the symptoms is how you're acting too many times we try to treat symptoms when we need to understand it all started in the mind he said the devil beguiled tricked eve through his septility so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ see how you see how satan does it's hard to serve the lord it's hard man that's a hard thing that bible's a hard book to read oh that's hard serving the lord no no no no it's hard in the world the way of a transgressor is hard he said it's simple it's simplicity just obey his word it's simple just obey his word from the simplicity that is in christ for if he that cometh preaches another jesus whom we have not preached he said there are those that come and preach another jesus or if you receive another spirit which you have not received you come they preach another jesus whom we have not preached you receive another spirit which ye have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted uh stop right there for a moment he's talking about those that preach a different gospel same jesus different gospel they were preaching the cross but they wanted to take them back under the old works of the law they came around and they preached that and paul said i i i there comes and they preach another jesus whom we didn't preach or receive another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted watch this he says to them ye might wear well bear well with them here's what he's saying they come and preach another gospel and you totally accept it they come and preach another gospel and man it's just it's just totally accepted let me give you a good example of this let me give you a good example i went to a nominal funeral in at this church and the pastor got up and he admitted which i wouldn't i'd i think it was a little cold what he said he said i did i don't know the person laying here i don't i don't know to my knowledge i don't think i've ever spoke to them and so he said a little something and then he said but i want to take my time tonight and i want to preach you the abcs of salvation hey all have all have sinned come short of the glory of god he rattled off on a for a while b believe thou upon the lord jesus christ he rattled up on that a little bit c confess your sins now in that there were some of the abcs i agree with but i i was thinking there's some more letters to that alphabet but you know what nobody in that place had any issue with what he was saying but i was preaching a funeral here and i began to say this person was filled with the holy ghost talking in tongues and a woman in the audience out loud said oh dear is he gonna go there isn't it amazing that the world can readily accept another gospel but the true gospel they have an issue with well if you can show me in the bible where they got the holy ghost any other way but talking in tongues come on up here and show me right now if you can show me in the bible where they were baptized any other way but in the name of jesus christ come up here and show me right now so why should we be intimidated when we are preaching the truth come on apostolic come on church tonight your mind is a terrible thing to waste don't waste it on [Applause] paul said i'm jealous over you isn't it amazing how satan works the bible says in genesis 3 and 1 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord god had made he said unto the woman yeah hath god said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden watch what's the devil what's the devil he first comes in and he says you can't do nothing that's nothing you can do eve said oh no the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden said no you're wrong we can eat of the trees of the fruit of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god has said ye shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest you die he said no no you're wrong satan you're wrong satan we can eat from all these trees isn't it amazing the devil wants to zero in he wants to put all the thoughts through your mind of what you can't do and i'm going to tell you that behind every cake that god gives you is a tucked away blessing god would never withhold one good thing from your life if it's good god wants you to have it if it's not good god is going to forbid you he doesn't forbid it because he don't want you having fun he forbids it because he loves you and he doesn't want anything to harm you so no no no no no we can eat of all the trees of the garden but that one tree in the midst of the garden god has said don't eat of it or to touch it lest you die and the serpent said unto the woman you shall not surely die for god doth know that in the day that you eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as god's knowing good and evil you're not going to die now see this is the reason that you need to cut any thoughts all through your mind that question god's word god's word is truth cut off any questions in your mind any thoughts that want to come against the knowledge of god you're not going to die god knows that in the day you eat you're going to be like him and he don't want you being like him and on and on and on and on he goes do you know sometimes that satan is not successful with his first drive by your place but do you know that one thing you can say about him he is a persistent devil you know what satan did on that day he deposited doubt in the thought process in the thought process of eve he just he just planted doubt he just planted some doubt she she's starting to think about it she just planting doubt can i tell you that you will never see holiness entertaining thoughts of questioning holiness can i tell you and i shared this with brother sally's the other night when it comes to holiness i would rather have it and not need it than to need it and not have it when it comes to holiness i would rather my god has done so much for me my god has been better to me than i've been to him my god has blessed me far above and beyond anything that i can really imagine and can i tell you when it comes to holiness and the things of god i want to go beyond could it be tonight that god would like to see us doing some things not because we've been held over hell god would like to see us doing some things not because we came to the pastor and said is it a heaven or hell issue we need to love god so much that we're just willing to do it because it's just what we want to do for him [Applause] i got a i got a rock in my desk it's a little polished rock it came from one of the stenit i think lucas it was christmas time pastor had just mentioned a few gift certificates that i had gotten i mentioned a few steakhouses that some of you members got me in first lady a gift certificate i mentioned some of things that were going on a few days later lucas met me and he said i want to give you something for christmas he said i don't have a ruth chris gift card to give you and he pulled out of his pocket he said i collect rocks he said this is my favorite rock right here i said oh lucas i i don't know i don't know i i can't say it's my favorite rock and he said i wanna i want you to have it for christmas but can i tell you something friend i still got that rock in my desk and every time that i look at that rock i'm reminded of us giving god something of worship to him and saying god i don't have much education i don't have a big vocabulary i don't have any talent to play an instrument i don't have any talent to be an artist but god i got two little hands that can be lifted and i can say thank you jesus i can say praise god i can magnify the lord can i tell you tonight you've got what you need tonight to give him if you will just give it to him right now oh god i give you my worship god i give you my praise when we begin to worship god i can see god stepping away from the angelic choir in heaven and i can see god saying i know you're perfectly on key i know that you're the beethovens of beethoven but i want to step over the balcony and i want to listen to the redeemed as they begin to praise my name your mind is a terrible thing to waste verse 6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof indeed did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat and here we are and it's all here because she began to think about what satan planted in her mind you see when we look at life through the seeds of secular secularism we begin to look at life through the eyes of the world it can make sense to us but when we begin to look at life through the word of god my body is the temple of the holy ghost if you're a young man here tonight your body is the temple of the holy ghost that's right it's the dwelling place of the holy ghost and to the best of my ability whatever i put on this body i want to put it on i want to put on my body with the mentality my body is the temple of the holy ghost when people look at us because they can't see our heart i want them to see the part they can see and i want them to know there's something different about about that man that there's something that's something different about the way that he dresses he's they don't the young men here at the first apostolic church they don't wear their underwear up around their armpits and their pants down around the back of their knees well why not because our body is the temple of the holy ghost oh it might get quiet for a little while tonight but your mind and your body is a terrible thing to waste now the best research i can do on this the best research i can do on this this is not cultural dress it is something of late and the best research for why young men will pull their underwear up and their pants down and when you drive by or walk by and especially if you got your wife you hope they don't sneeze why do they do that oh it's just a fad it's just the fashion fads and fashions always have messages a young man wears his pants that way he is saying to a he is saying to the opposite sex and maybe the same sex i am quickly available for sex it wouldn't take me long to be prepared for sex well i got news for you to those of you that's got thoughts right now of oh i don't know if he ought to be saying that right now i want to go ahead and tell you you're thinking wrong thoughts or maybe you'll get stirred up when your little grandson walks in dressing like that how will our kids know how to dress if somebody that's jealous over them doesn't get up and say i'm jealous over you brother mariah get up here right now come on get up here right now brother cloud get up here right now tyler get up here right now you know why these young men are dressed this way they're full of the holy ghost nobody makes them do this oh i know you maybe see it i know why they're doing this i know why they're doing this they're just dressing like that because the pastor does that what's wrong with that isn't it amazing isn't it amazing years ago there was a country singer that came out singing through his nostril and one thing he had about him a poor little fella must have bought a belt too long for him because it drip it hung down the side of his leg about a foot and one night i went in a restaurant and that fella had come to town and there's a bunch of men in that restaurant so help me god that had been to that concert they all had one thing in common they all talked through their left nasal and every one of them had a belt hanging down about a foot but that's all right cause that's the world and the worldly entertainers can have influence over their worshipers but a man of god that's trying to get you to heaven i'm glad you young men have been influenced i'm glad you don't have your pants down around your knees and your underwear up around your armpits i'm glad because they know that their body is the temple of the holy ghost thank you all tonight come on that's what we're doing around here you better start thinking the right thoughts about your clothes may be seated let me be a gender equal opportunist here tonight the same issue with the young man wearing his underwear up around his armpits and his pants around his knees he's the same reason young lady buy you a dress that covers your knees wait wait wait wait wait wait well don't don't clap don't don't but please i i'm i'm trying to end here in a few minutes you know why i said cover your knees because the bible definition of nakedness is your thigh being seen now i know the world says oh you're naked you're going to get a young lady now you well i was at dollywood the other day my uh labor day and i was going through a little scanner there and there was a woman behind me and evidently she wasn't dressed dollywood's got a standard and the man checking everybody in he said ma'am you got a shirt you can put on well i've come i'm going to splash mountain i'm going over here he said that's over there he said this is the park you know what she did she said i got a shirt here in my bag she put she i never turned around i just loving jesus i'm just but can i tell you that what the world views is naked is not what we view as naked the world has standards that the the the bottom part of your rear end don't need to be showing but that's not the bible standard the bible standard says that if a woman's thigh is seen that she's naked why preach that why preach that because you tell you you bring you bring and i know this sunday night and i think there may be there might be somebody here that that maybe you've never heard this before and i hope you will hear this and understand i'm not trying to embarrass you i'm preaching to the church but just like just like the young man that pulls his underwear up and his pants down to send a signal to anybody i'm quick to go i could have sex with you in just a moment it wouldn't take me long it wouldn't take me long to get unclogged a young lady a woman that'll wear a dress up to the bottom part of her buttocks is telling the world look at what you're going to get look at what you're going to get but your body wasn't made young ladies hear me your body's wasn't made to be a gazing stock for every lusting man but your body was made for the may i want my little girl hey listen to me i'm gonna quit here in a minute my wife and i were buying some clothes for our grandkids the other day london and we were buying some clothes for for london it was in the department store and they're hanging up in her size to fit her with daisy duke shorts boy the is going to start them young aren't they that's exactly right and if the world is going to start them young the church better start them young the church better start being and i want to tell every young lady i had this conversation with some young ladies from the sevierville campus today i want to tell every young lady what you need to say when somebody on your job or their community asks you why you wear a dress you answer them this way i'm a girl you know why we got gender messed up because we have gender clothing messed up we've had that messed up for years is it any strange idea that because we messed the clothes up now we've left the mind up my god i feel like preaching tonight come on this is an apostolic church we love the center we pulled for the center but we're trying to get up people ready for the coming of the lord i'm a girl and they ask you why do you wear a dress you look at them and say duh i'm a girl and when they ask it why you wear it down to your knees you say because i'm a lady [Applause] thinking thinking thinking thinking you got to thinking you got to think it your mind's a terrible thing to waste think it think it think it think it there's nothing wrong with holiness there's nothing wrong with dressing right there's nothing wrong with that come on thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you i'm thinking i want holiness on my children i'm thinking i want holiness on my grandchildren i'm thinking tonight if i was a saint in the pew and i had a pastor preaching like this i'd be thinking i'm gonna go shake his hand tonight and tell him thank you thank you thank you thank you well brother carpenter you're going to defend them you know what you can offend people for what you don't preach to the word of finn means to trip up [Applause] don't it surprise you no it don't you take some of these young men that dress in that fashion get them in trouble with the law and on court day you know what a good attorney tells your mama to get you [Applause] no mama go and get him underwear that come up around his armpits let him go in that courtroom with his under with his pants hanging down around his knee ah no no you're smarter than that you're telling on yourself you're telling on yourself you're telling that when you want the world to respect you you're going to put a suit on you're going to put the best that you've got on and you're going to stand well listen if i'm going to buy a suit to stand before a judge that can determine the next five years of my life i'm going to wear something to please the god of heaven of where i'm going to spend eternity come on stand with me and out of mind is a terrible thing to waste [Applause] wrong thoughts wrong thoughts can have eternal consequences naaman almost died a leper because when the man of god told him to wash seven times he didn't like what he heard and he said to the men that came with him brother tharp he said i thought he had come out here and strike his hand over the leprosy naman thoughts the wrong thoughts can have eternal consequences simon church you better be careful what you see in church you better be careful of the thoughts you develop in church what do you mean simon stands there in the eighth chapter of the book of acts simon watches as peter and john come down from jerusalem simon watches as peter and john lay their hands on them and they begin to receive the holy ghost and speaking of the tongues jump and shout have a holy glow on them start laughing start rejoicing start saying how wonderful it is joy unspeakable and full of glory simon saw it and he came up to peter and he said peter how much would it take how much money would it take for you to give me that power then on whoever i lay hands they may receive the holy ghost now you gotta understand something simon wasn't gonna go through the land doing it he was gonna go through the land selling it that's why i detest a lot of tv evangelism selling prayer cloths and selling this and selling that waters the only time i've ever been tempted there's a man down in north city said he had holy water make you lose weight i almost bought me some of that almost my goodness penny get me a bottle of that down there i mean but i didn't peter looked at him and he said and one translation says it this way i believe it's philip's translation that peter looked at him and peter said you and your money both are going to hell you and your money both are going to hell because you have thought that the gift of god could be bought he said you ought to pray that god will forgive you the thoughts you see we live in a world that only judges you by your acts we're in a spiritual body that god judges us by our thoughts i end with this when they crucified jesus i don't think it's a coincidence strong tower they crucified him at a place called golgotha which is to say the place of a skull they crucified him on a mountain side that resembled the skull of a man and the first thing they offered him at golgotha was a mixture of drink that would affect his mind and he refused it i believe what he is saying to every strong tower student every mom and dad every trendsetter i won the i won the battle for you i won the battle over your thoughts at calgary you can control your thoughts if you can control your thoughts you can control your actions and if you can control your actions you can control your life the name of jesus would you bow your heads with me right now all over this room would you just begin to pray right now i know i put the plow down deep tonight i i know that i know that but i don't want to offend this church i don't want to offend you tonight i want you to know why we do what we do and why we don't listen to the music and why we don't have that entertainment and why why why why why my thoughts [Music] now your heads come on let's pray right now [Music] just for a moment i i want this to sink in i want this to sink in tonight can you hear that holy [Music] hear sing that song would you join with her as she sings it would you sing it with her [Music] come on sing it with me tonight [Music] [Music] anybody here tonight you don't have the baptism of the holy ghost and you want it come to this altar right now there's anyone here tonight you've not surrendered your life to jesus christ the altar is open the altar's open right now come come [Music] i want to call this church back to dedication i want to call us back to holiness tonight [Music] [Music] holiness [Music] [Applause] get rid of the music on your phone [Music] righteousness [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] take [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's just entertain the presence of the lord tonight come on sing about it right now oh holiness oh yes [Music] [Music] one more time one more time get in your heart [Music] oh yes god oh yes god go home with this church go home with this you don't give god nothing at repentance you don't give god anything in repentance god gives you forgiveness of sins you don't give god anything at water baptism god takes your sin away [Music] you don't give god anything when you receive the gift of the holy ghost he feels you [Music] and most people we've got good theologians and good teachers today that we can explain biblically repentance water baptism and the holy ghost and the average person does not trip up the average person doesn't say i i i just can't go along with that repentance i just can't go along with that water baptism i just can't go along with that spirit baptism the average person doesn't say that but the average person that leaves the church leaves the church over the fourth step and that's holiness because there's where we change things it's not god giving me something it's me giving god something i'm giving it back to god i'm giving it back to god i'm giving it back to god church god bless you see you wednesday night at 7 30. shake hands head next be friendly you dismissed in jesus name [Music]
Channel: FACMaryville
Views: 1,536
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: QVK9Qf_XnXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 44sec (6464 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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