The Marvel Cinematic Universe Rap Up | #NerdOut

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[Music] hold the feds around but to get what they deserve listen that's a run down the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe for phase 1 to phase 2 to phase 3 this is not chronological it's an order of release we got spider-man Scarlet Witch Drax the destroyer if you haven't seen the film's a final warning for spoilers we go when way back almost 12 years ago so without any further ado here we go Henry's very first fly we got the holy Tony Stark the only billionaire playboy philanthropist on the block kidnapped by Trevor Burrus he ruined their entire plan turned the bucks and scraps into a fully suited Iron Man the guy who set him up with Obadiah Stane took the reactor out his jester left Tony to die in pain but with the help of kept robots and Rhodey he was soon prevail over the carbon copy hired monger set him straight to hell next mr. Sciences name is Bruce Banner he turned into the hope because he was full of a gamma he fled to South America trying to find an antidote the army tracked him down great and beat the green animal general Ross was mad wanted manner to fear him he injected Emma Blonsky with the Super Soldier Serum on the streets of Harlem Emma raised as the abomination with her Clapton and pretty much stopped his face in Ivan Vanko wanted to murder Tony Stark he built an arc reactor fitted with twists and slashes tore apart he was arrested party time Tony was loving it and Rhodey commandeered his soup and gave it to the government after that Tony the director of shield Justin Hammer made a bunch of drones but Ivan's at the wheel now war machine and Iron Man are fighting off the drones Tony starts to realize he can I save the world alone for was about to be king yeah he had the cloud but he was disobedient so Odin stripped his powers out banished to earth now he's trying to get his hammer back meanwhile his evil brother Loki had a plan attack releasing the destroyer to Catherine Ollis transform made a sacrifice proving he's worthy again with him ER and hand he wins retreated to his home Loki died by suicide and Odin sat back on the throne okay let's take it back to 1942 Steve Rogers tried to join the army but he's just a scrawny dude so they gave him Super Soldier Serum now he's a fighter of Oreskes got the tesseract to end of Miss Helen Hydra tried to bomb the shores of America Roger Snively crash the bomber in the Arctic he was frozen in the cockpit for 70 years the fury found him and Vinny brought him out told him that he would have to save the world he am talking about Avengers Loki isn't dead he wanted to rule the earth and the fact that the Avengers fought each other made it worse Loki's called a tesseract from shield to open up a portal that would unleash the aliens against the business portal Roger stark Romanoff Thor Banner and Barton cross the hordes of Loki's army that Chitauri it was hard but Tony threw a missile net the mothership composed the whole of hope slam Loki puny guy that was so nuts [Music] Tony Stark is suffering from panic attacks and PTSD things are getting messy televised veterans very threatening killing himself Tony Games the rotors frilly dress helicopters bomb his home and then he almost drowned to death Dargis Killian is really the Mandarin what applied swish kidnapped the president in two different pods as a hostage waste Ramos and his body Aldridge almost won the day but pepper should be human too blue with a bullet in the space Jane Foster fell in the portal affected by the ether Malekith the dark elf woke up and try to reach your thoughts took her back to Asgard to try to remove the substance but Malekith killed his lover for one injustice vowing revenge she got his brother Loki's assistance on earth worlds maligning things are getting intense with a little scientific equipment and hocus-pocus they open the portal and kill Malick and put the zone ship Rodgers and Roman are out working for shield on the mission to retrieve retrieve the data from the fields for the series Helicarrier is the now ready to fire that's what kept discovered the shield was overrun by Hydra Wilson joined the team when she sold you tried to kill a rider's fit and understand his friend was now a villain helicarriers overwritten so Hydra couldn't pull the trigger Steve refused to fight a Swizzle they all crashed into the river please Aquila sup in space plus Gamora Groot and Rocket get a respite in the lonely drag the managed to escape trying to sell a magic ore but little did they know the thing that they were trying to sell was an infinity stone roll is stolen so he can kill every person on sand are the team freedom after distracting them with the drew sacrificed himself that was a tragedy but now the friends a known as the guardians of the galaxy see Avengers fighting Hydra on the battlefield and unintentionally made a murder robot battle kill Ultron was born he recruited the Maximus but then they switched nazca so traumas going to blast them all Tony use the mind stone the Jarvis calling vision and sokovia that pattern allowed a robotic hitch pin all the citizens escape paradigm for taking part in Ultron is destroyed but that's when panels goes and grabs a scarlet sky Lane just got out of prison times it's real tough take pill test fit them to see if thicker steel stuff gave them the ms2 struck him down the sides hang starter hope train them up they taught them how to fight a guiding yellow jacket e1 at Excel the secrets of the Pym particle the Hydra buddy gets defeated with Geico subatomic barely made it out the quantum realm hope becomes the wasp bad guys for not prevail [Music] lookyou was impersonated to make it look like you killed the king over Canada China wanna revenge that's not the only problem be you in tried to make a boss I'm some Accords to oppose infuse the start of the Civil War Spidey showed up to prove that he's a hero most of the conflict was caused by Baron Zemo Steve stop Tony from blowing Bucky the pits you can say at this point the avengers don't exist speak the strange used to be the world's best surgeon until he broke his hands that's when he started searching the ancient one immortal were training the comet eyes and his letters he would find out that magic can be gosh hey silliest released Iran from the Dark Dimension with the eye of agamotto he's beaten into submission with repetition the earth be safe and everybody Pinkham now he's the master of the new york city sanctum guardians always on the run from different factions the siren and the Ravagers one a piece of the action quill finds out that he's the friend of a celestial mantis helps out she knows eagle is an ethical with the help of never look Raglan and onto baby fruit bomb to brain ego was fondu tendu say Peter sacrifice himself Ravagers far and wide came along to pay respects next up is your friendly neighborhood spider-man every now and then he ended over Chiclets Iron Man Peter Parker's 15 fighting the hired goons of applying thief to vote Adrian Toomes Peter was dating this daughter that was awkward the two started fighting on the beach at Coney Island reader one stalking happy invite him to the Avengers but in the end he knows he's not ready to be a member old and died hell is colder than an ice box crushed Thor's hammer then she knocked him off the Bifrost stranded Elsa carthoris taken by your Valkyrie and forced to fight the hook that was almost a casualty him and all his friends flew inside The Devil's anus and they made it back to Asgard Heller's murders were heinous they try to flame but realize they could you manage the only way to kill his sister was the Ragnarok the planet the black pit leader of Wakanda travelers gotta to work all the secrets of the slob kill monger force offending on his own but he defeated the trauma that we stand in on the throne he wanted to use the vibranium strictly as a weapon that's when the chalice Septon gave him his final lesson with sharia Naraku it's a new administration he knows that he should share his technology with the nations to get the stones Thanos was on a mission he plan to kill half of all life in existence heroes tried to fight but he's an unstoppable monster to get the soul stone he killed his own daughter him a condor people getting slaughtered vision impaired Thor hit some with storm breakers should've gone for the head he gave his fingers and snapped half the people turned to ash then he brought her to a planet where he sat back and relaxed before the staffs Kyle aimless helping take my daughter to the quantum realm to find his wife for thirty years ago a message suggested his wife was alive my first cutting the Hope had to fight some bad guys ghost appears told the shrunken lab try to fix her sickness but they stole it back and graduated out of there with the quickness in a game those quantum energy to stabilize with in little steps gots the only one to stay the lifers was the Kree crash-landed on the planet Nick Fury try to help her see the person under spin it turns out she's from earth and her real name is Danvers she was fed a bunch of Lies from recruit commanders she took out the implant that suppress her powers indestructible destroyed the fleet of three coward now she helps the scrolls find a place without danger but if Nick Fury needs her all he's got to do his pages about a month after phenyls did the step the last of the Avengers found him cooking in the shack sliced his hand off it is too late he destroyed the stone so Thor chopped his head off everybody went home five years later sky made it out the quantum realm he rushed to the Avengers and told him that he could offer help time high stable it all just travels to the basket the stones one by one reversed adapting for them maybe look at car in her double took her spot for the soulstone Romanov jumped off a rock everybody put the stones inside of the nano gauntlet Thor wanted to snap by the whole boat oh my god there's a snap brought him back never you love playing the coup she used the time machine to bring up a no send his crew Thor and Tony Stark was trying hard to beat the Titan Captain Rogers grabbed the hammer and he got a couple strikes and panels knock them down to the ground and broke his shield dr. strange show nothing rough the heroes to the field portals began to open panels began to tremble Steve snip powder sand ventures a symbol battlefield a spool panels army is no match Tony graphic on the staff and panels off the map holy sacrifices fight at his funeral they left Captain Rogers grab the stones and took them back where they were kept what's next Peter Parker I think that he's had enough he wanted to go on vacation and ditch all the hero stuff Nick Fury tracks him down says he can't because he's either Peter meets Quentin bacon chest hands overheated turns out Quentin Beck is really just Mysterio he'll murder anybody with delusions and some killer drones Parker beat some spiders Engel was the remedy but then back told the world spider-man's identity there you have it that's what happened in the films I hope that you could follow in the ingot overwhelmed all right Peter Stanley he was in every feature until phase 4 he saw all the true believer
Channel: NerdOut!
Views: 2,049,417
Rating: 4.9324169 out of 5
Keywords: nerdout, nerd out, NerdOut New, the mcu rap up, the mcu timeline, marvel rap, mcu rap, endgame rap, avengers rap, mcu timeline, marvel timeline, marvel cinematic universe, marvel cinematic universe music, marvel cinematic universe timeline, iron man, avengers, captain america, thor, hulk, black widow, hawkeye, guardians of the galaxy, marvel song
Id: ymxRs_ZKmbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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