THE MEMORY DEMON LIST! // Geometry Dash 2.11

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hi I'm Alan this video good morning and good evening good afternoon everyone welcome back to more Geometry Dash today we're going to be checking out something that I really like I something that I've been very passionate about for many many years now it is the memory demon list right here what we have is the memory demon list spreadsheet which is a spreadsheet that was created by akunakun back in October in 2021 and is currently managed by smile bullich at a smile bullet he is the person who uh showed to me to begin with for a cool person safe space some wild seal arcturers 97 and Z Flamingo and it is essentially just a demon list but it Rags all memory demons and they have a very specific criteria for what creates a memory demon and there are certain levels on this that are very interesting choices for memory that most people do just wouldn't expect to be Memory the guys are like limbo obviously kill a bot but then there are certain levels that you'd look at and you're like that doesn't look like memory until you actually look at it and you realize yeah that's memory so what we're doing today is we're going to be checking it out we're going to be taking a look at the memory demon list and hopefully beat a love level or two maybe I probably won I I'm too lazy to do more than one the memory level after all anyway as we're always I will be linking this spreadsheet down in the description for you guys to go check out for yourself uh they actually have a level packs and weeklies and monthlies so every single week they have a new highlighted memory demon that they want you to try out and play for yourself and you get lists list points basically and as you can see here they have like a ranking of people who have the most amount of list points as you can see Melody and Drew over here they're kind of crushing it I'm not gonna lie why is there a thumbnail of me here that says the cia's Absurd plot to assassinate Fidel Castro anyway so these are the guidelines to determine whether or not something is memory because memory has no clear definition among players the memory demon list has determined their own guidelines for what isn't what isn't a memory level first and foremost the level must be rated so no stuff like Doomsday 3 99 or memory demon makes which is completely valid the level must also be rated demon obviously the memory demon list is not a hard definition for what is and what is in memory everyone has their own definition and as it doesn't have any universally accepted meaning however they exclude extremely learning levels like Sig egg Veil and flow levels however obviously Everyone's entitled to their opinion if you think something like bail is considered a memory level then that's your definition however on this demon list it's not included because they don't think so and that's completely Fair easy to learn doesn't make it not memory at least most of the time for example easy memory is still memory as long as it reaches the required percentage to use for us to consider it it typically counts we do not count Levels by how difficult it is to learn we instead count levels based on how much memory is included levels that have a primary skill set like Apollo 13 and being a wave level RPG clubs at rebirth by being ship oriented but if it has enough memory alongside that it is counted Apollo 13 is counted as a memory level in this because it does have a lot of fakes and it is pretty learning so that is completely reasonable I think we also do not rank levels on the list by how difficult they are to learn only by the levels overall difficulty like any other demon list so something like the Mainframe would not be number two on the list because the only level that's actually harder for it to learn than it is like of Ambrosia but it's actually ranked by difficulty so limbo is not number one obviously right our percent requirements for a level to consider memory are the following easy must be at least 35 to 40 memory for it to be eligible for a server poll anything above 40 is an instant pass medium to extreme news must have at least 50 memory to be eligible for servable anything above 60 is an instant pass which is completely fair if you want to have a memory email list you have to have like strict rigid requirements for it to be considered memory because otherwise it just becomes this like weird blob of great nothingness where people just can't agree having straight requirements very reasonable very valid anyway what is considered memory mazes gameplay fakes fake blocks everything like that blind Transitions and blind jumps this does include buffers invisible gameplay Deco that is obscured to such a degree that you must learn in order to play it for example stuff like Requiem or Requiem doesn't even really have any fake but the decoration itself obscures the gameplay a lot we do not count dual levels or the Dual lightsabers do force and Lotus Flower or learning levels because these despite their learning curve they often lack the aspect of making up our requirements which is reasonable Right video game levels are accepted if they fall under rule season 7. boss fights are considered but only if the boss lack or have incorrect indicators which is reasonable have a boss fight is a fair one Osiris is another Fair one that make the bleed sense intro and end screen sequence that are discounted from the level percentage that's completely reasonable custom orbs and portals can fall under the memory qualification as well but only if they have are difficult to read blackened orbs and portals like 24 in sequence in nav or the orbs in theory of xenon's drop are some examples anyway cool that probably took a really long time but I think it is very important for you guys to understand the requirements for what is a memory level because otherwise people are going to be like oh my God that level is not memory are you talking about why is that level on the memory even this is not memory so I wanted to go through the rules just so you guys have a decent understanding of what actually makes up the rules because I think understanding what the rules are is a very important thing anyway for the ranking obviously number one is limbo number two is now and number three is a Requiem I don't think anyone was surprised about that in the slightest so I've beaten two of the top three very cool will I beat limbo probably not anyway I always love the controller random access memory of Ambrosia is pretty high up and then you have goner the Mainframe I love the fact that the Mainframe is this high that is partially my fault uh but it should be there retention rush so as you can see there's a lot of levels I've beaten there I think I've eaten like eight of the top 20 eight or nine something like that which is kind of crazy to think about they asked of like super probably level the moon below the moon below was like the first one that I was like think W about but the moon below makes sense because the first half of the level is like completely memory based and the ship part does require some really funky paths that doesn't look like it is the path that you're supposed to take so it does make sense that this is a memory level is it up for the debate absolutely but under the rigid requirements of the list it just makes sense right he has a killbot future chaos like I'm beating soon which is much harder than I expected it to be oh boy that's gonna be scary you have xyroid kobby and miss you betrayal of Fate but then you see like there's very quickly kind of like derails like you have stuff like Alpha by X there's a lot of levels that I just you wouldn't think are memory right like I did not think of seismic lock as memory level but then I look at it I'm like yeah that makes sense Cave of heart I'm surprised makes this list just because of the fact that it has memory but I never thought of it as like a pure memory level I kind of just beat it and I was like oh that's cool they just moved on with my life right triple X ABP Marathon Magic Machine maybe possibly thinking Loop Albert all that stuff like very reasonable stuff right they have stuff like in Canon and the schmox over lost love miscellaneous memory in troll level which are these three are extreme and these two are insane demon so that's an interesting one I think uh does that mean in Canon and smocks should be extreme demons I don't know maybe of my machine or object invisible deadlocked is number 44 which is an interesting one because it certain I feel like invisible theological such a controversial one because it's so easy to cheese right from PG clubs at rebirth as was mentioned earlier uh is like one of those weird cases where it's like there's so much memory in it even though it's not really a memory level that it just becomes memory right you have Diablo verified by a honor the greatest player of all time the god gamer himself and as you go further down you see a lot of like interesting picks right like Apollo 13 was one that a lot of people like oh that's cool right game switch which is a mini game and I think this level I think this list is really really cool I really really really really really like this list I think it's super sick super awesome and I really like just everything about this right I think it's really cool to just see I think it's just cool to see all of these really neat levels I think this is really awesome I love memory demon list memory demos like this are super awesome Ultra Mega cool and I love it this this actually has a leaderboard and you're never gonna believe who the number one memory player of all time is apparently according to this list probably not after I've released this video because everyone and their mother is gonna join and be like oh my God I'm better than a on air that's right I'm number one I have have 25 list completions 174 list points which is 61 points above number two which is brew a brewmaker which is a really talented player just because of the fact that I shredded the top and like as you can see here compared to everyone else I have like a bunch of completions in the very top of the list right but I also have a ton of insane right so I'm just kind of like shredding right like that right because I'm cool I'm awesome I'm sick uh that sounds like I'm doing my own horn which kind of I am uh but I just kind of like made my name as the memory guy I memory my thing you know really cool to me number one kind of just makes sense people are definitely gonna pass me though after this video but that's completely fine I do want to try and beat a uh memory demon real quick for this video uh I'm gonna get back in a couple minutes once I decide we have a damage designed by Alkali this is the level that I chose uh why no particular reason I just thought it looked cool it's a one by six level or one plus inspired level rather so it's gonna be really cool I'm very excited for this I think this is gonna be uh a fun one honestly okay I can 100 go from zero now very cool very cool I've been playing this for like 20-ish minutes so not too bad bad not too bad I would say three percent okay we're gaming off to a great start five no way I don't know that oh that sucks 13 I guess ah that jump is really tough 24. man this jump sucks why are there so many jumps like this like these jumps are poop anyway 26 there we go no way I died how 43 bro I missed the blue orb oh my God I I I I am the greatest player to ever touch this game how is that even possible dude oh what click click that's that's the genuinely frustrating dude click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click my microphone's not working by the way that's why I'm clicking click click click click that was so sketchy okay I beat the level I'll do a little bit longer than it should have uh I skill issued myself so hard uh but hey it's a really good level it's a very very good level I just played a little bit too early on in the morning uh but it's a very very solid one I didn't really like it anyway please do check out the memory demon list I'm gonna link it in the description as I said check it out have a fun with it and yeah hope you guys enjoyed I'll see you guys around Adrian's health is a hydrated thanks for making it better hope anyways a little bit better too peace out everyone
Channel: AeonAir
Views: 29,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aeon, aeonair, aeon air, geometry dash, geometry dash 2.11, gd, memory, memory demon list, memory list, hardest memory demons in geometry dash, hardest memory demons, limbo, nhelv, limbo gd, limbo mindcap, mindcap, requiem zylenox, zylenox, triple six, dim descent, memory demon list gd, geometry dash memory demon list
Id: pimSUuOBxW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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