The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD by Linkus7 in 1:28:27 - SGDQ2018

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go before the cutoff but we've raised like 15,000 since I sat down here at the hosts desk and we only have 10,000 to go so I know we can make that I know that you guys want to see that so get your donations in right away we only have like an hour and 15 minutes left but I know you can make it happen we have $150 donation from mr. squirrel thanks to every individual who is volunteering so much of their own valuable time and money to make all this possible your selfless contributions make all the donations even more significant here's to you all and to the Celeste task wreckage okay you guys you know what time it is are you ready for the Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker HD okay I don't think that you heard me a little bit louder okay a little bit all right to you Linkous thank you okay my first question is gonna be what's the filing did sploosh win or is the right guy I approve all right so I want to go a few things before I actually start this run because one of the most complicated glitches in the entire run actually happens like a minute in so first off is uh I'm linking seven this is spike yeah as you probably know and this is gymnast eighty six on my couch we're gonna be playing on the Italian version of this game due to tech speed and that's probably I need to know so can have a countdown alright three two one go alright so starting off right here like I was mentioning about a minute and 45 seconds in there's gonna be a very complicated glitch if you guys have been involved in any of this all the games you probably know about like early games always being the worst part like first cycle in Majora's Mask and we actually finally found a way to super swim off of this island immediately skipping the entire er the game basically and saving over ten minutes the problem is you would need to flick the analog stick 30 times per second to do this so instead I'm gonna do 200 frame perfect pause buffers so hopefully we can get this so basically how this works is that every time you swim in the water use have a normal amount of speed of swimming and when you stop swimming or when you turn around the game will add a couple of negative units of speed basically like backwards momentum and if you do this frame perfectly the game is gonna keep adding negative speed so backward speed toolings value and if you keep doing this every single frame if you don't know what a frame is by the way this game basically runs at 30 frames per second to emulate actually being a video so if you do this every single frame because there's no actual hard lock for how much you can go backwards you're gonna keep building up more and more speed so you can get three units six and just keep going like that so that is basically how this trick is involved around I'm gonna try and focus during this trick but yeah hopefully it goes well so right here immediately when I go off with this tower you're gonna be noticing that I'm gonna do my first pause and this is simply used to invert my camera because they decided to make it standard on this game compared to the original so right here is where the trick is coming up so I hope you enjoyed this town because you can hear a lot of it so I'm basically going to try and pause right here and it is very important that I keep this tempo very well because if I do if I pause even one frame early then I have a chance of losing all my speed if I pause one frame late because then I swim towards the direction for a longer period of time I'm going to not gain any speed but I'm not gonna lose any so it is very important that I keep this temple up the entire time you can kind of see if I get frame perfect pauses or not based upon if the HUD kind of like pops into the game or if it stays blurred [Music] yeah you guys are gonna see that I'm gonna look over because there is no really good visual cue for knowing how much speed I have without like losing a lot of times so I'm actually using my timer for this run as kind of a cue for how long I need to charge this up for so hopefully if I do this well does only take about a minute to two so the time folks are they here [Music] [Applause] [Music] like us that enjoy the music this is um this is link is the DJ [Music] [Music] keep it up boys [Music] not enough speed a bit more speed you can start again it's fun [Music] [Applause] nayad [Music] I was a bit too short on the speed there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right oh no the wall wait I hope didn't kill it oh no this is scary wait [Music] all right we're going back to we hit the wall there's not gonna pause a bit more bud let's see if this is enough now that wall kind of hit us with it there nope okay back to pausing [Music] all right so sadly we actually had enough speed there but if you're against the wall he's not able to turn around so basically what I'm trying to do right here as I'm trying to pause to frame for the leg aside and I'm trying to reach a specific point where I have at least 600 units of speed which is about 200 frame perfect pause buffers and when I get to that point I'm gonna target the game and this is the camera basically and then hold up an analog stick and what will happen is that because link always wants to face the camera in this target mode he's gonna turn towards the camera but because I have so much water speed he's gonna turn past the camera and what the game is gonna be then is like oh I need to flip the camera keys he's off the camera and that's basically going to allow me to do what I'm doing right now but I'm buffering I'm not gonna go risky like the first one I'm gonna pause a bit longer here but I'm sure guys are loving this right [Music] we do have a $70 donation from felt salamander who says pawza always excited to see a link it's run pawza plus spiking gymnast on the couch even better pawza can't wait to hear children talk about the more that the end of the run and for Linkous to pull it off pause oh all right let's wait whoa wait wait oh this is really bad this is really bad if I fall for even 1 frame i'm losing my speed we have to redo it wait oh all right we don't have to pause on entire 2 minutes again all right all right one more minute [Music] Sanna normal speedrun you usually get this within two minutes but sadly we got really troll there with the wall so we kind of lost their speed and I'm just gonna be patient but hey this saves over ten minutes so we can't enter ten minutes and still save time but yet so sadly you kind of have to do this today in attempts nowadays to get a record but trust me the entirety of the run is actually a lot more fun when you get this trick so it's gonna be worth the wait I guarantee that we have a twenty dollar donation from juror who says DJs in the house I don't think you're doing scared of a job as me I'm sorry gotta work on your boss buffers sorry you're positive buffers baizen [Music] Oh Oh all right done with the first part all right all right all right so right now I'm basically charging up speeding automatically without oh we don't do that length that's not good he's being a bit mean right now you can see is kind of spinning around so not actually gaining speed there because he's kind of a bully in some instances but as you can see right now I'm actually spinning around well probably doesn't look like spinning around but that's actually what's happening so right now I have one more part of this trick and that is okay [Music] all right so after turning around enough there with the auto charge I can then get enough I can going in an airy feel and I can super zoom all the way to dragon room so normally this is take about 30-40 minutes but we're here now on time so all right awesome so yeah that was like the biggest that was definitely the biggest obstacle by running this at a gdq events because obviously look with the different setting cold hands because you know you nerves and stuff stuff we bit nervous but I'm happy I was able to get it so the restaurant should go smooth now so yeah so now we're at dragon roost we're immediately gonna go and get the Wind Waker and the main purpose of going here early is that you want to get an item called the grappling hook which is going to come into advantage later with some glitches so I think there's not too much to say I'm gonna do a switch here quickly to use my pro controller because I prefer to play with that over this monsters of a controller I'm gonna do that switch I'm also gonna do a small skip right here where normally you have to go all the way around to basically load a bunch of rocks and then make your way up here however if you do a side hop and you do a roll you can have enough speed actually get a jump out of this rock right here and then you can do a jump around this rock and skip the bomb [Applause] yeah that's like the oldest trick in with major speedrunning but yeah if you want to read some donations that works great for me Chris going through some cutscenes right here a VR are two to one who says I wanted to donate for a second time during Lee's Linkous is Wind Waker HD run this sgdq has been a blast so far and it's not over with one more day to go here's the money to reach to millions hello from the middle row [Music] we also have $15 from is a crossing here for the Swedish sniper good luck we guess you've got this thank you I appreciate that we've got 75 dollars from tallow 27 so glad to see Linkous back at gdq i've been following since agdq 2017 and I've loved being in in your community and seeing this run blown wide open best of luck my friend I'll double this donation if I can get the Swedish sniper to give a dude for the stream all right so I'm about to get my second item right here if you bought em to win waker which is going to be the delivery bag now obviously because we skipped all of outside island we are missing a lot of items if you haven't played this game in like a bed the normal progression would be that you play through the first island which is outside island you would get a sword you'ii get a shield and you start from gusting the story to with the pirates and tetra and stuff like that then you would make your way to the first dungeon be forsaken fortress one where you get a gossip stone and then you also find the boat which everyone loves and you buy the sail so you can sail around with them and have fun this speedrun dough will have zero sailing AK sailing actions it's gonna be nice so right now after I got the delivery bag and I'm gonna make my up here you're just gonna see that I'm gonna lean forward a bit right here because I actually do equipment with my gamepad which is laying in front of me so while playing the game I'm trying to like use my pinky finger or something to I clipped my items while playing around [Music] so after getting the letter now from medley or simply is gonna go and give it to the prince oh yeah this picked up on the street it's not quite but it's pretty good we can try all the sounds fair any more donations you can keep reading I'm gonna have a good amount to explain when we enter this dungeon so you can keep reading them we have thousand dollars from old Linkous they wouldn't let me donate with the mulgarath theme so instead I hope the host will run with a very fat very flat unenthusiastic maker Thank You Mady appreciate that we have $25 from vmn good luck on the run Linkous it's great to see our favorite streamer at sgdq so obviously as people can see on screen right now this is wind waker HD I do not believe casually you are supposed to beat this game in a little over an hour so on to give us just a little bit of context almost like a preview of the run what are the items that we're gonna need to collect to be able to get through this game what's kind of like the whole list yeah sure so we first need the main glitch and the speed around which we're gonna get to in about 10 minutes so it's gonna be called an item slide and to go over briefly you will need a first person item and the first one you can obtain is to grab the loot so one of the items is gonna be the grappling hook we also want explosives so we're gonna get bombs we also want the magic and light arrows for the end games so that's basically going to be it all the items we actually need to beat this game is an item that we can item slide with Leafs do we have magic and also for light arrows so you need arrows and a bow and bombs so you need about five items to meet this game right now obviously need to get a couple of extra like this bottle right don't I give you yeah but we're not cutting out of a way to do that it's basically just get those items and then it's just like Rush mode did Anna yeah a lot of people also wonder why we don't get the telescope because that's a first-person item - right but the item that we need for the items light English needs to be something you can move around with while you use it in first person and unfortunately for the telescope the moving around features are placed with zooming in and zooming out so the telescope does not work for our purposes yeah a really cool thing that comes up in this dungeon right here is that I think the first time people actually like surgery experience swordless sell the runs except versus all the wellness and a Link to the Past every Lich's was probably like breath of the wild but you can actually play through a good amount of this game as well without a sword if you switches and because of the mechanics of this game it actually works really well and it's actually really cool when done optimally so first I'm just gonna use these two bomb flower f3 bumpers now your counting skills they're nice oh you're for a bar can we get a fifth there is law man alright alright so we're going to use orange top you'll ever get applause for throwing that bomb at that bomb so we're gonna use for bombs Thunder this dungeon and and then when we enter this dungeon right now obviously I don't have a sword and a shield but there are these pots right next to us which is actually very powerful so you're gonna see we do a lot of side hops here instead of rolls because rolling is the fastest mechanic in this game but August you cannot roll when you're holding a pot so I'm just gonna pick it up slide up and throw it on him and then I can just use his stick to get this little small key there's gonna seem to do a lot of small optimization right here like instead of grabbing that ledge I'm gonna jump and I throw it a stick so I can be in front of the chest when it spawns this next room normally requires like a good like a good attack like a gem slash or something however rocks are actually very powerful as well so I'm just gonna pick up this rock and break them with that starting here - you're gonna see that I'm gonna start picking up some rupees because even though we have no sailing sections in this run we actually need to buy this sail with a specific route to avoid a softlock because otherwise king of Red Lions is gonna be really sad and be like go buy this sail go buy this sail like an infinite loop so to avoid that we still need to buy the sail which is a 2 rupees so I'm gonna go for the fastest route be round you have a 50% chance of having it working due to a pearl drop if you don't get it it loses about 10 seconds so that's completely reasonable you're also gonna see me right there I pick up that bomb right there and then I roll on the exact same frame with the bomb explodes and that's gonna allow me to be in front of the actual door after the rock is loaded I'm also gonna be doing some special like camera movements that might look normal but for example right there normally I would have a animation of that platform spawning kind of be like oh hey you made a platform with the water but if you move your camera perfectly the game can actually show it properly so it just skips the cut scene altogether saving a few seconds the only lake i guess- aspect of having to pick up enemy swords and because they don't have your own is that this dungeon is a little bit more RNG based if you don't know what RNG stands for it's random number generators basically like a lock in a video game so if you're really unlucky you can get continues beginning by hit by the mob lense and stuff but it's been lucky so far and where it's thrown for bombs if you want to read some donations that would actually be fine right now he actually has a request from our packed crowd here he says can we get us from the crowd three two one we have $10 from Vaughn niffle me and Crimson Cassio's have been waiting all night for your anypercent run thanks to the organizers for an amazing event so far pawza hype this awesome high you're going to see me do some small tech right here normally you're supposed to hang on that ledge and then basically like sidle across but if you do a frame perfect roll clip right there basically just roll on the first frame you climb up from that ledge it's before the game can actually push you off and it saves a couple of seconds Hiro's gonna see me do a couple of small tech right here I'm gonna try and grab this block as far to the right as possible because you can actually roll and jumping and grabbing a Ledge saves a couple of frames so I'm gonna do that like all over the dungeon and over the entirety of the game yes so Linkous never got the gossip stone but the game doesn't actually check to see if you have it or not all gossip stone triggers are always active yeah do want to read somewhere the nation's [Music] certainly I've got $50 from Austin two-on-one barrier skip is a glitch 14 years in the making and I'm so incredibly excited to see it finally showcased I'll donate another $50 if you can nail bury skips on the first try link is low don't worry I got you I got you I'll make up from the pawza but at least you got some good music out of it I mean that's good if it was you can I go to the drawing board and draw like a beautiful like HD pause the screen w6 I put it up on my wall I promise if you ship it there will be gdq artwork I promise you all right so when we get to this room right here I'm going to be using a chair to obtain a sword and I'm really hoping that they will Rupe up together because then you can actually get triple hits out of this these swords are probably the worst deal with just because it off lanky they are and you also remapped so you actually used a to swing your sword which means sometimes kind of toy over because of muscle memory bud should go well nope they're not being nice to me it's not too bad actually because now we actually have now we actually have 20 rupees and when we get 20 rupees that means that I exactly have enough now to make it through this entire dungeon with the rupee right I'm following so it's not bad at all yeah it's also very important that like this makes sure that he doesn't die because if that happens then he's going to actually respond on outset how the game is saved flags work so it's very you know that's why he picked up the heart back there and that's how far into the run until he sets a new checkpoint you'll be in a few minutes now and I go yeah I mean I'm sure the viewers wouldn't mind watching pause oh it's too quick but yeah sadly we got the heart so that won't happen now all right so now when I get to the mini boss this is basically were the trip for this dungeon ends because we don't actually need to complete any dungeons and this entire on now with the new glitches we have so the only thing I'm going to be doing now is I'm gonna go here to get the grappling hook and that is my peer parapet purpose it's only to get rupees and to get the grappling hook so I'm gonna be keep using my good old pots of some friends right here to throw it at the cobbles I also want to try and pick up this part right here because the game can favor giving me hearts from the enemies you have lower health so I'm trying to keep full health or at least a quarter from it just so that I have a higher likelihood of getting this pearl job for rupees coming up right here alright let's see is the game gonna be nice to us Volquez dude oh dang alright such a perfect pause up to thank Rick will record face so now I'm gonna get the grappling hook after I get the grappling hook a mandatory because that is the only purpose of me going here to begin with because then we don't have to do the manual super swim again I'm actually gonna saving quit and just like Jonas was mentioning earlier about dying the game still hasn't actually progressed those past outside island is kind of like a fail check to make sure you're not sequence breaking but we're gonna take that to our advantage by actually saving quitting right here because we want to get back to the overworld and the fastest way simply is to equip the grappling looking and saving and quitting and this can't lose me back and now when I have the grappling hook I can do the glitch I was mentioning earlier called an item slide so if you're walking a direction on the analog stick such as for example in this case let's take forward if you then pause and you hold slightly down in the opposite direction you're gonna start doing this so you can see a small slider at this what this is call an item slide so every single frame you're gonna keep you look up more negative and negative speed because you're going basically two directions at once and this is very useful for first overworld movement but it's also very useful for something called super swimming so don't forget this Ruby's right here I'm going to go up to this Beach and I'm gonna load up the speed and then when I think have enough speed for the super swim I'm going to target to stop myself from getting too much and then I'm simply is gonna enter the water and then try and make my way to windfall [Applause] you can also see that I'm actually manually turning around there to lose a lot of speed in the end and that's because specific Ireland's in this game take a lot longer to actually load such as windfall because one of the main islands so if you go too close to them then the game won't have loaded the water yet and you're simply is going to fall and lose all your speed in it to redo that so you kind of be a little bit conscious about a couple of the islands but yeah now red windfall and I'm going to go and rescue tingle and the only purpose of going here is to make that softlock not happen and you sadly have to rescue tangle to buy the sail but at least we can get a nice dance if anyone the crowd wants to join this dance feel free to it's pretty flexible whoo I'm cool all right alright so in the original version of this game was actually very useful to rescue tango because it gave you the tango tutor now get to tango a bottle which doesn't have any features because they closed on miiverse so this is the pretty bottle in here oh yeah who is sadly now the most the useless character but it's fine we still love it yeah this was actually a check that they added into the HD version in the original version you did not have to save tingle to buy the sale alright so there we go so after leaving out for a rescue tango I'm gonna go and pick out a couple of more rupees and then I'm simply going to make my way to buy the sale and there's some pretty complicated stuff coming up again deter my best to explain it so because of my inventory right now I have like the only the items you picked up I haven't picked up a sword or shield or anything so there's these specific enemies which actually I was fighting and dragon Rouge the Mobley's however if one of those has a lantern it's the same enemy as the actually used in forsaken fortress 1 as the guards and just save memories since this is originally a GameCube game they're not programmed the best so we're gonna take advantage of that right here so right after buying this tale I'm going to make my way off of this island by us doing some item slides and super spoons let me see if I can I'm gonna go for a pretty cool clip here through the island save me a whole second nice alright so now we're on the first time all right so now I'm gonna make my way to this subway right here and this submarine is a dark submarine so it always has the mob lens with the lantern so when I go up to the right now you're actually going to see that the cameras getting better and they're actually gonna throw me into jail at ff1 now so what is happening is they check my inventory to see that I did not have a sword and the only instance where you normally meet this specific enemy without having a sword is forsaken fortress one so basically wrong works me back to forsaken fortress vile and that is very useful because forsaken fortress one is not actually part of the ocean it's a separate room in the game so by going here and with an actual item I can item slide with not only can I do a lot of really cool movement but I can also do a really big sequence break right here so I'm so we're gonna make my way to this door and then I'm actually gonna go and pick up the gossip stone and remember remember the gymnast said earlier that I already got the gossip stone taxed the developers made it so that the gossip stone is actually a trigger for indicating the game that I beat the first pirate ship where he normally would get the spoils bag so by picking this up out of order now the game is gonna hit that check to says okay you beat the first pirate ship because all of them are basically the same throughout the game so the next time you interact with the pirate ship would be when you get bombs so and now I wanna pick up this gossip stone right here I can make my way up first second quarters again and thanks to having an item I can build up a lot of speed with four items sliding I can actually item slide inverted and go back to the pirate ship instead of going from the Pirates you to forsaken fortress so I'm going to line up my camera and do a pretty precise roll right here to go where of an invisible wall good that tries to avoid you from going out of bounds and then right here I'm going to go up and sidle against this wall around this corner right here and when I sidled against this wall I'm gonna get a perfect straight angle so I can do an item slide backwards when I have enough speed a tap target and I'm at the rock all the way like if I show the camera you can see all the way back there's FF and then I'm gonna items light against this rock is DL and now I'm in the pirate ship [Applause] and the kids have the gossip stolen the game is gonna be like oh great he'd be forsaken for just one so it's gonna give me the bombs right here as long as in a failed rope game which is actually quite easy is it harder than throwing a bomb in a pot well we only took four one for those let's see yes so unfortunately you can't do an item slide to skip this game because we're not allowed to use the grapple hook inside this room right here it's great outing theoretically it could work you can maintain your height though yes theoretically if you could actually use the grappling hook in this room the reason I'm getting guests there not allowing it to use action based items right here is normally when you get bombs you actually have the leaf so you kind of defeat the purpose because leaf across the gap ooh first try let's go PO box fan all right so now when I make it all the way here and I'm gonna get bombs and if you remember what I did after grappling is gonna be the exact same thing so the game still things I have not gotten past outside island so after getting the bombs if I saving quit I will be put back to outside of them again so I can keep my quest of getting all the items I need to beat this game so he's gonna go through some more text right here if you want to read it the nation or - that would be great I'm actually sure I actually have a big announcement I hope you all like Celeste because we and actually we just opened up another incentive guys this is a big one Super Mario Odyssey as a bonus game it's going to be the last guys I'm super excited about this but it's gonna be a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to hit that we can we can do them and we can do it I know we can let's get that bonus game because I want to see you some Super Mario Odyssey I don't know about you guys but I do alright so now I'm going to super swim to thorn faire Island which is across the other side of the ocean so this is actually a very much a runkiller because you need to get a very certain amount amount of speed because I want to get inside of this island right here and you can see it's clipped all the way through so the problem with this is they know you need the skull hammer to enter this normally which is a very late item and we do not have time to get that now if I get enough speed to actually click through this island if I have a tiny bit too much I will pop up on the other side of the island but if I have the exact amount of speed where I clip through the island and then I fall on the next frame since falling actually loses your speed you can actually hit this loading zone so so if we can do it right now Oh awesome alright alright so um now when I'm inside of the island the game doesn't actually look if I have the stall hammer or the bow so I'm gonna get a quiver upgrade right here now I do not have a bow yet but it's gonna come into use laters you just remember that we're getting a quiver upward right now and it's gonna be useful for later thankfully leaving this dungeon or dungeon leaving this island is a little bit easier because the invisible walls for most cases in this game are one-way solid so even though there's been visible wall and the entrance behind the plant because I'm coming from the other way right now the game will simply allow me through so I'm gonna just items like plastic plants to not actually get hit by them and after doing this item slider here I'm going to go up to the back side right here and do another super-slim now this can be a little bit trollee because I have to depend on this water and you can actually lose a lot of speed and do this if you're unlucky but hopefully we get it with him if he tries alright awesome that's you're making all right so you will see that a couple of these cutscenes are a little bit messed up because normally you you should have king of red lines the both spawn into the overworld but we never actually spawn him into the game yet so because these cutscenes are part pre-scripted you're gonna see that link is kind of talking to nothing but he's supposed to be there via now when I make it to forsake the forest Haven I'm going to do an item slide against this wall and this one is a little bit special because I need a good amount of speed to clip through it however I have I need so much speed that I would actually clip all the way through the island and be way too far so part way through the item is slide I'm gonna hold up an analog stick which is going to get a jump out of it and it's gonna set my speed so I don't go too far and then when I'm under the island I can simply a swim underneath the loading zone because if you are in a base of water and there's water over you then you're simply gonna be put back to the water source that's over you kind of see you don't like I guess go out-of-bounds underneath the ocean so I'm gonna be using that to get up to Forest Haven early you're also gonna see like you probably notice I use a lot of bombs and I didn't it's the same idea as me targeting the game it's so that I don't get too much speed so that I crash or I go way too far so it kind of like when I feel like I have exactly the exact amount of speed that I want then I'm going to take out a bomb I'm gonna try to a one cycle here or not well for bombs it is I like the feeling wait another cutscene right here so if you want to read out some of the nations that would be great actually excellent I've got $25 from a share of Michelle good luck Linkous the crew is here watching from the audience but we'd all like you to go faster so that we can go get food link is wing that opening 10 minutes the positive was like come on dude yeah we have $25 from fnatic dreamer I began as a fan and now we're really good friends even when we have our differences I still love you man and will always support you thank you we have $500 from ste G who says wait oh yeah we can clap for that [Applause] Zelda game about sailing my brain hurts seven out of ten too much water no sailing is thankfully only now in a bit of all dungeons and for a hundred percent so it's only for the longer categories we should still a lot of fun because we're still super soon to a lot of places but obviously there's a couple if you guys watch my last round was just HT to 2017 with spike he actually did like a goal where for every minute in the boat he would donate I think a dollar yeah I should have made that bet again for this one I didn't know you never get in the sucker yeah that would have been a free bed oh yeah so even like we usually have like right previously on the old Ryan it was about three and a half hours or so four hours long and then we had about 30 minutes of sailing but now we caught up all of that coming up here is a skiff you can do which stays for seconds called bulb skip I don't know if I should what do you think oh yeah all right I'm blaming the crowd if this fails just letting you know stream I'm still waiting for the one time a runner asked should I go for this and I go no [Music] that sounds too excited alright alright thank you guys dude this is almost like a co-op good job someone's like a co-op right now oh yeah so you can skip one of those bulbs it saves four seconds and it loses 45 seconds if you miss it so it's really not worth it but it looks cool alright love the speedrunner mentality dude it's great there she'll sploosh that so now after I got the leaf I'm going to go back to forsaken fortress 1 because I still do not have a sword I'm amatory so I'm going to super swim all the way across there we should back to the stop me right there and get thrown into jail speed police are gonna catch you I'm going too fast ooh that almost ended really badly there I think I got this yeah we got this we got this all right not even close not any close [Applause] all right so legis each time you pause there you're simply changing your angle is what I'm assuming you're doing right there so when I get closer to the thorn fairy if I pause and I instance like that it's to give the game a little more time to load an island submarine when I was positing when I was the first temple like swimming around there in the water that was because I noticed that I was going close to specific parts of the ocean that could kill my speed okay so then it kind of like exactly buffering my ankles to make sure I'm not going there another thing that I didn't really go into with the item slides you might be wondering how I'm going for there and I kind of go to the left when you're using specific items like the grappling hook when you start holding target it kind of shifts to the left and spins the grab hook in his right hand and what is gonna do if I have a lot of speed in that instance is that it's gonna take the current amount of speed I have and it's going to put it to the direction he's going which is left so I'm gonna use this right now so I'm going to start from this tower right here item slide tap targets and right now I went all the way from over there to this so you can skip all of Sigrid Fortress I'm also gonna be using this actually having to deal with any guards during forsaken fortress because normally there's a life right here however if I get enough speed so I can make it past this light in less than a frame I can go past it completely then after that I'm gonna grapple this guy because it skips a cutscene you haven't interact with him and I'm gonna pick up the sword that never had because the game always puts the sword in the end of the second fortress one doesn't actually physically drop it during that cutscene when they normally lose it so you can simply just make your way to the end of a second fourth respond and pick up the sword and that's ff1 so this is like a pre long cutscene is used to my bathroom break but I think of a good time for donations okay excellent we have $200 from sin reglas I've been waiting for this run all week and Linkous aka the Swedish sniper best of luck to my favorite streamer on Twitch hashtag blame dead money to runners joy we've got $50 from juni hey Linkous you're great you're cool and you got this good luck and remember positivity almost like positivity we've got $200 from Vinny D I'm new to gdq but watching this run of winwaker is amazing they spent so many hours mostly sailing and crying trying to beat this game and good luck on the run Linkous and donation goes to runner's choice thank you I appreciate that we have $1,000 from Lily 80 and Lily also wants to get the audience involved once again can the audience give link some help and give us all a good positive one we should have synchronized that with a sound to whenever you want to do that just go for it dude yeah okay I did lie a bit we do interact with Nerdist cutscene but it's not actually sailing you smashed out so oh good I don't have to pay my pretend dollar yeah so the entire reason that Linkous went to go and beat the first iteration of forsaken fortress was so that he could sort of put the boat in the games memory as an actor that gets loaded in otherwise the game would have crashed later on yeah it's also very useful for the route because well number one now we actually have a sword finally like halfway through the run and number two is we're actually going to use this cutscene right here to do some even crazier glitches but you're still a bit to go during these cutscenes I want to ask both of you just a quick question that's it I you know obviously there's a major major major skip coming up here at the end of the run but it looks like as we are seeing there's a lot more to this run than just that we're all of these tricks all these skips that you guys knew of something that was already kind of in place and then once the major skip was not at the end it kind of allowed the puzzle to come together or all these later on discoveries obviously manual super slam super swim there's nothing a little more recent yeah I mean for example with the big skip coming up later to skips on to the dungeons we already kind of had that figure out like which he'd codes you would skip the barriers like a testing an emulator so we kind of knew like what the route could be when it came to the manual superswim I would say like we've known about the potential for so many years but we were like there's a doc in 2010 yes exactly but we were like okay there's no way a human could pause now well for how long it took like yeah like seven eight years before we like actually implemented it and at first you know it was really bad now with like doing runs at home I would say maybe like a third of the run skip past that was not bad it's like two minutes in truth but in the beginning it was you know like four or five six hours to get it once but it's definitely better now writer I'm gonna do then super swim to forsaken fortress and again this one is gonna be a bit different though so I just watched that I'm gonna be more safe than my speed I will lose a lot of time if I fail this specific super swim it's the only one you can't really fail without losing a lot of time so I'm gonna be a bit extra safe here so I just watch that cutscene and windfall and instead of anything a separate windfall just for that cutscene with king of red lines how the game actually does it is that it puts the game on a specific layer now you might hear that the music is kind of funky it's like ff1 and it's day which normally never is basically you normally never go to this actually island with this layer and the layer would reset any time you save it with the game you reload the ocean you enter a loading zone or whatever this but because we have items fighting I could super swim here without ever resetting like the state the game is in right now so thanks to that I can as go-to forsaken fortress and as long as I do items fights to get in my way up to forsaken fortress without entry any loading zones what will happen is that if I make it all the way up here now to the end you're going to see that there's no door so I can simply as go right into the loading zone and that just skip basically half of the game [Applause] and that's not time yeah and that's another huge thing about like the manual super simple from sample like we had other waste that was much lower to kind of get around this trigger right but we figure out almost immediately with like the manual super soon that hey we don't actually have to complete ff1 early so you can kind of his route that in later to take advantage of this glitch so it actually like a lot of people like have asked like without starting trick to pauses if it like ruins the game but it actually makes the entire speedruns like a lot more fun because it finally made it like the like the routes less lenient because you had a lot of room where you want to put stuff in there on can I just also say that one of my favorite parts of watching speedrunning is watching people like linka stand gymnast they're just explaining like how this all works everything and they're just sipping all over the place and still keeping control of it pretty cool stuff yes so this cutscene right here is actually very important to watch for the run due to how the game just works internally once you watch this cutscene pretty much any sort of cutscene that you try to watch that normally takes place previously in the game will crash but if you skip this cutscene somehow then any cutscene after this in the game would normally crash so you have to watch this cutscene if you want to beat the game yeah it's kind of like the middle point of the game like into like when you start I guess the second quest of the game where everyone you do your favor like triforce collecting which everyone loves and all of that beautiful stuff yeah we've saved our sister now it's time for us to save the world yeah also right here your sisters actually going to kind of turn into Superman or superwoman you can see her she has gone so bygones was not actually here so just like king of Red Lions he's she's a girl the pirate is not actually loaded into memory so when he picks her up she kind of goes loads away yeah and she also tsukemen she took a lot of inspiration for us but it's not only just flying flying backwards - just like super so perfect her Big Brother's so yeah after this cutscene right now we're going to do helm rock skip and it's actually one of the easiest Boston to skip I think we have like almost a dozen ways at this point is skip this boss this boss is very easy to skip so first I'm going to do a really cool items fly just to save some time because rolling is though so I'm just gonna kind of slide up this tower right here [Music] fahza so after I get up behind Helen Rock right now I'm gonna try and do a roll on the first possible frame when I climb up and if I roll in the first possible frame what's going to happen is I'm gonna gain a lot of speed inside of the wall and if you do that on the very first frame then the game won't actually have time to push you back in a bounce so you're gonna stay out of bounce and then when I'm underneath the floor right now I'm going to crawl up very precisely and then do a jump on top of the railing and then I can just walk around the railing make sure I don't go too far left or to the right because last I'll fall down right and I actually get back into bounce and then I jump behind the spikes and Hal Rock escape oh look we changed clothes oh yeah this good shade this like this cuts me right here is called EMS it stands for early massive sword so this game doesn't actually have all like pre-rendered cutscenes they're actually being played like in the game right now so you see that I have a tunic right now which normally I would get since I'm not playing on game plus file I also have a massive sword and I have the shield now this is very very important for the speedrun actually and it's like the only reason this route actually works because I need to defeat phantom Ganon later and to defeat phantom Ganon you need the Master Sword and just watching this cutscene it actually will like keep your master sword and the shield in your inventory so this actually the basically this gave us masters art early which is why it's called early Master Sword and this is gonna basically save the run it's basically just cutscenes and text writers not much to explain so you want reaching the nations they'll be cool okay we have a $25 donation from the king of Red Lions to to to I've been waiting for you but you haven't shown up to our meeting spot on violence are you mad at me I hope you're not off saving Hyrule without me I'll be here waiting it was just a bit too slow I'm sorry are you not even gonna respond to him I'll send him a letter that mail boxes all over Hyrule we have a $500 donation for from Duran doll always glad to support Doctors Without barriers [Applause] by we have $15 from Sammy spud gun sploosh I love windwaker I'll double this donation if I can get a tingle tingle Kuno timba from spike could you repeat the line tingle tingle code I loompa [Applause] you're welcome doctors without barriers oh yeah barriers barriers what is that great introduction so what's coming up right now is actually Hyrule too and this is the entire reason why this speedrun went from for our estimate to a little over an hour estimate so what is coming up now is probably one of the biggest skips in like probably speedrunning history it is called barrier skip while the crown jewels so if you've watched any winwaker a winwaker h2 run and like the history of gdq you've probably heard every single event that's been mentioned that it's like the holy grail there's no way but now there is the way so this is thanks to items sliding being found and it's sadly only still works on the HD version of this game which is why i majority of people actually they're interested in HD over the original GameCube version so there's a couple of parts to this trick and I'm gonna try and do it as fast as I can but I'm gonna do my best to explain it so the first thing I want to do is I want to get to the barrier because I'm on the wrong side so I'm first going to try and do a clip to get to the other side where the barrier actually is so if I do a backwards item slide against a specific pillar then you can get all the way to the back if I fail it I'm gonna have to deal with tetra but Shuchi isn't too bad but yeah so I'm gonna simply do an item slide backwards right here try and pause a lot to keep a steady angle for my thumb and okay so we're behind other loons are now cool so now I'm where the barrier is so the first part of this is called a knock knock back part of the barrier so anytime you're outside of the cylinder you're gonna infinitely get knocked back by the barrier and if I take out my winwaker on the same frame they might damage or ability frame ends then what is going to happen is that I'm going to cancel that effect then after that I try and get a very precise angle I'm not sure if it works I'm on a different TV it's really precise and I'm gonna get an item's like going oh there it is [Applause] that's actually being a credible - that was first dry so I line myself up perfectly with the quarter on my screen and to give you an idea 360 degrees in this game is split over 65,000 basically values and only about eleven of those words so I need to look for literally a pixel standing out in the corner of my screen and when I have that specific angle I'd then do an item slide and if I have this exact angle precise then I'm going to get pushed to the middle of the barrier and right where two invisible walls made out behind a damaged part of the barrier there is a tiny part where the game can fail to check for collision and if I happen to hit that exact spot and have enough speed that I can go through the invisible wall in one frame or less you can just pop right through that's why it happened so quickly and then what it did right there is something called trial skip and that is basically done by going on top of the little door frame for one of the trials I plays a bomb and then I go towards the bomb that the bomb is gonna tell the game don't let him go inside of me push him the other way and because the wall is that way what's going to happen is that it's actually going to push me out of bounds and then it can simply has take out the beef and leave to the loading zone what I'm doing right here is phantom Dennis maze normally is a cache you would defeat Fant again and every time and look at where the sword points but it's always the same order it's always down left up left right up so if you just memorize that or have it in your notes then you can skip the entire maze all the way through with item slides and now I'm at phantom Ganon and thanks to getting that sword I got over there from that cutscene I'm simply going to actually be able to defeat him and get light arrows and this is also where the quiver upgrade came into place earlier so you probably remember earlier I clipped into this fairy island to get the quiver which it didn't have so how the scheme splits up items is that there is basically three boats there was the bow with no elements there's the bow would fire nice arrows and there's the bow with all three elements so by getting the lighter as the game is going to give me the bow with three elements into my inventory however I would have zero arrows I couldn't actually use them well thanks for getting a quiver upgrade early and now have sixty arrows so now I basically have usable light arrows in the game which is necessary to defeat this next boss coming up here alright I'm just gonna get his sword right here I'm gonna do some items fights go up here this tower yeah so it was kind of glossed over but the trial skip that link he stood at the ending of Ganon's tower only saves 10 minutes what a minor's that falls under yeah it Koenig it's overlooked especially when you're trying to explain bears gift because it happened so quickly and a speedrun but it's still actually like it was one of the bigger skips we had in Wind Waker for a really long time now it looks like child's play because the barriers get bud it's definitely still a big glitch nonetheless right here I'm simply as items fighting way up to tower and I'm trying to aim my light arrows to perfectly hit all of these enemies and that was perfect by the way so that's really good yeah it's actually like really difficult because coming from like the wrong previous age gdq it's like four hours there's so much time explaining everything and then this is like thing on thing on thing right here because it's such a pat on bud and then we're in less than an hour in this room yeah it's definitely crazy how this game has developed over like just like the past year and a half who's that girl on the bed yeah do we know her I mean I heard of that trap but if you want to read some donations for like a minute or two that would work great actually sure we have a thousand dollar donation from the fifth match and he simply says good luck was very RNG no please no fairies in this run aloud we've got fifty dollars from a stock holder you know a speedrun is good if it starts with 200 pauses great job Lucas and everyone else running at sgdq 2018 it's an amazing and fund week shouts the stockholder one of legends of speedrunning yeah so coming up here is Papa Canon and the Papa Canon is going to be definitely difficult boss takes a lot of practice probably the most difficult boss and a speedrun because normally I would have the boomerang to shoot his tail down this is where the Swedish sniper memes comes from because you basically need to snap this ball while he's moving and his movement which direction is going is rng based and the tail keeps swinging so it's definitely really difficult but let's see if we can do this well so first you can get one straight away almost if you hit that otherwise here I kind of have to read how he's going and how his tail is swinging and try and hit it so that's one all right there's a backup for this but it's really precise let's see if I can get this bit 42 laughs all right that's still not bad if you missed this too many times he will drop magic it's obviously a bit slow but this is still pretty okay so let's see here all right we're gonna have to wait for some magic right now it's really difficult to do there's a couple of really cool sprouts coming up on the second phase two and third face but the first face is definitely the most scary on record face to be missed a couple of those you're already like run dead right now a sadly just have to wait for the keys to spawn he should come any second now I think maybe if I cut some chords down there we go yeah of course we've got a $50 donation that says good luck Linkous we hope morphs behave as well tonight as spike and Jim are you guys behaving well Papa and Mama Lincoln Oh [Applause] I actually know my parents are camping right now and they said that if they donated it would not be able to watch the stream because we're watching it together on the phone so mm-hmm what's really nice I don't know what thick fan forget it the game is doing right here is stationing is really weird all right now with custom magic all right let's just do some Yolo shots now George I'm sure twitch chat will enjoy that yeah it always feels like the string that holds up the tail is has a bigger hitbox than the tail itself it's really strange also puppet cannons left arm right that was in a really bad spot yeah his left arm is perfectly where you normally shoot so I have to shoot out of cycle right now it's hoping it will head maybe I can actually shoot down us other tails to balance them out yes let's try I'm experiencing new stuff this is a this never happened before a moment of gdq to keep track of your arrow town oh yeah three well they will drop more actually after this one I don't know it I don't know what's going on right now all right dude look look at this form I don't even know what's going on all right he finally repaired after like an hour so this should be fine out now he's supposed to be hard but it should be a bit easier now there we go yeah Swedish sniper is a bit of rusty today yeah coming up to the second face not a second face is kind of this one where he spins around and kind of like a I guess I like spider face and he goes up and down and though there's a trick you can do which is frame perfect' it's called shot find my cryptic it's named after him so if you stand on a precise positioning and you shoot at the correct frame with the perfect angle you can actually hit him while he's going up right here oh so now the all we didn't give magic no that's bad rng I don't think you have enough matter your face so we're gonna have to go with Morse now that's unfortunate this pretty bad luck but yes so that basically makes you so you can to cycle him right here normally I would just go for a shot instantly sadly magic drops from both the keys and morphs and stuff are orangey based so I didn't actually get a I didn't actually get a magic drop right there from them so I'm going to have to wait for more to come down right now because I don't have enough for three shots because each base requires three shots from Papageno so I'm just gonna have to wait right here I didn't think so arts do all right no more horse come over here I want no bad intentions yes unfortunately the drop priority with the more it says hearts first if you don't have enough health but now he should have enough house so that yeah that's a magic drop or not but we can just keep having to wait okay thank you thank you alright let's go you're also gonna see that now when I actually finally have magic I'm going to favor instead of quick spinni taking damage and that is because I'm gonna be doing a glitch later which requires me to have this here OHP [Applause] so you can probably get last to nation and before we get to the end excellent we have 250 dollars from Brandon that says 250 for First Try barrier skip money goes to Lincoln's choice it's awesome so I know you boys had to rely on a certain ferry there for a while tell me what's changed yeah Commission yes so if you watch if you were like following the hype of barrier escape you probably know that there was a really unfortunate part about this ballot and that is that in the right in the end of this run I have to do a glitch called a zombie Albert and how was Tommy how it works is that I have to kill myself and I when I'm about to stand up instead of getting the game over screen I have a couple frame student inputs and that can allow me to do a jump slash and then I'll start a jump slash the game will tell the game well the game will tell link that he's dead basically so it cancels the jump slash however if I'm mashing at least like 12 13 times per second I can keep gaining height doing this glitch right here and if I keep doing that over and over again then I can actually reach the final platform because the final platform normally requires you to have the hook shot which we skipped and because you didn't need to get healed from this butch we had to use a ferry and the ferry had about a two percent chance working and it lost two minutes each time so there's times we had hundreds of times getting to this end part and you couldn't ever get it and that's kind of what held us back from optimizing this game now we're doing a glitch called north cover so what is going to be happening here so I go up and I'm going to try and line myself with a mortar and I'm gonna try and slash it on the same frame that I walked forward and it's gonna grab onto me and die on the same frame then this is the only rng part of the trick awesome and that is that when you roll the more that's gonna fall off of you in a random direction so that was actually pretty good so after I have this morph now I'm going to actually basically try and leave him on top of this platform because if you just kill a more they won't give you any items however if you actually slash it with a sword then it can give you an item such as in this case a heart so obviously since we're gonna be a heel that is very useful so I get this morph the game of the things that I slashed it with the food this is really scary now you see on the wrong side yeah looks like it alright yeah they can be kind of troll either how like far up or down and left the right to go when you're leaving them can be kind of annoying so I'm basically is trying to leave this guy to go on underneath the platform and then I can leave him and you will clip the floor so hopefully you can do it this time and I'm also gonna clip the bow it should be good it should be good alright so I'm gonna step forward right here and I'm going to try and line him up so he's going against this corner right here and that should be good so now I'm going to sidewalk again because if you walk too fast he's gonna jump forward you and then I'm going to shoot it with an arrow place a bomb explode the bomb and then do this displ it's called a song battle right here and dang the liftoff failed so what I try and do right there is I try and tie my a input right as all about to stand up and this is about a four frame window so if you do this jump slice right as you're about to stand up then you can do it first jumps less like I said and it's gonna cancel it but if you done switch really quickly to pressing the B button over and over and over again you're gonna keep gaining height and you're can actually make your way all the way up did I break the pot I didn't write your didn't okay I'm gonna have to climb again we can actually get some donations while I set up attempt again from a brad 45 he says fry donated during one of my favorite Zelda's also PSA your employer might match your donation so check with them to see if they do good tip I'm actually pretty sad we never see the fish in this run can we wrap that in somehow that would quite slow sadly we have $20 from sheikah which had to donate to congratulate the wind waker speedrunning community for finally nailing the barrier skip you guys have really proven that speedrunners can break anything anything I bet link is dead jealous of y'all cuz he can only break pots royal claymores and occasionally a kingdom or two Linkous you're simply the best and good luck on the run and thanks sgdq for another event worth remembering we've got $25 from PETA straw how traumatizing must it be for the people of the Great Sea to see a kid swimming at incredible speed all over the place Swedish sniper good luck on the rest of this run so some viewers might be wondering how we got the mirror shield now because well if you remember back when we did the early Master Sword sequence break we were able to get the Master Sword by simply just watching a cutscene along with the hero shield so that exact same concept simply happened when we entered the puppet Ganon cutscene as well since that's a very late-game cutscene the game just gave us those items it's gonna try and do the same thing I did earlier where I try and slash him on the same frame that a scare growl onto me I also now actually open this pod normally don't feel that life stops for two song ever but now in case it happens again I open it so we can send these maker ramps to the top so I have to do the exact same again hopefully we can get a better angle if the north goes forward when you roll which is the only rng based part of this trick then what will happen is that you can just get him up there like two three leaf blows so let's see here that's that's unfortunate yeah the positioning for this like North death cancel is pretty precise there we go it's not bad alright it should also be noted that this is actually the only room in the entire game where mort's will give any drops whatsoever Wow the reason for that programming is so that you could get hearts or magic or arrows if you needed them on the third phase of the puppet game and fight all right take two let's go [Applause] that's so unfortunate so the harvest place really far to the left so I got in fall down but that's fine because we're already here so we can show it off again so that glitch is then coldest time ever so let's just do it again [Applause] also thankfully the the drop rate of the heart rate there is one hundred persons assuming you're under a half a heart or time service percentage base thing from your Falls yeah so spike since you never really look involved in it like the run is there any like generally I thought you get well like seeing anything like this being like you know you think that like who might be wondering is like a cache so the key new to the game I mean for me watching 3d Zelda speedruns I thought the same thing listening to fee no actually years ago talk about Twilight Princess and how it's just such a miracle that all these things come together to make this like one hour run like possible because it's not just barriers but is this 500 other things after all this puzzle comes together that's pretty sick to watch honestly yeah for sure and it's like months of Education like of course like me as a runner you know like I maybe pushed for you know like time off the mist nation but as definitely as like dozens of people coming together to make this happen again we last saw you do this now the the for our version of this at agdq 2017 and it was how long after that the it was the barrier skip was discovered about three months afterward a little over a year now often that be able to showcase the hero gdq after like five seconds of attempting it was good yeah no that was definitely like a highlight at the wrong I was like really smooth let's go for bombs are there three morphs now let's just keep counting it down yeah specially for this zombie hover right here the mashing is pretty intense for this yeah exactly the faster you press the B button ah the higher you gain and you need if you want to do perfectly optimally to 15 times per second if you do like 1213 it works but it's definitely a lot more time all right take out my glove for this oh wait whoa speed up take it off the glove thank that's unfortunate [Music] [Applause] I'm just happy we're getting a free glitch yeah they could have been a donation go glaze isolation feel like fitting it into the run right now right that's why it's over estimate guys so yeah this game when it was remade on the Wii U included a hero mode with it right where Lincoln take double damage from any damage source you're probably wondering why we're not using that right now I was actually about to ask that yeah so in Hero Mode the answers simple hearts won't spawn at all so that's a problem you might need that you could use a ferry but I was gonna say wool ferries right yeah right yeah that's not a good idea all right let's keep the trying up for bombs for mort's I'm not gonna keep keep counting out okay also pretty lucky Jim maybe you want to explain more scotch which we think we have not gotten oh yeah there's this there's this really strange glitch that can happen with Morse in this game where you where they grab on to you but then they will not get off of you no matter what you do it'll typically just happen after you seemingly leave the game on for very long periods of time you can also activate it by going into the warp pot with a morth on you yeah for some reason and if that happens you have to quit the game and reopen it fix that glitch yeah I've had it happen like twice first run of the day and then like if you're doing record attempts as PC has read the top line cuz then you have to actually attempt to ferry hover which is a two percent chance of working so not really a pleasant thing happening to you alright let's get it right here all right please go good direction I'm sitting this thing looks like a nightmare all the way yeah he's jumped over really far here let's hope he doesn't jump down be nice one more forward oh that's fine though cuz if it didn't move what can you do to this that's actually something like I'm fortunate like when you tap four right there they don't actually always go forward they can go like a last upright so you can immediately jump down but also we can actually get like stuck in a corner so like that's happening like good basis for both me and Jim that you're kind of like going forward you're trying to make them more jump you know like slight before which is going against that pillar but he just continuously actually like instead going into the corner because he's jumping up right yeah you can also do this with the Morse on the original GameCube version of the game but you think this looks bad it's even worse on the original game if you try to do this I really yeah the more thing like go backwards completely over your head [Laughter] [Music] I'm one more try okay at that time you want to read some donations maybe I think we might have a few so I think as well all the backups oh yeah all right we've got a 250 dollar donation for men who just says hey yeah we have fifty dollars from Jay to confess this winwaker run is amazing I can't believe this is the same game I played this donation goes to we have five hundred dollars from Lady Allen at amis and she says windwaker I barely know her [Music] how's the thinker we have $50 from Top Gun 200 that mario64 race left my jaw on the floor and I'm loving the Wind Waker action - best of luck to the rest of the runners pazzo pazzo pazzo we have five dollars from Plaza I'm glad I was able to shave 30 minutes off your run yeah thank you pause I appreciate that it wouldn't be the same run without pause oh yeah we've got one hundred and fifty dollars from Sam 183 it's payday and just like Linkous I'm gonna pause on all weekend with sgdq so here's one hundred and fifty dollars for a great cause and a great week of entertaining and impressive speedrunning thank you that was a fast call we've got a hundred and ten dollars from anonymous Hey good luck for the run and who is the Swedish sniper this thing good thing good thing good thing thank you alright let's do it this time [Laughter] [Applause] ya know what that's definitely like one of the most difficult which outside of the manual super-sperm right there yeah so I just picked up one heart so when you have one heart so I could go for one I won't but you normally then we're records feeder and this is one of the most like intense parts whether you're sitting like the edge who receive because you just said all this run and now you only have one heart which is one hit from Ganon and you have to do it all over what I is did so we're going to go for a stage thread to get some more hearts I think we've seen this on be over enough by ad so there's not much too much going on in this custody if you don't read some ordinations that's fine we have four hundred forty dollars from Denalis minyan I've seen some offs and runs runs this week and I'm so excited to see races tonight and tomorrow Thanks to everyone who makes this happen with the speedrunning group in general you guys are the most generous accepting group I know my husband is that sgdq this year it keeps telling me about how welcoming and friendly everyone is I wish I could be there myself at least I can watch a great windbreaker run and get head tang boat song stuck in my head for the next week let's go for 2.5 million we can hand you some pauses downstairs we have $100 from OMG Sloopy I have to give my love to winwanker one of my favorite games of the series we have $50 from Elfie 110 I'm new to speedrunning and was thrilled to discover that this community sports such as important cause I aspire to join MSF in the future so I'm thrilled to be able to donate to my favorite charity during my favorite game good luck to Lincoln thank you all right so everybody in the crowd right now so what's coming up here is soon to be everyone's favorite part Ganon is gonna burst out and laughter and I expect everybody in this room to join the Hugh's which is going to be race I will join I'm sure spike in joint again gymnast can so let's try and get a really strong Hugh [Laughter] [Laughter] all right that's a CEREC lat great job [Applause] all right another year for the cringe compilation let's go alright so I'm actually going to straight away try and go far away from Ganon so we hope they don't get hit and I'm going to use the grappling hook this is actually kind of I guess an easter egg or it's the thing that most people don't know I'm not sure she actually says we can do this it's because it's an Italian but if you equip the grappling hook and you target and grapple Zelda she will actually actually always give you three hearts so I'm going to straight away equip my grappling hook right here talk to her and then I'm going to get away from Ganon and crap so now I got three hunts alright so in this game there's like attack you can do called a jump spin attack normally biggest jump slash on the original game you can only be one but if you do a jump spin attack it actually stacks your damage so you can get on bottom [Music] the timing for these Perry's is pretty precise yeah it looks like it's really big but if you do too early you're actually going to miss because your circle is too big just actually it's time very well all right so time is coming up right here so be ready when the story goes it is alright and time tire I mr. Cory but yeah so I'm pretty sure to staff behind the scenes now wants to throw it to the internet because I went a little bit over schedule but I would like to give a first as a quick shout out just to the community in general for bringing this run alive thank you so much games Nick for having me Sally the there was a couple of slip-ups with Iran it's very difficult to actually perform the Senna marathon but I'm very happy that we can actually get a run and with barrier skip because it's that we've been something that ever since like 2017 it's been something we wanted to get in and even though like more covers obviously not marathons safe it finally made it doable to do in Iran so I want to thank gdq so much for having me on I really appreciate that and also for everyone that might have seen the speeder and a thought I want to try this out myself I have in preparation made brand new updated tutorial with the beginner route which I'll be uploading to my channel right as I get home from this event so if you feel like any of these coaches want to try to make yourself you should check out my channel a red link e7 and yeah without further ado I think we'll throw it over to the interviews so thank you guys for having me on I hope you enjoyed the run [Applause] thank you so much Linkous that was an amazing run I'm so glad that we finally got to see barrier skip in here at Summer Games done quick 2018 we are going to get to that interview very soon but first I did want to remind you that this is summer games done quick 2018 powered by twitch we do have a quick ad break but we will be right back you're gonna want to stick around because coming up next four games is the task block if you have never seen that before you're going to want to stick around especially since we did meet that Celeste bid incentive and then they're also going to be playing Super Metroid 0% you're not going to want to miss it and we'll be right back and welcome back to summer games done 'quick 2018 thank you so much for hanging out with us again all the proceeds towards this event go to doctors without borders or MSF which is a medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries around the world it's a private International Association so all of your dollars not only make you eligible for great prizes and go towards amazing bid incentives but also are going towards an excellent cause that you know is helping people all around the world speaking of bid incentives we do have one coming up actually that we would like to talk about it's for pokemon yellow and red and if this bid incentive is met me gots this will include Moltres and Lapras in his Pokemon roster so right now we're at about 2 grand out of 30,000 we still have a little bit of time to meet that but if you would like to see those extra pokemon make sure that you get your dollars in right away when you donate you can choose that you want it to go to a specific bit incentive so make sure you donate for that as soon as you can all right and now for a quick word from our sponsors don't go anywhere [Music] and welcome back we are getting all set up for our interview but for now we're gonna read some more donations we have a hundred and fifty dollars from Tom two four six says for making it up that legend winwaker - three moment of all time thank you so much we have $100 from lynn 161 I believe Linkous you can do it shoutouts to the sky town crew we've got $25 from anonymous hello all kind of glad I waited this long to donate so i could put my money towards the odyssey run good luck to all the runners and thank you all for an amazing show all right you guys it's been fun hanging out with you but I'm gonna throw it over to the interview desk where keys are on has an interview with our runner link a 7 take it away so sweetest fish no really delicious no sorry sorry I'm just talking about this guy over here anyway hello Anna I am Keys Ron I'm here with the DJ Linkous what's up guy with the hit single pause and pause deposit that was that's a really good one man how do you think of that I don't know it's like like the beat I keep it going you know it's over and over and over again just so good for sure for sure so I'm gonna start with a basic question what got you into speedrunning in that game in particular I got into speed earning way back from my brother he showed me some speedruns on YouTube and stuff and like streams and then I saw like items sliding and how fast you slide across and the glitches and I was like I gotta pick Wind Waker up it's it looks so cool and I've been running it every day for like two years now nice yeah so um what would you say the progression of the game has been I know it was in a previous gdq and there's a lot less to it than what is arguably in it now yeah yes I mean like it started of course you know just like we just item sliding like gonna have to have two years ago and then it kind of progressed into the H through 2017 Ron and then after that berry snip like really shook it around there when bear skip lamented or removed you know like two hours from the run and it made like so much this roud work and it's teamwork trying to find what items we need just to beat the game you know and it definitely shook up the game a lot and obviously the manual super simple with the early game finally being different for the first 40 minutes so it's definitely been a ride I kind of want to talk about barriers him a little more sure some would say that that was basically the holy grail of speedrunning arguably more than Palace skip mm-hm so what all went into finding that like that was a really long process yeah yeah so the second item sliding was found people wanted to know and new glitches found will let it save like Willy dial has to skip the barrier and people tried it for like months and it was kind of funny story because someone was able to get it and just upload a YouTube video being behind the barrier most people were like probably you know like I'm not sure this is really fake it's after 30 years but then finally on the stream someone's able to recreate it once and then we didn't do it again for like a year almost until the bounty on it yeah exactly said there was a bounty and a basically a homebrewer for we you made a tool that would record your inputs and links every value of the game so if someone got it with that program running we can just put it on emulator and exactly understand the trick and that's what finally after months of hard work actually I'll just like do it someone did it with the inputs but gave it to the tafsir checked it out on an emulator and it just works that's a really interesting stuff you mentioned the super swimming - you said it's called manual supers yeah and the other was happening at the beginning yeah why don't you walk us through that I know it took a little longer this time around and yeah exactly yeah so I just hold the direction like up an analog stick and I just have to pause and unpause frame perfectly switch direction pause unpause and it's dude this frame perfectly over and over and over again and every time you're doing this trees gaining a little bit of speed to go backwards and if you continue - let's do this then Weiss you can see you can then this sip through the ocean and you skip like all over the game yeah it's really crazy but it's definitely like a task the only trick that we just recently implemented because just you know staying focused for so many minutes pausing that wall with that rhythm where one misstep one premiere leaking loosely the entire run it's definitely something that was hesitant to implement now turne isn't throwing around a lot right now is a task so that stands for tool assisted speedrun for anybody that doesn't know what that is we actually have a block coming up next you guys know that the incentive for the celeste pass was met that's gonna be pretty good mm-hmm yeah testers are definitely a great way of showing like what is possible in the game but maybe like we as a runners not you know ready to do this yet because you know it requires so many perfect inputs and it's everything that you know really isn't like possible for humans to pull off every time so like TAS runs were definitely a really cool addition with TAS spotting everything game Steinweg stuff like that yeah it's really exciting something to watch yeah I'm so what's next in the future for you he's still gonna do some winwaker or you got anything else in the pipeline yeah I so I'm gonna keep just running you know winwaker I'm a full time streamer so this is kind of my main game I definitely wanna pick up more hundred percent it's about six hours when it's finally getting down into six hour max really exciting I also picked up like offering of time recently and I'm just you know really excited by just keeping pushing you know stellosphere Dunson I get any part of the Ocarina time Rando group at all oh I've already joined that the randomizers they're great I actually adore them they're really cool yeah I've been watching a lot of the links in the past randomized yeah they're a little closer to the link that I want to watch them yeah Karina time 1 seem like they're really linked it yeah well no they're like at least 4 or 5 hours for a good seed you can make eight hours if you guys don't know like what a randomizer is it basically is that it takes every single chest and every item in the game and you randomizes them together and by doing so you can basically then have to get the knowledge of where every chest power piece and everything is and then you kind of just go around and find the items you need and because of the algorithm and development of this like tool you can not actually ever run into a case where you can't progress in the game because the logic tells that that you can't get an item if you can with this item progress to this item for example so that's a really intense logic behind it but it's really cool so do you have any shoutouts you want to give yeah of course like I'm gonna give a huge shout out to like the Wind Waker community anymore for like helping out developing this game so much of course this game is done click for having me here and like the community supporting man you know like a lot of European people are staying up for like 5 a.m. to watch strong it's really thankful that and my phone has been going off like crazy of course think you're ready for like the crazy fall and support on twitter and twitch and stuff like that so yeah thank you guys so much for that and if somebody want to get into the community whether it's running or routing or tasking or any of that where could they go for that for getting the community you can just get the discord link their skirt is a great way to go to / winwaker HD then you can find a bunch of tools like i mentioned at the end of my run i prepared a bunch of like tutorials for both a beginner and a hard route so i'm gonna upload it to my channel so in general it feels like Google and you look around YouTube and twitch and stuff like that your friend a lot of resources I will thank you for your time thank you for the interview really oh my you did a good job I love the rock I did an excellent job so I'm going to take this delicious sweet is fish and have some for myself that's a really bad throw I'm gonna try that again all right I got one yeah we were just hanging out how you doing he's all right I guess want to talk about the prizes prizes good awesome you got another fish the one I caught was lime yeah would you like a different colored fish you don't like the swedish fish man you know not a huge fan of lime although I do like the fish I appreciate that jeez how you doing buddy I'm doing well how are you doing I'm always doing great I'm here to tell you guys about some great prizes you can win task blocks actually going to be the last chance for you guys to pick up a bunch of these amazing prizes let's see I got to reach over for this we got we got a packed couch right here we have again this beautiful Dark Souls LP for my friend over at thinkgeek keys room what's your favorite track on the darks little soundtrack it's that one that one right there gravelord nito yeah yeah that one I respect to that you have no idea what it sounds like to you I don't know what it's that's perfectly all right teas from our friend thread man sir embroidery we have not one but six beautiful embroidered characters from divinity original sin - you got all six of the main playable characters if you will just pass them down here will form a conga line we're out of hands it's fine they're amazing you get a set of six it's a $15 minimum donation before the entire set we have this beautiful painting of the temple of time here keys now get to describe this art style okay give me a give me it in three words go ahead colorful and accurate colorful and accurate nice use of and I like that good way to get around the word line exactly there you go guys this painting is absolutely beautiful and I believe it is also a $15 minimum donation from now until the end of task walk down there and of course guys help me forget the amazing bandai namco prize pack $50 minimum donation again also when to get the end of task block you get this great tales of this is a stereo not best barrier statue of soiree you get the ninokuni limited edition which has a plushie it as a steelbook it has an art book it as a paper diorama in it it's got an automated like little rotating mechanical diorama this thing is absolutely packed to the brim with grades download have you played ninokuni - yet I have not I've recommend it's a wonderful little action RPG I should pick it up you you really should definitely had a lot of fun with it you got Dark Souls remastered you got tales of zestiria we have Naruto ninja storm legacy that's for ninja storm games in one that's a lot of ninja that's a lot of ninjas I don't know how many of them you're supposed to be able to see though they're ninjas that's true yeah yeah you might not be able to see all four at once so just put those over there you guys get project cars - that's probably a lot of cars I don't know how many cars the only car I know is the one that will you know dude goes you got Dark Souls 3 because you know Dark Souls remastered that wasn't mean enough come on yeah you're me you need more of it more prizes you get two shirts ninokuni revenant Kingdom shirt here yep shirts are hard keys yeah you're gonna learn in this business man shirt sir shirts are very difficult and of course the this wonderful Dragon Ball Fighter Z shirt got to make sure to say it right or the NAMM cops will be on you in a heartbeat they're everywhere watch out for them okay and speaking of Dragon Ball fighters we also have this beautiful collector's edition which you know I realized I didn't mention what came in it guys let's uh let's see so you get a beautiful little Goku statue you get some art panels you get a steelbook and of course you get my favorite feature box I love box boxes absolutely my favorite thing you get in this it's wonderful guys you get all of that $50 minimum donation that's your chance to enter and test blocks are actually going to be the last chance for you guys to enter for this lovely handcrafted Mega Man statue by JSTOR we have it here on the table we've had to here all day seriously it's it's absolutely beautiful the detail is immaculate and hey guys if you drop 50 bucks you've entered into all of the prizes available from now until TAS o'clock and you're a third of the way there to our grand prize which you know again hey it's it's a ps4 Pro it's an Xbox one X it's a Nintendo switch and it is a pretty sick gaming PC and you can find information about it and all of the prizes incentives and speedruns you'll see coming up on the marathon if you head over to games done quick calm and check out the tracker but for now I'm sick this has been keys hello Linkous thank you guys so much for the interview and we'll throw it back up to the front as we get ready for everyone's favorite little robot spot alright sgdq I've got one final donation here from Wind Waker and it's from the Linkous 7 community they donate one thousand one hundred ninety nine dollars let's hear for the link of seven community thank you guys they stay in their donation hey everyone we are so happy to see our boy link as a GDQ again an excellent runner for an amazing game a great event for an extraordinary cause we are very proud of all the work you've done so far Linkous so we decided to rally everyone to make a surprise donation is to support charity and show how impactful your beautiful community can be thank you so much for being an amazing streamer and for bringing us all together have a great run and we love you all your fans and your friends from the Linkous gang thank you very much everyone and with that we're gonna move on towards TAS spot how come any you guys are ready for TAS but they are still setting up so of course they're gonna have to wait a little bit longer but we've got some donations to read until then we have another left over from the Wind Waker run here says currently is a $500 donation and just as sploosh kaboom and in case you needed a reminder Mario Odyssey has been opened up 450 thousand dollar target we're currently sitting at fourteen thousand dollars so I have a twenty dollar donation from unfriendly blob who says 150 K for honesty no problem let's get started corundum core 1 3 2 donated one hundred and fifty dollars it says here's point one percent of the money we need to reach that Super Mario odyssey incentive goal let's get it everyone thank you very much corundum court all right I have a donation here from rocket racer 179 they donated 50 dollars instead we've saved the animals once why not do it again as you just saw on the screen there was an update for save versus kill save is ahead by quite a bit just a little bit under $8,000 but we have this entire run coming up before we get to the Super Metroid tests where TAS BOTS will have the choice of saving or killing the animals so if you want to change the animal's fate test bot our great overlord has always been in favor of killing the animals and saving the frames because the frames are TAS BOTS children so if you wish to follow the command of our great Overlord TAS BOTS get your donations in for kill the animals I have a one anonymous $100 donation that simply says test spot is bei love everyone at svq thank you very much for your donation I have a forty five dollar donation from 40 fall and $5 donation that says $45 donation thank you very much for your donation
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 801,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: PPLytsTfCcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 56sec (6836 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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