The Lie Detector

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[Music] thank you hello and welcome to Monday's edition of cracking the cryptic where the rotors that be have given me a liar puzzle today this is called liar spiral by navario it's got a 100 rating on logic Masters Germany people are raving about this puzzle apparently it is absolutely brilliant but I have to tell you that lying lying puzzles they fill me with the fear of the Rogan this is all your fault de mono and others um and uh this has got one of the longest rule sets you could possibly imagine but it's actually a really simple rule set if you're used to variant Sudoku because effectively every clue in this puzzle is a normal rule um but each type of clue has one liar so I think what that means is if we find all the x's in the CL in the puzzle so I'll probably miss one or two of them but um this one up there I can't see any others there might be one I'm missing there but effectively of these five X's four of them have to be correct one of them has to be a liar that's effectively how the how the rules work now hang on a sec I've just got to get rid of it I've got an advert on a page flashing behind me so that's now hopefully gone away um and we can get on without me being uh regaled by offers to buy BMWs um let us now well what do I need to do before I read you the rules of this one formally at least I need to say happy birthday happy birthday to somebody in Hamburg today turning the grand old age of 31 so Lorenzo I think your nickname is Hans your friend Peppo from Turin was in touch with us and said that he used to love solving the puzzles on cracking the cryptic with you and then you've moved away to Hamburg and now yeah I think you have to sort of communicate remotely about such things and he thought you might appreciate a shout out so we're very happy to do it I hope you have a brilliant birthday with massive amounts cake other than that how have they we've got more correct entries to the um the doctoral pack of sudokus over on patreon at the moment and this is the last day to get your entries in so by the time this video goes live the deadline will really have passed now we do tend to be a bit generous about deadlines so just make sure you get your entries in really soon if you want to be in with a Chance uh of winning a burberry's UK in the competitions so but well done to Matthew Becker I'm so saying that right could be ham bitcher um Andy mitts to Magnus and Catherine from Denmark I suspect it's not that Magnus but it might be um Andrew Houchin and Mia Freiburg you have all successfully acquired your doctorates in um well in Sudoku solving frankly but very well done it is a mean feat to get through all those puzzles and remember if you did struggle with any of those puzzles we are going to be releasing videos solves of all of the puzzles from those packs in the coming days over on patreon so do check that out um other than that I don't think I've got anything else to tell you so why don't we just kick straight into this and I will read you a rather long and copious rules but they are they are fairly simple today so what of what's niveeria got in store for us we have got normal Sudoku rules apply each of the following clue types has exactly one layer in the puzzle so digits along an arrows sum to the digit in that Arrow Circle so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through the rules as if they're true so if they were true these three digits let's make them one two and three one plus two plus three equals you've guessed it six so this would be a correct Arrow clue but obviously I think there are four arrow clues in this puzzle one of these Arrow Clues has to be telling fibs um now next uh adjacent digits separated by a black dot have a ratio of one to two so if this black dot was a true clue one of these digits would be double the other one that's all that's saying ratio ratio um mumbo jumbo just means one of them is double the other uh cells with a gray Square contain even digits so we've got a few of those dotted around and if they were true they'd have an even digit in them adjacent digits along a green line have a difference of at least five so we've owned oh we've only got two green lines that's quite interesting actually that is very interesting but that's more we'll think about that in a minute in a moment but what this means is let's imagine this was a one now this cell would have to be at least five different from one so it'd have to be six seven eight or nine if we imagine it's a nine the next digit would have to be at least five different from nine so it would have to be four three or two it can't be one by Sudoku but otherwise it could be so that's how um there's a sort of oscillating polarity principle going on along green lines if you know what I mean and you follow the Big Bang Theory you'll think that would be a very good title for a show anyway next clue we've got um Clues outside the grid indicate the digit which has to be placed in the nth cell in the corresponding Direction Where n is the digit placed in the first cell in that direction oh good grief right this is numbered rooms isn't it Okay so right this is the first complicated rule I would argue because we haven't done many numbered room puzzles on the channel and what this is saying is that if this one clue was correct let's imagine that was an eight that would be saying that we have to place the digit one and then you look in this cell for where to place it and it's it's got eight in it so we'd have to go up eight cells here and we put the one in there so this would be a correct numbered rooms clue if that was a three then you would count three and you put the one in there so that's how it works now what we're being told I think is that two of these ones are correct and one of them is a naughty naughty liar um now cells I've tried to find my place in the rules hang on hang on hang on cells with a gray Circle contain odd digits so there are to say they're four of those they look like they're sort of paired up with the even digits don't they it is a very beautiful setup actually it's incredibly symmetric which given it's a light puzzle must be very hard to achieve um dishes in a white circle must appear in at least one of the four surrounding cells for this clue type to be correct all digits in the circle must satisfy this condition right so what that's saying is that Within These if this was a correct quadruple clue this either six and eight inside the circle then I would there would have to be a six and an eight somewhere or possibly more than one six you could do something like this couldn't it could have two sixes and an eight that's absolutely fine but there has to be at least one at six and at least one eight in the surrounding two by two now I think what it's also saying here is let's imagine in the finished grid we found there was a six here but there was no eight in these cells then this clue should be considered a liar because there should be a six and an eight in this two by two and there wouldn't be so that's how I interpret that rule anyway now cells along a purple line must be a set of consecutive digits so we've got four four purple lines I think so imagine this was a one then these would have to be two and three to ensure they're consecutive they don't have to be in order you can meddle around with the order but they do have to be consecutive and we're about halfway through the rules now um no we're not we're more than halfway digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb end and you can see they're all standard rules as well so this thermometer if it's correct if that was a one that could be a three that could be a seven because as mercury would rise as you were as the temperature increased so must our digits increase as we rise along a thermometer so that would be a correct thermometer um now next cell separated by V must contain digits summing to five we've got to the clues only so if these were correct these could be something like that one plus four equals five sorry I got distracted in my brain there because I was thinking that the clues we've only got two of might be interesting as places to start but anyway that's that's that's getting into solving brain stop doing solving and do more reading um cells connected by a white dot have to contain consecutive digits so we have got I want to say we've got three dominoes of that I can see three there might be more but imagine this was a one then this cell would have to be a two to be consecutive with one that's how white dots work and cells separated by an X must contain digits summing to ten so imagine this was a one this this if it was a correct clue would have to be a nine one plus nine equals ten and that's all the rules so what we all we've got to do all we've got to do is to remember that in each clue for each clue type one of the clues is lying now what I forgot to check is how difficult this puzzle is I'm guessing it's monstrously hard um I might be wrong about that but it feels like it's going to be monstrously hard because liar puzzles almost always are but do have a go the way to play is to click the link under the video as usual now I get to play Let's get cracking and I'm either going to think about these two v's I'm going to think about these two green lines I think because they seem to be the only well actually no I've just noticed I've got two black dots as well so maybe black dots as well might be might be interesting but it feels like the green the green Whispers line so the place to start because at least they overlap entirely with another clue so we've got broken arrows haven't we well no we haven't no we've got one oh goodness right I'm already getting confused about this so one of these green lights is is not really a green line um one of them is though a green line and I'm going to allege that the one that is agree is a real green line would break its Arrow and that's because of the oscillating polarity principle because there are there are two secrets you have to know about green lines in Sudoku puzzles the first of those Secrets is you can never put a five on the line and that's because the next digit on the line will become impossible immediately because it has to be five different from five and if you go low you've got zero or negative you go high you've got 10 or higher and none of those are valid Sudoku digits so you can't put five on the line and then that means that you can basically if if this was a low digit I.E a digit less than five the next digit on the line has to be a high digit because it has to be five different so it flips the other side of the five and that that principle that oscillating polarity principle just continues along the line but that means that this line has to have a high digit on it and by high digit I mean a six or higher now what what we clearly cannot do it's very clear that this would break the line if we had two high digits in these positions you'd have 6 plus 7 as a minimum and this would be at least a 14. that's definitely too high so we have to put because we're oscillating polarities we need to put the high digit in the middle of this line so it just appears once and what we can't do is put six in the middle of it because that would have to be surrounded by double one because we need a valid Sudoku digit that's five away from six so that doesn't work and that means you've got to put 7 in the middle of a three cell arrow and you can't do that in Sudoku because no matter how small I make these two digits because they have to be different we will acquire the sine the sum of 10 for our Circle so what we are now say it is that one of we already know what the screen lines is Broken But whichever green line is correct is breaking the arrow set at the the arrow it's on so so ah this is right okay so if one of these arrows is wrong and it is those two arrows are presumably correct and that means that those two cells have to be at least equal to six because if these are correct circles they are the sum of those three digits and the minimum I could make those digits would be a one two three triple so now I've got pencil marks in the grid and I've got what I've got problems with though is how on Earth do you keep track of the lying the lying naughtinesses that are going to be present in the grid because now what I really want to do is to say that one of these one of these is a lying whisper line and one of them is a lying Arrow line how on Earth am I going to represent that in the puzzle and these These are both real I don't know now presumably what we now look at though is the ren band lines that these arrows have attaching to them remban is these purple lines here because if this Ren band line was true if this purple line was a true clue it would contain consecutive digits which would mean it would either be one two three or two three four and this would either be six or nine nothing else would work because if we went three four five three four and five add up to twelve and that won't work so what we've got so well no that's not good is it that's not good because knowing that these are true they still have two valid options in each case for a correct purple line so I'm not getting incorrectness and that's what this puzzle feels already like it's about it's about finding contradiction in in Inc in sort of rectitude isn't it we want to okay so what was this telling me this is telling me that well actually that's a I just had another interesting thought if this is yeah if you're all thinking gosh I don't want to speak to him at a dinner party you're quite right some of my interesting thoughts some other people do not think are interesting at all like like when I had the idea of coming up with toast booths in the city of London now the Venture capitalists weren't swarming all over me about that now if this is a six this has to be a one two three triple and then that this x would have to be four six if well if it's correct ah yeah okay so if that was a six it would force the ren band to be correct as well by being a one two three triple which is sort of a bit interesting oh if that was a six that V would be wrong if that was a seven the V would be wrong ah ah got it the V is wrong ah this is this is really clever right Okay so actually the simplest way of seeing this is to say if that V is correct those two digits add up to five what's the maximum those three digits can add up to well it's nine now that would mean that if this V is correct those five digits sum up to a maximum of 14. but five digits in the same column cannot add up to less than 15 because one plus two plus three plus four plus five is fifteen so there's no way this is correct so how on Earth well the thing is that o so that one's correct oh good grief right okay so now I think we are going to have to resort to some sort of way of notating this so maybe I'll mark bad Clues with red or something I'll make that red um and maybe good Clues with yellow I might oh red yellow colorblind though people don't like that or is it no it's red green colorblind I think people really don't like I'll risk yellow um so this right now hang on this this oh this is where it gets really difficult because what I want to do now is to notate that this Arrow clue is correct but if I do that I'm going to think that Ren band is correct I'll label the circle as yellow I will label that circle is yellow I've got an ink right okay so so it must be this V I have to look at now I mustn't it because that now is one two three or four um these cells are either a one four pair or a two three pair now that is going to put some pressure on this if that's a correct if that's a correct whisper then well and these were the low digits that would break the X here because there would be all the low digits would have gone but if this is a correct whisper and this is the low digit then you could perhaps have a look where you'd have to have one load digit on here if it was correct uh okay so maybe that's not the thought I'm meant to be having naughty brain have a different thought right hang on sorry let me just think about this so I've learned that I've learned that one of these is wrong one of these is correct oh for goodness sake right right I just right okay we just did a whole load of logic in which I worked out that those spice cells there could not be a correct V and a three cell Arrow well I'm just going to reapply that logic now in row nine and forgive me for being an absolute what's it because this is now a correct V so how could that be a correct Arrow Well it can't be because then these cells would have to add up to 15 and therefore this at least and this cell would have to be at least a 10 and that doesn't work from the point of view of maths so this is an incorrect Arrow which I will make the circle then red because I want to say that the whisper I want to say that the whisper is now correct isn't it because didn't we work out these were a pair of sort of incorrect correct if this is an incorrect Arrow this is a correct Arrow and if this is a yes if this is a correct Arrow you can't make the whisper work so this whisper is incorrect and that's uh actually that does show up for me I I appreciate that some people may not like this but I don't really I don't fancy solving this without having some way of notating this correct and incorrect stuff now this is now correct and it's yellow so this right this is an incorrect arrow with a correct whisper and this is an incorrect whisper with a correct Arrow um and that's very important for the following reason come on break come on brain think of the reason because the reason ah um oh goodness oh sorry not my microphone I really want to I'm finding actually I don't find this notation that helpful either because as I'm looking at this yellow arrow I keep thinking it's correct and I'm like ah well this is we've got to have loads of low numbers on it um this is this is a correct Arrow so ah so that's got to be a six seven eight or nine right okay so that's that's a useful deduction and that means again if this is low digits so if this is six that's one two three and it's putting pressure on this x again isn't it ah okay so this this is why it's called spiral is it because we're sort of working around the grid to start with and then presumably we make our way in into the grid ending up in the middle box or something it's very clever it really is it's a lovely idea I'm just a bit annoyed that it's bamboozling me at the moment so this is a correct whisper so if it was if it was low digits here that would incorrectify this X which would correctify all of the other X's so if all of the other X's were correct we'd have a correct X here overlapping with a possible Ren band which is tricky to do actually you can do it if the red if that X is correct and the REM band is correct you have to do 4 6 with a five because anything else is too far apart if you go three seven there's no digit I can put here that's going to make these three cells consecutive you can't make that simultaneously four five and six no matter how quickly I type on the keyboard so this would have to be four or six this would have to be five um what about this is correct so this is so again every time we've got this sort of I think there is pressure on all of these x's in the perimeter especially when they're being looked at by a real Arrow again if this is six that has to be one oh that that's got REM bat on it as well so that's six that's one two three that that would have to be four six if it's correct I'm not really seeing really seeing how to do this if I'm honest I'm not I don't think I've if these were both correct you'd have to put eight well you couldn't put eight in any of those cells because of the you couldn't have more than two eights in row three and four combined now this has got the same thing going on in these cells with threes but if you look in the columns look there's no overlap which is a bit surprising ah okay where'd you put five in the bottom row well I can't put five on on a real whisper line I can't put five in an X I've got to put it here and that means that this oh hang on oh no that I'm wrong ah the X could be an incorrect X and then I could put a five on it oh oh bobbins um right so five five in the bottom row is either on an incorrect X or or it's on a ren band no or it's on a line well let's just let's do my head in right okay or it's on a possible render so five in the bottom row I don't know whether this is a sense or pencil Mark but it's in one of these three cells no that's a horrific pencil Mark I refuse that that's going to confuse me um but if writes if the five is here all the other X's are correct and if the five is here ah that render is then wrong isn't it ah right oh oh hang on a moment let me just think about this because that is a little bit interesting sorry I realize this is when these pregnant pauses are not probably very conducive to making for entertaining video viewing [Music] um let me just think about this for a second or two we've got well it no in fact let me just let's not think about it let's just check that the logic of that is correct if this is five this REM band is wrong isn't it because it has to be consecutive digits and the lowest consecutive digits I can make these would be a three four five triple which add up to 12 and break what we know is a correct Arrow clue so five in the bottom row is either yielding an incorrect X or an incorrect Ren van now hang on a moment though ah I'm just thinking is it possible for both of those things to be incorrect I think it is actually I think if this was a five the ren Band Breaks but that's not saying anything about the X the X could still be broken as well okay no and the thought I had before when I first put the five in here I was looking at the REM band was I was wondering whether there was an interaction between this the sort of renban exinus down here and the rembandexinus here that we looked at a bit earlier because if you get an incorrect REM band here you get a correct REM band here and if that if that broke the X you know you'd have an interaction going on between these this sort of thing and this sort of thing but I couldn't get my head around around it quick enough to make it um elucidatable which I realize is probably not a word um so if this if this is a five that REM band's broken that REM band is correct that rainbow is oh that's fine for that one to be correct that one's correct um now if this is no that can be oscillating with very extreme digits so that's not under pressure and if this one is correct oh ah ah no right hang on there is a problem Houston we have a problem yeah that doesn't work wow okay look at this Ren ban and think about it in the context of the X so if if both of these Clues is correct how do you fill this Ren band you have to fill it with a 4 6 pair here because you need two digits that are close together so that you can fill the the the the digit that's between them into this cell to make it a consecutive line but if you make that four five and six you've broken the arrow but and that's because if you think about the nature of a three cell Arrow what are the possible digits on a three cell Arrow but it's one two three four five and six you can't put seven up here because if you do you'll definitely break this total but if if you can't put four five and six on it either it has to be one two three which makes this a six and it clashes so that means that one of these digits well no hang on it means one of these Clues oh no what does it mean it means that it means both of these Clues cannot be correct so at least one of them is wrong but if they're both wrong don't I then have a problem down here with five ah this is this is this is very very clever right if if I know both of these can't be correct if neither is correct then we know all other REM bands and all other x's in the puzzle are correct which means this is a correct clue so cannot have a five on it and this is correct and can't have a five in it I can't place five in the bottom row so exactly one this is weird it's like an X-Wing on lying because I I can't make both both things either both right or both wrong I think so I now know exactly one of these Clues is correct and if I know exactly one of these Clues is correct then exactly one of them is incorrect and then whichever one of these is incorrect forces a correction to its equivalent down here so let's say the X was incorrect then this x would be correct that would put the 5 here and make this Ren ban incorrect which makes that remode correct which is fine now if on the other hand this Ren band is incorrect that makes this Ren band correct which means this can't be a five which moves the five here which makes this x incorrect which makes this x correct so there's a sort of cycle going on between between them but basically in each case exactly one between the yeah I don't know how to explain this properly but hopefully I think hopefully I've given the idea between these two x Clues one is wrong and one is right and between these two REM bands one is wrong and one is right and if that's the case every other REM ban in the puzzle and every other X in the puzzle must be correct because there is only one liar which means that these are all correct and they get yellowed it means this is correct oh hang on yeah that's gonna be okay isn't it if I do that then I'm saying the arrow is correct and the ren burn is correct and this REM band is correct and I just don't know anymore about so I know that there's a lot of sort of coordination between these but I don't quite know how it works so that means that what does it mean right well it means that's a six or a nine because this is now a true Ren band which means it's either one two three or two three four so this is not seven or eight anymore this is a correct X as well so that's gonna uh hang on yes yeah I've used all the low digits down here now um because if this is six this is one two three and then how do we make the X work and it's a true X don't forget so that's got to be four uh and six whereas if this is two three four on the other hand I can't put two three on four on The X so it has to be one or nine and then between these five cells I've used all the low digits in the puzzle which is going to make that black dot very difficult uh impossible in fact right so this this black dot is now broken because if this black dot were true if we think about how we can form ratios of one to two between Sudoku digits one and two two and four three and six four and eight are the only options yet each one of those options had a low digit of it had a one two three or four there they've gone from the column so this is broken which means that is correct which I've already is already labeled as if it's correct oh but that's on a correct Ren band as well so is that putting pressure on the world and we've sort of we've we've gone in from our spiral as well we've sort of been in the perimeter for a while and now we've we've wended our way to the inner bit of the Spiral so let's think about this if this is this is a correct consecutive secret so we could just do one two three here although that would put a lot of pressure on my whisper line term terminal pressure oh yeah yeah this is all forced this is beautiful good green I don't know where people come up with the ideas but this sort of nonsense but look how could this be a one-two pair uh it works for its black dot it even works for its purple line because this would be a three but now our whisper down here which must have because it's oscilla because of the oscillating polarity principle it must have a low digit in these three cells and that low digit because we can't have two low digits we must put the low digit in the middle but that means that sells a four you can't put a 4 in the middle of a whisper because the flanking digits have to both be nine so this is Rogan and that means that this is not a one two pair which I think means it's a 2 4 pair because it's got we've got to have three consecutive digits if we try three six here this would simultaneously have to be four and five in a very annoying way and if we tried four and eight it would have to be five six and seven an even more annoying way um so none of those things work this is a two-fold that's a three which is our first digit in the grid now I've still got the problem of putting a low digit on here they must go in the middle because we can't put two low digits anymore three of them have gone one is a bit less constrained because one can be next to any High digit at all uh oh one is knocked off a correct V clue so that correct V clue is now a two three clue so do we know do we know about that now could still be four six perhaps so maybe we don't know whether this is broken oh no let's use this three because look it's now not possible for both of these quadruple Clues to be correct because if they are both correct I how many threes will I put into row six and row seven there will be one there or there'll be at least one there there'll be at least one there that's now at least two and there will be that one which is three and you cannot put three threes in two rows of a Sudoku without breaking the rules of Sudoku so one of these quadruple Clues is wrong which means these two are both correct which means there is definitely an eight around L an eight and a one around this one and a six and an eight around this one so now we can't put eight into any of Owings a couple eight into any cell that I wasn't planning on putting eight into anyway oh you're wrong thing right okay maybe that's not where I meant to look next um uh no okay uh bottom row right let's have a look at that cell in the corner then because that can't be one two or three yet it's on a correct Arrow so that is four five or six by the logic we talked about earlier um oh no no oh that's lovely as well that's lovely as well I've now broken this Ren band because how could this REM band be correct if this REM band's correct it has to be consecutive digits that add up to a single digit total there is actually now only one once this is high or four five or six there's only one way it could possibly work and that's with four three and two and that's going to mean that cell has no option so it can't be four three two which means it cannot be a correct REM band which means it gets redified as a result now if this is the incorrect REM band everything else in the puzzle oh it's the right so this is the correct this is a correct Ren band although that's making it look like the x is correct and I have a strong suspicion from what we did earlier that now this x is wrong so the REM band is correct yeah we can't have yeah the X can't be correct as well as the ren band being correct because then we worked out that had to be a four five six triple and that broke this Arrow so now this gets redified as a result of being Rogan and we get every X in the puzzle is now correct so this is correct which means it can't have five on it which means five in the bottom row goes here which means that and this is this is not a real REM band but this right so this circle is now not six or seven because there's a five on the Arrow so it's either five one two or it's five one three so there is definitely a one in this Domino there's a one two three triple in the Box there is um there is crop oh oh yeah look this is correct because it's it's become yellowed once that got readied and it sees one two three so that's a four six pair which means this is not six anymore so we've got Okay so we've got we've definitely got a seven over on the right hand side because this can't be seven we've got uh it's so weird seeing these high digits attached to a circle but this circle is a wrong a Robin Circle so that's okay this whisper is working we've got that can't be a three I've just noticed from this three here in fact there's a two four pair there so that can't be a two so we've almost got this resolved we've got a correct Arrow clue up here and an incorrect whisper and a correct a correct rep have an incorrect X ah so we can argue that and we've got a correct X here which can't be 1 9. so this is two eight three seven or four six all of which seem to be at least plausible at the moment so okay how do I do this then so this right okay I can rule six out of here because if that's six that has to be a one two three triple because this is a correct Arrow but then I'll need to put a low digit on here and that'll be four six pair and now that cell in the corner will have no conceivable value so that is not six um what about seven no seven is the same this will be a one two four triple and now what low digit do I put on this x Domino I have to put three seven on and that's still broken so that doesn't work so that's now eight or nine and don't forget actually I've also got to make sure that whatever I put on here I don't break this ring man so yeah well forget about the REM band this can't be one three four adding up to eight because this would have to be two two eight to add up to ten that would be the only remaining option and that breaks that cell so this is either an eight with a one two five or it's a nine of some variety now can I break something with one two five problem with that is it gives two options for the X could be three seven or four six and I think that the oh no no the rent no the REM band hasn't no that's it right the REM band has no option because five and eight are too close together that we there is not a sequence of three consecutive digits I can then put on the REM band because three four five bumps into the five and six seven eight bumps into the eight that's it right so this is nine this is nine and well that doesn't put very much pressure on the REM band but there's probably still pressure on oh yeah look yeah okay well this is not two three four now for the same reasons we've been looking at this is two three four that's one nine and that breaks this cell so it's not two three four which means there is a one uh on this Arrow it's either one two six or one three five uh this is not the one because there's a one looking at it so this is either one three five or one two six now if I was a betting man what would I I would bet one three five is more likely to work because it's not putting any pressure on this x Domino and it also works from the point of view of um of the ren band I think one three five six seven eight would go here r o I was wondering if the quadruple Clues were breaking that but I don't think they are six seven eight two four um okay oh no no no no no no that doesn't work I don't think that's very complicated two one uh it's so complicated I'm not even sure I'm not even sure what I'm saying is correct actually let me just I don't like doing something I can't foresee because it feels a bit bifurcated let me just think about this for a second or two if if this is one three five this has to be a one or a three doesn't it because it C is five in its column so I get a one three pair here and that means this cell has to be a 2 which means it has to go with one here so we keep this down so in the column now in the column now I've used up a one two three triple ah okay now an easy way of seeing it is to think about eight oh in fact that's it that's the simple right right ignore all of my nonsenses this is the way yeah in fact let's just forget about I think we can almost forget about the 135 Miss and this is going to be smoother oh this is gorgeous ah yeah okay nevario that's very clever right once you get this is a nine then the correct question is where does eight go in this column because remember we proved that these quadruple Clues were correct so eight can't go here eight can't go on a three solaro so eight has to go on the X which means that is a two eight pair because it's correct and if this is a 2 8 pair that's a one and that's a three and that's a nine and now all of a sudden I feel like this digit is under massive pressure and that might be proved to be wrong but I think it's going to be isn't it well yes okay we actually know what this is because we can consider the options for nine in this sum now we know it's not two three four we already disprove that because of this Domino and this cell it now can't be 135 because that's one three five so this has to be one two six and it sees so that sells a six in the corner this is a one-two pair now this oh this is lovely this is so this is spirally as well so now this is a three seven because it hasn't got the option of being one nine two eight or four six so that cell now has to be up to four in the corner which means this is and this is on the correct REM band so this has to be uh two three four which means it's adding up to nine which means these squares have got to be five and eight and that looks like it's going to have some sort of interaction here doesn't it yeah well it does it knocks eight out of here or we'd have a third eight in these two columns because we know there's an eight there and we know there's an eight there so that can't be eight um if this is four two three this is not four six equals this is one nine that knocks nine out of here nine here knocks nine out of there that's seven that's eight so these squares to complete this box are now five six and nine and we can probably do better than that this is there four five six or nine oh no hang on that's wrong ignore me that's not five six or nine there's a nine here so nine goes there that becomes a five six pair and that so is something quite different that's a seven in fact to make this uh column have all the digits it needs to have so nine is now in one of these three cells by Sudoku three is in one of those cells and I've still not done my REM band up here which which can work I was suddenly thinking ah 7 8 doesn't work but that what is what three three cell consecutive sequence does work is three four five that's the only way that will work so this is three four five feels like it must be resolved somehow but I can't see how those two squares are a seven eight pair to complete box one there's an eight looking up here so this is seven this is eight now look at that okay so that gets us the eight that we needed in in and around this six eight quadruple clue but we don't know um okay we don't know if it has a second date if it did have a second date it would have to be there oh no it can't have a second date because we know there's an eight round here so there is actually only one eight around this because we know that these two Clues are true so there's no eight now up here so there's an eight in one of these two cells oh and if it was there it would not it would be on an odd cell and that would be the wrong or the lying odd Circle good grief okay what about that digit that's a four it's a doku of all things can't really complain that nevario's making me do Sudoku after 55 minutes um now what do we do now then we argue about the nature of actually done a few Clues here ah numbered rooms clue that clue is correct because it's it's a one and from a numbered rooms perspective it's pointing at itself and it is a one so that's correct if this was correct I'd have to put a one in either this cell or this cell might be possible and if this is correct you've got to put a one there which of course it looks like it's going to be so that's annoying I don't think therefore we know quite what's going on there um let's instead turn our attention to where is it that I'm meant to look now let's think about it from a spiral perspective what about right okay that's a good idea because that is a 5 8 pair that's on a white dot that's most certainly a lie therefore which means this one and this one are both true which is oh that's gorgeous down here because if you think about the nature of a white dot it's got to have an old and an even digit on it now one three five and nine are not available to go on that one so that has to have a seven on it which means it's either six seven or it's seven eight and I'm pausing there because I'm expecting myself to know which way around that goes or to be able to do something with that knowledge oh there's a three there that's a two so that's a three we've got some Sudoku to do Threes And Sevens three is now in one of those three cells in box five two is ah oh lovely that was not what I was expecting but that's very welcome because now this cell is not a one on the numbered ribbons clue so this is a lying clue I don't really have a good way of showing that how should I show that can I put a cross in the squares oh God I'm gonna put a cross in the Square to indicate that the numbered room clue is wrong now that means that these two numbered ribbon Clues are correct which means that um it means that I've got to put a 1 in one of those two cells because I count four to here or six to here now that means that's not a one look this is not a one either because of this one nine pair so there is a one in one of those two cells somehow that doesn't appear to be resolved although I can see if this was a one it would be quite potent for our even digits bother okay um so how is that important that feels like it's very deliberate doesn't it as a construct you know it's been very force that we put ones in here was knocking one out of here ah ah yes okay oh that's lovely right so this this quadruple clue is wrong because it can't have a one on it anymore this one knocks out that that one knocks out that this one's knock out this so this is a lying clue I've got no idea how to show that uh because it's the center of this I don't think it'll let me uh no it won't let me do that I want to kind of draw okay okay I'm gonna do that okay Spanish introduced recently the ability to do diagonal lines so I'm going to draw a cross through this quadruple clue to indicate that it is absolute nonsense but that means this one is correct doesn't it so that means that I've got to put oh yeah that's lovely right what I really admire about this by the way is that every time you get something it's really interesting what happens so this is a four six pair this has become a correct quadruple clue so the six can't go there the six doesn't seem to be able to go there so the six has to go in one of these and the same is true of the three so that is a three six pair bobbins okay I don't think that does anything might be wrong um do I know I know there's a one around this one do I know more than that probably but I'm not sure how I figure it out it's starting to get very awkward with all these pencil marks as well a sort of pencil marking across boxes in places and I'm being generally very willy-nilly with my application of the application of marks to the grid anyway what do we do now we shall argue about do I know uh do I know I don't know what to do this is a German Whispers knit and that's okay that's working this is a not this is a nonsense Circle a nonsense Circle should be ignored so as we're just about to tick over the hourly I have made progress though it's not the most abominable Soul ever probably I've definitely got a quite a real white dot here oh I tell you that's interesting I've got to have seven on this Thermo that's gonna be it ah that doesn't work well I know what I mean is this Thermo is a liar because I've got to put seven in one of these two cells which means this tip of the thermo has to be higher than seven and it can't be it can't be eight it can't be nine so this Thermo is not an ascending Thermo which means that this Thermo is an ascending Thermo so I need to somehow label this I will label the bulb of the thermo red here and the bulb of the thermo yellow here so this cell which is not one two three four five has to be at least six oh this is forced because this can't be nine apparently so the only way this Thermo Works given it's an ascending Thermo it's a six seven eight triple that's beautiful so that's a six that's a five these squares are now known they are one eight and nine these cells therefore must be known they've got to be two five and seven this is probably going to do some damage to these uh gray cells and this cell is now a known cell as well that's a four which means this is not a four um has that done the damage we need it to have done I'm not sure possibly this seven is fixing the seven up here sorry simple Sudoku oh but this is a backwards Thermo oh but this is a re-out this is a real white dot though so that square has to be six or six or an eight it's got to be a six doesn't do very much I don't think um although I'm hesitant to really claim that uh can I do anything anything better so what do we need into this cell this is a oh this is this thermo's already broken because it's not ascending so I don't think there is any pressure on this digit so we've simply got to fill these cells in once fives and eights are the options and that can't be eight because of this cell so this is one or five and this is I think anything although I might be wrong about that but I think it has got a lot of options we've definitely got an eight in one of these in fact we've definitely got an eight in these two cells oh there you go that's it you've definitely got an eight in these two cells you've definitely got an eight in these two cells so you can't have another eight here and in fact you can't have an eight there either so this is now one five pair which means that's the eight in the box so that's eight that's five is that doing something that's not five anymore oh it's still got it's still got both parities as possible so that's probably not very intelligent ah um okay this cell is not a one by the use of our numbered room clue oh you know what I didn't do that I probably ought to think about no okay I was wondering whether I had to use the fact that there was two digits around this but no once I knock one of the digits off I don't think I have to worry about the other digit because it's not true to say the other digit has to necessarily be around this two by two is it I don't think it's true to say that anyway um right so we've got to do something else and I wish I knew what that thing was it could well be that I've missed any number of little constraints here I know that this is four two three these seem to be what about what about this column is that somehow restricted I don't think so I need two four eight and five two four five and eight yeah there's very little that we've got along these uh middle rows a three six pair here is that somehow doing some work six can't be there I've just noticed by Sudoku so deaf oh and six can't be here by Sudoku so that's the six maybe that's important of course it's not it doesn't put six in one of those two cells we'll have we'll we'll fill that in and Hope [Music] um oh I know what it is oh that's very clever okay you got me again right what's that digit and the answer is I haven't got a Scooby-Doo but I can tell you it's definitely not even two four six and eight looking at it so that's a liar and that means it gets readied and the other Square Clues are all true and have to be even which means that's a two because it's oh that means that's seven and that's five oh goodness sake um so that's that's that's a true clue that's a circle clue that is odd so we must make that yellow I suppose this is a TR that's a six because it's got to be even so that's a three take threes out of here uh has that done something good maybe maybe not I don't know oh this can't be a one because um because it's a real Square clue and that means that the one that goes around these three digits look has to be exactly there which gives us a one and a five a five and a three and a four three and a two oh here we go now we need one six and eight into these cells we need some things two four and nine into those and we know this is uh we know that's real so it's two or four not one we don't know about that one we know this is definitely incorrect In fact look those three digits now are five seven and nine let's put that in these three digits are one three and six let's put that in that's the naked single one sees this three six pair that fixes the one in the middle box and that fixes the numbered rum glue at the bottom which we know is a true number room so counting how many digits we move up we must move six so that becomes a four that becomes a two that becomes a six using pencil marking this one fixes the one and the eight that becomes a nine that becomes a one that becomes an eight oh we've got to put eight now well what are these two is an eight nine pair well I can see one thing that's doing which is aligning these nines so you can't put nine in either of those anymore so that's got to be a nine and we can probably do better that's nine so that's oh that's nine and that's four and this nine is on a circle again so I've got to make that true this nine is on a circle and that's true so this is so this one this is beautiful okay so we're sort of doing the logic backwards now because we've actually proved this time that three of the circled Clues are real and we need one of them to be a liar so that's now not able to be odd so this is two or four oh no it's not look see six eight and four it's two it's only even digit that's available to it to force it to be a liar which forces that to be two that to be for this to be four five eight this to be something my brain can't calculate it quickly enough three that's three that's six uh this one is giving me the one and the nine that fixes the nine and the eight that fixes the five gives me a four eight pair here and this five is doing the five and seven um I hope this is not going to result in some horrible deadly pattern uh that I can't figure out but now we've got four and five there and a five here so that's five that's four that's four that's eight that's eight that's two that's two that's seven and I want to say that that is the puzzle solved let me just I'll click tick I suppose that's click tick yay um and let me just take a stare at this to see whether I think it looks have I have I applied a color to every condition this Thermo is working this Thermo is not working this white dot and this white dot both work oh there must be a white dot that doesn't work where's that there okay um the numbered ribbon Clues we've got two working one not working that's working that's working that's not working this is working wow it's so clever isn't it it really is gorgeous that's an exceptionally clever puzzle navario and to to execute that with so much Symmetry and sort of I love the way that you could sort of work inwards my favorite step was was probably the hardest step which is to do with this line not being able to be a 456 triple because it wrote this out this arrow and once you realize that you realize there's something going on between those uh those conditions and you get this weird sort of X-Wing pattern I call it an X-Wing but you get this sort of on off situation where you can't have you can't have the clues in box one both being on or both being off and the same is true down here as a result it's beautiful really beautiful let me know in the comments how you got on with the puzzle I do enjoy reading them especially when they're kind and I'll be back later with another edition of cracking the cryptic foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Cracking The Cryptic
Views: 54,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n8-QJL5_HbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 24sec (4284 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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