The MEGAFLOOD that brutally filled the Mediterranean in months

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this is the Mediterranean today but it's pretty recent just 6 million years ago it was [Music] dry then a mega flood burst through the mountains and filled it in a matter not of millions of years but [Music] months why was the Mediterranean dry what did it look like what caused that Mega fla why was it so brutal how did it feel to those living there was this the famous Mega fla that appears across so many religions how would we know hi I'm thas PUO and welcome to my channel where we go deep in unraveling how the world works today to navigate the World of Tomorrow first we need to understand why was the Mediterranean even dry millions of years ago the Mediterranean was part of a huge ocean called teus which is here the right in the middle of Pia and over the hundreds of millions of years ago that ocean started closing and remnants of that became the Mediterranean Sea and so around 40 million years ago or so the Mediterranean Sea was finally formed and you can see how the Mediterranean formed by closing the teus ocean because the African plate is pushing into the Eurasian plate when this happens you usually have one that falls slightly below the other and mountains formed except in the case of the African plate and the Eurasian plate they grabbed a piece of the teis ocean in the middle and so you end up having a deep sea there and as the African plate is subducting below the origan plate you end up having trenches in the middle of the [Music] sea and all of these you can see here in the Topography of Europe as the African plate hits the Igan plate all these mountains form and that's why only southern Europe is mountainous whereas northern Europe is very flat and you can see the same thing when you go underwater you can see here that there's actually trenches in the Mediterranean Sea these are more than 1,000 M deep and you see them on the coasts of Europe not of Africa because Africa is the one subducting below Eurasia and so what happened well as Africa was heating Europe at the beginning all this was open as the African plate was getting closer and closer to the Eurasian plate it's started closing down the Mediterranean Sea until eventually it closes and at that point it doesn't have any more water from the ocean so it starts drying up and up and up and this is what we called the meinian salinity crisis and we're going to understand why in a moment how do we know this happened well for a couple of reasons first is the seafloor topography the bottom of the sea the shape that the bottom of the sea has and look at this if you zoom in what you can see at the bottom of the sea is Rivers River beds how is this possible well River beds don't form in the sea because Rivers mix with seawat and they cannot carve a riverbed the only time when this is possible is when the seabed was above the water and so now we know that at some point the Mediterranean in these areas was exposed and the big biggest of these underwater Rivers is at the straight of Gibraltar now if you zoom into this area here you can see a path of very very powerful Rivers there are papers that have analyzed the behavior of water and soil and they have concluded that the only way this erosion has been possible in the straight of Gibraltar is with mea flood the other reason why we know that this happened is because of the sea floor salt now you might have heard about the Dead Sea and how much salt it has that is because the Dead Sea is closed from the ocean water doesn't get in from the ocean and so it dries up and dries up and dries up and salt concentrates so much that you can see it the same behavior has been seen at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea here in this map you can see the green areas below the sea are areas where the high concentration of carbonates and sulfates which leads us to think that there was a lot of water at some point here and it dried up and here the red areas are the Haight and this is just rock salt in fact the bottom of the Mediterranean has kilometers and kilometers of rock salt here for example you can see in this meinian mine it's all made of salt there's enough salt here to last for all of mankind it's so big there's so much salt that miners have created here a chap and so you can imagine what happened here when the Mediterranean closed it dried up it became so salty that nothing could survive and all the fish of course tried and this is what the Mediterranean ended looking like until the mega FL happened so imagine the Mediterranean has not received sea waterer for close to a million years but it's much lower than the rest of the sea and so what happens is these big mountains between Africa and Spain are stopping the Atlantic Ocean from rushing in but at some point so much of this water has been flowing little by little that it has been carving out the mountain and suddenly boom everything explodes the mountain collapses and water starts rushing it at an un explicable speed and if you you don't think that can happen you need to understand this video here this is a real experiment of what happens when a Dam breaks at the beginning water flows slowly but look as it flows it takes sediment with it the more sediment it takes the more it opens up the more the hole opens the more water rushes in and the faster it goes the faster it goes and the more water rushes in the more sediment it takes the bigger the hole the faster the water the faster the water the more sediment it takes the more sediment it takes the bigger the hole bigger hole faster water more sediments bigger hole faster water more sediments bigger hole faster water more sediments faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster until boom it just collapses and as the straight of Gibralter collapses water rushes in and it fills this part of the Mediterranean within 2 weeks look at how this fast goes this is what it would have looked like from the seaf Flor in just 2 days this was not a matter of millions of years or even years it wasn't even months the western part of the Mediterranean filled in 2 weeks what would it had felt like well look at this this is a speed of such a flood look at the speed of this water rushing in and you can compare it here to the size and the speed of this Caravan and look at how huge this was how fast imagine that you and your tribe of animals had been there for hundreds of thousands of years and suddenly bam you have this Mega flood rushing in and you try to avoid it and you try to run as fast as you can to high level but you can't because you're not fast enough so you and everybody you know drowns only the ones lucky enough to live in what would have become an island afterwards survived but hold on let's look at at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea here again this is what we called a Petry map right it shows the detail of the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and here in the middle what is that well there's a bridge in the middle of the Mediterranean between Italy in Africa and all the water here is actually super shallow and so as a result this area was completely dry and it stopped the water from the first mega flood at the beginning you had the western part here on the left of the Mediterranean field but not the eastern part and here's what happens the water accumulates more and more and more and more but this Ridge here at this level of the Mediterranean is stopping the water until the water finds a way in the Noto Canyon and one of the biggest floods ever seen in humanity happens this was a waterfall 1 and 1/2 kilm High and it excavated a 5 km wide Canyon and deposited sediments up to 15 kilm away this is how brutal this was in what we call today the Noto Canyon and how do we know this happened because we've seen it in the Noto Canyon you can see it yourself in Google Maps here it's in this area and so what happened is that the water rushed in exploded the Noto Canyon created one of the biggest waterfalls the world has ever seen and left behind a massive buried flood deposit and this is what the Noto Canyon looks like today and this is what we call the zenan mega flood it flooded the western part of the Mediterranean in Just 2 weeks and the entire Mediterranean not in millions of years but in months about 18 months in total now you might be wondering is this the famous biblical Mega flood and of course it's not because this happened 5 million years ago where is the Bible and similar stories of Mega floods were only created a few thousands of years ago so is there a part of the world that had a mega flaw just a few thousand years ago and here the biggest candidate that people use is the blackc here you can see it yourself if you go to Google Earth you're going to see something very similar to what we saw before look at this under sea Rivers what this is telling you is that in this part it was always water but this part here was exposed and that's how we know because that's the only way that Rivers can carve these River beds so in fact this happened just a few thousand years ago in the last glaciation period there was substantial more ice here in the pools and in Northern America and Northern Europe so the sea level was 120 M below what it is today so we do know that the Black Sea filled only in the last few thousands of years could it have flooded in a mega flood well it's unlikely because look this is the boss forus this is the connection between the marmer SE here and the Black Sea here and what you can see here is that it's not very red compare this to the straight of Gibralter here this is 13 kilm wide it's huge why because you would had all this water that completely destroyed it but if you can compare this here the boss for is actually super narrow it's not at all like the straight of Gibralter which suggests that there was no mega flood not only this but actually you can barely see here any rivered and if there had been a mega flood there would be a riverbed here in the bottom of the sea we just cannot see it in fact we're not even sure that water flowed from the Mediterranean and the marous Sea into the Black Sea today we believe that the reverse happened it was the Black Sea that first started giving water to the Mediterranean so it's unlikely that when the Black Sea filled just a few thousands of years ago it happened in a mega flood that would justify the stories of the Bible nevertheless it's not a coincidence that these Mega flood stories happen across religions across the world and I explore this in my newsletter so if you want to learn more sign up at Tomas
Channel: Tomas Pueyo
Views: 974,641
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Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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