The Millionaire Mindset

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I want to talk to you today about what I think it really takes to become wealthy in financial terms specifically we're going to talk about today how to condition yourself for wealth does I want to make a statement right now that may sound like an oversimplification to you but I have to tell you that it's true in my experience and my experience is how to shift myself and other people's finances from struggling to absolute total abundance and that statement is this if you do not have enough money in your life there's one and only one primary reason you have not conditioned yourself for well I'm gonna show you exactly how to do that let's start with a little understanding about money first of all you talk about money I've never noticed what an emotionally charged issue it is for people I mean people usually go one extreme or the other either it's like real positive for them and they get real excited or they say yeah I want to be able to make some money I want to make things happen in that area or you see the direct opposite extreme where people literally have contempt for it as if it was something evil or suspect something that you should avoid it almost all costs and that usually shows up obviously and their lack of economic well-being why is it such an emotional issue for us well we could spend several days just analyzing all the associations that have been attached to money throughout the years both in religious terms as well as in business terms all the experiences that we've had but the truth is money is nothing but a representation a means to measure the exchange of value between people so one of the questions that I've asked myself is why do so many people fail to achieve financial abundance in a country where financial opportunity surrounds us literally at every moment it beckons to us and yet most of us never do that we never create the financial abundance we deserved and so I ask the question why not why don't people succeed financially out of that question I started getting some answers on my own but I also started getting answers by going out and modeling some of the most successful people in the world financially people that are in the hundred million two billion dollar class I figured hey if I'm gonna get some answers these people can tell me and I look people specifically in that area who have made it financially on their own people have started with little or nothing ideally and by the way there are many more than you realized we live in a country where people can generate net worth of a hundred to five hundred million dollars starting with a little idea for a computer in their garage or where somebody can go to IBM as a young kid to become a billionaire by as the mid 30s an example of Bill Gates so there are lots of role models of unbelievable possibility and you may say well that's not my goal I can appreciate that but piece people certainly know how to create and build wealth and more importantly maintain it now years ago there was a book written called Think and Grow Rich and I'm sure you've heard of it you've probably read it as well it's one of those very first books that I read when I first started reading personal development material and you know the book was based on the research done back in the early 1900s when Andrew Carnegie asked Napoleon Hill to actually make a study of what it takes to build wealth and my own work in this area could be called thick and rich today because that is in today's society was today's distinctions in today's technology what is today's approach to building wealth what really makes the difference financially today and what I found is there are certain distinctions that have not changed because the building of wealth is fundamental and so a big part of my research has been what is the mindset of well what does it allow certain people to not only expect it but find a way so the obvious question is what is the number one reason why most people fail financially and the answer is so simple that it eludes most of us it's because we associate negative things to having excess money back the word excess by itself for most people as a negative so wonder why we don't ever have it the very thing I talk to you about here earlier in this program the thing that runs our whole life there's two things one are they anything we associate pain - we're gonna avoid especially - the major pain is anything we associate pleasure - we're gonna move Taurus now you may again say well Tony what are you talking about of course I associate pleasure to making money cuz if I had money that I could really have more time to be with my family I wouldn't have to work at certain things well if I had money I could give certain things that are really important to me or I could support a specific charity I believe in or you know what I could travel well I could just do whatever I want as quick as I want or I can have the ultimate wardrobe or jewelry or I could have favorite cars or homes whenever I wanted them I could learn to fly or master any skill hire the best teachers the best coaches of course I want money if you don't have it you're right you do one but not bad enough coz while you want it you have an approach avoidance you also simultaneously have all the negative associations and we alluded to these earlier I don't know if you remember them but I want to remind you repetition because our mother of skill what are some of the negative associations of people sometimes link and their subconscious mind of money that keep them from literally attracting it or they start to attract it and then their brain gets scared and says oh my god this might lead to pain and then sabotages it well some of them are things like in order to make it I'm gonna have to work so hard I'll have no time to enjoy it so why even try or gosh by the time I earn a lot of money I'll be old and gray anyway so why even go after it or to make money you gotta be really smart and I'm not smart enough or to make money you have to take advantage of other people I could never do that or something like well gosh you know if I made money I wouldn't have any time to be with my family or if I made a lot of money people will start judging me or if I make a lot of money well then I'll just have to pay more taxes and then the IRS will be after me and then well I happen people usually worry about these things and people have no money at all to start with they knocked himself out of the game before they even get to bat or if I make a lot of money I probably won't be as spiritual I mean I'm getting sucked in and and of course I remember reading the Bible it said you know it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than the rich man to get into heaven and gosh you know it's hard for camels to get your needle classic misinterpretations like that caused people to live in experiences of lack and I don't know of any place in the world where when people feel like they're living in LAC where they feel like they don't have enough where that encourage is the highest level the human spirit to come out on a consistent basis I might be wrong about that but I got to tell you where ever I see lack I see crime in Mass wherever I see lack I see people trying to escape with drugs wherever I see lack I see people taking advantage of other people and making it okay justifying it by well I had to survive I don't think lack brings out the best in the human spirit I think when we have abundance what happens is we stop focusing on ourselves and how we're gonna survive and we have enough to start focusing on who we really are which are human beings or spirits that are here to contribute and I think when you're in a position of trying to survive your focus is on you when you learn to handle that message when you really know you've got your act together and you don't have to worry anymore it's much easier for people to look at how can I contribute to my fellow man now I'm not saying that you can't come from a position of lack and be a contributor obviously you and I can name name after name a people have been able to do this and our role models a possibility even though they grew up with nothing financially and never had anything so I'm not saying money's the only answer I'm just saying in this culture and this time if you had a choice between having it or not having it why not go for it and have it too why not use your money as a powerful tool for positive influence in the people's lives you care about as well as your own and enjoy having it get off the guilt trips that have stopped you in the past it is that sense of guilt and if you have more money than somebody else what if you made more money than your father oh my gosh God what a wound that would be it's that kind of thing those negative associations that are keeping you from having what you want so if you do not have all the money you want your life you associate more pain to having more money than you have now then not having it's that simple now with the technology that we've learned you can condition yourself to change those feelings in those beliefs but I want you know that is the number one reason that most people don't succeed financially according to people that are most successful in the world at obtaining maintaining and building wealth here's the second wealth wound and by the way I picked those words very specifically I want you get a clearer picture but if you don't master and handle the seven things I'm about to talk about then every single day you're probably experiencing a financial bloodletting what's happening is you are experiencing the pain an ongoing basis of wounds things that are literally dripping out of you your own financial well-being and there's no excuse for it you can handle it easily and quickly here's the second one the second reason these people say and have told me thus far that people do not succeed financially is not only do they have negative associations to money but even if they have okay associations they never make having an abundance of money an absolute must interesting distinction I'm not saying love money and make it your God because that's the way to absolutely be certain that you spell in life that you destroy everything that's valuable but what I am saying is make it a priority so you get it handled and make the priority not just getting by make the priority massive abundant and come up with a specific figure you hold yourself to you've got to have a certain level of finances that you must be asked if you ever vary you got to do something about it immediately otherwise you get caught up in what we call niagra's current right we're day-to-day you just get caught up in making living and doing things and putting things off and it doesn't happen so the only way you're gonna succeed financially is and you decide on a specific amount of money that you must have in your life and it must be well beyond what your absolute needs are so in other words what I'm asking you to do is take something that seems right now to be an accessory money and make it a necessity find an amount of money that would be considered abundant and make that not only abundant but a necessity in your life do you follow me that's critical if you're gonna have long-term wealth financially and if you don't do this there's no way you'll be able to have the amount of money I know you'd like to have in your life the third major wealth wound that drains most people Drive financially in fact keeps them from ever developing a great deal of wealth in the first place is suffering from the problem or falling you the [ __ ] of never ever developing an effective strategy on how to build wealth in the first place I mean listen if all it took to succeed financially was for you to associate lots of pleasure to having money gained and not having it in other words you really made it a must and that was it and we all have it but see that isn't enough if that's all it took in life to succeed was absolute passion for something then every kid would've had a pony when he was growing up that's not quite enough you gotta have an effective strategy hey if you're running east looking for a sunset you got a problem I don't care how enthusiastic you are so you've got to develop strategies on how to one attract money is your life in the first place how are you gonna create that initial income to how to manage that money so that you can invest it and get money to be your slave instead of you being a slave to money in other words get your money to make you more money so it's not taking more of your time and physical effort but where you literally begin to leverage yourself and then three strategies and how to share money so it gives you a tremendous amount of joy because to me that's a strategy that's critical also otherwise why are you gonna keep getting it your brain has got a link pleasure to it or it won't continue to work for it and if you can learn to share it with people I found that yes giving yourself things is fabulous and you should do that but if you can also share that it'll give you even more joy it will give you all those pleasurable feelings you've really wanted those are three strategies that are critical so how do we go about mastering these strategies where do we come up with this I mean we weren't taught this in school that's for sure no one said hey take wealth gold is 101 so how do we go about it and the answer is simple we use modeling remember one things I talked to you about earlier that has helped me to be effective in various areas in my life he's been getting role models finding people that are effective and finding out exactly what they do that's all you have to do in this area as well you need to find people that are successful financially and find out exactly what they do on an ongoing basis that creates that success in other words they are just lucky in order to get this result they're doing certain things on a daily basis and it's a lot simpler than you can imagine hey I turn my entire around financially in less than twelve months I was the guy in that 400 square foot bachelor apartment 12 months later at a million dollar net worth I've done a small turnaround I moved my little foreigner to work with bachelor apartment to my castle all of that came from modeling successful people financially you can go and meet these people directly and model them yourself you can find people in your own neighborhood people around you have done extremely well and find out exactly what they're doing that makes it work become like an investigator become like a hunter and your prey is now wealth now what you're going to do is stock it you're gonna study its habits you're gonna notice where it goes really follow this prey and then don't kill it make it your pet take it home make it your friend take good care of this pet this pet will take really good care of you gosh if you can make earning money and developing wealth fun you can't believe what'll happen in your life it doesn't become your whole focus but it becomes a part of what creates joy for you in lives and while you're doing it by the way you're adding value to other people's lives because the only way you can possibly make money is to create an exchange of energy and value for other human beings that's the only way it can be done and by the way once you've really studied and you have developed a plan to develop wealth the only you're gonna need an addition is a good vehicle and again part of your plan should be how to get that vehicle how to develop something for you so the earning money even while you're sleeping how would you feel then instead of feeling like every day the things you had to do just to keep up just to support your family just to have a certain level of lifestyle so developing not only a plan but the right vehicle is very very important and again that's things that we teach and things you can learn on your own by modeling other people but that is well foo number three failure to get an effective strategy for consistent wealth building here's wealth wound number four this one's pretty simple failure to consistently follow your plan once it gets set up see there are people who actually have developed a good plan they've got some good role models they worked really hard they've studied finances but they don't get them self every single day to follow through like for example I'm sure you've heard about all the different the programs or people teach people how to get rich overnight and you know what some of them really would work a lot of them don't obviously a lot of them are scams but some of them really do work the problem is people don't work them they go to a seminar and they learn how they're supposedly gonna build something financially but they never follow through it's mind-boggling but the problem is they don't have what we're teaching you which is how to get yourself to follow through how to condition yourself so you consistently take those small steps to create huge financial abundance I want you to take out your success journal right now and I want you to give yourself a financial checkup see if there's any place where you're wounded or you need to heal yourself and quick how do you do it start with number one ask yourself specifically what are some of the beliefs that I have they're probably keeping me from increasing my personal wealth from attracting financial abundance what are the beliefs of God about that that are probably holding me back making me feel like Oh God that wouldn't be right what are they an identified question number two remember we said the reason people don't succeed they don't make having financial abundance a must financial survival is a must but not abundance so ask yourself the question do I have a specific amount of money that I have selected that is well beyond my bare necessities something that would represent massive financial abundance that I absolutely am committed to having that I have made a must and if not you need to design that number and you need to get yourself to make it important enough that you will make this happen no matter what three do I have an effective strategy to build my wealth and to absolutely achieve those goals and surpass them if the answer is no I want you to commit to do something today to find out more right somebody call somebody talk to somebody and find out what are some initial steps you can get to master your finances don't put it off even one day this is critical for practice what we're talking about here get yourself once you have a plan analyze have in the past gotten yourself to follow through consistently if the answer is no please use what you're learning here on how to get yourself to follow through to use your personal power and just a little bit each day just like we're doing here we're taking things a little step at a time each day but each day builds on the day before give yourself that benefit so let this day be a brand new beginning for you take some action today this shows that what we've been talking about is real for you so your brain starts a a he or she means it they're gonna follow through this time let's get some momentum because the little actions a phone call a book a tape a seminar action something will get you on a roll so make it a day of new birth in the financial realm a new dawning of your financial stability and your financial power and let yourself start to become a role model for the people around you of what abundance is mental emotional social physical spiritual and financial that's really my message to you go through those seven questions take a real good look eliminate the wounds and let's move forward so take my challenge today mark this day as the beginning of your ultimate financial freedom and have some fun with it enjoy the process let's expand our minds let's attract all the money you deserve let's move our life to a brand new level and most importantly let's live with passion [Music]
Channel: VYBO
Views: 1,055,212
Rating: 4.8697724 out of 5
Keywords: VYBO, Tony Robbins, anthony robbins, motivation, motivational speech, money, wealth, success, law of attraction, motivation video, tony robbins money, tony robbins net worth, how to get rich, millionaire mindset, business, millionaire, billionaire, how to be successful, tony robbins motivation, motivational video, think and grow rich, law of attraction (religion), law of attraction money, the law of attraction, success motivation
Id: LiTmN7K4xTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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