The Law of Moses & Law of the Messiah | Dr. Arnold G Fruchtenbaum

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the gullible study this morning is to compare two law codes the law of Moses and the law of the Messiah and sadly in many of the churches there's a lot of confusion as to how to deal with the Mosaic law and on your outline you'll notice in the introduction there are three categories of reasons why they're out there is this kind of confusion and the first problem is making wrong divisions in the Mosaic law and through church history they divided the law sometimes in two parts where they were down like Ten Commandments mandatory for today but the other 603 Commandments not mandatory for today and even for those who claim to keep the Ten Commandments they do only fudge on one of them and that is the Safa commandment others make a three-fold division between the ceremony along the moral law and the civil law and we're not under the ceremonial or civil law we are under the moral law but not the uniformity as to exactly what constitutes the moral law as we shall see in this study the truth is that the Mosaic law is a total of not Ten Commandments but 613 commandments and that's what we have to clearly understand another wrong area is wrong applications and for example in church history often applied the south we lost a Sunday claiming the New Testament transferred the Sabbath to Sunday but there's no such passage anywhere the New Testament that actually shows this and The Saboteur was is was is will be from sundown Friday to sundown sorry we'll see more about this a little bit later furthermore the problem with clothing loss there's not so much a problem in American Imam that was my travels in Europe especially in Europe they pull our one verse out of the book of Deuteronomy chapter 22 a woman should not wear clothing made from and imagine now wear clothing made for women and therefore they prohibit a woman to wear any kinds of slacks pants or trousers and and I actually asked them were criminally Paulo da one verse Center on me 22 the same shaft also says you should have tassels and the four corners of your garments tassels are white with one tassel of blue how can you ignore that room and and now the question I came up with with them is who was when Moses was given the law by God and serve who was wearing trousers who was wearing pants nobody everybody was wearing rope so one kind another and the difference between male or female rope system Naropa's one color the female rope was multi-coloured but it's all one color was that but was all the same thing in that is ropes I just look at this one question in the mainland sometimes is a permissible to wear jeans to church and my responses without defense if those jeans are made by Wrangler that would be inappropriate but if they're made by Levi's that will be kosher and so wearing Levitical garments was always kosher and then you have also the problem of dietary laws well yes more more books are coming God claiming we should keep the Mosaic dietary law because lost because that was given for health reasons you can read all the books of Moses back and forth you won't never find that reason given we'll see what the reason is a bit later but the issue was not an issue of health that she was a matter of distinctiveness and keeper matters we shall see the Mosaic law limited as a rule of life for the Jewish people and if the dietary law was intended just to keep you healthy he would have to end up saying what God wanted she was healthy but he wanted Gentile sick and that would not be an appropriate way to interpret the text and also there are on your outline one appropriations like that would be Chinese for wrong a multiple applications we shall see the law of Moses was given strictly for the Jewish people to observe not the Gentiles and what was a given to the church to be observed and there's also normally a partial application and especially the Muslim movement they like to proclaim Torah that all of them but many of them Torah or DeLonge but practice grace so for example they will often tell me we have to keep Passover and I ask what do we have to keep Passover and their answers because Moses at Sonja's Moses death so we have to keep Passover but what was the most the same Moses also said that she cannot observe Passover at home you cannot observe the Passover outside of Israel you cannot even observe Passover on any wariness will accept one place and that is Jerusalem so observing Passover in America you are not fulfilling Torah you're practicing grace and also you know most Messianic Jews but the passo of rabbinic rule that that in out the no longer serve lamb for the Passover they serve chicken in the Passover snorer ministries that I that I lead we always serve a lamb because the Bible presents the Messiah as the Lamb of God nobody ever called him the chicken of God but that's but here again there there practice that preparer of their preaching guitarra law by practicing grace furthermore in the Mosaic law is they cannot invite a Gentile to your Passover table until you first of all made sure that he was circumcised thank God I don't have to check that anymore Galatians for business to make circumcision an issue as far as Gentiles and so on and so gonna try to clarify some of these issues but me also point out there's more than just these two law codes in Scripture it began with the identical code with the Garden of Eden then came the Adamic law code followed by the nevada clock code then came the Mosaic law code followed by Dean or before the other patriarchal law code follow about the Mosaic law code now we live under the law of the mercy and law code in the future it also be a different law code and that is the kingdom law code as you move from local to local you'll see three things happening first of all some provisions some Commandments are repeated some provisions and some Commandments are discontinued as some provisions some Commandments are given for the first time never seen before and that's when you realize you're entering a new age a new dispensation a new rule of life whence certain laws are repeated certain laws that discontinued and certain laws are brand-new never seen before and so we'll just deal with two of these low-cost all of them in the short time that we have let's begin then with the law of Moses and turn your Bibles to Exodus chapter 19 access chapter 19 have you heard my rabbi stories they don't remember what I told here it didn't tell here but I have a new one let's not wrap our story but it does have a Jewish connection it's about a Taliban terrorists well into the desert fleeing the authorities and he's run out of water getting desperate he looks up to the horizon and he sees what might be an away citizen if so or always have water in trees when he gets there he realizes there are no trees no Wharram just an old Jewish man selling all these ties and these rags he thought was trees and the first asked him don't Jim need water here the Jewish male says well I have no Wharram we have these nice ties only five American dollars apiece and taro says I don't need your western clothing I'm an Eastern oh well I need some water and the Jewish male cells but like I said I have no water but I do have this nice soft I only a 5.5 American dollars Tara says I wish I had enough strength right now to take the tie and piranhas and I can kill you I hate Jews I won't they kill Jews but what I need this to have is to have it I need some water the Jewish male says I'll show you my better man than you are you know hate me because I'm Jewish she won't buy any my ties I'll show you my better man just keep walking where they had between those sand dunes we'll come to a crossroads and there's a nice restaurant and those crossroads and has all the war occur possibly one so go in peace and may God bless you the terrorist leaves but he says I may come back and kill you yet right now I'm just preserving managing he's gone for well after wall is coming back he's crawling on his hands colleague on his knees his custom $5 five American dollars in his hand and he says they will not let me in were at a time everybody heard me and spotted that noise now following your outline this motley Outland I can cover in the spirit of time sappy detailing certain facets I'll be summarizing other facets I'll begin then with the recipients of the lung and look at access chapter 19 and lo beginner verse 3 access 19 verse 3 and Moses went up unto God and whoever called him out of the mountain saying - are you saying to the house of Jacob and tell the Trinities room he has seen what i didn't--it Egyptians how I bore you on eagle's wings and brought you unto myself now therefore he will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant then you shall be my own possession from all the peoples for all the earth is mine and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation these are the worst that you shall speak tertian of Israel and not as he specifies that this covenant which will contained the 613 commandments alone was given strictly the same people he just brought out of his room and that was the Jewish people the people of Israel and what Moses affirms here is also repeated many times over we'll just look at three examples look at the ranma chapter 7 excuse me karma chapter 4 verse 7 run me chapter 4 chapter 4 verse 7 for what great nation is there that has a god son I entered them as Jehovah our God is once every call upon him and what great nation is there that had statutes and ordinances so righteous as all this law which I set before you today and knows to no other nation has this body of rules of regulations ordinances and so on given only for the people of Israel it not like a some 147 some 147 first 1947 verse 19 he shows his word unto Jacob his statutes and ordinances unto Israel now notice he has not dealt so within the other nation as well audiences they have not known them praise ye the Lord so those two no other nation has he given this body or rules and regulations and laws except for the people of Israel and one more example is Malachi chapter 4 Malachi chapter 4 Malachi chapter 4 verse 4 Malachi 4 for remember ye the law of Moses my servant which I commend unto him in her f-for all Israel even snatchers Norton says from the beginning to the end of the Hebrew Bible this was a body or Rosa regulations for the purpose of a rule of life for the people of Israel with emphasizes to another nation hasn't been given or required and then later on the when the Mosaic law and covenant was sealed by the Shahi not the Shekinah glory and this is X s chapter 24 verses 1 through 11 XS 4 verses 1 through 11 it was then scientists sealed in such a way which rendered this covenant a conditional covenant and and that became the rule of life for this period of time now killing with the provisions of the law I'm gonna make basically 6 observations first of all again their provisions included 613 commandments not 10 but 613 second observation this was a conditional covenant which meant blessings for billions but curses and disciplines for disobedience the third observation is the key element was the blood sacrifices and so on the vertical chapter 17 verse 11 the Rika 17 verse 11 does sat down a principle without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin and blood was given for the purpose of atonement and the atonement is what comes by means of blood in the first seven chapters of The Book of Leviticus he lists in detail five different offerings which the first four were blood the one with what was not a blood offering was the seal offering or the seal offering even that was not offered apart from blood because the first sacrifice every morning was the burnt offering and the seal offering or seal offering was off was put upon the blood offering and as a result I always came in contact with blood however the blood sacrifices of animal never took away the sin and Hebrews chapter 10 verses 1 through 4 he was 10 1 through 4 declared drought the shedding of blood there is no remission without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin however it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin the world automata Hebrew Kafar just means to cover but doesn't mean to take away a sign of a blood even the bulls and goats which were the sacred day of atonement sacrifices could not take sin away so at the blood sacrifices of the animal did provide forgiveness for the sin did provide for restoration of fellowship with the Lord but did not take the sin away a fourth observation is the for the Jewish people it restricted some of the provisions of the noahic covenant the Covenant gommi would know which was the rule of life for the Gentile world but the Jews there were certain restrictions then covenant said every moving thing shall be food for you so if it moves you can eat it and not never change for the Gentiles now for the Jews of this land and the most out they have both cloven hoof and shoot the cut as for fish that they have bought fins and scales as for birds no birds of prey no meat-eating birds roll out and then those one type of insect there was allowed a certain type of locust I've never been tempted to partake of this kind of a locust just between hotel at night and gas impoverished and not in the streets of Ashkelon I would much rather have I am unwrite in a locust and a bagel a fifth observation is the for the Jewish people added the death penalty for many other sins because in the New Covenant that their penalty was mandatory only for those guilty of premeditated murder but with the Mosaic Covenant many other sins required the death penalty in a short list would include adultery idolatry witchcraft crossing guard crossing parents and breaking the Sabbath the sixth observation concerns this show circumcision in the Abrahamic covenant circumcision was mandatory only for Jewish people are those within a Jewish household but not for the Gentiles and the Mosaic Covenant was still obligatory for Jews and for Gentiles only for those Gentiles who wish to become participant in the blessings of the Jewish covenants tender grant ago circumcision take upon themselves the obligation of the Mosaic law live like an if you would have to live under the law but otherwise must it was limited also Jewish people and made available to Gentiles but not mandatory for Gentiles mcapples see you're going to be doing some summarizing the purposes of the law let me begin by making clear the purpose was never means of earning salvation salvation always was Israel being by grace through faith apart from any works and these different covenants were not different ways of being saved these different covenants were merely different rules of life and those are very saved but the means of salvation was always the same by grace through faith not the content of faith what you have to believe to be saved was not always the same as so in Genesis chapter 15 verse 6 says abraham believed God and it was reckoned em for righteousness what exactly brahim believed to be saved in the first five verses he believed the promises of God in the Abrahamic covenant in the content of our faith today is Messiah died for sins was buried and rose again and that is what we believe and Trust alone for our salvation but the means of salvation was always the same by grace through faith + nothing son in the categories of the personal law relationship to God the purpose was to show the holiness of God also the standard the righteousness which he required for a proper relationship with the Lord not just give you one versed as mortals of several like if you went passage for each of these this one Leviticus 19 verses one two and thirty seven Leviticus 19 verses one two and thirty seven elationship to Israel there were three main purposes first of all to keep the Jews a testing people to keep them a distinct people one example of Erika's eleven verses 44 and 45 Leviticus 40 11 40 44 and 45 and that accounts for many of the specific types of Commandments for example the dietary law again was not for health was to keep that she was a testing people into eating habits also Jews how to be distinct and how they looked and so Jewish men will not allow to shave their beards and furthermore their peers cannot be around they're like ma lam like - they are they recorded like other talks Jewish people wear them and so no shaving no ranting of the beard furthermore concerning clothing Jews could not wear clothing made of mixed threats and only that they have to have the tassels and the corners of the garments and they had there were husband and wife relationship loss daily habits like Sabbath work of regulations and so on a second major purpose is to provide a rule of life for the saint in the Old Testament up until Messiah died to provide a rule of life not a way of salvation provide a rule of life and also many exercised faith and received their salvation in a third purpose for Israel is to provide for Israel occasions for both individual incorporation in some Leviticus chapter 23 Lorca's 23 Moses outlines the 7 holy seasons that they are to observe and three of these were for corporate worship the feast of Passover weeks and Tabernacle yet therefore was for individual and family worship but party for them in the opportunities from individual and crappie worship now point three confronted Gentiles the key passages Galatians chapter 2 excuse me fishes chapter 2 verses 11 through 16 ephesians tomb 11 through 16 and he points out that garbage only had three our two ethnic groups Jews and Gentiles the mintage of the Jewish identity is that God had a covenant relationship with the Jewish people and he emphasizes the word in the plural because God made for eternal and unconditional covenants with the Jewish people and these are the Abrahamic covenant the land covenant II the very Covenant and the New Covenant in goss placing spot on the material and spiritual realm got comp amines of these four covenants Carosa made another covenant which was distinctive from the other four this one was bought conditional and temporary the Mosaic Covenant containing the Mosaic law a connection with the Gentiles the key purpose was to serve as a middle wall of partition to keep Gentiles Gentiles away from enjoying the spiritual blessings of the Jewish covenants and so the Gentiles were two things number one they were strangers to the covenants they could not have had no right to enjoy the benefits and secondly they are far off too far away to enjoy the benefits and some fun tilt as long as the Mosaic law was enforced has served as the middle wall of partition to give Gentiles as Gentiles away from enjoying the spiritual blessings of the Jewish covenants for gentle to be able to enjoy it here again undergoes conversion to Mosaic Judaism undergo circumcision look like any Jew would have to live under the law but Gentiles in their uncircumcision could uncircumcision could not participate it now we come to the issue of sin and the key passage is Romans chapter 7 verse 7 for chapter 8 verse 4 Romans 7 verse 7 through chapter 8 verse form and the first purpose here is trivial clearly what's in is through will clearly what sin is that's Romans 7:7 and that passeth teachers so Paul teaches that before him before he knew that they never knew that coveting was a sin until you read it in the law and once he went in the Lord then he realized coveting is a sin but then he did the best to keep from coveting and he found himself coveting even more than he did before and that brings us the second purpose worship to sin and that was to make us sin even more to make us sin even more than we did before we knew it was a sin and that's Romans 7 verses 8 through 11 Romans 7 verses 8 through 11 and the way it works is found in first Corinthians 15 verse 56 frost contains 15:56 we all we are all born with a sin nature but the sin nature needs a base of operation and he uses the law as a base of operation so when the Torah said you shall the signature says or no I won't if the law says thou shall not the significance says oh yes I will and now the signature has something to work against and causes us to sin even more and I will lead to the third purpose in connection with sin in Romans chapter 7 verses 12 to 25 12 to 25 and that is to show us that we can do nothing on their own to please God no matter how well we keep the Torah will now be able to earn salvation and therefore elected the fourth purpose of the law Romans 8 verses 1 through form Romans 8 verses 1 through 4 and that is to drive us to faith to drive us to faith and these are the four purposes in connection to sin that the election to soon now going down to Capaldi the token of the Covenant and that was the Sabbath I'm going to make a five observations about the SAP at issue first of all the Sabbat was the sign or the symbol of the token of the Mosaic Covenant not every covenant had a sign connected to it but some did for example the rainbow is the sign of the new a covenant circumcision was the sign of the Abrahamic covenant but the sign of the Mosaic Covenant was the Sabbath and that was the token and every reason God gives for observing the Sabbath is only relevant to Israel not the Gentiles not the church XS 31 verses 12 to 17 are be summarizing here XS 12 to 7 13 excuse me 31:12 to 17 is a sign that Israel has been set apart from God a sign that Israel as the only nation TV ever ever set apart from by God sir on me chapter 5 verses 12 to 17 from e5 12 to 17 it's a sign of the Exodus it's a sign that God brought Israel out of Egypt and God never brought the seventh-day Adventist Church out of Egypt only brought Israel out of Egypt and a cycle chapter 20 verses 10 through 12 is legal 20 verses 10 through 12 it's a sign of his well being set apart in a sign of the Exodus and in his legal 2020 is legal 2020 it's a sign that Jehovah is Israel's personal God associate token of this covenant a second observation is that the Sabbath was not a creation ordinance what we mean by the term creation ordinance is a God as any commandment God gave in the context of the creation account and God did give certain Commandments but keeping the South it was not one of them in fact not even the workshop out self is not found a Genesis chapters 1 2 or 3 what this found is the 7 days called the seventh but now called the Shabbat not call Dean the SAP had not called it the association that they arrest no kiss no is that it's a command the first began with Moses in Exodus chapter 16 verse 23 the thirteen is the first upper commandment given to Jews a nexus chapter 20 verses 8 through 11 access 20 verses 811 was incorporated into the Ten Commandments thirdly the Sabbath was not a day of corporal ship it was a day of rest and much of the misconception about keeping the Sabbath is this is the day for crappie worship and so churches think they should meet our setting but you never find Moses ever saying as a command or God given the command through Moses gather together for copper worship on the Sabbath day it does not exist the Sabbath day was not at their copper worship that they are staying home resting now allowed to travel not allowed to ride a donkey or a horse only those things she couldn't even light a fire and one man were now gathering wood and the Sabbath day he got stoned to death for doing so I saw the Sabbath and if the sub was intended to be a dear copper worship you would have a real problem because copper worship was allowed only with the tabernacle or temple stood first in Shiloh then in Jerusalem if and if you lived in Jerusalem then be possible to have copper worship every Sabbath but suppose you lived in Galilee it's a three-day walk you train you spend three days walking up to Jerusalem you have copper worship on the Sabbath day you would then spend three days walking back down to gallon you finally arrive home you kiss your wife hello immediately if they kiss I get buying make a u-turn to go back to Jerusalem and time for the Sabbath you would not be working for six days you'd be working for six days and work to worship on the Sabbath the Mosaic law Cobra worship was commanded to only three times a year on the feast of Passover the feast the week's the Feast of Tabernacles but the sabu is not one of now fort lien the sapper was intended only for Israel was never intended for the church and he won't find any sapper commandment for the church as we shall see only when New Testament and fifthly as a sign of the Mosaic Covenant it was enforced only as long as the Covenant is enforce if the cabinet if the law comes to an end so does the Sabbath requirement now dealing with the continuity was begin with Cal Poly in it here the law of Moses Nevada Mia Farrow speech here the key passage here is James 2:10 James 2:10 and that is that the unity of the law is one unit so you break only one commandment you're guilty of breaking the whole law if you break a moral commandment you're breaking the civil law and the Simoni law if you break the civil ohm they're guilty of breaking the cermony law and the moral law and so on and although there are 613 commandments both the hebrew word in the greek word are always singular in both languages and so the point is the law is a singular unit cannot be devoured into two parts or three parts keeping one part in a one part out I got via second page and what the New Testament teaches is the law of Moses was rendered inoperative for example Romans chapter 7 verses 1 through 6 he says we have been discharged from the law he says we because only the Jewish believers have been discharged from the lock as the Gentiles were never under the Mosaic law but we Jewish believers have been discharged from the law Romans 10 form Romans confirmed till the Mosaic Covenant was like law came to an end but the death of the Messiah as sort has come to a termination the Greek word Telos te l OS the word is not this primarily meaning is termination not gold but termination what that means is there's no justification through the lawn in galatians 2:16 and never was and what was a time that she can be sanctified by means of the long no longer in Hebrews chapter 7 verse 19 he was 719 Christians chapter 3 verses 15 through 19 point out the impre hammock cabinet preceded the mosaic one by over four centuries and their form whenever the mosaic covering States they cannot render the Abrahamic covenant null and void so what did God give de l'homme he says to make transgressions clear to make transgressions clear and he was not the same now that the seed has come and the seed is the Messiah we are no longer under the law the law was given temporarily until the seed she come and the seed has now come Galatians 3 verse 23 through chapter 4 verse 7 in this passage Paul points out that the law was a tool to bring us to the Messiah a Torah a schoolmaster but now that the tutor has not that the Messiah's come we have no longer under the Torah he defined the Torah as the Mosaic law in a chapter 4 section he says that the purpose of the coming of the Messiah anak ma'am was for the benefit of two groups first of all redeemed them the ranted along and that them at the Jewish people only they weren't it alone and he says that we first-person plural we Jewish and Gentile II was not receive the adoption of sons now made possible because the law finally came to an end Hebrews 7 verses 11 through 18 in verses 11 through 14 II points out that the new priesthood required the change of the law and the first is referring to the promise of the prophecy of some hundred 10 verse form so much attend verse form the states that the Messiah will be a priest after the order of Melchizedek but the Mosaic law only allowed one priesthood to function and that was Olivia call or an ironic priesthood only that kind of priests who could function and therefore if the going to be a new priest after the order of Melchizedek does to be a change of the law at a verse 19 he points out that has happened there's a dis annulment the law has been dis annulled it would now under a new priesthood and we function under the milk is a deck in priesthood not the ironically vertical priesthood the Hebrews 8 verse 13 is at the end according the Jeremiah prophecy about the new company points out once you're Maya meet said there was a new covenant coming he made the mosaic one the old one if I say ever I have a new quorum term or market tells you matter cause my old one that's the point here the moment Jeremiah said does coming in new covenant he rendered the mosaic one the old one and was finally rendered in inoperative with the death of the Messiah so we came more than the Jeremiah Valley far away when Messiah died Ephesians 2 11 through 16 about the newer partition he points out that what massage that this middle wall of partition has been broken down and now God has added a third new entity in verse 15 he calls it the new man in verse 16 the body which is the body of the Messiah the church is now a new entity comprised of all Jews who believe in all Gentiles who believe now partaking together of the spiritual blessings of the Jewish covenants 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verses 2 to 11 that's a good one because he focuses and those Commandments inscribed into stone which are the 10 commandments and these are the ones people feel we still have to keep but most people who say 10 commands mean 9 they fetch in the zapper issue and as a result they make it distinctive but he points out two things about the Ten Commandments in verse 7 is called the administration of death and the verse 11 verse 9 rather administration of condemnation administration of death in verse 11 administration verse 7 administration of death in verse 9 and twice he then says bohtan verse 7 and verse 11 uses a specific Greek word that means to render inoperative the whole Mosaic law especially in this context the Ten Commandments has been rendered inoperative some people caught the passage you have in your outline the Matthew passage he says it not come to destroy the law but to fulfill and they used after showed that the Mosaic law is and is continuous the quote verse 16 17 18 but often don't quote verse 19 he says he must keep even the LEAs commandment least commemorative what in that context the least commandment of the Mosaic law and since since you have to keep it that must be true today and but what we have to remember is he speaking to a Jewish audience still under the Mosaic law and the Mosaic law does not end with the coming of the Messiah it ends with the death of the Messiah and as long as Telly long as he was still living all 613 camara Amanda Turing announced the point of the Matthew passage so today we read several times that we are now under no longer under the law brand the grace is the contrast we had not under the law under grace passages include Romans chapter 6 verse 14 6:14 chapter 7 verse 4 and 6 chapter 7 verse 4 and 6 relations 5:18 Galatians 5:18 now just briefly will attempt degree of left last year with the law of the Messiah the name comes from Galatians chapter 6 verse 2 Galatians chapter 6 verse 2 is called the law of Christ allowed the Messiah Romans 8 verse 2 Romans 8:2 calls the law of the spirit of life so beware definition it is the many Commandments given from by the Messiah himself all through the Apostles and their epistles that is relevant to a New Testament believer narva commandment he gives as relevant now the turning point is Matthew chapters 12 and 13 in those two chapters the leadership of his rejection to be the Messiah and that part begins to lay down new rules and regulations that will be incorporated into love the Messiah so and for so for example in Matthew chapter 10 he tells the Apostles do not go to the Gentiles do not go to the Samaritans go only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel it's not that come down we follow today no that was given for the Apostles for a set period of time where we have to follow is Matthew 28 to get the gospel out to the whole world and disciple all nations are so and that is the command that allow the Messiah not what happened in Matthew 10 what happens in Matthew 28 so again is the individual Commandments given by the Messiah himself or through his apostles in the epistles which are relevant any husband believer as far as the purposes some of the purposes are the same liked revealed the holiness of God the standard of righteousness he requires but there are some some things which are new now seen before like certain rules or regulations concerning the the new church entity and so on instead of a knot in vltp cap distinct from there people of the world and shower and so on especially to show for the believer what up what it's like to live a spiritual life to show for the believers like to live live a spiritual life let's go down to the provisions nope the rabbi's because they wanted to make sure to get all the laws counted up 613 as far as I know nobody has counted up the commandments of the law of the Messiah let me just make four observations number one many Commandments of they love the Messiah the same as the law of Moses for example 910 are repeated the law of Messiah of the one not repealed is that the commandment in austere reason there is so much confusion among believers today what is our rule of life I compacted at the moment luckily many Commandments are different from the law of Moses there's no Sapir Commandments anymore romans 14 verse 5 romans 14:5 Colossians 2:16 Colossians 2:16 there's no dietary code today that was prophesied to happen in mark 7 verse 19 mark 7 1958 Romans 14 verse 20 Romans 14:20 thoroughly some commandments are intensified some Commandments are intensified for example the Mosaic law the Lucas 19 verse 18 19 18 says do love your neighbor as yourself a very good commandment the Messiah called the tsukumo's commandment an Italian Mosaic law but you'll meet people who also hate themselves so be permissible to hate someone as you hate yourself love the Messiah intensifies this in John 15:12 John 15:12 another as I have loved you and how Marty loved us he loved us enough to die for us that's a that's an intensification of that command and then a fourth observation is there's a new motivation the mosaic code says do this in order to be blessed do these things in order to get a blessing the New Covenant says you have been blessed with every spiritual blessing therefore doomed and now we help him bless what the spiritual blessings therefore we ought to do certain things let's go back to the first one because some Commandments are repeated people often teach this part the law still enforce let me give you at the mundane illustration I received my first driver's license in the state of California I was living in California I had to drop on their California vehicle law and then moved to New York State had it like a new exam got a new license and now I was driving under New York law now both some Commandments were the same but Californian said in New York said if they're right if the light is red I need to stop when I stop for a red light in New York I didn't stop because California law said I had to California law became irrelevant to me once I moved to New York after start because New York state law has said I had to him but California's not barred the law from New York and York now brought the law from California they had their separate state legislators but something passed the same ruling not the laws were different in California have to stop infrared light you can make a right turn now back then they changed the law now but back then when I came to New York you could not make a right turn in a red light if I made so I stopped by a police office I could not tell them well California law so I can do this California law he would tell me was there relevant um now under New York vehicle law and so that's the way we should understand there may be some of the same Commandments but the two different administrations and passed by two different ministers Lamu Sanath conclude with the principle of freedom we know from the law means two things first of all if it freezes from the obligation to keep any of the 613 commandments of the Mosaic law but also freezes to keep those commandments that would not violate the commandments allowed the Messiah we also have to keep certain principles in mind if we choose to keep certain commands the Mosaic law as part of freedom in the Messiah if they carry no value in justification they carry no value in sanctification sanctification now comes to the law of the Messiah if they carry no merit before God and for Jewish believers who feel they need to be more Jewish by observing the law I would have to advise them it does not increase spirituality nor does the increase in Jewishness and Jewish believers need to avoid getting up every morning and stand before the mirror and saying mirror mirror on the wall who's the most Jewish of us all and that kind of tendency among some needs to be aborted but the law of rule of life is the law of Messiah and we're free to practice out the laws only if they do not negate or terminate or violate the laws of the Messiah and that is our rule of life on the corner table back there I left out some things that I ran out of my for sure on the ministry / same argument raised as a Jewish ministry dedicated to to principles first of all the evangelizing of Jewish people and then secondly they shared the Word of God intensively with their polish and Gentile believers so much you wish frame of reference as you've seen this morning under corner table you'll find the information for example we have a summer program in upstate New York and the a beautiful Adirondacks it's eight-week program but you can come for different weeks we have a Torah column three week one week and to occur columns and so on in a special of Labor Day weekend and this will give you all the information and all the courses and we'll be teaching what and so you're getting a lot of material from that same Jewish frame of reference I also began an online school program that you can take for credit and no credit you'll find these brochures on the table and right now I only see three programs available I just finished taping five more program shall be a new brochure coming out soon with eight new programs and you can take this at your leisure using your computer also publish this magazine which we publish four times a year sir quarreling usually has anywhere from three to five different articles in the same Jewish frame of reference we do not charge for the magazine they want to receive we just put them on a piece of paper if you want a hard copy like this we'll need your phone Damon address if you want it as an out long as they email just give us your email address and that will be sufficient and we'll be happy to keep sending it to you as long as you want to receive it and we're gonna be taking the offering and our call for the work of this ministry laughing now now have another rabbi story anybody alive out there nothing in the past I taught you stories about the study of helm which is found in Poland as you know Jewish communities around the world have a have a reputation for being very intelligent and this is true but the Jews of Helmand not famous for being all that intelligent and many stories come out called the stories of the wise men from hell and the several books called the wise men from hell and in this story the rabbi was reading an article I read about ice fishing he never heard that before and in this ice fishing what he did was read about it and he wanted to try it didn't want to try to launch they asked one of his elders of the synagogue to come with him and Paulin has a lot of lakes and streams a lot of the fish there's kosher so they wanted to give it a try different some ice and began digging a hole in the ice and suddenly a voice from heaven saying no fish below that ice the startled and once last year they what was that and the other one says I don't know but this makes me nervous let's go somewhere else it's not cutting a second hole in the ice and again there a voice I said there was no fish below the ice and there are passed the elder do you think maybe does God speaking to us and the other says bad enough it's God if it happens again you better ask yet the rabbi you should be the one to ask him that must go somewhere else you start kinda third hole and again they heard the voice once again there's no first below that ice rabbi gets up ask our courage and ask them is this God speaking no this is the manager of the ice skating rink [Applause] so he has come from Texas his school is in New York and we haven't paid him a dime he called and and offered to come and teach us the Bible says that we should honor those that have rule especially those that labor in the word the amount of time and energy and effort on the amount of resource that goes into teaching a message like this is phenomenal it takes a lot of effort I'd like him to leave with a good love offering from the church we won't pass the baskets again but I want to put them up here and if you if you feel led to if you don't mind let's leave leave him with a good love offering it is important to understanding the Word of God to understand its divisions that's the reason that when Paul's is told Timothy to read the Word of God he said to understand its divisions where the old the New Testaments where these different things divide so this was a phenomenal teaching I want to pray for us and we'll have our last song Father thank you for this word thank you for the blood father that makes our new covenant possible father thank you that you said there in Hebrews 12 that you provided a better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect God that you bled and died and offered yourself the fulfillment of the law on our behalf father thank you for that God I want to ask that as we go out this week that we would be diligent to share the gospel father I want to ask for the will Graham thing that's coming for the message that is going to be prepared and taught Lord that we as a church would be diligent to to be involved with that to be witnessing to be going forth to be the the mouth that you're asking us to be Lord to be the hands to be the arms to hold God to to be the feet and go to the places and knock on the doors and talk to the people and ask our friends and invite them what I pray we would just as a church take advantage of the teachings and the things that are going to be coming from the will Graham conference we thank you for all that you've done for us we thank you for loving us we ask that you guide us and we just worship you in spirit and truth this week in Jesus precious name
Channel: Crossroads Christian Fellowship Kauai
Views: 14,851
Rating: 4.8200693 out of 5
Keywords: law of moses, law of the messiah, Dr. Arnold G Fruchtenbaum, crossroads christian fellowship kauai, crossroads kauai
Id: Z0j3VwMtWN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 11sec (3251 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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