"L'homme qui parle à l'oreille de ses chevaux"(English)- The man who speaks to his horses' ears

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half turn right Calin oh there, oh half turn right l The man who speak to his horses'ear Backward, backward, backward do not move ,b nnjkn Backward, backward, backward there I cleaned the bottom of the trunk, remove the legs from the tree and facilitate the task of the longshoreman and that it does not make a plow in the ground And then I'm going to make a directional hack cut in half and corner, to make it fall in this corridor the longshoreman will then take him out on this path So, we're going to flush out the wood, with this horse that is to say, that we will put it on the edge of the road, that borrows Jean-Baptiste with his bearer He is absolutely not afraid of the sound of machines! Oh no, it's a horse that has been working for 12 years At first I started with my father on tractors and then I quickly stopped, because I can not stand the tractor I think it's a machine that does a good job, but, that smashes nature horse, it does not destroy the nature With horses we do several things we mow the fields, we crush the grass, we work the vineyard, we plow we do market gardening the vineyard as a provider We worked this year, 4 hectares of vines in Mamers (Orne 61) Who have resumed their taste for life, because everything was about to burst by tractor compaction and harmful fertilizers and there, we work in organic This morning we are at the castle of Belmar, we start a work on the vineyard There are several jobs to do, the first thing is to train the person who will maintain this area He will work the vineyard with horses He has a basic training of winemaker The owners have taken the option of working the vine with horses Do, thus, super grapes that will give great wine He absolutely did not practice horses, he starts at "white" He starts well, approach the horses after, there is tillage that is different, with different tools It will take at least 2 years to train With cuts, of course, I come 3 weeks I go back 1 week ... that's it You have to learn to leave nothing on the floor you put the strings there Not to get stuck in the ropes and the horse does not stuck on it With the horse you have to be very precise Because if you make bullshit on the horse, then he does not trust you anymore We will say that it is a method, of rigor and precision back left! BACK left! tightens the rope gently, gently it is very sensitive to the mouth you do not tell him "a small step" so he moves more when you want him to move a little you tell him "little step" Well, I come, "not move" you! because after he understands where do you want to go? there ok, here you tell him right a step Oh right back very good, hue in front! and that's all, he understood we must anticipate and give the right order if you do not even know where you are going he knows you do not know, he's an old backpacker! I went to the United States, there were 18,000 Amish, there were not 2, but 18,000 I saw 20 000 to 30 000 horses, there They make 100 to 120 hectares per farm, only with horses we are not pastists, I think we are avangardists We try to work at fair value, the horses go 3 times slower than a tractor But do not ransack So, if everything was taken into account because the tractor is subsidized at 40 or 60 percent, while we are not subsidized And the pollution it emits, the settlement of the soil that it emits if everything was counted, I think we would be the cheapest but that should not be said because people never want to say that they were wrong but I think they were wrong, and that one day, we will take the right path I left in the forest, to meet no human being anymore it was a mistake, as there are everywhere human beings go hue in front, hue walk, yep Feelgood yep go, Feelgood hue very good Feelgood ! go bring the other horse! What happened earlier Mr Ricard? Well, the load was a little heavy I overestimated, so we had to put the third horse, but hey, this is very well spent without worry there, we had exceeded 7 tons there was a small hole the load was a little heavy anyway we go! go Ketter, hue! hue! oh, oh that's good brakes, brakes foot, gives here is, it's good wounded no, no it's "mud gall" we had a very very wet winters it makes them mushrooms and it takes a long time to cure "mud gall" this can make the infection you have to dry it clean, and that's "the oil of cad" and "the oil of cad" it is very good to cure the wounds of the skin it dries and sanitizes, the wounds "the oil of cad" strengthens the horn it's good against cracks and scratching of the hoof It's not just for pretty the rain did its job it washed them so, my grandfather who had mules and a adennais horse, like him always said, "a brush stroke is equal to two measure of oats" because the horse sees you taking care of him and you inspect him at the same time to see if he's hurt to brush it is a friendly touch and see if your horse is not wounded, if he was bitten because between them, in the field (they bicker) therefore, it is at the same time an inspection we also look, if it does not hurt back When we do that, if he bends his back, it's because he's hurting for example, this one, he is more sensitive when you do that, hey, he does not have back pain this morning he is already 16 years old They are horses that have worked a lot, we must see if they do not hurt If he has a backache, we call the osteopath, that's it, the thing is clear and if by brush, it does not move, it is that it has nothing and we can see if he has parasites (tics) see here, the insects begin to lay on the paws, are the flies les strongs (gastérophiles) the flies lay on the legs, the horse licks the paw he swallows the egg and it infects inside that's why we need to give them garlic to expel parasitic worms it is more or less ground, and we put a pinch every day, in the food Every morning, they have their small claw of garlic which prevents them from being infected with parasites and twice a year we make them a complete dewormer to be sure they are well cleaned which is good for the horse, but bad for nature because this product is still an insecticide There is often a counterpart This morning, what are you going to do Mr. Ricard? well, we're gyromash the fields Or there are thistles to prevent the spread of bad seeds to my neighbors what is the normal maintenance of the fields, to avoid the untimely spread and then that our field is clean the horses always make their dung in the same place and so, or the horse shits, he does not eat in these places, grows grass that is never pasted that's why every year, we mow them or we gyro crush them for maintenance of the cleanliness of the field mouth ! half turn In the United States, I saw 6 mules back! 6 mules trained, the rope on the ground as soon as the rope is on the ground, they know they must not move you have to teach him that when the rope is on the ground, it must not move and I said to myself, I want to do the same thing I want that as soon as the rope is on the ground, the horse does not move anymore mouth horse work, it must be nice you start the engine, Jean-Pierre back, back It takes about three quarters of an hour to harness two horses half an hour when it goes fast, but normally three quarters of an hour and then twenty minutes to uncouple for the Italian method, there are two possibilities you cross the guides in front or behind and for me, they are set to cross in front and we hold back the horse that goes fast, and we attach it to the one who goes slowly there it's good hue, walk in front oh, oh barely, barely we can see, there, modern equipment who does the same job, that a tractor of 70 horses a equipment that comes from the united states, an amish equipment which is made to maintain a farm of 70 to 100 hectares in the United States, the Amish, with 4 horses and this equipment, maintain 100 hectares but here in France, you need 3 tractors, one for each tool Because people do not want to take the time, change tools in the process here it is, the difference is there, there are people who work 7 to 8 people per farm of 100 ha and here in France there is one person for 500 hectares here is the difference and why there are so many unemployed there, we drink a drink, and give the horses a drink Ok ! He does not pull hard the old one it's half a camel, he does not drink much go, drink a little bit you see, he laughs oh yes, it's the mind when we get there, it's him who pulls all the load The old, him, follows behind quietly He says to himself, "oh well, I'll help him a little bit," but not too much he knows the music he is 13 years old and the other, is 3 years old so he has the passion of youth but he will quickly understand it is him, who pulls the load oh yes, he's pedaling at 18 years, they go to the vineyard or the garden, but they no longer work in forest, it's over for him he has 3 years left to do He knows very well, very well his job, he is a good manadge for the youth he is very well trained this young, it's been 2 days that he is on the carrier, the young he gives him a lot of confidence, he trains him well it is always very good to put in couple, an old and a young especially on an equipment like that he must learn, the noise, the movement of the machine and walk in the branches there is a whole learning, and the old one reassures him that's it, it's the end of the morning there, finished, finished he has the right to rest? oh yes, skidding is a violent effort, as you have seen which does not necessarily last long, but which exhausts the horse they need a period of rest, to rest at least for one hour, and then to feed themselves because horses like them who work hard must be fed If we want them to have energy they have to be fed not once, but several times a day how old is he ? he is 14 years old come on Come on, come on, come on, my old boy come on, my old boy come and have a drink of fresh water come on, my old boy slowly, slowly I did not take bread ... his name is Heris, he is the father of all our horses he is old He's retired now, since eight years He was a very good horse, a very good horse Animals who had worked hard Until the age of 18 they worked hard When they are over 25 years old it's already beautiful ... hum When you've been working all your life, with your work buddy, you're not going him to butchery, anyway! The trick, is still the respect of your work buddy, above all Fortunately people think a little like that, because I'm going to be retired soon, and I'm going to be butchered too Or to become ... organic fertilizer no, no, we must remember the good times together, eh Heris! yes, we went around France together and then he made 8 exceptional foals Oliver, Calin European skidding champion, Ursula vice champion of Belgium directed to the voice Look out! he has a prize list of child behind him who deserves to be pampered one day, we made a bet, he went back to an English pub I took a beer and him the same thing in a plastic cup he drank the beer oh yes, we did some things together good, Heris, we'll let you huh, now that you have had a good cool drink eat a little alfalfa, you did more mess than anything else so here we are on a ride Is this something you do regularly? yes, yes a horse like him of 4 years he must see life, because in the fields it is easy, there is nothing he must see cars, trucks, buses ... If you are with a horse that has never seen a truck, and you come across one, you are taking a risk In any case, thank you Mr Ricard for your welcome and for making us discover your world and we want the heavy horse to be more present in our society we would like it, they are so nice the working horse accompanies us in our hobbies, but especially not near fries and green beans ....
Channel: Ohi Tv - Olivier Borderie
Views: 246,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheval, chevaux lourds, percherons, Ardenais, JB ricard, olivier borderie, ohi tv, débardage, vigne, vin, jardin, maraichage, travaux forestiers, nogent le rotrou, forest logging, horse horses, heavy, skidding, vineyards, winegrower, vigneron, ballade à cheval, attelage, coupling, whispering, murmure, pmu, equidia, france télévision, bartabas, sabot, hoof, crinière, mane, stallion, étalon, american, usa, pensylvania
Id: 1ZI_9Zm4ht8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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