"The Last Days of City 23" Creepypasta│By IPostAtMidnight

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within a mountain there's a city and deep within the city near the heart of the mountain there lies a handwritten note the note holds the following words history says the world ended decades ago when the Earth's surface turned lethal but we carried on our great-grandparents dug into the ground their holes became caves the caves became Warren's and the Warrens became cities the surface world became the stuff of childhood stories the stuff of legend now I fear the stories have caught up with us as a clerk for city 23 I keep the minutes for our Governing Council I hear they're closed deliberations I know their secrets so while it may be treasonous perhaps only I can record a full account of recent events for historical preservation it all began when guards reported hearing strange noises during their shifts at the lid guarding the tremendous steel door is an uneventful duty therefore the council assumed their reports were caused by boredom still the guards were returning to the residential caverns and spreading rumors so the council had them disciplined this of course stopped the reports but it did not stop the rumors a few weeks later we lost contact with cities four and fifteen city 4 is prone to earthquakes but 15 is carved into a mountain like ourselves routine equipment failures were blamed but Sun City 4 produced the majority of entertainment broadcast shared amongst cities new rumors started to spring up the council in response scheduled concerts and hydroponics to distract the population when city's 12 and 18 also fell silent an emergency conference call was initiated but the other city governments were just as baffled the council's response wait and see then one by one every other city went dark the final message we received was a long stream of static from city 41 from which our technicians isolated a single repeating whisper the council listened to the message and although they had no idea what it meant they erased it to avoid wild speculations but they can't suppress everything not anymore now everyone can hear those strange noises the guards first heard up at the lid the knocks they started off faint but over time one knock was joined by another and another and another becoming thousands then they slowly synchronized into thunderous booms as if there were a giant outside pounding on the lid but the knocks themselves are random sometimes minutes pass in silence sometimes only seconds the randomness is maddening no one sleeps anymore nerves are frayed people are demanding to see what's outside and yet the council still fearing panic refuses to disclose the final message from city 41 so I'm going to stop writing now I will go tell everyone and pray they will listen to me it was a simple message just a whisper repeating through the static don't answer the door don't answer the door don't answer the door within a mountain there's a city and deep within the city near the heart of the mountain there lies a handwritten note the note has never been read [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 81,543
Rating: 4.8905325 out of 5
Keywords: CreepyPastaJr., CreepyPastaJr, CreepyPasta, Creepy Pasta, Horror, Creepy, Scary, Scary STory, Creepy Story, IPostAtMidnight, MrCreepyPasta, CreepsMCPasta, Storytelling, NArration
Id: v6jh9M2_DsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2017
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