The Last Teen to be Hanged in England | The Tragic Story of Allan Jee

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Friday June the 24th 1960 was one of the happiest days of 23 year-old Alan Edward John G's life the young trainee engineer from eworth middlex had asked for his 18-year-old girlfriend Jacqueline Herbert's hand in marriage and received a positive response after some celeb drinks at the local pub with Jackie's parents Allan made his way home excited about what the future may hold the following day Saturday June the 25th the newly engaged couple enjoyed a day together in Richmond before retiring to Jackie's apartment in chisik until it was time for Allan to catch a bus home Jackie walked with him to the stop kissed Alan good night and watched him board the bus not knowing that that would be the last time she would see her fiance alive that Sunday Allan was supposed to visit Jackie's house to take some photographs the young man had enthusiasm and talent for the field but early in the morning his fiance received a shocking call from his sister Alan had been in a serious accident worried sick Jackie rushed to the G family home where she was told she wouldn't be able to see Alan who lay unconscious and was covered in bandages in West middlex Hospital nobody knew exactly what had happened but the young man had suffered a fractured skull and was in critical condition according to the police Allan had been found that night in a quiet dark alleyway at the bottom of James Street in houndslow only about 20 yards from his home a man named Douglas reev had alerted the authorities just after 11:30 p.m. after happening upon the bloody scene it was clear Allan had not just fallen and hit his head he had been brutally beaten but by whom and why Douglas and another passerby who had thought Allan was simply a drunk before he saw the ambulance told the police they had not seen anyone in the area fortunately for the investigators a man named Anthony Cowell had been standing at the other end of James Street at the time of the attack and he had some important information to share detailed descriptions of four young men who had been seen running from the alleyway around the time of the attack while the police began to look for the suspects and the motive for the mercilus assault Alan G continued to fight for his life in the hospital but it soon became clear the young man's injuries were too severe at 7:15 a.m. the next morning Jackie was contacted by Allan's father who shared the devastating news that Allan had died from a cerebral contusion bleeding on the brain the Step Up from searching for brutal attackers to murderers saw the man hunt for Allen's Killer's balloon into one of the biggest operations West London had seen for some time the authorities soon came to the unsettling conclusion that the young man had lost his life simply because had been in the wrong place at the wrong time nothing suggested that he had been targeted he had no connections to gangs and he would have never purposely gotten into a fight for weeks the police struggled to make sense of such a random crime despite appeals to the public and the Sunday people newspaper offering A500 reward for information leading to a conviction little progress was made in the case but then on July the 18th there was a major breakthrough that day a young man named Kevin Cullen and contacted the police to inform the investigators someone had been boasting about his involvement in G's attack that someone was 18-year-old Francis flossy for Scythe Kevin also gave the authority his names of three others whom he had seen with Francis the night the assault took place Norman Harris Christopher Darby and Terren Lut all known to the local police for petty crimes a couple of days later Francis and his accomplice were arrested and taken to hslo police station it didn't take long for the young men to admit assaulting Alan explaining they had simply been drunk or and skent that night going thieving was the group's solution Francis and his friends had hidden in the shadows of James Street waiting for a suitable victim to Rob when Allan happened to walk past Norman told the police Terren had stepped in front of Alan and punched him in the face hard enough for the young man to fall to the ground still conscious Allan had shouted at his attackers asking what they wanted from him instead of giving an answer Francis proceeded to kick the 23-year-old in the head with his Italian Winkle picker shoes to shut him up the victim was knocked unconscious after which Norman searched his wallet and Pockets but found nothing when Francis was questioned he told the detective he only kicked Allan twice to keep him quiet adding I didn't think I had hurt him that much we did not want to roll anybody but we had a few shant and I always get a bit gity then the police police were very familiar with Fran's forides violent tendencies at the time the teenager was on bail for assaulting two officers at heo airport and had previously served time in an approved School a kind of Institution for young people courts deemed Beyond parental control it seemed that having a girlfriend who was expecting their child had done little to Cal the youth down or help him grow up and now he was set to lose everything including his life Francis and his accomplice were all charged with capital murder under the homicide Act of 1957 and brought before Mr Justice win at the Old Bailey on September the 20th 1960 the prosecutor Mr mvin Griffith Jones began his case by stating Alan G was knocked to the ground and was held there while his pockets were gone through he was kicked into unconsciousness and left dying bleeding and moaning on the ground while these four young men made good their escape in the days that followed the court heard from pathologist Dr Donald te that instead of being kicked only a couple of times Allan had suffered at least five blows to the Head the Metropolitan Police Laboratory representative Lewis Nichols testified that blood stains on francis's shoes and trousers indicated he had been the one administering the Fatal kicks meanwhile the judge agreed to reduce 20-year-old Christopher Derby's charges to non- capital murder as it was believed the youth had only served as a lookout during the attack and had not used violence against the victim the remaining three should have understood that their actions would result in serious injury or the death of their victim the Judy came to the same conclusion and after only 40 minutes of deliberation found Francis fory Norman Harris and teren Lut guilty of murder in the course of robbery a capital offense due to his age 17-year-old Terrence was sentenced to be detained and Majesty's pleasure a sentence that meant he was to be held until deemed to be no longer a threat to the general public Derby who was deemed not to have used violence was sentenced to life imprisonment due to both parties playing a leading role in the attack 23-year-old Norman Harris and 18-year-old Francis for South were both given the death sentence the unprovoked attack had senseless death of Alan G shocked the community and many thought the sentences were welld deserved however some couldn't understand how Society was ready to kill In Cold Blood a young citizen of this age whatever they had done as the Birmingham Daily Post wrote at the time a 3,000 signature petition demanding a reprieve for Francis and Norman was handed to the home office in November 1960 but just like there appear s the petition had no effect and so at 900 a.m. on Thursday November the 10th 1960 Norman Harris was executed by hanging at Pentonville prison simultaneously Francis foresight sentence was carried out at wesworth making him one of the youngest persons to be executed in Britain in the 20th century and the last teenager to be hanged an England while the majority of the citizens at the time were in favor of the death penalty views about capital punishment soon began to change partly because of its low deterrent value which was seemingly proven the very same day Francis fory met his fate only an hour later frances's friend 20-year-old Victor John Terry entered a bank in Worthing West SU and robbed it killing a security guard in the process despite hearing about his friend's Fate on the radio on his way to the bank Victor would be hanged on the same gallers as Francis on May the 25th 1961 thank you for watching right then take care and I'll see you next time with another story that will make you say well I [Music] [Music] never
Channel: Well, I Never
Views: 255,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: well i never, paul brodie, True crime, Documentary, francis forsyth, allen jee, alan jee, capital punishment, execution, british true crime, 1960s true crime, last teen to be hanged in England
Id: YTRYvbvg8DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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