The Life Of Homelander (The Boys)

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the life of homelander homelander who is occasionally referred to as john by vaude international is the main antagonist in the amazon series the boys he's the leader of the seven and the prime enemy of billy butcher the leader of the boys with the face of a movie star and the power of a god homelander is considered the greatest superhero alive and the leader of the seven not only can he fly but he also has super strength and super hearing and he can see through almost anything except zinc with his x-ray vision and then destroy it with his laser eyes on the surface he's affable modest and sincere the ultimate boy scout an american treasure a god-fearing patriot but just like mere mortals even superheroes have secrets welcome to the amagi 2 in today's video we're going over the life of homelander before we begin we publish new videos every week so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos childhood homelander was raised in a lab surrounded by doctors like john vogelbaum who called him john for not having a mother-like figure vogelbaum remarked that homelander turned violent aggressive and downright hateful in his childhood he was subjected to hours of sitting in front of a projector seeing images that were chosen to mold his personality like the american flag jesus christ and a baseball he had a mother-like figure a female doctor but she was killed by homelander himself when he was young and innocent after he hugged her too strongly accidentally breaking her spine prior to her death he had caused similar incidents to countless other tutors a behavior that was usually motivated by indignation but this time caused by isolation-induced depression meeting becca butcher homelander met becca butcher at a vaught private christmas party he talked with becca the new senior director from the department of digital marketing of vaught and said that he loved the work she did with his official twitter profile before ending the conversation to see queen maeve homelander said he'd like to talk to her about taking over the rest of his social media accounts killing the mayor of baltimore after finding out that the mayor of baltimore had knowledge about the compound v homelander assured that the existence of the chemical remained a secret by destroying his private jet taking the mayor's life in the process as well as his son who was excited after having received an autographed poster of his favorite hero homelander himself after the murder in an informal meeting homelander asks the whereabouts of translucent stillwell gives a direct answer saying that she doesn't know where he is yet after that stillwell makes an observation about the mayor of baltimore homelander tries to play it cool but she knows that it was him who took the jet down mainly because of the deep the two of them have a discussion about what homelander represents the meeting ends with stillwell calling the leader of the seven pure and then she successfully eases homelander homelander unhappy about the deep's choice of telling stillwell about the jet's destruction requests the presence of his fellow associates in the meeting room of the seven tower there they talk about the unfortunate choice of telling stillwell about the laser beam marks on the jet that the deep made homelander takes the position of an alpha male and makes his points clear the deep keeps his mouth shut or there will be no deep to sniff him anymore the search for translucent homelander goes to crime analytics and asks sonica the last known location of translucent at first she's not sure if she can share that information with him to which homelander replies that he can do whatever he wants annika gets the message and gives homelander the information he asks for homelander flies the ten blocks to where translucent is expected to be there he sees a van inside the van there is one of the boys frenchie homelander doesn't know he's an enemy so he casually asks for his id frenchie gives it to him but refuses to let homelander get a look at the back of the van this causes him to be suspicious homelander decides to look anyway with his x-ray vision only to see nothing there an explosion then happens some blocks away part of a plan to keep homelander off of where translucent really is homelander then goes for it flying in the direction of the fire mission with queen maeve queen maeve and homelander go to a high-rise building where a sniper is hiding a swat team is in position but the arrival of two members of the seven makes them step back homelander with his impressive theatrics praises the law officers and calls them real heroes after that maeve and homelander enter the building homelander kills the sniper by penetrating his hand through the guy's chest in order to keep up appearances homelander shoots the sniper's gun several times at maeve's armor just to make it look like they were attacked first the race homelander arrives at the race when queen maeve is being interviewed drawing all attention to him he makes a speech to the spectators hiding his true feelings about everyone there that isn't a soup then he and maeve start a conversation and homelander remembers the time when the two of them were dating he looks back with sincere joy and feeling of nostalgia he even tries to get close to her with the attendants shouting kiss her but maeve steps back after the conversation is over homelander sees that a weird man is looking at him in an odd way they exchange stairs after the race is over homelander goes back to the seven tower there he and the deep show still well a box she opens it and sees translucence remains homelander asks the deep what the box is made of to which he answers zinc the only thing homelander can't see through inside the box there is a message coming for you which is basically a declaration of war transoceanic flight 37 after a transoceanic flight from paris to chicago is hijacked by terrorists stillwell sees this as a golden opportunity to push her supes into the military she calls may even homelander to go there and save the plane she says that they can't act on foreign soil but as the plane is above international waters they can do something about it stillwell says that no congressmen will have the courage to vote against their bill if homelander and maeve save those passengers on the hijacked plane homelander and maeve successfully get on the plane and just after their arrival the terrorists are killed by them the passengers then applaud their saviors homelander and maeve enter the airplane's cockpit and there they see one more terrorist pointing a gun at the pilot and next to him the dead co-pilot the supes try to handle the situation but the terrorist shoots the pilot by instinct and immediately after that homelander kills the terrorist by lazing him down as a consequence the flight control system is destroyed maeve and homelander discuss ways to save the plane but none of them would work homelander decides to abandon the passengers maeve tries to convince her partner to do otherwise but he can't be persuaded the godlike warrior tries to negotiate with homelander saying to save at least a mother and her daughter that they spoke to moments ago homelander declines saying that if they save some passengers and let the rest die the few who survived will tell the world that two of the greatest superheroes did nothing to save the rest maeve seeing no other choice embraces homelander and together they get off the plane and fly off in the distance they see the plane falling towards the ocean hours later homelander and maeve are seen on a beach where the plane wreckage is washing ashore maeve is truly grieving the loss of the passengers meanwhile homelander decides to act up and gives a speech to the news crews there appealing to the audience and saying that if superheroes were on the chain of command of the military the tragedy of flight 37 would never have happened by the end of the speech everyone there was shouting homelander in the seven towers stillwell watched the speech on her tv with a smirk on her face knowing that in a way homelander did his job aftermath of the tragedy in the seven tower a train tells homelander that he killed his girlfriend popclaw after she told some guys about compound v homelander then told his colleague that he did the right thing by telling him homelander comforts a train but not before making an ominous remark like i'll always be watching you in the memorial made for the victims of flight 37 homelander gives a speech mentioning every victim by name and job homelander then mentions susan lopez and her daughter maya the two people maeve wanted to save after that she leaves homelander after finishing the speech finds her seated on a wooden bench maeve justifies her leaving of the memorial early because she hates boring speeches homelander sits by her side and tries to talk to her he says that the one thing he loves in maeve is that she takes initiative by the end of his pep talk maeve says one more time that she hates boring speeches after that remark a silence follows believe expo homelander arrives at the festival and seconds later a huge crowd starts to follow him asking for photos and autographs the leader of the seven just smiles and waves at them and right after enters a private place where he can be alone there he asks ashley barnett where stillwell is in which she responds that the vice president of vaught international isn't there homelander then goes to see stilwell who is taking her son teddy to the pediatrician homelander wants to make a speech that appeals to the public of the festival focusing on faith and a john wayne justice while stillwell wants a moderate speech that congressmen can identify with when homelander doesn't get what he wants he says that stillwell is running off the discussion to play a strong single mom and that she is using the baby as an accessory stillwell just answers that they need boundaries before leaving homelanders stares at the baby homelander then gets back to the festival and enters the vip room there he talks to huey campbell a friend of starlight they talk for a short amount of time then ezekiel says that everyone in the room will be re-baptized by homelander one by one the participants are re-baptized for huey's turn homelander asks if something is wrong with him because his blood pressure is 150 over 90. huey just says that he's afraid of water then homelander proceeds to re-baptize him but this time homelander is taking longer to get the participant out of the water afraid huey rises after almost drowning when the ceremony is over homelander leaves homelander then gives the speech but instead of following the script as ordered by stillwell he improvises putting in a speech biased towards christianity and patriotism and everyone in the crowd rejoices homelander then flies low toward the crowd making him look like a messianic figure back at cctv stillwell notices homelander watching her through the wall she invites him in mockingly asking if he is lonely she warns about the speech he gave and has him lay on the couch suckling her breast as a way to tame him super in america in order to further sell the idea of supes in the military vaught decided to make a reality show featuring members of the seven homelander then was brought to a house he's never seen before and had to make up a story about his childhood there so the vote crew could shoot it and send the footage to the reality show homelander said a lot of things about his childhood from baseball trophies to cakes when he reached the bedroom he saw the blanket he really used in his childhood locked in a lab triggering some painful memories homelander became angry and asked who put the blanket there leaving right after that stillwell found homelander in a barn homelander explained to her why he didn't want to shoot the promotional video but still well managed to make him change his mind using the sexual attraction homelander had to her nothing personal after meeting with the boys mesmer called a train and asked to see homelander saying that he had useful information with his request answered mesmer goes to meet homelander on a rooftop there he shows homelanders spy cam photos of the people he was looking after a french guy a black guy a skinny white guy and a british guy mesmer then proceeded to ask homelander for a job at vaught but homelander just flew away without any promises reunion with the seven after looking at the photos of the boys he stops and sees one photo in particular he realizes that billy butcher was the same guy who was staring at him at the race of the century who happened to be the man he met in 2011 when he talked to his wife becca in a vaught private christmas party the seven or at least the rest of it was a waiting a train when he arrived homelander started the reunion homelander criticized the seven for having been unreliable and sloppy recently homelander shows the seven a picture of huey declaring that huey is responsible for the death of translucent blackmailing mesmer ezekiel and popclaw he throws it over to a train who doesn't recognize huey at first until the photo is zoomed out to show that it was from when they shook hands in that very room homelander also says that huey is targeting the seven following robin's death blaming a train for it and seeking vengeance starlight after she recognized huey as the main target of homelander homelander begins to suspect starlight for any possible involvement in aiding the boys after a tense confrontation in which starlight feared for her life maeve was able to calm an angry homelander promising to take responsibility for starlight in her future actions after the reunion homelander entered stillwell's room after stillwell finished a call with a senator she reveals to homelander that they only needed three votes to get the seven into the military homelander questions if stillwell remembers becca butcher revealing that she is missing presumed dead homelander asks what happened to her however stilwell says that she presumed becca just quit making homelanders suspicious visiting vogelbaum homelander arrives at the mansions of jonah vogelbaum a former scientist at vaught and starts to talk with him homelander tries to be formal he asks some irrelevant questions but vogelbaum is direct and asks homelander what he really wants homelander then questions jonah about rebecca butcher jonah reveals that eight years ago becca came to stillwell after conceiving homelander's child which baffles homelander who is under the impression that he was sexually impotent he reveals that both becca and the child died on the delivery table due to the amount of blood loss jonah apologizes for how homelander turned out admitting that he was his greatest failure aid in syria in syria u.s troops approach a drug warehouse under cover of darkness when homelander arrives homelander tells the troops to go for a break as he will handle the search inside the building homelander uses his laser eyes to kill all of the assailants except for one he accidentally wounded so homelander approaches the man and crushes the terrorist's head under his foot homelander then exits the building but one of the assailants gets out and tries to escape homelander then simply uses his heat vision again to bisect him after he's done homelander shows the captain a vial of compound v finding out the truth at a vaught fundraiser homelander confronts stillwell over his findings from vogelbaum the two of them talk about becca and homelanders lost son after that homelander admits that he planned for nakib to show up just as they needed to sway the congress into letting them into the military homelander admits that he and a train used compound v to supercharge terrorists much to stillwell's shock homelander says that there are supes that only the seven can fight all over the globe now stillwell takes homelander to her office where the two have special intercourse however homelander seems to find the activity painful then when homelander and stillwell are still laying on the couch spending some time together stillwell reveals to homelander that edgar offered her his job in the future but homelander worries whether madeline will still be there for him on the day to day they both promised not to keep any more secrets from one another stillwell apologizes for not telling homelander about his child as she wanted to spare him the pain stillwell says that becca died from miscarriage a different version from what was told by vogelbaum homelander realizes that raising his suspicions homelander arrives at his lover's house just to find billy butcher after putting an array of c4 explosives in stilwell homelander brings teddy however believing that butcher would not put the child in danger homelander pushes butcher boasting about the stats he had with becca homelander questions billy's end game to which he reveals he just wants to hurt homelander questioning if butcher has any proof that homelander killed his wife billy goes quiet with homelander questioning stillwell about becca and his baby homelander then goes on a rant furious that stillwell hid secrets from him again then homelander reveals that he went back to vogelbaum getting the real truth out of him that vaught put becca and her child into a witness protection program for the past eight years stillwell admits that she is scared of homelander to which he expresses appreciation kissing her one last time before shooting his laser vision through her eyes and head not long after butcher decides to release the trigger detonating the explosives after the explosion butcher awakens on a lawn confused he sees homelanders standing over him in a house near them a woman and a kid appear and go to see them butcher is shocked to see becca alive with a child homelander questions if the child knows who he is however he reveals that he doesn't homelander reveals to the kid that he is his father translucent's funeral sometime after homelander showed butcher that his wife was alive and that he had a son with her homelander held the funeral for translucent along with translucent's family and his son maverick homelander lies to the nation that translucent was killed by the soup terrorists and that he will kill them to avenge his death doing so for the people for america and for his dear old friend translucent himself he even cries after saying that making everyone there applaud him touched by his words after the speech starlight sings a song at the funeral no sympathy for the crippled at madeline's former office now an empty room with little furniture homelander opens the fridge and finds a bottle of her breast milk homelander grabs it then smells it and warms it with his heat vision and drinks it ashley walks in on him awkwardly and thanks him for helping her to get madeline's old job she says she'll fill her shoes as best she can she says that they found them a new hero to replace translucent at the gym blindspot a blind superhero is seen training he is skilled doing a lot of acrobatics and showing his skills with the staff after the training ashley introduces blind spot to homelander and explains to homelander that blind spot fills a specific demographic that will really serve the seven's image homelander greets him and tells him he's a hero moments before bashing his ears in and asking ashley why on earth she would allow a [ __ ] to be part of the seven he threatens ashley to tell him every single thing that happens in her job and explains that he is the boss not her the new member of the seven may even homelanders shoot a commercial for their save america campaign about defeating the soup villains stormfront comes to the set and introduces herself as the newest member of the seven shocking ashley homelander and maeve stormfront explains that the guys on 82 aka stan edgar made it happen stormfront live streams the whole meeting to our fans on instagram and homelander fakes excitement but walks away in a huff history lesson homelander pays a visit to stan edgar where he asks to be consulted on the new additions to the seven homelander threatens stan that he might move on when his contract is up at the end of the year stan asks him what he knows about frederick vaught the leader of vaude stan explains that homelander is under the impression that they are a superhero company when in fact they are a pharmaceutical company and homelander is not their most valuable asset but compound v is he accuses him of distributing compound v around the world to terrorists and says that homelander is not as significant as he thinks he is frustrated homelander flies to becca's house to see his son while homelander and queen maeve were discussing about things while taking a break from filming a movie ashley shows homelander footage of his fight against another super terrorist which results in homelander killing the super terrorist with his heat vision but also killing an innocent male teenager who succumbed to homelanders heat vision as well homelander ignores it and asks ashley how many views the video received he then goes to a protest where the people are protesting against homelander for his war crime homelander gives a speech about how freedom comes at a price but this exacerbates the protest to where homelander has a vision of him using his heat vision on the protesters and killing many people but he instead decides to leave the protest and flies away partners in crime touched by the results of the protest homelander goes to stormfront for her assistance in helping him regain popularity stormfront helps him by turning out memes like better there than here as well as denying the footage as fake homelander returns excited and breaks up the conversation between starlight and stormfront in a rare moment of gratitude homelander thanks her for her assistance to which stormfront solicits him by asking him how he can repay her the two go back to the seven tower and have rough sadomasochistic homelander in stormfront's relationship becomes official as the two even have publix in the same area just moments after they kill a criminal ask and you shall receive homelander has a surprise for stormfront however she tells him she can't right now and she has a meeting at the seven tower with the social guys that won't take any longer than 20 minutes when in actuality she ventures to sage grove center to check on the patient results reluctant homelander lets her go eventually homelander gets tired of waiting and is suspicious that stormfront lied to him so homelander visits the seven tower but finds no information from anyone there about her meeting or that she was even there enraged from the lie homelander returns to the movie set and burns down his trailer stormfront arrives at the set where homelander calls out her lie incited further by her continued talking homelander grabs her neck with his fist and squeezes it the two meet back at the seven tower where stormfront apologizes for lying to him still raw from the event homelander dismisses her apology attempt stormfront then promises she will tell him the truth starting with her real identity she goes to a nearby chest filled with a nazi uniform and a dagger a liberty costume old newspapers and a stack of photos she grabs the photos and shows them to homelander she reveals that the old woman in the photo is not her grandmother it is really her daughter chloe continuing she explains that she was born in 1919 in berlin there she became a member of the third reich and had her daughter with frederick vaught who also gave her the first successful compound v injection she continues to explain that frederick's true intentions were not to create a shallow company that vaught is now rather it was to create an army of supermen to win the race culture war she congratulates homelander calling him the one to lead the army and that he is vaught's true destiny while confessing her love to him after she finishes explaining homelander grabs and passionately kisses her simultaneously forgiving her remember who the enemy is homelander and stormfront meet in the middle of a crowd and explain the most recent breaking news stormfront first addresses the recent supervillain paranoia leading to a shooting at a local convenience store as being unacceptable and vaught will donate to samaritan's embrace in honor of koldeep singh homelander then continues to fuel the crowd's paranoia and hatred by addressing the recent supervillain immigration stormfront attacks victoria newman in the opposition by stating that they can't just let the soups into their country additionally stating the superheroes are there to protect the citizens she continues stating that they will need more compound v and need more superheroes the crowd begins chanting in support homelander stops the chanting and announces that starlight is a traitor to the seven and has been captured and contained where she can't harm anyone further earning starlight negative publicity by stating that she conspired alongside the same people who killed translucent after the speech homelander meets with stormfront privately to discuss how they're going to deal with starlight homelander thinks that it is a mistake to keep starlight alive because he underestimated her once but not again stormfront assures him to trust her by keeping starlight alive it will cause the public to rally against a common enemy he then notices stormfront staring at a baby girl and asks her if it reminds her of her daughter which she says it does homelander then says he wants to show her something one big happy family homelander and stormfront drop into becca's backyard interrupting becca and ryan playing with legos homelander introduces stormfront to becca and ryan homelander then apologizes to ryan for pushing him too far last time and promises never to do it again stormfront then meets ryan and asks about his powers and tells him he is the first natural-born superhero becca however discourages her from talking about ryan's powers and states that homelanders should inform her the next time he wants to visit homelander explains to stormfront that becca doesn't want ryan to talk about or use his powers at all regardless homelander continues stating that he wants to be around more and he wants a family he's my son too homelanders stormfront and becca then watch a lego animation ryan did of the blind side both homelander and stormfront pretend to be interested they both then ask if he likes other things like video games youtube or one of homelanders movies ryan is then interested in one of homelanders movies however becca says that when he's older they'll talk but homelander dismisses her claim by saying ryan is old enough for those movies homelander and stormfront continue to urge ryan by telling him about things he hasn't heard of ignoring becca's comments on talking later becca then demands that homelander talk with her outside homelander agrees and leaves ryan with stormfront while he and becca talk outside becca believes homelander is trying to take ryan away from her or trying to turn him into something he's not but homelander assures her that she is wrong he explains that he was raised exactly like ryan is and he knows that if ryan finds out about the real world too late that it will mess him up homelander doesn't want his son to go through what he did becca tries to convince homelander that ryan is different and won't turn out like homelander because ryan has a mother homelander then points out a flaw in becca's argument that she is lying to ryan and hiding the truth from him becca states that it is for his own good and begs homelander not to tell ryan homelander thinks while becca cries in front of him nodding in response after becca finishes making dinner she finds ryan outside with homelander in stormfront ryan calls becca a liar revealing that they showed him the truth the house is fake the neighbors are fake even his mother is fake homelander doesn't deny it saying ryan deserved to know the truth after becca fails to convince ryan homelander then suggests that ryan needs some space and to come with him to which becca refuses and grabs ryan ryan runs past becca and jumps into homelanders arms as homelander and stormfront fly away how you can stay safe homelander reappears in what i know where he and sheriff ed flanagan are on a recording teaching school students how to stay safe in case of a super villain attack they teach students to follow a three-step protocol law lock all doors and windows arm yourself and use whatever you can and wait for a hero to arrive they then close with the instructions to follow the protocol for your own safety fact check homelander stands in the seven tower watching a news article about the recent events that have happened until stormfront walks in he asks her about noir to which she explains that noir is alive but unresponsive possibly suffering from brain damage homelander expresses concern over the recent events however stormfront tells him not to because of the congress hearings attack homelander then tries to deduce just who killed vogelbaum after narrowing down the search he suggests that it could possibly be mr edgar stormfront then tells him to relax because despite his sacrifices they're close to accomplishing their goal of creating a superman army homelander asks her about the wrong people to which stormfront tells him that frederick had a solution for everything adjustments homelander and stormfront head into ashley's office to check on ryan homelander apologizes for leaving his son alone because his work requires him to be very busy homelander then suggests that they could play a game together but ryan tells him he'd rather memorize the us states homelander calls it unnecessary but ryan says something becca taught him to do is to always be learning homelander's tone quickly changes when ryan asks if he could call his mother before anyone could answer him stormfront intervenes by suggesting they go to a restaurant planet vaught to which homelander approves when they all sit down at a table ryan is initially overjoyed until fans approach homelander in stormfront wanting to take photos with them ryan begins to panic and becomes overwhelmed by the crowd homelander stops the photos and checks on ryan ryan begs for his mother so homelander carries his son out of the restaurant and flies away with him leaving stormfront behind learning moments stormfront tracks them down to a cabin and asks where ryan is homelander tells her that ryan is inside and wants to be alone but stormfront convinces him to go talk to ryan by saying he's the strongest man in the world homelander and stormfront enter the cabin and find ryan curled up on the couch with his back turned towards them naming the us states ryan apologizes for freaking out but homelander reassures him that he messed up and should have known better ryan explains that there were too many people and homelanders still reassures him by telling his son about the first time he was exposed to crowds homelander explains that he knows the feeling of drowning in crowds ryan asks him what he did homelander admits that he flew away and vaught found him 80 miles away crying ryan then asks homelander if he cries homelander admits that he does but only once in a while because he's a man homelander then suggests that maybe ryan will fly away too next time ryan then says that he can't be just like his father homelander then tells ryan that he had no one to teach him how to use his powers because everyone around him was too scared to get near him so he had to learn on his own homelander then offers to be a teacher to his son and show him how to use his powers ryan then hugs homelander and homelander puts his arm around his son homelander looks up to see stormfront smiling at him homelander and stormfront appear outside encouraging ryan while he tries to use his heat vision on an action figure of the deep when ryan fails homelander encourages him not to give up and then tries teaching a tip that will help he tells ryan that it helps to think about someone he hates but ryan insists that he hates no one stormfront then intervenes and tells ryan that he can't afford not to hate because they're under attack homelander expresses a face of discomfort as stormfront continues to lecture ryan on the white genocide he tries to ignore it and encourages ryan to focus more so on using his heat vision to defend himself and the people he loves homelander then encourages his son to try again but before he can finish his sentence stormfront interrupts him when she finds out information on her past was leaked to the public separation homelander and ryan return inside the cabin and watch the news about stormfront's leaked information while they watch ryan asks about the word malfeasance before homelander can explain the definition they're both stunned in pain when they hear the distraction frenchie made with a frequency of over 190 thousand hertz homelander tells ryan to stay in the cabin while he leaves to go stop the signal leaving ryan covering his ears in pain homelander approaches the frequency's source a collection of vaude ultrasonic speakers and promptly destroys it with his heat vision when homelander returns to the cabin he finds seven vaught mercenaries asking about butcher he then hears dispatch on their radios ask if they secured the boy homelander closes the cabin door and questions them where's my son with no answer homelander then splits one vertically in half with his heat vision and shouts where is my son after slaughtering the men homelander walks out of the cabin covered in blood and prepares himself to find ryan isolated and alone again a blood-covered homelander flies in from the sky in the middle of the forest and sees the aftermath of ryan using his heat vision he finds a charred unresponsive and critically injured storm front homelander kneels down and attempts to touch her but stops himself he clenches his fists and begins to sob a little homelander then asks ryan if he was the one who hurt her ryan explains he didn't mean to homelander stands up motions and tells ryan to come to him ryan walks away and moves behind butcher who refuses to let ryan go homelander silently laughs and demands billy to hand him over because he's mine butcher still refuses homelander sarcastically questions billy if he's going to blow himself up again all to save the boy who killed his wife butcher still refuses saying he promised becca before homelander can attack them queen maeve intervenes and demands homelander to leave them alone homelander asks what will happen if he doesn't maeve shows him the footage of him abandoning the passengers of flight 37 to die she then blackmails him to let butcher and ryan go to stop hunting starlight and to leave her and elena alone otherwise she'll release the video footage homelander then threatens to destroy everything and everyone if she does maeve challenges him saying for him to do it because everyone will see the monstrous lunatic he really is and no one will ever love him homelander starts to lose his mind when he starts hearing the crowds chanting his name in his head he stands paralyzed and starts to cry as butcher picks up ryan and walks past him leaving homelander paralyzed by his emotions and thoughts first step into madness homelander appears at the public announcement after stan edgar addresses him homelander speaks on the stand and says that stormfront has been incarcerated and wrongfully framed starlight as a traitor he welcomes starlight back into the seven he continues to thank may even starlight as his eyes twitch more and more violently with each word he speaks homelander is seen one final time on a rooftop in the night venting his frustration by jerking off and reassuring himself that he can do whatever he wants did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Channel: Ethan
Views: 2,871,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homelander, The Boys, Vought, The Seven, Amazon, Billy Butcher, The Deep, A Train, Maeve, Queen Maeve, Black Noir, Stormfront, Starlight, Season 2, Season 3, 2021, Backstory, Series, Full, Entire, Episodes, Life Of, History, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, The Amagi 2
Id: Hu35G6cUvT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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