The Marvellous Hohenzollern Castle Of The Prussian Royal Family | Real Royalty

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[Music] europe's castles on the trail of the european aristocracy we investigate france's loia valley germany's baden-wurttemberg the south of england italy's piedmont and the castles around lisbon in [Music] portugal ludwigsburg palace where kings celebrated life and where in the baroque theatre cloud chariots cross the skies the home of a traditional delicacy here even a king of the snails is at home he alone is spared the fate of ending up as a delicacy mine our island behind these doors dignified life still continues count bjorn remembers cheery childhood days in his castle [Music] the castle way in badenvortenberg it leads from horn solon castle over ludwigsburg palace to my now island palace on lake constance [Music] baden-wurttemberg a land of stunning vistas at its heart lies the embodiment of prussia's glorious past [Music] horns allen castle perched like a glorious crown on taller mountain it symbolizes the might of the prussian [Music] kings these stony guards are just for show the castle was merely erected as a display of power positioned menacingly in front of the treasure chamber these suits of armor testify to many a battle and war inside showpieces from bygone days the horn solemn crown made to coronate wilhelm ii as king of prussia yet it was never to grace a royal head it remained a mere symbol of prussia's [Music] power sleep frederick the great's tunic bears witness to stories from the past a single bullet hole tells the tale of his miraculous escape on the battlefield the king's life was saved by his snuff box which deflected the bullet the uniform was mended and worn afterwards by frederick for many years [Music] hilda buchenmayer makes a living from tales of cannons and battles as a tourist guide she sees the castle in all its glory every day the castle is stormed by 300 000 visitors each year hilde takes command with an iron grip in peak times these heavy swing doors open every five minutes it may look like a medieval night's castle but the swabian neuschwanstein was only built some 150 years ago what began as a young prince's dream is today the hoenn solon family seat and estate it was used to flaunt their glory and never lived in nowadays it is home to curious tourists a place of myths and legends like the horn solon house ghost the white lady who has haunted prussian palaces and castles for centuries even napoleon bonaparte feared her more than the prussian army [Music] [Music] [Music] it was not a happy place for everyone as this unornamented room might indicate the chamber of the last crown prince wilhelm of prussia he lived out his days under house arrest in unmajestic style isolated from the world hilda enjoys telling every story as long as she can unlock its mystery finish [Music] [Music] valley spanning one and a half kilometers it runs for 30 kilometers through the swabian alb region at its heart lies solar mountain perched majestically on its peak [Music] very few are fortunate enough to enjoy the view from the battlements but two men see this panorama every day they are the castle's plumbers father and son they work together in the family business rudolf senior may be 72 but he has no plans to retire anytime soon the rudolph family has worked here for generations [Music] foreign [Music] foreign their foreign to work is far from the tourist trail passing by magical belfry windows and beds where princesses once slept going up and down stairs in search of leaks and holes [Music] first the glow of their torches even reveals precious items from berlin awaiting discovery veiled in the dusts of time [Music] however their job is to find broken gutters and crumbling roof tiles not royal furniture this involves them climbing to gideon heights and conquering the summits of narrow [Music] towers foreign [Music] the 1978 earthquake came as a huge shock to them it shook the solan valley the region its people and the castle to its core the most powerful quake in 50 years towers came crumbling down and the area was hit by aftershocks for several weeks only shaky scaffolding and a firm bond of trust separated the plumbers from the steep precipice below the aftermath of the earthquake created work for the entire family kingston upgrade here those few seconds turned into 15 years the time it took to repair the damage to the castle today as ever it defies the force of nature at the foot of the mountain flows one of the castle's lifelines a feat of technical engineering pumps the water 200 meters up to the castle no electricity or engines just a cunning hydraulic system in operation for over 100 years the two plumbers are as proud of this invention as if it were their own castle seat of the swabian horns hollands its prince chased the board of solemn metalworks dating back 300 years it began as an iron smelting forge and today produces precision mechanics for various sectors such as the aviation industry the louder a tributary of the danube countless ruins are dotted along the course of the river grosser lauter also known as the valley of the castles [Music] herds of buffalo are back on the pastures they last grazed here 30 000 years ago today these animals have become a trademark of the swabian al [Music] the lauter valley home to a snail king back in the 18th century the region was the center of swabian oyster farming the delicacy was exported by the tongue as far as the royal houses of france rita gollar has devoted her life to these mollusks [Music] her kingdom four fields a small family and 40 000 burgundy snails [Music] her passion for snails runs in the family three hundred years ago her ancestors practiced the art of snail farming [Music] i can feel this up shower foundation and they were a popular meat substitute for clergy nobles and the poor so much so that there were very few left in the wild sparking a snail war [Music] the introduction of snail farming saved the burgundy snail from complete extinction [Music] so some thought she was mad now they respect her she farms using traditional methods alps nails from the region kept in large enclosures and fed a diet of various wild plants this gives them their special taste this swabian speciality has a delicious nutty mossy flavor and is gaining popularity by the day [Music] rita would do anything for her snails day in day out on one occasion a whim of nature rewarded her efforts her farm is now home to a snail king a genetic defect made him one of a kind his shell's whirl coils in the opposite direction it's so fearless training [Music] they are harvested after a fattening period of four to five years when autumn begins the snails retreat into their shells and protected by a thin layer of chalk they go into hibernation and it's this that allowed them to be packaged and shipped long distances in the past [Music] rita snails stay in the region they end their days in organic restaurants in pates suevian ravioli soups or salads snails in garlic butter are a thing of the past nouvelle cuisine is the order of the day [Music] a center of culture and agriculture baden-wurttemberg is a dynamic varied region its vast tree population makes it one of the most densely wooded regions in germany [Music] ludwigsburg palace it lies at the heart of the former royal seat of ludwigsburg the largest fully preserved baroque building in germany an ensemble consisting of 16 buildings and over 450 rooms designed by the duke of wurttemberg as a hunting lodge it evolved into a palace estate as grand as versailles under the influence of his mistress countess villamina fundrais the uncrowned ruler here she controlled the king and the court with her intrigues and machinations she was notorious for her antics such as bidding the court to appear in full court dress only to receive them in nothing but a negligee the duke also had his own theater his operas concerts and ballets were renowned across europe to present these spectacles one man had to go through hell a drive shaft cable winches and three kilometers of hemp rope set an imaginary theatrical world in motion it took johann schreiber many years to breathe new life into it the baroque theatre had long since seen its last curtain call he began working at the castle as a carpenter as a restorer the theater has become his pride and joy armed with the precision of a detective collecting clues and more than a little optimism he began restoring the theater this theater of illusions turned out to be an illusion itself constructed from wood cardboard and painted paper [Music] foreign [Music] he has even recreated the theater's enchanting sound effects reconstructed following original plans rain once again beats down from the heavens [Music] and wind whistles theatrically in the wings these treasures gathered dust for over a century in the palace attic now the theater has regained its magical powers of transformation [Music] up to 16 different backdrops can be combined to create anything [Music] from a red salon to the dark dungeon as in the days of the royal court only one man is needed for this job [Music] as if by magic one set slides away and another appears in seconds a wondrous spectacle of baroque scenery this treasure has also broadened the horizons of johann schreiber for her friends foreign his latest pride and joy descends from the heavens [Music] the baroque cloud chariot once used to make grand royal entrances today it carries the theater's actors to the stage johann schreiber's work is far from over he won't rest until paper waves are once again rolling gods are floating through the heavens and demons plunging into the pits of hell favorite palace a quintessential pleasure palace nearby monreal palace was also built in the quest for leisure and diversion italian gondoliers once rode their noble masters across this lake the flare of bygone days is still very much alive here today moghra pool is both property of the house of wurttemberg and a wine growing estate this man reigns over the wine vault his royal highness the duke of wurttemberg the youngest son of the former ruling dynasty [Music] has been in the family since the 13th century however the duke is not scared of breaking from tradition and trying out new ideas vines from the region and enologists from new zealand as an experiment the wine is stored in barique style barrels [Music] unusual methods leading to unusual discoveries ultimately it's the taste that decides [Music] even the duke is not free to do as he pleases in the background the family watch over [Music] the hierarchical model has yielded great results an effective system of rewards and penalties when it comes to red wine barrels they stick to tried and tested methods swabian oak from jewel forests but for all the old worldly charm of the palace's wine vaults the wine production plant next door is firmly rooted in the present traditions [Music] ludwigsburg a region rich in vineyards iceberg mountain for example crowned by horn aspect fortress for centuries it has been used as a jail and today is also a prison service hospital [Music] a lock on the neckar river an important shipping artery [Music] klein ingersheim castle today home to an educational institute the american schiller college [Music] the mandelsheimer keysberg on countless terraces vines wind their way hundreds of meters up shell limestone slopes the trollinger a red grape variety thrives in this environment it is only grown in and the south tyrol the ducal vineyard cultivates a wine with the special characteristics of its natural environment or tawa [Music] as a child he dreamed of being an officer now he manages a vineyard spanning 40 hectares while others focus on quantity he is renowned for quality and has collected numerous gourmioa awards upholding tradition is hard work the juco grapes have been harvested the same way for the last 300 years the only technical aid a monorail [Music] even the nobility has to move with the times and the duke sees this all in a positive light [Music] foreign [Music] back to ludwigsburg every two years the city holds a three-day baroque festival the market square comes alive with vibrant and creative costumes demonstrating a newfound enthusiasm for this era the venetian fair a passion for tales and legends sparked a revival of this tradition they like nothing more than to revel in the past the veneziana ludwigsburg an association following in the footsteps of duke karl organ [Music] the heart and soul of the association back to the days of opulent displays of vanity at the royal court but with one difference each person is free to become whoever they wish one thing unites them all they live and breathe the 18th century [Music] age is irrelevant to this role-playing game social differences are set aside from crinoline dresses to frock coats all the costumes are period from baroque to rococo a costly undertaking many nights are spent recreating the costumes using the finest fabrics [Music] some are even custom made by the enthusiastic seamstress we can fix this purple their childhood days may be a thing of the past but the chance to play someone else never loses its excitement [Music] dress can be an instrument of power duke oygan even used it to keep track of his amorous affairs any woman who had pledged her truth to him had to wear blue shoes a punishable offense for anyone else [Music] further south the area around borden sea one of the most varied regions in central europe the german side is dominated by the hegel a volcanic landscape cone-shaped vents reveal traces of extinct volcanoes the haunted field is a striking example of this [Music] on top of this volcanic stub lies the largest castle ruin in germany demolished by napoleon's army during one of his campaigns [Music] lake constance its waters border three countries and at its heart mine our island 45 hectares surrendered by clear blue waters bequeathed to the swedish royal house of bernadotte part of the baroque castle is still used as living quarters the bernadottes have been linked to the island for generations they are an integral part of the island's appeal mourning at the castle the calm before the storm can bjorn and his dog talia make the most of it built by teutonic knights the castle is both a tourist attraction and a home his grandparents hail from the highest ranks of nobility the grand duchess of russia and prince wilhelm of sweden status comes with responsibility particularly in hard times the castle's ornate wooden doors bear testament to this the grand duke of baden provided work for businesses in the region thereby helping his people in times of need a sense of etiquette and responsibility was inherited through the generations [Music] at times like this the castle underwent a transformation from an aristocratic castle to a playground balls behindstand corridors and his father blew the kickoff whistle see some lightweight foreign even the staircase was transformed into a realm of childhood fantasies entertainment for the whole family is written um the castle chapel has witnessed many a wedding can bjorn himself was joined in matrimony under this impressive fresco among these sacred sculptures life and death merge into one the duke's children were christened here and his parents laid to rest private moments away from the public eye the ducal castle chapel a gem of high baroque architecture and a much loved tourist destination ladies and gentlemen your next ship's connection is the course ship to the ancient village of unto alden and please pay attention the transportation of wheelchairs with this ship is not possible [Music] my now island was nicknamed the flowering ship this horticultural paradise has blossomed over generations thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of the bernadotte family they opened their private estate to tourists many years ago their goal to make the island accessible to all raising the money needed to restore this architectural gem the realm of flowers gardeners territory every year the island is given a new floral design a million bulbous plants come into bloom from narcissi to dahlias head landscape designer marcus tyler has been on the island for over 10 years yet he succumbs to its charms as if every day were his first violations and dylan [Music] it's this kaleidoscope of flowers that draws visitors to the island over 1.2 million tourists flock to this majestic adil every year in spite of the strong historical influence the landscape gardener is able to incorporate his own ideas with the blessing of the family and the heart of the island the arboretum 500 broadleaf trees and conifers from across the world this is where marcus tyler's real passion bloomed giant sequoias and atlas cedars round off a tree population which dates back 150 years you'd have to look twice to spot his favorite tree he has his own particular way of looking at it lester than sarah [Music] not far from the palm house we are whisked off to italy the rose garden statues and pergolas are typical of the mediterranean garden design twenty thousand roses bloom throughout the year to the delight of millions of visitors a daily pleasure for contest diana the youngest daughter of the house of bernadotte she fell under the island's spell as a child a management [Music] [Music] extravagant hats are not just a noble privilege for diana they also became her vocation as a milliner her unconventional creations are renowned far beyond the island she draws inspiration from the castle rose garden her clients include illustrious figures such as queen sylvia of sweden even ladies at ascot have been spotted wearing her designs a rhinestone set in the rim adds a unique touch to each of her hats [Music] from [Music] but for all her love of hats she never forgets her duties especially as a mother my kindness [Music] values her heritage and the idyllic family estate she feels no urge to venture out into the big wide world she prefers to roam in the footsteps of her ancestors in her own individual way it's a kind [Music] problem unconventional [Music] my now is a magical destination whatever the season in one of its houses summer never ends [Music] the realm of the butterflies symbols of witchcraft in the middle ages later known as day and night birds in germany 90 different species flutter through the humid air of the butterfly house from as far off for south america and south asia [Music] reigns over all these filigree creatures over 1 000 butterflies are in his care and working with such delicate beings can really shape a person this he is firmly under their spell as are many tourists and visitors some come to marvel at them every day early morning they are still masters of their realm feeding time some imbibe sweet nectar others feed on salts during their short life even when eating butterflies retain their quiet and tranquil air others idle their days away only the caterpillars feast greedily eating green shrubs by the bucket their life is one big meal until their next transformation for which they sometimes need a helping hand in the process [Music] of caterpillars are fussy eaters they would rather starve to death than eat something unfamiliar their metamorphosis generally takes place unobserved in the hours of the early morning this realm is also home to nocturnal beauties some only survive a few weeks or for the purpose of reproduction the butterfly life cycle doesn't always keep turning by itself stefan has to give it a little push sometimes with four hundred pupil each week okay allah the family heritage workplace tourist destination each person has a different connection to baden-wurttemberg's world of castles and palaces
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 91,946
Rating: 4.9138379 out of 5
Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history
Id: IZL7Kj2yoYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 34sec (3094 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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