The Lost World Jurassic Park: A Worthy Sequel?

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[Music] after Jurassic Park became such a phenomenal success it was only a matter of time that more would follow with more than 916 million dollars in ticket sales and Home Video records being smashed like a T-Rex breaking its way through a downed tree it wasn't a question of if Jurassic Park would get a sequel but when in 1995 although initially reluctant to write a sequel Michael Crichton released the Lost World the sequel to Jurassic Park shortly after Steven Spielberg and Jurassic Park screenwriter David Capp signed on to write and direct the sequel respectively taking plot elements from crichton's second novel but doing their own story and in 1997 there were rumors that something had survived hello it's demo again and today I'm going to talk about what for me was the second coming of Christ in 1997. the Lost World Jurassic Park with more dinosaurs more action and more daddy the lost world was a sequel that said okay we know you can do dinosaurs but what can you do with them I'll be looking at the screenplay to the Lost World examining the story synopsis and structure themes characterizations dialogue and more looking at how the film was received upon its release its impact Legacy and my own personal thoughts once again we'll be looking at the final edit of the film as the final version of the screenplay let's take a deep dive into the Lost World Jurassic Park [Music] just like in Jurassic Park and most movies to be honest we open with the hook the first scene designed to grab the audience's attention and kick start the main plot we open with growling no it's just the ocean we Fade up over an island not Isla duplardo the text tells us this is Isla sorna 87 miles Southwest of Isla nublar gotcha we see some raging surf before revealing a yacht owned by a luxuriously rich British family called the Bowmans they have decided to take a jolly on Isla sorna which for them involves reading the financial times probably and barking orders at the help while they're possibly human daughter Kathy tries to escape the reach of her overbearing mother Deirdre we have a name for these kind of people in the UK tories Kathy receives a sandwich from the help while her mother Deirdre derives her for potentially ruining her appetite they're serving prawns her favorite now darling don't wander off while Kathy seeks freedom from deirdre's controlling nature Deirdre worries about snakes there aren't any snakes on the beach really pal Deirdre lets her go and realizes she doesn't know how to work a bottle of champagne Edward Kathy makes her way down the beach having a grand old time by herself until we realize she isn't alone the bush rattles and out pops a cop signifus one of the new dinosaurs in this film the compy is particularly interested in Cafe's sandwich cafe obliges giving the creature a bite of roast beef which it's into Cafe calls excitedly to her parents before realizing that the rest of the flock has gathered around her no no longer interested in the roast beef lunch is served and Deirdre calls out to Kathy lunch is definitely on the comp he's mine's all right they close in around Cafe deciding that she herself looks like the better option Kathy screams catching the attention of her father who considers that this might just be worth lowering the copy of his paper Paul census that something might just be wrong and runs to Kathy's side Deirdre screams at the help to run faster as they round the corner and she looks upon the scene she screams cup to Daddy once again played by Jeff Goldblum he's not on a beach but rather a Subway standing in front of a sign that shows a beach-like setting Malcolm is a protagonist of this film and will be following his journey this time he steps onto the subway car and sits down many things have changed since the last film and were about to see to what extent some Jackal recognizes Malcolm and snaps his fingers to get his attention Rude the Jackal walks over and sits down next to Malcolm who busies himself by looking into his copy of the always reputable National Enquirer The Jackal tells Malcolm he recognizes him from TV and he believed him Malcolm tries to ignore him while other Subway users sneak a peek at him there is a deleted scene that the film was originally meant to transition to before this one in the scene Peter Ludlow John Hammond's nephew is presenting pictures of the injured Kathy Bowman to the engine board members he tells them that the Bowmans are suing the company for Kathy's injuries but they're used to that by now he then goes on to list how much each of the deaths in the first film cost the company as well as the disposal of Isla nubla resources this scene was deleted and is not considered to be Canon but for one brief moment there was a scene that confirmed the destruction of Isla nublar both organic and inorganic that means that just like the book they destroyed the park and the dinosaurs no more Rexy no more Brachiosaurus no Jurassic world or subsequent films this scene remains on The Cutting Room floor and thus is not canon the most important thing to note in the deleted scene is this wrongful death settlements partial List family of Donald Gennaro 36.5 million dollars family of John Arnold 23 million family of Robert Muldoon 12.6 million Muldoon's family only got 12 million dollars while Gennaro's got three times as much why because he was killed by Rexy we all know what that Almighty [ __ ] did to Muldoon she eviscerated him you're telling me that only gets 12.5 million get it [ __ ] anyway the real point of this scene is to show that Ludlow doesn't give a [ __ ] about his uncle describing him as a born-again naturalist blood local sealed vote of no confidence act and gets the other board members to back his ploy to oust Hammond as CEO of engine so planting himself and his stead he's ready to take over the company's significant product assets in the actual Canon Malcolm arrives at the Mansion of none other than John Hammond where he is greeted by Hammond's Butler the butler almost tells him to GTFO before Malcolm tells him that he was summoned by Hamid Malcolm enters Hammond's Mansion finding it a little bit creepy to his Joy Lexington come down the stairs making their Cameo appearance in this film the slightly older kids say their hello to Malcolm he welcomes them despite having jack [ __ ] to do with their survival in the last film he asks them if everything is okay setting the scene for the coming confrontation Peter Ludlow makes his way down the stairs accompanied by lawyers like he's leaving a funeral unlike Jurassic Park the Lost World actually has a human antagonist in the form of Ludlow and Jen's new CEO and actual bastard played by arless Howard Ludlow and Malcolm trade variable spars with Malcolm accusing him of covering up the events of the first Park along with ruining his career and reputation Ludlow states that Ian broke his non-disclosure agreement and went public about the events of the first film despite the fact that they offered him generous compensation for Rexy absolutely [ __ ] him up Malcolm says that engine can't keep twisting the truth which triggers Ludlow and leads him to say that engine is his responsibility now as he is CEO not his uncle he tells Malcolm that everything will soon be made clear and his problems will disappear he leaves with Malcolm trying to get the last word Ludlow pulls the elitist card and tells Malcolm that his suit costs more than Malcolm's entire education [ __ ] we then come to the inciting incident as Ian meets Jon Hammond again played by Richard Attenborough the last four years haven't been kind to John as he is now mostly bedridden he begins by telling Malcolm he was right thank God for side B Hammond admits that Island was a sham a smoke screen for the tourists and that behind the curtain there was a second island where the dinosaurs were secretly bred raised and transported later over to Isla nublar told you ham and being there for the birth of every dinosaur was [ __ ] shortly after the events of Jurassic Park another hurricane hit Isla sarna and wiped out their facility forcing ingen out and causing the dinosaurs to be released out of containment apparently they never factored in hurricanes when they were planning this whole Venture the dinosaurs have survived on the island living in the wild and Hammond has kept the whole thing a secret and away from public eyes Malcolm reels from the news one there's a second goddamn island with goddamn dinosaurs 2. they're still alive despite failsys like the lysine contingency that was meant to ensure they would die in a week without supplemental endings Hammond tells him he's organizing a team to go to the island and document the dinosaurs a small team very low-key and a note before the dinosaurs even noticed them hi right Malcolm tells him his office nut and asks what four idiots he managed to convince to go on a suicide mission Hammond admits he had to pay most of them handsomely being cagey on the identity of the paleontologist and asks Malcolm if he'll be the fourth person in Jen has been on the verge of bankruptcy since the events of the first Park and have wanted to exploit psych B to recoup prophets Hammond has been able to keep them at Bay but the Bowman's recent Venture onto the island and Kathy's subsequent injuries have been the final straw for the board and they've forced control of the company away from him ingen is going in sooner or later and Hammond believes that if the world sees the dinosaurs in their natural habitat public opinion will be strong enough to convince the company to leave them alone he needs Malcolm to do this Malcolm immediately says no refusing the call and decides to contact the other doomed members to stop them from going that is until Hammond reveals that the fourth member the paleontologist is Malcolm's new squeeze Dr Sarah Harding oh and she's already on the island Malcolm is devastated as Jon tries to reassure him saying that Sarah insisted on going in first and that she'll be fine she's used to studying African Predators so she's well experienced for the job Malcolm tells him to stop getting people killed for his own legacy he decides that the research group is now a rescue team and they're leaving right now to get Sarah Hammond takes this as a win the plot is set in motion by the inciting incident the question posed will Malcolm go to Isla sorna to help Hammond absolutely not will he go to Isla storner when he learns his girlfriend is there alone ah Jesus Christ okay Malcolm meets the group's field tech Eddie Carr played by Richard Schiff a sarcastic artist and a man after my own heart Eddie says he's nowhere near ready as Malcolm struggles with his satellite phone trying to contact Sarah we get some Exposition that Sarah's attackhead and is already suggesting improvements to Eddie on his kit which he loves Malcolm takes his frustrations out on the satellite phone as a videographer Nick van one shows up played by Vince Vaughn fresh off of his success in the film swingers Malcolm introduces himself and asks for next CV which includes documenting Wars and hanging out at Greenpeace to get his hold in an interesting juxtaposition to his character in the first film Malcolm actually disapproves of this neck doesn't really care he's there to get paid describing the Venture as a wild goose chase uh where you're going is the only place in the world where the geese chase chase you Malcolm's daughter Kelly shows up played by Vanessa Lee Chester she's excited to hang out with her dad yeah about that Kelly is less than thrilled when she learns that her dad is buggering off and lumbering her with a Karen she'd rather stay with Sarah LOL Malcolm tries to convince her and they argue back and forth about Malcolm not being present enough or being enough of a father to her he barely does anything even tell her off ultimately she just wants his attention he doesn't even know that she got cut from the skills gymnastics team but we do remember that chekhov's gun she begs him to come along but he refuses for obvious reasons she drops a brittle jab at him ironically getting the angry rides she was talking about seeing her in tears Malcolm apologizes for being a deadbeat dad telling her not to listen to him which she takes literally Eddie and Malcolm examine the high height a device meant to observe the animals from height that doubles as a Rex version of just feet while they Becker about Malcolm's new time schedule Kelly takes a gander at the rest of the tech climbing aboard the field trailer and looking around impressed she looks at a map of their destination Isla sarna as we transition to their boat arriving at the island they Park in an ominous and Misty Lagoon as Malcolm steals himself Eddie shows him his lindstrad air rifle a god mode gun capable of taking down anything in one hit Mech talks with their Captain Carlos who refuses to take them any further up the river apparently people who go too close to sarna don't come back makes sense Carlos says they can contact him via radio but he won't wait around describing the islands as Los Cinco muertes the five deaths a name explained in the novel but never really in the film unless you count it as five ways to die in which case that number is incredibly low for Isla sarna Malcolm Nick and Eddie drive into the island and begin their search for Sarah they track her using a GPS Eddie built into her satellite phone with Malcolm getting anxious and snippy they reached the location and rush over finding Sarah's tattered pack and satellite form panicked Malcolm begins calling for her Sarah Sarah Harding how many Sarahs do you think are on this island [Applause] sorry I'm just trying to help unsurprisingly shouting in the jungle starts to attract attention as something big moves through the trees a herd of stegosaurs emerges in front of them astounding nekinetti next start snapping pictures while Eddie goes through a holy [ __ ] dinosaurs moment Malcolm's Seen It All Before Nick claims onto a log to get a better shot not noticing Sarah standing off to his sight played by Julianne Moore Sarah notices him and calls out causing him to shite himself she claims that the log to see Ian and is amazed that he actually came she runs up in full nerd mode as she Expo dumps about how she's been following the stegle herd and monitoring their nurturing habits Malcolm shows her her pack asking if she was attacked oh no that's my lucky pack that's how it always looks before he can go any further Sarah asks to borrow next camera and sets off again after the stegosaurus Malcolm and the others follow her with Malcolm asking her why she never told him that Hammond contacted her because I knew you would have stopped me from coming I would have tied you to the dead makes sense Sarah has worked out the lysine problem too turns out the herbivores eat lysine-rich foods and the carnivores eat them circle of life really and Jen really never fought any of this [ __ ] through Sarah tells him to stay back as she goes in closer much to Malcolm's Chagrin she approaches a baby stegosaurus and takes a picture unable to resist she reaches out and touches it experiencing The Wonder of touching a natural dinosaur again Malcolm and us have seen it all before he comments about how she can never resist touching things while Malcolm and Eddie are still in holy [ __ ] dinos mode Sarah reaches the end of next film and the tape rewinds startling the baby stego no you see kids before everything went digital we had to use something called film to take pictures and when the film ran out it would reset back to the star we also had to get the pictures developed [ __ ] kids getting everything handed to them instantly these days anyway where was I oh yeah the baby staggle shakes itself at the noise and calls out its parents who go on the offensive neck holds Ian back who tells Eddie to shoot them Eddie says they're just protecting their baby and won't shoot them for that In Cold Blood Sarah Dodges around the stegos as they nearly kill her diving into a log and barely missing their tail spikes they then flee with the baby as Malcolm and the others rush over to Sarah as they head back to the trailer Nick and Daddy are still on a high Sarah tells Nick not to light a cigarette as it could draw other dinos and they can't interact with the environment despite the fact that she just did a bit hypocritical but I guess it was a really cute stegosaur Malcolm tells her it's impossible not to affect the local Wildlife while they study it and Sarah says she'll take the risk she's fed up digging around in the dark and this is also partly Ian's fault as he told her all about the events of the first island she says she knows what she's doing around Predators including him Nick and Eddie discover a fire at the base as Sarah States her Motors operandi she wants to prove that dinosaurs were good parents particularly rexes who some other [ __ ] paleontologist Robert Burke has been trash talking they are drawn by Eddie's calls over fire and Discover it was started by Kelly who has stowed away on the trailer and just wanted to make dinner Malcolm berates her for hiding in the trailer while Nick and Eddie tried to work out while she's black do you see any family resemblance here oh my God guys you can't just ask someone why they're not white Sarah is impressed that Kelly had in the trailer much to Malcolm's annoyance Malcolm tries to get Eddie's saffron to work again beating it in the process violence and Technology not good bad fellow Malcolm decides to use the radio in the trailer offering anyone who wants it a chance to leave Sarah ignores it briefing Nick and Eddie on how to act on the island Malcolm offers to send last messages for them as he drags Kelly inside the trailer telling her to clean up her own mess and unable to remember how to work a radio Sarah joins him to try and calm him down she says she appreciates that he came all this way for her but she's not leaving she's going to get the job done Malcolm says she's going to get herself killed as a rumbling begins seeing several helicopters approach Malcolm thinks the rescue party has arrived and tries to get their attention Eddie notices that the Choppers say engine and instead of a rescue party it's actually the First Act Turning Point Malcolm looks at the Choppers through the wrong end of the binoculars as we see a second team arriving geared up with Jeeps the First Act ends Malcolm has entered the new world Isla sorna and found Sarah he wants to leave ASAP Sarah doesn't and now to complicate matters Kelly has stood away with them and the second team is arriving on the island with a different agenda the second act begins with Ludlow leading his team of mercenaries onto the island saying to set up camp right there reveal Roland Temple gentlemen philosopher and Hunter extraordinaire played by the late Pete Posse who tells him that's a [ __ ] idea he says this is a carnivore hunting ground and the search dominance over Ludlow telling him he doesn't give a [ __ ] what he thinks he's in charge or it's Dieter all Ludlow needs to do is sign the checks and he'll forego his fee as long as he gets to hunt one of the Tyrannosaurs The Buck if Ludlow doesn't like it Roland is out and he can go [ __ ] himself and get everyone killed Ludlow has only one response okay there's another deleted scene that I should talk about that actually sets roll and character up earlier in the film in the original introduction Roland is sitting at a bar in Mombasa when his longtime friend Ajay sidhu played by Harvey Jason in Brown face approaches him he tries to recruit roll into ludlow's upcoming Venture but Roland declines saying he's seen it all before and there's nothing left for him to do he and RJ were too good at killing things and has left him melancholic such a tragedy he then beats the [ __ ] out of a bad tourist who's harassing a woman before returning to RJ asking him what kind of Quarry he thinks could possibly be of any interest to him it's an interesting scene as it sets up Roland's character and his mindset I'll talk more about his characterization later but I do think it was a good scene that I wish had been kept in I guess they took it out for pacing reasons the hunters tear up the game Trail not giving a [ __ ] about Sarah's don't bend the blade of crass philosophy because a stampede of panicking dinosaurs and Ludlow has his own holy [ __ ] dinos movement the Roundup begins with Roland using alternative names for the dinosaurs as he doesn't speak nerd apachycephalosaurus is separated from the main Stampede and the hunters close in we are introduced to the engine group's paleontologist that [ __ ] Sarah name dropped earlier Robert Burke played by Thomas F Duffy Burke is modeled after real-life paleontologist Robert backer a rival to the Jurassic film's paleontological advisor and according to allegations real-life sex pest Jack Horner Burke gives one of the mercenaries and the audience a run down on the pachycephalosaur describing its tough Dome skull which it then demonstrates by giving one of the cars a Glasgow kiss Burke and His companion GTFO as the other Hunters close around the pachycephalosaur lassoing it and shooting it with a track Dart Malcolm and his group gather on the Ridge and watch as the hunters Target a parasaurolophus Dieter Stark roll in second in command shoots to para and the hunters encircle it it proves difficult to bring down until they rip its legs out from under it Malcolm's group looks on anguished we can be so mean then the aftermath Roland and RJ examine a giant footprint on the ground Roland asks spark to identify it it's a Rex Roland gears up ignoring lot low as he sets off to collect his fee it's at this point we get a proper introduction to Roland's number two man Peter Stark played by Peter stormari he refreshes himself as a comp he comes up to investigate him bark comes over excitedly and examines the creature saying they are primarily thought to be scavengers Dieter notices it doesn't seem to have any fear bark says that as no humans have been on the island before there is no reason for it to be afraid Dieter decides to give it something to fear shocking it with a cattle prod [ __ ] Roland the darje find the Rex Nest mom and dad are out leaving a single baby alone in the nest chowing down on the remains of some unfortunate dinosaur Roland deduces that the parents could return at any moment RJ suggests waiting but Roland says that won't work this is their home instead they need to make the buck come to them we then cut to the Baby Rex tether to a stake in the ground howling in pain its leg's been broken Roland and RJ set camouflaged in a tree waiting for the parents to come looking for it could be forgiven for thinking that Roland is the one that broke the baby Rex's leg with the way this cup plays out but actually it wasn't him at all it was Ludlow and a deleted scene Ludlow shows up drunk as they tether the Baby Rex something running in the bush startles him and he falls backwards onto it breaking its leg there's also another version of the scene in an older draft where the baby headbutts Ludlow and he breaks his leg in Anger this scene should have been kept in the final film for the life of me I can't understand why they took it out I assume for pacing but it changes the perceptions of the characters and undermines events that happen later in the climax every piece of tie-in media in 1997 featured this scene from the comics to the Junior novelizations and it's in both drafts of the screenplay I've always assumed that Roland was looking back at the camp angry at Ludlow in this scene but it's not in the film and while no one says Roland broke its leg it's an easy assumption for the audience to make of all the scenes taken out of this film this is the one that I wish had stayed in the most Malcolm and the others spy on the Hunter's Camp from an Overlook with Sarah becoming dizzy from the height Malcolm realizes that ngen are planning to take the dinosaurs off the island back to the mainland Eddie has technology Envy Nick confirms that Hammonds knew this group were on their way and provided an insurance plan Nick himself Saboteur extraordinaire Ludlow makes a satellite call to the engine board members and potential investors pitching him his vision along with two compies ludlow's been at the whiskey and makes what he thinks is a great joke software is already fully developed one might say it'd be up and running maybe no more for him eh Nick and Sarah infiltrate the engine camp and find a captive stegosaurus they set it free Ludlow continues his pitch telling the board members and investors that they're going to bring the dinosaurs back to San Diego to add to the city's already bustling attractions San Diego Zoo Sea World San Diego Chargers taxi for Ludlow Nick and Sarah set more dinosaurs free including the baby stegosaurus from earlier they approach a case Triceratops bracing themselves Ludlow reaches the climax of his pitch Jurassic Park San Diego using an Amphitheater that was Hammond's original idea that he then abandoned deciding he will finish his uncle's work he tells the investors the park could be completed in less than a month LOL the trike [ __ ] [ __ ] up as the other dinosaurs run amok Dieter can only stand and watch as the camp Goes Up in Flames Rolanda darje jump out of their tree to avoid a flaming car that has gained the ability to fly Nick finds Junior and realizing he's injured removes the stake Roland returns to the camp and fires Dieter that's the last time I leave you in charge haha [ __ ] Sarah Waits anxiously by the car as Nick returns carrying Jr Sarah says this is a bad idea but Nick says they have to help him Dieter finds a broken padlock and Roland realizes they're not alone Malcolm and Kelly return to the trailer to once again try and radio their boat for pickup Eddie is at the high height as Nick and Sarah drive past with Junior howling louder than the machine Malcolm gets a wrong number and tries to talk to a confused woman as Nick and Sarah arrive with Junior they bring him inside with Malcolm deriding their decisions Nick and Sarah examine Junior with Sarah deciding that they need to set his broken leg or else he's [ __ ] Malcolm struggles to find Carlos as Kelly puts two and two together and realizes she needs to GTFO Malcolm takes her to the high height the high height Rises up to the Treetops as Kelly becomes self-aware stupid I shouldn't have come along Nick and Sarah get to work on Junior sedating him Malcolm tries to calm Kelly telling her that this is the safest place for her and that they'll be fine with impeccable timing the rexes Roar into the night I guess they've returned to the nest and are now looking for junior Malcolm calls a trailer to warn Sarah and Nick but Sarah patches him forcing Malcolm to head back against Kelly's wishes he descends to the ground unfortunately I would have squeezed just a little bit harder Sarah finishes setting a cast to Junior's leg using Nick's gum to secure it Junior trips out on the operating table Eddie and Kelly watch as their exes Thunder Through the Jungle heading towards the trailer Eddie tries to call them but Sarah offers him a paddle to go along with a fresh dinghy Malcolm arrives back saying that they need to get Junior to [ __ ] too late they watch as the car is kicked over the cliff into the sea below they look through the window as mummy the doll looks in behind them she's not alone though and the buck appears at the other window startling them two rexes for the price of one free if you count Junior the Rex is examine the trailer and Kura Junior the buck Roars leading to a great shot of Sarah Sarah realizes they've come for junior and Malcolm is more than happy to oblige them [Music] come on they open the door and give Junior back to the buck [Music] Malcolm finally answers a [ __ ] phone as Eddie tells him the rexes are [ __ ] off back to the Jungle relieved the free taker moment with Malcolm Albert saying I Told You So Sarah decides that the parenting habits of the rexes are now academic Malcolm goes to radio Carlos when he sees something worrying hang on this is going to be bad deciding to give them a Parting Gift the Rex is absolutely [ __ ] up the trailers pushing him towards the cliff the door is jammed preventing them from getting out the Rex has pushed the back half of the trailers off the cliff suspending it in mid-air deciding that's enough for now they [ __ ] off properly Ian Sarah and Nick hold on in the hanging compartment before the fridge breaks and Sarah falls down onto the glass window she's scared of hates I don't think that's a problem mate she's [ __ ] petrified Malcolm climbs down to her as Nick reaches for the rapidly sliding satellite phone Malcolm tells Sarah to grab his hand as the phone falls smashing its way through the glass Malcolm uses Sarah's lucky pack to reach her and she hangs on now with nothing between her and the Raging surf your lucky pack Eddie Hall's ass back to the trailers Malcolm and Nick lift Sarah back inside as he arrives to help he checks out the damage and claims inside three double cheeseburgers with everything no onions on mine 's a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese no onions or gherkins Eddie actually laughs at this the absolute legend that he is and gets to work he secures a rope around the tree and throws it to the others right as the trailer begins to slide over the cliff this is definitely a crisis Eddie runs back to the car winching the cable to the grill of the trailer or at least he tries to he and Sarah and Nick make their way up the Rope but it slips loose from the tree sending them back to the bottom of the trailer Eddie tries again to winch the car to the trailer succeeding this time he fixes the Rope while he's at it because he's that much of a top [ __ ] guy Eddie races back to the car and guns it in reverse behold the power of the pens that fine-tuned German engineering he begins to pull the trailer back over the cliff it's starting to look good he might actually pull this off Sarah gets some serious rope burn things are looking good until the rexes remember this is the midpoint and close in around Eddie they examine him and begin a call back to the eye shot in the first film determined not to let his friends die Eddie continues gunning the car which aggravates the buck in the door they decide to remodel his car proving more efficient than German engineering Eddie tries to grab the god mode rifle but is stuck in the meshing of the seat the buck rips him from the car and together they gave him what I consider to be the coolest death in the entire franchise Eddie I'm not actually going to pour alcohol onto the floor of my spare room I'm not gonna waste the product I will drink it though with nothing to stop them the trailers fall over the cliff along with Eddie's now destroyed car Sarah climbs up where she is greeted by Roland hesitantly she takes his hand Nick and Ian are helped up by the rest of the engine group who have picked up Kelly on Route both groups take stock at the engine camp they're [ __ ] all of their Communications are down and now they have no way of radioing for a way off the island tensions are high then we're stuck here ladies and gentlemen and stuck together thanks to you people Dieter wants a square goal and Nick obliges Roland recognizes him from Air first and they argue before Sarah warns him of the bigger picture by moving Junior into their camps they've changed their ex's territory even Burke agrees saying that's why they had to come back to finish the trailers realizing they need to GTFO Ludlow suggests they head to the engine worker Village turns out Hammond ran everything on geothermal power like a happy and thus the communication systems should still be working there's one problem though and it's not just ludlow's alcoholism the Communication Center is deep within Velociraptor territory Park gives us and Dieter are pressure on how dangerous the Raptors can be Sarasota axis will probably be on their Trail too which spark disagrees with no no you're wrong there Dr Harding will lose them once we leave their territory no don't bet on it Tyrannosaurus got the large proportional olfactory cavity of any creature in the fossil record with the exception of one Ludlow can't handle nerd talk and suggests they make a move Malcolm recommends a lagoon but they all agree Carlos is too smart just to come by and Roland suggests that they move now azarexas currently aren't hungry Malcolm tells him to press F to pay respects for Eddie but Roland says [ __ ] that let's get this Movable Feast underway both teams no Force to work together Trek Through the Jungle neka catches up to Roland asking him why he's so insistent on killing the buck Roland tells him the story of some madman tldr it's the ultimate hunt for him a worthy foe Malcolm and Ludlow trade barbs over their Ventures with Ludlow going for a low blow by mentioning Eddie Malcolm tells him he'll never be John Hammond and that taking the animals off the island is a a terrible idea and I'm going to be there when you learn that Don sees our combined group continuing on Roland notices the blood from Sarah's shirt and calls a five minute break he asks if she's injured with her telling him it's Junior's blood and it won't dry in the humidity Roland goes off with Ludlow leaving his gun unattended next he's an opportunity to [ __ ] with him Dieter decides he needs to take a shite and heads off into the jungle telling Carter to wait for him unfortunately he's wearing a very old version of noise canceling headphones and didn't hear him oh well Dieter gets down to business when he hears a noise that can't pay from before gives him a jump scare Dieter pays it back by Shocking it again like an [ __ ] boss to an employee he makes his way back to the group but finds himself turned around he calls out to Carter who obviously can't hear him he continues wondering and falls down a slope losing his gun and Landing roughly on the ground the compies decide to unionize and sees the means of his ass they swarm him giving him a list of their demands he manages to shake them off throwing some stones to scatter them and continues on Roland picks up his rifle and tells the grip to get moving one of the Marx tells Carter who joins them not noticing teeter's pack now thoroughly lost Dieter walks down a stream pursued by the proletariat he falls over and they attack again thoroughly savaging him he shakes him off again but they're not letting up this time now he feels the fear he claims over a lock to escape and they follow giving him a death he fully deserves the stream runs red with his blood noticing his departure Roland quizzes Carter he takes two others to look for him telling the group to continue to the Ridge and wait for them Ludlow tries to Rally the trips with as much effectiveness of your dad trying to sell a package of Avon ironically it's Nick who gets them moving RJ worries about Roland that night Ludlow has passed out pitched again the rest of the group are sleeping on the ground thoroughly exhausted RJ is still awake waiting for Roland and gets up upon his return mount masks if they found detour it's just the parts they didn't like lol on his travels Roland happened to spot the Operation Center which is closer than they think he'll let them sleep another hour before the final push Kelly and Sarah sleep in a tent erected for them by the engine group and they say chivalry is dead inside Sarah has hung up her bloody chart to dry bad idea as Malcolm heads over he hears the Thundering footsteps we get a water vibration callback as Sarah wakes up and realizes the rexes are coming back drawn by Junior's blood it's been pointed out numerous times over the years that Sarah keeping the shirt with Junior's blood on it was a very bad idea especially because she's an animal behavioralist and should have remembered that the parents would follow the scent of the baby's blood even after Roland points it out to her now God knows I make a hell of a lot of mistakes when I should know better as well it could be argued that she just kind of forgot that the rexes would follow the scent of their offspring's blood I'll cover this in more detail when we get to Sarah's characterization but for now the important thing to note is that the rexes find them again the original draft had Burke finding a dinosaur egg and thinking it would be a good idea to have a fry up which then drew the parents to their location Sarah quickly tries to hide any evidence of them as the buck appears at the tent Malcolm watches in horror as he pokes his head inside and sniffs Sarah waking Kelly the buck finds a shirt with Junior's blood on it and sniffs it Sarah and Kelly tried to stay completely still terrified the Buck's rummaging wakes up Carter who absolutely shites himself and wakes up the rest of the camp chaos erupts and Malcolm tells everyone to stay still no one listens and he gets knocked over as the buck rips the tent away and Roars at them neck grabs Sarah and Kelly and they run with the rest of the engine group as the door appears Rollins brings into action and takes a shot at her only to realize Nick has indeed [ __ ] with his rifle the engine Hunters along with Nick Sarah and Kelly run down a ravine as the doll gives Chase Carter Falls and is trampled by the group and then by the doe who carries him for three steps before he falls off presumably with nothing left of his internal organs Roland regroups grabbing a tranq rifle and approaches the buck who is still back at the camp he fires a dart yeah you might need another one there pal Roland frantically reloads as the buck approaches him Nick realizes the futility of trying to outrun a Rex and guides Sarah and Kelly to a waterfall to hide Burke decides he wants to get in on it as well but he leads the doe in with him trapped in the waterfall the four of them have nowhere to go as the doe tries to get at them just out of her reach a snake crawls down Bark's shirt causing him to shite it and run straight into the door who decides to make a double kill Nick Kelly and Sarah brace for her to return but it's Malcolm that comes through next he thanks Nick for saving them the engine group keep running emerging out of the Jungle and into a field of long elephant grass clearly the more experienced Hunter RJ tells him to stay hurts they don't listen and out of loyalty he follows them throwing his pack away he should have trusted his instincts as several Raptor heads rear out of the grass the group continued through the field as the Raptors close in from both sides like Torpedoes they start making stealth kills taking them down one by one the Hunter's notice and panic fleeing in all directions the Raptors take them down including RJ who is killed off-screen deleted scene alert RJ did actually have a death that was filmed but never included in the chaos he stops running and sees a raptor coming up from a fresh kill that charges Adam he closes his eyes and awaits his fate the previous draft even had Roland and Malcolm watching from above and Roland turns away as his friend is killed it's a shame the scene isn't in the film and it's one of the ones I wish had been included Ian Sarah Nick and Kelly enter the field following the trail of the engine group Next stops finding RJ's bag they hear the screams of the dying hunters and the growl of the Velociraptors go fortunately the Raptors are too preoccupied chowing down and barely even snap at them as they run past they reached the tree line and fall down a slope to the engine compound where Malcolm hurts his ankle Nick volunteers to go ahead as time is of the essence and Sarah and Kelly stay within Nick runs into the village and reaches the abandoned operations center you'd expect at this point with a character running off alone that he'd be jumped straight away but luckily nothing comes at him he does shite himself at a mural of Jurassic Park and Rexy but otherwise he's okay he enters the Communication Center and Powers it up radioing for help someone responds and Nick sends out an SOS Ludlow emerges from his hiding spot dripping water he spots Roland setting with the track rifle while the buck snores in the background he won Malcolm Sarah and Kelly enter the worker Village looking for Nick they call out to him with no avail suddenly a Raptor jumps on the car and onto Sarah tearing into her incredibly lucky pack the Raptor tears the pack away giving her a chance to escape Malcolm distracts the Raptor while Sarah and Kelly hide in a shed with two more Raptors in Pursuit Malcolm runs into another building and holds the door closed against the Raptor LOL Raptor gymnastics are very much on display he Shields himself with a door which doesn't really do much he runs into a car managing to buy himself some time as the Raptor drills away at the glass Sarah and Kelly watched the Raptors try to dig their way into the shed they tried to get out the back door and start digging their own way out Malcolm watches anxiously as the Raptor gets closer Sarah and Kelly managed to take faster than the Raptors and start to make their way out go where do I go when I'm out I'm right back psych left with no other option they start climbing up Malcolm trapped her clears away the glass at the window noticing the shed door is now unwrapped out he makes his Escape running to join the others only to find himself cornered he climbs up as it follows him remember how Kelly said she did gymnastics well now she puts it into practice jumping onto her pipe and ye eating the Raptor out of the window where it gets impaled yeah that's a little bit silly but it's not the most silly thing this franchise has ever done to produce hey eyes on me don't worry we'll get to that eventually Malcolm questions the competency of the skills judging panel as the second Raptor comes in through the hole in the back door Malcolm and Kelly run as Sarah climbs onto the roof with the Raptor in Pursuit she jumps onto the next roof and it easily follows her I bet the Raptors would have made the gymnastics team the other Raptor appears below and jumps at her snapping at her legs Sarah gets an idea and uses the Spanish tiles on the roof to cause the Raptor to slide down onto the other one where they start a squared goal she tries to climb up but falls down herself fortunately the Raptors are too busy getting wide with each other and she makes her graceful Escape Malcolm and Kelly find her as a rescue chopper arrives and they race to The Landing Pad catching up with Nick they run up to the roof with Malcolm asking if they are the only survivors the helicopter takes off the group take a breather with Kelly clearly traumatized Nick reveals Roland's bullets that he took from his rifle dropping them on the floor unfortunately Roland was able to improvise and as reinforcements drop in we find him sitting next to the sedated and caged Buck while Ludlow orders the capture of the baby he congratulates Roland saying that he's single-handedly saved the company Roland doesn't care RJ is dead his friend is gone Ludlow offers him a job at Jurassic Park San Diego but Roland declines he's done he's had enough I believe I've spent enough time in the company of death with what he has left he just walks away Sarah sees them from the chopper and opens it revealing to Malcolm and Nick the second act Turning Point the characters have escaped the island next stopped Roland from killing the buck but now it's been captured and it's on its way back to the mainland it may as well have been for nothing so Much Death has happened already and it's still not over they failed the helicopter flies into the third act bringing us to San Diego the third act actually changed in between drafts because Spielberg wanted to go in a different direction and pay homage to the original The Lost World the original draft of the film had a longer Rapture sequence at the worker village with Roland and Ludlow going after the buck there was also another character in Malcolm's group called Dr Judson based on the character Levin from the novel the finale included the helicopters Landing in a Pteranodon nest and a fight with them involving the Raptors certain events with Ludlow and Roland played out in the same way with Roland letting the buck take the Victory and Ludlow well no spoilers for what's coming next LOL this movie is over 25 years old there is a flurry of activity at the Engen dock as board members and the Press gather to witness ludlow's Grand unveiling Malcolm and Sarah show up too having had a quick shower and a shave they are denied entry Ludlow prepares to Christen Jurassic Park San Diego with a mega attraction as the Harbor Master arrives saying that the ship is here ahead of schedule Ludlow clocks Malcolm and Sarah you see that last looking couple sir you need to look at this let them see this up close yes sir Ludlow sees the chef approaching as the Harbor Master tries to hail it there's no response LOL King Kong reference it keeps approaching at full speed Ludlow steps outside and runs as the ship crashes into the dock not a great start for his Grand unveiling Ludlow Malcolm Sarah and the rest of the ngen employees board the boat finding it a disaster Zone the Bucks cage is destroyed there's no sign of the crew oh no there they are it's implied the buck is the one responsible for all the damage on the boat and the deaths of the crew despite the fact that some of them were in places he shouldn't have been able to reach originally there was meant to be a velociraptor that stowed away on the boat and did most of the damage before being killed and then the buck was able to escape uh that was never really filmed and so now it's just the buck Malcolm finds a dead crew man with his hand on the cargo bay doors and realizes what's happened Ludlow still playing catch-up has the great idea of checking the cargo hold for the rest of the crew Malcolm tries to stop them but it's too late as the buck erupts from the cargo bay now free from any restraints the buck walks free from the ship as Ludlow looks on in horror here John Hammond he did say he was gonna be there the buck breaks his way through customs control and looks at San Diego in the distance [Music] Sarah berates the engine staff for not keeping the Rex properly sedated apparently the two darts are all induced were too much and they had to give it something to counteract the effects but they went too high Malcolm asks if Junior was on the boat but the crewman tells him he was brought back by playing Sarah has an idea grab the baby and lure the buck back to the boat before he kills anyone in the city Malcolm reluctantly agrees and they question a catatonic Ludlow where's the infant it's in a secured facility why is the facility the buck takes a stroll through the neighborhood mistaking an outdoor pool for drinking water he does some braking and entering Rising Benjamin in the process who wakes up to see a goddamn T-Rex in his backyard he quickly goes to his parents as the buck discovers What chlorine tastes like and takes a shine to the family dog Benjamin wakes his parents who Becker about who's the worst parental figure before realizing he's right and seeing the buck chowing down on Fido per puppy those negligent [ __ ] should have kept him in sight revealing that he's a sadistic bastard who never even liked the dog Benjamin snaps a photo of the moment angering the buck the scene Cuts there but there was more filmed where the buck broke through the wall and gave them a sniff whether or not he finished the job I don't know I'll leave the fate of the negligent animal owners up to your own interpretation Malcolm and Sarah did some breaking and entering of their own making their way into Jurassic Park San Diego and finding Junior once again heavily sedated a guard tries to stop them and Malcolm tells him to come ahead as they leave looking for the buck the buck is on jacking it through downtown San Diego cars crash street lights are assaulted and buses are accosted that bus was one day away from retirement the Rex sends a bus into a blockbuster because he wants to be the only dinosaur in town there's also a blink and you'll miss it poster for a king Lear adaptation starring Arnold Schwarzenegger The Buck harasses some Japanese businessmen who just can't catch a break from this [ __ ] even David Kemp is caught up in the Rampage the buck targets him disagreeing with the direction the Ford act has taken and has an early morning snack Malcolm and Sarah catch up to the buck I'm gonna go out jacking it in San Diego they tried to wake up Junior but it's not necessary as the buck catches his scent in a flipped shot and charges after them they lead him back to the dock as the polis and Animal Control arrive LOL on your way Junior has woken up and is very talkative while Malcolm tries to find a way through the warehouses that works Ian and Sarah run with Junior as the buck follows them into the climax Ludlow tells engine security to shoot the buck but he wants the Baby Alive trying to salvage something from this debacle he sees Malcolm and Sarah carrying Jr and goes after them chasing them back onto the ship he catches up in time to see them both jump overboard he looks around for the baby as a helicopter appears searching for the buck Ludlow hears Junior calling out and realizes he's in the cargo hold he goes down and finds the now unmuzzled junior he tries to catch him as the buck shows up game over pal now face to face with the bug Ludlow shites it and tries to run away the buck catches him breaking his leg and dropping him on the floor next to Junior Ludlow tries to limp away but the buck knocks him over it's time for junior to make his first kill Ludlow realizes this all too late as Junior pounces on him and the buck looks on with approval Ian and Sarah climb back onto the boat as the helicopter arrives Ian pushes the button to close the cargo doors as Sarah loads a track Dart into the rifle she just found the black moment arrives as the engine sniper takes aim at the buck Sarah is faster though and fires a track Dart into his neck sedating him and saving his life foreign [Music] Malcolm and Sarah collect themselves as the chopper stands down and the cargo doors close with Junior letting out a final little Roar the resolution shows Malcolm Sarah and Kelly watching a news report of the ship returning to Isla sorna even Stevie Spielberg gets in on it sitting next to them on the couch Malcolm and Sarah have passed out and Kelly watches as an interview with John Hammond plays on the news report able to get himself out of bed Hammond makes an impassioned plea to the public and local governments to work together to keep the island safe and undisturbed in an epilogue we see the ecosystem of Isla sarna with the buck and the doll looking after Junior the stegosaurus Herod passing by and some pterosaurs where the [ __ ] have they been Fade Out so that's the synopsis and story structure of the Lost World the hook can Ting incident Hammond revealing sight beater Malcolm and Sarah already being there the First Act turning point in Jen's arrival the midpoint the destruction of the trailers Eddie's death and the two groups being stranded the second act Turning Point the escape from the island but the buck being taken captive and the climax jacking it in San Diego it follows the traditional free act structure like the first film that building momentum and Stakes to the conclusion now let's take a look at the rest of it foreign to the first film The Lost World deals with the themes of humans trying to gain control over nature but also takes it further dealing with the intricacies of human nature the film pits two main grips against each other with opposing ideals Hunters versus gatherers one group is on the island to observe and document the dinosaurs Gathering and the other group to capture and profit from them hunting nature versus exploitation capitalism versus naturalism so you went from capitalist to naturalist in just four years which that's something both groups have to work together when their comms are destroyed partly because of the opposing group's actions but also because of the dinosaurs or nature fighting back both of the destructions are set in motion by the actions of the other group Nick and Sarah releasing the dinosaurs which causes the engine team's comms to be destroyed and the engine group breaking the baby Rex's leg which causes neck to take it back to the trailers drawing out the parents who destroy them chaos Fury conflict between the groups causes things to go bad but it's nature that forces their hand bringing them together for Mutual survival the film also deals with the FEMA family shown in various different characters and relationships during the film Malcolm and Kelly ludlorn Hammond the stegos and perhaps most poignantly their experience and Junior this is perhaps the most pronounced for their exes as looking at their actions they are clearly the better parents Malcolm is distant from Kelly and the film gives them an opportunity to rise and be a better father to her the buck and the or don't have that problem they practically tear sorna upside down looking for junior they come looking for his blood and the buck races back to the boat when he realizes Malcolm and Sarah have Junior the theme of parents and children is perhaps the most prominent theme in the film with mankind trying to control nature taking a back seat which makes sense as we've seen it before foreign [Music] despite being a supporting character in the first film this time around Malcolm is the protagonist he's the main character in the second book despite dying at the events of the first one saying that rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated he was then transferred to a better hospital where doctors upgraded his condition to alive it's probably 100 due to Jeff goldblum's portrayal of him in the first film along with Cap's writing the audience connected with him his quips his charm and now he's back to LEAP film number two a little less flirtatious and a little more serious this time less daddy more dad he's still a shagger but he's jaded traumatized by his experiences in the first film archetypally he's still the lover and that drives his motivations he's still got the gestures quips but they don't hold as much sway over him he wants nothing to do with sarna or Hammond's dinosaurs but as soon as he learns Sarah is there he follows his heart to rescue her his Arc in the film is one of redemption Redemption for his career Redemption for his livelihood but also Redemption for him as a father and a boyfriend he wants to go and rescue Sarah but he needs to be there for her not just in sarna but also in real life he wanted to rescue me from something why didn't you bail me out of that fundraiser at the Museum three weeks ago like he said you would you know I have made a career out of waiting for you he also needs to be a better father to Kelly he's flaking unreliable Kelly wants him to yell at her because he never does anything she doesn't really want him to shout and rage at her she just wants him to be a father to be present the second Malcolm finds Sarah on the island he's immediately on edge he knows how quickly and easily things can go wrong and just wants to get them out as soon as he can he's nervous jittery he forgets how to operate Eddie's radio despite being told and keeps a death grip on Kelly all throughout the first half of the film he could be described as a nervous mess it's not until the midpoint that the communications are destroyed that he starts to become the hero still led by his heart he rises to the challenge he stays awake works with Roland he patrols the camp before the Rex attack and tries to tell everyone to stay calm when they show up although he gets injured again running through the long grass he tries to be the one to go to the Communication Center he leads the first Raptor away from Sarah and Kelly and when the buck is taken back to San Diego it's him along with Sarah that do what needs to be done to get him back on the ship he gets his Redemption for his career and his livelihood but he also gets his Redemption with them the final scene in the film shows them together stronger as a family going into the future there's a deleted scene that was filmed just before the Rex has come looking for Sarah's shirt where Kelly asks Malcolm if she's going to marry her she tells him he should it's not in the film but I thought it was worth mentioning don't he just love it when these films set up things that they ultimately drop Sarah encapsulates the Explorer she wants to push the boundaries of what humans know about dinosaurs she's curious and driven in her goal to prove that dinosaurs are good parents to the point that she doesn't even care about her own safety she's Reckless and at times a bit hypocritical saying that the group needs to minimize the presence while taking the opportunity to touch acute stegosaurus while writing this I initially fought her character to be a victim of inconsistent characterization in service of the plot breaking her own rules so that we could get a cute dinosaur moment with the baby stego and straight up forgetting her own knowledge about Predators when it came to the bloody church because the rexes needed to find the grip again Tyrannosaurus got the large proportional olfactory cavity of any creature in the fossil record with the exception of one [Music] it wasn't until I reconsaulted character archetypes that I noticed in other words sticking out among the Explorer archetype unreliable not as a negative but just as a facet of the characterization unreliable in her own rules because she follows her heart not just because my own cynicism forted we could get an oh look at the dino moment as I mentioned before she's Reckless unreliable when caring about her own safety and this comes back to bite her when the rexes destroy the trailer and she finds herself facing her worst fear Heights she would have died when the glass broke if it hadn't been for Malcolm and her lucky pack from this point on she's off kilter her mind isn't working the way it should she's exhausted sleep deprived and she becomes unreliable in her own knowledge not realizing that the blood that won't dry will draw the buck and the door to the camp it's actually consistent with the character's archetype it remains subjective and open to interpretation but this is the one I choose to have given her characterization perhaps a better way to have the rexes find the group again would be to have Nick be the one to get Junior's blood on him he could have stashed the shirt in a bag setting up the chekhov's gun of the blood without Sarah seeing and then hung it up to dry later although this would have meant that the rexes would have gone after him instead and the whole scene would have been different but I digress although flawed I think the blood on Sarah's shirt Works throughout the rest of the island her wits managed to keep her alive using her intelligence to outwit the Raptors and once on the mainland she puts what she's learned about the rexes into practice being the one who comes up with the idea of using the baby to draw the buck back to the boat Wiser from her experiences on the island Hammond is once again the herald to the events in the film as well as the Creator he only has two scenes this time around but his presence is still impactful and we catch him at the end of an arc that is a natural progression from where he was at the end of the last film he's gone from sorrowful regret to optimistic determination about the fate of his Creations arguing that they should be left in peace once everything is out in the open again he finds the strength to make a televised appearance however brief it may be the safety of his Creations gives him strength in the resolution of the film Ludlow functions as the film's antagonist the shadow to Hammond and Malcolm while Malcolm seeks to save his family Ludlow casts his aside despite being Jon's own family he has views completely different to Hammonds wanting to exploit the dinosaurs in order to recoup in Jen's Financial losses over the last four years he's a ruthless businessman willing to oust his own uncle and take control of the company in order to get his way he wants to be Hammond or the version of Hammond that he thinks should have existed but he's inadequate he tries to set up camp in the middle of a game Trail gets drunk constantly and is entirely reliant on Roland to lead his group to safety after the midpoint he even abandons them in the second Rex attack probably his smartest move considering he survives he will never be Hammond as Malcolm tells him and it just comes off like a Hustle but his inadequacy drives him he sees the buck as a golden ticket when Roland sedates it ordering the baby to be captured again he brings them back to San Diego but he's unable to contain the buck losing control and ironically being the closest he will ever be to his uncle In This Moment from that point on he's catatonic until in his Panic he tells him to shoot the buck while still thinking he can make something from the baby his delusions lead to his death in the cargo hold his death is a complete rule reversal and the cathartic poetic Revenge to the way he treated Junior in a deleted scene but unfortunately I can't really include it as it was cut from the film again I wish it had stayed Nick embodies traits from the Ally the trickster and the outlaw an ally to Malcolm's group and a trickster to engines he's an outlaw working for Greenpeace and against the man but also cynical he's in it for the paycheck that is until he sees that the dinosaurs are real from that point he's committed to the safety of the animals doing whatever it takes to achieve that goal he sabotages the camp and Roland's gun unfortunately he ultimately fails as although he saves her exes from being killed it instead leads to the buck being captured many people blame Nick for the events from the film and the subsequent deaths after all it's him who sets the dinosaurs free which destroys the engine Camp he's the one who takes Junior which destroys their own camp and he takes the bullets from Roland's gun leading to the deaths from the Raptors and the buck being taken back to San Diego I think this is wrong though next actions aren't to blame for the events of the film its cause and effect he's forced to free the dinosaurs and take Junior back because of the engine group's actions he takes Roland's bullets to stop them from killing something for his own motives each decision causes a whole spiraling Cascade of events to come from it a slight detail altering the path of what comes next or chaos theory is Nick an agent of Chaos no he's ultimately just an ally trying to do what's right Eddie is the caregiver yes he's a sarcastic witty and grouchy guy but he also provides all the tech from Malcolm's group he literally gives care to Ian Sarah and Nick after the Rex attack and makes the ultimate sacrifice for them he's selfless loyal and a stand-up guy he's based off of the character foreign in the book who has an assistant called edicar who basically becomes the neck character in the film except he's not his assistant it's not really relevant but it is interesting to see how they adapted the characters from the book to the film also book Eddie gets killed by Velociraptors and the foreign character survives there's not much else to say which is a shame because he's one of my favorite characters in the film except maybe press f for Eddie Kelly once again represents the innocent child in the film The Ultimate cost and worst case scenario for Malcolm losing his daughter as well as his girlfriend she does have a journey to go on in the film though she wants to connect more with her dad initially rejected by him she stows away and becomes entangled in the events on Isla sorna she doesn't really have her own personal Arc to go on though she's more connected with Malcolm's she does have a moment to shine where she saves him from the Velociraptor but it's not really got the same impact as Lex turning the systems back on in the first film she may also be an unreliable narrator as her gymnastic skills are clearly good and perhaps she lied to Malcolm about being cut from the team as a ploy to make him feel guilty and spend more time with her that's just a theory though as it's never confirmed either way she does regret her actions pretty quickly once [ __ ] gets real with their exes realizing that coming along was a terrible idea I also mentioned the deleted scene where she tells Malcolm he should marry Sarah she wants them to be a family and that's implied throughout the film her and Sarah have a connection even if that connection is mostly ganging up on Malcolm it's Sarah that Kelly sleeps with in the tent showing their trust it's this family Dynamic that Kelly wants and by the end of the film she she gets her wish maybe I mean her and Sarah are literally never mentioned in the minion Dieter of course is a henchman Roland's second in command and a minor antagonist he's an [ __ ] and is abusive towards the dinosaurs he doesn't need a deeper meaning behind his character as traditionally he's one of the minor bosses you fight before you'd get to the final boss he does have his own ironic journey to go on thinking he's Superior and more powerful than the compies he wants to give them something to fear to be feared ultimately they give him something to fear and he gets his comeuppance in a particularly gruesome way and that brings us to Roland Temple perhaps the most complex character in the whole film golden Tempo is like the last of the philosopher Hunters really he's a hunter Survivor and a Gentleman although he's in the opposing team and has Sinister motives he's not an antagonist he's a bit of an anti-hero but archetypally he's the sage the one the rest of the characters turned to for help when things go bad when we meet him in the film he has one goal in mind to bring down the book why he sees the buck as the greater Predator with humans being second best he sees it as the ultimate prey and if he takes it down he'll be number one and his dick will grow bigger toxic masculinity Jokes Aside though there is more to his character in the deleted scene where we meet him he's jaded he respects the animals he hunts true Hunter doesn't mind if the animal wins he wishes more had won against him but there were not enough escapes from you and me RJ leaving a firing squad don't do things he also has a sense of Honor stepping in to defend an African woman being harassed by Americans and thoroughly brutalizing them in the process we don't get this backstory in the film though instead we get Roland at the point of determination his Arc still comes through in the final film although Nick steals his bullets possibly emasculating him he is still able to prove himself over the buck by bringing it down but not killing it however he loses the only thing he really cares about his friend RJ he won but he lost more and realizes it isn't worth it he chooses to walk away losing to the animals and nature his decision probably saves his life his exit also coincides with the traditional death of the sage or Mentor usually around the second act Turning Point his Arc has a similar conclusion in the original draft where after RJ's death he and Ludlow track the buck one last time on the island while awaiting rescue the buck gets the drop on them and Roland concedes admitting the animal won Ludlow still tries and meets the same fate in both drafts being carried back to the nest in this one as biting practice Virginia foreign [Music] there are some bits about the dialogue in the lost world that I really like and some bits that I'm not so hot on there are some really good lines in the film I love the banter between Malcolm and Eddie particularly Eddie's sarcastic frustration at Malcolm's ineptitude in the first half of the film violence and Technology not good bad fellows I wish I would have squeezed just a little bit harder Roland gets some good lines oh you're breaking our heart that a lot let's get this Movable Feast underway I believe I've spent enough time in the company of death and then there are lines that feel slightly forced every egg clutch I've seen has got shells crushed and a birth environment for extended for time that's conclusive don't feel as clean although they do still serve their purpose and move the plot forward they just feel more worthy I pointed out in the last film that the characters talk the way people normally would speak but I can't say the same about this one Kelly in particular talks of a maturity that isn't present in a lot of 12 year olds yeah crack on me a little bit ground me or something send me my room you never do any of that she says exactly what she wants from Malcolm but in real life people don't always say what they mean maybe there are some 12 year olds that break this rule but on the whole even adults don't say what they really mean all the time they usually argue about something insignificant something that shouldn't have led to an argument but does because of something else boiling underneath something that the audience can usually see and is aware of dialogue is usually more subtle Roland's introduction in the film begins with a big monologue and it's cool but if you really look at it he's basically laying out terms that he would already have laid out earlier it feels like he's telling Ludlow his contract agreements after he's on the island it's a lot of exposition and it's doing a lot of heavy lifting it's introducing his character and setting up his motivations as well as his relationship with Ludlow it does its job but it feels a little rushed and perhaps could have been handled differently dropping hints about Roland's motivations and leadership as the film went on rather than just dropping them all at once passover's performance elevates the dialogue and on the whole both he and kept do a good job of the character it's just not great or perhaps a better word realistic some leeway can be given as is a film about genetically coolant dinosaurs brought back to life but a standard was set with the first film and unfortunately this one doesn't quite match it there are however a lot of good Standalone lines even though they come across as trailer folder oh yeah Ah that's how it always starts but then later there's running and then screaming mommy's very angry I feel like I'm coming across quite harsh on the dialogue of this film but I don't hate it I just feel that it could have been better in a few places the sequel to the movie that made nearly a billion dollars worldwide so can the lost world live up to its Jurassic Park predecessor Amy Powell found the answers in the stars the Lost World had its premiere on the 19th of May 1997 releasing theatrically four days later on the 23rd and had the biggest release recorded for a film to that date the hype was real for this one T-Rex T-Rex it had the biggest opening weekend recorded until the release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and ended its run with over 600 million dollars worldwide less than the first film but still very impressive for the time reviews were mixed and for those that care it holds a 54 approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes The Audience score was a b-plus reviewers criticized the human characterizations but praised the visual effects once again many were less than hot on the fodact Rampage describing it as a Godzilla rip-off Malcolm Attenborough and possible received Commendation for their performances with some noting better character development from the first film none of that really held the film back the fans were there so was the dinomania and also the merchandising merchandising with the real money from the movie is made there were whole new lines of toys to Captivate children based on the film look for the mark of Jurassic Park figures and vehicles he sold separately the film was nominated for an Academy Award for best visual effects again but this time it didn't win losing instead to Independence Day John Williams returned to do the score creating new themes for the film they're not as memorable or get used as much as the original film score but like anything John Williams they're still bangers more drums are incorporated into the score this time emphasizing the wildness of sorna and the locations there's a general rule when it comes to sequels audiences and the studio want the same but different it's a bit of a contradiction but basically it means they want the same experience just in a different package The Lost World strive to present the same dinosaur adventure movie but this time it was different it's not an island where we lose control in a dinosaur's Escape they already have before the film begins this isn't them taking over we're going into their territory it's their worlds I'm sorry the same sense of adventure is there but this time it's bigger grander we're not running through new high-tech facilities but climbing through decades ruined ones The Lost World brought that sense of adventure in Spades and audiences please excuse the pun ate it up it wasn't as financially successful or groundbreaking as the first film but how could it be the same lightning and a bottle effect of Jurassic Park couldn't be replicated we had already seen the dinosaurs so now it was time to unleash them to see what they could do there was some ground broken with the visual effects though the animatronics by Stan Winston Went A Step Beyond able to interact more with the characters in the environment when you see the buck rip Eddie out of the car it really did that's Richard Schiff being hauled out by the animatronic they were able to do more particularly with the buck animatronic it wasn't just the adult ones either the Baby Rex is a fully real remote controlled animatronic that Steven Spielberg described as Stan Winston's Masterpiece regardless of any views on the quality of the film consideration has to be given to the craftsmanship on display as it has aged reviews have still been mostly mixed with some loving it and others considering it an inferior sequel that focused on action over story and as one of Spielberg's more inferior films there is still a generation of 90s kids who love the film and it is still with them today foreign [Music] was without question one of if not the biggest event in my childhood I know that's probably a bit sad to say but this film was an event for me I had heard of a sequel a few years before and by the time it came out the hype was more than real I had the posters I had the tie in comics I had the junior novelization I even had bubble bath that came in a rex-shaped container that you could use as a toy once it ran out I even had the bold T-Rex toy that my dad bought for me as a gift while we were on a trip to America which was my pride and joy as well as a completely legitimate copy of the film that he sent from overseas the wait for that was the longest word Of My Life I even got a PlayStation on Christmas 1997 complete with the Lost World PS1 tie-in game unfortunately over the years some of these things have disappeared due to events outside of my control but I have been able to hold hold on to the Jurassic Park and lost world double set that my grandmother got me for Christmas one year all right just [ __ ] check these things out so cool childhood relics aside I loved this film and to be honest I still do today as I've gotten older I've started to see some of the flaws and maybe some of it is Nostalgia but this film still has a hold over me however I do see the issues with it the film suffers considerably from several of the deleted scenes that I've mentioned being left on The Cutting Room floor I think they set out with a vision of what the perfect sequel could be and along the way it got crushed under its own mate and they had to let some things go the animatronics are a step up but I can't deny that at certain times they look a little stiff like they're lacking movement in some areas this compy isn't even doing anything the dialogue is hokey and the reasoning for certain events in the film I.E the Rex is finding the group before the long grass sequence could have been better speaking of the long grass while that scene feels borderline perfect minus the missing death of RJ it does feel like the Raptors get a little bit shortchanged in this film they don't have as much of a presence or screen time this time around appearing in the film only for a couple of brief sequences although they rack up a pretty significant body count they feel kind of gimmicky they're jumping around all over the place and get outsmarted one of them even gets killed by a child you could say they're a little bit nerfed when it comes to fighting Our Heroes as opposed to hunting the engine group while the San Diego sequence does feel a bit like another film tacked on at the end of the one we've been watching I do still like it it advances the story with ngen having been forted and the public knowing about the islands opening the franchise up to Future possibilities the ending of the original draft had the island still remaining a secret which I feel would have been the inferior ending the whole point of Malcolm's group is to reveal the existence of the dinosaurs to the public which didn't happen in that version despite everything this still advances the overall story objectively the lost world is a flawed follow-up to Jurassic Park that tries its best to bring the Frills and adventure in a new package but unfortunately suffers from events and characters that don't quite reach their full potential subjectively it's a hell of a lot of fun I'd give the Lost World Jurassic Park 4 stars out of five with a smarking Eddie sign of approval still just ain't qualified at all you might try flicking the switch to on so that's my screenplay and story analysis of the Lost World Jurassic Park and if you live in the UK you can watch The Lost World on Sky movies or Now TV you can rent it from a whole bunch of online retailers or once again you can just buy it which is the superior option do you agree with my analysis let me know in the comments down below along with any other films or screenplays that you'd like me to add to the ever growing list if you like what you've seen please hit like And subscribe to the channel as it helps if you didn't like it but I'll subscribe anyway so that you can hate watch the next [ __ ] I put out we'll be taking a break from dinosaurs for a bit and go into another galaxy for the next one once again thank you for watching I've been stumo and remember let your dog sleep inside you never know when some T-Rex is Gonna Come jacking it through your neighborhood [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [ __ ]
Channel: Stu Mo
Views: 2,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: analysis, screenplay, review, criticism, the lost world, Jurassic park, Jurassic world
Id: WOsI4RIMo28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 42sec (4722 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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