The Mandalorian 3x5: The Pirate | Reaction

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foreign coming back for another reaction to the Mandalorian that's right episode five season three shout out to nerd chronic for editing this reaction for us and sneaking it past the pirate Fleet of gory and shard yes spider witch I think we might be getting some pirate action in this episode um they set it up we've only got three episodes left in the season so we've really got to kind of do something with these Pirates seems so short that's so short considering that the bad badge is an amazing episode so it's like I know the Mando seasons have been relatively short but I feel like I don't know after I've been being given 16 episodes I feel slightly spoiled it's like all right maybe maybe they'll give us more than more than nine maybe we'll we'll hit that 10 but it's like nah it's not gonna happen no no good it's so juicy the entire time yeah it makes me it makes me wonder like what kind of little tidbits we're gonna get in this episode if it follows the same trend I don't know I'm just really excited we decided not to do a patreon poll this week um just because we're already up so freaking late with three episodes of Star Wars to get through um so we're just gonna dive right into the thing are you ready best friend I am do it gonk I see you down there the statue looks so janky now that they took the Droid parts let's move the trade District closer that's a wonderful idea oh that's totally mcquerry McQueary concept for 3PO that Droid hold on a second oh the Pirates are here oh no what is it still a pirate ship oh God it's such a sexy [ __ ] man yeah that paint job [Music] don't believe my eyes all I see before me is a Pampered nobleman dressed for the pump of his wedding feast believe your ears then right Nate that voice is so that's a spicy salad gunning down my Helmsman In Cold Blood he shot first well now I will shoot first is that a reference to Han and Greedo how under the protection of the new Republic the new rip the mid rim Nation pirate Nation pirate Nation yeah we're getting so much from this I don't hail me again unless it's to surrender I thought you hailed him you did that was oh nope oh people gonna die Jesus what the [ __ ] Korean shard the lava Flats it sounds like a horse that's where the that's where the blurb Chase happened it's out in the middle of like they're gonna be sitting ducks there's no cover out there though yeah [Music] of course he was just gonna pick them off in the open okay so so grief's gonna reach out to the new Republic new Republic's gonna go call Din maybe since since Carson Teva knows him personally why wings oh my God New Republic base bro I dig this music me too oh my God is that filoni wearing his cowboy hat at the bar I can't see and there's Carson uh Uncle IRA that's totally felony in the Hat oh that is floating oh my God that was there oh my God it's all of them I'm gonna afford this of course is that that swamped it's sad that's totally his species of bro look how good he looks dude that's Zeb look how good he looks holish right now dude bro that was Steve Blum if that was Zeb that's our second live-action Rebels character after Chopper in Rogue one dude I know Steve blum's voice all right that was zeb's voice [Music] she has to be like a double agent or something that's my work area this [ __ ] guy Colonel it's okay he can stay you scoot I love the Battlefront uniform I'm requesting authorization and backup for Adelphi Squadron and dealing with the pirate Siege on the borrow Navarro I haven't heard of it excuse me Colonel I'm going down to the commissary can I get you anything I'm sorry officer you spent some time in the auto rev right have you ever heard of Navarro f they have yet to sign the charter David smelled it on her he's like no something's wrong here I don't think this is an isolated episode Navarro has reported accounts come on you bureaucrats streets and Tie fighters openly flying above I think that's a bit of a leap really because I'm hearing moff Gideon never made it to trial Captain this isn't a rebellion anymore let's focus on what you require I'm requesting authorization and backup for dealing with pirates on Navarro sir the leaders of Navarro need to understand why becoming a republic signatory is valuable by letting them suffer sounds like a rather Imperial way of thinking Captain you're out of line I'm used to that kind of talk but from experience it often takes A New Perspective before [ __ ] this [ __ ] in any event thank you Captain for bringing us to our attention we'll see if we can allocate some additional assets bro he doesn't buy her [ __ ] for a second no he's not having any of it there's something dangerous happening out there and by the time it becomes big enough for you to act it'll be too late Carson tave has been watching the show well that's exactly what the rebels did too it's exactly what the rebels did to the Imperials in Andor there's it's just a role reversal remember priorities this [ __ ] know where the mandalorians are all hanging out and training on the beach I'm sure he has like some Intel on din specifically he knows where din's at okay he was tracking The Gauntlet then it blows me away the ships look better than they ever did in the original trilogy like they look more real you know I have a Time pressing matter to attend to clear out blue boy how did you manage to find us fortunately someone I served with in a rebellion is amongst your ranks burn R5 yes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh should have known oh [ __ ] or we could kill him stay right here Reef cargo sent this hollow message oh my God relax guys he's not gonna pull a fast one on you right now on the beach look it's not your fight I just came to tell you your friend is in danger and I thought you should know [Music] it's fair it's fair for any more of you however great karga is now a high magistrate and has offered me attractive land on his independent world Perhaps it is time for us to live in the light once again oh damn move the covert to Navarro oh the Hammer's like the speaking sticks I do no of course you do this [ __ ] guy I was there on Navarro that night I fought against grief karga and his Hunters I saw many die to save the life of this one tiny foundling who defeated his son in a duel why should we lay our lives down yet again because we are mandalorians there it is I have had my disagreements with this man but he risked his life to save my son [ __ ] yeah pause coming in with the win I love it none of the mandalorians expected this heel turn from him a brighter future hell yeah this is the way let's go this is the way this is the way this is the way oh God that was a sweet hyperspace oh my God oh poor Astromech it's all malfunction now hey they're in the same spot where Verna Herzog got shot hey captain Oh my God pirate ugnot look at him [Music] [ __ ] yes let's go absolute Club Shadows understood [ __ ] yes God look at its maneuverability Jesus Christ I decided to take you up on your offer for attractive land be careful my friend they've got you out it's a free house for you dude what's a free house for his for his people oh nice oh the center of it is hollow look at that here's on the coast is clear yes Mandalorian deployment let's go this is what we got from the trailer this is what we got for the trailer oh yes but action figures deployed badass Pro [ __ ] Amanda's free Pirates bro everybody come and look bro she just landed yes need him in the back and then shot him in the head [Laughter] God there's such brutally efficient Killers it's amazing so much confidence for a henchmen is she gonna bomb the Corsair nice yeah it's like you guys should have known Yash me let me finish possibly nice good looking out lizard yeah right come on guys these are jet packs get up on top of something oh no that person yes I was just thinking we need to pause Bizzle up in here oh look at that heavy blaster oh they've got an e-web of course they do get up there get up there Right Use the air [ __ ] [ __ ] okay come on pause you got this should just snuck in excellent she didn't even sneak she just [ __ ] shred it in there oh God yeah you see how some of them have the three claw pauldron and some of those are Death Watch nice [Music] I wonder if it would be better to arrest them or kill them oh my God he's writing it [Applause] [Laughter] I love it the ship has an actual big ass Helm like a big old wheel you can turn no no nice nice yeah he's going down with the ship look at that yeah that dude didn't survive R.I.P to a real one yeah gory and Shard you are an excellent Gluck shut up here by seed all Land from the Western lava Flats to Bullet Canyon to the Fine people of Mandalore you may no longer have a home planet but you do now have a home welcome oh [ __ ] man it's pretty meaningful oh [ __ ] normal in a good way like in a good way like is does she have to go to the principal's office like what the [ __ ] about to happen here is this about the mythosaur Maybe right remove your helmet what remove your helmet is she gonna give her like a full best guard like Night Owl helmet like what's up I don't know what is this we must walk the way together oh mandalorians you have walked Both Worlds you were the one who can unite us [Music] so she's backing bogoton against Mando potentially walks Both Worlds she can bring old tribes together time to retake mandrel oh my God yes go and Boca tan walks in both worlds oh I got chills again oh my God there's more what are you up to Carson he's just flying in open space that's creepy as hell that's super creepy right now what the [ __ ] is that that's the shuttle connected to Gideon's Escape Maybe yeah totally why would they have been transporting him in an imperial shuttle though I found a derelict a shot the Halls breached the vessel shows evidence of being attacked any reports in the area yeah that's like blood on the hood the details are classified last five I'm suddenly really nervous for Carson Teva you can detach the Periscope R7 can prison transport okay so they are using lambdas that's an arm flight times match the ship transporting MAF Gideon I knew it you never made it to trial I wanted to see the Escape but this scene is cool this is a cool way to do it scanning where's the flight crew there appears to be something embedded in the cabin wall getting close on that it's a bomb fragment of best car alloy what [Music] what okay so what could that mean so a couple things about that either a because we know that the dark trooper armor is made out of a best Star alloy that's how it's able to deflect Blaster bolts so we know okay we know that the Empire has stolen best bar and like used it in their armor before two it could also be like the Mandos that used to be with bocatan who like flew off and like did that that was my other thought that I had yeah the mercenaries they could have either a kidnapped moth Gideon so that they could try like trial him in their own Court sort of a deal yeah somebody hired the man the other mandalorians to extract Gideon but that's crazy and it's gonna it's of course the Republic's gonna get the wrong impression and they're gonna think that din's covert somehow like sprang Gideon and it's all going to be a terrible misunderstanding um but yeah this is crazy okay so Gideon escaped confirmed the ghostly floating shuttle was really cool actually that was coming out of the shadow of the Moon way of revealing it yeah that was awesome um big old R.I.P to gory and Shard he was an awesome pirate character there is no way anyone survived that Corsair crash though that was absolutely that was death that was death for sure I'm sad to see him go honestly but no he was he was awesome he was very entertaining yeah he was good character development for sure and we're finally doing it we're finally retaking Mandalore with Boca tan at the helm because she walks in both worlds I think it's interesting that the the armorer came to this conclusion that she can take her helmet off because I really wasn't sure if she believed sort of like a celebrity so I mean she is more of a record sizable if there were a face for Mandalore like it would be bogatan craze edible she's the poster she's the poster child exactly and I am going to go I'm gonna go on record saying I'm pretty sure that was gara zabarelios the lasat pilot talking to Carson I think it was Zeb yeah I forgot to look for the credits if they if I'm looking right now I'm looking right now to see if it's confirmed if they confirms a character name or if it was just another alien but I mean since they had the since they had the shout out to the Ralph McCrory C-3PO it would make sense for them to like also make a shout out for the Ralph McCory Chewbacca which is what garez that's what zeb's original design is based on for lasates yeah it's that's what mccoary did for the wookies first okay uh Zeb Steve Blum it's Zeb it's Zeb confirmed wow guest starring oh my God yes yes star there was a pirate named coxswain love that I hope that was Mr schmee so if that actually was or is Zed though like what does that mean for the rebels timeline does that mean that he's still just like final season or Rebels already happens so Rebels was a whole original trilogy of movies ago yeah that's true that's true we know that we know that Zeb fought in the Battle of Endor and then he eventually makes his way to liraison with kallus but he doesn't necessarily stay there he could have joined up and become a pilot he was wearing a pilot suit yeah he looks like he's working on a y-wing bomber detail or something like that but oh man that makes my heart so full getting like man um and yeah he's the second live-action Rebels character that we've gotten on screen after Chopper in Rogue one honestly I thought the next one was going to be Sabine and Hera in the Ahsoka show but like boom here's Zeb he looked really good too and he looked really good he looked great yeah like watching Rebels trying to imagine it in live action that's pretty much exactly what it looked like in my in my mind's eye so like they nailed it they nailed it and getting to hear Steve blum's voice again as Zeb like that was just that was just awesome awesome well we've only got two episodes left of this I think the season could stand to be a little longer personally but uh I think the next two episodes are gonna be very exciting because we're gonna be wrapping everything up and now that we have Gideon like pretty much confirmed to have escaped we have to see him right he's got to be showing up next they can't tease that and then let it linger like we have to see him that's true especially with this double agent Imperial [ __ ] lady who's just like you know yeah she's got to get hers too by the end of this season like we've gotta she's just like rubbing hips and like being super close to like the rest of the Republic spies and soldiers and it's like how how did you get this position like who the [ __ ] are you right yeah I think I think she has help I think she has Imperial help that's like pulling the strings and like killing the people in her way like there were probably a couple other amnesty people like ahead of her in line for those positions and they all met with accidents and suddenly the job opened and she was able to get it kind of thing like I can see there's definitely there's definitely more behind the scenes going on with her and we didn't get to see Pershing we didn't get to see just how bad the brain scramblies he has poor guy we may never see him again that might have just been like the end of he might have actually died from the Mind flayer we don't know um it was awesome getting to see Tim Meadows as a new Republic officer that was pretty great he played the cannibal in Brooklyn nine nine he was the uh city the city uh Planner on the office that uh Michael Scott takes to Chili's oh is that why he okay I was I thought he looked yeah yeah he was on SNL back in the day too gotcha I was like who is he he's freaking hysterical so seeing him in like like a straight guy deadpan role is like extra funny to me because I'm just like expecting a punch line because I see his face that's fair that's fair yeah no I'm super enjoying the season of the Mandalorian can't wait to see what happens next thanks for watching Everybody check out the rest of the channel for more content reactions and reviews uh this reaction was edited by nerd chronic to comply with fair use trimmed it down to 10 minutes but if you want to watch the full length version of this reaction it's available on patreon it's a link in the description of the video to the patreon page um we will get access to full-length reactions of all of our episodes of the Mandalorian and the bad batch and a couple other things and it really helps us out that you support the channel so thank you for that um thank you again and as always May the force be with you thank you
Channel: Kyle Katarn
Views: 68,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star, wars, starwars, kyle, katarn, react, reacts, reaction, review, fan, fandom, beard, freakout, star wars collection, helmets, mandalorian reaction, lekku, montrals, darksaber, beskar, grogu reaction, boba fett reaction, razor crest, destroyed, dark troopers, chapter 15, the believer, fresh paint, mayfeld, bill burr, season 3, the apostate, the convert, grogu, kelleran beq, ahmed best, order 66, grogu 66, zeb, zeb reaction, mandalorian zeb, rebels, zeb mandalorian reaction
Id: YDDmvuVJqbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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