The Left’s Hypocritical Love Affair With ISLAMISM - Nuriyah Khan (4k) | heretics. 41

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Islam is the most dangerous Beast people think uh you know that they're siding with let's say a minority or uh an oppressed people Islam is pretty much as far right as you can get I've got my passport that they're asking for it now and he's just like okay listen like do you have your passport in your hand still and I said yeah he's like do not go into that police station do you hear me and Islam seeks to uh take over and control every aspect of an individual's life and then political life social life economic life but there is a goal to further this and to destroy and break down Western Civilization as we know it what is it about Islam that is so attractive to the West particularly part of the woke left at the moment I guess Islam offers that obviously that counter kind of contrarian uh landscape if you will like almost uh an answer to the world's problems that is very much anti-western um so again I think that's why a lot of the you know the woke or the left are lapping it up in the sense that they've got this common enemy which is the current status quo and Western liberal democracies as they are um and we've seen this Alliance you know happen time and time again and it's obviously their agenda is going to reach a point where it's no longer mutually beneficial and it's not the enemy of my enemy as my friend so yeah I'm waiting to until we kind of reach that point where of no return When you know people understand who it is that they are supporting consciously or unconsciously in this effort to kind of push back against what they think is the ills of our society or Western Society at large that's so interesting actually you got me thinking about someone was saying recently uh the left has really moved away from democracy now it's really moved away from liberalism and so I suppose it was natural it would move towards any kind of authoritarian religious right-wing kind of something we would associate with the right forly yeah no exactly and I mean Islam is pretty much as far right as you can get in that sense um so again it's it's murky Waters because what people think are you know that they're siding with let's say a minority or uh an oppressed people or a religion that needs protection Islam you can't really give it those same kind of um uh excuses because it's not just a religion it's not just people who you're ING with to defend a set of their beliefs or you think that you know their cultural way or their way of living should also be as accepted in uh current like in in a democracy like like here in the UK Islam is more than that and Islam seeks to uh take over and control every aspect of an individual's life and then political life social life economic life it's got a solution to all of those things um so yeah you end up very much in the complete totalitarian farri sphere of things and that is the the the worry with Islam it's even if it's kind of um not you know showed its face in the in the scariest manner it is dormant but it's always lurking it's always lurking to push further and and kind of take more away and a lot of the time that's happening on so many different fronts whether it's politically whether it's on an individual level but there is a goal to further this and to destroy and break down Western Civilization as we know it it's a Perpetual state of mind it's a perpetual War wow is is there a way is there a concern that by talking about this we're being uh I know the I I don't like the word islamophobic but some people are talking about anti-muslim anti-muslim bigotry and things like that I is that a concern at all do do we sometimes Venture into that when we show Too Much concern about the extremes of Islam um I think definitely what we need to do is not put those two terms together and not conflate them because anti-muslim bigotry especially here in the UK it does exist and it's a very much a thing that we need to uh vocalize and talk about and acknowledge and you know it's not something that we can just Islam is not something where Muslims or anti-muslim bigotry is the baby that can be chucked out with the bath water kind of thing you have to take any critique of Islam we need to make sure it's protected from getting the anti-muslim bigotry kind of confusion spilled over and and vice versa if we are critiquing Islam as a set of ideals as as an ideology we are not critiquing the actual you know Believers of this of this ideology I actually look at them almost as victims of Islam themselves especially the ones who are more moderate or liberal or really genuinely do not have any idea the depths of what their religion so to speak um demands from them and it's the ones who are more real and authentic the people who take it literally or the jihadis or the imams or the the shiks and mosques who are you know messing with people's minds through the sermons or their narrative they know what they're doing so when we're calling out Islam for exactly what it fundamentally says to do um yeah we might be completely countering what some imams or Scholars and and those people are saying but that is very much still critique of the ideology itself and not the people I've been saying that since my first video altogether because this is a very dangerous uh area to be an activist in obviously not just with the threats of death looming but to always I mean I come from a Muslim background where my own family is still Muslim uh many of them are at least culturally Muslims there are varying um spectrums of belief there or actual you know devoutness but I could not if if you start thinking of it in terms of anti-muslim uh bigotry then any policy that's aimed to counter Islam or Muslims would affect them as well so it would be we shooting ourselves in the foot if we don't acknowledge that Muslims should also be protected um in the same way anyone else should be but they their actual ideas and the things that they hold to be true are very much Up For Debate and and what this this is the question I think people always want to know is what to what extent are Muslims in the UK in the US as well in the west uh ideologically captured to an extreme amount or or should we what percentage should we be worried about and is there such a thing as just a very moderate uh nice relaxed Muslim person surprisingly there is I've met many of them I know many of them um thankfully and again it comes down to a like a lack of wanting to engage or connect with their with their faith on that level so they're kind of uh immune to you know what what Islam actually says or asks for them but then again they are in a state of cognitive dissonance because when we see a terrorist attack let's say even when 911 happened I wonder how they are still maintaining to see all the tragedies that Islam brings with it and everything it's doing around the world and still hold on to that belief but there is absolutely um I think in the UK we we do have a problems if we see that in the rest of Europe as well playing out where we need to tackle extremism we have second generation third generation Brits who are closer to their religion than the first generation of of their family that might have come here and instead of seeing Oh us get more and more assimilated and you know like take on British values or kind of feel part of Britain you see them at loggerheads with that and you see them holding on to like an iota of an identity which very much Muslim identity trumps any kind of other identity that you might hold to be true because you have to love Islam first and you have to outwardly show your your Muslim identity first so if there are second third generation Brits who are going to read Friday prayers at the mosques or going to universities and joining isok the Islamic societies and they are coming out completely radicalized or with extreme views that are fundamentally dangerous you're going to University you've got gay students around you you know you you're studying with Jews you're studying with all kinds of people who your religion tells you to fundamentally hate um so I have mentioned this before but I do think in terms of assimilation we've really it's not been undertaken as a project that's sustainable in the UK and we're seeing the backlash of that now we're having you know every day in you turn on the news there is something where we're having to fight against islamism or look at the law or look at definitions and all of this jazzes going on to contain what has been left to manifest for so long why do we have this issue maybe it's a more complex answer than I'm even imagining but with Islam and not say uh Hinduism seism or or the Hindus and siks in this country um I think fundamentally again this is why Islam is the most dangerous Beast because it hasn't gone through this watering down phase it's it's the youngest of the abrahamic faiths and it very much like I said it's it's got political imperialistic elements to it which is fundamental to its core so like other religions even Hinduism I think there's a branch within Hinduism that allows you to be nastic they say which is basically almost atheist within and still be within the fold Islam is literally Al be in or die um so that's that's the way it treats denter so you can already imagine that the power behind the scripture and then the claims I love it when hitchon says Islam makes really really big claims for itself because it's true it says that not only is the Quran and it divinely inspired word of uh God it is literally verbatim the word of God and this is the final message and Muhammad was the final Prophet so all this finality and all of this lack of room for uh maneuvering or Reformation or all of that is keeping it stagnant and that's what makes it so dangerous because the beliefs in there are inherently dangerous and then the lack of uh room for interpretation or growth or Evolution makes it that much more dangerous we've got a really exciting announcement we want you personally to join us for two days of discussion and debate all happening at the inaugural dissident dialogues 2024 this epic event will take place in Brooklyn on May the 3rd and 4th we'll be joining leading think such as Richard dorkin Steven Pinker Ian hery Ali John McWater Constantin kiss and Francis Foster and I will be speaking so do come and watch we want you to join us for a gathering where everyone is part of the conversation conservatives progressives atheists theists left right and everything in between dissident dialogues presents a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in a conversation with the most influential thinkers of our time we will tackle important topics relating to religion science politics and culture if you're driven by intellectual honesty curiosity and a desire for the truth dissident dialogues is the place for you dissident dialogues a place for Dangerous ideas buy your tickets now at dissident dialogues you've said is like do do your thing you know whether it's trans whether it's another sort of woke thing whether it's uh being Muslim Jewish Christian whatever and it's when it becomes authoritarian and it's like starting to impact on other people starting to take away their freedoms that's when it becomes like hang on okay there's some authoritarianism here and that's where the bigotry lies I think I heard you on Seth Andrews saying there are Sharia courts in UK CI that would be an example I suppose of sort of uh pushing certain beliefs on a population of people who don't necessarily want that is that actually going on or is that to what extent cuz I haven't I wouldn't see it I don't know what does that look like what's happening so um there's instances for example um if you look at uh a number of let's say law firms in the UK who specialize in Islamic law or things like that they have Islamic law as a department what happens behind closed doors in that in those communities is that if you're let's say if you're a woman and you're trying to get a divorce your community your um the the the people around you the people in your ask everybody first of all they're going to tell you a million reasons why you shouldn't get divorce and to be patient and to stay and all that jazz um but then what they're going to do is essentially maneuver you to not give you access or excuse me not um not not tell you that you know going through the normal law or going through the normal court system is actually beneficial to you or will give you a lot more control and so these women a lot of women are pressured to go to um these kind of sharia tribunals whether they're set up in mosques or the leader of the community so the Imam let's say if we take really kind of um Hot Pockets of like areas in the UK which you know there's a very big Islamic community like Bradford let's say or uh parts of Manchester as well those there's de facto like a a Sharia system where that there's the Imam who's kind of in charge of that local community and you're meant to revert your like issues to him as opposed to going through you know the court system that's set up here so that's happening on a on a scale because even when I work in uh when I'm working in the domestic violence sector so many women who are seeking Islamic divorce have said they're stuck and they keep having to go back to this samam and he's giving them reasons to stay or then we have to give them the option and say why are you even faffing about with that there's this whole system that's set up for you here and then they say no no no no no but it's way more important to me that I get the Islamic divorce and I go through it that way but then again Andrew if you've got children custody according to Sharia is straight with the father um once the child is like 7 years old and that this is what they're doing in general to keep this these family units together deliberately and make sure that the mother can't start a new life with her children as we can in this country you know we can if anyone needs to get out of relationship there are you know uh methods in place to do that so this is happening in kind of those those heavily concentrated Muslim areas especially where you've got mosques as well like Finsbury Park Mosque East London Mosque all of these connections uh there is like a a man at the top who will do the weddings do the vces dish out those kind of things in a completely parallel system it's amazing how similar everything you described you could have been talking about the hiic Jewish Community um when I say that everyone goes bananas at me uh I I think especially because I am Jewish and it's maybe the same for you being from an Islamic family or Muslim family you get it even more people are so angry that you turned on or seem to have turned on a belief system or whatever it might be but they have that same issue I mean Stanford Hills where I mean the is there just aren't many hiic Jews at all in the country I I don't even know it must be in the tens of thousands if if that it's such a small number of uh people uh but I've seen the same issues it's just mad that uh women who want to leave they have to go through the hidic Jewish kind of community to do so they're not allowed to get keep hold of their kids and then the other thing is that UK courts find in favor of keeping the kids with the dad because they don't want to get involved and mess around with a religious belief does that happen as as well with Muslim families at the UK courts you know much about that um in in the situations that I've seen obviously they've we've actually got sort relief through the UK courts and the UK courts have decided the children are better off with their mother obviously um and again the emphasis here is to have the children be as like in great like involved with both parents as much as reasonably possible um but there is a lot of pressure again for the um not even for them to to deal with that custody but to just reconcile you reconcile at all costs anyway they don't they don't want to show you that Muslim families are breaking down or have high divorce rates or you know any of these kind of things even the word divorce is such a big uh it's brings so much shame like you it's the last Last Resort and even the I this comes all the way back from like threats from God in the Quran is and and things like that or Muhammad threatening his wives when they were they were um you know they were giving him a hard time for very right rightful reasons but he they were told to shut up or um Allah would give Muhammad better wives than you so I mean the woman is always like really really downtrodden um anyway and the fact that they don't show them that there's this relief option is because they want to keep them in this bubble where Western Society doesn't infiltrate um it's internal policing as well it's internal reputation guarding there's a lot of that happening with the sort of woke Unity with Islam at the moment uh does some of that come down to the bigotry of low expectations do they see Muslims as lesser people who sometimes have to keep these and and if something bad happens to the daughter of some you know who cares that they're lower people anyway I I think the bigotry of low expectations does play into it for sure um it's especially this this you know concept of okay it's their culture or you know it's eastern tradition and who are we to stay say and and who's to say Western values are even better or Superior or more equal or Equitable or all of that that's all up for debate with them so um yeah I guess the big tree of L ation but it's it's important to note that again Islam has really really dark elements to it where even if you're trying to converse with somebody let's say who's not as knowledgeable about Islam you could sell Islam in a way that it could seem uh like this is just a beautiful culture let's say and let let let us fast and let us do what it is that we do and so what we're only demanding like a mosque and Halal shops and this and that but then you know you think that that's all okay that that that's guarding their way of life but then it encroaches and encroaches and then you get protest like the ones outside um Batley grammar school um where you know you realize that it's not just them minding their own business or saying hey our values are slightly different they don't line up with yours let's just you know you you do you and we we do us it's not like that it's actually now having intimidating protest getting teachers to be away and hiding and having to leave leave school get security all these kind of things which it's just mad to think if this is coming from people who have a different slightly different culture that we need to respect you're bending over back WS to respect a really highly regressive culture that doesn't just seem to even want to coexist but wants to encroach on yours and like you know relinquish it to history I suppose they would say that they are being so tolerant that it sometimes you have to be you have to be tolerant of intolerance exactly exactly and that's almost what it's what's happening here and it's go that's when it goes too far I suppose there was a really innocuous looking video cuz you talk about the security and these kind of clashes that have happened outside to school and there was one that just seemed like okay a guy was eating his lunch did you see this and because some of the Muslim co-workers were fasting they made him feel guilty and he had he put his lunch away and it was just a little innocuous thing but it was quite scary did you see that video I did yeah I saw it really briefly and then I was just reading the comments but yeah I I exactly and this is what I mean this this kind of small aggressions or like minor aggressions this is just somebody who's you know trying to have his lunch um at a normal day at work and it's minor aggressions like that that eventually when they get power and numbers and when it comes together then you essentially or effectively have a mob mentality uh it's what we've seeing play out in the Streets of London that's what we're seeing play out whenever there's something that you know they they don't like um and these microaggressions can turn into macroaggressions very very quickly and it is that it's a case of bending over backwards to cater to us and our needs and we're the victims and we're marginalized and we're the minority and we need protecting and even that push for like special pleading that Islam needs extra extra cotton wool around it than any other religion even though we've got the equality act and we've got protected characteristics and things like they want their own special bit of you know added protection and it's just it it should not fly they called him what was it C kaf cfir cfir which is like what does that mean idiot it's a perogative for like your non-believers your disbelievers your dirty you don't it's very yeah it's a Prive and it is used as an insult or a does it make you really angry then when you see like an Owen Jones or like a liberal Lefty guy defending something and he believes he's doing it in your honor or like for you absolutely absolutely it actually makes my blood boil but again um it it's the way that Islam has also managed to it it kind of alludes back to what you said in the beginning as well that uh why is it so appealing there's other like layers to why Islam can be appealing for people as well so people who are really looking for some kind of structure or some kind of uh something to be told almost every minute of every hour of every day what to do how to think uh it's a very it offers you a very black and white version of the world uh if you're a Muslim the world is very easy to navigate it's like the West versus Islam constantly uh Jews America Israel your worst enemy um and everything is in that Narrative of will Islam dominate or will uh the West dominate so your enemies are very clearcut your causes a very clearcut um and then people who think that they've been failed by Western culture as well for example you know just to to put every ill of Western culture out there like debauchery or you know look at the the debates around trans people and look how far the West is slipping all of those things when they feel the excesses of Western culture have gone too far Islam offers that like you know really riging that in and I've seen even like white British White English women who you know suddenly they've they've had some like a a number of bad relationships relationships gone wrong um with a certain type of man and then boom that they'll Islam they'll turn to Islam and they will be saying things to me that I think wow this is everything I speak against when you're saying I feel so perfect and protected covered up and look men don't look at me and they will protect my honor and all of this and it's just mindboggling to me but I understand that people are various reasons and Islam to some level off as a weird Comfort or protection or purpose particularly good I think like like all extreme religions and things uh for men like men get like all these wives like it's the same you know all the Cults religions uh in hidic Judaism as well it's just all about the man it's quite extraordinary um do you have an idea of the sort of percentage of Muslims in the west who who hold what you would call dangerous beliefs I don't know if I could if I actually have it down to a percentage um but I would say and again I I don't mean to be an alarmist but like given what's happening and when I say that I'm I'm third generation myself and when I say that people around me and of like similar backgrounds in ages when they hold vastly different viewpoints to me people I work with or I'm surrounded by and we've grown up in a very similar environment or not because I went to the Middle East for a large portion of my life and then came back so I did I was able to see the other side of things um so to speak but it's alarming to me that they hold views that are hundreds of years back backwards and they are just like kind of Getting By in society because their views are just kind of you know pushed down but these are people who will walk around and maybe smile at you and you know you'll serve them A coffee or whatever but when push comes to shove their views are fundamentally misaligned with you so even basic things about like whether it's UK foreign policy or who to support in in a sports game or little things like that um what choices to uh protest for and not protest for who to vote for in government like you know even when George Galloway has come in and anybody who was disenfranchised with the way the rhetoric was about Gaza and palestin George Galloway was just the pro Palestine Savior and so the entire again as I said very very easy uh worldview to adopt and they have done that nobody's willing to maneuver and kind of you know uh say well actually I'm a Muslim but I'm also British first and you know there's certain British values that I would have to say I would fight for and agree with even if it means it's tiptoeing on things that I'm supposed to hold true you're British I mean that mean I can see that means a lot to you and I relate to that as well uh you know growing up Jewish as well or whatever and some Sometimes some of the more extreme not that many but some of them are just it seems like that's their thing first and that makes to me just no sense we live here this is my country I watch England in the football you know less and less cuz they're not any you just drive me mad but uh when they're in the World Cup I do you know and and that's all that matters for me and and so is it is it quite a lonely feeling for you like or was it at least growing up around people who who were so not into being I guess English first or English first sounds horrible because it sounds sounds like one of those things but just being British and being proud to be British yeah it again even where I'm at now it's quite isolating because even now so back then obviously I was pretty much still in the fold but it was only leaving England because imagine Andrew when I was in when I was like born here and growing up here I was so surrounded by like a microcosm of the beliefs that I held anyway so yeah I was going to an English primary school and I was in London well living in London everything looks English and British from the outside but I basically mentality wise I could have been living you know in an Islamic City or what have you um so it's even isolating now because the more that I've since I've left Islam naturally when you leave something like that you a lot of your uh previous Hang-Ups or things that Islam told you to you know hold true are all gone out the window so your worldview changes and naturally I like as you said I'm I'm very proud to be like from here and born here and I appreciate you know just things about this country and also the fact that it basically saved my life when I was in in probably the worst situation of my life and it's only because of the values and things that the UK stands for so it even now just having a different view on maybe the conflict in the Middle East or or uh turning away from the mosque and not attending every function that you know people around you are going to I can't speak my mind anymore around those people and I don't which is why I have my channel and I I do my activism on the side but the nobody's they think that I have either gone off the rails or they've I've been called far right lately just because of my stance that they've not really heard and this is just me unlearning I'm just learning all this anti-Semitism that was filled in my head I'm unlearning all the these fibs I was told about Israel I'm learning all of this but in the process of that I obviously get charged up and I realize how much misinformation I was fed or lies or conspiracies and and I still see people around me hold on to those beliefs like like wildly hold on to those beliefs and I see that they're so clever and they've been educated and they're holding phds and epic degrees and I'm like but you're you could be the most smartest person in the world but when it comes to your worldview you will main tunnel vision just because Islam um so yeah it's wild it's frustrating isn't it and and also this country I think I think I'm I hope I'm right and not naive in saying this I know there are racists out there there are people I mean even every day on Twitter there's a bunch of people saying things about me being Jewish I'm sure they would say about you being Muslim or from being from a different ethnicity or whatever I like to think that that's a very small percentage we see them on Twitter uh you know Amplified but if like like I always say this as 1% of men in particular maybe women as well are psychopaths so there's not much you can do about like let's get rid of systemic racism it's like well yeah but one out of every hundred people who's on Twitter is going to just be horrible no matter what you try and teach them or whatever because that's their that's what they're trying to do but I do feel like the vast majority of people are quite welcoming like really welcoming especially when they see somebody who's maybe their family or a few Generations before has come over and made a go of things and wanted to assimilate they really want you and then you end up being part of that and wanting others and I think we really lift each other up so find really sad um you mentioned your your story so tell me let's get into that what's your story yeah tell me let's start with your story um so long story short but basically um do you want to to start from the top I'm like I think so yeah yeah let's do that okay so I obviously as I was explaining just to you briefly like I was I would think a nominal Muslim growing up here in in London um by normal I mean I'm very indoctrinated but um I'm you know I'm still here and part like actually just part of English society I'm too young to kind of have my own identity at this point so that flash point of being really heavily indoctrinated young because my granddad was um the Imam of our local mosque um where I lived so he put a lot of importance on he was at that stage of his life where it's just dedicated now to religion um and I was really close to him so I would go to the mosque with him a lot every day after school um there would I'd attend Quran classes and interestingly they actually gave us a book with the translations which a lot of Muslims don't get when they first read the Quran which is troubling but um again as a seven eight-year-old child this like Old English and these translations aren't really going to seep in and the Quran anyway is just a terrible read so all the religious books to be fair we had that as well the Hebrew books and I got English translations it's like blessed art that right I'm I'm yeah honestly he who sits on his throne I was like okay what get your throne out yeah exactly float around on your throne above water yeah but yeah so I um I took it really seriously and then at 9: because of the like the teachings and what my U Quran teacher was telling me um I did decide to wear hijab obviously she said this is the right thing to do at nine years old anyway that's like a special year for you know is that right nine is the year they encourage you as well and it's got a lot to do with um Muhammad's marriage to Aisha the child bride it it happened at nine so just it's like passed down in in ISL in Muslim families that nine you should start taking your religion yeah is that a known thing that's accepted within Islam that that that she was nine cuz cuz I'm worried about being salmon rash deed uh and I don't want us saying things that they're going hang on that's not true so we're going to come and stab you in the eye so the so I come from a Sunni um Islamic background according to uh the Sunni tradition it's the Quran and the Hadith which you have to hold sankra sank basic the Hadith tells us more about the prophet and how he lived and how to follow his Sunnah or example uh the Hadith the ones that are considered authentic as can be uh graded like um very very Sound by Alazar University in Egypt are that that Hadith verbatim says um muham it's actually Aisha saying it in her own words that U Muhammad married me at when I was 6 years old and consumated the marriage when I was 9 years old and there's various of the Hadith which go on to say you know she was playing with dolls and all of these things now the what the the the try like the attempt at whitewashing this uh has come from Muslim apologetics and obviously um pmics saying oh no no no yeah if you look at the Islamic years compared to Modern years and all of this kind of thing she was 17 or 18 minimum at the time some say less there's constant argument to like hide this because it's insanely problematic it's morally reprehensible if you're meant to follow this man's example which Muslim men are supposedly he's Timeless he's perfect um but yeah if you want to see it fortim uh just write 9 years old or Aisha marriage and it's there I have no opinion on that um no um I I'm scared out of my mind I really am scared and I know that's the part where I think you can say the stuff oh the West has got to you know the left and all that and when you get into the the the doctrine cuz I read that rushy book and my God what an amazing writer a from that horrible scene he shouldn't have written I I don't mean that obviously and I shouldn't joke really but it's scary yeah it's bloody scary and I don't want to go down in history on record as having said a thing even though I I will always do it against all the other religions and Scientology and Lord zenu and all all of those things I I wouldn't want to go down on record as having said something about about the Muslim God you didn't say it I said it for I said it for myself yes okay go what's your address no don't how could how could someone just just I don't know but but I think enough people are speaking out now that that there's defense in numbers to an extent I mean I don't know if you saw Yasmin Muhammad on she's just so good yeah sorry I've interrupted your story go on for a nine years old hijab oh yeah yeah sorry so I um so you can tell how seriously I took this I mean this was the the path to get to heaven and interestingly um when I talk about these communities most times behind closed doors this is why I always talk against the hijab even though you know it's only because of what it means and and the origins of the story but most families are encouraging their young daughters to wear hijab in my case I think because my parents are a bit more liberal uh and a bit more Progressive they actually thought you know why like you're really young you don't have to and my grandma didn't want me to wear it for other cultural reasons because she wanted my pool of sutors to be open so she didn't want me to you know write off a man that necessarily didn't want a woman that wore hijab okay so it was for those reasons but I was kind of discouraged um and then eventually s even in re classes and stuff I I would demonstrate how to pray like I was very much you know overtly like proud of my religion and kind ofeducation just for non religious religious education classes at school that we all did exactly yes I'd be like oh Mimi I'll demonstrate how we pray I'll tell you what Allah says and I'll do little like Miss Goody T shoes for Islam and then basically what happened was my um Dad got a job like his job moved him to Saudi Arabia right and we were we had no idea what to expect obviously um but because but just then um on the brink of that I started to play a lot more Sports and I I was kind of like becoming more and more of a tomboy at the is that still acceptable to say yeah I think so tomboy is fine okay yeah maybe maybe I don't know anymore love you're more worried about tomboy and I'm worried about what you've said about the prophet Muhammad priorities yeah um yeah so I started to play sports and obviously it was a bit of a hindrance it's very unpractical it's dangerous as well cuz if you've got it hide with a safety pin or something you know um so my mom wasn't best pleased that that was all happening and she was very very happy when she was like you're playing football now it's dangerous you know you need time to take it off and I was like yeah you're right this is that's nice though instead of time to stop playing football exactly there was also time to stop playing football as well from uh the Elder generation because you have to wear shorts and Muslim women don't wear shorts and things like that but again immediate family were like yeah yeah football first hijab later were you good at football I was I was actually pretty good at football I know it's different culture but did you watch bendit light Beckham I did watch it again recently fil classic right it was so funny when I went to school in Saudi because I started playing football more and more and I guess just because of the English accent my science teacher actually asked me if I was the actress from bendit Like Beckham what and I was like no that's a film that's insane I know I don't think you even looked not like her I know I was like she must be considerably older than you yeah and I was a lot younger and anyway was weird but yeah so then sorry I moved to school in uh we moved to Saudi Arabia and my hijab had come off and the people I was suddenly surrounded by I was at a British International School but it had people from all over the world um their parents had come in all different types of jobs so I was exposed for the first time in my life more than actually going to school in London to other faiths other nationalities other experiences other religions in a way that I had never been while I was here that's insane that is mad to like go to Saudi Arabia and have the most eye openening International experience as opposed to London which is a Cosmopolitan city um and I've seen it I've seen the difference in people who have just been here their whole lives in like one area one house one mosque one Community as opposed to people who have gone and then come back with like the varying you know World Views um but yeah so going going to Saudi really really changed who I was in terms of like my faith became more and more liberalized as I was going so I was seeing wahhabi Islam play out all around me um up until our school Gates men and um we had to wear a bias and we weren't really allowed to be seen with boys as soon as you got into the school it was like could have been in the states could have been here um it's co-ed we've got discos we've got end of year parties uh literally like you're having an experience anywhere that's not Saudi Arabia um so I didn't feel like I had to hold on to being Muslim that much anymore cuz I'd hear the call to prayer five times a day modesty culture is seeped into daily life you have an Islamic police called the mwa they're they're also regulating everything making sure men are stopping and stopping their cars and going to the MOs to pray when it's prayer time um but then I also saw dark sides Andrew like casually after Friday prayer if there would be beheadings or amputations so like my my dad and my brother would come back from prayer and say oh we could have stayed because that was that's what they said was happening afterwards and this this was casual and for a young mind like mine I would just question my parents and say what is going on here and they would also say just just this is some wahhabi extreme version of Islam this is not what we follow this is Saudi doing Islam on steroids and they don't know what they're doing um so I just like I took that for what it is and I will keep planting these little moments of you know even driving to Mecca the first time to go out to do pilgrimage um because we thought we're so blessed who gets moved from London to Saudi so so close to God's home that every weekend I could go and do the pilgrimage what what people spend their whole lives saving to do how long was the drive for you 40 minutes and again at Saudi Arabia you don't drive yourself you have a driver you you know all of these things are like you literally just pop your Buy on and go to God's house um so that was that you felt a huge sense of like wow God has called us close to his home but driving towards it for the first time as well and you see there's a Quran Bridge basically as you drive and it says all non-muslims that way and then Muslims this way obviously only Muslims can enter Mecca and like little things like that again you'd hear stories of people trying to sneak in or you know then seeing the the plight of uh experts from like normal Western countries who couldn't have basic amenities like having a glass of wine they would have to be fermenting their own wine and their house in the compound or like fermenting beer or you know their lives were very very difficult um and Saudi Arabia made no kind of obviously it's it's a home of Islam supposedly so it made no um like concessions for these people but I saw women being really really badly like discriminated against even non-muslim women with by the Islamic police who would come my mom was grocery shopping with her uh friends and they're not Muslim so they had no reason to cover their head but they were told cover your head well you're in a Muslim country what are you doing cover your head and then some like horrible in incidents as well that you know I heard of like rape and people getting dragged to the desert and especially non-muslim women that they were targeted and they're so afraid to even report it they would just take a plane home to their country of uh their home country or their country of origin to just get Justice or you know heal over there because nothing would happen for them in Saudi these These are women have gone on holiday or the tourism holiday they want to go and check out the pilgrimage to Mecca or something like that and on the way they've they've been sexually M no these are non-muslim women who are working in Saudi for various reasons whether they're teachers at the international schools or that uh come over as doctors or they're the wives of somebody else who's been at out there to work things like that um so all of those things were were like looming but then we moved to Dubai and that was like a nice really really like like good East Meets West like a step ahead of Saudi Arabia uh less of their restrictions more of the West meets East but you still get all the Islamic holidays and all of that stuff so I thought this was the perfect mix this is how Islam should be done um in a country like Dubai you know you've got all the amount of tourists coming in you've got um it's perfect and you don't you don't like take away way or relinquish anything from your Islamic faith or culture so to speak um but then yeah again I was so into the religion that I came back here for University and wanted to study Islamic law so I did that as well and I was defending everything that Islamic law says but I was trying to make sense of it um so even now when I read back my University essays I could like I see hints of like this this questioning feminist but I also see like but God did it but God said so so there's reasons behind it and you tell it's a confused mind um but long story short then it was only until I went back to Dubai and then I was in a marriage that I uh really wanted to get out of cuz uh it was abusive on many levels but before it got physically abusive I made a plan that I need to get out of here and when in that country um because there was no way that I was going to be granted a divorce by that man uh was one-sided there was a really really like ancient Sharia law that was put on me by the lawyer that he had employed to like nip this in the bud and I had never heard of such a thing um so I'd just seen the bad elements of Islam in Saudi Arabia and I'd heard things but I never thought this is directly related to Islam but when this law called daia it relates to the Disobedience of a wife which is directly from a Quran verse um that says if you fear Disobedience if you merely fear Disobedience from your wife then these are these are the steps that you take and this this Sharia law has been been interpreted by Egyptian courts and Tunisian courts and things like that to so basically answering back can mean uh Mischief or just the thought of you thinking that I'm going to answer back can be Mischief so imagine somebody who's actively wanting to seek a divorce yeah um so they were like well we slap her with this um this law and this law basically the UA policeman called me and he said you must return to your husband's house or um we'll arrest you and take you there forcibly and then you can't leave without his permission so anytime I'd have to leave the house I'd need to get permission again it comes back to Islamic guardianship laws the concept of a meam which is like a woman basically in Islam you're never you've never got your own agency so like put think of like a family tree with every possible male relative that woman will be connected to if all of your close ones are gone you will be connected to your third Uncle twice removed would be responsible for you before you would be oh my God it's always always that like that's what I was saying it's always like women don't don't get a good deal out of these Cults or religions yeah exactly so I that's literally that blew my mind and I was like again I was thinking from a very UK Centric kind of this is how because how can the law do that how can the Judge how can the police even warrant this to essentially kidnap how are you married to this man um is it arranged it was a like almost like a sped up marriage so I I was introduced to him from a friend um that I went to high school with and so we were like dating in in so much as a way that you can date uh by by being Muslim do you know what I mean so it's very like you can't date freely or you can't like travel together or you can't really do anything it's very like managed bits of time together um and then essentially and now again whether it's Islam or culture or a bit of both once you reach like 22 23 years old it's like a ticking Time Bomb you need to tick that you've done uni now you've you know You' got some semblance of a career that's the next box and then it's children and people start asking questions if you're seeing just like hanging out or seeing seeing in male company without a real purpose or intent to marry um but my parents were actually moving to Malaysia and they said to me we can't leave you in Dubai um without being married especially being married in the eyes of God um so it was more like a kind of haphazard let's get this done before we we move um and the only way for me to even let's say have him fly out to Malaysia if I was to go out or move with them was to actually be islamically married right okay um the word Islam in Islam to get married uh the contract it's called a niika okay but it's very very dark as well because the root word of that is NK in Arabic which forms the word there's no word for marriage this is actually it it means sexual intercourse so that contract is essentially a payment transactional a father giving his daughter over for a certain payment and now you're able to engage in sexual intercourse and a lot will be okay with it that's a French word they've stolen it Nik oh my God N means to have sex I didn't even make that connection yeah yeah lur that woman I never thought either from the other I never thought that must be that though that's got to be that I don't know etymologically because it's the Arabic citic route versus the French roote because of the the Muslim uh immigration to France it must have come in CU it's quite a Strang term God Andrew we need to look into it yeah we should be all linguist yeah we should that's the next podcast yeah linguists deciphering where language comes from but that interesting that the Islamic introduction into France and there are a lot of words that have been taken you know and there's always like you you your my I your mom kind of thing would be like or whatever yeah yeah yeah there you go yeah well there we go so that's and that that's that's look that's terribly sad that that's what what has to happen when you get married yeah well the reason I brought that up is cuz for me it's so sad like even my my cousins and everybody who still holds on to Islam they give this they say they're so excited for this nothing in in their life can happen unless this ncah is done and it just I'm like if you understood the the actual root and the origins of this it is I would much rather you go and get registered or like go to the registry office or you know do anything but that like I go to church have a church ceremony or you know have a nice like reception in some manner but there this obsession with when I say the tick boox in culture is like it's it's covered by that word niika I have to get my nikar done and then I can travel I can live my life I can do everything everything is like contingent on that yeah and that's all Muslim parents will ever tell you as well well after your niiger after your niiger after you you can live your life do what you want yeah we have to be careful with that word in the YouTube sentences because it sounds too similar to another word unfortunately hopefully that would be all right though um and look again I don't mean to compare or not to equate anyone but iic Judaism hiic Judaism is the same thing of you know that that marriage night and a lot of them feel like they were basically molested that that night yeah said how did you then get out of all of this um so basically what happened is um this law that they had put on me and I was trying to still go through I trusted the process even up to this point so I was trying to ask for a divorce even like Islam doesn't give a woman um like the same rights for divorce as a man is given unilaterally so um Muslim countries that have Sharia at play have now added that women can seek uh it's called a that's how you seek divorce through the courts um you it's quite like a the evidential burden of why you want it is pretty high and it varies from country to country but I was going down that route and again if you go down that route um they try and they make it so tough for women that you have to give up your meaher which is your basically it's kind of like um the money that you were paid for the nword um that sounds even sorry I've like censored you into this gosh no no no that's okay um so I they were making my life hell anyway and they're saying fine if you want to do that you're going to forego this and I was like I can forgo any amount of money I don't care I just want to see the dword in the Islamic version of the dword like stamped on a paper this is done um but they really really ramped up their like harassment um whe like the police the my local police station and then my ex-husband's like barrage of like abuse just kind of escalated so I'd find like you know just things outside my house and I was being followed and monitored and on my way to work and back and he would show up at like I think the football World Cup was on so I was watching England play with like all of my colleagues and right in the middle of the game one of my uh colleagues is like noria don't move but we're just going to get up and we're going to leave because he's right there and I'm like it just got too much Andrew I was like I can't even like I can't enjoy my days I can't enjoy my nights I can't sleep at night and then the police calling me like Post 10 p.m. and on weekends when again an Islamic country they're not allowed to do that for a woman so I'm trying to play them with their rules you know like you can only call me during these hours and things like that but they kept demanding my passport and I'm like you don't need a passport to deal with like a civil divorce dispute you know what I mean and I obviously I'm not like that uh naive and I did I've heard all these stories about Brits and Dubai I've heard what happens and I know that the Turning Point the pivotal factor is handing over your passport cuz then you've essentially handed Over Control yeah um so when they kept asking for that I was literally so done and I was so deflated I was on the verge of giving it I was like just take it do whatever um and just before I was I was parked outside the police station to give it over and my the lawyer that was representing me she went in and in a like last ditch attempt I made a call to like the British emergency uh number for xats and I called and thankfully this this Angel Of A man answered and I gave him like a 30 second rundown I was like hi listen I'm a rich citizen I'm an exper in Dubai I've been married for this long d uh these are all the cases that they're trying to put against me I'm just trying to file for divorce I've got my passport that they're asking for it now and he's just like okay listen like do you have your passport in your hand still and I said yeah he's like do not go into that police station do you hear me and I was like okay and he's like I can't give you legal advice but do not go into that police station and hand it over and I was like okay he's like how far are you in the airport and I was like not that far like I could he's like if you could just pack basic things and just come home come home to where the stuff that they even trying to put on you doesn't apply and at the same time Andrew my lawyer ran out and she was like no no no no no you're not going to win anything here get out they are charging you with all kinds of things things that are like like like adultery and and theft and uh all all kinds of things that you could put out th air but in in Sharia things they according to Sharia punishment they are like life imprisonment and like lashing and the punishments are in we're dealing with barbaric punishments here you must have been in a panic oh my God yeah that that I would just literally got like I just put my foot down went straight to the airport even then uh Andrew like walking in the airport every time I had to scan my Emirates ID through a scanner sometimes the scanner would make a big noise and I was like have they put a travel ban on me like have they notified the whole airport and my mother was just like have you like have the wheels left the runway have the wheels left the runway way it was yeah it was just a panic to get out of there and now you're back and now I'm back thankfully yeah and it was it was having the space and downtime being back here even living in the UAE if I thought things were uh like just not making sense or something was off I never had access to a free and open internet I always had to go through VPN and I got back to England processed went to therapy for PTSD had EMDR therapy which was incredible I would recommend that to anyone who's ever like got electr what is that it's eye movement resensitization and depressing I've heard of that yeah I've heard it's great that brilliant I could not recommend that enough like Andrew honestly it's just wiped it from my mind and when I got back to this country every time I heard like a police sign a siren I would literally think they're coming for me and I'd like people i' have to say no this is UK police like there's nothing that was in Dubai you're here now you're safe the police here like you know they're not going to do anything like that to you but I was afraid of men I was afraid of police sirens and you know London's like ambulance fire all these things going off so I couldn't leave the house for a very long time and this just changed the game for me wow and now you and you started you've got a YouTube channel which is doing really well yeah yeah no thank you it's uh yeah it's growing slowly but surely holy humanist okay and what kinds of things are you putting up there um it's basically to just I'm I'm trying to verbatim show Islamic sources in scripture um especially what it means for the way it affects women in reality and children in reality so I'm just trying to show people that when I came back to the UK and I actually like applied my attention to be intellectually honest to see what does the Quran say in my own language like I would just read it in English now I'm not faing around with Ki Arabic like I'm done with that I've done it three times in that language um so I just as an adult and with a logical like mind I I read it and people have access to the same information as I was saying to you like if you just go and doc after this when we were talking about you know Muhammad's married to Aisha it's there and don't get me wrong they are trying to take these down and they're trying to censor it and they're trying to add parentheses and brackets and soften the blow and make it more palatable but it's all there so I'm just trying to show like just have women who can see the other side it's predominantly aimed at women but generally just like it's basically my leaving Islam what I found what I found most problematic and why it's 100% man-made and really really problem and I and then he'll he'll see it that would be epic and Ricky if you're listening please give Islam a little bash in one of your next uh shows just a little bash give it a back I think not not a bash isn't a try cuz then oh no no no no convert Chuck it under the bus R give it a back give it a go Ricky convert to Islam just qu just little bash um no I think I think he'll know what you mean um yes go check out holy humanist now go and help her out she's had an amazing story go and like all the things subscribe to the stuff and keep watching this channel as well hit the like button and watch this interview I'll probably put Yasmin here
Channel: andrew gold | heretics.
Views: 468,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew gold, podcast, heretics, on the edge, nuriyah khan, islamism, woke, unholy alliance, holy humanist
Id: SpkGnalLaEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 34sec (3334 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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