The Last Agni Kai but it has the Violin Opening you've been looking for
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Channel: Jafet Meza
Views: 982,102
Rating: 4.9676147 out of 5
Keywords: the last agni kai, avatar the last airbender, agni kai theme, agni kai remix, the last agni kai soundtrack, final agni kai, last agni kai, zuko agni kai, zuko azula agni kai, last agni kai remix, the last agni kai mp3, the last agni kai theme, the last agni kai scene, the last agni kai remix, the last agni kai extended, the last agni kai extended mp3, last agni kai - the phoenix king, the last airbender zuko agni kai, jafet meza, samuel kim, dark souls, violin opening
Id: PLe3pznz9oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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