The Messed Up Origins of Rapunzel (Tangled) | Disney Explained - Jon Solo

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[Music] what is going on Disney fans my name is John solo and today is a special day because once again we are diving into the messed up origins of one of your favorite fairy tales Rapunzel so far we've talked about the Little Mermaid Cinderella Snow White and Sleeping Beauty and while each of those has been incredibly messed up in their own special ways I think Rapunzel might be the most interesting story we've covered so far this is mostly thanks to the absolutely genius minds over at Disney they found some incredibly creative ways to make connections between the Grimm brothers story and their version of the fairy tale speaking of which let's talk about the story of tangled for those who haven't seen in a while sit back relax and hit that like button let's dive in at the beginning of tangled we're told about a golden flower that has magical healing powers and a creepy old woman who uses that magic to stay young after a few centuries go by The Queen of the kingdom comes down with an unknown sickness while pregnant she uses that flowers magic to cure herself of the illness and the healing powers end up being passed on to her daughter Rapunzel in the form of long golden hair unfortunately that creepy old woman from earlier needs that magic to survive and with the flower no longer in play she decides to kidnap Rapunzel and lock her in a tower in the wilderness brainwashing her to think she's too weak to survive in the outside world you must stay here we are safe eventually Rapunzel does discover the truth and after a wild adventure with Eugene Fitzherbert she starts to fight for her independence mother Gothel isn't a fan of this so she does whatever it takes to keep Rapunzel under her control only this plan ends up backfiring after Eugene cuts Rapunzel's hair mother Gothel decays rapidly into dust Rapunzel discovers her tears have healing powers too and after saving Eugene's life and being reunited with her parents she lives happily ever after believe it or not I just saw tangled for the first time last night and why was I missing out it's kind of a shame I didn't have that much time to enjoy the happy ending because almost immediately after finishing it I looked up the original story of Rapunzel and let's just say sometimes ignorance is bliss and by the way similar to last episode I'm going to be drawing some of the illustrations for this story so any pictures you see that look like they were drawn a kindergartner who hasn't figured out he's left-handed yet I get credit for those anyways the Grimm brothers story starts out very similar to tangle then very similar to a lot of their other stories as a matter of fact with a man and his pregnant wife landing themselves in a lot of trouble one thing you'll notice about the Grimm brothers is there's always some sort of pregnancy-related drama the man and his wife are both really excited about the baby on the way but as you know with pregnancy comes pregnancy cravings some ladies crave ice cream others want pickles and others want a mix of both this particular woman craved a plant called a rampion and it just so happened that her bedroom window overlooked the garden of her neighbor where a bed of rampions grew an important detail that neighbor was a wedge so the woman knew there would be no way for her to get her hands on the rampion and naturally as time went on she craved it more and more she became noticeably ill when her husband asked her what was wrong and she replied that if she wasn't able to get some of the rampion from the neighbor's garden behind her house she would surely die apparently people were diagnosing themselves with deadly diseases long before WebMD came around naturally the woman's husband who loved her dearly thought I don't want her to die so I'm gonna go get some of that plant myself and to his wife's delight that's exactly what he did just climbed over the wall separating his property from the witches and pulled that rampion right out of the ground only the next day after already eating what her husband stole for her she craved rampion even more so once again the man snuck onto his neighbor's property only this time he found himself face to face with the wedge initially she was angry about the intrusion but after the man explained his situation and why he did what he did she softened up a little bit and offered him a deal in exchange for all the rampion in her garden he would give her his child once it was born and she promised to raise it like it was her own now most people would probably say no but you got to remember this man is face to face with a known witch who just caught him trespassing and stealing so when his terrified state he agreed to it his wife gives birth to the baby the witch names her Rapunzel and takes her away pretty much immediately and races her like it's her own daughter until she turns 12 this is once she decides to lock Rapunzel in a tower in the forest with no stairs or doors when the witch would visit Rapunzel she would get in the tower by saying Rapunzel let down your hair Rapunzel would do just that and the witch would climb at 75 feet up to get to her the story described Rapunzel's hair as being 20 ELLs long which according to my research is about 75 feet even if you think she's evil you gotta admit climbing up a 75 foot rope is pretty impressive for an old lady I'm 99% sure my grandma couldn't do that maybe if there was a coupon book at the top she could this system between Rapunzel and the witch goes on for another two years when it just so happens a prince walking by the tower hears Rapunzel singing initially he's disappointed because he can't see away into the tower but after doing a little spying he figures out how to get to the top one day he impersonates the witch and calls for a puzzle to let down her hair he climbs up at and at first Rapunzel is frightened by his appearance half because she was expecting the witch but half because she had never seen a man before in her life the guy's a sweet talker though so not only does he convince Rapunzel to Netflix and chill with him he convinces her to marry him the two are not the brightest couple out there though because Rapunzel says that she has no way of leaving the tower and neither of them think to just cut her hair off and climb down it so instead of taking her home with him the prince comes to the tower every night and you can probably guess what that means they have a pretty good system going until one day Rapunzel says to the witch why are my clothes getting so much tighter and the witch realizes that she's pregnant which means she's been having a visitor funny side note that's what happens in the first-ever version of the story but after it was edited to be made more appropriate Rapunzel says to the witch straight up why do you seem so much heavier than the prince when you're climbing up to see me just an FYI since Rapunzel didn't seem to know it's probably never a good idea to call your kidnapper fat while simultaneously telling them you've been having a secret visitor as you would expect old lady Gothel is furious at her discovery in his punishment she cuts off all of Rapunzel's hair and strains her out in the desert to die note that I called the witch old lady Gothel her actual name in the story is old dame gothel but old lady Gothel just sounds better to me it's pretty cool how entangled Rapunzel calls her mother Gothel because she thinks it's her mom I assume in this story she realizes she's just an old lady like old lady Jones down the block the wickedness of old lady Gothel doesn't stop at the desert though when the Prince arrives the tower for his nightly conjugal visit she baits him inside using Rapunzel's hair and then once he gets to the top she reveals that Rapunzel will be lost in the desert forever the prince is heartbroken at the news and immediately throws himself from the tower trying to commit suicide unfortunately he survives and lands face-first into some vines that poked his eyes out so he can no longer see he wanders around the forest for years living off roots and berries and weeping for his lost wife until somehow presumably through the power of true love he wanders into the desert that Rapunzel's been living in just like when he discovered the tower he follows the sound of her singing and finds her only this time she's got some twins with her this means that Rapunzel had to give birth in the middle of the desert with no help from anyone with no idea what pregnancy is or what the birth process is like so that must have been pretty traumatizing all her worries go out the door when she sees the prince though she embraces him with tears of joy running down her face and two of those tears land in his eyes healing him of his blindness you'll remember that something similar happens in Tangled and now with the power of 20/20 vision and his wife by his side the prince is overjoyed takes Rapunzel to his castle where they receive a warm welcome and they live happily ever after and that is the original story of Rapunzel I hope you liked it if that was the case do me a favor and hit that like button it helps the channel out a lot and it lets me know you care actually let's see if we can get the 2,000 likes by the end of the week it's been a really really long time since we've done that for content like this every single week hit that subscribe button and turn notifications on so you don't miss anything and hit that share button to easily share this on social media with your friends and family speaking of which also follow me on social media the handles are right in front of you and links in the description and lastly if you have any recommendations for stories you want me to cover in the future comment them down below thank you all so much for watching until next time my name is Jon solo and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Jon Solo
Views: 1,209,744
Rating: 4.9701176 out of 5
Keywords: Messed Up Origins, Rapunzel, Tangled, Disney Explained, Jon Solo, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Origin Story, Original Fairy Tale, Incredibles 2 Theory, Scrapped Pixar Movies, Disney Pixar, Pixar, Disney, Disturbing, mulan, ariel, disney movies, Disney Theory, Aladdin, Pixar Theory, Tangled Ending, Mother Gothel, Mother Gothel Death, disneycember, The Messed Up Origins of Rapunzel, TheJongasm, Dark Fairy Tales, Grimm Brothers, Hans Cristian Anderson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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