The Message 1976 migration to Abyssinia

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good a stiff neck will hang them do you not bow yourselves before your Prophet Muhammad is a man we kneel only to God where are Muhammad's Miracles Jeffer if he were a prophet he'd light the sky with Miracles indeed this is true God has given His prophets a sign of Miracles that we may recognize them the miracle of Muhammad is the Holy Quran a book A book written by an illiterate attributed to God I think the emperor has heard enough I'm mindful of Pentecost when God sent down Tonks of fire upon the heads of Christ's Apostles so they could speak the many languages of the world that they knew not before but do such miracles happen in our times I've heard enough you've made a poor case when we suffered persecution in Mecca Muhammad told us go to abisinia the land of a righteous King where no man is wronged what they call persecution was fair punishment the disorder there why did your Prophet send you to me because you believe in the book of the one God as we do he sent us because in your heart God will protect us talking with them is like drawing water from a mirage but they've now led a duty on me to listen to them my [Music] friend go on for years we worshiped wood and stone images of our own manufacturer we lived in ignorance of God we had few Earthly laws and no Heavenly laws the rich neglect the poor and the natural pity of man whereby he lifts his brother up when he has fallen is described by them as upsetting social order to this inhumanity has come a man whom God chose and in that we believe you overcome I beg you to collect yourself I speak of the messenger of God Muhammad teaches us to worship one God to speak truth to love our neighbors as ourselves to give charity even a smile can be charity to protect women from misuse to shelter orphans and to turn away from gods of wood and stone I cannot keep still and hear this blasphemy we are an ancient civilization to call our Gods wood and stone is to speak ignorantly of them the idol the form is not what we worship but the spirit that resides within the form I agree that idolatry is not always fully UND understood thank you now let me bring him back to the women God made woman to be the proper companion of man she is different but equal equal we buy them feed them clothe them use them discard them women equal to [Laughter] us God created man from one male and one female am you must respect in all women the womb that bore you why are your 300 Gods so Tongue Tied while his only God is elephant God has spoken to us before through Abraham Noah Moses and through Jesus Christ why should we be so surprised that God speaks to us now through Muhammad who tortured those names they are named in the Quran I knew Muhammad when he was an orphan minding sheep and we knew Christ as a carpenter what Christ says and what your Muhammad says is like two rays from the same lamp they are lying to you they deny Christ you worship three gods they say father Son and Holy Ghost they say what do you say of Christ they say God cannot have a son Christ is not the Son of God speak to me of Christ we say of Christ what our Prophet has taught us that God cast his holy spirit into the womb of a virgin named Mary and that she conceived Christ the Apostle of God the Apostle he says not the son not the son what do your Miracle your Quan say of the birth of our dear Lord Jesus Christ may I relate the words come closer to me
Channel: Hussean Fiin
Views: 89,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lQHR1eQe0ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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