The Marvel Cinematic Universe Is a Living Hell

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foreign [Music] for the moment it's January 18 1871 and you're a French farmer working the countryside wait no come back I swear I'm going somewhere with this my point is for the people of France especially but also everyone across Europe and Beyond this is the day the world changed forever your life and the lives of your countrymen would never be the same again why well the day before your country of France was theoretically at least the most powerful in Continental Europe it had the largest population excluding Russia the largest economy and one of if not the most powerful armies but today January 18th none of that is true anymore because right across your Western borders a new Empire has declared itself and if it's not already obvious the next few decades will make it abundantly clear this new nation the one styling itself Germany is the new European superpower it's hard to imagine something like this taking place in our own modern era a new country coming almost out of nowhere to immediately challenge the supremacy of the United States or some some other big single event that can dramatically change the worldwide situation and divide your life into before and then after hard to imagine but not impossible it spans the globe like a super highway it is called internet critics say one danger is this could turn out to be an Elita system one available only to people with a computer and a modem depending on where and when you were born into this world chances are you're going to experience a few events like this maybe three or four big ones over the course of your life these events can be harmful disruptive even terrifying or maybe positive and somehow beneficial to you but regardless they shake the foundations you thought your life had they can reshape your perspective test your resilience and alter the course of your life's journey but above all they shatter your sense of security and stability but now I want you to imagine that you're living in the reality known across the Multiverse as Earth 616 in the late 2000s you're sitting down watching TV and are astonished to see that billionaire Tony Stark has just revealed to the world that he is Iron Man this is not a life-changing event for you it's weird and perhaps a little concerning but you're still able to live your life like you did before but as the months and years go by you start seeing more and more strange things in the news a nuclear physicist and biochemist at Culver University in Virginia turns into a giant green monster and goes on a rampage that's kind of scary but probably not life-changing then Tony Stark is back in the news again his race car got cut in half of the historic Grand Prix in Monaco by some guy with laser whips on his arms that can't be right and then that same guy uses an army of flying Iron Man knockoffs to attack the Stark Expo in New York how could this happen but you know all these things are happening in some other part of the world and your life is still pretty much the same so you try to put it out of your mind but then you start hearing some even weirder stuff coming out of New Mexico some government organization is trying to keep this oppressed but apparently not only are the Norse gods real but one of them destroyed a town while fighting another giant robot this one one powered by Magic now at this point you should really start to worry because if this is true the implications are enormous religious beliefs scientific understanding societal Norms none of these can stay the same in a world where gods and Magic now exist but you barely have time to Grapple with that before New York is attacked by aliens that came out of a giant portal in the sky only to be stopped by Tony Stark that huge green physicist government assassins Thor the God of Thunder and Captain America who is apparently back from the dead you might have tried to deny it before but your old life is over you now live in a world where all these things exist and can interrupt your life at any time how can you possibly process all this the fact that aliens exist alone and they're apparently hostile would be the single most important event in the history of oh we gotta worry about that later the President was almost assassinated and apparently the vice president was in on it the implications of this are enormous the level of corruption necessary for such a thing oh wait we gotta deal with that later because some dark elves just attacked London is that right where do those dark out okay no time to think about that a fleet of flying aircraft carriers almost a set oh hold on another robot just tried to turn an entire city into a meteor there's a type of trauma called crisis fatigue that refers to the sense of helplessness exhaustion apathy and emotional strain that develops as the result of prolonged exposure to a continuous series of challenging circumstances people can begin to feel detached from their own lives and the symptoms can be extremely harmful by this point though it feels like everyone in Earth 616 would have developed some variation of this so when half the universe's population is disintegrated by an Interstellar god-like despot does it really even matter anymore even if you haven't been directly affected until now by all these new things your world view must have been shattered so many times what's one more wouldn't it just be easier to give up and accept this new reality except that your own decisions actions and thoughts have become inconsequential the world is too unpredictable and unstable now even if it had only ever been an illusion at least before there was the sense that the world had a solid foundation something to give you some security and purpose but that's gone and it gets harder and harder to remember what life was like before with every passing moment and this series of life-shattering events is not slowing down instead it's accelerating a new African superpower with an unstable political system Chinese mythological creatures Multiverse full of different versions of yourself giant space things we've gotten to the point where who cares if there's a giant statue in the middle of the ocean and I know we all like to think that if we ended up in Earth 616 we'd be the guy with the awesome suit of armor or the supernatural powers or the Godlike abilities but chances are you'd be doing essentially what you're doing now except you get to live in a world where no truths are self-evident and all men are no longer created equal governments and institutions are powerless and your only hope is that this new upper class of beings Beyond oversight and Without Limits will take care of you and where once maybe you might have been able to convince yourself that at least these people had in some way earned their powers that they had either the intellect judgment or Merit to be worthy of them that is no longer the case if it ever was at all now you have a teenager with the cosmic powers of the newer Dimension and another one that can grow to gigantic size and another one really good at shooting arrows actually that last one isn't so bad but you get my point now we have essentially children being given the same god-like powers and you can only cross your fingers that they have the emotional maturity to handle them you have to hope that they had someone their formative years who taught them that with great power comes the immense burden of accountability and the obligation to wield that power judiciously as it carries the potential to shape and impact the lives of others and profound in far-reaching ways there is probably a more succinct way to phrase that and the fact that all these people with supernatural abilities have been gifted them from many different sources makes it even more troubling say what you want about that other reality the one with Vaught International and the Seven it might be horrifying but at least there's only one thing to worry about compound v no magic no aliens no interdimensional travel and while homelander might be a psychopath at least there's only one of them and your chances of running into him are essentially non-existent okay all right I keep forgetting I did run into them at Dragon Con a few years ago or was I alright even the Grim darkness of the far future there is a foundation that Foundation might be horrifying beyond the capacity for rational thought it might far exceed even the darkest aspects of Earth 616 to an exponential degree but you know what you're getting hostile xenos and the corruption of the war there is at least some level of certainty in what might annihilate Humanity in 616 who knows what tomorrow will bring vampires mutants interdimensional despots it could be anything because in Earth 616 every year every month and every day is gradually turning into January 18 1871 which to me at least makes it the worst place to be alive thank you what you just watched is the pilot episode for a new series we're calling the worst place to be alive where we investigate the places from across alternate worlds where you would never want to find yourself both the expected and unexpected this is the last of four new shows we're releasing this week and the polls are now open if you'd like the worst place to be alive or the previous new shows to become regular additions to the templin Institute a pledge of two dollars on our patreon will get you a vote you'll find a link to the poll in the description below [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: The Templin Institute
Views: 192,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Templin, Institute, captain america, marvel cinematic universe, infinity war, iron man, marvel universe, tony stark, marvel cinematic universe, marvel cinematic universe timeline, marvel comics, spider man no way home, time travel, spider man no way home, comic books, dr strange, marvel comics timeline, black panther 2, marvel cinematic universe phase 5
Id: nMa8WXaddyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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