The Match That Started Ronaldo & Messi Rivalry

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Manchester United returned to the scene of their greatest ever European Triumph hoping to rekindle the spirit of 1999 standing between them from Pitch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] level the last VI illness has disrupted United's preparations Brown moves into the and even a little Cameo from Deco might just be enough for Barcelona tonight I don't think Messi is so much a gamble he's come back he's come on as a sub a couple of times the last couple of games and played so you know I think he's okay he's only a kid 20 years of age not a trouble with his Fitness at all Ronaldo with a header par coming in from the left and the first free kick of the game and that's no surprise goes the way the Ed for a foul on Ronaldo put a wall up [Applause] across it dipped and took a deflection on rout Barcelona indicating how they mean to continue perhaps as Rono went down and the referee has seen a hand ball in there he's given hand ball what a sensational start here at the new capap way the most important of the lot oh and this is the one he has missed well even the great players get affected by pressure and that's all it can be because this lad's one in the most assur I've ever seen they've just received a massive lift here's Messi the man that footballers that looked a foul referee allowing play to go on that certainly was a foul by Deco the lose it that TZ does very doubt he's doing now gets himself around yayat to I means that will allow skols and Carrick to deal with Deco and Javi on an equal foot you don't want T to be a little lazy and leave Tor and United find themselves 3v2 and the scorer in the whole of the Champions League this season here's Messi is rival for the European football of the Year award Ronaldo two in this competition have come against English clubs Chelsea Ando the Argentine International Ling on the edge of the 6-y box and he can stay there they've got another [Applause] corner it's a good ball Messi skips Around The Challenge from TZ pulled it back into AO ran out of [Applause] room Ronaldo uses his pace and power to bring United clear it's another fantastic attribute and Deco skips around Paul go [Applause] tackle good ball as well for Messi already weaving his magic danger here pull back behind Eco though it's an awful clearance by the goalkeeper thre to Leonel Messi who looks for etto try to Deco held his run three or four yards he's sliding that in Messi wor On The Ground by the Frenchman to Messi SC took a swing it in which as one of the crowd complained he's ready again ASA plays it to yatou a risky challenge right on the edge of the box from TZ and a free kick you don't want to be invite it is Marquez the C carry TZ brought [Applause] down a corner the second free kick taking a deflection Chevy over the ball again here with yay tur oh and suddenly RAR hat has one over the top for Ronaldo easy go for Victor aldez by inesta to abidal etto in the center that not a corner I thought it was a corner myself Messi ended for RTO was a good one goal was it now [Music] inesta tried to slide it to atto and still a chance did well then to kick out Ronaldo who's done brilliantly in [Applause] Messi here maybe not oh was a t ball straight to Ronaldo who crashed with Marquez and was expecting a second penalty but he's disappointed I think he's taking a out the center backs I just think that get some Joy rly scale from n Massi the crowd enjoyed that and they also enjoyed the side of the referee three he wants to change the shipement anyway Ronaldo changed the shape of this game with the ball out to Rooney every winning it back SK felt he was foul but on Messi looks dangerous every time he's into so associated with him in this these areas of the pitch the usually suddenly just turn it into two or three quick little passes in the three they haven't been able to do that tonight against United another three kick Portuguese player I think with no power whatsoever here's Abra raldo in the center make his way into the Barcelona Penalty [Applause] Box Cristiano Ronaldo gos another free Kick this time to United Cristiano Ronaldo CL skulls Ronaldo leaps over the tackle Manchester United here's Ronaldo he might have to take on the entire defense here and he doesn't get down the first man but he does get a free kick and that is a yellow card for ra Ronaldo kills It Gos again but uh from Manchester United told apart from that P Miss just come to an end now I think we've handled it very well should you have had a second penalty I think so yeah but it's right you have to go on one thir still to Messi the shot deflected almost back into the path of inesta Deco good play by Lono Messi great play and he optimistic shout for a penalty and then an unexpected shot coming in from zamb BR that vasar had to react to I think s is's drown risky very risky etto and Ferdinand slips Messi wanted it early unfortunately for United ET of it [Applause] Ronaldo it into Deco etto keeps possession for Barcelona and gets it back again playing the one two with Nessie that's clever here's ETA with a Chance into the side netting well that's what I mean about when they up the tempo of the football four to five passes all played quickly it's a superb ball to pick him [Applause] out ping backwards as he did so here's Carrick or clever plenty in the Box well and had three players arguably better well a lot better place than he was well the cross partly [Applause] [Music] does here he is again with the return ball for DL Messi CHS left and right here including Messi St thatas at the moment that good CH all away as sloppy as that H don't like them y continues his run and it's Messi in possession onto Ronaldo get away from Zan he's pretty still nothing on the end of it yet the shaby shoots and he did well there vasar I think that deflected on Route the area here ma shvy takes it he thought about the shot still thinking about it no target te out at the end those voice shots in the way United have dealt with that as they dealt with most things but suddenly they have a new uh had a new problem to deal with as Deo fired it wide he just throws a leg at this was well W be connect well enough to abidal [Music] it is indeed Leonel Messi who's coming [Applause] off might just be a precaution are for but here goes Ronaldo and he goes down again nothing given [Applause] about Deco change it to is bjan for Barcelona dramatic tumble and the referee not impressed goal kick well 9 out of 10 for artistic content to [Applause] Ronaldo forward just thinking they looked at as up second half but bojan will threat as well not this time Nanny coming on for way Rooney as he wants to replay that little ball on looks up to see if there's any support it's uh it's arriving just so as you said they got pretty good record in England so pretty formidable record here hre it's a decent effort well it's taking 83 minutes it back in again inesta oh he did well there vasar that's a decent H not easy IED have had to subdue their Natural Instincts most of them as inesta goes flying it's another free kick and he takes it and vasar makes a spectacular but I think what I call it routine so yeah you'll have a couple of pictures of this one now they fire one in towards HRI and get it back from Park to be slight favorites for obvious reasons a lot of football as I've said to we play in both
Channel: BR7 Football
Views: 2,793,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3z9Nhet21oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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