*The Last of Us 1x05* is DEVASTATING...

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welcome back pop stars I'm Rizzo and Benji and we are on the fifth episode of The Last of Us Benji what questions do we have we had a lot of questions about the city that we were trapped in and what's going on they seem to be hunting two people and those two people seem to have found us and something tells me that we're all gonna sit down like civilized people and have a conversation and be like you know we're really misunderstood and the things just went crazy and blah blah blah blah blah that does not seem likely I think so now wait just a moment before we spring into this reaction we want to talk about this week's sponsor Galaxy lamps and their spring sale now we've actually been using a Galaxy lamp in our past four reactions you can see the stars there but Benji do we just use it for our reactions we do not Rizzo likes to use his in his bedroom I like to use mine in my bedroom and my living room and since we got them about a month ago we pretty much haven't turned them off yeah galaxy lamps is actually a great way to transform any space into kind of a magical experience it's great for bedtimes and it's fantastic for movie Nights right now for Easter they actually a sale going on 50 off plus an extra 20 and the chance to be one of 10 people to win an exclusive lamp before it's even released on their website check out the link below galaxylands.co forward slash the pink pop cast sale ends April 10th all right let's get into it three two one engage [Music] oh are we doing a flashback it's a party [Applause] or that's not a party I mean I feel to protest oh my God oh my God oh my God their Federal must have been shitty oh my God oh my God I used to be so scared of these people did it feel good betraying your neighbors to fedra well I'm not fedra no one here has to die but you'll choose it has to we could put you on trial you're all guilty so that's how that'll go oh my gosh but first where is Henry who is Henry better question why is Henry he's the guy that he's with Edelson just ran away no I'm to her I swear I've told you everything I know of course you have you're a rat God we're really putting them on trial no we're killing them no we are not really putting them on trial when you're done burn the bodies it's faster oh my God I love that you just overthrew one toxic leadership government thing to just become another one yep circular logic cognitive dissonance I'm sure they don't know about this food whatever you brought so we're [ __ ] on food 20 cans we stick to the minimum I think we can make it 11 days is he scared yeah oh he saw a lot he's scared because you're scared well [ __ ] yes I am okay Superman son of a [ __ ] if y'all kill him we are gonna have a problem make it nice yeah son of a [ __ ] you just call this kid's mom a [ __ ] is this kid gonna die I know that kid did a great job oh my God oh my God damn how are they not gonna find this place you all found in like a second he got captured they've been looking for him I wonder why he's so important though was he like the leader of the informants or does he have information on someone or what is the kid Henry or is he Henry uh I'm thinking he's Henry no I feel like the kid is yep it's like uh I know I said that yesterday no clue it's gonna paint the mask on him and say we can do this because you're super Sam [Music] I'm gonna cry aren't I You're such bastards for this such I'm already bad there's nothing's happened yet nothing has happened yeah nothing's happened oh my God don't we we know Oh [ __ ] pattern ruined that's them coming in yep they probably could have escaped well they did so far no I meant out of the city he was saying he was watching their patterns can't go out that way now [ __ ] do you think this is his dad or is this like his older brother I don't know he seems young and also in this world I doubt they're like really related I feel like this is all found family he's just got two shows with two dads trying to take care of their little kid and they're like hey hey you let me go my way I'll let you go your way we don't want to hurt you we want to help you but if I lower my gun we didn't hurt you so you don't hurt us right that's right I don't know if I believe so we're [ __ ] tall man yeah Joe tell him he's okay she is an [ __ ] voice everything is great dude dick that's just the way he sounds he's got an [ __ ] voice get up slow kid shoots in the face I was like I don't know if I'd be more or less nervous because that is a kid yeah oh look at that peacefully sitting down and about to talk about what's going on damn I guessed it cooled it you're right too they were brothers yeah yeah I heard y'all came up here to get a view of the city and plan a way out yeah we're both trying to get out of here and the sun's up I'll show you one why didn't anybody else think of that welcome to kill the city oh fedra might be torture to murder people for 20 years Jesus Christ what happens when you do that to people they get crazy they get a chance they do right back to us why are they mad at you but you're not Vedra no not worse you're an Informer I'm a collaborator I don't work with rats yeah you [ __ ] do because I live here and you don't I know the city and that's how I'm gonna help you get out point you can unloaded gonna choose the closest I've ever come to being bothered oh the gun wasn't even loaded y'all save them the freaking joke [ __ ] yeah in a long time oh his laughter so how are we getting now you can see the way we're bounded by highways they got people posted all around the inside Perimeter is how do we get across we fly we're fine what do they find we climb to the top of the building and you pair it what's it called tunnels ah the other way so we enter the tunnels here travel underground and pop up here so what do you need me for you notice anything strange about this city no infected veggie drove them underground 15 years ago and never let them come back up everyone thinks that it's full of infected including Kathleen which means that we're not going to be running into any of her people we see what I know is it's empty you've been down there why do you know that no but the federal guy that I worked with told me that it's clean what if there's more or one of those blind ones that seems like a bat you ran into a clicker two of them and you're still alive you see I mean yeah you're the right people yeah this is not gonna go well you're saying they're going to help us Escape does he understand this ow I got a R damn it liar he's lying is there a world where all four of them they get out of that tunnel she's like yeah I use a gun yeah I'm kind of cool like that see it's empty the plan is good we've been down here two seconds we don't know anything I'm like really that's kind of a pessimist I'm not my dad Jesus Christ I think it's just like all of them in one big horde that's yeah well that was that was gonna be my second guess just this Big gelatinous Blob of undulating flesh a little gross and then once they get to the point of no return they're gonna walk right past the last place where they can turn and then they're gonna be right behind in my room what was that what is what is your zombie all right underground preschool oh is this like a Frederick preschool or something I don't know it just seems like a makeshift daycare or something I heard about places like this people went underground after outbreak day maybe they didn't follow the rules and they all got infected no way cheers four five six eleven ah they both have sex indoor survive bonjour oh God [ __ ] yeah man is he gonna do that when he's dying they're like we can't leave him he's gonna be like to survive I think it's enduring survivors in endurance [ __ ] I can't remember if you were collaborating to take care of him I shouldn't have said what I said I don't know your situation and I'm not saying they should let it go but all things considered seems kind of cruel to send a whole Army after you for that what did you do you know I wasn't uh exactly telling me the truth before of course it was a man a great man what man kind of man you'd follow anywhere Sam he uh got sick leukemia there was one drug that worked oh and it belonged to fedra oh my God if I wanted some I was gonna take something big so I gave him something big that one great man the leader of the resistance movement in Kansas City which would have been probably her brother yeah Kathleen's brother that's what she wants yeah I am the bad guy because I did a bad guy thing but you get it though you might not be her father she was someone's how do you know that no way long enough we had our intimate heart to heart now it's time to move the plot forward you know wow we always have camp out scenes in these types of movies gotta talk real deep before we get all killed and [ __ ] we haven't found him yet what about the man being a leader runs in the family for them yep who told you I was here your mom mom why are you talking to my mom I thought he was joking he you know who told you your mom you really think they're making this have you been back to the roommate Michael told me that this wasn't a room at all it's the big wooden box he said as long as we were together we would be safe he was so beautiful I'm not I never was he would be horrified by the things I've done yeah why are you following her and if you've come to tell me that Michael wouldn't want me to hurt Henry I know that too I don't give a [ __ ] he told me he told me to forgive and what did he get for that brother was a great man but he didn't change anything you did you did oh uh oh we're with you oh that's why we follow her okay good terrifying you know where we are yep the other side how they made it that was easy we've got about 25 minutes left okay what's up yeah where's the other shoe no one is here no one's gonna be here because my plan worked so much goddamn talking I'm just saying oh my gosh I delivered him shut up okay behind your last house shut up shut up and we're out well we're going to Wyoming why shut up state it can fit two more people I know it changes mine this is how it goes he's like no never ever ever happened and then I'm like I'm gonna ask you a million more times and he's like damn they're at the bridge I'm so glad Bill and Frank lived their entire life without having to deal with any of this [ __ ] yeah lucky lucky [ __ ] what do we do I think y'all are stuck try to get in the house through the back and then I'll take them out [ __ ] Put the gun down get this gracious was he fedra was he part of the resistance you step all the goddamn bullets oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh this is so [ __ ] stressful don't waste your bullets on that keep running Ellie keep running can he not see anything anymore Ellie keep running oh my God oh my God this is so [ __ ] stressful oh they're not making it out we're on the back take him out [ __ ] dead end see him run behind the car wow that's a lot of them no wow yeah does anybody have a grenade that's all right doesn't matter I'll come out just let the kids go no I know why you did what you did this is why I'm doing what I'm doing did you ever stop to think that maybe he was supposed to die he's just a [ __ ] kid well kids die Henry they die all the time oh my God he's worth everything I do this is what happened fate it ends the way it ends shooter oh oh my god oh it's going in oh no was that where they all are go well let's get out of there oh my [ __ ] god oh no oh my God oh my God I do not know how anyone played this game because I oh God oh God I don't know if I'd be able to do that Ellie what about our friends what is that is it a new kind oh oh my God oh oh oh Jesus why were they called and left for dead Boomer it reminds me of a boomer oh my God oh my God oh my God I don't even think that was like head to neck I think that was like Jaw yeah I think he ripped off the top half of his head hmm oh my God let's find a working car and get the hell out of here I think they're gone Ally is this a level where you have to like protect her if that's like I hate those levels in games I got a knife it's better than nothing I got the knife to the neck will do it Jesus Christ come on guys let's go Lord Almighty I don't know if this is in the game or not but [ __ ] I'm stressed out like I'm playing a game all right babe Let It Go is that Chucky Oh I thought she was in more episodes oh that's a bummer I love that actress okay bye okay good luck with all your [ __ ] ah they made it how much time do we have too much time for it to end on a Happy Meal Benji too much time level over level complete body check look I don't know exactly how I'm getting to Wyoming I'm probably walking it's a long ass walk they're dead if he's inviting them along if you want to yeah nope sorry that's two player and I think it'd be nice for Sam to have a friend oh that's all in the morning no you're not gonna make it to the morning you're not body checks that's gotta be a standard procedure by now I mean it should be especially the way they were pinned under that car yeah everyone down to your skivvies I got bit oh my brother got that ah oh yep oh my blood is medicine drink it not that it'll help but I mean we can try how long has it been this kid's not that'd be awesome if it would work like that I'm gonna have him drink some too just for good measure oh God I wish I could hope that this would work but from comments I can assume that this is not gonna work ah it's immediately nicer oh God hey I'll let him bite you even though I mean like I mean oh my God oh he's gonna do that don't what did I do Ellie close your eyes it's not easier for her because she does feel responsible now [Music] ah [ __ ] y'all we knew it would happen but that doesn't make it any easier no he does not you guys just like to hide behind your humor yeah well I've lost my mom my puppy my girlfriend my whole life and I'm watching this [ __ ] show I'm crying for you all right if I ever get aggressive that's why just let me [ __ ] process how I process and the same with Benji all right we might not cry at everything but we feel feelings and it hurts it's hard life's hard and that was a good [ __ ] episode sorry I didn't mean are you so aggressive towards everyone well you guys put us through this I definitely felt that that was rough there was a few times just when it first occurred to me that we were gonna lose one or both of them that I teared up a little bit so zoom in on that let them know like I don't I don't know if it's show I don't know if it showed at all I was thinking about how responsible I would feel for my little brother oh my God all right I don't feel like crying on camera anymore so you can see the whole reaction on patreon and yeah we're trying to get this done like two episodes every week if we can either way we will be finishing this so hit subscribe if you want to catch them all and um yeah leave a comment we love the comments helps us get through it you know yeah positive things positive things this is rough all right I guess until next time I'm Rizzo Benji sweet dreams pop stars watching oh [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Pink Popcast
Views: 30,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies In Depth, billy binges, pink popcast, pink, popcast, reaction channel, dylan is in trouble, zzavid, Daddy Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Gabriel Luna, Nick Offerman, Melanie Lynskey, Ashley Johnson, Storm Reid, Pedro Pascal, the last of us, hbo, the last of us premiere, the last of us episode five, the last of us 1x05, the last of us s1ep05, the last of us reaction, the last of us video game, first time reaction, lgbtq, gay, last of us gay
Id: UcdpKgW1KaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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