The longest overtime in Rocket League history

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so the longest overtime in professional rocket League land history happened a couple weeks ago in rocket league if both teams are tied after five minutes of Standard time the game goes into a sudden death overtime if you play rocket League you know it's mentally exhausting sure you're just sitting there in your chair but your mind is going 100 miles an hour thinking about a million different things unless you're my teammate who is only thinking about the ball this level players are thinking about everything where are my teammates what are my options how much boost do I have why is this guy going for a triple flip reset in an 11 minute overtime let me pause here this is the Undisputed best rocket League player in the world right now he's 16 years old his name is Zen and he plays for a team called Vitality he's one of the main characters in this story the team he's triple flip resetting on well that's the team I'm cheering for why am I cheering for the team playing against the best player in the world we'll get to that in a second first let's go back a bit this is me in the stands watching this overtime unfold according to the watch I was wearing my heart rate at this moment is 110 BPM more than twice my normal resting heart rate I'm not even playing but I'm in emotional distress this is partly because I'm intertwined with the story of this game in a much closer way than I have ever been as a fan of this game for over six years and also because I'm watching one of the most intense rocket League games ever played one mistake one opportunity this feels like a must a whole extra game of Rocket League listen to the crowd as the tension in this overtime grows forward [Applause] Vitality is almost always in a constant state of attack but somehow rule one holds on might just be some of the best Rockets we've seen the teams are in a complete stalemate the irresistible Force versus the immovable object [Applause] this is ridiculous but no human rocket League player can keep this up forever almost 10 minutes 24 saves now out of rule one that is a land record for a team then finally rule one gets the rarest commodity in this game an opportunity to score this is it we are going to win this game yes I said we because the truth is there's way more to this particular game than just the longest overtime in rocket league history there's a reason this entire arena is about to lose its mind and there's a reason I'm about to have a heart attack this rocket League video is much different than any of my other rocket League videos because this one personal this is the real story behind the longest overtime in rlcs history and to really understand the significance of this game and this moment there's just a little bit of backstory you have to know so first off rocket league is a game involving cars and I'm just kidding we don't have to go back that far we only have to go back to October of last year 2022. that's when I decided to do something really stupid I made an Esports orc because apparently that's what content creators do these days all I really wanted though was to have my own team competing in rlcs because that would probably be really fun right wrong it turns out running an org is actually really hard especially if you're just a dumb YouTuber thankfully I had a partner in this Venture Community businessman and philanthropist in Civic who also happens to suck at Rocket League by the way though he did flip reset on me once don't want to talk about it uh so when we started rule one we thought we were gonna build up the brand a little bit get our name out there and then maybe pick up an rlcs team later but then we saw a crazy opportunity the number one goal for an Esports org in my opinion is to create an entertaining product for your fans and one of the best ways to do that is by competing at the highest level to grow The Prestige of the orc the problem is it's really hard to get a team that is not only in rlcs but is also good enough to make the most prestigious rlcs international events called Majors which is where all the eyeballs are there are currently 73 Esports Orcs competing in rlcs but only 16 get to go to the majors and only eight get to play in front of a crowd eight so what was the opportunity that we saw to get a leg up on 65 other Esports Orcs it was a team called krn which had some of the most underrated players in the world a set of identical twins named rawas and Killers or Killers as everyone says wrong which is fine gliers you can call him career clears it's okay and their third Nader but there was a huge catch krn competes in a minor region which means it gets to send fewer teams to the international tournaments that I was talking about like way fewer teams it's like one team that's right if we wanted to compete in the Mina region where krn was from we had to literally be the best team because they can only send one team to the majors and that actually led to another big problem there already was a Powerhouse in that region the Falcons formerly Sandrock gaming Ahmed Khalid and trk had dominated the Mina region since rlcs expanded there in 2021 but in Civic saw something in these young players on krn that I didn't he saw the future and so just one week after launching the org we announced our first rlcs roster we had an rlcs team the way the rlcs season works is you play three tournaments over the course of a month then you have an international major in our first opportunity to make the major we got all the way to the Grand finals and then lost to the Falcons no major for us we got memed on a little bit but hey no biggie this was our first split after all we picked up an amazing new player in Meson said goodbye to Nader and got ready for our next split where we got all the way to the Grand finals and then lost to the Falcons unlucky I remember reading a tweet that was like why did you guys pick up Amina team when the Falcons are clearly the best team in that region seems pretty stupid well maybe it was stupid but just wait till the next tournament I thought to myself in our next tournament we got all the way to the Grand finals and then lost to the Falcons now it's starting to sting a little bit we had just missed out on yet another major and the ultimate goal of having our org represented on the biggest stage in rocket League was so close yet so far away we would have one more chance in the season to make the last major the spring major in Boston meanwhile over in Europe a new Prodigy had just arrived his name was Zen and he was pretty good at Rocket League he was so good that as soon as he joined Vitality They just won every single event they played soon in the world but there was one more test he'd have to face his first International major which was the spring major in Boston now the funny thing about Zen is it's not just that he has the flashiest mechanics though his mechanics are insanely consistent what makes him the best is that he learns and adapts to the game extremely fast an example of this is his crazy 1v1 show match record last year he decided to play some really high profile 1v1s against the best players in the world without having nearly the same amount of experience as those 1v1 main players in what seemed like days he had figured out the 1v1 meta and was just immediately the best in the world at 1v1 a playlist that he didn't even name from February 8th to March 2nd 2023 he was 11-0 in show matches no one could beat him or at least it seemed that way on March 2nd he had a new Challenger an unproven 16 year old Superstar from a minor region his name ruas in one of the best 1v1 show matches in history the two prodigies duked it out on johnnyboy's stream zenzo fence is up there maybe the best in the world the last main game 50 and now he is one goal up a two game Advantage for Zed he is just two games away from being the Undisputed number one in the world only 12 matches into his 1v1 career a major theme of this series was both Zen's unbelievably consistent mechanics and werewas's ability to defend them somehow rowas was doing what no one else in the world was able to do he was not only holding off Zen he was fighting back too then definitely has the edge when it comes to flip resets oh wow but roess wrapped himself around it Dodges into the ball and he comes away in the end exhausted what seemed like the impossible he had taken down the undefeatable Zen that Carter base that could be game and world number one for the West the the streak has ended rowas is the man to do it he is number one in the world rewards is on top then rawast tweeted one of the coldest things I've ever heard from the rock of the community ended Zen's win streak Gigi's to him such a great player but I'm not like the rest of them yeah it was at that moment that I realized how lucky I was to have not only one of the best players in the world on our team but also someone like rawas with insane confidence and points I I was so proud of him then on the other hand tweeted honestly I don't even count it as a defeat I haven't slept all night and I didn't want to shift the 1v1 ggs needless to say I was pretty disappointed when I saw this but the reality is I get really salty when I lose too and so I can kind of relate and also Zen's only 16 years old he apologized immediately and deleted the Tweet so I didn't hold a grudge at all and neither did rawass and Zen because fast forward to the spring major and they were shaking hands and queuing ranks together which I just feel really bad for whoever they ran into and ranked I mean my God but wait a second so rawas is at the spring major yes so rule one finally did what we could not do before it all came down to the last tournament which would decide whether or not we would make the major or stay home for another season except this time we ended up facing the Falcons in the semifinals and then we swept them through to the whole team said I think we did it I think we at least did what we had to do first we can sit back relax and wait for the Grand Final and then we won the tournament couple Majors they didn't make it to but a new era of mina is upon us that'll be enough to go to Boston just like that we were in but the thing is no one really knew how we would play against International Teams because for the entire existence of the org we had only played teams from our region this was a whole different ball game now 6 16 of the best teams in the world and we had a spot at the table and the boys didn't just sit at that table they feasted and Rule one's first ever major series we beat the number one seeded South American team crew and I was overjoyed making oh wow oh khalid's gonna start us off with an early goal the producer just say one more time what's happening is this one goes on target it's their crew Esports realizing when they are beat three guys that there is so much trouble robot stop quickly for it Brad has to read this he does not read it and that's the game that's the series it took a while but rule one get the job done then we had to play the defending world champions and we lost these rise looking for the backboard race the forsake going that is gonna be the first sweep of the spring major thankfully this was a double elimination bracket so we still had a chance now remember my ultimate goal is for the org to play in front of a crowd at the international major for this event only the final eight teams get to do that the first half of the tournament was just played Without A Crowd so it really all came down to this next series US versus Power an org founded by the legendary fortnite YouTuber Lachlan unfortunately as this series was being played uh I was at the airport to fly to the major now I don't want to say I was banking on my team winning this series but let's just say I would have felt pretty stupid if my my team got eliminated from the event that I was traveling to before I even got there I was uh I was pretty nervous so imagine how I felt when the series started like this fever trying to get this out kept alive but it clutches the ground and power take game one goes for goal forces more time off the clock I'll send to rawas rawas it gets away from too much and it touches the ground and power will win it so there I was sitting in the airport watching my team go down 2-0 one game away from getting swept and realizing I might be in for a long depressing flight to an event where my team will not even be playing but what I didn't know is our coach kresper was rallying the team and encouraging them to get back to the style of play that got them here in the first place they fought hard in game three and avoided getting swept is this one sneaking without the help of more static doesn't matter still gonna sneak it Elias can't quite Get It On Target Ruiz next game going to be quite interesting Cole to see if rule one can keep that momentum that was a relief but I didn't dare to Hope at this point game four was a battle but they scraped by with another hard fought Victory khaliers around one it's an isolation play players he goes for the home this is when the going gets tough goes for goal at this point I was literally walking onto the plane while watching on my phone and suddenly the series was tied two to two and we were going to game five to decide it all I reached my seat on the plane and thankfully there was a woman there with a cat that distracted me so I was less nervous because I was you know looking at the cat she saw me watching on my phone was like is that rocket League I was like yeah my team's playing uh but I don't think she understood that I meant literally my team was playing doesn't make the mistake he's been filling in the blanks for the last couple of games he sets up Killers perfect sweep but now we're seeing a different sweep all together I could barely contain myself it might be one more goal it is one more goal takeover complete meet your new Mina rulers the region is under new ownership rule one had just reversed swept power with a decisive Brazil in game five in my potentially depressing flight would now just be pure joy the roller coaster from depression to happiness was you know not exactly a fun ride but the ending made it all worth it my team was now one of the elite eight teams in the world and they would be playing in front of a crowd at rlcs um but what I didn't know was it was actually about to get even better it was a little surreal looking at our competition and realizing that we were going up against orgs like liquid complexity Vitality Genji Mobile One racing orgs with millions of dollars of backing tons of Staff massive sponsors not to mention orgs like moist or Carmen Corp that have huge content creators that founded them moist critical and cometo who have millions of followers and then there's me with like 10 of their following and an org run by like four people so yeah it was a little intimidating but I was excited because I thought there would be one thing on our side the crowd surely the N A Crowd would back us against pretty much every other team there right uh not exactly as it turns out this tournament had some external implications that I was not aware of because even though optic may not make it to the World Championship there's still a chance for V1 he's sitting in that sixth place depending on how the results go that's right there's still a chance nd I'm a V1 still on the outside looking in specifically it was version one that would be missing out on worlds if we won the next two series our first series was against complexity and it was an absolute classic first game and the crowd went nuts [Applause] that hurt a little bit I think even more than losing the game because hearing an entire building literally cheering on your downfall just doesn't feel good but you know inside I kind of liked it this was in Boston one of the most spoiled and annoying Sports cities in the world I wanted my team to ruin their day and that's exactly what they did Blake City holding on raise book two that one out by the tip of the horn the leaders though will have another shot right touches well from crr though he's going for the five he's going for the Boston does get a bit of space doesn't have any boost to work with Canada can it be wrong this time is [Applause] opened away it's open and there's the goal not again not again James over to Rose ball break your plate double touch Shadow put it on target please please the ball [Applause] you're seeing how much pressure complexities on another demo in the air another shot for complexity rule one strike down the other end great 50 as well this could be a shot coming through Rolex every game in this series was decided by one goal and after that first loss we didn't lose a single game this would be an upset [Applause] he's throwing every but that is gonna be in rule one three one we had won our very first in front of a crowd and sent complexity home it was amazing and we were one series away from securing top four that series would be later the same day against moist for this series my good friends Rizzo and Athena join me in fear to react to the series live if you don't know Rizzo is a content creator for moist and fear is our castle for rule one this was probably the most fun I've ever had watching an rlcs game because if we won I was gonna be elated and if we lost at least half of the room would be happy it was gonna be a win-win now with moist being a pretty popular team and us being one series away from knocking version one completely out of Worlds the crowd was not enjoying our performance because at this point the boys were full of confidence and absolutely dominating [Applause] at this point I I kind of wanted to cry because my first initial goal for the org was to just make it to a major and my ultimate goal for them was to be playing in front of a crowd but instead I suppose juicy last man they're going to the pub how about Boston now we get to win Rob ice follow up throws it up [Applause] come on off the tune Paul in the air they need the ground rule one the voice comes through the Cinderella story for wall one continue the team in its first year of existence at its first land exceeded all my wildest expectations and had won not one but two Series against some orgs that I really respect we were a top four team in the world and I didn't feel like I I deserved it at all we got so lucky with these players and I was just really proud of them I just couldn't believe it everybody [Music] I felt bad for Rizzo and moist though and I felt really bad for version one because I really did want to see them play out worlds I didn't feel bad about ruining the crowd today though because I'm a pretty Petty person and when I saw that entire building cheering loudly for our opponents twice in a row I took it a little personally so it felt pretty good to look down over the crowd and see how sad they were like honestly screw them like the boys popped off what are you gonna do like just cry cry leave and cry it was pretty mixed emotions but mostly it was Joy but the crazy thing is all of those emotions I was feeling would be nothing compared to what I would go through the next day on Championship Sunday our first series of the day was against guess who the best player in the world the best team in the world Vitality this is David versus Goliath the mysterious Challengers rule one is more confident than ever but to Lion lose Paul to block out the Sun every battle tougher than the last neither team can afford to lose here rule one versus Vitality for top three [Applause] the first game went to overtime and it was really tense but we lost then the second game went to overtime and we lost again we were now down 2-0 to Zen having lost both games in overtime we pretty much had to win the next one which surprise surprise also went to overtime and not just any overtime game three went to the longest overtime in rlcs Lan history as rawas killers and Messin made save after save after save the crowd got more and more into this match it was the most emotional game of Rocket League I've ever watched what up [Applause] today's an easy read but totally no are you kidding so when rule one didn't score in that opportunity which was one of the few chances they had if we break 30 stage rule one five one goal are you and then lost after the 12-minute battle of their lives oh team Vitality uh the feeling was pretty Indescribable when they showed the final scoreboard you can actually hear the crowd audibly gasp because the stats are just ridiculous high performance replay and here's the stat car take the Camden look at that 10-41 10-43 across the board oh my God that is one of the best overtimes in rocket league history even though we had already kind of won just by getting this far losing the overtime hurt like nothing else except maybe losing an overtime game yourself I didn't say anything for a while even when we scored a goal in the next game it was already over there like there was no coming back from that level of mental exhaustion we had been swept by Vitality Even though three of the four games had gone to overtime and it had felt extremely close I felt so much for my players who were out there undergoing the highest pressure situation in rocket league history and they had so much fight they were represented the exact Spirit of the orc that I wanted to create just full of heart and full of fight there was just no way I'd be able to describe to them how proud I was uh partly because they don't speak English but mostly because I would just never be able to convey it rawas went on to receive the defense MVP for this spring major for his incredible performance throughout the weekend I also want to say that even though I was salty about the crowd I don't hold it against them since I understand the situation now and also we did have some very committed fans that showed up and I'm not going to let my pettiness get in the way of being grateful for what we have I'm also proud of our content producer kidish for recording this amazing footage of the team for my wife lynell who's killing it as a manager at rule one and for Moon the team's GM who is also the travel dad fear the team's soccer dad streamer and the team's coach kresper who keeps the boys focused and performing at an elite level not to be dramatic but I would die for crisper and lastly I have to thank my business partner in this Venture whom without none of this story would have happened it's the mysterious and illustri serious Bob yes we have our own inside jokes but just to be clear I am talking about the legend in Civic after our series Vitality went on to win the whole thing after they made it to the Grand finals their coach Farrah grabbed the mic and gave an impassioned speech pleading with the crowd to support them against BDS in the grand finals I'm gonna need you guys because you you know like we're pretty tired I don't know to be honest like the series have been pretty long and I know you guys have been cheering for BDS but you know for the first series I want you guys to have you know a great experience but I want us to have a great experience root for us [Applause] in exchange I will trade my Vitality flag against an n a flag if anyone has it right now it worked the crowd fully supported them in their battle against BDS it was such a badass and passionate thing to do grabbing that mic and taking control that everyone there couldn't help but root for them even n a Fanboys were like well Zen is the best he's the best in the world and we're lucky to have witnessed that so now we're getting ready for the world championship our first game is August 9th at 12 p.m Eastern and you know what I'm gonna ask you guys the same thing that pharah asked that crowd in Boston will you support us for the last five years I've hopefully brought you some entertainment for free and so if there's just one thing I ask in return it's please support us in rlcs support rule one we're gonna be releasing an entire documentary Series where we gave unprecedented access to a camera crew documenting our entire Journey what I talked about today was just the tip of the iceberg for what goes on behind the scenes of an rlcs org it's it's actually pretty crazy so please get involved show your support in the twitch chat in the YouTube stream and show the whole community that rule one is the best rocket League org in the world [Music] I'm sunless Khan thanks for watching 23 24 I'm on the road [Applause]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 2,206,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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