【功夫電影】男人追殺邪僧意外進入密道,竟習得乾坤大法成為絕世高手!| #kungfu ⚔️#功夫 #武侠

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Yang, I will kill you first. Who are you? Jiuyang Shengong, don’t run, stop, Miss Yun Zhan , miss , miss, don’t go. I already spared your life , but you are still like this. Miss , don’t think you have always been like this. If you look pitiful, I will show mercy to you . We haven't figured out your details yet. I 've done my best to keep you alive. Now I have to push even further. Miss, Miss, it's dangerous outside . Others don't know when they will attack, Miss. Don't go. Who wants you to pretend to be kind and let go ? Don't go. I, Yang Buhui, will kill you, the spy, today. Who are you, Buhui? Sister, what is it that makes you so angry ? Are you Wuji's brother? Guess Wuji? Brother , oh, my unrepentant sister has grown so big. It’s really you, yes, but why did you come here? You ca n’t bear to take me up to the Bright Summit. I saw Monk Yuan Zheng enter this room and then disappear, right ? Is there any other way out of this room ? Who is Monk Yuan Zheng? Who entered my room ? It’s a long story. Your father is injured in the main hall. Go and see him. My father is injured. I’ll kill him first. This treacherous minister can't be. Brother Wuji, you and this girl are not the same. How can it be? It's our first time to meet. How can we be the same as her ? You don't know . He is our maid , but his identity is very suspicious. He is very suspicious. It may be a spy sent by the six major sects. Now the enemy is attacking in large numbers. He must want to take the opportunity to harm us. He doesn't look like a bad person. It must be a misunderstanding. Don't be fooled by him. This girl is the best at pretending to be pitiful. Girl , you have no intention of harming others. I dare not, I dare not. You heard me? He even said he didn’t dare. If you don’t regret it, sister, just let him go. Okay, I’m going to leave him temporarily for the sake of brother Wuji today. I won’t pursue it anymore. If you are really a spy sent by the six major sects, even if Brother Wuji shows up again, I won’t let you go. I’ll go find my daddy . What happened to daddy ? Who asked you to come out ? What happened to you? You're so seriously injured. Dad, it's okay . Go find the leader of the Leimen Sect and tell him something happened to the general altar. Is this a girl ? Is this your lady's room ? Do you know that there is a mechanism in this room that leads to other places? I clearly saw Yuan Zhen coming in. But then he disappeared again. How could he disappear for no reason? This monk did many evil things and planted many sins. I must find him. Girl, if you know anything , please tell me . My life was saved by you, sir . I'll tell you. There is indeed a secret passage inside the bed. Come with me, are you okay? I'm okay . I was forced by emotion just now. I didn't mean to offend. Oops, we fell into a trap. Hahaha, this kid will die today . You're lucky to have someone by your side. Chen Kun, come here, you don’t have to waste your efforts. Just wait here to die. Hahahahahaha. Young master , you and I are strangers. Why are you so nice to me ? I’m just a lowly slave. You, your precious daughter, are doing it again and again. Why did you sacrifice your life to protect me ? I am a human being just like you. I am no more noble than you . Not to mention that you are a girl. Of course I have to take care of you. After this evil thief was seriously injured, he used his strength to move the boulder. The internal injuries should be aggravated. We can't run far. Look here, there should be another way out . It seems that Chen Kun deliberately planned for us to come here. I shouldn't have led the young master into the secret passage. This would be harmful to the young master. Hey , I'm not angry with you , nor do I blame you . I want you to bring me here. What's your name? My name is Xiao Zhang. Miss Wu Ting calls you brother Wuji. Is your first name Wuji? My last name is Zhang. My name is Zhang Wuji . Your chain looks like it's getting in the way. How about I help you get it? Break him off. No, the master and the lady will be angry. Just say that I broke him off. I'm not afraid of their anger. Just wait for me . It's okay. You close your eyes . When we get out , I'll ask Uncle Yang to give you the key. I'll help you open it. Master . Why are there so many barrels here? What are they used for ? I don’t know what’s in here. It’s gunpowder. Cheng Kun said he wanted to blow up Guangmingding. He should have prepared it. Cheng Kun is the monk just now. Hey, sir, we can use these. Gunpowder blows open the huge boulder blocking the exit. It's too dangerous. We may be blown to pieces. Let's get out of here quickly. Xiao Zhao . There seems to be a stone gate here. It should be the skeletons of Yang Jingtian and his wife. This should be there. I don't know if there is any other way out at the end. Congratulations, sir. What 's wrong ? This is the supreme mental method of Mingjiao martial arts. But there is nothing on it. Hey, Xiao Zhao , how do you know the secret on the sheepskin? The master told the lady that I overheard it. But they were Mingjiao believers , so they didn't dare to violate the canon rules and come to visit Taoist Master. Oh, there was only one letter, which must have been written by Master Yang to Mrs. Yang. Unfortunately, Mrs. Yang died before she had time to open it. Why don't we open it and see if it's okay? Okay, maybe Master Yang has some kind of legacy , I'm just afraid of misfortune. If Master Yang has any unfulfilled wishes, it would be a good thing for the young master to read it and tell the master and young lady to help Master Yang fulfill his wish. Okay, um, Madam Zhuang Ci, the woman returns home. The Yang family is dying day by day, and its lack of moral character has caused trouble. I should say goodbye to this woman forever. Forgive the life of the 32nd generation leader of the sect . After practicing the great movement of the universe, he led everyone to the Pasha General Altar to try to win back the Holy Fire Order. Then it originated from Pasaran and took root in China. It has been hundreds of years since the branches and leaves were scattered. Now the reinforcements are occupying me. Our religion swears to Zhou Xuan to the end. We will never obey the rude orders of Pasha Chief Religion and serve the Yuan people as our master . If the Holy Fire Order comes into my hands again, my famous Chinese religion can join Pasha. Chief Sha is protesting in a separate court. It turns out that this leader and Leader Yang are unwilling to submit to the Yuan Dynasty under the order of the chief leader. They are both good men with blood and backbone . Now Shen Gong comes out of the city on the fourth level to attack Qiankun. The blood is pouring. He cannot know that he is standing. It turns out that Master Yang already knew the private affairs of Mrs. Yang and Cheng Kun when he wrote this letter. Cheng Kun and Mrs. Yang were brothers and sisters, and they were good friends. Mrs. Yang went behind Yang's back after marrying Master Yang . The leader and Cheng Kun had a secret meeting in this secret way. After the leader Yang vented his anger during the practice, he went crazy and died. Mrs. Yang also committed suicide because her conscience was reproached. This is wrong for Mrs. Yang . Since she was in love with Cheng Kun, she should not marry the leader Yang . Didn’t she marry the leader Yang and get stuck with Cheng Kun? Her name was trusted by the deputy leader, but she was actually a sinner of the sect . Mrs. Pan started by writing a suicide note to summon the four great guardians of the light. Unfortunately, there were actually only three of them. With one life , whoever regains the Holy Fire Order will be the 34th leader of the sect. Those who have failed will be killed without mercy. Order Xie Xun to re-establish the position of leader. It turns out that leader Yang has already arranged for me to rely on Xie Xun to re-establish the leader. Xie Xun is the son's adopted father. It's a pity that Mrs. Yang died before she saw this letter. If my adopted father, both civil and military , had listened to Leader Yang's arrangement and temporarily established the leader, the Ming Cult would not have fallen into such a world . Hey, in this world. The Angry Heart Law was again under the control of Xie Xun. In the future, it was transferred to the new leader for the Great Self Cult, and the Yuan family was taken out to do good, evil, political affairs, and treachery . I respected the Holy Fire and returned to the new leader to encourage and encourage each other. The leader Yang immigrated to see that the purpose of the Ming Cult is really upright. It is a pity. The six major sects are trapped between the sects and are constantly in trouble. The Mingjiao really shouldn't hide the remaining skills of the imperial general. Men'er and Cheng Kun live together. The wife can escape through the secret passage. The empress dowager who can push away the hopeless disciple is a hero. It is expected that Cheng Kun's bones will rot and he will be worshiped by heaven . It turns out that leader Yang wanted to lock Cheng Kun into a secret room and die with him. Unfortunately, he went crazy while practicing kung fu and died , and Mrs. Yang also committed suicide . This made this Cheng Kun is extremely free. Hey, the letter said that there is a complete map of the underworld. Fortunately, with this map, we can get out. Unfortunately, the only exit was blocked by Chen Kun. Master Yang said in the letter that as long as you practice the great movement of the universe, you can push the stone door out . But In the world today, only Uncle Yang has practiced it. Even he said that his skills are still shallow. What’s more, we don’t know where Wu Wang is. Is it famous on the map? How should we find it? Wu Wang is one of Fuxi’s 64 positions. In Qianjin Fifth Middle School, Kun Jinzi has its yang in the south and its yin in the north. In this way , the hopeless position is between the Ming one and the Sui position. The exit should be from here . It should be from the outside . Yes , it is true. Although I can't do Kun University . Move , but I know the Nine Yang Magic Skills, I can give it a try. It sounds really good . You lied to me. What’s so good about my singing ? Who composed this song? I heard it sung when I was a child, so I memorized it. I don’t know who composed it. My mother used to sing it often. Sing to me . She sings as well as you. I really wish I could still hear her sing. Then why doesn’t she sing? She is dead . I will never forget the way my mother looked at me before she died . Speaking of which, she was also My adoptive father was killed by Chen Kun. Because Chen Kun went around killing people, he made many enemies. Later, many people in the martial arts community asked my parents about the whereabouts of my adoptive father. My parents were unhappy and were eventually forced to commit suicide. Young Master , as long as you are willing to listen to me singing every day. Let me listen to you, Mr. Zhang. Why don't you also practice this mind-shifting technique? Maybe you are so smart that you can master it in no time. All the sect masters in the past generations have outstanding talents. They have spent their entire lives and few have practiced it. I am here. How is it possible to surpass them? Anyway, you have nothing to do if you are stuck here. Just try it as much as you want . The Great Shift of the Universe is reversing the two qi of the universe - strong, soft , yin and yang. Xiao Zhao, I seem to have mastered it for the first time. Is it true that the first level was mastered so quickly ? Well, these first level mental skills are all about luck and reverse movement, and the skills are used to exert all the power. I also have the Nine Yang Divine Art to protect the body. It is not difficult. This first level mental method is not difficult. Those with high understanding can become a master in 7 years and 14 years. You are really smart and you can master it in no time. Try the second level. The second level of mental skills. Those with high understanding can become a master in 7 years and 14 years. If you have been refining it for 21 years and there is no progress , you can't refine it to the third level to avoid going crazy. There is no medicine. But has the sect of doctor , father and brother arrived? I thought that some secret thunder and fire rode on the spiritual energy sect, and then we arrived. Today we will It’s not good for Guangmingding to be razed to the ground. The color pattern is heavy. Ruijingjie’s Flood, Golden Order, and Fire Tribulation have all been lost. Dad’s six major sects are about to attack. It’s okay. Don’t be afraid. Send the order. Let me have the giant wooden flag and thick earth flag to defend the Guangmingding General Altar . I can’t. The military cavalry and rear cavalry that missed have suffered heavy casualties . The main knight and deputy knight of the rear cavalry have also been martyred. I'm afraid they won't last that long. It only takes two hours for us to recover. Even if you die, you have to defend me. This is an old way. Is it okay? Half an hour is enough. Cold-faced ghost, is it difficult for you to say something ? I have been waiting for you, King Fu, to fight for so many years. Now we can finally fight side by side. It is a happy thing just thinking about it. When they come up, I will suck them full. The blood leader’s spirit in heaven will also be grateful to us I sacrificed my life to protect the Holy Fire. Young Master, are you okay? Young Master, the fifth warehouse has been completed. Yes, the Great Shift of the Universe is indeed a wonderful skill. It can unleash the potential accumulated in the body, just like a person who has no power to tie a chicken at a critical moment. To be able to lift a thousand kilograms of boulders and move the universe is to be able to use strength that you can't usually use. By the way, how long have I been practicing for this fifth level ? About half an hour. Half an hour and half an hour. Okay, let's continue. Young Master, you still have the face. Why don't you go first? It's okay to have a rest . I feel very good physically and mentally. Dad , I see that this situation is worse than imagined. Five Elements Chess is about to be undefendable. Brothers , use your strength to get to Guangmingding as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be one step later and allow the six major factions to attack. Go up to the Bright Summit and return the owner to Yintianzheng. Although I have some issues with those people from Mingjiao, Mingjiao and I have their own origins. If Mingjiao is destroyed today, then our Tianyin Sect cannot survive alone. I should be facing Tianzheng. I swear to coexist with the famous generals. I swear to coexist with the famous generals. I swear to die with the famous generals. Senior brother, the general altar rushes to Guangmingding to evacuate quickly . Who is sneaking and planning to tip off the six major sects? Then I can't spare you. King of Hell, what are you doing ? Dad , it seems that this man's skill is not low. I bumped him a foot just now, and now I feel a cold air invading my limbs. Hum, could it be that the phantom sound refers to the phantom sound that refers to the Great Shift of the Universe ? It is based on a body of pure yang and a body of pure yang. The combination of Yin Qi and dual cultivation can be done at will without any intention or mind. Only the mind can very uncomfortable just now . I thought you were crazy and you scared me. I'm fine. But what have I accomplished ? The seventh level has been mastered , but the seventh level is much more difficult than the previous levels. Among them, there are 19 rounds. I really can't understand that I haven't mastered it yet . You can practice magical skills in such a short time. By the end of the film, you are really amazing. He is a martial arts prodigy. To say that I am far from a martial arts prodigy, my disciple Zhang Wuji accidentally acquired the Ming Cult's Great Shifting Magic Technique. It was to get out of trouble and survive. He did not intentionally steal the martial arts of the noble sect. After today's escape, he will definitely use this magical skill to serve the noble sect and never dare to I owe you the life-saving grace of the Ming Cult. The popes hereby ask you to bless Mr. Zhang to restore the Ming Cult and make the ancestors famous . I am not a Ming Cult disciple . I have long made it clear that I will never commit myself to the Ming Cult. But today I saw Master Yang. After the death, young master, we have succeeded. Let's go . Amitabha , take Yuan Zhen's neglected body and kill Guo Mingding. Haha , all the five elements chess have been lost . The six major sects have already attacked the entrance of the middle hall. These turtles and grandsons can't let them attack you unless they burn my Yang Xiao's. The body is waiting, are we injured like this now waiting for you to die? I made an oath when I first joined Mingjiao. As long as I am alive, I will not let these people set foot in the Holy Land . We have just been affected by Yuan Zhen's immortal energy. Don't talk about the six major sects. That is to say, other small sects and sects that our Mingjiao did not pay attention to before can easily kill us. Let’s evacuate here now, recover from our injuries, and then seek revenge from the six major sects later. The Zhoudian General Altar is the foundation of the Mingjiao. If the general altar is defeated, If the sacred fire is extinguished, what's the difference between destroying the religion and destroying the religion? We would rather die in battle than retreat without a fight. Can you save Mingjiao if you go? Can you save the sacred fire of the main altar if you go? I've told you that if you are afraid of death, you can leave by yourself. Yang Xiu, you said who is afraid of death ? If I was afraid of death, why would I still be sitting here ? Do you still remember the oath we made when we were first promoted to Mingjiao? All palaces, you said that as long as my disciples die, they will become Guangming Mingjiao without any selfish motives and die without regrets . Come on, you still remember what I thought Yang Xiu said about the Five Elements Chess people who have died heroically. Isn't this all to save the main altar? If they hadn't blocked the enemy for us, we would have had to sit back and wait for death. If we didn't stay in the main altar, we wouldn't follow. The six major sects will fight to the death. Are we worthy of our dead brothers? Yang Xiao, Wei Yixiao, I, Zhou Tian, ​​have surrendered to you this time. Well , then let us fight to the death with the six major sects . As long as the Mingjiao is still single-minded, I will fight to the death and burn my remains . The holy fire protects my Mingjiao and I will die without regrets. The raging holy fire burns my body and protects my Mingjiao. I will die without regrets. Amitabha Buddha has done many evil deeds and deserved them. Today, we will kill demons and destroy them. No one will be spared. Retreat. Ah ah ah . What should I do ? How can I, the Holy Land of Mingjiao , tolerate outsiders coming to trample on me? Yin Tianzheng Today, the six major sects are encircling and suppressing Guangming. You have nothing to do with the Sky Eagle Sect. Go away. If you want to get in, then you can destroy our Sky Eagle Sect first. You don’t want to toast, eat or drink as a penalty. You can drink any kind of drink in the Sky Eagle Sect . Disciples, listen to the order. Today, the Sky Eagle Sect and the Ming Sect coexist in life and death. If there is a single mind , humans and gods will fight together , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, let me go away , everyone, let’s not waste time here, let’s go in , go in, go in , charge, White Eyebrow Conspiracy You are also here . Mingjiao is in trouble. How can I not come? Mingjiao is my root. I have offended you many times in the past. I apologize to you again. Master Yang, please rise. Now let us work together to defend Mingjiao. Let us work together to defend Mingjiao . We will treat death as if we are home. I will treat death as if we are home. As long as I am still alive. With one breath, I will swear to defend Mingjiao to the death . Young Master, we are finally out. Yes, let's go quickly. Good Young Master, you see they have put on the light roof. Let's hurry up the mountain. Master Yin, your sect is gone. Why should we add more casualties? There is no one who is greedy for life and fear of death among our Mingjiao people. To protect our Mingjiao's holy fire, we will definitely do it today. We are going to fight you bloody battle to the end. Why do Zhang Sixia and these evil cult monsters say anything? Today we will root out these evil heretics together and wipe out the country . The wind guides the rudder. The more you bully the less, what you did today will definitely be ridiculed by the people in the world. If you are really capable, then stand up and fight with me, Yin Tianzheng, alone. If I lose, then God has the eyes and the intention to destroy my Mingjiao. If you are the ones If the so-called decent family loses, get out of the country right away. If we win without force today, we will inevitably lose our temper. Why don't we just follow the wishes of Senior Yin ? This will not damage our reputation as a decent person. Let's let those people go. Demonic cult demons , evil people and outsiders are dead. I am convinced. Master, then there is a junior, please invite that Zhang. You are welcome, Senior Yin. I admire Zhang Sixia’s outstanding internal skills. I am ashamed to say that you are Xiaoxu’s fellow senior. Do we have to decide the outcome today? Just now, this junior took one more step back and already lost half the move. Yes, Master Ying. Since you just mentioned me, Brother Zhang Wu, this junior just wants to settle an old score with you. My brother Zhang Wu and Brother Yu are both. I was harmed by your Tianying Cult. My master, he is a magnanimous old man and will not hold me accountable anymore. Mo Shenggu has always been holding on to the hope of getting justice for them as soon as possible. The head of the Eagle offended my father. Thanks to the seniors for showing mercy. This time, the six major sects are attacking. Mingjiao has come. Tianyinjiao has separated from Mingjiao and established its own branch. Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows this. Senior, why do you need to go through this troubled water ? Hahaha. Song Daxia’s good intentions are accepted by me. As one of the four great guardian Dharma kings of Mingjiao, I am currently Mingjiao. Is it possible to put yourself in the governor's veins ? I will protect my teachings with my body. Song Daxia , please stop. Seniors have already fought with several people. It's too unfair to fight now . We are only comparing moves . It's not as good as experience . Song Daxia told Mr. Yin that my surname is Zhong. Let's settle an old score with you. Uh, my elder brother , Master Yin, now. He has been seriously injured. If you hurt him now, you will be defeated by force. If you are seriously injured, this person from the Demon Sect will pretend to be mysterious . Since he has broken off the limbs of my third brother, how can this be a boundary between our Kongtong Sect and the Heavenly Sect ? The killer of your Wudang sect is your elder brother's Seven Injury Fist . However, the world-famous leader Yin is already like this. How can he still withstand the three powers of your elder brother? Before the Erxia and Six Great Sects came to the Western Regions, you had established a disciple. Come and help the leader of the demon sect? No matter how tough the Wudang sect is, you can’t run amok in everything. Brother Song, now is the critical moment for us to have a life-and-death showdown with the Ming sect. We only ask the Ming sect for war against the Kneeling sect and the Heavenly sect. The grudges between the Yin Cult will be sent to you later. Senior Ye, please lead the followers of your sect down the mountain. Okay, since I can't touch your Tianying Cult , then I will destroy the memorial tablet of the leader of the Ming Cult and destroy your life of the Ming Cult . The heroes of all the demon sects have exhausted their strength and will exterminate all the remnants of the demon sect . After this is done, the Wudang sect will search in the east. The Emei sect will search in the west. Do not let anyone be caught. The Kunlun sect prepares fire to burn the demon sect's lair. The Shaolin disciples each take their magic weapons and go . Leader Yin is below. I'll give you a ride, ah, ah , ah , ah , brother Wuji , brother Wuji , aren't you afraid of the ridicule of the world for treating a seriously injured old man like this ? Who are you, besieging the city and interfering with me ? My name is Zeng Aniu. This old man's life is mine. I don't want to die . I'll get out of the way and thank you little brother. Hey, Xiao Qingxian Zongdao, your Kongdong sect's Seven Injury Fist is nothing special. Let 's fight again. You're so classy. Take my three moves of the Xunshan Fist. You seniors , wait for the juniors to take a few moves for you first. If so . It’s not too late for the juniors to lose, seniors. Little brother, you don’t seem to be a member of this religion. May I ask who is your disciple? I don’t belong to the Ming Cult or the Sky Eagle Sect , but I have been in love with the seniors for a long time. Today I can talk to him. If you fight side by side, that's our thing. Oh , you inexperienced boy. What are you? I'm going to let you know today. I know how powerful my Kongtong sect's Seven Injury Fist is. I've admired the power of my Kongtong sect's Seven Injury Fist for a long time . Shaolin Monk Space Master . Did he die under the Seven Injury Fist of your sect? Was he a parasitic power? He was a parasitic clan. Maybe he was from the Kongtong sect. How could he be like this? The monk with the empty sword was killed by the evil thief Xie Xun. No one in the rivers and lakes knows who I am with the Kongtong sect. What does it matter? You said it was Senior Xie who killed him. You saw it with your own eyes. Isn’t it? Then why did you say it was Senior Xie who killed him and blame him? Xie Xun, who has shed blood everywhere with these nine bloody words, actually pretended to be his master's name. No one in the world knows what's suspicious about this. Did you see it written by Senior Xie with your own eyes ? Anyone can write these words . If I insist on saying "Kong" So what if it is written by the Kongtong sect. It is easy for you to write but difficult to practice. Master Kong Zhi dares to ask whether the divine monk Kong Jian was indeed killed by the Kongtong sect’s Seven Injury Fist. Yes, Amitabha and the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun is not from the Kong sect, right? Who is this person named Zeng who instigated you to take action here? No one instigated me. I just hope that the six major sects will stop making peace with Mingjiao. Only you can stop me. Qichang Fist. Besides, Seven Injury Fist is harmful and unhelpful. It is not appropriate to practice Seven Injury Fist. It’s a joke . How can I say that the stunts of my Kongtong sect can hurt myself? Back then, my master, Mr. Mulinzi , was world-famous for his injury authority. How can I say that I am 91 years old and can hurt myself? You are just talking nonsense, senior Mulinzi. Deep internal strength can naturally be practiced. It is not only harmless , but also strengthens the internal organs. The younger generation can see the internal strength of the seniors . If the internal strength of the seniors has not reached that level, it will be useless if you insist on it. What you are implying is that I am not good at internal strength yet. Do you dare to ask the seniors to practice Qishengquan? Is there a dull pain in Yunmen point, Wuli point, Qingling point? How do you know that I don't know that I sent this palace? How is this possible? Second brother , what are you talking about? He actually looked down on our Seven Injury Fist and let him eat one of me. Taste the martial arts of the Shaolin School. You are from Shaolin. I don’t belong to any sect. Can Deng Shaoxia teach me the power of the three fists of the west chamber ? You bully the small ones with the big one . What kind of hero is Xiao Zhao? Negotiate the power injury. Don't worry if you can't help me. Dare you ask Senior if the Yunmen point on your shoulder no longer aches? Shaoxia Zeng's magical skills are indeed amazing. I was a little rude just now. But Shaoxia Zeng ignored past grudges and used his internal strength to heal my wounds. This kind of kindness and righteousness can repay resentment with kindness. I can't thank you enough, old senior. If the senior can trust the junior, then the junior will try to save him after today's matter is resolved . However, senior Zong's eight meridians and eight meridians have been severely slashed at this moment. He must immediately tease his luck. I thank you, senior Zeng Shaoxia, the Guiyang Five Dragons of Qin Yugui's sect. The anointing of the Wudang Sect's Three Emperors Bao Wax and the Huashan Sect's Yuzhen Powder medicine were given to the senior. After two months, his limbs were healed. Thank you, poor monk, for curing my Broken Bone Soup . I can't thank you enough for this friendship. I will definitely repay you in the future. However, the grievances between the Kong Tong Sect and the Demon Sect can not be resolved by your small kindness. Seniors, please listen to the words of the juniors. The grievances and grievances between you and the Ming Cult are all caused by Cheng Kun alone. He fell into his trap and fell into this trap. Chen Kun had a personal grudge with the leader of the Ming Cult, Yang Dingtian, so he deliberately planned to kill the Ming Cult . Unfortunately, his abilities were limited, so he was determined to sow discord between the six major sects and the Ming Cult. He borrowed the help of his disciple Xie Xun to let the Ming Cult be killed. Mingjiao formed a good relationship with the six major sects. In order to make Xie Xun a murderer, he did not hesitate to kill his family of thirteen. Last night, Chen Kun sneaked into the president of Mingjiao and confided the matter in person. Yang Zuo, Wei Fu, Wang Wu, and others all heard this with their own ears. Indeed , if I have even half a lie, heaven and earth will be destroyed and everyone will be calm. At this time , I must find out Zeng Shaoxia. Then where is Chen Kun now? Chen Kun later joined the Shaolin sect and became a disciple. His name is Yuan Zhen Shaolin. Is it Shaolin? Hum Yuan Zhen’s master’s decree is my senior brother Kongjian. A disciple of the Shaolin sect who has deepened his Buddhist knowledge and has not left the temple for many years except for this expedition to the famous teachings, how can he make the Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand become Kun? Master Zeng, don’t talk nonsense here and repeatedly slander me, the master of the Shaolin sect . Don’t be moved. Please ask Yuan Zhen to come out and confront him face to face , and then we can defeat Yuan Zhen with the truth. The six major sects have fought hard against the evildoers for me, and they have gone through all the evil. The Master’s words are true. Although Amitabha Yuan Zhen deserved what he deserved , he has died inexplicably. From now on, there is no way to prove the contrary. What should I do? Donor Zeng, do you have anything else to say? You are so young and you never imagined that your heart is so sinister. You know that Yuan Zhen is dead and you have pushed all your sins onto him. I really can’t stand it. Donor Zeng, Mr. Zheng, hey, you brat. Are you running away or not competing in martial arts ? Well, junior , just take the senior's moves . If the junior loses, naturally follow the senior's instructions. If Shengde handles the matter with one move , ask the Shaolin sect to withdraw from the Guangmingding Shaolin sect. It's up to my senior brother to decide . But if you break After seeing my Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand, I immediately returned to the Shaolin Temple and never left the temple to accept the moves . Hey , how could you know my Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand ? Martial arts all over the world have different paths leading to the same goal. The factions are man-made. This road is man-made, and the Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand’s capture skills may not be the same. Unique to the Gui sect , ah ah ah, the old benefactor, Gao Ming , was so convinced that he lost. He was always arrogant and thought that he had learned the Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand. No one in the world could beat the Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand. The prestige of the Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand was ruined by my hand . It doesn’t matter if this hand is useless . Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand defeated the master and the prestige of Shaolin was harmed. If it were not for fighting against the master with the unique skills of Shaolin, I believe that there is no second martial arts in the world that can surpass the master. Zeng Benzhu was benevolent and righteous. I admired Amitabha. Zeng Shaoxia’s magical skills are unparalleled. I am deeply impressed. I don’t know why. Is there any disciple of the senior master who can tell me? Your Excellency, Mr. Yu Tonghu, the leader of the Huashan Sect, once mentioned to me that this person hated him to the bone. Zeng Shaoxia has always concealed the origin of his apprenticeship. Is there something in it? Is there an unspeakable secret? I didn’t gamble in the depths of Miao territory, and I didn’t kill the girl I met in Jinlan. How can there be any unspeakable secret? Since the young hero refuses to tell the disciples, I will ask for advice in person. However , the juniors should ask the seniors for Huashan sect martial arts. However , Master Xianyu’s skill in repaying kindness and ungratefulness is probably unparalleled. Master Xianyu has something to ask you. You were poisoned and narrowly escaped death . Mr. Hu Qingniu stayed awake for three days and three nights to cure you. We are sworn friends with you again, Jinlan. Why are you so cruel to kill his sister? People in martial arts pay attention to repaying kindness and repaying grudges. Never mind that Yixian is a member of the Mingjiao. You have been greatly favored by the Mingjiao. Today, you lead your disciples to attack the Mingjiao like you. You are not as good as a beast . You have the face to be the leader of a faction. You are talking nonsense . Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, brother , please save me. I am freezing to death. ah, ah, please save me, please save me, save me, save me , Huashan. I didn’t expect that the upright man who sent me to a famous family would have the unique skill of poisoning. Please see, big brother, this is really poisonous. The head of a dignified sect actually resorted to such despicable methods. Are you ashamed ? Please kill me quickly. Kill me quickly. I want to heal you , but I don’t know what kind of poison this good death is. I’m afraid it’s difficult to cure. This is golden silkworm poison. You can’t save me. Kill me quickly . Kill me . Kill me. I can save you . But The only condition you have to agree to me is that if I ask you something, you must answer it honestly . If there is even half a lie , I will ignore you and let you suffer for seven days and seven nights. It will be uncomfortable when your flesh and bones are exposed. If you can really save me, what can I say? I promise you all, I promise you all. Then please tell me honestly what evil things you have done in your life. It’s true. There are no seniors. If you don’t tell me, I can’t help you . Wait, wait, wait. I’ll tell you. Brother Bai Yu is the one I use gold for. You killed Baiyun who was killed by silkworm poison. Why did you say that he died at the hands of the Ming Cult ? Brother Baishi knows that I harmed Hu Qingliu’s sister. I can only kill him to silence him. Brother Wan, Brother Wan, Brother Wan, please forgive me. Yes, I killed you. Who told you to force me so hard at that time ? If you tell me about Miss Hu, Master will definitely not be able to spare me. I can only kill you to silence you. Brother Bai, please spare me . Come on, Brother Bai, the senior White Apes of the Huashan Sect were not killed by the Ming Cult . The grudge between you and the Ming Cult was a misunderstanding. Now the truth is revealed . This person is a traitor to our sect. We are cleaning up the sect. Why do you want to interfere? First , I have What you said when you promised to cure the poison on his body cannot be ignored. The sect dispute between the Second Gui sect . Please return to the Huashan sect and clean it up after it is not too late. Mr. Zeng, you helped me, the Huashan sect, figure out a major matter in the sect. I am so grateful that I, the White Ape Master, can be redressed and Xue Xia is wronged. But you asked me to send Huashan to make a fool of myself in the first place. My two brothers have fought for their lives with you. You are right . We will beat you one by one. If you think it is unfair. Just admit defeat right away. Let ’s go out of Confucianism and then clean up the portal. Two seniors. If you lose, you will ask Huashan School to teach for the sake . The law is unpredictable . Attacking the enemy with a scythe is a fool's errand. We are afraid that you will fight alone , one against one. Now that you have promised us to fight one against the other , you will definitely lose. We are not allowed to go back on our words. We are just puppies. I will never go back on my word and ask my senior to show mercy. The use of our sword is becoming more and more fierce and ruthless. I will never be polite. I will never say a word less. If it is successful, say a word less. Of course, but I am looking at this kid. Yes, it's a pity to kill him with one knife, so I warned him in advance to take precautions. Our set of Liangyi swordsmanship is contrary to Liangyi and should not be routine, right? Come on, let me say it. Hey, please don't say that the two of us are bullying. You, you, can't defeat our two swords with your bare hands. You might as well choose a sword weapon. Well, go ahead. Thank you, senior. That junior will use this folding fan as a weapon. There is golden silkworm poison in this fan. If it spreads , it will be terrible. What the senior said is that it is up to the senior to decide what weapon I use. Well, let him take advantage. Well, then I will give him a handy weapon. Thank you both . Come on, you have ah, you have offended the junior and the two of you. Just kidding, um, this person is very skilled in martial arts. His surname is Zeng. If you have the ability, what are you going to do with us? Please listen carefully. I just want to resolve the feud between the Gui sect and the Ming sect. There is no other doubt. The grievances between the Huashan sect and the Ming sect are not limited to this. It’s you, the kid, who can defeat the Huashan School’s anti-Liangyi swordsmanship. The moves are not too vague. Hahaha . Thank you and Madam for your compliments. I just don’t know who is better than the Kunlun School’s Zhengliangyi swordsmanship. Today, the four of us will take it. With my little baby, I want to learn the martial arts of the two schools of Huashan and Kunlun. Zeng Shaoxia, please teach me the swordsmanship and magical powers of my seniors. I would like to raise your noble hand and ask Zeng Shaoxia to choose the weapon of his own. Thank you . I will use this coal as a weapon to learn the clever moves of the two schools of Huashan and Kunlun . Well, Taoist Priest Xihuazi, Fusheng Boundless Heavenly Master, said in panic, " My child, you have such a strong tone. How dare you not take the kung fu of my Kunlun and Huashan sects seriously ?"
Channel: 枪神小葵
Views: 643,005
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Keywords: 戰爭, 特種兵, 特種部隊, 軍旅, 國軍, 日軍, 共軍, 國劇電視頻道, 抗戰, 功夫大師, 狙击手, 抗战, 抗日战争, 中国, martial arts, 八路军, martial arts fight, martial arts movie, kung fu, fight, 动作, 历史, troops, Chinese television dramas, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, action, action movies, kung fu movie, eight route army, 抗日神剧, Second Sino-Japanese War, 战争剧, 战争片, 抗日电视剧, 抗日剧2022, 抗日战争剧2022, 抗日, 功夫, 功夫片, sniper, 中國軍, Kung Fu, 抗日剧, 軍旅劇, 軍旅劇精選, 電視劇, 抗日戰爭劇, 2023好劇推薦, 熱門連續劇, 地雷英雄传, 枪神小葵
Id: DLlB4M1A-g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 10sec (4930 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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