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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to episode number three of cosmic prisons we are here in the iron mine of the Prison Service you guys didn't know we're playing on these iPhone planet and uh yeah we have a lot of players online right now as you can see we are almost completely maxed out on the syphon prison planet you guys have been absolutely killing it and in honor of you guys being the most amazing viewers in the entire planet we have just reset our blue planet it's awesome okay you need to go check it out and not only did we just do this but there's a 40% sale off on the webstore now the sales only gonna be going on for 24 hours so if you want to play on Oulu by all means you definitely want to buy a rank buy anything you can right now and then take advantage of that sale but if not if you want to play on the Zion planet with myself and Rob and go ahead and do so but who's the save you won't be playing on Hulu once this season is done ladies and gentlemen it's time with a video where we spin the wheel and we give away an amazing item to you lovely viewers here on the cosmic prison server okay it's gonna be pretty nifty galifty drifty i think you guys are gonna like this all you have to do to be entered is leave a like down below on the video come at your minecraft name down below and subscribe to the youtube channel let's do this thing I'm gonna give it a nice good old spin [Music] No oh my gosh guys guys this is huge somebody just won a $200 rank here on cosmic prisons calm this is the top rank so I'm on our store right now because I want to show you guys what you just won this right here tier 5 top ranked $200 and you just want this and it comes with all of this amazing stuff you get a legendary contraband crate you get all of these different commands this is huge I mean you could yeah oh wow I guys I'm so excited to announce whoever wins this because this is freaking huge man all I gotta say is may the best man or woman win all right guys so back to the work at hand it is time to get up to level 25 we were talking about this in the last episode which if you guys didn't go see it you should check it out down below in the description we have a playlist to all of the episodes I actually died while I wasn't recording so if you noticed why I'm not wearing my leather gear in the last episode of if my pickaxe is different it's because I died I wasn't paying attention I warped to the iron mine somebody killed me and then I think they even killed themselves because they killed me before the warden killed them so that was very interesting I wasn't really happy that I lost a lot of my gear but it definitely happened and I deserved it but I mean look if you guys are enjoying the cosmic prison series make sure you guys leave a like down below and subscribe I'm having an absolute blast doing an actual series for you guys you know what I'm proud of myself this is my third prisons episode and I've already done like five episodes of factions I like literally putting out two to three episodes a week combined on both of the series but at least one of each every week and that's a pretty big improvement because normally I would have quit by now Slayer did I do two episodes of Prisons last season II think you did furry okay so we're tied now but that's good it's like a week and a hat for wordy time that's a big improvement over I think I did like two episodes in two months so we are making progress ladies and gentleman and not only I'm making progress in our episodes but we are making progress in our levels and by the way don't forget if you guys want to come play cosmic presence calm I'm also on the Kosmic client what you guys can find down below in the description is absolutely free it's got all these awesome mods settings like everything so you can customize your client and we've got a lot of cool features coming with a custom cosmic client that's gonna be coming here very soon so other than the features that's already in here you definitely want to be using this if you're playing it's gonna make it 10 times better to get flicker than FPS in the top left hand corner I got 400 FPS look at the count look how big this - and there's like so many people you need to be on this client right now if you're not on it what do you do it get on the client anyways that is besides the point guys if I do G top right here you can see our gang is doing pretty good we are now in the top 10 on the top charts for the amount of worth that our gang is worth I make even sound a lot more complicated than it should be I don't know why but we were getting up there we are the ninth richest gang right now we're kind of far behind the the top guys I forgot what what Slayer do you know what what is Rob's gang this season you know their name daddy it's daddy wait it's white daddy it's it's daddy okay so I don't think I see daddy is it maybe it's gtalk - no um nom math anon Jeter okay I mean I don't know what to say about that Bakshi name I mean that gang name but ladies and gentlemen level 25 let's go hit the dead for that one just got six uncommon charges well I'm gonna go ahead and roll these guys and you know what I'm gonna roll all the showbread immunity that home let me let me know we're gonna right-click our shard and then shift-click our shards and then we're gonna roll off our shards you get random items from shards like I see I got 6000 XP it's not too bad I'm sorry not XP I call it XP but its energy uncommon enchant Oh a charge or you know Slayer I really still need to learn how to use charge orbs I still don't think I'm fully understand what a charge orbits yeah and the quite impotent okay so it just says this will make your pickaxe aim gain energy + 2 % faster but it will consume one of the charge orb slots on your pickaxe if you're charged if your slots are full it will attempt to remove a lower percentage charge orb so how do you know how many slots you can you get away you're gonna have ten on this one yeah you can have a max of 10 and then if you prestige the pickaxe you can have up to 15 okay so this pickaxe I have right now only has three charge orb slots okay well I'm not gonna waste it on this one and the reason I'm telling you guys that right now is that if we type in slash levels you need to be level 30 mining to use this pickaxe all right the stone pickaxe we've been using wood for a super long time right now and one level 25 which means we're only five more levels away from getting that delicious stone pickaxe it's gonna be amazing so I'm gonna save my charge orbs for whenever I can use the stone pickaxe now one thing I mentioned in the last episode is if you type in slash help mining ores then you can see what ores you can mine at which mining levels so if you see right here I need to be level thirty-two mine lapis well you can actually mine at five levels sooner if your pickaxe is level 20 or higher I unfortunately like I mentioned at the beginning of episode died with my over level 20 pickaxe so this one is only level 6 so I either need to enchant my pickaxe and use my cosmic energy to get it to level 20 or I need to probably go harass my faction so I keep saying faction I need to go harass my gang and I need to give a level 20 pickaxe I'll be back once I got my level 20 pickaxe don't ask me how I got this level 20 pickaxe but I did and we are going to be using this to mine some lapis now there's only one problem we have to get to the lapis mine without dying now I know I just showed you guys how to view what level you can mined certain ores by doing what was it / help mining ores but there's actually an easier way you can just type and /warp and this shows you the different mines that you can warp to and it tells you right here that lapis is unlocked at level 30 so it's actually you could tell what level you can mined but don't forget if you have a pickaxe that's level 20 for example if I had a stone pickaxe that was level 20 and my mining level was level 45 like I can actually mine redstone at level 45 instead of the required level which is level 50 so I actually have the coordinates to where I need to go to get to the lapis mine i'm just got to try to do without dying so hold on a second i'm gonna add a waypoint it's why you gotta use the cosmic client cuz this is built into it it's awesome you know we're gonna make it blue i like the color blue hope okay i got a name it lapis oh that makes sense blue and it's lapis alright so it looks like we have to go north it's like 500 meters so the really nice thing right now guide says that I have top ranked on our server because I am a you know I'm just a gangster man I mean playing for playing prisons so of course I'm a gangster I'm in a gang but with slash jet you could do some pretty cool things you can you could go up you can jet and oh my god does a guy in gold gear who's gonna kill me if he sees me okay this was a really really bad idea because if you look at the right-hand side of the screen aka the scoreboard you can tell that there is no guard being watched no guard is watching me right now and what does that mean exactly that means I could get killed but this definitely looks like the lapis mine loose looks so cool look at it it's like blue and there's like lapis everywhere that's the guy that's got wool and it's icy and I really hope I don't die boy I don't want to die oh yes yes Oh warden thank God please nobody was chasing me okay there's wardens everywhere guys it's safe we're safe if you see wardens you know you're not gonna die nobody can kill a warden at least not yet I mean they're I mean you could still get killed before the warden kills them just know that right now we're safe and look at this oh that's the spawn for the lapis thing so to unlock each mine you have to mine and or from that mine and actually since I'm not level 30 I don't know if I'm going I think you know I think it should unlock I gotta find out what where is this mine at oh it's huge it's like it's like an entrance check it out guys are mining lapis yes I just unlocked the lapis minds oh good alright so now I can get rid of this stupid Waypoint can i I got it no I don't wanna create another game how do I get rid of waypoints wait hold my cosmic client got it boom there we go I got I got rid of it I don't know if I'm allowed to use the slash feed command guys but I just did so now we have got some grinding view we have got to grind up to level 30 but lap is checking out the right-hand corner so I need 10,000 XP to get to the next level but I think iron was giving me like 10 to 12 XP look at how much lapis is giving me it's giving me like iron so we're at 9,000 950 and bam it's giving us like 19 XP every or and we can sell this for way more money than what we were selling iron for so we're we're kind of making it right now guys we are doing some big things so I am just gonna sit here I'm gonna grind for a little bit I'll see you I'm almost level 30 all right guys as you can see now I've been grinding man got level 28 on my level 28 on my account now I wanted to show you guys how in-depth the lapis mine is because I feel like I really didn't do it justice I kind of just came here then I've been power leveling and since I've been doing all my power leveling I didn't really get to show you guys quite how amazing this mine is look at it you even got people wearing gold now in these mines no there's a piece of paper on the ground somebody to drop three dollars so you want to be careful because if you're in prisons and you're mining you want to make sure that warden's can see you in there nearby and you can tell by you can tell that by the right hand screen if you see that there's guard XP tax then you know there are guards nearby that will protect you from people trying to kill you which is really nice to know and there's a lot of people wearing gold which is very very interesting so I'm gonna actually do is I'm gonna type in levels again and if you go to Gold you have to be level 30 mining so once we hit that level 30 threshold which is we're very close we can use golden gear and a stone pickaxe but we can't use a golden big axe and so we are level 50 now thankfully my gang has been so kind to me as to extract some of their mining XP and to give it to me so I can powerlevel myself out from level 28 to about 30 maybe even 31 if you type in XP limit you can see how much XP that you can use in a 24 hour period so right here I can only use 41,000 the reason we do that is so you can't just give people XP and then power level them up a crazy amount so you just have a certain amount that you can use every day and of course if you wanted to Slayer you could extract your own XP and sell it right yeah so it's you know it's a way to make money if you guys want to do that especially if you just want to grind you don't wanna buy things on the store so I'm gonna drink this for now and as you can tell my levels are going up I'm okay I'm hitting a lot of levels so we just got the level 30 okay we got to level 30 and halfway to level 31 which is super super hype and you know what I got slightly boosted okay slightly boosted I'm seeing some GG's in the chat which is awesome nobody's timing me i boost it or anything like that so every five levels you're gonna get the shards you guys have seen me use them they give you a little bit of goodies you know we want to ward you guys for working hard on our servers so here we go we're gonna roll these shards we might get some good items maybe we'll get some gold stuff and if you notice by the way the shards are now elite and the reason they are elite is because I'm now thirty which is awesome so it looks like oh we got a go chess play we can actually equip this now we got some raw energy which we can combine we got some or we can sell nothing nothing too crazy or anything like that but I'm a withdrawal everything here and let's see so we got some uncommon dust I got some energy I'm gonna combine these bad boys together and you know I'm also gonna do just slash sell all I'm just gonna I'm just gonna get rid of I'm just gonna I'm just gonna let's just sell everything okay there we go and look at that I look like a total noob right congratulations to Kayla Johnson for winning episode twos giveaway we love cosmic whatever you guys want to call it Kayla won a magnificent item a mystery CC here on the Saipan planet of cosmic prisons calm these things go for like I mean Slayer how much didn't go for like 60 bucks e so you just got a $60 item for free and her in-game name is Rex a corn so thank you so much all you guys have to do to be enter to end me giveaway for the next episode is leaving like comment down below your minecraft username and subscribe to the YouTube channel and that's it alright congratulations all you have to do to claim your award mrs. rex a corn or Kayla login to the server type and slash claim and bam right here you will see your mystery CC so what are you doing for what wait waiting for don't claim it get it done it is time for us to get rid of this wooden pickaxe you have serves you've served us very well wooden pickaxe very very well but it is time for us to part wait and oh yeah don't forget by the way guys I have a G kit I think I unlocked it in the second episode of the enchanter G kit which Slayer you can usually gets every three days right yeah look at that so the enchanter G kit pretty awesome if you preview it you get different types of enchants and you also get energy and then I think you get to get a charge orb Slayer or is that a chance you get it and this is a chance there's a chance so this time I got a white scroll which is awesome so if I apply this to any is any P it only works on pickaxes and satchels you guys don't know what satchels are so don't worry about it for now but you can apply this to a pickaxe so if you die with your pickaxe you're actually gonna keep your pickaxe but it removes the Wyatt scroll it's really nice in case you get ambushed in the prison which you know real prisons man there's ambushes you got it be careful and we got a whole bunch of dust and a whole bunch of other good stuff instead 128,000 raw energy which is incredibly hype and then you know what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna pop off these enchants see what kinds we get over here there's God there's so many different in chance oh my gosh I think we just got one of these we got a really good inch in enlightened three Slayer how good is enlightened three tell the viewers your lion free is probably one of the best tensions you can get for your own yep and I just unbox it including enlightened to so type in /spawn before I die PV this stuff up because I don't really want to lose it so I'm in the wilderness and I've brought with me a lot of good items these are G kit flares some of them are fractured which means that you have an extremely low chance to get this G kit but there's still a chance nonetheless and I just realized something I forgot my pickaxe but fear not because I have the top rank on our server if I do slash kit I can go over to rank kits I can click on it and then if I click on the Overlord kit boom because it's the top rank I will get all this gear and will give me a random enchants on it so I'm actually gonna put all this on because somebody finds me I would like to at least have a chance before I die except here's one of the problems ladies gentlemen I may or may not have forgotten - oh I realized also we can use the golden sword which is pretty cool but I forgot to grab a pickaxe and you Slayer you need a pickaxe to mine these don't you well you can use your hands but I would say it's best to use your pick alright so we'll be right back 2,000 years later let it be known to all that I am the dumbest youtuber that has ever lived in the entire planet of the earth anyway so we're gonna start off with the fracture G key flares because these pretty much have no chance that I'm going to get them and I don't know if it was a good idea for me to bring all of these really valuable flares on me at the exact same time because other players and see this right here so I might mind these go to spawn and then come back because this is really dangerous what I'm doing really really dangerous okay so what you have to do now that I've spawned these in is you have to sit here and you if the mined them it takes a long time it's dangerous but you get really good gear from it and you have a chance to get the G kid but like I said if it's fractured you not as I have a chance but there is still a chance and I believe I'm hoping I'm praying I'm believing why did I bring all my G kit flares on me this is such a stupid idea okay so we just got that one so it's gonna automatically put everything in my inventory don't worry it looks like I'm taking damage but that's just the animation it looks like whenever you're you actually mind it successfully so I'm gonna do this again and I'm going back to spawn and we're gonna see the loot haul we got because this was such a stupid idea why did I decide to do this that not smart just not smart okay and but come on I there we go hi I'm heading to spawn because this is way too dangerous right now I will show you guys what we got after we've mined these other Jiki flares like I said I'm not really keen on getting killed while I am doing these these are the really really good flares because they're not fractured obviously fractured means kind of broken so the chances of you getting the G get extremely low these have a pretty good chance of getting them so I really want to get them because I don't have this G kit the only G can I have right now in presents is the enchanter G kit and of course it's absolutely epic but the Brodie escheat kit I mean look at it it's called bro Deus it's got the word bro in it it's a day it's a bro up a G kit and I want this dude get really bad so please nobody kill me while mining this alright here we go and there's one oh wait we got the chicken okay I'm redeeming that I just redeem that yes the chances guys the chances look at the chat the chat is going nuts yes oh I'm so glad I got it there's GG's in the chat everywhere you have no idea my heart is pumping right now pump it very very fast come on give it to me again I can sell this for so much money and oh see we didn't even get it this time yeah still super lucky that we actually managed to get that and I've got away 27 seconds where I can do slash spawn again so oh my gosh we've got a bro Deus gold axe it's got two different types of in chance on it we've got the Brody a stone pickaxe which we can now use obviously because we all level 30 flex on them and then we got 126,000 raw energy and a bunch of elite shards so what I'm trying to do right now it's not die but I would like to go back to spawn and gotta grab my to slaughter G kit flares and then use those and hopefully we get one of those because now if you look at our /g kits we oh I just cancelled my action I didn't mean to do that but we have enchanter G kit and then we have where is Brody is Brody is Brody Asst we have these two guys and we can actually use this one whenever to go back to spawn okay guys my to slaughter gee kid flares come on if we manage to get this I think we will own out of how much is it 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 we will then own 3 out of 9 of the G kits for this season which is massively massively hyped so let's just get to mining we've got the stone pickaxe I don't know if it actually mines it any faster or anything like that but come on we got this and by the way these will spawn very very seldomly which means not very often but they will spawn randomly throughout our planet so if you ever see these dropping from the sky you better go mine it ASAP okay we just got this one and I just got news that people are nearby we have to be really careful we need to mine this and get out I'm gonna hold shift okay I think people are nearby the reason I know is because I have my gang they're nearby I'm mining this and then I'm gonna slash jet or I'm just gonna hide come on give me the G kids give me that jacket come on yes oh my god we got the G kid yes that's two boys that is - that is so hype okay guide your /spawn okay I've got it wait a minute okay I wonder if people are going to that meteorite I'm not sure really scared I'm just gonna sit in this corner I've got these slaughter gold chest plate which i think is actually even better than the one that I'm currently wearing so I'm gonna quit that one and then we got a golden pickaxe sorry a gold axe we got a gold axe it's level six it's got berserk electrocution and days okay okay I think we're gonna be okay I just can't believe we managed to get two tickets in a row you don't understand how rare and how epic that is and that also means once we get back to spawn we can redeem these bad boys and it's gonna be all kinds of hi thank God we made it back to spawn everything's okay we didn't lose anything so if we now well actually what I want to do is I want to use our G kids because since we managed to get them and unlock them we can now use them and as you can see if we all use them at like the same time they'll all come off of cooldown at about the same time as you can tell pretty much have three times or not three times we have three days left on the enchanter G kick so we just use it fairly recently so we're gonna use the Brody's G kit the Brody's G kit is really nice because you end up getting a good pickaxe out of it and so looks like we have efficiency three momentum one shard discover two at level seven pickaxe now the other one we got was momentum - efficiency and shard discover so the only difference in these pickaxes is that one of them has efficiency - the other one is efficiency 3 and then one of them has momentum 1 and then the other one has momentum - and then of course one of them is a higher level and a lower level so I am not quite sure which one of them I'm gonna end up going with and then we got another bro Deus Gold axe which it looks like it's actually not even as good as our last one and then I'm gonna do our next G kit which is did it a dumb but bum ba-bum these lotta G kit ladies and gentlemen okay let's see what do we get on this one so we get another slaughter axe this slaughter axe is a little bit higher level and has a higher level of day so we're gonna hang on to that one and then we got another slaughter chest blades oh and the levels it's level 9 compared to level 5 ok yeah we're gonna we're gonna hang on to that one and then we have the slaughter loot bag and this can give you a bunch of different items so let's see what we get ladies and gentlemen oh we got in chin so the rarest thing that you can get from these are satchels and I'll show you guys that satchels are in the later episodes but if you get them they sell for so much money they aren't extremely extremely rare so we have all of these different enchants and we just actually unbox one of the best enchants in the game I kid you not overload 3 and we have gotten enlightened 3 and overload 3 and if we wanted to we could apply this to our gold chest blade and it'd be amazing Slayer tell them how good overload 3 is well you get an extra 6 house so it's 91 percent 91 that is a DG I feel like it's a waste though to like apply that to like this I mean I don't know ok so Slayer my chest plate right now enlightened 1 deflect 3 curse 1 shock wave 1 inferno 1 Crouch 1 I feel like it's almost a waste to use it on my gold what do you think yeah I would save that for when you're making sets for the outpost yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna save this guy it's like as much as I want to do something chanting there's definitely a time to build your god set and there's a time to not build your god set and unfortunately that's not right now but it's ok because if you think about it I mean we've done a really good job because we're getting all these in chance we can save them for whenever we actually need to use them on our real piece of gear now if I go to my vault 46 these are all the items I managed to get from the two fractured G kit flares I basically got a whole bunch of new enchants I'm going to open them up real fast see if there's anything good inside of them that's pretty much all I got other than energy I got some black Scrolls I got some dust oh my gosh I just unboxed ax man 5 and ax our swordsmen 3 which if we do slash enchants x-men 5 that ladies and gentlemen is the highest level of ax men I feel like that's actually really good is it not Slayer yeah okay all right we got x-men 5 now I'm gonna do in chants again because we got one that swordsman literally the polar opposite and I'm assuming yep it's level 5 so we didn't get the max 1 for this one and the chances on it or actually kind of low but I'll definitely save those for the future episodes and then we just got pummel 3 which I believe is an accent chance oh it is 30% chance so I'm gonna do in chance again and you guys always can do this command whenever you get new enchants so you can see what level they are so pummel goes up to level 3 which means we got the max level of pummel and then we got bleed 3 which is the max level of bleed and it's 70% and it's also an ultimate in chin as you can tell yellow is ultimate which means it's really really good so we are getting tons of crazy good enchants in fact so many good any chance I might need to eventually make a new PV because my inch answers they're growing man they are growing guard lock 3 ok oh my gosh and another enlightened three enlightened 3 is absolutely Savage okay hold on I need to see what guard lock 3 is so this is applicable to axes and it's the max level of guard lock how good is this enchant Slayer tell me I got another good one yeah well god lock is one of those unique and chants which you can use for when you're raiding cells and it's actually really good for raiding because it will practically just freeze the guard in place for a few seconds and it won't attack you I dude I'm getting really good luck man like guys we've had some amazing luck on our enchants so far and you know what I'm actually gonna put some of these things and I'm gonna just you know I'm gonna make another one of these and this is gonna be renamed and see how do I rename this guys if I want to rename this I got a middle-click it so I'm gonna make it enchants number 2 and then I gotta type in slush yes and then boom now I've just gotta do this because we've got so many different enchants so we're gonna continue getting more and more of these no charge or if you're not going in there you're staying with me and the other thing that we need to do and I forgot this this off you guys in my earlier episodes is that there is the cosmic tinkerer who is at spawn and what you can do is you can offer up items and in return the tinkerer will transform it into energy which you can apply to your pickaxe or your gear or your weapons and level it up some of these items right here guys I just I just don't need like we're gonna get rid of some of the more worse items I'm gonna save the sword because it's the only sword I have these in chance oh these are two very similar axes I'm going to keep both with the axis and then what do you think Slayer should I go with momentum to efficiency - axe pickaxe or momentum one efficiency three pickaxe momentum two efficiency to momentum is a lot harder to get than efficiency and it makes it okay so that means I'm going to tinker this and then I'm also gonna tinker this chest play and boom so I just got 27,000 raw energy that I can use later on so it's a really good way to get rid of your old gear and make something out of it that's pretty awesome now this is not the end of the episode it only gets better from here on out I actually have some allowance from the episode that I haven't even used yet which is crazy because I feel like we've done so much already in this episode but if you look at this we have a Christmas quest kit which if you use this and you type in /q kit these are your quest kits so you can see the different type of quest that you can do this one is mine mm coal and you get a cosmic token and you've got to level up your Q kits and as you level them up you get more quests so that way you can get more quest tokens or cosmic tokens and those can be used every Friday at 6 p.m. to Saturday 6 p.m. at the cosmic mystery man and redemption for different items or you can sell the tokens other players that want to use them as well but probably one of the coolest things I have right now is the godly contraband and it's gonna be absolutely lit so let's open this bad boy up ladies and gentlemen I come to interrupt your viewing experience because there is a fourth of July sale and it's sire fire fire bar July afford back-to-school sale now I know what you're thinking Preston I don't want to think about school it's July 4th and I understand that but you can prepare for school by getting your merch just early ok just like my mom told me to do this video so just bear with me guys we are releasing it three separate packages we've got the ringbinder this is a three finder three-ring binder rings that's more than two oh by the way this is the light package we got a ruler we got a preston fire notebook well it is also the fire pencil bag one of my personal favorite sees it all the time not for pencils but other things we even got a fire lanyard clearly we've gone too far not to mention pens and pencils this bag contains the entire life bundle but you guys just witnessed now we're gonna move on to the basic bundle if you want the basic bundle you can choose either a backpack or a duffel bag it's gigantic you'd store a lot of candy in here okay last but not least we have the fire package and know this isn't all you get you get to choose the duffel bag or backpack with all the three-ring binder cool stuff I've shown you but you get a lunch box lunch boxes can we put my cheese in there it's great I think that's everything have I okay let's just cut the video I've done enough selling out for today good job guys well let's open this bad boy up I love the animation right now here we go ladies and gentlemen godly contraband the highest level of contraband on cosmic PvP it's a giant floating chest tons of amazing items let's see what we get I believe really get three items then wait did I just get oh I thought I got a satchel thought I just got a satchel but I actually did get two charged orbs and I got legendary crude or which you guys have no idea what crude auras yet but I will show you in the later coming episodes I know I've said that a lot in this episode but it's kind of uh it's kind of confusing and then I think I just got a custom Slayer is this a custom kill tag it's like a name tag that says kill so if I kill somebody and I have this on my sword or axe it does this they will basically say Phoebe and I frogs then the AL Donga and then the person you killed actually is really cool that's a good idea wait Flay I have a question so I got four legendary crude or how much does that sell for if you type slash generators you can ill bring up the generator NPC and so it's the second best or in the second best or in the game yeah okay all right so eight thousand one okay so I can actually sell this for probably like seven thousand - each if I wanted to get around a boss okay that's pretty that's not too bad I mean you know like I mean probably gonna give it to my gang guys just be they've been so awesome and so kind to me and not to mention that it will go inside of our base and it's gonna be super super lit so for now I think I'm gonna just put this maybe not in my main PV I feel like I've actually been doing kind of a good job at saying organized that's probably a big things to slayer for cleaning out my PVS and making them look very pretty Thank You Slayer I appreciate that as you guys know I'm not the cleanest man in the I'm not the cleanest man in terms of keeping my Peavey's clean I'm not I'm not very good at it you know I've never been never really been that great at it but I am going to try to stay a little bit more organized this season if I can I think I got everything out of my pv 50 there's a meteor flare which will cause a massive meteor to fall wherever you place this but we might save that for the next episode and then you know what I've got shards which I'm actually been stocking those up so we could save those for now actually we've got nametags right over here someone put the nametags in there then we've got valuables over here so we've actually got even more contraband so many different things man so many different things this has been a crazy episode last thing guys I'm gonna check my quest see if we've got anything over here that we could do that's pretty easy this one's pretty easy get your momentum to 25% you do that by just mining if you have momentum on your pickaxe which we do this looks pretty easy it's eat 20 pieces of food momentum achievement number two get your momentum to 50% I think for Slayer correct me if I'm wrong but how long does it take to get to momentum 100% 45 minutes 45 minutes that's a that's a long time for that quest guys a very very long time you know what no wait what does this apply 1,000 energy all at once to ask wait wait apply a 1 million energy all at once to a single items layer we can do that and then we can extract the energy can't wait yeah but you will get the tax for extracting energy unless you have an absorber ah ok so we don't want to do that then not unless you want to what's the energy tax it's 15% No ok we're going to be wasting a hundred fifty thousand energy wheat haha I don't think eight cosmic tokens is worth it well I mean yeah you've got a look at the market price see how much tokens are selling for right now okay fine how much how much are they selling for where they were at Cannes looks like okay seven thousand each but if we go here how much is energy selling for okay see raw energy low price seventy three thousand each how much energy is that twelve energy I'm not showing the mass than that oh and it's 10 percent tax not 15 percent it's 15 percent fair for XP not energy okay ten percent that's still okay it's not as bad I don't think anybody's really selling energy because it's that only twelve raw energy like twelve as in twelve oh no that's for sale as twelve different people are sewing as you said people are selling energy oh that makes so much more sense I was so confused okay so it looks like there's there's a lot of people selling energy right now layer about 30,000 able to cost you you would lose so sometimes eight thirty five forty to forty I assess 56,000 so it's still a profit if you're if you extract it okay so it's still okay so we'd be making a little bit of a fine I'll you know it's layer I'll do it for you let me do this let me go back I got to go to my energy I've got 9 million ergy how do I'd split it again / like struck five extract okay and then I gotta type in the numbers so we want to extract 8 million 100 Oh God just see me so confusing I got I got this guy so just just extract a million from it that makes a lot more sense should I just apply to my pick edge can I just do that yeah all right let's do it and boom and then as you can see ladies and gentlemen the 8 topic tokens are in our possession so we're gonna actually go ahead and deposit that and probably should deposit our energy as well I'd really want us to lose this 8 million energy is a lot of energy to lose but BAM there we go we got some quests done today and all in all it's been a really really good episode we got a ton of cheek it's got a lot of different stuff done ladies and gentlemen that is gonna be it for today's cosmic races episode if you did enjoy that you leave a like down below and subscribe check out the servers have an awesome day everybody take care and we will see you guys in the next episode [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 1,052,064
Rating: 4.9187946 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, mine craft, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, noswearing, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, preston minecraft mod, child friendly, preston mod, kid friendly, kid appropriate, minecraft factions, minecraft cosmic prisons, cosmic prisons, cosmic factions, cosmic server, cosmic pvp, cosmic, prestonplayz cosmic prisons ep 2, prestonplayz cosmic server, minecraft op server, playz, giveaway, family friendly gaming, prestonplayz, factions
Id: UCgeJq7MdRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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