The Lost City of Bayocean: The ‘Atlantic City of the West’ that vanished into the sea.

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Major support for Oregon Field Guide is provided by... [ ♪♪♪ ] MAN: My rappel! MAN: Oh, my gosh, it's beautiful. MAN: Good morning, everybody. Woo! Let's do it again! MAN: Nicely done! MAN: Oh, yeah! Fourteen and a half. Yes, that was awesome! [ people cheering ] There you go, up, up... ED JAHN: Tonight an Oregon Field Guide special, "The Lost City of Bayocean." [ ♪♪♪ ] MAN: Bayocean is a story full of tragedies. The stories are of dreams lost, mostly. MAN: Probably all developers have a certain level of craziness and being able to launch that dream, and yet the blind faith that we human beings could build something that will withstand the fury of the ocean. [ waves crashing ] I can't find any community down the Oregon coast that would even compare to it. It was just absolutely a really beautiful spot. Unique. And that's gone. [ gulls cawing in distance ] This is Bayocean Boulevard. The cobblestone street is right below us here, 10 feet down in the sand. Can you see it? Mr. Mitchell's store. Mr. Mitchell's Bayside Hotel. We caught the school bus right there beside where that sign is. Sidewalk on both sides. Fifty years ago, I'd have made it easy. [ chuckles ] The natatorium used to sit right out there. Had a big dune here. And it all washed away. A lot of land lost. [ ♪♪♪ ] JULE GILFILLAN: At the dawn of the 20th century, the Oregon coast was still mostly wild. Ambitious immigrants from the east came ready to shape the verdant forests, rich bays, and scenic shorelines into their very own versions of paradise. In 1906, the Potter family saw the long finger of land forming the western edge of Tillamook Bay and envisioned the Atlantic City of the Pacific Northwest. MAN: They were very successful developers that wanted to continue their success like they had in San Francisco and Kansas City and a bunch of other places. They understood, you know, what drew people and how to make this work. The Potters renamed the spit Bayocean Park to highlight its dual shores and began placing alluring ads in The Oregonian and The Journal. This is the map that they set up, and it's hand-drawn. These were sent with advertising packages to people in Portland in hopes that people would invest. The Potters' grand vision included a fully platted community of building lots stretching from the site of modern-day Cape Meares all the way to the mouth of Tillamook Bay. All right, this is an artist's rendition of Bayocean as it was intended to be, but it's quite wonderfully done. [ ♪♪♪ ] If you come up close to look at this, you can see where figurines are actually attached to it to try to add a third dimension to it. The Potters' plan included an amusement park and a grand hotel crowning a bluff above the shoreline. Construction started on the bay side with an administration building, real estate office, and a general store. In a few short years, Bayocean had paved roads, a post office, a newspaper, and a float in the Portland Rose Parade. It even had a tiny railway. As the Potters brought in the dinky track, they actually put down the tracks on the sand, and as they drove, they would pick up the tracks and take them ahead. The dinky hauled in all the construction materials and took tourists for joyrides for a small fee. Excitement grew as the Potters' vision began to take concrete form. The two initial structures that most stood out is they built what they called the Hotel Annex, and the natatorium was the other building, and it was an indoor swimming place where they piped in ocean water, heated it with a boiler, and they actually had a wave machine. And it was an amazing phenomena, because you could really fake being in the ocean, you know? And they brought in fancy divers from Australia that would dive and twist and, you know, catapult and do all kinds of grand stuff. And it actually was a draw. The Potters had thought of almost everything. MAN: The only way to get here originally was by boat. That's where the dock that was a quarter-mile long would've been. The railroad was on its way, but they were impatient, so they built their own yacht called the Bayocean and built it in Portland. And took investors here by that boat, but it was, by all reports, a pretty rough ride. Not only could a boat trip from Portland take days, it also involved crossing two difficult bars. It would've been bad, but that's how they'd get people out here. The Potters also took a financial hit when almost as soon as their expensive new yacht was up and running, a rail line from Portland arrived in Tillamook. I think the Potters had no idea how much this was gonna cost, building the yacht and other things. It was a very expensive proposition. [ ♪♪♪ ] But at least visitors were coming to the fashionable new resort. And once they arrived, the Potters knew exactly how to treat them. ALBRIGHT: If you were wealthy, you stayed in the Annex Hotel until they could build the grand one, but along the way, then they had cottages and then they had tent cities, and you can rent fishing rods, crab traps, they'd rent you umbrellas. Anything you wanted to do, they would find a way. There was a broad white sand beach perfect for wading and sunbathing and an outdoor pavilion where one could dance the night away or even meet a handsome stranger. You could scale it down to where, you know, you're pretty much penniless, but we will take that last penny. By 1914, the Potters had sold more than 1,600 lots, and everything from modest cabins to grand homes with 360-degree views were popping up on the blufftops. The press lauded Bayocean Park as the grandest and most commodious playground of the great Northwest. No one was more dazzled than Francis Drake Mitchell. If you're interested in the Mitchells, there's a great picture of the Mitchells. And their story was they just wanted in on the greatness. F.D. Mitchell was a 38-year-old druggist from Kansas City when he and his wife, Ida, invested their life savings into the Bayocean dream, dealing real estate and providing services for tourists. Well, they truly loved the place. In fact they, well, spent their life -- and I mean spent their life -- there. The Potters, on the other hand, were clearing out. T.B. Potter's health was failing, and carrying out the grand vision was proving expensive and difficult. SUTHERLAND: The promised facilities weren't all being built, so investors started taking legal action and eventually it went into receivership and no further progress was made on the original dream. In fact, the Potters were getting out just in time. ALBRIGHT: Concurrent with their development, there was a tremendous interest to make the bar at Tillamook Bay safer, because it was tremendously dangerous. The Tillamook bar is known as one of the most treacherous crossings on the West Coast. MAN: It is still a dangerous bar. I've known a lot of people that have died on that bar. Perry Reeder operated fishing charters in the area. The current coming from the north and hitting the tip of that north jetty, it builds up a sand mound right at the entrance, and that sand mound moves. And if you're not crossing it every day and knowing how the waves break, it is very dangerous. Tides that wash water through the bay entrance carry lots of sand and silt. Where that debris falls out, a bar forms. Waves can build up around the bar, making marine navigation perilous. Jetties restrict the channel, increasing the velocity of the water running through it. That action reduces sediment buildup, deepens the channel, and makes navigation more reliable. In 1914, the cities around Tillamook Bay needed to move seafood, timber, and dairy products and were lobbying for a jetty. But taming the mighty Pacific would prove challenging. WOMAN: The forces in the Pacific Ocean are magnitudes above other water bodies. Wave heights are bigger, tidal range is typically bigger, wave periods are bigger. So the shoreline is exposed to much bigger forces than, say, the Atlantic coast or the Gulf ocean. Heidi Moritz is a coastal engineer. The Corps of Engineers recommended that there be a dual jetty entrance to try to control the navigation channel. As time went on, it was determined that only the north jetty would be constructed. SUTHERLAND: The local port officials insisted on just a north jetty because that's all they could afford to participate in. REEDER: Going ahead with one jetty, that is the cause of a big disaster. MORITZ: Once the north jetty was constructed, they started to observe that there was erosion happening along Bayocean Spit, and it was clear that the shoreline was changing. By the 1920s, Bayocean began literally falling into the sea. [ ♪♪♪ ] SUTHERLAND: Homes started being threatened, so the landowners would move them back away from the ocean or move their cabin down over to the bay side. They didn't give it up easy. As landowners scrambled to save their homes, the long promised road finally connected Bayocean to the rest of the world. Francis Mitchell seized the opportunity to install the town's only gas pump. REEDER: Him and his wife expected a lot of tourism to come by car, and it did, but it happened at the wrong time, because of the Depression. He had a service station, a grocery store, and he owned a lot of land, and he was losing business. Another devastating blow came almost immediately. MORITZ: When the north jetty was constructed, since it was a single jetty and not a dual jetty, not only was sediment moved northward along Bayocean Spit, the navigation channel at Tillamook was also shoaling up. Rather than investing in a south jetty, local officials opted to lengthen the north jetty. The move accelerated the erosion of Bayocean Spit. By the mid-1930s, the once glorious Hotel Annex had been stripped bare and lay in ruins. The grand natatorium had been reduced to a pile of concrete blocks. [ waves crashing ] SUTHERLAND: The erosion really started increasing. In 1938-'39, some gaps were actually formed when the ocean pierced the spit. And the Corps did a major study then and concluded that the problem was caused from natural forces, not the north jetty, and that they were not legally mandated to deal with protecting resort homes. Or the businesses that depended on them. Still, in 1937, Francis Mitchell doubled down. This is a post commemorating the site of the Bayside Hotel, and Francis and his wife, Ida, purchased it. The Mitchells were in deep. And while mostly Francis was known as friendly and upbeat... MAN: "He was a possibility-thinker. He saw 'the Millionaires Playground.' Yet according to his own report..." Some accounts say the situation was driving him crazy. WOMAN: "He had a complete nervous breakdown, and he's never fully recovered from it. He's the type of man who says God talks to him." What is clear is that Mitchell was not about to stand by and watch his dream slip away. SUTHERLAND: Francis Mitchell was always concerned about the erosion, and he had no hesitation to tell any authority that he could get ahold of his views. ALBRIGHT: His money was invested, and he made a line in the sand: he was gonna stay. As Mitchell grew more desperate, so did his methods. MAN: Here's an original letter to Bayocean lot owners from F.D. Mitchell which is pretty interesting. "If everybody could donate a dollar or two dollars per lot, we can do some improvements and some maintenance that really need to be done." And that was from July of 1931. He would get letters from a number of people. This particular one is from a person in Salem, Oregon, saying, "Herewith is a check for $10," and looking forward to being there next summer. It's addressed to Mr. F.D. Mitchell, Bayocean, Oregon. No street address required. [ chuckles ] Dale Webber's parents, Bert and Margie, published their first book on Bayocean in 1973. My mom and dad pulled together all this stuff for many years, and it was barely off the press and he received letters from a number of people offering information. Perhaps the most notable was Greta Forbish, who had quite a correspondence with my dad for quite a while about what it was like to be at Bayocean on holiday. WOMAN: "Although we hadn't planned it that way, our acquaintance with Bayocean began in 1939. Our home was in Portland..." Blithe Jensen is Greta's daughter. She loved to write, and she has a way of writing that brings things so that you can feel it, and it was just something she enjoyed doing. In a series of letters, Greta recalled her many trips to Bayocean, beginning in the summer of 1939. JENSEN: "We were met by an exuberant committee of one. Francis Drake Mitchell was Bayocean. An apple-cheeked little man, he bounced with enthusiasm and scampered rather than walked." This one was taken in 1952 at Bayocean. Greta and her family took Bayocean's rustic conditions in stride and became regular visitors. "During the years, we came to know the Mitchells quite well. He shyly, but not without pride, showed us sheaves of threatening letters and scurrilous anonymous notes, some couched in the most obscene language. 'I'm getting under their skin,' he chortled. 'They'll have to do something pretty quick.'" She enjoyed being around the Mitchells, other than his pushiness in, "Oh, buy in, buy in. I'll sell you this lot cheap!" Unfortunately for Mitchell, buyers were scarce. Throughout the 1940s, storms battered the spit, eroded shorelines, washed out roads, and undermined homes all the way to Cape Meares. But Bayocean's ramshackle conditions also made it affordable. SUTHERLAND: In the 1940s, there was a new community that evolved of families with their children going to the school, and I think that was the happiest time of Bayocean actually. In 1944, Perry Reeder's family moved into one of the old resort cottages, paying just $10 a month rent. REEDER: It was like living in paradise. BOY: Can't catch me! REEDER: In them days, the beach went completely around it, all on white -- I call it sugar sand. And when the tide came in, the water would come in slow over that white sand, and it would heat the water. And we swam in it every day in the summer. We roamed to the end of the spit. And as we passed these high dunes, the sand would slide, and we were warned as kids not to get on that, but we got on them. We had close calls, but we survived. [ laughs ] The town of Bayocean wasn't as lucky. More homes fell or had to be moved. Seasonal gaps deepened into serious breakthroughs, making the road that linked Bayocean to the outside world often impassable. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell had struggled so hard to keep that road open, and a big old wave would come in there and wash all this trash in the middle of it. They would move that by hand so you could drive back across. They would saw them and move them and push on them and just get them out of the way. They just had a wooden wheelbarrow, and he was really emotional about how it was deteriorating. This was an attempt to stop the water from coming through. They would put some piling down and then put some boards across and try to stop it. But you know how a big wave comes in. You can't do much. I can still visualize in my mind, they were up ahead of us in the fog, clearing out the road, and they were old. SUTHERLAND: Francis Mitchell couldn't let go of his dream of Bayocean. He'd invested all his money in it. There was nothing he had outside of Bayocean. To walk away from it was giving up everything he had or had ever dreamed. And seeing his dream not being fulfilled really kind of put him over the edge to some degree. JENSEN: "Through the years, the Mitchells watched the deflowering of their dream. Each winter storm washed away more of their territory, and nobody would help them." Exhausted by the relentless ordeal, most of Bayocean's families had moved away by the early '50s. This photo was of a family that had moved, and the house was vandalized when they left it. At night, when nobody was around, people would bring their boats over and take what they wanted. ALBRIGHT: People would come out that were less than desirable, and they were stealing. And they were going right by Frank's place to do it. And so he was more likely to run into a bad guy than a good guy eventually. I don't know how he could not have lost his mind because of his circumstances. SUTHERLAND: There was a sign in his store that said "Watch Bayocean Grow." As Bayocean started to disappear, somebody came along and changed it to "Watch Bayocean Go." REEDER: There's a lot of power in a storm. It does what it wants to do. No matter what, you cannot stop it. You can't say one storm did it. It was gradual. It was... hundreds of storms, hundreds of high tides. And people could see that it was going to eventually break through someday. And it did. In November of 1952, a powerful autumn storm tore through the south end of the spit. A gap some half a mile wide and up to 20 feet deep opened up, making Bayocean an island. But instead of drawing up plans for a south jetty, the Corps proposed a structure known as a breakwater to patch the broken isthmus. MORITZ: The breakwater was constructed in 1956. It was considered a priority above the south jetty, because when that breach happened, there was also additional shoaling that happened in the navigation entrance. Also areas interior to Tillamook Bay were being affected, so the Corps of Engineers developed a plan to try to close off that breach. But the four years it took to restore access to Bayocean effectively brought Francis Mitchell's dream to an end. From all accounts, he was a man of big dreams, always looking for tomorrow, "It's gotta get better." And he still believed that, "Just give us a break, help us stabilize these dunes, and we will make a go of it. Bayocean will be successful." And I think he believed that right until his dying days. REEDER: He lost everything. He had a hard time watching it all. There's no doubt about that. JENSEN: "I recall a short trip to Bayocean in October, 1952. The Mitchells had moved into the kitchen of their old bay hotel. I'll never forget our last chat with them. She, trudging along the room with a thin smile, poured coffee for us. He, with a trace of artificiality in his former verve, had to prod his waning enthusiasm to keep it from melting into the floor. He looked like a bewildered child who had been punished for some infraction that he did not understand." SUTHERLAND: In October, 1953, Ida had a stroke, and neighbors took a boat over and got to the Coast Guard to come take her off the island and to the hospital. Francis was very reluctant to go, but he did, to be with his wife. And that may have been what snapped him. But, I mean, my take on it is he was a crazy man long before that, because he was tilting against windmills when everybody else had left. SUTHERLAND: He started yelling at the sheriff and the county judge and whoever else on the street he could buttonhole to the extent that they declared him insane and took him to Oregon State Hospital. And she died while he was there. Commitment papers contain accounts of Mitchell's erratic and threatening behavior and allegations of domestic abuse. WEBBER: Mitchell certainly had the tenacity of a developer to see the potential, to stick with it, and always marketing that potential, and yet the blind faith that we human beings could build something that will withstand the fury of the ocean. Francis Mitchell would spend the rest of his life in the state hospital. Today, the site of the old hotel can only be reached at the lowest tides. I think this is it. A hundred feet in the air, that's where the hotel was. Bayocean is nothing like it was 100 years ago. The west side of it along the ocean has all shifted. The breakwater angled the spit over towards the east with then Cape Meares Lake in the middle, so none of the southern section looks at all like it did. All of the changes occurred because of the jetties. Nature really is going to do what it needs to do, and man trying to control it will often result in destruction of those plans. Bayocean's last home fell in 1960. The townsite was condemned and the remaining structures burned, bulldozed, and buried in 10 feet of sand. Finally, in 1979, more than 60 years after completing the north jetty, the Army Corps of Engineers finished work on a south jetty. Almost immediately, the western shore of Bayocean Spit began to rebuild. REEDER: It had started to heal. You know, it built out quite a ways. And this has come back here in the last 20 years. We do have an emotional attachment to this land. It was just absolutely a really beautiful spot. That water would come in over that white sand, and the ocean water would be clear, and that's lost. It's gone. It's turned to mud, and I don't think it'll ever come back. What can you do? Leave it to the deer and the elk. [ chuckles ] Today Bayocean is a recreation area with a quiet beach, walking trails, and a self-guided tour through the old townsite. SUTHERLAND: The Bayocean story, I believe, is unique in what its intended grandiose dreams were and how far below that it eventually fell. But what we see now at the end of that is beautiful and enjoyed by everybody who now comes here. [ gulls cawing ] You can now find many Oregon Field Guide stories and episodes online. And to be part of the conversation about the outdoors and environment here in the Northwest, join us on Facebook. [ birds chirping ] [ gulls cawing ] Major support for Oregon Field Guide is provided by... Additional support provided by... and the following... and the contributing members of OPB and viewers like you.
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Keywords: opb, oregon public broadcasting, oregon, sw washington, portland, bend or, eugene, salem or, ashland or, grants pass, medford, climate change, lost city, bayocean, bayocean oregon, city fell into the sea, city fall into sea, city fall into ocean, city fall into the ocean, city fell into ocean, town fall into sea, town fall into ocean
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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