The Last Druid - Documentary on Ben McBrady of The Old Gaelic Order

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[Music] [Music] but it does seem that the fountainhead of the ancient Christian ethic was here [Music] it was originally the task of each member of the order to be a compendium of all knowledge all known knowledge that was the reason for the long term of training if humanity was totally wiped out except for one individual he should be capable of reestablishing everything from his own resources in an old farmhouse in the south of Ireland lives been mcbrady a 72 year old retired civil servant at the Dublin Court his material needs a few and he manages well on his small pension then reads four hours a day writes poetry and tends his garden where he grows most of his own food his friends call him the druid many of his ancestors were druids but at the same time belonged to a secret order of which Ben may be the last member he originally set out to become a priest then his uncle who was a disciple of this mysterious order changed Ben's destiny by selecting him to become a member the training started at his 12th birthday and took 18 years to complete he had to develop all sorts of manual skills in addition to studying history law philosophy and poetry at Trinity College at 30 his training was completed and then became part of an isolated triad within the order unfortunately the two other members of his triad Milo and Casimir died unexpectedly so now then is alone since he has had no contact with the order for many years now he believes that no other members are alive today [Music] then story could be the final chapter in a long and fascinating history with Ben mcbrady a tradition which has existed for 3,000 years may disappear the order of which I may be the last member by tradition came into existence after the last great cataclysm or catastrophe which affected the world now with these great and terrible impacts on the earth by great electrical storms being caught up in the tales of meteors are showers of meteorites [Music] civilization as we know it was totally destroyed [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all knowledge came within the ambit of the order but they were particularly concerned with astronomy because they had experienced so many very significant calamities and it was thought that a full knowledge of astronomy would enable enable them to predict conditions when these calamities were likely to take place and take some kind of action to protect themselves if you look at the great megalithic complexes in Ireland you'll see that what are described as passage graves are really bomb shelters of a very primitive kind they are well above any tidal wave level and they also afford protection from meteoric chars [Music] [Music] these shelters from aerial bombardment are very common and they're well-known but what are not so well-known well they are to archaeologists but everywhere in the country you get sewer rains which are underground Stone chambers the archaeologists saved without any evidence that they were stores for grain mainly but no grain remains have been found in any of the sewer rains of significance which would indicate that that was their primary function they also served as shelters they would shelter from outside conditions and most of them would be above well above sea level true but not as high as the the great megalithic ones it would seem that the very complex ones the very big ones such as we get at Terrell keel and Carroll more in Sligo where special ones like Hitler's bunker very well preserved what they would be for special people presumably for the telepaths every great civilization has a record of a period of a golden age when there was no war no dispute no lying and this was attributed to the fact that language had not been discovered and the telepathic function was the principal means of communication now in relation to the order those of the few isolated settlements which survived on the European coast bite discovered that some retained the telepathic power but most of them because of the terrible traumas and trials they had undergone had lasted these isolators groups then began to migrate East and in so doing they they had to in their isolation developed languages as a means of communication it does explain why disparate groups scattered all over the earth today have languages with no connection languages which arose spontaneously but over and above this psychics in every community retained a telepathic capacity [Laughter] members of the groups who emigrated East returned to the West the last people to settle down ended up in Ireland [Music] by then the remaining telepaths had formed a secret order - the order at every stage had to remain outside society we're dinners but at the same time not others a secret order secrecy is not something which we think a good thing but it is essential for survival and as society developed it became more and more essential for survival the old saying is where do you hide a pebble put on the beach you can't keep your order secret by going off into a remote place into a monastery and cutting yourself off from civilization it's essential that you interpenetrate the society not for any purpose of power which is the usual aim of most secret societies but for your own protection and a secondary function as far as I can see from my historic my knowledge of the history of the order they tried at every stage of history to influence for the good the way history was developing and their particular peculiar faculties gave them the capacity to do so so they may have saved a few bad calamities in that fashion that social calamities the dangers were very great the telepathic capacity is the great danger it's the great source of danger Kings princes made prisoners of telepaths to use them to interpret the tainting of those around them to know who are their enemies where the threats came from when members of the order first came to Ireland they found that a mighty druidic organization existed there members of the order where druids the infiltrators the druidic organization which was a highly complex one yeah and slightly well not slightly but considerably different in Ireland from the Continental druids who are described by Caesar in his de Bello Gallico the Gallic Wars he he most of his information came from a druid named divitiacus who was living in Rome and according to Divi Atticus the Druids were the priests and philosophers and astronomers of the Celtic tribes they were also magicians and law givers possibly priests kings but he doesn't make that clear now Caesar was particularly interested in the religions of subject peoples because the Romans believed that if they captured the idols they had the gods and the people made no more resistance to them that was one of their techniques of conquering and ruling it served both corpses now the Druids as division according to Caesar there have been doubts thrown on whether this divitiacus existed or not but according to Caesar these Druids had a great annual ceremony in which they had sacrifices historians nowadays agree with Ben that no human sacrifices took place in Ireland however the Irish druids did have their ceremonies among which were the celebrating of Beltane at the beginning of May and Samhain in November these ceremonies were carried out usually in oak grows the oak was a sacred tree to the celts to a lot of Aboriginal people their primitive peoples who saw spirits in rocks and stones and rivers and growing things of all kinds the name of the oak the rouge term for oak is drewer and from drewer they're from the practitioners under the oak Grove's they got the term druids are druid II which was the Roman term for druids now in Ireland by coincidence synchronicity colors what you like the druidic order were worshippers of the god of the sunset the DA rua the red God and a priest of that order would be called a jailer the ruler a servant of the red God and with their very common a thing that happens with language nowadays we drop the first term we drop the substantive for the adjective that process has continued all through time in language so Kayla da Rua became dark Rua and the Ruhr became draw or through it so that's how that the confusion arises between the Druids of our land the druids of the continent did they have the same name but for different reasons [Music] possibly a lot of the fame and esteem that the druids earned for their knowledge and wisdom derived from the fact that they're members of the order were among them and we have that I think manifested best in the case of Lou ghormach lugar whose burial place we'd go to visit a mock lugar was the most important druid of his time also a member of the order and appears to have been an ancestor of mine for many centuries priest Kings ruled the kingdoms of Ireland in the 12th century the leadership function was split into the harana took care of the worldly matters while the bishop was responsible for spiritual affairs both were hereditary functions until 1699 the [Music] genealogies have been manipulated by early Christian historians to suit their own ends but i i i am connected with the diocese of the to kill moors a heard enough of the to kill moors could only come from the one bloodline which is mine and ma kluever is the ancestor of the earliest recorded her enough of the to kill moors he is the one who has named as the ancestor of nearly the whole pantheon of irish fairly artists saints according to official history the Archdruid Diouf Tomic lugar was baptized by saint patrick in the 5th century Diouf taw was the son of Luger Mathilda the same doof Tomac Luger was the father of st. Brigid when if we go through the early history of Christianity in this country the traditional view is that st. Patrick came here as a captive in the fifth century but hey boy our tradition is that if ever he existed he came here in the second century there Thomas Carlisle in the great English writer historian he was told once that there were 30,000 words written to prove that st. Patrick came to work and he said there are just as many lies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is a great corpus of written material about st. Patrick and early Christianity in Ireland maybe not so well known but it's loaded with anecdotes and tales about the interaction of the Druids with Saint Patrick and his followers and the conflicts between them and how above all the only one who was able to smooth over the problems was Marc Luber and his descendants and mock lugar is in the annals which are definitive but were altered to suit mock lugar with a number of other filler and scribes was given the job by Saint Patrick of transcribing putting into writing for the first time the traditions of the Shenk is more the shank is more was the great corpus of knowledge it's well known to modern scholars that the genealogies were meddled with the G lists of the Kings were meddled with to fit in with a time scale that was wrong and to phase out the pagan influence which was still there to endeavour to phase the road so our annals start with the year four three two our written annals which is the year in which st. Patrick is claimed to have arrived and to me I can see Marc Luber as one of these great characters who emerge in a few generations and totally transform the character of a society it has happened but because of the conflicts of between paganism Christianity he is written out of history ultimately ie looked on him as the the inventor of Christianity after st. Paul st. Paul and invented the Roman Christianity macgruber and his group where the philosophers who laid out the main tenets of pure Christianity [Music] [Music] but we recognize as pure Christianity was the old religion carried from here to the east but it does seem that the Fountainhead of the ancient Christian ethic was here in Killeen karmak it's a big claim but over the centuries we have had the phenomenon of thousands upon thousands of Irish missionaries going all over the world more than any other country spreading Christianity [Music] Kaleem Cormack is the burial place of lugar mclogan and his son dove talmud lugar the mortal remains of other druids kings and Saints are also buried here yet Killeen Cormac is not an Irish National Monument nor is it listed in any tourist guide it is not even in signposted it is a secret and magical place muff lugar and his antecedents and his successors lived in an area called kennel lugar in County Kildare which in ancient times the great Marsh there were two islands in the marsh one was the settlement of the group and the other was the temple and the burial place [Music] [Music] [Applause] the ancient stones there make a link with Christianity in that we have the only own stone in Ireland which has both a Latin and an old Irish inscription written you know cotton among the stone own is not a language but an alphabet the inscription on the stone reads for true druids it was one of the places where Jesus as a wandering scholar was inducted into the ancient wisdoms of the order [Music] and then returned to Palestine to begin his mission over there [Music] and up to the last century a place was quite a road as the Jews house it didn't say mean that that was simply where Jesus stayed but that that was where Jewish scholars were locators scholars came from all over the world to ancient Ireland and that drift continued well into medieval times there were over 5,000 foreign students in the great school clanmac noise had that number but the more important school was in the Midlands Clinard st. Finian's school at Clinard that was the school hurt st. column killed was educator but you must remember that well up into medieval times those schools dope reporting and monastic schools and settlements though purporting to be Christian were carrying on the pre-christian philosophy religion observance and were always in conflict with the Roman version of Christianity these fundamental differences led in 1155 to henry ii getting the papal consent to invade Ireland in order to restore and safeguard proper Roman Christianity together with economic reasons this resulted in nearly eight hundred years of British rule in Ireland [Music] the real explanation I suppose is that paganism or pre-christian Christianity was so well rooted here that they wouldn't allow any new farmer to come in that's Roman Christianity that's it we still carried on the ancient philosophies and beliefs and some of the solar worship which was absorbed into Christianity if we see the we can't see the very early churches but the earliest we have clearly are just small temples for solar worship and you see it England a lot to the earliest churches they simply allow a ray of light to come in to illuminate the altar and the sacred vessels and transform that's the transubstantiation the changing of the energy of light into the liquid which goes into your body that seems to be central to all religious practices it's the core of religious belief the monstrance in fact is a vestigial relic of Sun worship used in Christian churches it is a manifest Sun it has a central part the Rays radiating from and they put the sacred wafer in the middle after consecration [Music] each King had his druid bought Christianity they were incompatible with Christianity and they disappeared as a group the order however continued to survive by adapting itself to Christianity and becoming part of the Christian organization but keeping its traditions keeping its beliefs and acting inside Christianity the Christian matrix and that wasn't simply in Ireland but all over Europe and we find then mcclure over not only adopting Christianity but becoming the ancestor as the genealogy shows the ancestor of most of the early Christian saints in Ireland and the ancestor of the deleting the Dryad houses including my own the bishops of the to kill Moors consequently yeah that a good proportion of the order existed within monastic communities religions of all kinds in this country it may have narrowed down the number in that so far as I'm aware the surviving members of the order had to have several primary requirements for admission a they had to have telepathic power be they had to be poets see they had to be of the priestly bloodline and in ancient Ireland the priestly bloodline was the ruling line because it was priest Kings who ruled it's very likely that some of the very prominent and very strange religious characters in medieval times we're members of the order they did manifest the qualities of those of the order from my study of history that appears to me to be the case from the 6th to the unopen to the ninth century there were Michener's Irish missionaries we're keeping in contact with the continent and founding monasteries all over Europe but these monasteries because I think of the influence of the order where monasteries of Pelagianism not of the Christianity as we know Pelagius was eventually condemned as the arch heretic he was the first and the greatest heretic according to Christian history but in fact pelagianism was the ancient religion which Christ brought back which was I think altered by the Romans by st. Paul particularly to suit the Roman Imperium so that the Catholic religion Catholic apostolic religion became the new Roman Empire in the 5th century after the breakup the so-called breakup of the Roman Emperor [Music] it was originally the task of each member of the order to be a compendium of all knowledge all known knowledge that was the reason for the long term of training if humanity was totally wiped out except for one individual he should be capable of reestablishing everything from his own resources [Music] no because in the last two centuries because of the exponential increase in knowledge and techniques and skills medicine everything it wouldn't be within the compass of a single human mind or you wouldn't have the time to train someone to encompass everything the system of trillions was developed where boy 3 were brought together been Milo and Casimir formed such a triad because of their telepathic powers each was able to draw on the others knowledge but because of the increase over the last 50 years in radio and telecommunication telepathy has become impossible according to Ben all human communication language itself is suffering severe damage and that is why it was a primary function of the order to preserve language language is a kind of magic by which we trigger of telepathic transmission of messages between us and if you look about the world today we are becoming more and more confused more and more cut off from one another we're all living in our own little realms of Unknowing this is a great dilemma of the of our times we will never have an end to cruelty and war and oppression and greed and all these evils that we see bubbling all the time this is a thing which I believe very strong I know it I don't just believe it I know it I see it about me and I sense it there has to be a great revolution of the Spirit otherwise the world is finished it doesn't need the atomic bomb it doesn't need any of the worst horrors of modern technology the smart bomb mustard gas nerve gas we will destroy ourselves in some other fashion but it's essentially amnesia is got rid of that we get back to a state of primitive thinking clear technology must be brought under proper control we in the order we never condemned technology because it has given great benefits to humanity it has taken away a lot of suffering and pain and medicine and it has enabled knowledge to be diffused much better but at the same time it has outstripped the development of the spirit and then the evil side of Technology we we have seen its results everywhere so this revolution of the Spirit will have to be achieved and this time it'll have to be achieved without the help of the order so the order has ceased in my opinion to have any further function in society when people say to me oh you're not do you not feel in despair because you think you're the last of the yarder and I quote Tennyson to them Tennyson says the old order change its yielding place to new and God fulfills himself in many ways lest one good custom should corrupt the world we must change a new order will evolve a new order will emerge it's either that our total destruction and when I say total destruction it doesn't mean absolute and I halation but the ending of things as you understand them [Music] [Music] [Music] the fundamental training of the yarder was to achieve balance not to discard new knowledge not to discard old knowledge keep a balance between them keep a proper balance in everything that faculty has been disturbed ardour depends on a balance of forces you can't have a cosmos as a Einstein says designed by an idiot there has to be order in fact the meaning of cosmos is order as against chaos which is disorder the balance between these two forces must be achieved as a a natural law as a fundamental law that we know inherently we know intuitively that that is so I've been told this very often and I said to myself that if you had scoured the world for the most unsuitable candidate to be a member of the order I was that person so far as my mental attitudes and generative disposition their concerns that I always had within me a an inborn skepticism and B a sense of the ludicrous which made me look on all rituals and practices as being games playing and a carryover of an other childish attitudes into adult life I enjoyed it and still do he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought weld as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my Mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drove him down for me so he could feel my breasts salt perfume yes and my heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will yes and the way I look at life is what distinguishes say great writers like Joyce from others is that they re a sayers to life the last sentence in Yolo says is yes yes yes Molly bloom is saying yes to life so I was taught that lesson that we must say yes to life we must take the positive the other side lies death and destruction which is created by us we can create debt we can't create life and man is engaged to the limit of his faculties and abilities in creating debt that's where great transformation has to come otherwise yeah everything goes that's the model I derive from that whole issue so now I continue travelling hopefully which is better than to arrive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Maoleachlainn
Views: 311,486
Rating: 4.8801088 out of 5
Keywords: Ben McBrady, Aircinneac, Herenach, The Old Gaelic Order, Lugar MacLugair, Ben Brady, druid, The Last Druid, Ireland, fellowship of isis, the order, Eireann, Gaeilge, Gaelic, The Order, Megalithic, Documentary, Irish, Dewinter, Testbeeld, nature, celtic, megalithic, documentary
Id: FIrYD7djFH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
Reddit Comments

not too sure about the date of this as I couldn't find it in imdb. So far this doc seems barking anyway, not sure I even believe this old guy's "order" even existed in the first place. So far he is claiming that passage graves are "bomb shelters" lol.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/easilypersuadedsquid 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh cool. A Dubliner.

Oh, northsider. Sound. OK. Carry on.

Mythology? Oh yeah? Nice.

"Portal Dolmens are bombshelters."

Kay. I think my work here is probably done.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MacStylee 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Numerous "druid orders" have been founded dating back to the 1700s, but despite the romantic claims made by (and on behalf of) some of them, none of them are literally descended from ancient Celtic druidry (about which we know almost nothing). That said, because romantic tales and outright fabrications were so common in neo-druidry, this guy might well genuinely have believed that he was the last of an ancient order, even if that order only really dated back a few generations.

Almost exactly the same thing is currently happening in the former USSR. Since the fall of communism a whole raft of neo-pagan groups and organizations have been founded there, many of whom now genuinely believe that they're practicing the religions of their remote ancestors.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TJ_Fox 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Can anyone recommend any books on the subject of Druidism and history of druids?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dannylazer08 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

This popped into my feed yesterday. There's no way to corroborate his historical claims, but with years of evidence starting to point to repeated cataclysmic resets of civilization, it isn't all far fetched.

His commentary on war and greed not being likely to end, the need for a spiritual revolution, and the foundation of new stewardship are mirrored by esoteric and traditional spiritual leaders from several countries.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/_KrakenSkulls_ 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
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