The Meg 2: Bigger, Funner, & Dumber | Movie Review

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well ladies and gentlemen I'm back and this time I'm going to be talking about a dumb fun movie for once not going to be talking about Superman nor am I going to be talking about anything else we're going to be talking about sharks with big teeth big as hell and eating people because that is exactly what happened in the Meg too and it was awesome I don't even care that I curse in the first 30 seconds of a YouTube video I don't even give a I just want to talk about this movie because it was actually entertaining fun and it was the kind of fun you could sit back relax and watch and not even care that you're watching a prehistoric shark eating people so uh first order of business yes this is a sequel to the Meg from back in 2018 so this is a sequel five years in the making it took a while but you know something happened in between that kind of uh delayed the release I imagine this thing was supposed to probably come out a couple years ago but hey I'll say it this much it is about as stupid is about as dumb and is about as fun as the last one I might even say it's funner than the last one and I will even say there's more sharks more teeth more people getting eaten well actually you know what there is a considerable more amount of people being eaten in this movie and than the last one I mean for God's sakes the trailer for the first one I mean for the second one showed more people getting eaten than the first one I think a grand total of a couple people at most were eaten in the first one this one the trailer alone had like four five six seven I don't even know like a dozen people get eaten and it was awesome right and it wasn't just sharks we got to see a kraken we got to see dinosaurs that I'm shocked didn't drown underwater but hey it's Evolution I guess but as I said this is a sequel to the 2018 movie we follow Jonas and the rest of the crew from the last one and this movie is a tale of two halves the first half is kind of like not even half like the first like quarter of this movie is all about you know Jonas being this environmental Warrior and wanting to protect the ocean from you know people who are illegally dumping all this other kind of stuff but then it drops the ball it literally drops that and goes nah this is the dumb movie who cares you know what you exactly you we know exactly why you came to watch this movie and they dropped that within like the first 15-20 minutes I think right it was we had the one one fight scene with Jonas played by Jason Statham we saw one fight scene with Eminem or rather I should say one fight scene that was more than a couple punches long but as I said this movie was entertaining right we go from that to them going back down into the trench where they you know where they first discovered the Megalodon from the first movie you know they explore it they come across some weird stuff and again the plot of this movie is kind of irrelevant I'll be brutally honest I'm just going to talk about what I liked about it and again I will highlight and I will preface this this movie is stupid this movie is literally stupid some of the things that happen don't make any sense some things legitimately should not turn out the way it did but hey I don't really care because that's not what I came here to watch right and we got to see sharks people getting eaten you know other prehistoric animals or creatures killing people and um said prehistoric creatures being killed by people it was glorious right a quick think of note the actress or rather the character who was like Jonas's love interest and from the first one is not here don't know why I'm gonna assume busy didn't want to don't the reason he doesn't really matter uh the daughter from the first one is still here and so yes Jonas is The Stepfather so that's how that works out we have a new character the daughter and the mother from the first movie they have a brother apparently who got introduced I'm guessing that's just to give one more relative as I said they tried to be somewhat serious throughout the first half of this movie maybe third then things just kind of just spiraled out into you know people being eaten I said there were like a dozen times I don't even care it was fun right and me and my buddy when we went to go see this we were just like this movie's gonna be probably really stupid and believe me it was really stupid at points but it was the kind of stupid you can tolerate and you can laugh at and have a good time with right and that's the crap that's the whole my whole point about this movie if you want to go see a movie and have fun with your buddies or your girlfriends and you went looking for something a good time you know a good two hours to kill this is a fun movie to kill two hours with you won't feel bored you'll laugh at some things that maybe you shouldn't be laughing at but hey it's so look man we all Different Strokes for different folks right and look let me just say this much DJ my man from the first movie he is the best character in this movie period it's not even a debate DJ my man you deserve an Oscar for how entertaining he was throughout this movie and how clutch he came in quite a few times towards the end not gonna lie sure uh Jonas did the big action stunts that like you know required uh harpooning throwing explosive Spears at you know the Sharks but hey DJ popping out that ego that deagle when you need it most but yeah I like I said the plot is irrelevant it's literally kind of a repeat of the first one Meg's Escape you know from the trench or whatever they have to kill these Megs before they cause a whole bunch of damage and well while they didn't kill all the Megs one did survive but that's because it was quote unquote uh uh trained we'll see and then that there's probably gonna be a third movie after this because if this makes enough money it'll probably get a you know another movie Green lit and look I'm gonna say this much if you want fun I recommend this movie I really do and I I understand people are gonna be like well this it's really stupid it's nonsensitive one of those other stuff I'm like look I unironically liked the first couple like Sharknado movies and even some like the really crappy Sci-Fi movies where they talk about or they have like you know alligator or crocodile versus snake kind of thing you gotta learn to just let go and go this is bad it's no it's bad and I'm just gonna enjoy it for what it is that's about it like honestly guy like I said the plot doesn't really matter in the slightest bit there's a bit of like a oh betrayal kind of thing in it but it's kind of like karma's a kind of thing even one of the characters says you know Karma will get you Karma got them great to see that because he was like yes but yeah I know this video probably is a bunch of rambling I don't really care I just like this movie you know I hope they make another one and make it just as fun as this one go wild for the next one because this was good this this was just good period but it's the bad kind of good
Channel: The Graveyard of Media
Views: 2,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wf1R0lxZi0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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