The Million-Mile Porsche 356

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Make me proud to be from Stuttgart. :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2013 🗫︎ replies

18 engine rebuilds later....

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/manowhat 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2013 🗫︎ replies
you you you this car has 982 thousand miles my dad put about the first 80,000 I put the last 900 and 2,000 on it I own the cars since 1968 when my dad gave it to me but it's been owned since new by my family my dad had Austin Healey's Jaguars - 300 s l's and then he got the Porsche and he never left Porsche again because when you're commuting and it doesn't break down it keeps running fuel economy is good it's fun to drive it's everything you could want especially day after day after day because I come in sometimes I pull it in the garage kind of upset I'm home already like to keep driving I make up errands like I did that today I had errands and I thought of like three different things I had to go do today so I could continue driving as far as mechanical issues I've had to rebuild the engine three times at 800 and about 80,000 I thought it had a flat tire on the freeway and I pulled off and the tires were fine I started the car up in a jiffy it wasn't running a low bit fallen off the crank so I had to get a new crank which we got from somewhere in the Midwest and since then the cars been running like a dream it's just a delight to ride in and drive and that's why you can own it there's so many miles I take it in every 3,000 miles no matter what and it has clean oil running through it all the time I've had the same mechanic for over 40 years and he knows the car inside and out and whenever anything was needed I mean just do it well it is it's light nimble and it is a car that sometimes you feel like it's on Rails it has a great feel to it when you're driving it it feel compact you're in there's no squeaks in the car nine hundred thousand miles without any squeaks or noises is remarkable I love just standing back and looking at the car from almost any angle and no matter where you stand you will not see a flat surface there's not a flat surface on this car it was supposed to be one of the cleanest cars through Porsches wind tunnel and that's part of the reason I just love the elegant curves and motion of the car every time I park the car when I walk away I turn back and look at it people love it people love seeing me drive up in the car and they all know blue I mean they know I'm there I'm in the party or I meant that whatever the function is and they see my car there because it's been there for you know 40 years now it's a great feeling I've always liked the thing - it's outdoors and working in regular shirts but I feel really great when I've got a like a blue blazer on and a tie and I'm driving in my little car it's just a great feel next year it will be fifty years old and we're going to run out at a museum Auto Museum and we're going to have a big party for it I'll still be a little short probably of a million but we'll be talking about that the car will be the birthday entity that we'll all be enjoying I'm going to put it right in the middle of the room you you
Channel: Petrolicious
Views: 503,563
Rating: 4.9668422 out of 5
Keywords: classic cars, vintage cars, Porsche (Organization), Porsche 356 (Automobile Model), Automobile (Industry)
Id: 7oxAjgq24Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2013
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