The Last of Us Speedrun World Record for Grounded mode Glitchless (2:48:28)

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[Music] God [Music] hello Sarah honey I need to get your daddy on the phone Uncle Tommy what time is it I need to talk to your dad now there something Uncle Tommy hello what was that all about dad Daddy it's comfortable enough what was that there's his phone there you are Sarah are you okay yeah I don't any come here that no who would come in here Don't Go Near The Doors just yes that's true stand back there it's not dad you're kind of freaking me out what's going on he the Coopers some me ride with them I I think they're sick we kind of sick Jesus Jimmy dad come here come here Jimmy jimy stay back Jimmy I am warning you don't you shot him Sarah I saw him this morning samic there is something bad going on and we have got to get out of here do you understand me yeah tell me come on come on where the hell you been you have any idea what's going on out there I got some notion holy [ __ ] you got blood all over you a mind let's just get out of here there a half the people in sa we lost their minds can we just please go s parasite or something you going to tell me what happened later hey Sarah how you holding up honey I'm fine can we hear us on the radio yeah sure thing thanks no cell phone no radio yeah we're doing great minute ago newsman wouldn't shut up they said where to go they said uh Army's put up road blocks on the highway no getting into Travis County we need to get the hell out take 711 I swe to did they say how many are dead probably a lot we found this one family all mangled inside their house right sorry Jus Christ how did this happen they got no clue but we ain't the only town this was a weird one earlier today some guy commented in my left behind all collectibles tutorial he said attention there are 14 Collectibles not 12 two Collectibles are not registered in the game being the medical supplies and the pun book how do you know select the game then choose bonuses and and check Final Collectibles I literally said all of that and more in my tutorial all right see what they need what do you think you're doing keep driving I got a kid Joel so do we we have room keep driving Tommy can't see what I see someone else will come along should have to it's 13 minutes though it's not like one of my other tutorials where it's like 2 hours per video I can understand people missing [ __ ] there everyone in their mother had the same damn idea hell even I don't want to go back and watch it if I want to refresh my mind on something back what the [ __ ] man let's go when a left behind speedrun you pick up 11 things just happened what the [ __ ] just happened 14 Collectibles godamn turn here turn here one of three is the merrygoround and the other two is the key move what are they running from get us out of here and another oh no we can't stop here is the medical two of them are just there there one is the around you have to do look which may or may not have taken a while to figure out Daddy hey hey had a 13-minute tutorial it's all mentioned in there get back bab get [Music] back yeah that guy that guy makes minute ready rice in 59 seconds he's the guy Dad I'm here baby I'm here come give me your hand need him what is it right today's new goal is to get past intro we're going to need to run run God keep us safe come on Baby Hold On Tight just look how they run more times than not they just look like dogs there was a guy way off to the left that spawned in out of thin air I saw it sir the enemies are behind us why are they keep looking at me baby there yes after you we're going to get out of this I promise oh thank you for being right there right there God get back there's too many of them this way through the alley [Music] go he's dead God damn it we're almost there we're almost there baby they're getting through the fence keep going find your way out of here come on go get to the highway go you got Sarah I cannot run him Tomy I will meet you there hurry daddy we can't leave him he's going to be fine we're almost [Music] there they're getting [Music] closer dad Tommy gets ahead of you at the fire truck you lose like 2 seconds wow my finger slipped [Music] that was weird wait are you serious I got to serve the damn papers this morning I've been selected for outside work duty such crap soldiers are supposed to hand on the outside I'll make sure to tell them attention citizens are required to at all time compliance with all City personnel is mandatory look at that ration line hasn't opened yet must be running low [Music] again go leave me alone down on the ground okay okay Jesus get I didn't do anything wrong seems like more people are getting infected that just means more people are sneaking I got us all Pap should get St all right drive on through what's your business here got the day off visiting a friend all right move on through thanks get out of here close it off Firefly they're running come on get outr immedi coast is clear come on attention checkpoint 5 so much for the easy route pat yourself up all [Music] right they're going to close all the checkpoints we're going to have to go around the outside outside the wall or we could just let Robert go hey T forget see that [ __ ] I was there well full run is still fresh in my mind it's clear I just used it no patrols and where are you off to going to pay Robert a visit you too who else is looking for him uh marleene she's been asking around trying to find him marleene what are the fireflies need with Robert you think she'd tell me well what did you tell her the truth I got no idea where he's hiding good man hey you stay out of trouble all right military's going to be out in force soon yeah see you around whatever good one if he gets far enough away he can jog the rest of the way shit's stirring up out there how we looking over here it's been quiet no signs of military or infected I did recheck and the other run where I got like the legendary launch that was the fastest split I ever had Joel give me a hand with this I went back and looked in like a segmented run that I did the I had a 1018 I'll take it easy out and in the run from a few days ago I had a 1017 oh God this place RS I need to watch for the throw away down here there be light let's grab our gear whatever again I'm changing like my hey Joel backpacks are over here here perspective and stuff I need to be at around zero at around zero heading into coal mine and then pretty much gold everything from that point forward or I could be minus a little bit and then be close to my Golds and stuff again I'm trying for a 248 29 all right Texas boost me up you ready yes ma'am come on it's just a way for me to take a little bit of pressure off myself for the beginning because as we've seen the beginning of the game sucks ass got it be careful when am I not that a trick question where's the ladder it's got to be around here somewhere got it great bring it over that's spin think for 65 month resub God damn ladi's first lady you must be thinking of [Music] some down through here you think Robert still got our guns for his sake he better look once we get our merchandise back it should be easy to unload hold up spce where the hell are all these coming from place was clear last time not that old better keep your eyes and ears open we should be able to fit through here yeah have to see what it is you okay yeah damn ceiling's falling apart be careful easy watch it watch it help me my mask broke come back up ahead you hear that I [Applause] handle all right that's all of them let's hope so head back into the city fresh air after you cover the entrance I got it yeah any percents undergoing a lot of changes lately here pass it to me it's a bit heavy I think I can handle it all right let make sure there ain't any soldiers around it's clear come on shut [Music] it hey little man make sure the coast is clear no soldiers none of Robert's men yeah you know he's expecting us well that'll make it more interesting good to go come on hey T hey T how you doing today I heard you right now ter no no no it's it's good look now you hear me touch it buy it Dopp it's been a while you don't visit us anymore where do you think you're going Malik sit back down sorry Tess didn't realize you two were together who that an old headache don't [Music] ask I'm looking for Robert I'm going to say 7 and A2 second goal hour ago he went back to the warf he's there now which is good here we go it was a guess they could have been off by a tenth or two but no right on the money turn around and head back if you know what's good for you our beef isn't with you we just won Robert you don't want like I always have little time stamps so it gives me a general idea but I'm not going anywhere without I don't ever expect to be perfectly accurate your skull unless you turn around and get your dumb ass out of here [ __ ] this take cover you ready like I don't ever guess 6 7 8 or 9 and I'm accurate it's always like on the dot or a0 five you done Texas right Neptunes thank you for 73 month resub give her hand there you go more Robert's guys how do you know they're coming two of our guys died trying to to take Tess out I guarantee that she and Joel are on their way here right now to get Robert Jesus we shouldn't have taken this job not our call I don't know how you haven't gone that long without realizing oh [ __ ] thank you that's awesome I did everything right too I head shot him and and everything hey install it into the crate in the South Warehouse supplies are locked up well I have to do the faster Strat now if I had a perfect slums I was going to do the slower Strat yeah you're right but now I have to there's our boy it did everything right there too Joel didn't reload his gun in time that cocky son of a [ __ ] let's go wrap this up otherwise that would have been easier y [Music] [ __ ] still going to hurt go test all a the [ __ ] that good on ammo we made it throught that's all right we got [ __ ] nothing to talk about put your gun down go [ __ ] yourself he's running I love how the game gave me a bad like Robert I will never ever understand that key drop area of slums we almost got him I will never understand it they seem to get the bad RNG a majority of times now we got to get out of here now you want this we got to move use pistol for everything they're here I know a way around this come on your people left of them why do you think I'm turning to you Joel give me a hand with this oh yeah hey how you holding up I'll live hold up soldiers that's the way out yeah the door into the bridge I ain't a big fan of these odds we can sneak by them even though I know that's not your style we'll see how it goes let's get moving we need to get that door [Music] day go [Applause] on and we're good where are we going Marlene this way it's not far now how you holding up I'm running on fumes I'll make it the place is right up ahead attention curfew is now in full effect anyone caught outside without proper authorization we [Music] SM Joel give me a hand with [Music] this down here I'll keep up they never they never hit me because I'm doing the thing where I crouch behind the crate if I had sprinted the whole way I'd get lit up where we going up there that'll get us to the north tunnel are we supposed to reach that just give me a minute what you use it to smuggle things yep like illegal face sometimes you ever smuggle a kid before no that's a first so what's the deal with you and Marlene anyways I don't know she's my friend I guess your friend H you're friends with the leader of the fireflies what are you like 12 she knew my mom and she's been looking after me and I'm 14 not that that has anything to do with anything so where are your parents where any old parents we hav't gone a long long time so instead of just staying in school you decide to run off [Music] and think it's a bit strange that they're having us do their smuggling Marlene wanted to do it herself they weren't their first choice or the second for that matter she's lost a lot of men beg can't be choosers let's just hope there's someone alive to pay us someone will be [Music] around come on I don't know don't plan things in advance anymore who's waiting for us at the drop off she said there's some fireflies that traveled all the way from another city girl must be important what is the deal with you you some big wigs daughter or something something like that how long is this all going to take if everything goes as planned we should get you to them in a few hours get out there hold up there's a patrol up ahead I no longer get excited about a good beginning all right we're good come on up because uh yeah come on kid watch your step A better ending is more important than a good beginning this rain ain't going to do anything any good holy [ __ ] I'm actually outside seriously like how many how many runs in the last 3 weeks have we been minus heading into graveyard maybe a dozen that may actually be accurate holy [ __ ] I got follow me you take cover God damn it they're everywhere they have which usually is not the case in the past any run that got out of graveyard I usually clutched out then again records back then were in the 250s so of course that's the case hear up [Music] ahead very I mean it has no it has been it has been but the occasional run that is getting past there yeah they have been dying sh take it down Charlie Squad report [ __ ] [ __ ] I got more soldiers Target still on the loose sir break off Pursuit and report back to sector 11 I don't think they see us acknowled get to your vehicle yeah go come [Music] on stop okay I was confus hold on yeah I don't know if it's because of when I did a restart encounter or not but Joel popped up on the screen like half a second later than he was supposed to uh what the hell was that Tess you hear that yeah that combined with the two climb there already off to a bad start for now come on over here hey T God damn it clicker jeez what's wrong with his face but years of infection Al D to you so what are they blind sort of aming sound like that like that that's SP billing feels like it's about to fall apart give me a hand with this [Music] thanks you all right there nothing search for supplies let's get the hell out of here oh boy it's clear come on now come on you got it okay let's go clickers [ __ ] go go [Applause] [Applause] over through [Music] here that could have been bad I almost mtim that you go ladies all right curious come on the stairwells this is crazy just don't look down are you serious come on Ellie yeah yeah I'm going to be spending tomorrow with my dad down you're okay we got a r [Music] cool all right test go all hold on give all [Music] right down below now I was thinking I can get back you want to take it easy and you always brush me off well all this time believe it when I say it you know downtown is bad when the fight was the best thing about it down [Music] here whatever I'm a little worried about the melee weapon I still have I'll use it on the runner that I brick if I'm able to Joel you take point I'll watch the rare Ellie no matter what you stay right on his heels sure you stay sharp I got it cuz my melee weapon isn't glitched out it's I have one legitimate hit still in it come Christ get up here holy [ __ ] he actually made it everyone okay yes let's move you guys are pretty good at this stuff it's called luck and it is going to run out [ __ ] runners leave her alone for one second that had every chance of being a gold but I messed up too many other things what I don't he anything okay double [Music] time oh wait no that means I'm not going to I need to get the the tutorial prompt is going to pop up here so I did lose quite a bit of time there now I have to lose 2 and 1/2 seconds here you got something on your shoe gross and more cuz I need to get rid of this melee weapon okay how do we get out of this place let's find [Music] out that's what [Music] shees [ __ ] all right watch your head sorry hurry go go go sorry I'm alive I'll make my way around look they're here Tess run run [Applause] Tess [Applause] [Music] okay that was dumb if you notice the clicker in the back turned around so he yeah that was just bad RNG girl get the [ __ ] [Music] off stand back that was just bad RNG good [Music] there we go home stretch Tess um just so it's out there I can't swim look it looks like it's shallow on the right side follow me I'm glad Marlene hired you guys what do you mean I know you guys are getting paid for this but I'm trying to say thanks yeah sure I want to make sure that that uh none of them died that doesn't prevent it it's more just a confirmation that it's not going to happen every now and then I'm just doing the area normally and then the game just cuts to Black for no reason it's because one of them like fell through the floor go upstairs probably get out from there I just want to make sure that they're all still there just keep pushing forward because this is the best game ever neutralized she took out two of my men Tess take out this down my Firefly hit him down through that Hall last to stay down I don't know how many more there are he's going to hear me I see it stay low is that it's not a strategy turning the camera back towards them isn't doing anything it's more for me to just see okay we're good they're following us damn it sometimes one of them just falls through the floor get down no target I repeat no target there's a soldier over for this and wait for copy that how the hell are you breathing in this stuff I wasn't lying to you did you spot him no place is empty I'm searching out here get down there okay good we'll figure something [Music] out get him really oh yeah okay okay be careful I good still a good capital I just don't like when she walks away like that [Music] go all right let's get out of here yeah thought I'd be cutting sometime there we go yeah it'll be faster to go through here man what nothing it's just I've never seen anything like this that's all you mean the woods yeah hey even if I didn't get a hallway launch this would still be a minus run heading into here by the way I've been thinking of going back to the uh using two rifle bullets a truck push why don't you just take cuz for most attempts I've been pretty good with revolver ammo why she drop you off on us well maybe she's better now okay I don't mean to upset you but your friend's chances of survival weren't too high to begin with she's a lot tougher than the it don't matter cuz I doubt I can get either one of us back I got to hold the left stick like upright when I do that I wish there was some other option there we [Music] go down here watch your step it's a good drop are you all right I'm trying to learn how to whistle you don't know how to whistle does it sound like I know how to whistle just sound glitch here and think of your 14mon [Applause] reso so let's see we get a car from this buddy of yours then what well then we go find momy Marlene said he's your brother and more importantly he was a firefly he know where to take you okay he lives far from here Jesus what hell that would be one of Bill's traps your friend a bit paranoid maybe I putting it lightly what's the deal with this guy well he helped us smuggle stuff into the city he knows how to find things well let's hope we don't blow up trying to find him just watch your step and fine here that's exactly it a what it's all clear come on up all right [ __ ] I got to do that reload see that wire stay underneath it okay just keep your head low and you'll be fine right oh [ __ ] things are kind of awesome f with just stay close yeah he was got to slow up there a tiny bit I got you damn it Bill what just happened another one to Bill stupid traps there that fridge it looks like that's a counterweight okay cut that rope and it'll bring me down on it [ __ ] here this here good that one showed up kind of late but time whatever you all right yeah come on you can do it okay here catch thanks God damn it come on it's not R hurry hurry they're getting closer idiot I delayed that second shot and then I missed anyway so easy to just undergo like a brain cramp there while you're doing this so close so close get off your ass on your Fe oh [ __ ] doesn't matter which way on Ellie damn where's that goddamn key behind us come on fa they're coming to the door oh [ __ ] all right whatever supplies you may want or need I suggest you gra plus 3.7 is not bad considering I didn't enter the door with a good time and I missed an entire shot found everything you need we're good it's all things considered don't leave the door open I got it we have to cross to the other building up the stairs let's move it just stay with me can't believe you agreed to this [ __ ] Bill what you should have done was just left him back there who really [ __ ] off there not kidding about yeah he's one of [Music] [Applause] [Music] a one inside oh I didn't mean him to take care of that relax so you didn't answer my question about Tess you I thought the two of you were in separable she's busy so why don't you fix one of these parts right that was good I couldn't wait any longer than that all right you got to check the barricades you got to come over here you neglect the simple [ __ ] you have to come over here you know what that means taking all the supplies from the warehouse into theast again then it'll take you Joel this way up we go yeah that was as good as I could have done it they didn't there were like two infected that didn't want to gather if I had done it any earlier I think two or three would have survived it instead of one nothing heed one hit though all right down [Music] here all right before we go any further I got something I got to show you what you got new toy from the toy box this is a nail bomb and you got to be really careful this thing blows it shreds anybody standing [Music] nearby so we got shot guns and bombs what the hell are we doing with them well every few weeks this military Caravan rides through town I assume they're out looking for supplies but you you'd be amazed at the [ __ ] that they Overlook anyway a few months back they were rolling through and they get overrun by this hoarde of infected they were all over the truck plows right in the side of the high school still sitting there with a battery in so we take that battery and we put it in another car bingo I wanted to get it but it seemed too dangerous with all the infected on that part of town fck it Joel needs a car those Tru are like tanks made it work being slightly left to him and aiming long enough all right guess we'll find out oh man past this gate it's all new territory to me I'm on it [Applause] [Applause] okay what dude what what what hold up I got a key for that gate suggest we move quietly how did that shotgun just [Applause] whiff he's following me well this how many times did I practice that it's tied on the other side how many times did I practice it here what the doggy door how many times did I practice it very careful of course maybe you should have I never got followed okay you go I never got followed the house [ __ ] I'm just so sick of it all look where we're at now one graveyard later look where we're at I think we're good for now is it one of those things that were Works differently in the Run nobody's bitten right I'm just so [ __ ] tired of it man fine let's just keep going with this he even got a plus sign Ellie got rid of it so that was good but like if it's not going to work can it do it in like the couple hours I practiced it out of the school right there come on there's a bunch of them up there try not to make a sound ell run son of a [ __ ] and that was actually really good that was easier than I thought it'd be they must be holed up somewhere else what the [ __ ] was up with the entirety of that first part two clickers followed me and then I just that was that wasn't perfect but it was very good where's My Revolver Where is My Revolver there it is we're okay we just need to get to the hood of the truck yeah you hear that they're coming there's always reasons why it's never perfect I can rebound but for [ __ ] sake man like that was fine that was fine I cannot practice graveyard anymore I just can't thank God I had a brick [Music] [Applause] there the path down this [ __ ] cool I get followed help me open this all right ready come on on the way and there were only two at the end the game is just really cooperating today isn't it going to hold why were there only two Runners because [ __ ] you and your family that's why oh no take cover what was up with that he's been infected for a long time we call him bloaters bloater okay got it I hate to interrupt your little biology lesson but can we get the [ __ ] out of here please let's go people all right go Le I have a lot of shotgun ammo all right come on dude I did it again it's so weird [ __ ] hate those things got him let's go come on up well that was a perfect perfect perfect High School uh uh gym the hallway would have been perfect but I had one follow me this way we're sitting ducks here there's another ladder over here that last Runner doesn't spawn in any faster [ __ ] area this is another one of those like let me tell you a short story and you just look at these splits especially on the backs of me practicing graveyard for a few hours last stream so what you just going to steal my [ __ ] and run off I hit Frank you should probably search the house sure there's more supplies it's good idea let me know when you're ready to finish this thing all right we're in first we're go to I know I know it was I know it just it didn't need to happen just keep your foot on the clutch and when we get to I know how to pop a clutch how the hell you know what I don't care just don't [ __ ] it up all right Ellie get ready now now hit it hit it left dude what kid Bill not helping Ellie we're going to give it another go stay focused hit right left and you just whatever got to go faster god pushing keep pushing hey around that house you're right that much time back to pushing he's not pushing thank you [ __ ] my day up got a break get R of that hill all right Ellie get ready all right Ellie start it up you hear that sound bill yeah well that means here get [ __ ] co co Mor [Music] still [Applause] lost amazing Pace entering graveyard lost time lost time lost time lost time run [ __ ] recoverable but [ __ ] quick come here you [ __ ] go me you chicken [ __ ] and there's nothing I can do about it I'll show you [ __ ] what's wrong with these guys catch your breath we're leaving watch out stay down away could have done two rifle and a revolver didn't Mattery go see if you can get it propped open with some um there's some pretty gnarly stuff in here Ellie right okay go that was my way of basically answering that question like there's no reason for why any of that [Music] happened look I'm especially pissed off at the uh the doggy door Strat not working cuz I that for so [Music] long and like someone said I literally did it before the run and it worked perfectly all right there's the bridge that's our way out of here I didn't have a single Runner follow me I don't know which Runner it was was it a new one or was it the one I SW no it wouldn't be the one I swung at cuz Ellie bricked it it was a different one let go first is there a way to like manipulate him cuz that was the only problem everything worked bill got a I don't know if you noticed bill got a plus sign Ellie got rid of it maybe that would have happened anyway even if I didn't do that strategy but some of you probably missed that get out good where did you learn to shoot that bridge looks pretty far we'll get there a this is what most Zones look like this place has been abandoned for a while why did I get followed yeah me too just keep it down while we're going to this area we're up all night big reason I want to continue to do that strategy is [Music] because the only reason that run was allowed to continue was because I had a Breck oh come [Music] on Jason thank you for 28 month resub if I didn't have that brick the Run would have been dead right there down down down down let's get out of here there's more so there are a lot of reasons to uh that that Health Lo that fall damage better not hurt all right I don't think they saw [Applause] us there's our Bridge we're a little closer I think let's keep at it come on if you get me up there I can move that plank [Applause] good hell oh this place is bad what was that all about get on we're cutting through the hotel um okay all right now you just need to find a way up about to find out it's clear Ellie come on down this is where we start chipping away God damn man this too rich for my blood oh [Music] nice come on up watch your step oh [ __ ] get down get down creepy uhoh yeah here it [Music] too oh man whatever this the speedrun mode no let's see where this goes shouldn't it's going to be a tight fit but come on just in case you find me something to climb on here we go there go I'm all are you okay no you scared the [ __ ] out of me no stay out there I'll make my way up to you I'll try [Music] Dam it explores oh [ __ ] God damn it hey remember that time there were three stalkers in my way cuz I do made it and I did literally the exact same thing look for that I got to find Ellie why were there none because [ __ ] you and your family that's why I [Music] got you got then why is that my go-to now yeah they like just weren't even up there look what this game does to you right overall that was actually a really good hotel we just got to keep we just got to keep chipping away [Music] we need to get back out find that bridge slow I hate this crap might be able to get there with this hey I about a hand you sure you can trust me with that Ellie push I am push harder there how's that let's [Music] go yeah all should have known but you're going to [Music] steal B all right come on [Music] down now now the safety's on uh time wise good you just you got to respect I got to watch my rifle ammo I can't use any rifle ammo which [Music] sucks all right I had to the molotov killed two which was weird Ellie killed the remaining one I had to stupid chain is stuck yeah I only had to use one revolver more than I normally use there but there this one of those will just have to see what happens it's good thinking oh [ __ ] get down get down you also got to remember he took uh fall damage earlier so he doesn't have full health busy couple of days huh whatever man damn no food no pair of shoes got nothing let's go oh man BR nothing we could have done I know it's just follow me up Seven's really bad I just look at that bridge at least they finally killed that cou I was sure they made it out of the [Music] city get him [Music] got work from the each [Music] side [ __ ] that was too damn close that Arrow shattered the edge of the universe and back I'm going to have in uh Henry's I'm going to have to do a strategy I don't want to do okay I think you guys know which one I'm talking about the pistol head shot on the second to last enemy let's go through the [Music] alley a military tur stay down is that a gold that might be a gold I think it is I think for some reason that was the best financial I've ever done in my life okay they can't serious Follow Me by far sorry about the hole Yeah that's a real one where all way from we got to be careful we're right next to one of their Lookout areas is it just you and your daughter I promised someone I'd look after yeah I can appreciate that all right what do I use here I'll use an arrow wait wait everyone be quiet God get away from the windows what made it so fast maybe the faster Arrow strategy they're gone man that [ __ ] truck it's been hounding us ever since we got in this damn C mobile thank you for a 7 Monon res nothing get rid of it my bat bag is practically empty what's the rule about taking stuff it weighs like nothing the rule what is it we only take what we have to that's right now come on keep the arrow out do i s swap to the pistol how far is this place we're close real close keep this for now I'll swap to the pistol if the arrow [Music] breaks we did it climb the car you [ __ ] [ __ ] Tim dude I need to practice this up on this truck Henry isn't climbing the car quickly anymore [ __ ] you're [ __ ] dead [ __ ] you got moves man yeah and you're slow through this I feel like that's been happening ever since I started using an arrow on him close them I'm the only the key man both those arrows didn't break that's big one of them but that he won't miss did you see him in the front of the of of the vehicle back here on the front of the car he just how you uh same oh you 14 I'm close all right I am he's been doing that a lot lately and I just here we are yeah right y'all stay close but it it it did it actually did waste that much time uh yeah thanks as it's comforting relax old man I just hope you know the way two man he says that okay try to take him out quietly hey I'll follow hey you hear that cck durable [ __ ] that Arrow sh come to hide behind you're dead [ __ ] Henry give me a h with this all right I think I I think I got a little sound glitch at the end there come on wait wait wa wait [ __ ] oh no got him all right check it out we're good Sam let's go all right kid come on yeah that was a lot of Arrow recoveries a lot of them that was four in a row I think come on [ __ ] which is good cuz I only had one revolver this is the whole reason I wanted to like I was doing the slower truck push Strat it was to save revolver ammo if you notice I'm very low okay we got to get him up I'm sorry going to have to rely on drops in the sewers what is this [ __ ] hey now what the [ __ ] Henry we stick together let's go let's go oh [ __ ] like they found whatever I over threw it messing that up off no that was more like two find them hey we're going to search this area stuff like that isn't going to kill the run that was intense you cool yeah let's go find that radio tower you trust me yeah he maybe we can find something in that boat over there keep your eyes peel way ahead of you kid give me a hand same time come on come on kids go yeah Chris it is that's all I have on my mind right now right you go in okay hey flashlights out Sam stay someone's finally learning oh great which way so we should see what's over here this way yeah looks like there's a path up right here meech thank you for a 6mon resub [Music] can we get out this way Henry give it a shot all right I'm go have a look I'm going up to my [Music] dad's oh this thing let's go will oh there you go that's smart I can't wait to get out of this place he's good nothing new to report I think I think so see if that generator still got some juice uh they're going over to my dad's girlfriend's Sons house so I'll go with I'll go to their house they'll leave from [Music] there yeah don't jinxes a sound no it's a sort of alarm all right back to [Music] work oh he dropped a revolver damn it I wanted to be faster okay fine we'll kill him this way son of a [ __ ] I didn't first of all that was just really poorly performed second of all the first guy dropped revolver that's what I need and then the remaining three proceeded to drop none I didn't bother picking that up because it's faster if you don't son of a [ __ ] so that's going to hurt this is awkward that's going to [ __ ] hurt yeah I know it's like every time cers what hey this thing isn't budging man just go get out of here I should always pick up whatever they drop close Henry we got to [ __ ] move you keep him safe go such a [ __ ] idiot that isn't the place you want to try and save [Applause] time [Music] move it not having yeah that's a good way of looking at it it yeah that was perfect at least that one dropped pistol I don't need that pistol is the one thing I don't need right now not yet there's still a chance I end up being okay with revolver Joel that's them Sam oh thank God we got to keep running over there see R there's to many of them Ellie get away from the door maybe we switch it together I only have one revolver bullet so if I use the next one here I'll be entering damn without any and I don't like doing that what are you doing us out of here hurry up this there is a chance there's a somewhat new strategy I do here if I get if I'm able to freeze both clickers I try and only use one one shorty shell and then I can use one shorty shell in that sniper house so hopefully that happens I also have an arrow to use here this is what I'm going with right now I also apparently lost time somewhere get stuck supposed to be like 657 or something window lra thank you for a 5mon resub I'm going to try my hardest to only use one what about you come on [Applause] go right good hey hey hey watch it watch yourself watch it Henry please don't help Oh [Music] Henry that should be good all right I'm going to go rifle shorty yeah we're good got it move let's go let's go lost a second entering the first fight I also know that the second fight was very bad I swung it I did four swings on the clicker that's why look at this oh are you [ __ ] kidding me all right thanks for the warning on the other side guys so where's this Tower we're close come on let's go hey how you doing little man that was a close one huh oh damn it not one of our finest [ __ ] I got to do a leap over this made it out hey look at that yep what' I tell you huh let's find a way around to what about you how you holding up business as usual right it's a uh it's a conversation we're going to have to have but if we do use speedrun mode for uh yeah as the official timing method for remastered which we're probably going to do we might not be able to break the runs into [Music] halves get out [ __ ] sniper did you see where it came from somewhere down the street all right now y'all stay here no before you start you can only use speedrun mode from the beginning of the game I'm going to go around and see if I can't get the angle on it okay hey be careful we even need to talk about if they're going to be on the same leaderboards you think yeah hide in that house see if that [Music] helps when the game comes out behind that burnout building go back to where you [ __ ] came from up he's over here oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you game [ __ ] God you know how unlucky that was Jesus that other guy is pathf finding [ __ ] up and he and he and he went off into the corner of the room perfect Jesus come on come on guys all right there's a good split so far that was also fast because I uh that's usually what we end up doing yeah I mean you can't compare runs that have a different timing method it's still ingame time but speedrun Mode's going to be significantly faster than the part two times we were putting up you pay for [Music] that good like every time you do a skip cut scene or a restart encounter and a part two run you know in on the load file it counts out a whole second if it works if speedrun mode ends up working the same as uh remake that's a lot a lot of time save just naturally and maybe even just factoring in Mis timing that was intense when uh you all right Sam I'm okay you paused for the cut scene thanks Joel there's also going to be if you do the run with unlocked frame rate which is what I'm going to do we did it what does it change we should move all right Sam Sam are you okay yeah yeah I'm fine you sure I said I'm fine come on come on let's I don't feel like peeing what do you mean just speedruns it's my whole career [Applause] career plus as far as I'm concern it's a it's a m it's a major feature in the game that adds a lot of replayability other Studios should look into doing that oh no no no all right losing three off the gold we Min us a couple I might go for the slower Cliff jump cuz I did reset all the golds means we're close to Jackson City right shouldn't be more than a few miles you ready to see dear old brother I'm just ready to get there you nervous I don't know what I'm feeling I chickened out a little with that whatever we're good if I was plus I would have gone for the faster Cliff jump how about that whoa what's that right there's a hydroelectric power plant it uh it uses the river's movement and uh turns it into electricity look I know what it is I don't know how it does it well Durham is it saves more than half a second I actually got a real gold here the other day it was an 8222 I think all right I need you to I know that's on the [ __ ] pallet he's in the YouTube chat he's there oh give it a spin are you guys really oh come on come sit at the cool kids table God also graveyard sucked but it's kind of been the only thing wrong with this run one you can use it as a bridge you be careful Crossing that thing I will teamwork I was going to there's a strategy you can do here the moment Ellie raises her hand you can fire a gun and then Joel can start running but uh nah I'm so hungry I know I am too let's get past this place then we can scr up some [Music] food you never know if I might need extra ammo [Music] later false alarm they're friendlies we've been dealing with raids a lot of bandits in this area it's been quiet for like I just need one shorty shell and that's for uh I thought I'd find you in Jackson BR the plant back to life we had it working before but one of the turbines miss out we have electricity Joel a had we'll get her running again no way you guys have horses we got a whole lot of them hey Tommy give me a hand with this sorry I'll be right back can I yeah of course he likes when you cut his ears you ever ride one I actually have you know if you want we can take them riding later that's everything there hey thanks Tommy hey thanks Tommy no sweat where is he all right let's continue the tour a going to get a good look at him Earl yeah record P still waiting on Hower and the rest of the boys to I'm literally getting too old for this [ __ ] we'll be fine just go home to your family just a couple more hours I'll tough it out all right well take it easy Maria yeah go ahead we're in the control room Steve's about to start it back up you want to come check it out I'd rather eat with Ellie it's my turn anyway I'll go I'll come with you it's the stress man it's the mentality of it the boys some space put you in an early grave I'm sending Tommy over stand by this will be the sixth time of them trying to get the turbines back online we've been here just a week and it feels like forever uh I got something for you it's also a category that we've been grinding for over 9 years stuff is long gone most of it it's just here it's a little faded but still looks pretty good I'm good you sure I said I'm good okay it's hard to do what I'm trying to do right now I'll hold on to it for you Tomy I I need to talk to you it's just hard privately yeah okay let me just check on my guys real quick come on [Music] uh I don't know what you heard but you should see the funny enough throughout the speedrun this is usually where my like my heart rate starts to go up place the idea being self it's just remember how we thought no one could live like this anymore it's the waiting it's like the Stillness before battle take turns guarding the perimeter got Eli you still got to deal with infected though right doesn't but it's the world we live in or maybe you don't have to be you sound like marleene I know what I'm doing though these two Geniuses are going to bring this plant back to life we think we got it this time you don't believe us I didn't say it sure make it twoo second split is the longest all right let's see what we got this will do just fine all right that's good Tommy's here we good to go give me one second okay good to go ready go ahead H it we God damn we did it boys work boys somebody get on the horn and give Maria the good news you see that it's pretty impressive [ __ ] Bandit stop them don't let him into the building they're here Jesus God spawned in front of me [Music] that lost more time than anything else I got out of that first room pretty quick God damn what a well-made game right that didn't even mess anything up she couldn't have gotten far we'll find her don't worry the only thing I could have done there was body shot with the L Diablo the first guy a little bit faster but nothing like this going I just wanted to make sure I hit him the most annoying thing about that first shot is the guy the one of the guys in the yellow hats he runs right in front of the first shot that I fire I got really good drops I got a revolver and I have enough pistol ammo that I'll be able to uh uh use it in science lab if I have to there four tracks let's go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who got you back how many do you see two goddamn many go I'll cover you that's all of them come on back to the horses come on come on yeah game's just trolling try fight hope they didn't get let's go come On's go do I always plow him into that street sign yep that's part of the strategy get him look by the ranch that's our horse she's got to be there area looks clear careful earie Ellie here I'm going over this way don't check over there oh did you see his head check down there let's check over here [ __ ] dude the he moved his head at like the last second not too noticeable that would have been like a 3se second gold that's the main problem dude the guy's head was like stationary and then all of a sudden it just like moved one way really quick I always know I need I like I aimed the reticle just to his right so he walks into it but then his head stayed perfectly still and then it just moved one way real quick I really didn't need that to happen whatever I said uh I need to be Z heading into winter we can do that if this splits really really good it's getting chilly ni's that time of year that how many people you think are there that sucks cuz that that that really did end up losing like six or seven seconds there that operation you think there will be other people my age stay Callis I just oh I know I know believe me I saw it that's why I missed Jake thank you for a 14mon resub yes I don't want him running off I'll be right back oh I have three [Applause] cool whatever all right the one thing I'm most pissed off about there was uh I didn't Crouch when I threw the Molly I need a revolver one revolver there we go all right I'm good on supplies hey I was thinking I would have wanted to be an astronaut that a fact yeah you imagine being up there all by [Music] yourself what about you what' you want to be uh well when I was a kid I used to want to be uh a sa it doesn't have anything to do with damage it just has to do with him reacting to the fire like he was standing cuz I didn't crouch in time and he like it it froze them get Frozen for a damn second hey look fir look watch yourself too only reason that should all be okay is because I did throw the molotov a little earlier than I normally do because I had shotgun shells there it is damn it sores one [Music] [Applause] budge thank you for a 64 month resub damn you okay what happened in there more infected I'm fine here come up on the gate well I have to do something different than you guys do I've been picking up the flamethrower ammo he drops because I personally think that's making a difference not because I need the ammo just because I think him slowing down a little and that doorway is like channeling them in into there instead of them being able to wander around you did it yeah come on [Music] first you think they were fireflies no no I don't think so why would they have infected so close to the lab well Bill used them as a form of Defense maybe they're doing the same yeah you could see that well that Strat for me personally has a high failure rate but I've been uh picking up the flamethrower ammo which slows jool down a little bit in that doorway and they seem to all like I don't know just seems to work better and it doesn't really cost me time because uh normally I would pick up the arrows slowly but now I pick it up and I head right for the door so really it's like a wash all right not what I had in mind but it'll do nice okay all right we're inside come on KD give me your hand there you go thanks let's look around damn Ranch hello Yoo fireflies cure for mankind over here anyone let's keep it down until we figure out what's going on we ain't alone Al maybe it's one of them stay close there are no bodies that's good right we found out where they went [ __ ] I'm on a record Pace just because jeez [Music] least eight clickers yeah no fireflies either well maybe in all that research they turned into [ __ ] monkeys just keep searching we'll find [Music] something don't matter we know where to go let's get the hell out of here you [Music] [ __ ] take the time loss I've been like always taking the time loss there that was a perfect science lab oh man doing this sagana Strat yeah I'll be all right there all right what do you want me to do move what move oh man time loss when you pause the pausing that I did there it's it's designed to prevent the black screen glitch 1 2 3 let's get to the damn horse I don't see any let's go we get it all the time Joel how we doing I'm fine can you handle the window yeah okay [Music] Jesus come on move I see you all right just stay here I'm going to flank thisle ell those were my friends you killed [ __ ] come on you want to do this the hard way [ __ ] we got to get you out of here I'm okay Highway onward we we have we have time to save now come on move it there's no one here hurry pretty sure we have two arrows so we don't have to pick up the one Arrow you're doing good just keep in on the tire oh man here Lean On Me no well can you walk yes then [ __ ] [Music] walk come on there's the exit a little bit more come on [Music] joelie the kid got a gun [Music] he's [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] Joel here stand up dror on me all right let's go I swear to God I get you out of this you're so singing for me you wish wait here I'll get the door take your time come on the [ __ ] I did yeah oh [Music] [ __ ] come on just get the horse all right can you get [Music] on where'd you go there you are yes got you missed it last time steady oh man let time I was here that missed how are you still alive I don't do the old deer Strat no matter what now what is this place oh great everything's cool this place is not creepy at all oh Jake thank you so much for the membership we have to keep them out let's hope they don't find them cover the windows he noan every shot count now I've done this before Nice Shot here use this you weren't kidding you're a better shot with that thing than I am give me a hand with this help me with this thing don't let him come in through the window they must have followed you maybe they followed you in your [Music] perfect also no arrows broke screw this way fing why was that 303 supposed to be like three on the dot I must have lost time to either the black screen or spawn time of the next wave that made up for it that was nice place great yeah that's one thing I have to point out right there normally my gold has like the screw it we're getting out of this room this those subtitles popping up at around 3 minutes on the dot that was 303 Hey kid you all right I'm fine flickers get out of [Applause] there [Applause] you all right there you [Applause] are so close here come here L me up ready you be quick keep a look up I [Applause] know we [Applause] go [Applause] on not the fastest ladder yeah no [ __ ] [Music] never climb that ladder well anymore see [Music] anything thank you been missing that you hear that they're on the roof I know that right here come more how many of these things are there I have no idea dropped one they each dropped one I'm just going not time listen why am I losing five off the gold how infected that was a really good that that was a really good split but I'm like losing time I don't know where we're we're okay we're fine it's just check on that buck of us that puts my goal at [Music] risk you can use it you're right I can all right we need a good SPL we need a good split the rest of the way and we also need tunnel to be perfect whatever overall if tunnel's perfect I can literally save about 7 seconds in the last lower my best possible Time by like 7 Seconds down the [ __ ] Street she's here hey I got her get your ass over here well like I said that was three in the first fight I want to say it was for some reason the three seconds I mentioned in the first fight and then uh something else don't let her through get here who and then I think climbing the ladder got the horse hurry now I'm good on arrows and rifle come get me you [ __ ] let's go boys shoot the horse shoot the [ __ ] [Music] horse oh man [ __ ] okay she fell down the hill somewhere I don't see you though I have no clue what starts the timer for when the bloater spawns in I have no idea actually where is that kid you really killing her alive he doesn't get to make that call James told me it's from the University how many of our guys were [ __ ] where' they go [Music] piece of [ __ ] here we go perfect okay don't fall in the water don't fall in oh [ __ ] okay here we go I got this cover the ground make sure she's not hiding somewhere over here I don't want to get trapped in here she's on this side of sh kept moving towards the door the whole time I feel like that was one of the best I ever did that is that's a 3 second gold that was one of the fastest rip calluses I've ever done there you go there you go two and a half whatever where the hell are you ell where' she run off to [ __ ] where is she let him get you right here dick bag whatever fine got [ __ ] finish him off [ __ ] here comes me let me go [ __ ] you [Music] up [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people I need a gun oh [ __ ] back I knew that was going to happen God damn it this place is a dam all right that really sucks that's really unfortunate yeah that's a that's a middle finger moment this is all going to come down to a perfect tunnel assuming the rest goes well but that was Joel with the bad RNG and now Ellie with the bad RNG I also lose a second right here cuz it's slower to come into the fight with a gun oh that sucks that enemy wasn't supposed to be there you're supposed to keep running you can't just go to the left he'll kill you so I had to do that it's all right nowhere to go you want out that probably cost me like 4 seconds have to come get these keys no you're not infect as long as the rest is okay uh good I still think Ellie loses her revolver it's going to be all right you keep carefully hello he Nolan even if this area had gone well it was going to come down to a perfect tunnel anyway like I said I only have gold splits to get the rest of the way so this can still happen this is pointless I can't see a thing just keep searching she comes through here huh keep him down I didn't like how early he fired at me all right that was not all as disastrous as it I made it out to be I'm going to say like 4 seconds off of gold if it's any less than that then we're okay everything else was perfect all right not the best there but it still worked ho [ __ ] really regardless we're on Pace for a record you look calm I've been in this situation so many times in my life like I mentioned in my was it a video no it was a post I've uh I've lowered this categories time 45 times in my life that's not including the 26 other categories I have a record in right I'm counting three maybe 2 and 1/2 seconds we're only losing so yeah I'm responding to someone who said you look calm I have 26 records in various Last of Us games and categories and I've lowered this category specifically 45 times experience I knew you had heart you know it's okay to give up experience ain't no shame in it nothing's assumed by the way I guess not just not your St no matter what we need a perfect tunnel Flex on I'm just stating facts man it's basically my resume you can try begging [ __ ] you you think you know meuh let me tell you something you have no idea what I'm capable of all right all things considered 2.3 is really good I'm going to run my ad breaks here one more time just let tunnel go well exactly so real quick there's tunnel but I have like 2 seconds to save I want to say I have like 3 seconds worth of Golds to save in highway hospital and Jackson combined this is where we get off so let's go Kido all right and that other dead run has taught me remember well pistol's already in the far right holster so I don't need to adjust that I just sit on my I believe I have two shorty shells I'm going to swap the revolver for the shorty teach you how play guitar I reckon you'd really like that what do you say huh tadar thank you for a 7mon resub look at that no another city another abandoned quarantine Zone you don't have to restart encounter at the end of the time you are right about that maybe we cut through here huh you are right about that well we could use that ladder although the time loss you have in hospital it almost counteracts the time you save in the tunnel I never put the two side by side Ellie what the ladder come on right okay right here simple swap out to the bow swap out to the shorty waste the pistol ammo there we go oh my God Ellie Ellie you got to see this what is it the hell is see that that's what I mean about runs that die to something if I can learn something from it are you kidding me then it was worth it if I was on this pace and I had that what happened in the other Run come on hurry up happened I would have been distraught [Music] oh man wow look I know you mean well but there's no halfway with this we're done we'll go wherever you want okay all right so I'll be saving time here cuz I don't have to pick up the arrow from the tire this up there's a new strategy in hospital where I don't have to leap through that window and then just a natural 3/10 of a second to save in the final split this place takes me back howo it was right after everything went down I ended up in a triage just like this everywhere you look you just it's all families torn apart whole damn world seemed have turned upside down in a blank is that after you lost Sarah yes it was I carrot think of you're a six-month Reon can't imagine losing someone you love like that losing everything that you know I'm sorry Joel that's okay Ellie skip this time it's going to be different just know it what do you mean we're going to be there the Firefly sure damn it damn it what was that I didn't mean to do that I've never done that before calm [Music] down [Applause] here let me boost you up there come on son of a [ __ ] that's not good enough I really don't think that's good enough I had to wait maybe again there's a new strategy I still need to implement but that no reason to that's what's so annoying about [Music] that this is going to be so close we're good it might have been good enough I don't know I think I can reach us now I I I really don't know we'll have to see what all right remember to uh reload the pistol we're doing a new Strat [Music] here freezing all right give me your foot okay come on get that door open come on Ellie perfect we have a chance I'm also going to do the thing where I dive under the water at the end you made it all right come on move Ro all right get on okay okay there I'm on it be careful I got [Applause] you [Music] what happened damn ladder broke off the wall now what I'll figure something out that clicker can kill you if you punch him and then stand next to him it's amazing how close this is going to come down to a and I got to get this trick though okay come on all right let's see you're going to catch me I got you all right if it's anything over 603 when I climb up I lose [Music] time move this was still a really good split all right we can do this here hyper thank you for 17 month reset yeah I'm cutting like four or 5 seconds I can do this made on give me your hand give me your hand [Music] before three all right he's in [Music] here hey [ __ ] there take that should prob me some time that was so hard to do sweet doctor what are you doing in here I won't let you take her no [ __ ] animal shut the hell up I got to mute this [Music] oh man that was so hard to do all of it I don't know if anyone noticed I was so nervous I didn't Sprint right away at the beginning of hospital I like was so nervous I forgot that I had to hold Sprint in the beginning if I ever want to lower this time again I'd have to get a 247 all right that's long enough [Music] god [Music] well looks like we're walking should be a straight shot through here all right it's actually kind of pretty ain't it you know what's really funny there's a hype train going on right now all right I'm not kidding now where your hair going through it's referring to Hype trains not me it's saying about to beat your last record keep up the support my age now I'm not kidding someone else can confirm I don't think I ever told you but uh Sarah and I used to take hikes like this I think that's twitch talking to you guys but you would it's oh so appropriate think you really would have liked her I know she'd lik you I bet I [Music] would down there is this your final grounded run it might be my last my final grounded record I got you 24828 oh my [Music] God I haven't lowered my time in this category in 1 year and 5 months we've been preoccupied remake part two but this took Me 2 and a half months and even though like when I started I felt like I was ready to lower my time a lot earlier than this this grind just shows just I cut 20 seconds I it's just it's almost impossibly difficult now I swear we need it every second too and the game threw some curveballs my way but it's just I'm going to the Run started off amazingly well up until here and yeah I saved seven or eight seconds because of the hallway launch but this would have been a record anyway regardless and then you can just screenshot this a short story it's just I knew it was still possible I went I went into today saying I just need to be at zero heading into winter and I I would have been fine I I I would have been I I can still do this and then we rebounded which I knew I I had no choice I had to do this I have watched almost every stream during this grind and it's been so frustrating watching all that [ __ ] happen to you it's nice to see a big happy smile on your face can congrats again thank you congrats King thank you guys I had alerts turned off so I might have been talking over text to speech Pittsburgh was good hotel was good Financial was the best financial of my life Henry GG thank I'll I'll thank support afterwards Henry he took forever to climb up the car cost me 4 seconds not my fault oh this is the biggest howdi I can give thanks Ian uh search light was very good I missed one guy with the molotov throw so I had to pipe him everything else was good sewers sewers wasn't great I'd say this little stretch right here could have been better but there was nothing overly wrong that was going to cost me anything uh sniper was very good very good sniper damn was a gold damn fight oh those [ __ ] they spawned in my way and I had to get by them I lost a lot of time in these areas to stuff that I didn't really do wrong the molotov throw in the bar that's about all I can think of univer uh hold on Ranch what did I mess up headshotting the guy I want to I want to pull this up real quick to show you why I missed that [Music] shot a mutant ad hate Ryan Reynolds in that mint mobile ad anyway what was I going to pull up right here all right watch this look look at me headshotting this guy check over there oh did you see his yeah look his head's right there and then it just let me slow it down it'll probably look better that way I'll slow it down to like .5 here look right there that that that showcased it pretty well he just kind of he just kind of yeah that that didn't lose that much time though because it was just a simple doover but that that would have been nice to not mess that up 248 and 28 seconds it's true it's it's it's a it's a nice number I think to hit so that was the only problem there the forest went great University was almost a gold science lab would have been a gold if I didn't do that pause coal mine was perfect but I lost a little bit of time somewhere I mentioned when David says screw it we're getting out of this room the moment the subtitles pop up my gold has that at around 3 minutes and it was 3 minutes and 3 seconds not exactly sure why it could have been something as simple as one of the waves of enemies spawned in later than they normally do other than that I did Co mine perfectly perfectly there was nothing weird about it uh this was the best I ever did it was a really good pickme up this was a good split I got screwed the only thing a bad RNG I had to kill the guy's Joel but that's whatever it barely slowed him down when I run past like the mail truck I climb up there's enemy to my left and I'm walking right there's like this Red Shed I think I nor run to the right and run under a a down tree I think and then I run to the right there was an enemy there and when that happens you have to do it differently because one he kills you and two it messes up what the enemies do over there so I had to stab him in a jogging animation pick up his gun fire the gun cost you about GG zamp you finally did it sub 248 and 30 seconds I did I did I did i''d say that cost me about three but every everything else was perfect the David fight the last part is Joel highway I climbed over the trucks in a weird way that cost me a second I don't know why nerves that I I was so nervous there I I just had to climb forward and I angled him a little too far right tunnel I had to wait a while for the triangle prompt but there were two things one the tunnel loaded in right away to where I fired a bullet at the at the ground and I was doing everything perfectly after that everything everything after that was just perfect even the tiny details like um uh like what when I'm swimming through the the the bus I noticed sometimes when I climb out of there Joel stands still for a second and it was annoying me I realized what I had to do I had to hold down Circle when I left there and then when he climbed out of there he moves right away something a little something I noticed I did that another tiny thing in tunnel I'm just mentioning specifics now when I get Mr clicker and then I I'm running through right before I go underwat underwater I climb up in into that little window and it's an awkward climb because it's like you can't climb through it you climb on it and I realized the fastest thing to do there is when he's when he's falling oh my God congrats on the new W thank you when he's falling off I hit Circle so he stands up right away then I hold Sprint and it like boosts him forward then I let go of Sprint so he drops in the water right away I I'm just mentioning tunnel I didn't have a good time when I hit triangle but everything after that was like the best I ever did and implemented that new Strat that uh Proxima found and then this was I knew I had I knew I could gold these this was a gold and this was a gold it was exactly the time I needed I I said I think I said what four or five days ago I want below a 24830 before part two comes out now for the million dooll question is this the last time I'll ever run this game no no it's not this might be the last time I lower this categories record that I'm not sure I did mention wanting to be finished with record chasing this category because the next goal after this would be a 247 I got this time with the benefit of the hallway launch which you're allowed to do and it's still barely snuck under I played so well got a little screwed over with some things like I said the ranch thing the guy in Winter the tunnel triangle prompt it was Happy Thanksgiving Anthony this run looked really suspicious back during graveyard but you brought it back it was insane Let's Go part two remastered I'm so ready I'm ready too I am ready too I'm very ready too thank you guys I didn't even mention graveyard what happened here cuz this was the this was the one real part that just sucked this was a ridiculously good Pace heading into here two clickers followed me and then my second shotgun blast didn't kill that clicker and then I had I had a follow me to the doggy door which is stupid cuz I practiced that for hours and I never got followed graveyard just might be one of those areas where it behaves differently in a run versus practice I'm discovering that more and more and more that was just I lost 15 or 16 seconds here the runner followed me into the hallway uh I'm sorry right here outside the high school went very well High School it was going well then a runner followed me remember there were two Runners at the end and then I had to turn around then the guy asked me why there were two Runners and I told him [ __ ] you and your family which is going to be immortalized in the world record and people who are watching it that don't know me won't know I'm kidding truck push was very good and it was just a just a big thing of like coming back what happened here hey a damn fight and Ranch they they could have been a little better so yeah this category is my favorite category amongst all the games and categories that I will that I've ran and will run in the future but uh this grind was rough it's really rough and I think it taught me and I think it showed everyone that trying to lower this category's time especially now that I cut 20 more it's just I'm no way saying that the time won't be lowered again someday but I think I'm either permanently or just temporarily done trying to chase a better time like the way I see it in the future what I kind of want to do is get an annual 248 that's kind of what I want to do with this game in this category this is the 46th time I've lowered this category's time and uh yeah I I I I'm I really want to treat this grind as like a an homage to the work that was put into it cuz I got to tell you I cannot begin to just even though you know I have years of experience I cannot even begin to tell you how nervous I was leaving science lab beginning winter I cannot even begin to tell you how nervous I was oh [Music] man time he wrote nice and then he turned into a clicker halfway speaking of which Lord dreg thank you for 15mon resub blast Blasco and know thank you for a two-month resub Chris thank you for 10 gifted sub Christa worth thank you for your Prime sub scar heart thank you for a six-month resub jomie thank you for your Prime sub that was funny Dylan thank you for a 33 Monon resub Durham with 50 bits solidus thank you for a 9mon resub Dom thank you for two gifted Subs Sakai thank you for 100 bits Blas thank you for two gifted sub Reyes thank you for five gifted Subs Petna thank you for a th000 bits block Contessa thank you for 100 bits Wildfire thank you for 100 bits Joe stbs thank you for a three-month resub varg snog thank you for 500 bits GSI thank you for a $10 Super Chat chit thank you for five gifted Subs choot chudy I don't know how to pronounce names chudy thank you for $5 donation Tiki thank you for a th000 bits uh Ry guy thank you for the 10 Canadian dollars Super Chat Ian thank you for the $1 $100 donation thank you very very much that's thank you just ice thank you for 100 bits ages thank you for a $20 Super Super Chat thank you very very much Tanuki thank you for five gifted Subs Petna thank you for a th000 bits Edwards thank you for the $50 donation thank you very very much so much hard work over the years into this congrats yeah it was uh Edwards with the 50 oh man kierin thank you for the 100 as well congrats on the new world record thank you thank you Dylan thank you for the $50 donation uh Pulsar thank you for the gifted sub parents with the $69 $69 donation LF g g g g g so happy for you Oblivion thank you for the $24 82 donation so much hard work over the years went into this yeah it really is it really yeah God that was so hard to do you have no idea especially entering Pittsburgh with a just a legitimately bad time uh Martin thank you for the 35 Monon resub Anthony thank you for the $5 donation thank you very very much I personally want to hear Pen's uh donation [Music] again that's literally a clicker time that's literally a clicker congratulations been Ting for you ever since 252 and 59 seconds if this is the last time Improvement ever it will always be a pretty time to look at I I agree need to update lower left to W is 248 and 28 seconds by me you're right let me do that now before I take the picture screenshot oh that looks good basically 20 seconds basically uh creeper full thank you for the 20 in for the kind words [Music] 25259 God from this point forward it's just so difficult to do anything with this category now and you saw how hard it was to get this I felt like I should have gotten a time at least some time Improvement earlier than this but I don't know if I ever had below a 24830 in mind it's crazy there was a lot that went really well with this run it really did the one blemish being the usual suspect and a ages thank you for the $20 Super Chat as well thanks everyone all right I'm going to do something I haven't done in a very long time on stream hey buddy hi congratulations I caught the last 10 15 minutes yeah I'm so proud of you thank you oh I'm s 20 seconds off nice nice I didn't see the beginning of the stream but I just I just pop it on see what Anthony's doing tonight I'm like okay I gotta watch this so I just caught the end yeah so that's it now done right I want it to be it like I was telling people I I can't rule out like I can't rule out that another time in Improvement will happen at some point in the future but this is I think this is the last time I want to try yeah yeah yeah ready to move on to something else something else I mean I I always enjoy the process of this but it was annoying losing pretty much the last 3 weeks here I'm just going to highlight it on the channel on on the stream here pretty much from from graveyard through financial right okay literally this stretch right here nobody I I wasn't able to do anything it it never went well I even lost two runs right here in the hotel it just yeah and so tonight everything just went right hold on I have to plug my phone in so everything just went right it did though I mean the area I just highlighted didn't go well but I played so well before that and so well after that I'm so glad for you yeah you you needed this you need just badly I did because it starts to it it starts to affect my my dayto day yeah because it's all I think about yeah yeah because the moment I the time's so low if I don't think about it it'll never be improved yeah we were just talking about it the other day we were you're saying you're like I'm going to beat this record with something that I'm comfortable with that I feel is going to stay yeah you know the record's going to stay for a long time so 20 seconds off is really it is and in speedr running you always want to get under a certain barrier number like got if I had finished with a 24831 I wouldn't have been happy no no that's funny though yeah well good I'm so glad so glad too your viewers seem really happy and real supportive for you yeah I know I I'm reading you know like nine years you've worked towards this I'm like yeah they appreciate it and they realize you've put nine years into it there's been there's been a few people who were there the whole night yeah yeah it's it's just nice they they they know how hard this is you know like how really hard it is it is and at mentally at at at times I wonder why I put myself through it but then I real well first of all I chose I chose to do this for a living but but it's it's the way I've always Justified it to people who don't understand it is it's it's like a sport yeah yeah not as physically demanding obviously you want to you want to make it the best you can be and you you haven't been satisfied with you get satisfied when you get a world record but in your head you're like I could have done this better I could have done this better I could have done this better I feel like you're good now like you're very content with this yeah especially now that we have other games and stuff yeah yeah it was easier to keep doing this when it was the only game to play right right but I got what I think are unbeatable times in the the the DLC Left Behind remake the times are still standing If part two wasn't coming I would have gone back to remake but we can do that another time yeah we got another project on the horizon which I'm looking forward to okay so what what are you going to start working on next I'm going to do any percent I've been uh because there's been like 5 minutes of new things found okay and I'm I I'm going to approach it I don't really care much for record I just I just want to improve my time okay okay well that's good so you have because you have to keep having goals oh yeah you yeah just for your own personal you know something to reach towards work towards yeah but this will be different because for some reason haven't been asked this recently but I occasionally get asked what's of all the Last of Us games which is the hardest and and which category I always go part two isn't that bad remake is a lot easier I'd say this category and this game is the hardest I've always I've always said that and I think the last two and a half months have shown that yeah yeah how much it takes to just knock off a little bit but you know knocking off 20 seconds is huge yeah it's huge it is yeah well good I'm so glad I'm so happy for you I really am thank you she's in Florida by the way yeah I'm in Florida we finished aquatic today I went on so many water rides I'm exhausted oh my God you went where uh it's called aquatic it's a water park um yeah it was really cool but anyway but well and just quick question are you going to your dad's tomorrow yes I am Thanksgiving am okay okay good I didn't want you to be by yourself just hanging around which is why I'm extra glad I got it out of the way today because I would have had to take tomorrow off just sit back and like okay I did it I'm going to enjoy the [ __ ] out of that turkey good I'm glad I'm very glad all right buddy well congratulations again thank you and I'll see you in a couple weeks week and a half uh yeah by the time we drive and all yeah it'll be a bit they have a 14-hour drive back they're my sister's moving back to Jersey and they they have PODS moving all their stuff but they're going to drive back yeah yeah sometime next week yeah so it'll be okay and then that'll be that yes it will all right Bud congratulations again and I love you I love you too bye buddy bye haven't done that in a while I don't do that with every category just this one because this category is my favorite and it's the one I have the longest history with H yeah she's supportive all right Martin thank you for the $25 donation thank you very very much thank you guys thank you guys when I when I threw the smoke bomb in the hospital and I saw it was going to work I had a big smile big relief I think I did shed one tier while it was happening but then when the Run was over it was just it was more just relief I got emotional as I was going through the rest of the hospital but it once I got out of there and the timer stopped it was just was just relief was just [ __ ] relief God it is big and I know a big chunk that time was cut in um the hallway launch that being said how many times how many runs have you seen that we had a freakishly amazingly good Pace heading into graveyard that not only lost time but it just died right then and there you cut time any way you can that's within the rules yeah I'm satisfied say cheese or whatever you can't smile so I don't think it works for you too sorry I'll get the screenshot [Music] later hurts to be happy oh man did I have everything displayed properly actually no hold on I need to do that again I don't have the right things displayed this is a different scene everything's in the wrong spot God damn it all right hold on let me do this properly copy paste wow I could have just done this the whole time uh where is it where is it that change the top Oh wrong [Music] one there I want to make it all look pretty did I not change the I didn't change any Tex TT people support I want to acknowledge that support all right we're going to do it [Music] again all right we ready go again say whatever you want now there we go Sor I just like it to look [Music] neat here we go I guess that's it I guess that's it like I said I want to try try any percent next did you ever consider restarting during that graveyard BS no because I said coming into stream today I could be at around zero heading into winter like the deer and I would still be okay still be on pace so I knew I I I knew in the second half of the run there was a lot of time to save which is exactly what I did the only mistake like I lost a lot of time to RNG but I honestly feel like the only mistake I made was ranch with regards to the things that I had control over I think I basically played perfectly Ranch was the only thing that I messed up and you saw what that guy's head did so happy yeah I did miss a shot in the upside down shooting you're right but that was very minimal time loss overall I feel like I didn't mess up that much I uh game threw me a lot of curveballs but we we were able to rebound I even made sure I had enough Health in uh sniper remember getting shot running up the stairs in the sniper building so yeah this might be the last time I lower my record I honestly think this is the last time I'm going to try I will try to lower this category's time if somebody else beats it if nobody else beats it the only way I'm going to lower this time is if I'm just playing it my like one once a year that I do this and we like stumble upon a new record because going for I don't want to it's not like I'm retired i' never want to see this game again I love this game I love this game remake and the original but remastered is remastered is my favorite this grind was brutal which is why going forward once a year I want a 48 that's uh that's how I'm going to like continue to have this game be on the channel and stuff cuz we got other things that are that are uh that we can do you know we have I don't really feel like playing Left Behind anymore but we got remake we got part two remastered coming that's going to take up a lot of our time next year we have other categories in this game we got other things we can do basic basically I want to work smarter put my time into things that we can actually improve this is God I'm not saying it can't happen some of best says it can but are you aware of just how difficult it's going to be to lower this [Music] time will you make a new Maybe I'll think about it I will think about it yeah I've grounded for now maybe this is it maybe it's not but that's all folks
Channel: AnthonyCaliber
Views: 19,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AnthonyCaliber, Speedrun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 29sec (12089 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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