The Lemmy Burger Recipe!

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thank you for stopping by ballistic BBQ today I'm going to be making the Lemmy burger let's get going alright this burger is dedicated to the late great Lemmy Kilmister of the band Motorhead he was the frontman bass player and a legend in the heavy-metal world this is actually a request it came from one of my viewers out of Greece his name was Niko's looming yeah theis he wanted me to pronounce his whole name so he could laugh at me and Nico's actually wanted me to reproduce a burger made in tribute to Lemmy out of a local restaurant there in the town he lives in and it's an epic burger however that burger has copious amounts of onion rings on it and it's well known that Lemmy hated onions he despised of onions in fact the only vegetables that he liked were chips french fries for those of us in the US and mushy peas so rather than make a burger I don't think he would like I am creating a burger that I know he would like so Nico's because I'm kind of jacking your requests up I'm going to give you a second round here find another burger you want me to do and I'll do that burger for you anyway let's get rockin this and we're going to start off with a Jack Daniels glaze one cup of Jack Daniels Lenny loved his JD one half cup of brown sugar 1/2 cup of ketchup because Limi was English I'll pronounce this the way you guys want me to pronounce it two tablespoons of Worcester sauce 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar this is raw apple cider vinegar 1/2 teaspoon celery seed 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper nice pinch of salt we have here the juice of 1/2 lemon it's going to be the juice there's the juice all right I'm simply going to whisk this up we'll get it on the stovetop bring it to a boil reduce the heat just a little bit and I want to reduce this to a nice glazed consistency so before I forget I read a bunch of articles and interviews with Lemmy and found out what he liked and didn't like as far as food is concerned and a pretty interesting guy very basic diet and I was a little metalhead in high school so this is kind of important that I got this right we're gonna do the patties now let me love steaks so I ground up a couple small rib eyes but nice and well marbled rib eyes and I want some pretty healthy patties here again I say this all the time in my burger videos the key to not having a burger swell up like a blimp isn't a divot in the burger it's don't overwork that that ments that grind if you blend it up into a mush into like a pudding then you're definitely going to have issues here the way I did this it's not going to swell up on me if you're buying ground beef 80/20 or even higher fat if you can find it but I wouldn't go any less than 80/20 when it comes to a good hamburger I do this on parchment paper for a reason I'm going to place these in the fridge let them chill out a little bit let him tighten up so what I have here is four strips of bacon what I did was place this bacon flat in the freezer and I pulled it out just before it became fully frozen and then I cut them lengthwise into thin strips basically bacon spaghetti just kind of have it piled up here and I'm going to make a bacon bird's nest just going to kind of wind this up like you would pasta and the whole point is to get this kind of all nice and tangled up so it'll hold together when I griddle this when I put it on the flattop that's pretty much what I'm looking for get this fork out now I'm going to spread it out to where it's more you know patty like I guess shape there you go I have something special in mind with this nest of bacon here I'm going to place this in the fridge let it set up a little bit meantime I'm going out in the backyard I'm gonna fire up the grill meet you guys outside we're out at the Weber I have the blister grill in place and we're ready to rock as I said let me enjoy chips french fries so I have here some russet potatoes that I ran through the slicer and I am going to double fry these the first step is to more or less blanch them and I have the oil set at 300 degrees but as soon as I put the fries in I'm going to crank it up to 375 and by the time I need it to be 375 at well being so we're going to put that bacon nest that bacon patty down it's going to take a little longer to cook then the hamburger patty so when I get it going right now want to infuse and Limi zhannar a little Jack Daniels flavor into this bacon so I'm just going to pour a nice little shot over the bacon here it's heavy metal guys but my thin burger Smasher here just want to get a little weight on that basically what we're looking for in the fries is just kind of a translucent look as far as they're looking where I want it to be again these are going to be double fried so we're going to crisp these things up right before we're getting ready to serve the burner check on this bacon there are we got a look at that that is gorgeous I'm going to push it over to this side it's still hot in this corner but it's a little cooler than the center here we're just gonna let this bacon get nice and crispy while we get the rest of the patties and everything cooked up alright get the burger seasoned up with some salt your side season as you can see that bacon starting to cup here so I'm just going to take that Smasher and just hold it down okay I have no charcoal on this side of the grill however it's the perfect amount of heat to toast buns and also to keep things warm I don't know if you can see it but I have a pot of beans going on right here and they're nice and warm take those buns and these are just really simple white bread buns however they're bakery fresh these aren't just regular store-bought buns these are really good good buns we're getting close to flipping time on the burgers so I'm going to go ahead and drop the fries get these guys saw crisped up these guys flipped this is medium cheddar and this is a really good jalapeno cayenne cheese got a nice toast going on the buns here we'll pull these guys off Bacon's looking good I'm just going to go ahead and pull this I'm gonna leave it on this patch set it right over here all right I'm happy with the melt it's going to get more melted once the other patty goes on top let's go ahead and build this Limi burger this fries are done they've sat on the rack a little bit just to drain the excess oil and I'm going to season these with just a little Lowrey seasoning salt I just really like this on fries let's get this Limi burger built first thing I'm going to do is lay down that bacon patty dang lay down that patty with the cheese on it lay down the patty without the cheese on it now here is something that's probably going to raise a few eyebrows one of Lemmy's favorite post concert meals was a baked bean sandwich and I think its roots are and beans and toast very popular in England slew collar meal inexpensive but good protein so he just he was a very simple guy and I just have here some Bush's baked beans simple stuff keeping it simple and I myself was pretty skeptical about this until I tried it it was really really good go ahead and lay down that killer Jack Daniels glaze crayon this bad boy glad those chips the fries I'm not cutting this thing in half it it'll it'll explode on me this is again one of those burgers that once you get a grip on it you alright like I said I cooked this the other night because I wanted to make sure that those beans worked on it they do I already know what to expect here this is great mmm let's have a chip hmm hot if you guys have never double fried french fry it's the only way to go it's very creamy on the inside nice and crisp and hot on the outside anyway guys I hope you guys enjoyed this Nico's thank you for inspiring me again I'll give you a do-over as far as requesting a copycat but I'm personally very happy with this I think Lemmy would have proof of this burger so thank you guys for stopping by keep those requests coming in I really enjoyed doing these these burgers especially the burgers that I come up with and I'm proud of this one see you on the next video Cheers
Channel: Ballistic BBQ
Views: 135,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ballistic bbq, Cheese Burger Recipe, How to make fries, How to make chips, French Fries, Burgers on the Weber, lemmy, motörhead, lemmy kilmister, kilmister, thrash, lombardo, dave, baron, me, by, stand, ian fraser kilmister (musical artist), balistic bbq, bbq ballistic, ballistic bbq burger, ballistic barbecue, bbq, ballistic burger, ballastic bbq, ballisticbbq, ballistic, ballistic bbq lemmy, balastic bbq, balastiq bbq, brown sugar burger, jack daniels burger, junkyard burger
Id: DaNjy9fCANA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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