the luckiest find in uhc history...

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hello everyone comets having a sleep right now a lot of people think that I think my name is with two E's in cirthree if they're like you're faking we're just phonics a carrot that's that's an interesting spawn yeah we can get these books yeah we could like trend level 30 book rush how do you do that some apples I like that I don't even need to find a tree we just destroy that home destroy the village is home you know I'll even take these furnaces why not just ransacked the whole place crafting table thank you very much I want to do that is that a cache on your cam or a picture it's a real cat yeah we go everything this gear hang on do I even have Exodus 350k it was like $200,000 I should have done that I was asking for that I uses let's go to y11 I'm feeling some diamonds I want some diamonds and smell them Oh cave I like that very nice all right maybe some diamonds please music diamonds small I ROM there's a cave thank you this is a really bad cave that just yep I was right I was about to say it ends in I did it more cave very exciting oh they spawned I'm sure we're gonna see if there's any our good old lapis lazuli gold heading me I need to get lucky from this chest and get that fat like cook Bailey I opened this and then that happened dude punch1 infinity I was right I called the clickbait to get views 101 absolutely perfect take the mossy back oh yeah almost forgot about the mossy I always forgot about the Diamonds I got so excited about my infinity book that's all right we can make a dice and I sold Oh what okay more gold very nice final diamonds I'd be very bold try nice flat piece one thing we have 61 iron I mean remember binding that that's that's nice thank you very strange cave cave slash ravine thing they all just vinyl game I haven't my no game in ages mole lapis there we find more diamonds we can actually feel this I get the content from the thumbnail just be real here it's the fun they all the title like it's the views not actually the video but if I mine all game I can make the game look as if I did well gotta learn the way is even and then he asked me to play I wish I'd a water bucket we can get one over there it's not a mineshaft as well what if there's something couldn't hit you can't get that like it that's against the rules but we got string now we got string we just need one arrow that's the problem Oh another chest and the another opportunity give me more chances for more click B I'm not dying to cave spiders thank you it was a case spite of those diamonds I like this a lot we make feelers yes a donation diamond gapi again FF FF FF FF FF yeah thanks we just got really good diamond like oh gone right now thank you for the luck let's go PDF so nice Warner's french toast five dollars keep up the Greek work and win this for me the Greek work I'll keep it up and keep up the great work appreciate the five buckaroos man no no no this is not happening this is not happening no screw you thank God I had water oh my god more diamonds no we close to border if so many diamonds we've got 21 times the borders coming which way is it still so long it's 23 people this is actually very nice you know if I can find one more fan of diamonds but pretty much people don't just keep someone get away from the water we have so much gold 21 diamond let's make our almond now okay 3/4 diamond with a Down sorta let's go for Dragon so I think it's the next the next target more gold we have 45 gold plus that three more diamonds in this cave maybe sort of go if you lose this game I'm done with life dude it's not that easy mining all game is like stupid I'm getting kind of like you so this is fun what God Scapa you give me good luck dude if five we can make full diamond I reckon full name is better than the enchanting tablet Oh No okay it just came through dude thank you so much from Earth you're actually insane scrappy you didn't need to do this man these caves are so good it's so good ask you finding these like crazy good caves and not wanting to leave okay we have 59 gold let's get this go for the shelter check we need on wait we've five apples that's gonna help a lot are you cause we got it in the village I need another water bucket that's all I need well gold no it's two more veins of gold I just need a water source I might just have to go surface for it we have a stack of gold okay what do we need let's let's do it while crafting right now we can you make any iron pack that we need let's get all bo and bull let's put this on nice stack of gold that we need to smell oh wait no it's melts in DM its melts in DM isn't it well that's actually so nice that's so nice I see an apples okay we need dragons or Frank swords the like main priority wait we've no cane we never I forgot about cane miss make a bracelet that's actually not that bad it's like it's like half of damage worse I mean I'll look for someone surfing for three minutes I don't think I would have been able to do it anyway like we have to get apples apples usually take ages to get these lost people three of them in like two well 300 ping boulders coming as well we are surface probably not gonna find cane oh there is cane there at you problem is now we don't have extra to lava buckets make the obsidian I'm not kidding lucky what the hell why am I not getting happy I'm actually so lucky unlucky I got one Apple that whole time I know if I need more than fire that's the guy that's like cheating ISM let's just cool he's got faces I don't know just says like speech this guy looks like a good kill you're just gonna suicide to the full diamond yep we have no chance in this game do you like this guy's like ya know we have no chance it's all over your voice and there's some gold at PvP he probably takes no down the trash yeah [Music] how do you like this mr. flea B know what is not I want to say cheating but I don't know how I feel about that one GD boys who cares about the wind guys who watches your shoes for the win anyway did you tried to break his arm dude I tried you did see me try I was trying to get him off me there's not really much you can do when someone has like speed three I'll see you guys later All Right see you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: kayZeee
Views: 158,904
Rating: 4.8122606 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, uhc, highlights, hypixel uhc, kayzeee, kayzee, fire sword, minecraft, pvp, texture pack, uhc highlights, hypixel uhc highlights, xray, a rare find..., kayzee uhc, kayzeee uhc, xraying in hypi
Id: PO31yDbDb94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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