The Mercedes-Benz W123 Turbo Diesel May Well Be The Best Car Ever Built

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foreign thank you [Music] terrifying foreign good morning this is Bill from Curious cars on a yeah yeah you know I mean it's it's not terrible this morning we are in the 70s I don't know how low we're in the 70s but we're in the 70s it could be worse uh I have to admit to some extent the weather is improving a little bit I mean it's still hot as balls midday uh but for the moment and it could just be a phony little psyched out thing uh the weather seems to be a little bit better in the mornings and the evenings I'm not quite as miserable sitting here in Peter's driveway although it is pretty humid I have to say even if the temperature isn't awful but uh it's still too soon and not quite enough to give me any kind of real hope and uh you know I'm just gonna carry on with my fingers crossed but I think frankly we're still in an absolute fog of miserable that's on the way and I just haven't you know I haven't aligned to where I feel like it's getting better yet it's I'm like an abused person you know I mean the the weather beats you up enough over the summer that you're not quite ready to accept that it might be improving and I think that's where I'm at that said it also might not be improving and anyway you guys don't want to hear all this crap uh the birds have been insane around here this morning they've been tweeting angry weird I haven't seen too many but you know I know they're just lurking behind the fomiage waiting to waiting to do their business and you know I talked earlier about my lady friend's bird feeder which again I mean you want to talk about a giant wet on my head uh you know of all things in the world for her to decide to put in the yard she puts a bird feeder not just one but two of them and I posted a video on Twitter the little quick thing that I took showing exactly what it is that I'm putting up with and I'll interject it now or inject whatever it is I'll put it in so you can see what the hell is going on over there foreign yeah so there you go it's like a Hitchcock movie uh you know the birds are up in the trees there's thousands of them uh they're angry they've got sharp beaks and every time I walk to or from the house I feel like this is gonna be the mass time uh and of course again this is the way the people in my life treat me these are the people that are supposed to like me so you know the ones who don't man probably like them better but anyway uh in other news Chris the worst human on earth I've talked about him before well he's moving in next door uh to my shop which is just fantastic it's like having a 230 pound High tone perverted block Captain you know barking complaints at you about your parking job uh while smoking a blunt and wearing bright yellow tennis shoes and a t-shirt that looks like you know a ladies medium uh you know in fact it's not like that it is exactly that and that's what's going on so now I get to be miserable at home uh and miserable at work as well I just know it's not going to end well you know probably with Gunplay I also forgot my video camera today so I'm doing this entirely on the iPhone which I haven't done before and I don't know if it's gonna work so this whole video could be for not but we'll see well I mean obviously it's gonna work it's a video camera but you know I just don't make change I really really don't and that's where I'm at right now but uh yeah anyway we're gonna keep going I did a plain review as some of you know that was the last thing I did that old Cessna and uh frankly it had kind of mixed results I mean some people sort of liked it quite a few people liked it you know others treated it like it was that movie Apocalypto when it came you know what the frick is this uh but frankly I enjoyed it and I do another if and when the time comes and you know I'd also do a boat or a train or whatever other mechanical contrivance kind of catches my fancy because I mean why the hell not I'll be dead soon you know Christ I'm over 50 now I'm not the healthiest guy on Earth uh I can't imagine I have too many years left so I may as well do anything that amuses me and uh you know it's the same reason I might go to an Asian massage it's just you know you got to keep yourself happy and uh so if another plane comes around I might do it but it was fun again I didn't die uh you know the pilot the very old guy very bad hand tremors but uh I did manage to make it through and uh you know again I post some of this stuff up on Twitter wouldn't that plane review wouldn't have been a surprise to anyone who's following over there so you know if you're an almond kind or you're not philosophically opposed to it uh head over to Twitter and sign up for Curious cars and you'll get some sneak stuff of what's coming and I just find it to be a friendlier chat board platform uh you know and pretty good for you know getting stuff out before the fact not after the fact so anyway there it is but look let's move on to this you know for all the new people come on I said what the hell is this idiot talking about you know I came here to look at a car believe me I sympathize and this is a Mercedes-Benz 300 CD uh it's a coupe it's built on the famous executive class w123 platform this one is a coupe so it's a c123 basically the same shed uh it's a car people can and have written books about like thick books so you know given that I'm gonna try to keep it reasonably short but no guarantees is simply put the w123 in any of the many forms that it came in uh was the Pinnacle of post-war German engineering in many ways it is Automotive Perfection uh the likes of which really hasn't been seen before or since and uh probably will never be again I mean no no card built before or after has been as perfect at its intended purpose about the risk of inviting debate and ridicule I'd offer one possible exception and that would be the first generation Mazda Miata but don't get angry we'll cover that another time uh but otherwise I just think this is as perfect a car that has ever been made and bear in mind this design uh you know when it was started uh for the perfect machine as genuinely good a vehicle that has ever been built uh came just about 20 years or so after Mercedes-Benz and Germany was essentially bombed out of existence I mean they had absolutely nothing the company was essentially over and they didn't just have to rebuild their product line they had to rebuild every Factory and every Supply you know they had nothing I mean absolutely nothing after World War II and here just 20 odd years later they build what could arguably called the most perfect car ever made and it was really only five or ten you're not yeah a few years after you know one couldn't buy a Mercedes without being sort of suspect as a Nazi sympathizer or something and uh you know this car came yeah right about when that was you know on the way out after the uh start of the European Union in the early 70s you know all of a sudden the Brits are starting to take vacation on the continent orifications and you know German cars are kind of starting to be a little bit more accepted but uh there was a time before that when you just couldn't have bought one and uh you know that was that was the circumstance that Mercedes was designing these cars under uh more than any other this car globally redeemed Mercedes-Benz in the eyes of the automotive world and frankly also served as an ambassador for kind of a newer friendlier post-war Germany uh you know it wasn't just for Mercedes-Benz that this car was so important uh but it was also you know it sort of it was so good that it said look man you know yeah Germany did some stuff but this car is so good we got to buy it anyway and that was an important thing for them uh it was built under the company Smogon engineered like no other car in the world and this is one of those rare cases where hype and reality were kind of perfectly synchronized uh the design was by an incredible guy a famed imagine that Mercedes-Benz named Bruno Sacco and he also had input from another legendary Mercedes designer named Friedrich uh guy gray the guy who designed the r-107 and the two of them came together and made this thing and it was just an absolute Masterpiece of understatement and still a departure from kind of the somber designs of Mercedes past it just was absolutely perfect in every way for the time that it came out it was a luxury car it was expensive uh but it was far from the Roman bordellos sort of considered to be luxurious at the time you know they're in the catamax with he had a crushed velvet interiors and operamites and you know that's it was not that kind of luxury at all uh it was extremely understated inside and out and the luxury came from the intense attention given to engineering every detail of the car to be sort of top quality the quality of the drivetrain the smoothness of the suspension the feel of the steering wheel the switch gear uh the comfort of the seats the advanced safety features for the time uh you know that's what made the car expensive that's what made it feel luxurious and uh it's just a different world that than it is now or then you know while most other companies at the time weren't terribly concerned about longevity or keeping occupants free from harm Mercedes built this forever car you know one that could take an owner as far as they wanted to go for as long as they wanted to do it all while being safer than most other cars on the road and broadcasting enough a badge glamor to keep the upper cross satisfied everyone at the time knew these cars were expensive well built and owned by discriminating people that you know had pretty fat wallets they were a statement with build quality to back it up which again is kind of rare and uh even though not all 123s were built to impress uh it was an incredibly versatile platform uh it came as a sedan it came as a coupe like this one it came as a wagon uh there were also limousines which were run around by the heads of state and that sort of thing and that chassis that limousine chassis opened the door to Specialty uh Vehicles like you know police cars ambulances fire trucks panel Vans most promethically the industrial commercial use for these things was taxis uh there was a time when an absolute sea of these light Ivory uh 123s could be seen outside every airport or city center in Europe or even globally this is the actual cover for it by the way and uh that most of them were running 24 hours a day with three different shifts of driver I mean they were just that much of a departure from the other cars at the time and they were the first or at least one of the very first to have an odometer that ran to 999 000 miles a statement of expectation uh it would prove accurate you know there's around now of course every car has that but this was really one of the first that made a point out of it and as I said before it was the perfect car I love the wagons that was my thing and I've done a few reviews on one and one I've done look I'll link in the description I've done a bunch of these things I love them I probably shouldn't do another one because it's already been covered but you know this one presented itself from Dave the wholesaler great guy love him he's given me some fantastic stuff to review in fact this one's going to be on bring a trailer I believe uh in a few weeks so uh one of the rare cases is not wholesaling the dealers but actually uh gonna put it up for retail so if you have an interest in it keep an eye on bring a trailer you'll see it soon forty thousand miles on this thing it's probably the nicest Coupe 123 I've seen in decades if not ever so but I was the wagon guy you know I thought that was it was a departure of rumor and they had ignored the Wagon Market for some time and then all of a sudden they had to hell with it look we got this platform let's make a wagon out of it and it was launched to immediate success I mean there was already a waiting list for uh any 123 when they came out but uh the wagon was absolutely insane uh it became the most desirable Wagon on the market extremely prestigious prestigious enough that quite a few of the first year the first releases at least in Europe uh were all owned by celebrities it's not rare at all to find one that was owned by like one of the Bee Gees or something but look anyway I've rolled on about you know how great these things for a moment I'm Gonna Catch My Breath uh and then uh I think I'll have a little coronavirus whiskey what the hell I didn't have enough this morning and then we're gonna jump into this particular Coop so bear with me one moment all right so let's have a look at the specific one which again is absolutely gorgeous and has been a treat to drive around I mean as a guy who's a bit of a fan of the Irma you're at least the 80s Mercedes more so than the 70s honestly although this is essentially a 70s car uh in its roots uh it's been such a fun thing to feel one that's so close to New in terms of the way it looks feels and drives and I've just been enjoying the absolute hell out of it and again thanks Dave you know I really do appreciate the stuff you're giving me uh this is a 1983 again 300 CD uh it's a Mercedes pillarless Coupe which is a tradition that had been going and kept going for a while um the Coupes are comparatively rare when we're talking about well look they made 2.7 million w123s it's Mercedes most prolific model uh over the course of like 10 years 75 to 85 roughly and of those not quite a hundred thousand of them were built the coops meaning that they make up like four percent or less than four percent of uh all the w123s built these z123s uh it was meant for a fluent empty nesters basically at least in the U.S and probably Europe as well um you know kind of intended for use for having the intense made ugly and sophisticated arguments between man and wife while driving to dinner at the country club or meeting the Joneses for drinks in the city or whatever uh it's undeniably attractive um you know you could give Bruno Sacco some credit for that but it's far from beautiful really I mean it's a personal luxury Coupe uh based on what's essentially a rugged industrial platform I mean it's like putting leather and a sunroof in a blender uh The Coop topped out the price list even though it had fewer Parts basically than the sedans or wagons or anything else but my favorite part of it it has these frameless that is sort of the frameless glass and no pillars so you know when you put down the four uh Windows the you know two side windows on either side it's just a giant big bit of air you know through the whole top Greenhouse of the car it reminds me of the 60s or 70s uh you know American luxury Coupes before the rollover standards sort of called for B pillars and more roof support you know Mercedes put them out of roof structure in it to make it sound and you know well like seed safety standards while still having no pillar in the middle and I think it just looks absolutely gorgeous it's got a neutral and functional design again it's not as imposing uh as earlier benzes or stodgy but it's not quite friendly either you know I mean it just some people call it a masterpiece of understatement some people say it's just too vanilla and you know neutral and you know I'm somewhere in between I can appreciate the neutrality of it uh you've got the five mile an hour bumpers you wouldn't have had those in Europe they're uh I'm not shorter there but that was an American thing they're fine with me uh but the European guys don't love them uh you've got a traditional Grill the Mercedes grill with the hood star on top you know I've said it many times but I like to every time uh the three points on the star count for Domination on land sea and air and you know if that's not a vicious German logo or you know gambling I don't know what is uh it's got very subtle Body Lines at the time when that was expensive you know the lovely round curvature in the hood it's great we've got helicopters flying around uh but uh you know a very nice bit of curvature in the hood you've got these sort of composite headlamps up front there they're the American version as the sealed beams and the two yellow fogs in the middle which I think look cool a big impact strip on the bumper uh you know bumper fillers and rubber that serve a good function they call these bundt cake alloy wheels for obvious reasons they you know look a little bit like a bundt cake and that was a Mercedes fixture fixture a big impact strip down the side that again serves a purpose us has Rubber and chrome trim and looks nice uh you know Chrome around all the windshield and window openings that looks good or at least polished uh aluminum stainless whatever pillar mounted mirrors chrome caps on them that look terrific the Daimler Diamond sticker that's really famous on these cars you know signed off on little vents on the cowl there pulled to open door handles that were a safety thing at the time and you know look great you know even the gas door on the coop is different from the other ones but which again makes these things hard to restore so if you're gonna get one you'd probably want to get a good one because you're going to spend a fortune otherwise go into the back you've got this sort of nice mid height mounted deck lid that again doesn't you know stand out in any kind of design way but it's perfectly functional and conceals a trunk that's really useful um I like the Chrome or again the aluminum trim around the back window you've got these Ridge tail lights that's a Mercedes feature that's designed so mud or snow or that sort of thing doesn't build up and block your taillights if you're tooling through the desert or you know a very snowy day in the Swiss Alps you've got the Mercedes-Benz alphanumeric nomenclature you know 300 CD I'm mixed on this because I've always thought it was cool on Mercedes-Benz products but it became a thing that everyone else sort of tried to copy and even catamac you know I mean catamex should make El Dorados not ecstasies or whatever the hell they're making and I kind of blame Mercedes for that but the alphanumeric thing is kind of cool and you know it's very simple you know for some people it's it it looks a little bit in po my God what does this mean or that mean or the okay the threat basically the number at the front denotes the engine size or at least this is true for Mercedes of this era uh most of them anyway so being a 300 CD it means that this thing has a three liter engine which it does the diesel engine uh the C stands for Coupe if it was a sedan it would have nothing they didn't designate sedan they just designated Coupes and wagons the C for coupe the T for wagon and the D of course is for diesel if this were one of the rare gas cars in America or you know they're more promethic in Europe it would have an e like a 280e or a 240e or that sort of thing and uh that was a word for that basically meant fuel injection it was I'm spritzen or something it stood for which you know again it means fuel injection but it kind of sounds like you've wandered in this dark German corner of pornhub or something it's just a little bit freaky so uh anyway look let's have a little bit I'm gonna look inside I'm gonna look inside the trunk see what we got I gotta grab the key for that I've got in my pocket I don't know why the little push button even though I don't think it's mocked the push button wasn't doing it so here is part of the Perfection of the car is this perfect trunk it's got more than enough room for Livery Duty taxi drivers can fit a ton of suitcases in there whatever they need to put in there um the design is just perfect you can see this one still has the book set and some records with it it's got the original radio that's been kept and still with the car I'm not a big fan of upgrading well you know what I I am in a way because I'd probably do the same if it was my car but this one does have a very elegant uh you know Infinity Sub installed I do also like the flat floor which is something that wasn't going on with American cars at the time and that is where the uh uh spare tire and jacking hardware and that sort of thing is mounted underneath this panel so it doesn't get in your way and it is a full-size spare tire on a factory Amway wheel which is just something you're never gonna see if a car even has a spare tire today which most of them don't you know you got to feed some fix of fat in it with a you know brand logo on it but the if it even had one it's not going to be on a factory spare it's going to be on some you know steel donut thing and it's just a shame there's the turbo diesel badge on the back um most of these in America were diesels and it all came together again perfectly because Mercedes pioneered diesels in the 1930s you know they basically were among the first to put diesel engines in cars and there was a renewed interest in it in the 70s and 80s because of the gas crunch in the air boil embargo and you know diesels were notoriously more fuel efficient and uh you know it helped Mercedes with the cafe standards at the time in fact I want to say from 81 to 85 the diesel was the only offering uh different diesels but diesel fuel was the only offering in these cars from Mercedes of North America time to look under the hood I know I I'm a sucker for these things man I really am I really am this is kind of hard but let's do it uh okay under the hood more Automotive Perfection I'm not gonna do it but this Hood will lift up into a service position if I click that little never there and on the other side I can continue to raise the hood where it's running straight up and down and that's called the service position which makes it much easier for a mechanic to get under there and do stuff to it and while the Mercedes gas engines don't have any particular lovely look to them I find the Diesels to be absolute industrial art I mean I feel like this thing should be under the hood of a you know Tiger tank or a U-Boat or something it just you know when you look at the way that it goes together there was nothing else like this at the time uh you know the the fuel lines the uh the the fuse box cover uh you know everything on it is this super duty over engineered to be I mean look where the oil filter goes there and the giant canister in the back that you open up uh the fuel filter is spin on here as well as having an inline one there uh you know even the wing nut on top of the power steering pump there the you know cruise control actuator I mean it is also intensely industrial and uh you can absolutely see why this car was so damn expensive um but anyway you could get different gas if you combine Europe and America there were four cylinder gas engines six cylinder gas engines uh Four Cylinder Diesels five Cylinder Diesels diesels with turbochargers uh in fact America demanded that because frankly the normally naturally aspirated diesel engines were just a little bit too slow for us and the Turbo really woke them up so from 81 onward they were turbos at least in the um the 300 version the 240 were still not uh Transmissions there were four speed automatics there were four speed manuals some rear five-speed manuals uh those pull a premium the manual gear boxes because there just aren't too many certainly not in America and uh again well these were industrial offerings in Europe you know that could be run as taxi cabs virtually all of them in America were basically luxury cars sold to Highline people and by the time 85 rolled around you were talking about 35 Grand in 1985 incredibly expensive incred I mean I think a Honda Accord at the time was about nine or ten so I mean you're talking about a seriously pricey car uh that still had manual seats and and vitamin interior but uh anyway we'll get into that Coral Springs up uh front and back um the wagons had self-leveling hydraulic suspension four wheel disc brakes four-wheel independent uh you know again night years beyond the competition at the time and uh you know more like cars will be built uh you know years down the road crumple zones front and back and attentive eye to safety and you know you just gotta love Mercedes-Benz I mean this is such this car was built to a standard um there again nothing like it really sense I love the cars that came after it the 124s the 126s but even they were a little bit of a cheapening from the absolute over engineered Insanity of this w123 so anyway I'm gonna pause it there for a second then we're gonna hop in have a look inside and go for a spin bear with me one moment all right so let's have a look inside again you got to love the uh pulled open door handles that was kind of a new thing at the time uh these Coupes most of them had a leather in the United States which was a rare interior option uh the vast bulk of 123s had MB tax uh Mercedes vinyl that does a pretty nice job of impersonating leather uh while at the same time if there's ever nuclear Holocaust the only thing left is going to be that MB techs and cockroaches it's just that durable uh you know the fit and finish of the car is just absolutely amazing and again you're talking about a car that cost well more than a Cadillac and it was loaded up with manual adjustments I mean you know cat effects would have dual power seats power mirrors power everything this thing has dual manual seats you see the push button there the Roamer wheel the height adjustment on the side on the front is a handle for forward and back this mirror is manual uh the driver's side while the passenger side is power because the driver can't reach it you know that's the kind of logic that was applied to this car um you know the door latches again like something from a Panzer tank listen to the way this door closes you know I mean again calling it up bank vault is not entirely unfair and it was like no other car at the time uh looking in the back your Canadians are gonna be yeah chipper enough you got uh room for two you got a middle ashtray in the middle you got an arm rest uh up on the package shelf there is a tool kit or sorry a medical kit everything a wounded German might need uh you got oh handles on either side you got three point seat belts because that was a safety feature uh you see your window switches on the door panels and these little cargo Nets on the back you can't really put a bag of drugs in there because it's going to fall out even a big key of cocaine is going to be a little bit too obvious so that's pretty terrible drug storage and frankly your gun storage in there isn't going to work too well either but uh yeah I guess you could put a map in there if you wanted to or some kind of bag of chips but otherwise you know everything nice you can see the uh uh being a coupe they had to put the top of the three-point belts here up on the top of that rear um uh door panel that continued on later iterations of these Mercedes Coupes had power uh seat belt presenters that would shoot out and make it easier to grab but love the big Chrome caps they use uh these sort of felt liners for weather strip uh big scuff plate there the again big Chrome cap over here I mean look at that door match I mean there's like there's nothing like this it's a very unique build quality at the time that's light years from anything Mercedes even produces today uh drugs or guns you have a better time putting them in there nice little plastic thing these things break because people use their feet on them very often you'll see a split in that and Mike the big Mercedes floor mat with the heel pad and they hopped in they got a little bit of sun coming in so I'm gonna fire it up and roll forward uh to do that the key is up here on the dash under the cluster not on the column like it is in a lot of cars you turn the key to ignition and then you see that glow plug mate when that goes out engines ready to start and that big diesel fires the knife a shade we're in here okay so again all this stuff was a little bit of a departure here is a a nice three gauge cluster gotta get it out of the sun there's impossible there we go uh there's a nice three gauge cluster that's actually more gauges but three hole three round cluster uh you've got your uh water temp you got your fuel uh and you got your oil pressure there uh in the middle you got 120 mile an hour Speedo you see just 41 000 miles of the in this thing incredible and over there is your tack uh which seems pretty high for diesel and uh uh here's your wipers here's your cruise control switch here's a headlight switch Mercedes had been using for years this big round brake release you know again this is back of an era when all the individual manufacturers kind of had their own switch gear and look I mean now they're all sort of buying it out of the same parts bin and it doesn't look nearly as unique but uh in this era it did I also love these um uh vents that you twist to aim at you very much like on a 747 or something uh just absolutely love them uh the lumber in the car all very cool was made by German Craftsmen at the time let me go to a wide angle um and nice and shiny on this one you got a little glove box over here which you know has a place to put crap I don't know why it has a phone cord there I think it's for the um it's a subwoofer level for the box so uh down here you got more switches that's your rear light this is your antenna uh this is your power sunroof which is quite large in this thing works very well uh rear defrost climate control automatic all the lovely German indecipherable hieroglyphics that I love uh this one again has a Pioneer radio that nothing wrong with having a modern radio and the Old One's still with it and it's all been done properly so I get why you leave it uh you've got an ashtray here because of course people smoke then Mercedes gated shifter which was a safety feature even before Audi 5000s killed everybody uh you know you couldn't just pull it out of park without moving it over to the right to move it back the window switches all of these are serviceable so I mean you can actually take the switches apart clean them replace the Springs do what you need to do to make them work and put them back in I mean this was such a forever car and nothing like it again today uh power mirror switch uh fader for the why it was there I don't know but there it is up here pretty standard day night mirror uh you got a couple of um uh whatever the hell you call them sun visors with cocaine mirrors in them nice so Mrs Smith can powder her nose on the way to the Country Club and everything loved me so I tell you what let's uh let me pause for a second because I see Peter coming up behind me and then we'll go for a spin so bear with me one moment all right away we go I don't know why the mo fuel indicator I actually looked it up last night it could be a bad ground or the sending unit but that shouldn't be on while the car has fume in it uh above and beyond you know anything close to empty so uh and I tell you what I'm about to hit the Sun so let me pause here and that was quick and then we'll take a uh pick it up again when I hang her right up there bear with me a minute all right so away we go uh that turbo gives you pretty good power and again that's what Americans needed to make these things more accessible um you know the naturally aspirated diesels just didn't have enough pep to keep up with traffic and make him happy the turbo diesels did uh you can see that hood star the Mercedes emblem leading the way not that very traditional blending off the Sun at night nice indication from the gauges incredible feel from the wheel monthly breaking feel uh it also feels substantial and heavy while at the same time not being too heavy again just an absolute Masterpiece of engineering um I mean you're talking look here's the thing about this car you're talking about a West German Workforce who put this thing together with an enormous r d budget for Mercedes-Benz you know at a time when they knew The Prestige of their company and even to some extent uh the acceptance and Prestige of their uh country was I company and Country both um you know they needed to make the best car in the world and frankly by all accounts they pulled it off I mean uh these guys were at the top of their game and just built an incredible machine that still has Megs today I mean it's considered a classic but by some people they say man it's just it's too good a car to be a classic it's too much you go to any third world country today these things still running around because they cannot be killed they are just that good absolutely amazing vehicles I love them always have and I suppose if I ever was on desert island and I had to pick one car you know to have and use and drive around uh probably the 123 would be pretty damn close to the top of the Mist I mean they just didn't make a better piece so I gotta go back and pick up Peter he's only anyone who gets within like 20 feet of him he puts to work and he's done that to me now so I've got to go back and grab them and give them a lift into town uh but uh so that's going to kind of kill the highway drive but anyway I appreciate you guys having a look very very much uh we're gonna have some fun keep going keep finding stuff thanks again to Dave for supplying this car and we will see you with the next one take care thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Curious Cars
Views: 60,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, Mercedes, Benz, Mercedes-Benz, S-Class, W126, V126, C126, 420SEL, 560SEL, 300SEL, 300SE, 300SD, 300SDL, 350SDL, SEL, SDL, 420, 300, 560, 500, Bruno Sacco, W124, 300E, 190E, Review, Test Drive, Humor, History, Naples, Florida, FL, Bill, CuriousCars, Autohaus, Doug DeMuro, Hoovie, Tavarish, Donut, Jay Leno, Jeremy Clarkson, W123, 300TD, 300D, 300CD, Coupe, Wagon, Diesel, Turbo, Turbodiesel
Id: XP_yoNEfOWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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