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[Music] hi guys welcome back to diary bros tv and it looks like you caught me in a bad moment baby dario it's the day wait really i'm gonna come down and see you come on oh hello hi i don't know why my daughter's horse is following me but one thing that i think we're gonna do is sell this big log cabin mansion and also have a little surprise with woolly bear at his house i'm so excited okay i'm gonna sell it bye come on boom i did it hey jimbo i respond wait what you respawned oh yeah also guys please subscribe to our channel it would really help us out so we could grow this channel together yes together jumbo go go and pick you up in my car and why is my pet following me because he doesn't have a house are you don't worry we could go to willy bird's house and sit him there okay let's go yeah let's go to let's go to woolly bear's house it's been so long since i didn't have a house for a little bit yeah oh i'm gonna go on the road because uh i let i love doing that with a race car it's just so fun just arriving at the wobbly delivery is there a trampoline there hold on let's go and take a look hold on oh it looks like wolly bear's on the swing oh he loves swings yeah so the reason why this house is one of the best houses in huawei life is because if you take a look at it it's only 750 dollars and owning this house allows you to use house as a spawn point customize character spawn personal vehicle and leave pet at home not only that you could get a truck and also you get one of these gas canisters and uh and a station wagon also a station wagon and uh a whole playground yeah you get a whole playground and now let's go on the inside i'm just gonna go and sit my pet real quick so it looks like grandma's house so it has three beds and it's good enough it even has a keyboard this is woolly bear's room actually wait hold on i think what this is willy bear's room so uh and uh since there's a double bed two wobblies can fit on it and also woolly bear has a stuffed little puppy and also a bathroom but most importantly is outside did i just hurt myself from falling oh we got we got a nice little uh living room and some pets and most importantly outside is a plane and not too far is a helicopter which is pretty nice right yeah and very oh and also a scooter indulged yeah and also a job and he has a couple houses for his neighbors and let's get going everyone to the expensive man whoa let's go this is so fun ah why are you in your pajama pants ah they're stretchy pants wait what what this i could get i also like your hair oh thank you you want to sip in styles yeah and i also went to like a chinese store willy where the mansions are over there land on the beach wooly bear land on the beach [Music] did it crash are you kidding me what how is that even possible i do not know because i'm the best pilot ever that's so weird i saw a guy with a headband junebug let me spawn my car i'm going to spawn mine because it's faster okay everyone hop in except polar bear you're going to grab on yeah one hand works two handed is safer but one hand willy bear is fine with is that a wobbly worker okay i think it is no time to get distracted okay guys i'm gonna buy it okay so house for sale it cost ten thousand dollars but owning a house allows you to use has a spawn point obviously customize character spawn personal vehicle leave pet at home i'm gonna buy it guys oh my goodness look this is crazy oh my goodness i actually own it now hold on beautiful oh my goodness hey guys are you ready yep hey junebug let's go in wait whoa look at that aquarium and also look at the tv oh look at this kitchen oh i love the tile yeah look at this pretty friends i mean this is crazy it could even put water wait the house came with food um wait a minute this doesn't go here willie was already reorganizing the way he wants it wait hold on we can't move it oh there's where it was gonna be mad about that willy bear don't don't ruin this mansion it's very nice this is all ikea furniture hold on hey guys there's a button under the tv let's go and see what's on the wobbly oh guys sit down oh no yeah we could sit down on here oh yeah this is great my head actually looks like i'm sitting down okay guys that's enough tv for the day but you know i'll just keep it on wait what's this is this a radio [Music] you know what i can't i don't want to waste power hold on what's in here wait a bathroom okay pretty nice oh a toilet willy bear loves these things oh man yep turned away okay wait what is this is this a radio hold on hold on wait you can turn on music that's awesome what's this button dude you can change it all those songs are there [Music] i think it's all of them wait is this a is this a piano it works i can't hear it if this one's on that's crazy hey guys what's behind oh it looks like a hiding spot for like hide and seek yeah well they're good at playing piano man this aquarium has a treasure chest in it hey guys we're gonna go up this uh spiral staircase yeah this is so cool oh my goodness hold on we gotta check this hold on let's let's go and check in here hold on a treadmill let me see this guys it works wait hold on let me hop on this is crazy it could change we even have like stuff to bench press oh my god darya everybody hold on a balcony this is like 10 times better than my other log cabin mansion we can just sit out here and eat this is awesome okay is there any other rooms oh no what's in there whoa oh my this place is crazy hold on guys let's be in the band i'm not really good on the drums man that's a lot of beats [Music] whatever's going on piano wait hold on look it's a bath oh this is great and look we got a toilet and [Music] and a bidet oh my goodness and this is what washes your crack but wobblies don't have cracks so you don't have to light you don't even have to wipe that's what it's for everybody there's also a sour wait yeah there is okay let's go to the next stream it's this one hold on it's literally the same oh just with a little bit of just a little spill and another bidet oh i want to watch my crack go guys i can wash my foot guys i'm so excited to check out the final floor yeah okay let's go up the spiral to the staircase wait we got so many paintings it's like pac-man eating pizza okay now my stairs wait guys look at this i can see everything wait guys what's up here a helicopter oh my god sorry it's like you bought a helicopter yeah but i didn't hold on guys i kind of want to jump down here [Music] ouch oh i didn't make it oh man i can't really do it oh hey hey guys do you want to play some tennis because there's a tennis court yeah who wants to hit the button you could be the referee no you give me one that's mine uh actually no can you please hit the button [Music] do it junebug i want to play with woolly bear oh hold on i've got tennis ball you guys this thing goes for a while this is awesome and like keep the suspension oh sweet wooly bear oh that's gonna leave a mark oh wooly bear oh he probably got hurt yeah hold on i think he's i think he's mad i think he's just gonna go and sit down in the like pool to like hot tub like to get some like like cool off and get some stress off yeah you'll pay for this sunny anyways i'm also gonna like hop in here and my wobbly can't swim so i needed to die wait what was that oh my goodness [Music] hey i'm in the water guys who wants me out of the house i hope you can swim didn't you hurt your mom you heard me you let me i'm wilson get get back here that's what you get for hitting me i spawned a wobbly island no come on come on come on come on come on come on almost drowned i can't come mario will the bear i'm coming back i'm taking over this house you're gonna have to battle for it buddy [Music] don't hit me it is so dangerous but it's so fun yeah that is very dangerous you can't hit you can't hit the oh i'm coming over there right now i'm hiding behind one of my doors i'm so scared what a baby dario i'm going to save the day no don't you get on my tanker oh i'm gonna take over the top wooly bear no you don't buddy hey it is fun to do this oh yeah shoot everything oh we're launching all the toys no worries brother they will respawn i wish i could go and hit you in the head with this thing so you didn't learn your lesson but i can't dario what i'm back sorry it opens the gate open for me okay hi jumbo come in the back i'm coming watch out for revenge junebug oh no well if i drive it into the water okay let's go and hey guys i might do cannonball oh you bet oh you boy no mommy don't hit me this thing's in the way boy where did he even get this thing i kind of have no idea like we're walking perfectly how is it what is happening you're shaking what it's going it's malfunctioning get out jimmy get out guys it's shooting everybody guys let's turn to evil guys get in the hot tub so i guess my monstrosity has gone out of control well that about wraps it up for this video i got really hurt and i think we'll see you next time thanks for watching please remember to subscribe to our channel give us a like and hit that notification bell bye bye bye woolly bear this you know my back hurts right i can't believe you did this woolly bear [Music]
Channel: Dario Bros TV
Views: 393,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #WobblyLife, #HumanFallFlat, #AmazingFrog, #TheAmazingFrog, #TotallyReliableDeliveryService, #TRDS, #DarioBrosTV, #TheHenryStickminCollection, #BugSnax, #Ragdolls, #OpenPhysics, #SandBoxGames, #BeamNGDrive, #Raft, #RaftSurvival, #PlantsVsZombies, #MineCraft, #MovingOut, #BlankosBlockParty, #TABS, #TotallyAccurateBattleSimulator, #UniverseSandbox, #StickItToTheStickman, #Roblox, #JailBreak, #BeASpiderTycoon, #AmongUS, #AmongstUS, #Hypixel, #MonsterLegends, #SlimeRancher, #IslandSaver
Id: h5mu6RPmWHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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